




















GREEN SUSTAINABILITY DISTANCE EDUCATION UNIVERSITIES: Accredited Nature-Connecting Online Alternative and Natural Holistic Bachelors Masters and PhD Degrees, Sensory Courses, Jobs and Career Training Education, Includes certified life experience equivalence and prior instruction, hands-on sustainable environmental programs  

for ECO 800

Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature in Action.




Project NatureConnect
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Washington, USA
Institute of Global Education 

Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council

Green Careers, Sustainable Jobs, Degrees Graduate Schools Scholarships

This 2-section final survey examination concludes Part One of the web-of-life model and Other-Body/Earth training component of your degree or certificate program.  You will want to be sure you have a good working knowledge of this material and not be in conflict with it in order to not mislead yourself or those you guide in the work you do and courses you facilitate.

The statements below help you and us evaluate
how familiar your are with the various components of the NAE Webstring Model that you will be applying to the remainder of your program activities and experiences.(You can review these components if you want by visiting the links that accompany them).  In general most of them are identified in journalessence.html and can be strengthened by applying them to activities and experience in The Hidden Organic Remedy, Nature as Higher Power book as well as material covered by the Orientation Course and its books Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature.

http://www.ecopsych.com/naturepath.html is a good overview

http://www.ecopsych.com/universealive.html is a review based on a living Universe.

http://www.ecopsych.com/einsteinstart.html is a review based on each person being a unique and special personification of the Unified Field

Central Overview

We can be sure that a blueprint consists of outdated, missing or inaccurate facts and figures when we observe that its properly followed instructions produce a faulty structure or relationship. The catastrophic results
of Industrial Society's corrupted blueprints demonstrate this truth. We must address our excessiveness if we are to avoid disasters.

Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN) is dedicated to help people correct the Industrial blueprint for themselves and society as they learn how to gather and apply accurate information about their relationship with Nature and our living Planet Earth.

The ECHN blueprint for its courses and publications is constantly updated with appropriate information that we need to meet the challenges of life on Earth today in our advanced science and technology world. 

To be scientifically correct ECHN starts from the beginning as Carl Sagan noted:
"To make an apple pie (or anything else) from scratch you must first invent the Universe."
In 1935 scientific evidence suggested that the present Big Bang Universe was the best description of how the Universe worked. This included a realization by Albert Einstein that the Universe had to be organized around a Grand Unified Field (NNIAAL or BioSUNNEH-54) of attraction and this was shown to be the case with the confirmation of the Higgs Boson "God Particle" in 2012.

The NNIAAL attraction field had independently been a hypothesis in the NSTP Webstring model in 1974 where webstrings are natural attractions that our 54 senses register to be in direct sensory contact with Organism Earth. (www.ecopsych.com/ksanity.html)

All human relationships boil down to "GreenWave" moments of time and space in which we reasonably experience either 1) the authentic Unified Field in Organism Earth through our 54 natural senses in a natural area, or 2) we experience an accurate or inaccurate abstract story (blueprint) about our relationship with our living planet and the Universe that enhances it and us as we learn from it and its mistakes.

All members of the web of life do the above intelligently, without story blueprints, on their level of relating. See this in action in Fungi  

Too often we ignore that to be part of a system or thing you have to be in communication with it, including the whole system of our living planet. ECHN gives us the language tools we need to accomplish this.

If our education presents or attaches us to incorrect blueprint information or separates our 54 felt-sense thinking from the Unified Field, we produce and suffer unreasonable, destructive story relationships with the Unified Field, in and around us. We can't change the detrimental way they influence our behavior until we eliminate our sensory/emotional/addictive attachments to them.

Since we live in Organism Earth and are part of it and its history in the Universe, we are actually personifications of it and the Unified Field. Moment by moment our stories either support our participation in its self-correcting balanced and purifying ways as Earth, or disconnect us from them with destructive repercussions. 

All the answers to the ECHN questions below center around either the benefits of being consciously connected to or adversely disconnected from the Unified Field on Planet Earth. 

Individuals receiving degrees or certifications in ECHN should have a working knowledge of information on these Reference Pages and are encouraged refer to them in answering the questions.

