Who, What
or When is the Acronym NNIAAL?
The powerful passion of Nature's love to begin life.
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....... | The Whole Story. "Our Greatest Trustable Truth (GTT)
reveals that we
are biologically conceived as children of Mother Nature to enjoy the
nurturing love of her health, balance and beauty. Upon our birth into
Industrial Society, it is as if it socializes us to be nurtured instead
by a
bottle of whiskey that it sells. For the remainder of our lives
we suffer the destructive effects of the whiskey until we connect with nature's power
to help us transform our whiskey "habit" to benefit all.
- Michael J. Cohen
How Nature Works: NNIAAL Stories that Help Convey the Value and Outcomes of Nine
Leg Thinking.
pages describe the essence of the Big Bang natural attraction energy
including Gravity, the
Gluon, the Higgs-Einstein Unified Attraction Field and Boson along with
sub-atomic particles and energies. Together they have consciously
danced and grown through the eons into being the life of Nature
and the Universe that we know today.
These "grand unified"
particles and energy fields were predicted by Albert Einstein whose unshakable unified field belief was
unable to create a theoretical equation that would explain their
existence and how they worked. In 2012, the unified field glue that Einstein's
intuited, the Higgs Boson "God Particle" attraction field of the
Universe, was identified by physicists at the CERN accellerator in Switzerland.
The seed's process and progress from Nature's Big Bang original birth moment of time and space until this spacetime moment is the unified field whole of life, an intelligent, integrated GreenWave dance of the Universe that we live in and that we are. It is the totality of Nature, the name given to the whole of Science/Universe/Nature/Earth/Humanity (SUNEH)
Here's an illustration of the seed and its growth at this moment
The attraction seed's regenerative powers provide hope for what we may
regain by
thinking and feeling with nature. This suggests that the mysterious
origin of the seed was the attraction of pre-universe attraction consciousness to
express or manifest its attraction to become more attractive.
"If you wish to make an apple pie (or anything else on Earth) from scratch, you must first invent the universe."
- Carl Sagan
essence of the dance of the Tree of Life is its attraction/desire to survive. Why would the
life of the Universe not be its attraction to do this? What evidence is
there that the Standard Universe (SUNEH) is not this attraction in action?
are born as part of the "Unified Field Einstein Glue" natural attraction dance of the seed of
nature/universe and its attraction to grow. Our
consciousness, feelings, body, mind and spirit are and live this role.
It is us in this Universe time and space moment.
It has long been self-evident that Nature is a love begin life including growing things from
seeds. This includes the seed that burst into life as the Big Bang tree of life.
extreme Industrial Society disconnection from the whole of nature's attraction dance leaves a void within us, a unifying
desire, an appetite, a natural attraction to recapture what we have lost. For our survival in sustainable balance, we want to make ourselves more attractive
to each other and to all members of the attractive animal, plant, mineral
and energy community, of which we are part. A name for our desire to
dance this balanced attraction dance is peace.
Note that the life of nature's essence is an energy seed, the unifying heart of the Big Bang attraction 'energy' dance that has been attracted to grow through diverse transformation over the eons into becoming the Tree of Life Standard Universe of this moment. This original natural attraction is also the essence of love.
It is very simple to know the fundamentals and roots that the original natural attraction seed
dance contained for we can see and sense what that original dance became. It is the now of our free will natural selves and our
environment today. This is not rocket science. Until proven otherwise, in the Standard Universe natural attraction has to be
the unifying essence of anything that dances with (is part of) the
alive attraction dance of the Standard Universe's eons and
non-verbal as there is yet no evidence in nature, other than
humanity, of the literacy that we use for communication including the
words you are reading at this moment.
3) attractive and held together on mico and macro levels by attraction,
(not velcro or Elmer and his glue), until proven otherwise.
For this reason we can accurately say that we function as two distinct bodies whenever they are not fully "GTT" joined in how we think, feel and relate:
our verbal language personal body story and
our non-verbal Other Body, Planet Earth as a dancer in Nature's Big Bang Standard Universe (SUNEH) Tree of Life dance.
Industrial Society we spend over 99.9 percent of our lives being our
"verbal/literate body, as you are in this moment and as I am as I write
this. It is also self-evident that quiet time spent in an attractive
natural area shortly begins to
let nature's aliveness draw us into registering our non-verbal Other
with beneficial effects. This attractive phenomenon is the Unified
Field in action.
