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suicidal war with nature makes us face devastating new heights of
global heating and mental illness,
new lows of ecological degradation and new setbacks in our work towards
globally equitable, inclusive and sustainable
development relationships. To
put it simply, the state of the planet and our lives is broken." Making
peace with Nature, around, in and as us, is the defining task of the 21st century. It is time to pull the green switch
that makes peace and wellness."
- Antonio Gutteres, UN Secretary
General (extended)
The "Pristine Truth" of this page's "Natureness"
is the green switch that lets us make
peace with Nature as it is doing right now.
Visit it's Introduction to enjoy its benefits
We can't solve our problems when we are boxed into their verbal distortions. Just as sure as you are reading these words, Pristine Truth let's you think and grow outside the word box "prison."
Resource: Natureness in Action
The How and Why of Nature's Essence
Reducing Earth's Misery
the pristine truth of our essence connects with Nature's self-correcting essence (Natureness) it therapeutically
transforms our traumatic war with Nature, in and around us, into personal, social and environmental well being.
This page rewards those who want to learn and/or teach therapeutic
nature-reconnecting activities. They
increase the joy of person/planet wellness by making peace with Nature in and around us.
provides a remedy for how we educate and counsel oursleves to create
today's growing catastrophe and "Earth Overshoot" excessiveness.
Since 1974, because our society too often
abuses our "Natureness (natural essence) our undeclared prejudice and war against Nature
has injuriously produced a 52% loss of wildlife and 45% increase in social
climates that create mental illness, obesity, climate change, oceanic
oxygen depletion, loneliness, atmospheric carbon, mass shootings and
excessive stress.
The war's trauma has
painfully increased corruption, child
abuse, unhappiness, mistrust, unfairness, expensive health care,
political and economic extremes, our destructive cravings,
dependencies, addictions
and many associated disorders.
Those of
us who resist this are considered allies of it and
are unjustly treated as lesser beings.
Earth and Humanity in
2024 A.D. are bankrupt. We have lost 75% of our natural abiility to recover from this assault..
Who are we? Although we may
deny or not notice it, if
all populations were human life populations, our abuse of what are
now considered "wildlife populations" would be examples of
war, prejudice, rape, murder, enslavement, trauma, evisceration, stress
We need to hook up
with another planet four times the size of Earth to
replace it.
It’s an undeniable fact that you love to live and are reading these
words here and now. That's a “Pristine Truth” When you recognize its
value we create a unique, beneficial moment of trustable Pristine Truth
Pristine Truth moments like this one are precisely what our broken
world and lives are missing and desperately need in and around us. The
absence of Pristine Truth is the source of the excessive emptiness,
discontents and violence we create and suffer.
Pristine Truth is an unforgiving orgnic science that is reasonable,
repeatable and trustable. We’re doing it again this instant. What
else can you do or trust that doesn’t leave you feeling uneasy
and unconfident?
All that I have “accomplished” stems from me discovering my Pristine
Truth when I was 6 years old and continuing to live it. You can
do the same starting this instant via this website because it grows and
strengthens your Pristine Truth moment by moment.
The only reason it won't do this is because your authorities have
taught your “psyche" not to believe or trust your Pristine Truth. Isn’t
that a catastrophic short circuit?
Adding Natureness to the essence of any activity or
relationship, by 550% improves it as it helps stop the war and
increases well-being.
Hello and welcome. I'm Mike Cohen,
the founder of Project NatureConnect's eco-arts science.
1965, while backpacking in the Grand Canyon Wilderness I wondered if
Planet Earth was alive and what was the difference between its life and
mine so I asked that question directly. Of course it did not answer because it
cannot speak.
However, an obvious
truth from that question became apparant, I could speak words and Nature, the life of the wilderness, couldn't. In
addition, if Nature's life died, so would mine so Nature must be alive.
Accidently, I had created and learned from a Pristine Truth Natureness and Spacetiming moment that let Nature
teach. The truth of its essence had touched mine.
Your turn. Be scientific. Ask any part of a natural area the same
questions. Note that it can't speak, read or write, it's life is
"dumb" and we treat it accordingly because it can't tell us to stop.
Nature's life is
missing the 3 R's we enjoy and this puts it at a great risk, agony and
disaadvantage to our excessively conquering stories and acts.
By 1974 we hurtfully overused and "bankrupted' the life of our planet into being
resource-deficient and increasingly non-recuperative.
Today Earth's life is increasingly in debt because we don't add Natureness, the scientific core
of our soul, to our education and counseling procedures.
Over the past 60 years I have created and
applied "Natureness"
as a hands-on tool that let's Nature's life speak and teach its
Big Bang truth to anyone, as it did with me in the Grand Canyon.
example, since, scientifically, everything, everywhere is connected and
happens at once as our
space-time Universe grows, all things are in tune with this sentence:
"It is an undeniable truth, an absolute fact
that you are reading these words here and now."
The trustable core of this fact is that its words accurately describe what it is doing.
As you can see, I've simply applied the powerful essence of this Natureness reality to any situation.
Since forever, as now, Nature
is its wordless attraction to begin life and justifiably love its dance into being.
With respect to the totality of life, the life of Nature, Earth and
Humanity is identical.
- Nature love to live without
word-stories and so does Humanity.
Humanity also loves to live with its word-stories.
- At any moment we can choose words that either love to live or disconnect us from that love.
When our word-story distortions stressfully disconnect us from the essence of Nature's wordless
love-to-live (Natureness), we and Nature
suffer painful ecocide deterioration from the "Earth Misery" that we
- This depreciation is the basic problem that Psychology studies.
It has yet to
acknowledge its source, that our words excessively disconnect us from Nature's
balanced and beautiful love to grow life, around, in and as us. That love is our wordless, felt sense, love to live.
Your choice this instant. Do you think that you have you been prejudiced to war against Nature as is "normal" ?
Since if the life of Nature/Earth
dies, we die, we can logically conclude that Nature/Earth
must be alive.
If Earth's
life is eviscerated, abused or sickend by our word-stories, what kind
of illness in our life makes us
think that we are well since we are it?
We increasingly suffer the
abusive climates created by our
person/planet separate-life insanity that lets 99.9% of our lifetime be
out of tune with Nature's self-correcting essence (Natureness). This
injustice deteriorates
our lives and loves and are making our world break apart. In
I personally informed the
director of United Nations Environmental Protection about the
war and its Natureness solution. Like many others, he and they have never
you think this tragic situation makes you feel that you don't
deserve or value good feelings you can get from a natural area or Natureness? That a drug or new toy is
United Nations RED ALERT now says this solastalgia
we suffer is a prejudcial
war on Nature that denies its own existence along with its 54
felt-sense Climate Therapy Natureness,
a natural area, green switch remedy
for today's climate crises atrocities.