Reference Pages:
  1. Webstrings  webstrings1000.html
  2. Four vs five vs nine leg thinking  nineleg.html
  3. 54 natural senses   insight53senses.html
  4. Self-evidence is pure truth journalpeak.html
  5. GO to GG counseling.html
  6. Web of life model ksanity.html
  7. Ecology based on natural attraction  http://www.naturalattractionecology.com
  8. Planet Earth is a living organism livingplanetearthkey.html
  9. Big Bang natural attraction seed attributes  mjcohen22.html
  10. Warranty of key information accuracy  journalwarranty.html
  11. Uncomfortable natural senses (25-27) are attractions mjcohen22.html
  12. Disconnection role of Institutions and Socialization  box.html
  13. Nature is non-literate and non-dualistic Dance  journalessence.html
  14. Who or What are you?  thesisquote6.html
  15. Twenty axioms  http://www.naturalattractionecology.com
  16. Seeking Consent  amental.html
  17. The toxic CRL triad journalessence.html
  18. NNIAAL earthstories101.html 
  19. New Brain  counseling.html
  20. Old Brain  counseling.html
  21. Higgs Boson significance journalstfrancis.html
  22. Tropicmaking  index.html or ksanity.html
  23. Nature and Dualism  journalessence.html 
  24. Labels misrepresent nature  ksanity2.html
  25. Source of and rationale for good feelings    http://www.naturalattractionecology.com 
  26. Nature as Higher Power nhpbook.html
  27. How and why the course activity transformation process works.  transformation.html
  28. Relationship of God to the natural attraction universe "seed"  mjcohen22.html
  29. The source of greed, addiction, abusiveness, depression, disorders  box.html
  30. What are empirical facts?  ksanity.html
  31. Webstring attachments to stories and technologies. journalessence.html
  32. Prejudice against nature  prejudicebigotry.html
  33. Institutions capture natural senses journalinstitution.html
  34. Are the numbers one and zero true?  ksanity2.html
  35. Program History: left-hand diversity, Sunnyside Gardens, Progressive Education  ksanity2.html   history.html
  36. The Big Bang Universe is alive universealive.html
  37. Corruption of the human dancer and the dance opnaeinfo.html
  38. Humanity and the flowing river dance of natural attractions mjcohen22.html
  39. The NNIAAL dance and pulse of natural attraction  earthstories101.html
  40. The Einstein Unified Field Equation journalaliveness.html
  41. Michael J. Cohen's answers to the Comprehensive exam questions  eco800set18examanswers.html
  42. Shortcut to the List of Steps to Degrees and Certification  www.pncsteps.com


Write your answers to the questions below and indicate your personal strength-of-agreement with or confidence to your answer with 10 being the strongest of these and 0 being none.  Your confidence is usually increased as you increase your percentages or confidence in the Einstein Unified Field Equation.

(NOTE: For individuals with a working knowledge of the Equation, GreenWave contact is a helpful path or answer to each question, similar to 4 + 2 = Unified Field Equation).

Where you score yourself below 8, state what you think you don't understand or where you need work and how you plan to improve in this area.

Add a short comment about when or where you experienced your response to the statement in your experiences with nature.  Remember that without our stories and literacy, people are pure nature, too.

Each time you do this test it is the increase in your confidence that you know the correct answer that becomes its measuring device.

Whole Life questions for our Literate Body about its relationship with our Non-Literate Other Body/Planet Earth

To help yourself and others observe how much you know as a comprehensive exam for your degree or certificate
to best VALIDATE your forthcoming work for Part 2 of the SET 18 program list,
write your “best answer” and “confidence number” to each question below. Contact your Mentors and support group if you need help with an answer.

We invite you to add your own questions to this list now and review your growth here after the completing a course.

NOTE that the responses expect you to have some response to each question as well as express how much confidence you have in thinking that you know the right answer to it with respect to ways and means of the ECHN Webstring Natural Attraction Ecology Model and/or Einstein Unified Field Equation.

The Author's responses to these questions are located here. You can integrate them into your responses if that helps to validate your answers.


19.- Do you deserve to have good feelings? Why?

In this document, (download) record your best answer to the question along with the number that indicates your degree of confidence in your response to the question.).