Industrial Society's nature-disconnected central
thinking and feeling in our literate body arises as part of its
dominant but unscientific story that says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the
Word was with God, and the Word was God."
The science of Organic Psychology arises from a different felt-sense story: "Self-evidence in natural
areas communes that in the beginning was the non-word moment when the
aliveness of the "great mystery" sprouted the unifying natural attraction seed and its Big Bang
energy Dance. The non-literate seed was endowed and attracted to cool and transform over
eons into the naturally attractive, non-literate instant of this
moment, including our 1) Literate Body and 2) our Non-Literate Other Body, Planet Earth.
Attraction unifies. The essence of the ancient Big Bang seed contained or was an original GreenWave conscious, Tree of Life, aliveness energy and appetite to dance, grow and strengthen as nature's attraction to unify (Uni: whole). That original attraction was the fundamental essence of, and remains the essence of
The self-evident, conscious Unification Dance of the SUNEH/Nature/Universe, its 54 Sense: Now/immediate-moment, Nameless/non-literate, Intelligence/wisdom, Aliveness, Attraction, the fundamental essence of Love
since the beginning of time as we know it. The acronym NNIAAL-54 helps
me remember what each moment of my natural life consists of, including my inherent 54 natural senses, and that most of us are in denial of this self-evident truth. I sometimes call it the "Unified Field" however, that name
does not remind me of the NNIAAL components or its unification power. NNIAAL-54 or NNIAAL-78 is also known as
GTT (Greatest Trustable Truth)
UFC (Unified Field Crest)
GreenWave (Unified Field)
UNE (Universe/Nature/Earth)
TOL (Tree of Life)
"ECHN" "NSTP" "Unified Field" "LNE" "SUNNEH" "GTT" "Webstrings" "RWE" "GreenWave" "UFC" and Climates Therapy
Space/time now
Love of Love
Sense #54
"radical" is the tip of a plant root that makes contact with soil and
transforms it into food that nourishes the plant while it nourishes the
soil. For individuals who want to "get out of the box" NNIAAL is
also the name given to part of a "radical
equation game" that enables our body, mind and spirit, at will, to make
conscious sensory contact with, and receive transformative assistance
from, Einstein's Grand Unified Field.
What we overlook is that since NNIAAL only exists in the space and time of the science-based
immediate moment, all things have to be united in that moment. There is
no alternative other than to not exist at all in our science based
The GTT of NNIAAL is our Rosetta Stone of the Universe, it enables us to register the
same information from Nature in different languages, sensations and senses, a key
to modern understanding.
NNIAAL is self-evident and sensory/emotional while SUNEH is an acronym for the more tangible and material world.
1. Be reasonable, learn from experience. Go to the most natural area or thing that is convenient and find something there that attracts you or is attractive to you in that moment.
Ask this attraction "Who are you without your name or labels?" and for
a minute or more pay attention to what response you get. Then
3. Ask yourself "Who am I without my name or labels?" and for a
minute or more pay attention to what response you get.
Each moment that you discover any attractive things that 2 and 3 have
in common is a moment that you are meeting NNIAAL consciously.
If you think this activity is an intelligent way to get to know or love
NNIAAL, note that you now have experienced and own each of its
letters. Do you sense that NNIAAL would like you to share this
experience or what happened with someone else?
When you learn to think out of the box you enjoy a felt sense of the Big Bang and NNIAAL
attraction and attractiveness because you are dancing in its non-story moment's
time, space and energies of the Tree of Life attraction
seed that has become that living moment.
Grand Unified Field: By not incorporating NNIAAL in his
deliberations, Albert Einstein was limited and unable to "prove" or demonstrate his Grand
Unified Field Theory with Physics and mathematical equations. He seemed unaware that his
heroic desire, self-defense and attempts to do this was "Grand Unification" expressing
itself in and through him, moment by moment simply because to
be in the time and space of the moment, everything has no choice but to
be in unified oneness (Grand Unified) with the moment. Where else can it go if there is
no other time and space for it? If we think that there is, then our
mentality is in another Universe using its language which is foreign
and often destructive to Science/Universe/Nature/Earth/Humanity (SUNEH). This makes us obligated to give up our advanced technologies if we are to enjoy a fair and balanced relationship with SUNEH.