Life without Pristine Truth: Pirating our Planet
April 22, 2000
Donella Meadows, adjunct professor at Dartmouth College. Used
with permission
in the thirty Earth Day celebrations we have held since 1970, (now fifty-four in 2024), the human
population and economy have become any more respectful of the Earth,
the Earth hasn't noticed.
planet is not impressed by fancy speeches. Leonardo DiCaprio
interviewing Bill Clinton about global warming is not an Earth-shaking
event. The Earth has no way of registering good intentions or future
inventions or high hopes. It doesn't even pay attention to dollars,
which are, from a planet's point of view, just a charming human
invention. Planets measure only physical things-energy and materials
and their flows into and out of the changing populations of living
the life of Earth
sees is that on the first Earth Day in 1970 there were 3.7
billion of those hyperactive critters called humans, and now there are
over 6 billion. (2024 update, 8.2 billion)
in 1970 those humans drew from the Earth's crust 46 million barrels of
oil every day-now they draw 78 million. (2024 update, 100 million as is average 25% increase in all catagories below)
gas extraction has nearly tripled in thirty years, from 34 trillion
cubic feet per year to 95 trillion. We mined 2.2 billion metric tons in
1970; this year we'll mine about 3.8 billion. The planet feels this
fossil fuel use in many ways, as the fuels are extracted (and spilled)
and shipped (and spilled) and refined (generating toxics) and burned
into numerous pollutants, including carbon dioxide, which traps
outgoing energy and warms things up. Despite global conferences and
brave promises, what the Earth notices is that human carbon emissions
have increased from 3.9 million metric tons in 1970 to an estimated 6.4
million this year, 2000, and no end to the increase is in sight.
would think that an unimaginably huge thing like a planet would not
notice the one degree (Fahrenheit) warming it has experienced since
1970. But on the scale of a whole planet, one degree is a big deal,
especially since it is not spread evenly. The poles have warmed more
than the equator, the winters more than the summers, the nights more
than the days. That means that temperature DIFFERENCES from one place
to another have been changing much more than the average temperature
has changed. Temperature differences are what make winds blow, rains
rain, ocean currents flow.
creatures, including humans, are exquisitely attuned to the weather.
All creatures, including us, are noticing weather weirdness and trying
to adjust, by moving, by fruiting earlier or migrating later, by
building up whatever protections are possible against flood and
drought. The Earth is reacting to weather changes too, shrinking
glaciers, splitting off nation-sized chunks of Antarctic ice sheet,
enhancing the cycles we call El Nino and La Nina.
Day, Shmearth Day," the planet must be thinking as its fever mounts.
"Are you folks ever going to take me seriously?"
the first Earth Day our global vehicle population has swelled from 246
to 730 million. Air traffic has gone up by a factor of six. The rate at
which we grind up trees to make paper has doubled (to 200 million
metric tons per year). We coax from the soil, with the help of strange
chemicals, 2.25 times as much wheat, 2.5 times as much corn, 2.2 times
as much rice, almost twice as much sugar, almost four times as many
soybeans as we did thirty years ago. We pull from the oceans almost
twice as much fish.
the fish we can see clearly how the planet behaves, when we push it too
far. It does not feel sorry for us; it just follows its own rules. Fish
become harder and harder to find. If they are caught before they're old
enough to reproduce, if their nursery habitat is destroyed, if we scoop
up not only the cod, but the capelin upon which the cod feeds, the fish
may never come back. The Earth does not care that we didn't mean it,
that we promise not to do it again, that we make nice gestures every
Earth Day.
have among us die-hard optimists who will berate me for not reporting
the good news since the first Earth Day. There is plenty of it, but it
is mostly measured in human terms, not Earth terms. Average human life
expectancy has risen since 1970 from 58 to 66 years. Gross world
product has more than doubled, from 16 to 39 trillion dollars.
Recycling has increased, but so has trash generation, so the Earth
receives more garbage than ever before. Wind and solar power generation
have soared, but so have coal-fired, gas-fired and nuclear generation.
human terms there has been breathtaking progress. In 1970 there weren't
any cell phones or video players. There was no Internet; there were no
dot-coms. Nor was anyone infected with AIDS, of course, nor did we have
to worry about genetic engineering. Global spending on advertising was
only one-third of what it is now (in inflation-corrected dollars).
Third-World debt was one-eighth of what it is now.
you call any of that progress, it is all beneath the notice of the
Earth. What the Earth sees is that its species are vanishing at a rate
it hasn't seen in 65 million years. That 40 percent of its agricultural
soils have been degraded. That half its forests have disappeared and
half its wetlands have been filled or drained, and that despite Earth
Day, all these trends are accelerating.
All these increases
with devastating human, resource and monetary costs, along with misery
that keep growing.
Day is beginning to remind me of Mother's Day, a commercial occasion
upon which you buy flowers for the person who, every other day of the
year, cleans up after you. Guilt-assuaging. Trivializing. Actually
dangerous. All mothers have their breaking points. Mother Earth does
not soften hers with patience or forgiveness or sentimentality.
wholeness of
our earth mother dances in and around us. What we do to it, we do to
our individual and collective body, mind and spirit.
Select here for a
tool that helps us learn and teach how to supportively think in balance
with natural systems.
Overview from B.F.
Skinner, 1971
Edited from Beyond Freedom and Dignity by B.F. Skinner
(Skinner, 1971)
"In trying to solve the terrifying problems that face us in the world
today, we naturally turn to the things we do best. We play from
strength, and our strength is science and technology.
- To contain a
population explosion we look for better methods of birth control.
- To decrease mental
illness we seek more powerful drugs and therapies
- Threatened by a
nuclear holocaust, we build bigger deterrent forces and
anti-ballistic-missile systems.
- We try to stave off
world famine with new foods and better ways of growing them.
- Improved sanitation
and medicine will, we hope, control disease, better housing and
transportation will solve the problems of the ghettos,
- New ways of reducing
or disposing of waste will stop the pollution of the environment.
- We can point to
remarkable achievements in all these fields, and it is not surprising
that we should try to extend them. But things grow steadily worse and
it is disheartening to find that our dependent attachment to technology
itself is increasingly at fault.
Sanitation and medicine
have made the problems of population more acute,
- War has acquired a new
horror with the invention of nuclear weapons,
- The affluent pursuit
of happiness is largely responsible for pollution.
- The excessive use of
drugs has addicted us to them.
- The non-organic
fulfillment of our wants produces environmental deterioration.
The application of the
physical and biological sciences alone will not solve our problems
because the solutions lie in another field. What we need is a technology of behavior.
We could solve our problems quickly enough if we could adjust the
growth and destructive impact of the world's population as precisely as
we adjust the course of a spaceship.
Select here for a
tool that helps us learn and teach how to supportively think in balance
with natural systems.
Reminder: the
point source of this unfair dilemma has been identified and a practical
remedy for it is readily available.
Nature Hallucinations
by Barbara
Kingsolver (extended)
Most of our populace and all of our leaders deny that they are not
appropriately to an addictive, mass,
hallucinatory, prejudiced against Nature's-wordless-love fantasy in which:
* the megatons of waste that we dump in our rivers and bays are not
poisoning the water or our body, mind and spirit.