Best short answer:

Confidence number:

1      2      3      4     5      6      7      8      9      10
low confidence        medium       high confidence


1. What is the most accurate and trustable form of information? Why?

Best short answer:

Confidence number:

1      2      3      4     5      6      7      8      9      10
low confidence        medium       high confidence

2. What is the greatest truth in your life that you can trust? (Clue: the answer is not God, love, honesty or nature.)

Best short answer:

Confidence number 1-10:

Continue responding to the “Best short answer” and “Confidence number 1-10” for each of the questions below

3. What is the key factor that makes humanity different or separate from nature?

4. How and why doesn't nature produce any garbage or toxic waste?

5. How can you/we be sure that Planet Earth is our Other Body?

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

6. What is the point source of contemporary society's environmentally and socially destructive ways?

7. How do we know if Nature and Earth are intelligent?

8. What is the difference between a fact, a thought and a feeling?

9. What produces the wanting void in our psyche, the discomfort, greed, and loneliness that fuels most human and environmental disorders?

10. Why do we deny that we are addicted to stories, technologies and relationships that separate us from nature's balanced ways and restorative powers?

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

11. If we learn to be who we are, what factor in modern education teaches us to produce today's unsolvable problems?

12. To be part of a system, you have to be in communication with it in some way. We are part of the global life system and vice versa; how does it communicate with us and we with it?

13. What is the essence that makes nature’s perfection work?

14. What is attractive about fear, stress or pain?

15. Where does death exist in nature?

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

16. Does nature have a direction or purpose?

17. What are five steps to letting nature help you reduce destructive attachments

18. What value is there in safely feeling closer nature?

19. Do we deserve to have good feelings? Why?

20. Why do we continue to assault nature and people when it doesn't make sense and we don't like doing it or its effects?

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

21. Can one be sane if they are a good citizen of an insane society?

22. What is consciousness and who invented it?            

23. Do miracles happen in contradiction to nature?

24. What is the relationship between nature and the human spirit?

25. Since nature produces no garbage, is nature unconditional love?

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

26. How and where do you collect self-evidence?

27. Can you cite a model, community or process that successfully produces sustainability?

28. How do our senses know that Planet Earth a living organism?  Is it?

29. How much of our ability to sense and feel do we inherit from nature?

30. What is the relationship between our increasing personal social and environmental problems?

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

31. What makes Natural Attraction Ecology be a pure and whole, rather than limited, objective science?

32. Where do we physically live in the solar system?
33. What is time in nature?
34. How do we know if Nature is alive?

35. What is natural homeostasis in nature and how does it work?

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

36. Why do we excessively conquer or exploit nature?

37. Why is it best to identify nature as a dance?

38. Does duality exist in nature?

39. What is the difference between nature and life?

40. What is NNIAAL

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

41. Are the Higgs Boson and NNIAAL identical?

42. What is an Earth Avatar?

43. What is the difference between nature and the Standard Universe?

44. In our Other Body natural attraction Dance when is nature repulsive?

45. In the macro Natural Attraction Dance of the Unified Field, what are the names given to its micro pulsating resonances and fluctuations.

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

46. What is the purpose and contribution of “Validating?”

47. What is the significance of “Tropicmaking”

48. Why are webstrings often subconscious and how do we bring them into awareness?

49. How many natural senses do we have? Can we think with them? How?

50. How many natural senses can you name that you can know and learn from?

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

51. How does nature within you know how to relate responsibly to nature in others and the environment?

52. If life has a purpose, what is it?

53. Is our innate ability to sense and feel of, by and from nature?

54. Do our formal education or leaders competently address the above questions?

55. Why don't our cultural stories and dollar bills produce balance and purity, like nature works?

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

56. Do our unsolvable problems result from the difference between how we think and how nature works?

57. In nature, why don’t two plus two equal four?

58. Where in nature do you find life abstracted?

59. What in Nature is not conscious on some level?

60. What parts of Nature are prejudiced against Nature?

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

61. What is the relationship between natural attractions and consciousness?

62. Is nature a form of perfection people can achieve and if so, how.

63. What is the element that produces environmentally and socially destructive economic relationships?
64. Since we are part of Nature, what is the major difference that makes us destroy the environment while everything else in Nature usually strengthens it?
65. How can we restore to our thinking the missing 49 sensory intelligences that contemporary society has buried in our subconscious?