Our challenge, as was Einstein's, is to let ECHN help us act based on
the self-evident, unifying properties of NNIAAL rather than attach our personal NNIAAL to
contradicting, inaccurate and limited stories along with their
detrimental results (6)." NNIAAL-disconnecting
stories are inaccurate because during the moments they are created their
message, by definition, has lost contact with the NNIAAL truth of those
moments (in denniaal).
leaders seldom teach us that, scientifically, NNIAAL is the
essence of our Big Bang Universe as well as the essence of love and
that excessive separation from Natural Attraction produces disorders due to love-deprivation. They also fail to teach us about the effects of this omission.
Individuals trained in ECHN ultimate intelligence will enable the
to build peaceful, green, relationships and economies because the Higgs
Boson field is us (7, 8). If you are attracted to best register and know what ECHN is
and you are attracted to reading to the end of this sentence, these
attractions are NNIAAL-54 senses in action as you.
We know and are NNIAAL when we have, and know full well why we have, consent from a natural area to be there and, moment-after-moment, without
thought or spoken words, we feel attracted to attractions there while sensing they are
attracted to us. That mutual "love" is NNIAAL, SUNEH-54 as it knows itself. It is the
all unifying
aliveness that exists in the dance of these moments that we humanize by
correctly speaking them from direct sensory contact with them. I
symbolize such
moments with a Mimbres pottery image from 1000 years ago in the
Southwest. We suffer our troubles when we replace it with our corrupt
flags and logos and then can't find it.

LNE is a warrantied, 9-leg literate knowledge
that results from the self-evidence produced by conscious NNIAAL
contacts with nature's dance, in and around us, backyard or
NATURE'S ESSENCE: Responses to "What is NNIAAL?"
Thinking, feeling, meditating/breathing or relating while using the NNIAAL acronym brings my whole attractive history with nature and
humanity to my conscious mind (thoughts, feelings and spirit) that is part of this history. It can do the same for you once you learn how to do it by strengthening your inherent ultimate intelligence
The first N
reminds me that Nature is "Non-literate" and "Nameless."
It does not know itself, communicate or organize itself with words and
stories, as does humanity. Instead, it consciously organizes and operates via the pulse of natural
attractions that, in each moment, are consciously seeking fulfillment and
attractively finding satisfaction by creating and flowing into being additional attractive, mutually rewarding
relationships and attachments.
The second N
reminds me to be conscious of
"Now," that Nature's upwelling, pulsating, attraction
energy dance and its non-literate beauty only exists and operates in the immediate moment,
"Now" of life. Like the dance of a flowing river, in the next moment the attraction relationships are
different, they
have changed and grown into additional dancing attraction relationships.
Since "literate us" is part of nature's conscious dance and flow of attraction power, the Now
includes our
stories about the past and future. We can only change these stories and our consciousness of them in
the Now. The stories, however, are not nature, they are human nature. Stories that omit
the Now of contact with nature, our non-literate Other Body help produce the negative effects of dualism.
consists of
a free will, conscious, self-organized and flowing attraction dance, a
non-literate river of self-correcting connections that
produce life-supportive, balanced relationships, attractions or attachment connections, that are not
They are the immediate dance pulse of mutually supportive, in the
moment relationships that communicate with us and that we can
register through at least 54 natural attraction senses.
These senses/sensations/sensibilities are "naturespeak" to and
from our body mind and spirit as part of the non-literate attraction Dance.
reminds me that
nature is "Intelligent," that its self-organizing, homeostatic wisdom
enables it to wordlessly create balanced attractive optimums of life,
cooperation and diversity without producing any garbage. "I" reminds me
that, Intelligently, nature seldom displays or causes the abusiveness,
disorders or isolation that we suffer. This is intelligent because the latter are not
attractive. They are mostly the effects of Industrial Society's
dualistic, nature-disconnected and conquering stories about the natural world, not how nature works
signifies that each thing in nature has the Intelligence to be that
thing in purity and balance and to intelligently transform into other supportive things
when so attracted.
fact that through the eons nature's-consciousness has been able to peacefully actualize and sustain its
attractive natural homeostatic perfection on personal, local and global levels demonstrates
monumental Intelligence that contains wisdom. When we learn and apply it it's Revolutionary Wisdom (RW).