* the hydrocarbons we pump into the air are not changing the climate of
the world, our natural security, or deteriorating our health.
* over-fishing is not depleting the oceans, over-consumption does not
hurt the environment or our health.
* living in estranged, story-based ways that disconnect us from
balance found in nature's grace and
self-correcting powers does not reduce our resilience or result in our
* fossil fuels will never run out; the loss due to our fossilized
thinking that demeans nature, in and around us, does not motivate our
excessiveness, abusiveness and greed.
* our 54 natural sensitivities and sensibilities are not part of the
way natural
systems work; disconnecting them from sensory literacy about nature
does not make us
excessively want
so that we feel we never have enough so we never are enough.
* wars that kill masses of civilians are an appropriate way to keep our
hands on what's left and the economy rolling; wars against people do
not result from an undeclared war we wage against nature and the
natural, in and around us.
* we are not desperately overdrawn at the environmental or emotional
bank; we are not conditioned to be prejudiced against nature or against
the free, renewing ways of the life of the web-of-life.
* sensory activities that connect our body, mind and spirit to nature's
powers don't help us increase our well being; our
separation-from-nature wanting, excessiveness and greed do not place
our natural resources, economy or well-being at-risk.
* and really, although by the age of seven our kids bond to this mass
hallucination, addict to questionable technologies and need to be
drugged, they are all right.
Reminder: the
point source of this unfair dilemma has been identified and a practical
remedy for it is readily available.
Excessive Science: Drill, Grill and Chill
The Human Conditon and Unjust Science
If we could shrink the earth's
population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing
human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the
There would be:
57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 from the Western Hemisphere,
both north and south
8 would be Africans
52 would be female
48 would be male
70 would be non-white
30 would be white
70 would be non-Christian
30 would be Christian
89 would be heterosexual
11 would be homosexual
6 people would possess 59% of
the entire world's wealth and all 6 would be from the United States.
80 would live in substandard
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from
(ONE)1 would be near death;
(ONE)1 would be near birth;
(ONE)1 would have a college
(ONE)1 would own a computer.
If you have food in the
refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to
sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world.
If you woke up this morning
with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million
who will not survive this week.
If you have money in the bank,
in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace, you are among the
top 8% of the world's wealthy.
If you can attend a church
meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death, you are
more blessed than three billion people in the world.
If you have never experienced
the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of
torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million
people in the world.
Reminder: the
point source of this unfair Nature's-wordless-love dilemma has been
identified and a practical
remedy for it is readily available. Select here
Since 1950 we
have known that what happens to our living planet simultaneously
happens to us. That's the source of our anxiety discontents and
unbalance and our education hides how to remedy it.
Why not come out of
Call (360)-378-6313
It makes
sense that the life of the
Universe/Nature/Earth loves to live its balance and beauty. However,
knowing this seldom stops our abuse of it because how we learn to think
and act is habitual or addictive. Our leaders can't help us change because they have the same habits and
The methods and materials of Project
NatureConnect empower us to scientifically create
Natureness sensory moments that let the self-correcting life
of Universe/Nature/Earth consciously connect our fifty-four senses with
wisdom of its perfection. Our
happy application of this
earth-shaking revolutionary wisdom empowers us to transform
our abuse and addictions into more sensible ways of thinking feeling
relating as we help others do the same. This offers any caring
individual an exciting livelihood or hobby.
since it was born, as Nature's life of the Universe grows its
own space and time to live in, all things, including us, exist and grow
together as do all the different parts of our body.
We are all attached and unified as the oneness of a "universal organism" since,
before forever, Nature began.
This explains how our thoughts, feelings and relationships can sense
that Nature is its wordless
attraction (love) to begin the life of the universe/earth/us.
Everything, including us, is the life Nature's essence loves into
being and dances.
It is self-evident, 54-sense, existential that the essence of anything,
including us, is the nameless, spacetime, "tree of life" that is
called Nature, from
"natal", to be born.
illustration in this download portrays the Universe's growth since it was born 13.7
billion years ago.
Read more about this remedy for our ecocide Download PDF
Misery Day was July 29, 2022.
this day,
excessively unbalanced human activities used up the resources for Nature's-wordless-love
life of
our Planet
and us for the rest of the year.
This occurred while in natural areas our 54 natural senses
make sense when we include them in how we think and
This reverses Earth's and our misery by making 54-sense peace with
Nature, around, in and as us.
Project NatureConnect enables us to accomplish the above when we know
the greatest truth in our life that we can trust and devoid of Natureness,
it is not
Nature, God, Love or Honesty since, along with all the knowledge in the
world, they create today's dilemmas.
you know what your greatest trustable truth is? Discover and explore
its Natureness here.
In ten minutes learn free
activities whose
eco-arts and science gives
you joy and well-being by enabling your Natureness to reduce Earth
Misery. Optionally get certified or a degree in applying this sensory
Take a giant step beyond shoulder shrugging "Nothing I can do about it"
You can easily add it to every
relationship and help others do the same.
Earth Misery Day has
increased yearly to reach today's emergency level since 1974 when we
entered our global deficit.
tragedy is no secret. It was
scientifically predicted and published in bestselling books in 1949
about Our Plundered Planet and
our Road to Survival. it
violates our personal and international rights
to life.
In every level
and moment of our
existence we
personally and collectively sense, feel and
to our life-support loss due to our prejudiced against Nature Earth
Misery. It deteriorates our planet's life
and biodiversity.
Earth Misery is
caused by our prejudicial war on wordless Nature and the
traumatic stress it produces in and around us. Its uncontrolled
growth is a cancer that invasively deteriorates our naturally balanced
relationships, around and as us, so we become "ecozombies."
Our Nature's-wordless-love disconnection misleads us to believe we can
recover from the abuse and
disorders of our life while, without using the 54-sense, Natureness
antidote for
them, our every
excessively nature-disconnected, word, thought and relationship
continues to increase our hurt,
including our efforts for sustainability.
This prejudice against nature illegally deteriorates, rather
than restores the Natureness
of our planet's life
that is also our life.
This is because Earth is the supportive but
finite natural
world resource for our physical and emotional well-being.
wouldn't you want to apply the powerful fifty-four sense Climate Therapy remedy
for the root source of our unbalanced
foundations that produce our corrupt, Earth Misery Climates Day
suffering, in
and around us?
Who dares to hear or support the
remedy's reasonable Natureness voice shouting "EARTH'S LIFE MATTERS" Our deterioration of Nature's-wordless-love
is unjust to all ways of life.
Fortunately our Natureness remedies this.
"What is
the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"
- Henry
David Thoreau
"Our every thought, feeling and relationship is built on
that our 54 natural senses
register and convey when we don't omit them.
When these self-correcting
Natureness senses are
deadened, warped or injured, so is our sensibility and sensitivity.
That limits our reasonableness, welfare and happiness. We become Earth
Misery cancers, soldiers or pirates.
