Phone (360) 378-6313
Skype mjcohen6313
Self-Evident Fact: Planet Earth is a Living Organism.
Mentors Wanted for the Natureness, Living Earth Organic Psychology of Education Counseling and Healing with
Nature (ECHN) Online.
greatest truth lets the life of our Planet know itself in words so it
can help you felt sense think its wisdom, balance and beauty while you help
others do the same.
UPDATE: July 1, 2016.
Because, since 1986, we have been reducing Chloroflurocarbon particles
that we placed in the atmosphere, the Ozone hole is beginning to
recover from the damage inflicted by these particles. They were
identified as the point source of the hole and then sensibly reduced so Organism Earth's self-correcting powers could once again operate.
Get real. If a
drill makes a hole in the roof your house when you remove the drill the
hole does not repair itself. This is simply because the house is not a living organism.
The hole that our insane
deterioration of personal
and global well-being results from our institutions unreasonably
socializing us to conquer Nature so we excessively require
emotional fulfillment in excessively artificial ways. This destructive
loss of Nature's love for our lives results in abusive, life-exploitive
satisfactions that hurtfully deny Nature and Earth are alive around and
in us. This prevents them and us from recovering.
Deep, renewing
satisfactions that remedy our bias and discontents are available, free
of charge, through sensory nature-connecting activities in natural
areas, backyard or backcountry. The Ecopsychology of learning and
teaching these activities enables us to benefit from the grace, balance
and restorative powers of the life of Earth and its 54 natural
attraction sensitivities as their dance flows in and around us and repairs itself. |
OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE: Online, grant-funded,
courses, career training and degree programs that add the organic
application of Ecopsychology to any field, discipline or intelligence.
Alternative or holistic education jobs for sustainable personal and
environmental health. Homepage
- Practical distance learning
that enhances expertise and spirit in all areas of endeavor.
- Benefit from accredited university or college
environment-psychology focus CEU online courses training grants and
ecologically sound degree programs.
- Earn extra income money
- Reduce stress. Add the
sunlight and beauty of nature's intelligent grace and restorative
powers to your professional or personal life.
Out of habit, most of us suffer disorders because,
from early childhood on, our leaders socialize us to believe a critical lie. Do you, or
others you know, suffer from this practice? A remedy
for this hurtful distortion is readily available.
This page offers valuable
rewards to individuals who recognize four basics of Organic Psychology:
1. We are part of the joy-filled, wordless life of nature and
it sustains the global life community of Earth without producing our garbage,
disorders or abusiveness.
2. The non-verbal dance of Nature pervades Earth and is self-correcting. It recycles, purifies and nurtures
wherever it flows, in and around us.
3. We excessively suffer our
disorders because our Nature-alienated stories don't connect our 54 natural senses with Nature's grace, balance and
restorative powers that would otherwise help us remedy our troubles.
4. We spend, on
average, 95
percent of our life indoors, separated from Nature. To our loss, over
99 percent of our lifetime our thoughts, feelings and relationships are
out of tune with nature's balanced and healing
.....- Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN) provides the methods and
materials for our body mind and spirit to seamlessly connect with
the way the life Nature
and Earth works. This page describes the self-evident outcomes of an objective
search for Mother Earth.
The experience described below occurred 13 years after, in 1952, I began exploring why people
were more friendly and relaxed while they were in a natural area.
During this period I
lived with others for extended periods in wild areas on, actually in, Mother
Earth. I developed from that experience ways of knowing nature that demonstrate Earth knows
what it is doing and what to do to maintain its
balanced, purifying and self-correcting perfection as a paradise.
we are part of the life of Earth, people in
natural settings have the ability to sense, think with and embrace
nature's ways. This improves their health, sanity and relationships with themselves,
each other and their mother planet."
Learn how this is implemented today (2015) via our living earth orientation program and degrees.
senses, being the explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge."
-Maria Montessori
August 22, 1965 Thirteen years before the Gaia Hypothesis was published.
in the bowels of Grand Canyon National Park, a spectacle of color and
towering cliffs marks the place where Bright Angel Creek joins the
Colorado River. There, in 1965, a thunderstorm on a broiling August day
cracked my twentieth-century prejudices about life and the land.
keep cool in this desert country, I hiked shirtless. Occasionally, I
munched potato chips to maintain my body's salt level. As I did when I
originally passed Phantom Canyon, when I crossed the bridge spanning the muddy
Colorado my hand again touched my surprisingly icy stomach while the air
temperature was 120 degrees. My years of scientific training went to
work: "This is a cooling mechanism. Evaporating sweat molecules carry
away excess body heat, leaving this residue of salt on my skin." It
never occurred to me that the essence of life, not just molecules, kept my body
temperate while the sun scorched the world about me.
moved in from the southwest. "Now you're going to see something
amazing," I told the twenty expedition members who accompanied me. "As
the thunderstorm rains, the heat evaporates the raindrops. We'll see
the rain fall, but we won't get wet down here." We were a mile below
the rim.
knew this would happen. It had happened almost every year on this
outdoor learning trek, which I inaugurated in 1959. The expedition
students looked skeptical, but the prospect of a "dry" storm excited
dark clouds rolled in and poured torrents, drenching us while we stood
agape."Hey, look everybody, I'm really dry," taunted one soaked girl,
while smirking group members scurried for cover, gleefully mumbling,
"Oh sure, Mike, it never rains in the Grand Canyon."
often those words would assail me that summer and in the years to come.