The A helps me
sense that instead of using stories, from day one,
nature continually has consciously grown and manifested itself through
an energetic dance of natural Attractions and that they, moment by moment, become pulsating, free-will, attachment
relationships and
new Attractions. In the "Now", the unpredictable life of nature's
unfolding friendly "natural essence" is an upwelling, a flowing,
bursting variable stream of living strong and weak Attractions whose dance balances out and manifests itself as
every aspect of the plant, animal and mineral web-of-life community and
its energies, including us, our our emotions and our psyche.
The second A helps me be Aware (conscious) and sense that natural attraction is a fundamental essence of Aliveness and its dancing spirit. Our
desire to survive is the attractive dancing heartbeat and rhythm of aliveness,
natural Attraction consciousness in us to continue living as
ourselves in support of nature's survival. This vital desire
consists of a congress of 53 additional fluctuating natural sensory
Attractions that resonate with each other and seek equilibrium. One of them is our
to be literate,
the rest are felt senses and sensibility awakenings that are attracted to have us to
become literate about them so we may more consciously think and feel
with their supportive grace. Doing this is an antidote for the destructive aspects of dualism including addiction.
includes that Attraction is the
self-conscious, homeostatic, dancing pulse of Authentic,
Ancient, Alive,
Awareness in Action from moment
one throughout the eons.
reminds me that what we experience as Love
is the pulsating dance
of natural
attraction in action in us. Our story world can attach our inherent
Love to the attractive nature of the natural world, Earth, our Other
Body, including itself as ourselves
and others, or we can attach and bond it to story-constructed,
nature-foreign, literate technologies, blueprints and beliefs, or we
can do both.
Stories are a literacy that is usually dualistic, disconnected
from, and a substitute for the ecointelligence of our inborn attraction to nature and its
lasting rewards. Again, nature is active relationship-building aliveness and communication,
not a story. It is the real thing, not an unbalanced substitute or abstract.
of our nature-disconnected stories produce
destructive side effects because they separate our consciousness from
nature. Detached from nature's life and wisdom, the dualism in
these stories
become a form of death. The stories are prejudiced against the holistic
essence of
nature because they are separate from and do not contain the
Intelligence of
nature's attractive purifying and restorative ways. We have yet no
story, or other substitute, for our innate, sensory/emotional and
conscious love of the universal Earth
wisdom of authentic
nature, our Other Body."
we know the "NNIAAL" qualities of the time/space continuum universe that
we see
today (BioSUNEH),
including ourselves as part of it, we can reason (theorize) that the essence of the original natural
attraction seed contained the roots of these qualities. This brings new facts into play: the original natural attraction essence had to be
alive in some way. It had to have some kind
of motivation and
consciousness and
intelligent, free will
desire to grow,
moment by moment,
into greater attraction, to pulsate, dance and resonate into
becoming, through diversity,
an ever increasing and stronger
universal attractiveness whose homeostatic balancing,
and purifying powers we experience today in nature and its
around and in us.
of these natural powers is attractive and is a function that has grown
from the fundamental Big Bang natural attraction in action.
In modern
molecular biology and genetics, the genome is the
entirety of an organism's hereditary information. The genome for life
has been calculated to originate, not on Earth 3.5 billion years ago, rather more that
10 billion years ago in the natural attraction of atoms and the universe during that early
It can be accurately said that this conscious, NNIAAL, attraction essence and its attributes is what
the Universe has "given us." considering that it is us and vice versa.
Visit photographs of your/our NNIAAL origins in the as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope Select Here
Keep in mind that your attraction in this moment to make this visit is
13.7 billion years old and is the same NNIAAL attraction you see in the
film that births stars that birth atoms that are us. It is also
the same NNIAAL that made some folks build the telescope and take the
Duality: Note
that we spend much of our "story life" trying to define and answer
questions that arise about the how? what? when? and why? of life, Earth, nature
and the universe. Each answer we come up with
usually leads
to duality (one or more additional questions and answers) and therefore
more questions and arguments endlessly. This results
because we learn to reject that aliveness, consciousness and
other qualities of the natural attraction dance (as above) are
self-evident to each individual. They register directly on our 54 senses. They are, and have grown from, the inherent,
attractive potential of C-NNIAAL singularity, an undivided, non-literate yet conscious, unified, natural
energy field (Higgs Boson and Gravity Waves) in the original moment of the Big Bang.