Objective thinking that
includes each of our 54 senses as a fact of life is
the organic Natureness
of Climate Therapy GreenWave-54 phenomenon. It
is a heartfelt, nature-connected, whole life arts and science
that regenerates Nature's-wordless-love,
life and
health of Earth/us as
Climate Therapy enables us to think like Nature's wordless,
ways operate in/as our body, mind and spirit. They,
moment-by-moment, include our cooperation and peace genetics/genesis that we inherit
from our ancestor's millions of years of life living in unified
balance with Nature. (Neanderthal, Aboriginal, Sentinal
Do you
think you want to ask yourself, "How misled or isolated do I self-abuse
choose to be?"
What's not to like here? Call me, 360-378-6313. Climate
Therapy by 550% can
increase the effectivness and decrease the expenses to produce
wellness and peace by
- health and life
insurance companies,
- public health,
safety and welfare offices,
- evidence based
therapy, education, conflict resolution, environmental, spiritual,
medical and recovery programs
- government
agencies for Defense, Education, Environmental Protection, Welfare and
Homeland Security.
"It has become
appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."
Albert Einstein
NEWS: July 1, 2016.
Because, since 1986, we have been reducing Chloroflurocarbon particles
that we placed in the atmosphere, the Ozone hole is beginning to
recover from the damage inflicted by these particles. They were
identified as the root source
of the hole and then we sensibly limited them so the life of Earth's
self-correcting powers could once again operate and, with respect to
Ozone, sustain our
planet's well-being.
Get real. If you shoot a hole in the roof
of your house, when you stop shooting the
hole does not repair itself. This is because the house is not a living
thing. Our planet is.
Studies show that the same root source
Ozone recovery process works with respect
to the injuries and abuse we inflict on our Nature's-wordless-love
and personal life. Climate Therapy and GreenWave Unified Field relationships
help us remove the point source of these wounds we suffer. Their source
is our excessive and unreasonable, 54-sense indoctrination, attachments
or addictions to nature-injurious stories and artifacts.
Simply stated, without our great trustable truth we are unduly prejudiced
against Nature's-wordless-love and we deny it.
Natureness remedy that we overlook is to create GreenWave-54 Nature's-wordless-love
moments in natural areas that let the life of Earth's self-correcting
ways come into play and teach us what we need to know through the Natureness of our 54
natural senses and 24 prime facts. Friendly familiarity or love are
the best remedy for prejudice.
In Natural areas, Natureness education, counseling
and healing with the
natural world helps our stories and senses detach from our
information and hurtful experiences.
We replace
them with reasonable
and health by genuinely connecting ourselves with the balanced organics
of nature's healing
ways in natural areas while supporting
This is
indisputable to anybody who has naturally had restorative experiences
in a natural area.
now daily suffer deterioration of our
personal, social and environmental life relationships due to a
loss of
support and balance from the restorative, Nature's-wordless-love
of our planet.
This loss occurs during 45 seconds of each minute that we live. Although it stresses and hurts
us, we consider it normal so we think that we don't need help.
"Life's a bitch and then
you die" is a form of madness because Natureness
betterment is always available and free. As aforementioned, we suffer
because we indoctrinate ourselves to
ignore this profound quality of Nature's-wordless-love in order to excessively exploit it for profit
and prestige gratifications.
As aforementioned,
although we may deny or not notice it, if
all populations were human life populations, our abuse of what are
now considered "wildlife populations" would be examples of
war, prejudice, rape, murder, enslavement, trauma, evisceration, stress
As a remedy, invoking
our Natureness would be a natural attraction arbitration
between the conflicting
states of our nature-exploitive ways and the balanced
life of the natural world's wordless relationships in and around us.
While a solution from a Maverick Genius helps us address our denial of the cause and remedy for this
crazyness, our denial seldom lets us apply the
Earth Overshoot Day
marks the date each year when humanity exhausts Nature's physical
resources in
the life of Planet Earth .
Since all things are connected, it also signifies that all year long,
personally and planet-wise, we experience and sense this natural
deficiency. It as a feeling of emptiness or isolation, a lack of trust
and Nature's-wordless-love, an
unexplainable, discomforting void in our body, mind, spirit and
environmental security that seems "normal." This is a symptom of Nature
Deficit Disorder and this day must be also identified as Earth Misery Day.
Because our 54 senses are sensible,
when we live bankrupt in our unjust planetary-life corruption it is
reasonable for our senses to
feelingly register and signal to us the loss of our very special, Nature's-wordless-love and
support from the life of our planet. For example, folks felt
happier and more secure while sailing on the Titanic before an iceberg
ruptured it than after they knew the rupture had occurred and that it
sink. Even a change in the weather affects how we feel.
The source
of our Earth resource deficit and misery is that we live extremely
On average,
our lives last 620,000 hours and less that 12 of them are in tune with Nature's-wordless-love life of our planet.
Our estranged
and runaway technological prowess daily
eviscerates the life of our planet and bulldozes away Nature's-wordless-love perfection in and around us. Our
54-sense natural self
registers this absence and we hurt.
We create
our excessiveness and disorders from our hurt and wanting
that is caused by our excessive separation from Nature's embrace.
sensations warp our psyche and
relationships so that we often think people or the world are crazy.
dissatisfaction erodes our lives. It weakens our self-esteem as
whole life beings.
Our lack
of Nature's-wordless-love makes us seek exaggerated artificial
fulfillments that
further violate or despoil the life
of our Planet including our body, mind and spirit. It feels like there is never
enough love or support.
"Where there is love there is no
- Albert Einstein
December 30 1975, each year Overshoot Day has come earlier in the
year. We are now almost 150 percent in whole life deficit each year
counting. Look around. It’s obvious. Without applying Natureness, our wanting planet and its
people are corrupt. We produce and endure lies and unbalanced
relationships accompanied by a wide range of disorders that result from
them. This is an immense "psychology, nature and spirit" problem
that we seldom recognize no less address. However, we recognize that
societies seldom produce it. Fortunately the ferocious yet peaceful
integrity that we each need to deal with this challenge is readily
We cannot
win the battle to increase the well-being our planet's life,
including our lives, without strengthening our innate ability to love
all of life. We must recover and restore our missing 54 sense natural
attraction bonds
with the life of Nature's-wordless-love in and around us, for we will not
fight to protect and preserve what we do not love enough and this
includes our well-being.
No surprise,
the established authorities of our
society's nature-dominating ways of educating, counseling and
healing are in denial of the message above. Their traditional
"Boss" makes them deny that it is reasonable to add Project
NatureConnect's self-correcting sensory GreenWave experiences in natural areas to
their/our socialization. Project
is happy to teach them what they have yet to learn.
pertinent question you must ask yourself is "Who is the Boss of you?"