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

66. Why does contemporary society often identify a person's love of nature as "escapist recreation and fuzzy thinking" rather than "peaceful, reasonable re-creation?"

67. What are four additional words that mean exactly the same thing as "natural attraction"?

68. What is the essential contribution of the Unified Field Equation?

69. What is the value of identifying and relating through singularities?

70. What special value do Scientific methodology, the Big Bang, numerical logic and the Unified Field have in common.

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

71. What are the benefits of recognizing that God is love and is found everywhere?

72. What is the contribution of the GreenWave addition to the Web-of-Life model?

73. Are the effects of applying scientific facts a valid way of measuring them?

74. How does empirical thinking show that the Universe is alive?

75. What sense makes sense of the other 53 senses by Validating?

Go to a natural area and find examples there of the two most attractive of the five questions above.

76. Why does Scientific Methodology presently omit the contribution of sensory subjectivity?


Project NatureConnect
P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor WA 98250
(360) 378-6313


Contact: Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Telephone 360-378-6313
Read the Ecopsychology Journal interview with Dr. Cohen: http://www.ecopsych.com/ecopsychologyjournal.html

Email: nature@interisland.net.
Website: www.ecopsych.com 
Personal page: http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html


1. Cohen, M. J. 2008, Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature  Illumina Publishing.

2. Cohen, M. J. 1995, Education and Counseling With Nature: A Greening of Psychotherapy. The Interspych Newsletter, Vol 2, Issue 4

3. Doherty, T. J. 2010, Michael Cohen: Ecopsychology Interview Ecopsychology Journal, Vol 2 No.2. Mary Jane Liebert Publishing.

4. Project NatureConnect 2007, Natural Attraction Ecology

5. Project NatureConnect, 1996, A Survey of Participants

6. Project NatureConnect, 1990, Connecting With Nature, World Peace University Press

7. Project NatureConnect, 1986 New Vistas Dawn: The Only Life of its Kind That We Know, “Reconnecting With Nature”, Ecopress 1997

8. Project NatureConnect 2008, How to Transform Destructive Thinking Into Constructive Relationships.


9. Project NatureConnect 2007 Whom Am I? Who or What is Your Natural Self?

10. Project NatureConnect 2005  Thinking and Learning With all Nine Legs


11. Project NatureConnect 2007  Challenge: The Considerations of a Nature Expert

12. Project NatureConnect 2007  Who, What or When is the Acronym NNIAAL? 

13. The Higgs Boson Discovery

14. Project NatureConnect Adds a Nature-Love Practioner's Cooperative to its Natural Attraction Ecology Program.

15. Project NatureConnect, 2012  The Magic of Something From Nothing

16. Project NatureConnect, 2012  The Eco-Copernican Revolution

Enjoy further information about Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology:

For an extensive collection of Journal quotes from students doing natural attraction activities:
Visit http://www.ecopsych.com/survey.html

Achieve a Degree or Certificate to strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you increase personal and global well being.

Topics, subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other areas of interest:



"Human behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are threatened."

-Stephen Aizenstat


In industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking over 98 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we normally share with natural systems and their eons of experience. Our subconscious hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of these senses underlies our greatest troubles.

-Michael J. Cohen


Benefit from learning to enhance the natural psychic pulse within and around us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic Psychology to your life and livelihood.





Project NatureConnect

Organic Psychology Search Engine

Grant-funded, social and environmental science accredited courses, career training and holistic organic learning degrees: alternative adult education and sustainable career training jobs online for personal and global health.

Act now: student grants, scholarships loans for college online


"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."

"Truth is what stands the test of experience."

- Albert Einstein


Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Healing Hypnosis
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch
Healing Retreats
Spiritual Life
Free Ideas

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Art Therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Healing Hands
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing
Healing Techniques
Spiritual Growth
Eco Activities

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development

Native American Indian Ways

Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Mind Body Healing
War On Terrorism
Natural Healing
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change
Spiritual Power
Spiritual Health
Christmas Gifts

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming



Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council


Accredited nature career holistic education and job courses, organic learning degrees and alternatives; earn extra income money online and increase wellness, spirit and hope.

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email>


The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the books
The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature
and the
Naturally Attracted
DVD video