This single, organic and conscious unifying dance seed can be seen as being a truth of the Big Bang moment, no matter its often fiercely argued origin or source.
the facts don't fit the theory, change the theory (or find new, more accurate facts)."
- Albert Einstein
attraction dance being the seed of the Big Bang and Universe including this
moment fulfills Einstein's "Unified Field Theory" that he spent the
last decades of his life trying to establish via Physics
formulas. With the seed and Universe being NNIAAL as well as missing, (Attraction
and Aliveness being the two A's in NNIAAL) Einstein turned instead to
God, not Organism Earth to identify the Unified Field that PNC
activities help us register as attraction. He never seemed to see
the value of recognizing that no matter how good a scale is, it cannot
weigh itself, so he probably didn't work with wholeness being
whole-life, being NNIAAL.
Suffering from a ruptured abdominal Aorta, Einstein was taken to the
Princeton hospital, where one of his final requests was for some
notepaper and pencils so he could continue to work on his elusive
unified field theory. He died shortly after one a.m. on April 18, 1955.
By his bed were twelve pages of tightly written equations, littered
with cross-outs and corrections. To the very end, he struggled to find
the unified Cosmos. And the final thing he wrote was one more line of symbols and numbers that
he hoped might get him, and the rest of us, just a little step closer
to NNIAAL, the singly unified spirit manifest in the laws of the Big Bang, Tree of Life universe.
Film A fascinating video claims to show the reality and value of NNIAAL in action with respect to people and animals.
It portrays, if and where it's not corrupt via editing, the
genius that we are born with and potentials we have buried in us as members of contemporary society in relationship to the attraction dance of the Plant, Animal, Mineral and Energy Kingdoms.
Climate Therapy is the 54 sense, heartfelt, scientific art of NNIAAL that helps you achieve this in your backyard or back country
The acronym NNIAAL helps
my/our thoughts and feelings recognize that they can be consciousness
that is not in denial, that I should make space in my life to
Consciously see NNIAAL.
understood as a reminder, like the sound of a ringing alarm clock, not
a word, when seeking peace or additional information, especially in
nature, as my GTT I find it helpful to identify all natural things that I become
aware of, including myself, with the word "NNIAAL." I and others
find this singularity slips us into "enlightened" perceptions and experiences of our Other Body/Earth that
might ordinarily take much longer to achieve, if ever.
In 1985 in a book about the International Symposium Is the Earth A Living Organism
that I wrote with Dr. Jim Swan for Julian Bach, I assigned the name
"Bio" to SUNEH (Scientific Universe Nature Earth Humanity) to identify it as being the pervasive life energy of the
Universe. With the 2012 discovery of the Higgs/Einstein attraction
unification field, "Bio," meaning life, is the correct scientific and
common name for SUNEH.
NAKED ALIVENESS: The unifying dance
of the Universe (SUNEH) is the attitude or posture of our body, mind and sprit,
moment by moment. I call it "Bio" meaning life and I spell it NNIAAL to correctly sense it.
- Michael J. Cohen
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Natural Sense of Community
Scotland, farmers are overturning their hay bales to exterminate rats
that live beneath them. A trio of rats tries to flee but, unlike the
other fleeing rats, these three stay closely together which limits
their ability to escape. This attracts the farmers. Upon investigation,
they find that the middle rat of the three is bliind; its companions
are guiding it to safety. Deeply moved, the farmers do not kill these
rats. Instead, in awe, they respect them."
Arnold M.