The Global Footprint Network
really do have to wonder whether a few years from now we’ll look back
at the first decade of the 21st century — when food prices spiked,
energy prices soared, world population surged, tornados plowed through
cities, floods and droughts set records, populations were displaced and
governments were threatened by the confluence of it all — and ask
ourselves: What were we thinking? How did we not panic when the
evidence was so obvious that we’d crossed some growth/climate/natural
resource/population redlines all at once?
are currently growing at a rate that is using up the Earth’s resources
far faster than they can be sustainably replenished, so we are eating
into the future. Right now, global growth is using about 1.5
Earths. Having only one planet makes this a rather significant
problem. When you are surrounded by something so big that requires you
to change everything about the way you think and see the world, then
denial is the natural response. But the longer we wait, the bigger the
response required and the greater the misery produced.
If you cut
more trees than
you grow, you run out of trees. If you put additional nitrogen into a
water system, you change the type and quantity of life that water can
support. If you thicken the Earth’s CO2 blanket, the Earth gets warmer.
If you do all these and many more nature-destructive things at once,
you change the way
the whole system of planet Earth behaves, in and around us, while
producing the misery of destructive social, economic, and
life support relationships.
In 1975, Earth Overshoot Day—the
approximate date our resource consumption for a given year exceeds the
planet’s ability to replenish itself—was December 30.
In 1993, Earth Overshoot Day—was
October 21
In 2003, Overshoot Day was on
September 22.
July 29 was Earth
Overshoot Day 2021, marking the date when humanity exhausts
nature’s budget for the year. We are now operating in overdraft on
borrowed time. Given
current trends in our wanting and consumption, one thing is clear:
Earth Overshoot Day
arrives a few days earlier each year.
NOTE: The point
source of this critical
dilemma has been identified and a practical, whole life art and science
remedy for it is readily
available. Known as maverick
genius Educating, Counseling
and Healing with
Nature (ECHN), our
socialization omits this antidote because it interrupts our
ever-wanting, excessive conquest and
exploitation of nature for profit. Instead we are trained and
paid as perpetrators of this outrage that some folks see as the violation of Planet Earth
and ourselves by our
nature-disconnected story world.
established scientific genius continues to deteriorate our planet and
wellness. Maverick genius reverses this trend.
Reminder: the
point source of this unfair dilemma has been identified and a practical
remedy for it is readily available.

Friday Harbor, San
Island, Washington, USA
Director M. J. Cohen
Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology
distance learning, sensory nature courses,degrees

The State of Planet Earth and Us.
average, we spend over 95 percent of our
time indoors.
Throughout our lifetime over 99
percent of our thoughts, senses, feelings and relationships are out of
with authentic nature and the intelligent balancing powers of its biodiversity.
average, we spend less than 12 hours of our total lifetime reasonably
sensing and relating organically, like the life of Nature/Earth works.
Everything has a
background. How
many of us are aware that a lilac in front of a blue background can
red while the same lilac in front of a red background can appear to be
blue. This phenomenon is also
observed with the color orange. It
is important to recognize it. It demonstrates that to
register something accurately and then describe it and relate to it
appropriately, we must take the whole scene, including the background,
into consideration. As our living Big Bang universe demonstrates all things
in it are a living sequential continuum
of their/its past; that's their/our Nature's-wordless-love
we look at Industrial Society with the background phenomenon in mind,
we see that
our society functions exceedingly well with respect to its "objective
science and
technology" ability to produce
goods, services and profits from the natural world. However, it is
destructive and dysfunctional
respect to its "objectivity" being a science that excludes the whole of
life, Nature's-wordless-love.
The whole includes the
54-sense "subjective sensitive background,"
that keeps the well-being of the life of Earth in balance, including
the life of our
body mind and
spirit. To our loss, we scientifically and spiritually learn to ignore
assault the whole of life. In the name of progress and superior
intelligence we are secretly educated to eviscerate our natural integrity
rather than strengthen it.
A short-circuit
disconnection in the way we learn to think indoctrinates us to
fight an
undeclared war against the life of
Earth and Nature. Its casualties produce our miseries. This
makes us
continually declare wars against them that we seldom win. They are our
wars to
conquer stress, drugs, alcohol, terrorism, territory, ideas, disorders,
mental illness, isolation, violence, disease, PTSD, poverty, debt, imbalance,
pollution, extinction, excessiveness, ad nauseum.
NOTE: Instead of declaring war, Project NatureConnect declares
Peace; Peace on Earth
through Peace With the Life of Earth. It accomplishes
this by
injecting into how we think,
feel and
relate a maverick genius remedy.
It consists of an active and objective, sensory relationship building equation
for whole life science. It is the GreenWave art of Educating,
Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN).
ECHN is a holistic way of
knowing and relating based on its Warranty for
Nature-connected, indisputable, self-evident
The ECHN process
recognizes that the underlying state of our
mentality and psyche determines how we behave. We are socially
and environmentally dysfunctional because, with respect to our innate
love of the life of nature, the
objective science
"industrial" way we have been indoctrinated to think unnecessarily
eviscerates, omits, stresses, injures or kills
the "subjective" whole life dance of Nature, in and around us.
This loss makes us want, and when we want there is
never enough. We produce the excessiveness of our Earth overshoot and
misery because we suffer from a
malady recognized by some as greed and others as Nature Deficit
Our personal life is
part of
Nature. Industrial
society has injuriously
captured, stressed and violated it as part of its conquering, undeclared war
on Nature and Earth.
For this reason, our senses, thinking and feeling are too often hurt
and warped. They seldom have the ability to reasonably promote
or sustain balanced relationships with nature within and
about us. Instead we indoctrinate our senses to be prejudiced
against nature
while we excessively become cultural objects: consumers, voters,
workers, artisans, soldiers that excessively impact natural areas and
each other.
example: We pay close attention to and trust our electrically run nervous system and its objective science mind that harnesses electricity
and produces the electrical essentials for
automobiles, water purification, computers,
airplanes telephones, television, medicines, space
programs, light, heating and buildings. But:
- When
for fifty years the same science
and scientists overwhelmingly report that humanity is contributing to
climate change, we deny it, refute it, argue, and do not change our
- When the same
reasoning shows that both water and the sensation of thirst are real
facts of life, we omit the sensation of thirst as a scientific fact,
dismissing it,
along with our 49 other
natural senses, as being "subjective."
- When scientific
thinking shows that organic truths make more sense than
nature-disconnected information we experience organics as an optional
fad and
insist upon their application, yet we require folks to wear seat belts.
- When scientific
research confirms intelligent behavior in our living planet,
a slime mold, a
tree or our genetics, we seldom respect that nature and its eons is an organic form of intelligence.
The disastrous results of
our objective science, conquer-nature warp are obvious yet they
increase year after year while a
whole-life art and scientific antidote for the known and predictable
outcomes of this insanity are ignored. This could be called
"Suicide by Nature Disconnection."
leaders seldom teach us that, based on undeniable self-evidence, Natural Attraction is the
essence of our Big Bang Universe as well as the essence of love, life, unity and spirit.
"fundamental six" are identical and
synonymous. They are different terms for Einstein's scientific Grand
Unified Field.
excessive separation from the natural attraction energies in natural
areas produces disorders caused
by 54-sense love-deprivation. This is a form of madness that we endure as a social norm and that needs
psychological treatment that is available, but ignored. This is also
destiny until we stop our excessiveness via its ECHN remedy.