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Natural Sense of Community: West Virginia
this event concerning the ingrained ways of a deeply rooted,
theoretically unchangeable group of hard core killers. In the West
Virginia mountains, an isolated, dedicated hunting club found a month
old male fawn whose mother had been killed by a car.
a week, these middle aged men, each with decades of devoted deer
killing expertise, were attracted to feed the fawn formula from a
bottle, which it suckled with half shut eyes of ecstasy. In return the
fawn licked their hands, sucked their earlobes and sang them little
whining sounds of delight from deep within.
the hunt broke up, these men dispersed leaving the fawn eating grass
and craving its bottle. They made vague promises to return to this
remote place. They said they would, if time permitted, trek the
mountain and feed the fawn. A few weeks later, one of the hunters
phoned the others to see if anybody knew if the fawn has been fed or
had survived. He discovered that without each other knowing it, five of
the hunters often visited the fawn and fed it, so it was actually
getting fat. Although the fawn might be shot by someone who did not
know who the deer was, it lifted his heart to think that the fawn had a
chance at life because some hardened deer hunters had gone out of their
way to give it to him. Significantly, he knew for sure that none of his
hunt club members would shoot it.
Stan W.
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Natural Sense of Community: Washington State
recently participated in a hurried, almost stressful training program
for people whose differences kept them arguing amongst themselves. They
had little interest or time to hear an explanation from me of the
unifying and healing benefits of the reconnecting with nature process
and they therefore omitted it from their agenda. In the midst of this
hubbub, a young bird flew into the meeting room through the door. It
could not find its way out. Without a word, the behind-schedule,
argumentative meeting screeched to a halt. Deep natural attraction
feelings for life and hope filled each person for the moment. For ten
minutes that frightened, desperate little bird triggered those seventy
people to harmoniously, supportively organize and unify with each other
to safely help it find its way back home. Yet when they accomplished
this feat, they cheered their role, not the role of the bird. They felt
like hero's for the moment and congratulated their humanity for its
wisdom and compassion. In their story of the incident, the role and
impact of the bird went unnoticed. They returned to the hubbub of the
meeting, as if nothing special had happened. They completely overlooked
that the bird had united them while it was there, something they could
not do without its presence.
Mike C.
now: books, courses, degrees, grants, recovery, self-help: www ninelegs.com
A Story from
Dancing Coyote, a Native American
my people had no word for 'environment' Living in nature we only had
what you are calling 'natural attractions,' no such thing as indoors.
Why don't you try this? Think for two minutes now about an attractive
experience you've had in a natural area, an experience that attracts
you to want to have it again. What made it worthwhile? How did it feel?
What was attractive about it? What were you
sensing?"......................"Now, after these two minutes, notice
how you feel: more content, peaceful, more self satisfied and alive?
Doctors say lower blood pressure and less stress, strengthens the
immune system, too. And that's just from bringing memories of natural
attraction energies into your thinking. The real experience in nature
was far more potent, that's what made it memorable. But what you
ordinarily learn to do is disconnect from nature and find a substitute
product instead. You bottle and sell something that produces similar
results. Soon you are psychologically addicted to the bottled stuff and
producing its profits and environmental side effects, too, rather than
returning to, and giving added value to, the real thing, nature."
You know, me telling you this this makes my chest tighten up. I still
feel the stress from, sixty years ago, being dragged from my desert
family to the government indoor school (Cohen 2002 y). Makes me think
you and I must be brainwashed to spend most of our life indoors. But,
then again, your thinking was born and raised indoors. Maybe you just
don't know any better (Cohen 2002 o). You were so young you can't
remember the pain. But, it shows up in your stress, and in your fear of
nature, and in your bigotry against us 'Indians' too. Unlike us, you
applaud this crazy way of thinking."
Mike C.
now: books, courses, degrees, grants, recovery, self-help: www ninelegs.com
Compared with most organisms,
slime molds have been on the planet for a very long time—they first
evolved at least 600 million years ago and perhaps as long as one
billion years ago. At the time, no organisms had yet evolved brains or
even simple nervous systems. Yet slime molds do not blindly ooze from
one place to another—they carefully explore their environments, seeking
the most efficient routes between resources; they solve mazes. They do not accept
whatever circumstances they find themselves in, but rather choose
conditions most amenable to their survival. They remember, anticipate
and decide. By doing so much with so little, slime molds represent a
successful and admirable alternative to convoluted brain-based
Nature International Journal of Science
fictional, but accurately parallel story of Gulliver and the blind
island community along with the updated Seven Blind Men and the Elephant convey a helpful essence of the incidents
that appear on this page.
Mike C.
now: books, courses, degrees, grants, recovery, self-help: Homepage
thought late last year of changing my life in regards to living simpler
and rented my house in town to friends and have been living out on my
property in the woods with man, daughter and dog since January. I
totally love it. When we had a cyclone out there in Feb. there was
nothing as far as possessions or power to blow away... lots of trees
down yet mostly very exciting and a good late summer clean up of all
things. Our biggest concern was being with each other, dog included as
the weather passed.
especially have noticed that I am now stronger in my sense of who I am
in relationship to the social paradigm that I work in and deal with.
From this stronger sense of living outdoors self I have had way more
energy for my work, and an identification of non-attractions clearly
and faster. I sleep better... much better - I bath outdoors - I talk
with birds in the morning while preparing breakfast and I have access
to usual computer stuff in my house in town when I want it.
recommend making the change, simplify and grow stronger.
Gina C.
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Natural Sense of Community: Australia
Paul: It's not hard to be
outdoors where I live in Australia. And if one opens the front
door and the back door at the same time, kangaroos will hop through,
taking a short-cut to the billabong. On one occasion, I was impulsive
enough to start walking (like Forrest Gump) into the outdoors of this
big continent. Eighteen months down the track, I was still on the road
but by now, a friend of the weather and no more chatter inside my head.
That day I looked across the fields at a mountain range and
impulsively, headed into the bush and up to the ridges that had never
been settled by the colonists. Two years later, I realized that I had
been on a pilgrimage for three and a half years; 5 times
around Australia and along the entire length of the Great Dividing
Range of the East Coast. I had come to the conclusion that I was me and
nobody else (this was a source of great merriment); and a thought had
formed in my head to "stay close to the water and be kind to the
children". I had absolutely no idea what this meant; but it
was comforting to know that I was not being told by
some Wrangler to throw myself in front of a train to
stop the troops from going to war.
In all, I spent seven years in the Australian bush welcoming a
delightful surprise each day and addressing each
of the local animals by name. The last period involved loving
a woman, raising a child and building a stone cottage. When I
eventually returned to make a contribution to society, I regarded the
move as "flying on instruments" but it somehow seemed the appropriate
thing to do with my life.
Mike: Thanks for your letter,
Paul. In case you believe that we need to have a majority of the
population obtain your level of consciousness, you might appreciate http://ninelegs.com
which is attempting to achieve this goal. Seems like you consistantly
Paul: Yes, I lapped up 4 + 5 Legs
with gusto.
mention being "Wrangled" Here's what one of our student's just wrote
about that: "Wrangler experiences have been a major force to be
reckoned with in my life for the past couple of years, especially since
I started this nature-connected counseling course. Exposing my wrangler
voices in these exercises has been some of the best therapy I have ever
given to myself. I also gain self-esteem when I hear others' wrangler
stories, as I understand that this is a universal challenge, and not
some major flaw in my personal character. I see the value in combining
the 4 and 5 leg thinking into 9-leg, although I do not relate to the
language at all, so I am constantly defining when I read the words. I
do believe that I am sometimes an agent for supporting a learning
environment for those around me, but I have much work to do in being
the change myself first."
Paul J.
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have worked in the complementary healing field for over 30 years and
after reading the course material and some of Dr Cohen's work I
realized that the direct connection between Nature and the healing
process can effect powerful changes in people's lives and that of the
planet. The two are so intimately connected that the health of
humankind is reflected in the health of the planet. How can one treat a
human being without observing her/his relationship to the Gaia, the
mother of us all?
work mainly with women of all ages. I have young clients suffering from
Anorexia Nervosa and various addictions, middle aged clients
experiencing menopause and elderly women suffering from depression as
well as various physical disorders such as arthritis and osteoporosis.
1: Anorexia Nervosa
client is a 17 year old girl who has had a history of depression. Since
she was a small child she felt she didn't belong here and has great
difficulty with eating. She was diagnosed as anorexic 6 weeks ago, and
had suffered heart problems as a result. I started working with her
after this diagnosis. I found that she also has a problem with being
grounded. I intuited that this was her first incarnation on
Earth, and that she felt lost and disoriented here.
felt it the most important aspect of her treatment was to get her
grounded to help her feel safe. This involved getting her to connect
with earth as an element and as Nature by being in a beautiful natural
area and connecting to the environment in a focused way as outlined in
the NSTP course. She spends time in Nature daily and has made good
progress. She now eats three meals a day with enjoyment. Her weight has
picked up; her depression has lifted and for the first time she has
expressed joy at being on earth.