The well-being of the
world is at risk and will remain so until
we learn to use and apply a potent,
readily available,
science, ECHN mental health recovery process. We don't use it
because most of us are in denial that
we are ill and resource bankrupt. Instead, we call what we do
"intelligent," "progress" and "economic growth." For this
reason we deny that ECHN is a sensible sensory medicine that we must
repair our nature-disconnected dysfunctions and their harmful personal
global effects.
restorative maverick genius ECHN antidote is available to those
with intelligent
concern about
our runaway destructive ways, to folks who want to learn and help
learn to use it.
Anyone can start by
wanting to sense, think and
feel like nature's purity and
balance works.
It increasingly provides practical assistance for our disorders and
gives its practitioners the happiness of a reasonable and sustainable
livelihood. It can be easily added to any profession, discipline or
hobby. For example, Massage Therapy becomes nature-connected Massage
Naked Aliveness: The unifying dance
of the Universe is the essence of our body, mind and sprit,
moment by moment. I and others call the dance Bio (life) and I spell it
Ultimate Intelligence:
We cannot win the battle to increase the
well-being of the web of life, including our life, without
strengthening and speaking from our 54 natural attraction senses, our
emotional bonds
with Nature's-wordless-love and its biodiversity - for we
will not fight to save what we do not love
- Michael J. Cohen (My blend of statements by
Stephen Jay Gould and Jalaluddin Rumi)
since 1948 the effects of the information that follows demonstrates
that facts and attitude alone do not change our behavior or reduce our
disastrous overshoot unbalance, in and around us. ECHN does help us achieve this
but it is omitted in scientific thinking and education as "Subjective"
or "Inconvenient." We deny that we have a psychological problem
that needs the ECHN Applied Ecopsychology solution.
things only exist in the present moment of our Universe, in the Organic
Psychology of GreenWave ECHN that
includes our stories, senses and sensations. Learning
to felt-sense think and speak on the crest of
GreenWave ECHN enables us communicate with the whole of life
and its history that
lies in each present moment's Unified Field core attraction power of
the eons.
The "Now" aliveness of the GreenWave feelingly attaches our lives to
all past
leaders, prophets and deities along with their stories, senses and
relationships. In natural areas this gives us the
ability to lovingly dance as equals with them and update them with
today's scientific knowledge, then
unknown. The GreenWave ECHN process
is creation's glue. Using it empowers us
to resolve our destructive differences by unifying their origins. It
helps us reduce our disorders and peacefully increase personal, social
and environmental well-being.
Select here for a
tool that helps us learn and teach how to supportively think in balance
with natural systems.
Reminder: the
point source of this unfair dilemma has been identified and a practical
remedy for it is readily available.
Relationships and Problem Solving
From the moment of its Big Bang birth the evidence-based life dance of the Scientific/
Universe/Nature/Earth/Humanity (SUNEH)
has produced and enjoyed the integrity of its
natural attraction ability to cooperatively diversify, reproduce,
correct, purify, balance, support, restore and
heal its life organically across the eons. In 1600 A.D. wild,
free and unpolluted North America exhibited all these qualities
Since then, the limits of "objective" science and problem solving omit
Nature's organic,
whole life,
unification ability to naturally sustain its balanced integrity
as it every
moment creates new time and space. This
omission is a personal void we feel that has
produced profound miseries, our
and environmental
problems, seldom their solutions. Visit the above pages if you
to see the effects of five centuries of of our objective science
disconnection from the whole
aliveness of Nature's unifying dance in North America.
Reminder: the
point source of this unfair dilemma has been identified and a practical
remedy for it is readily available.
"In a natural area
the Natureness Truth enables my 54
senses to reasonably bring the dance of past
leaders, religious figures or mystics in step with Industrial Society
in any moment. This unity gives anybody their presently missing
ability to
understand and deal with the catastrophe
of our excessive nature-disconnection because they are
simultaneously dancing in tune with geology and physics laws,
with Moses, Jesus
and Mohammad and with the rhythm of scientists, wellness or folks they
disagree with. They resonate with friends or criminals,
past experiences, wisdom and any other nature-supportive story that
comes to mind."
- Mike Cohen
Update Jan 15, 2015 The Guardian
are “eating away at our own life support systems” at a rate unseen in
the past 10,000 years by degrading land and freshwater systems,
emitting greenhouse gases and releasing vast amounts of agricultural
chemicals into the environment, new research has found.
Two major new studies by an
international team of researchers have pinpointed the key factors that
ensure a livable planet for humans, with stark results.
Of nine worldwide processes
that underpin life on Earth, four have exceeded “safe” levels –
human-driven climate change, loss of biosphere integrity, land system
change and the high level of phosphorus and nitrogen flowing into the
oceans due to fertilizer use.
Researchers spent five years
identifying these core components of a planet suitable for human life,
using the long-term average state of each measure to provide a baseline
for the analysis.
They found that the changes of
the last 60 years are unprecedented in the previous 10,000 years, a
period in which the world has had a relatively stable climate and human
civilization has advanced significantly.
Carbon dioxide levels, at 395.5
parts per million, are at historic highs, while loss of biosphere
integrity is resulting in species becoming extinct at a rate more than
100 times faster than the previous norm.
ACT: As we learn to be successful we are trained
to violate life in balance, including our own lives. At no cost you can instantly begin to master the
remedy for this outrage because it’s easy to learn and insane not to
Live Science in
cooperation with Scientific American: January 2016:
Rapid development
technology, swelling population and growing consumption of resources
from crops to metals have expanded humanity's impacts, particularly
after 1950 or so, an inflection point some have dubbed the "Great
Acceleration." People have created long-lasting new materials, ranging
from copper alloys to plastics that will form long-lived, so-called
"technofossils." Enough concrete has been made by now to cover every
square meter of the world in a kilogram of the building material.
Sufficient plastic is currently manufactured each year to weigh as much
as all seven billion–plus humans on the planet. People move nearly
three times as much rock and dirt via mining than the amount that
travels with water through all the world's rivers. Modern chemistry has
even liberated civilization from the natural nitrogen cycle that has
prevailed for the last 2.5 billion years. And tiny soot particles left
over after burning coal, oil and natural gas now can be found in
sediments from tropical lakes to the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a
permanent smudge on the geologic record.
Humanity has
reconfigured the course of future evolution by shifting plants and
animals around the globe or eliminating certain species—the same
biological markers known as index fossils and used to define most of
the time intervals that divide the last 540 million years, an eon known
as the Phanerozoic.
Panel on
Climate Change Report
scientists involved in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
have given their unqualified backing to the argument that global
warming is taking place and at a much faster rate than was expected.