2: Menopause & depression
56 year old woman has been experiencing symptoms of menopause such as
hot flushes, depression, tiredness and loss of enthusiasm for life over
the past year or so. She came to me about 4 weeks ago.
lives in town and previously had not had much experience in Nature
besides holidays at the sea. All her children had left home, and her
marriage was "boring and lifeless". I started her treatment with a
ritual to help her acknowledge moving into the wise woman or "Crone"
archetype. She now has an understanding of the spiritual aspect of this
time of her life, and that she is being drawn to connect in a stronger
way to the earth. She now has taken up gardening as well as spending
time using the NSTP exercises in nature. She is also taking Black
Cohosh herb to assist with the physical symptoms.
change in this woman is very positive. She has vigour, enthusiasm and
energy and is passionate about nature. She now regularly walks with the
mountain club and has lost weight.
Diana W.
Natural Sense of Community: Maryland
we live, on the Eastern shore of Maryland, the gentle waters run in and
out like fingers slimming at the tips. They curl into the smaller
creeks and coves like tender palms.
The Canadian geese know this place, as do the white swans and the ducks
who ride an inch above the waves of Chesapeake Bay as they skim their
way into harbor in the autumn. By the thousands they come home for the
winter. The swans move toward the shores in a stately glide, their tall
heads proud and unafraid.
They lower their long necks deep into the water, where their strong
beaks dig through the river bottoms for food. And there is, between the
arrogant swans and the prolific geese, an indifference, almost a
Once or twice each year, snow and sleet move into the area. When this
happens, if the river is at its narrowest, or the creek shallow there
is a freeze which hardens the water to ice.
It was on such a morning near Osford, Maryland, that a friend of mine
set the breakfast table beside the huge window, which overlooked the
Tred Avon River. Across the river, beyond the dock, the snow laced the
rim of the shore in white. For a moment she stood quietly, looking at
what the night storm had painted.
Sudden she leaned forward and peered close to the frosted window.
"It really is" she cried out loud. "There is a goose out there!" She
reached to the bookcase and pulled out a pair of binoculars. Into their
sights came the figure of a large Canadian goose, very still, its wings
folded tight to its sides, its feet frozen to the ice.
Then from the dark skies, she saw a line of swans. They moved in their
own singular formation, graceful, intrepid, and free. They crossed from
the west of the broad creek high above the house, moving steadily to
the east.
As my friend watched, the leader swung to the right, then the white
string of birds became a white circle. It floated from the top of the
sky downward.
At last, as easy as feathers coming to earth, the circle landed on the
My friend was on her feet now, with one unbelieving hand against her
As the swans surrounded the frozen goose, she feared what life he still
had might be pecked out by those great swan bills.
Instead, amazingly instead, those bills began to work on the ice. The
long necks were lifted and curved down, again and again; it went on for
a long time. At last, the goose was rimmed by a narrow margin of ice
instead of the entire creek. The swans rose again, following the
leader, and hovered in that circle, awaiting the results of their
The goose's head lifted. Its body pulled. Then the goose was free and
standing on the ice. He was moving his big, webbed feet slowly. And the
swans stood in the air watching. Then, as if he had cried "I cannot
fly!", four of the swans came down around him. Their powerful beaks
scraped the goose's wings from top to bottom, scuttled under its wings
and rose up its body, chipping off and melting the ice held in its
Slowly, as if testing, the goose spread its wings as far as they would
go, brought them together, accordion-like, and spread again.
When at last the wings reached their fullest, the four swans took off
and joined the hovering group. They resumed their eastward journey, in
perfect formation, to their secret destination.
Behind them, rising with incredible speed and joy, the goose moved into
the sky. He followed them, flapping double time, until he caught up,
until he joined the last end of the line, like a small child at the end
of a crack-the-whip of older boys.
My friend watched them until they disappeared over the tips of the
farthest trees. Only then, in the dusk which was suddenly deep, did she
realize that tears were running down her cheeks and had been for how
long she did not know.
This is a true story. It happened. I do not try to interpret it. I just
think of it in the bad moments, and from it comes only one hopeful
question: "If so for birds, why not for man?"
Marlow S.
Continued: enjoy
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