The Panel established by the United Nations and the World
Meteorological Organisation stated that temperatures were rising more
quickly than at any time in the past 1,000 years. Experts are warning
that this will put millions of people at risk with a future of floods,
droughts and landslides if predictions are correct. Poorer countries
will be the most vulnerable if temperatures rise by as much as 5.8 34C
as predicted by the end of the century. Plants and animals will
disappear and many developing countries depend more heavily on water
and agriculture for survival will suffer.
evidence depicts that over the past 540 years human activities such as
the burning of fossil fuels has speeded up the global warming process.
The IPCC report said that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere is now at its highest for 400,000 years. Politicians from
more than 150 countries meet in Germany next week to try to salvage the
Kyoto agreement.
Reminder: the
point source of this unfair dilemma has been identified and a practical
remedy for it is readily available.
Select here for a
tool that helps us learn and teach how to supportively think in balance
with natural systems.
and Artic Tundra
Melting From Global Warming Releases Methane Gas that Increases the
Warming Process.
11, 2005
world's largest frozen peat bog is melting. An area stretching for a
million square kilometres across the permafrost of western Siberia is
turning into a mass of shallow lakes as the ground melts, according to
Russian researchers just back from the region.
sudden melting of a bog the size of France and Germany combined could
unleash billions of tonnes of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into
the atmosphere.
news of the dramatic transformation of one of the world's least visited
landscapes comes from Sergei Kirpotin, a botanist at Tomsk State
University, Russia, and Judith Marquand at the University of Oxford.
describes an "ecological landslide that is probably irreversible and is
undoubtedly connected to climatic warming". He says that the entire
western Siberian sub-Arctic region has begun to melt, and this "has all
happened in the last three or four years".
peat bogs formed around 11,000 years ago at the end of the last ice
age. Since then they have been generating methane, most of which has
been trapped within the permafrost, and sometimes deeper in ice-like
structures known as clathrates. Larry Smith of the University of
California, Los Angeles, estimates that the west Siberian bog alone
contains some 70 billion tonnes of methane, a quarter of all the
methane stored on the land surface worldwide.
colleague Karen Frey says if the bogs dry out as they warm, the methane
will oxidise and escape into the air as carbon dioxide. But if the bogs
remain wet, as is the case in western Siberia today, then the methane
will be released straight into the atmosphere. Methane is 20 times as
potent a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide.
May this year, Katey Walter of the University of Alaska Fairbanks told
a meeting in Washington of the Arctic Research Consortium of the US
that she had found methane hotspots in eastern Siberia, where the gas
was bubbling from thawing permafrost so fast it was preventing the
surface from freezing, even in the midst of winter.
Reminder: the
point source of this unfair dilemma has been identified and a practical
remedy for it is readily available.
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tool that helps us learn and teach how to supportively think in balance
with natural systems..
United Nations
Millennium Forum Declaration reports
statistics shift slightly from year to year and from report to report
but they are, nevertheless, always shocking to our sense of
- Some
840 million people remain malnourished,
- 1.3
billion do not have access to clean water,
- One
in seven children of primary school age is out of school.
- An
estimated 1.5 billion people subsist on less than one US dollar per day
- Some
2.8 billion subsist on less than two dollars a day.
- As
of the most recent count, there were some 35 armed conflicts raging in
- The
weapons and the disagreements that could lead to worldwide war of
horrific destruction still exist.
To see
how this translates
to you as an individual, visit our Global
Reminder: the
point source of this unfair dilemma has been identified and a practical
remedy for it is readily available.
Select here for a
tool that helps us learn and teach how to supportively think in balance
with natural systems.
International Consortium of Scientists Report
2001: A shocking and groundbreaking new scientific study by an
international consortium of scientists has concluded that humanity's
assault on the
environment has left many ecosystems - from coral reefs and tropical
forests to lakes and coastal waters - in such a fragile state that the
slightest disturbance, from a dry spell to a fire or flood, may push
them into a catastrophic collapse. The study, published in the
prestigious journal NATURE, found that human impacts on many of the
world's ecosystems could cause them to abruptly shift with little or no
warning from their apparently stable natural condition to very
different, diminished conditions far less able to support diversity of
life, including human.
"Models have predicted this, but only in recent years has enough
evidence accumulated to tell us that resilience of many important
ecosystems has become undermined to the point that even the slightest
disturbance can make them collapse," said Marten Scheffer, an ecologist
at the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands and lead author of
the study.
Conventional scientific and conservation thinking has been that
ecosystems such as lakes, oceans, coral reefs, woodlands or deserts
respond slowly and steadily to climate change, nutrient pollution,
habitat degradation and other human environmental impacts. But the new
study shatters this paradigm, finding instead that, after decades of
continuous change imposed by human activity, many of the world's
natural ecosystems are now susceptible to sudden catastrophic change.
In dramatic contrast to conventional environmental thinking, the
investigators paint a picture of unexpectedly sudden, drastic switches
of state, from lush, lake-dotted forests teeming with plants and
animals to scorching, parched deserts devoid of all but the hardiest of
lifeforms, for example.
"In approaching questions about deforestation or endangered species or
global climate change, we work on the premise that an ounce of
pollution equals an ounce of damage," said co-author Jonathan Foley, a
University of Wisconsin-Madison climatologist and director of the
Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment at the Institute
for Environmental Studies at UW-Madison. "It turns out that assumption
is entirely incorrect. Ecosystems may go on for years exposed to
pollution or climate changes without showing any change at all and then
suddenly they may flip into an entirely different condition, with
little warning ornone at all."
"The idea that nature can suddenly flip from one kind of condition to
another is sobering," said Foley, who said that such changes can be
irreversible. "For hundreds of years, we've been taught to think in
very linear ways; we like to think of nature as being simple. But now
we know that we can't count on ecosystems to act in nice simple ways."
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point source of this unfair dilemma has been identified and a practical
remedy for it is readily available.
here for a
tool that helps us learn and teach how to think in balance with natural
paints grim global
Time running out for ecology, report warns; new threat is found
Rosalind Russell, Reuters, 09/22/99
- It is too late to halt global warming and time is quickly running out
to prevent other potential environmental catastrophes, the UN's
environment agency said in a major report yesterday.
Environment Outlook 2000'' offers a gloomy view of the planet's
condition on the eve of the next millennium. It points to new threats -
such as increased levels of nitrogen in the water supply - that the
world has not yet tackled.
gains made by better management and technology are still being outpaced
by the environmental impacts of population and economic growth. We are
on an unsustainable course,'' Klaus Toepfer, head of the United Nations
Environment Program, said at the launch of the report in Nairobi.
report says emissions of greenhouse gases that cause global warming
have quadrupled since the 1950s, and that ''binding'' targets to reduce
emissions, agreed by governments at the summit last year in Kyoto,
Japan, may not be met.
rate at which humans are destroying the environment is accelerating,
often because of excessive consumption by the rich, and to the
detriment of the poor.
20 percent of the world's population lack access to safe drinking
water, and 50 percent have no access to a sanitation system. This state
of affairs will deteriorate as the world's population, set to reach 6
billion next month, will increase by 50 percent in the next 50 years.
percent of the world's original forest cover has been cleared or
degraded, and logging and mining projects threaten 39 percent of what
forest remains.
quarter of mammal species are at risk of extinction, while more than
half the world's coral reefs are threatened by human activity.
were 850 contributors to the report, which took two and a half years to
compile, and which highlights some lesser-known environmental problems.
such as hurricanes and forest fires are increasing in frequency and
severity, and have killed 3 million people in the past three decades.
Armed conflicts and refugee flows are causing greater damage to the
environment than ever before.
is also mounting evidence that humans are seriously destabilizing the
global nitrogen balance. Huge amounts of nitrogen are being deposited
on land and in water through intensive agriculture and the burning of
fossil fuels.
this problem could make fresh-water supplies unfit for human
consumption, the report says.
full extent of the damage is only now becoming apparent as we begin to
piece together a comprehensive overview of the extremely complex,
interconnected web that is our life support system,'' said Toepfer, a
former German environment minister.
of the damage is irreparable, but through a huge mobilization of
resources and political will, much can be done to prevent further
destruction, the report says.
long-term target of a 90 percent reduction in the consumption of raw
materials in industrialized countries may seem far-fetched, but without
it hundreds of millions of people will be condemned to a life of
suffering, the report concludes.
story ran on page A05 of the Boston Globe on 09/22/99.
Copyright 1999 Globe Newspaper Company.
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point source of this unfair dilemma has been identified and a practical
remedy for it is readily available.
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tool that helps us learn and teach how to supportively think in balance
with natural systems..
reports from the Union of
Concerned Scientists
culture now has the potential to inflict irreversible damage on the
environment and on its life sustaining systems and resources. Already,
critical stress suffered by our environment is clearly manifest in the
air, water, and soil, our climate, and plant and animal species. Should
this deterioration be allowed to continue, we can expect to alter the
living world to the extent that it will be unable to sustain life as we
know it.
dumping of toxic, nuclear, and biomedical waste and environmental
disasters of enormous scale have begun to cut deep scars into the
Earth's ecosystem and disrupt its delicate ecological balance. Global
warming, though to be resulting from increased levels of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere from fossil fuel use and from deforestation, may have
the potential to alter climate on a massive scale. Air pollution near
ground level and acid precipitation, and stratospheric ozone depletion
causing enhanced ultra-violet radiation at the earth's surface, are
causing widespread injury to human and animal populations, forests and
crops. Our remaining rainforests and many wild forest regions,
essential to worldwide ecological balance, are slated for clear cutting
due to poor management policies.
exploitation of depletable ground water supplies have endangered food
production and other essential human systems and heavy demands for
surface waters have resulted in serious shortages in many countries.
Pollution of rivers, lakes and ground water has further limited the
supply of potable water. Destructive pressure on the oceans is severe.
Rivers carrying heavy burdens of eroded soil into the seas also contain
toxic industrial, municipal, agricultural, and livestock waste. With
the marine catch at or above the maximum sustainable yield, some
fisheries are already showing signs of collapse.
productivity is on the decline and per capita food production in many
parts of the world is decreasing, as a result of destructive
agriculture and animal husbandry practices. Already, more than ten
percent of the earth's vegetated surface has been degraded, an area
larger than India and China combined.
one third of the valuable topsoil used to grow the grains that feed
much of the world has blown or washed away. This desertification,
caused by overgrazing domestic animals and by over-cultivation,
salinization, and deforestation, has already impacted over 35 percent
of the land surface of the earth (United Nations Environmental
Program). Desertification has caused many millions to abandon the land,
lacking the bare essentials of survival, they have migrated to urban
slums, where all that awaits them are meager government relief packages
and poverty wages.
are fast approaching many of the earth's limits; its ability to provide
for growing numbers of people, to provide food and energy, and to
absorb wastes and destructive effluent. Current economic practices
which damage the environment, in both developed and underdeveloped
nations, cannot be continued without the risk that vital global systems
will be damaged beyond repair.
more than a few decades remain before the chance to avert the threats
we now confront will be lost and the prospects for humanity
immeasurably diminished. We must begin to bring environmentally
damaging activities under control to restore and protect the integrity
of the earth's ecosystems. The greatest peril is to become trapped in
spirals of environmental decline, poverty, and unrest, leading to
worldwide social, economic and environmental collapse from which we may
be unable to recover.
Reminder: the
point source of this unfair dilemma has been identified and a practical
remedy for it is readily available.
Select here for a
tool that helps us learn and teach how to supportively think in balance
with natural systems.
Recent State of the
Earth Report
from the United
Nations Environment Programme
a global perspective the environment has continued to degrade during
the past decade, and significant environmental problems remain deeply
embedded in the socio-economic fabric of nations in all regions.
Progress towards a global sustainable future is just too slow. A sense
of urgency is lacking. Internationally and nationally, the funds and
political will are insufficient to halt further global environmental
degradation and to address the most pressing environmental issues-even
though technology and knowledge are available to do so.
recognition of environmental issues as necessarily long-term and
cumulative, with serious global and security implications, remains
limited. The reconciliation of environment and trade regimes in a fair
and equitable mannerstill remains a major challenge. The continued
preoccupation with immediate local and national issues and a general
lack of sustained interest in global and long-term environmental issues
remain major impediments to environmental progress internationally.
Global governance structures and global environmental solidarity remain
too weak to make progress a world-wide reality. As a result, the gap
between what has been done thus far and what is realistically needed is
response mechanisms have not yet been fully internalized at the
national level. The development at local, national, and regional levels
of effective environmental legislation and of fiscal and economic
instruments has not kept pace with the increase in environmental
institutions. In the private sector, environmental advances by several
major transnational corporations are not reflected widely in the
practices of small- and medium-sized companies that form the backbone
of economies in many countries.
the future, the continued degradation of natural resources,
shortcomings in environmental responses, and renewable resource
constraints may increasingly lead to food insecurity and conflict
situations. Changes in global biogeochemical cycles and the complex
interactions between environmental problems such as climate change,
ozone depletion, and acidification may have impacts that will confront
local, regional, and global communities with situations they are
unprepared for. Previously unknown risks to human health are becoming
evident from the cumulative and persistent effects of a whole range of
chemicals, particularly the persistent organic pollutants. The effects
of climate variability and change are already increasing the incidence
of familiar public health problems and leading to new ones, including a
more extensive reach of vectorborne diseases and a higher incidence of
heat-related illness and mortality. If significant major policy reforms
are not implemented quickly, the future might hold more such surprises.
substantiates the need for the world to embark on major structural
changes and to pursue environmental and associated socio-economic
policies vigorously. Key areas for action must embrace the use of
alternative and renewable energy resources, cleaner and leaner
production systems world-wide, and concerted global action for the
protection and conservation of the world's finite and irreplaceable
fresh-water resources."
Reminder: the
point source of this unfair dilemma has been identified and a practical
remedy for it is readily available.
Select here for a
tool that helps us learn and teach how to supportively think in balance
with natural systems.


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