Somehow, most students I worked with heard about the incident. Whenever
I came close to predicting anything I'd hear "Sure Mike, and it never
rains in the Grand Canyon."
the skies opened up and rain it did. Quickly the canyon cooled. Like
soap suds rinsed from shampooed hair, the red sands and clays of the
Grand Canyon sloshed over the thousand-foot inner gorge walls that
loomed above us. Everywhere, blood-red water cascaded and the roaring
river turned from tan to murky maroon. The trembling canyon felt like a
vein gathering and carrying blood. For a moment, I sensed we were in a
gigantic organism's bloodstream. The flowing landscape seemed alive.
And just like my evaporating sweat had cooled me, evaporating rain now
cooled the canyon, furthering this sense of aliveness.
I watched Grand Canyon salts run downriver to the sea, I wondered, "Why
does the sea never become too salty, or the land never too hot for
life? This is part of the intelligence of life, it is aware of what
it's doing." Then it all came together as the self-balancing
homeostasis of life that in 1929 Walter Cannon described in Wisdom of the Body, and I had read in 1951.
I put words to what I was feeling. It was self-evident, I could not deny
it. I experienced Planet Earth as a living
organism that has the will and knows how to help itself survive. There
was nothing I found that I did as a living organism that it did not
do...except I create, tell and listen to stories, I could put things into words.
I was dumbfounded. I tried to
dismiss the idea but it hung on as if for dear life. I thought I was
the only person in the world who had ever entertained this notion and I
spent time considering whether I should embrace it and risk credibility
or support. I'd be seen as a freak. I would be walking an unnecessary
giant step into the beyond. Crazier still, I felt I could take this
risk because the life of earth would back me up like a loving mother or family.
That was nuts. Just thirty minutes earlier planet Earth, to me, was a
dead geologic structure floating around the sun.
moved onto a crack in the ancient cliff face and it felt like the warm
rocks smiled at me. What is the difference between earth's life and
mine, I wondered? With hesitation, I took a moment and asked the canyon
wilderness that question, almost as a joke. No surprise, it did not say
anything but shortly after it dawned on me that it did answer. I,
humanity, could talk and it couldn't. In retrospect, for an instant,
both of us were speechless. Thinking about it came up with the
fact that if it died, I'd die, so it had to be alive.
Slowly, I made the decision. My essence would live
with the idea
that Earth acted like, could be or was a living organism.
Then I wondered, in Environmental Education who
will back me up and validate this experience? went through names
in my mind, came up with nothing and ended up that Nature itself would
do it. No library to turn to, I was 4,500 feet below the rim, a two day
journey. That's the
power of self-evidence when you don't deny it.
I immediately
felt like part of me had walked into a different world and married it.
It still does. This was August, 1965, when James Lovelock had a similar
vision 3 months later and 13 years before he published the
Gaia Hypothesis and I first heard of him...but 2,420 years after Plato
noted the Universe was single living creature.
Today, through Natureness,
I recognize the planet and myself as living kin. My personal life is living its life except I can speak.
To survive, the
wilderness and I share the challenge of becoming too hot, cold, salty
or toxic. The living planet's biology, geology and chemistry are its
metabolism; night-day, night-day, night-day its heartbeat. Warm
evaporating inland seas serve as kidneys; air and water are flowing
plasma. In congress, all aspects of the life of Earth compose a planet-size
intelligence, a wise gigantic self-regulating plant cell whose life
approaches the perfection we sometimes call paradise.
The cell knows how to organize, preserve and
regenerate itself, and how to create and sustain its diverse life
without pollution, war insanity or loneliness. Perhaps Organism Earth is a
fertilized egg of the universe. It is the only life of its kind that we
know. As such, it deserves protection under the Endangered Species act.
possessed me. It was 1965, sixteen years before I heard of the Gaia
hypothesis. My understanding of Gaia grew as I learned that every eighty
million years the salt content of the sea doubles, but the sea never
becomes more saline; Mars and Venus, the two planets surrounding Earth,
become warmer as the sun gets hotter, but Earth's temperature stays
within the limits necessary for life's existence, and our atmosphere
maintains oxygen in amounts neither too great nor too small for all
life to survive. Earth's life was supporting its web-of-life and
vice-versa and both grew stronger in the process. That seemed
reasonable because in whole-life science, the purpose of life is to support life. The life of Earth has the same attraction and direction as our life, to survive. So does a new born child.
investigations continue to validate what I felt-sensed that day in the Grand
Canyon. They show that life will succumb to pollution, chemical and
physical forces. To survive, it needs the grace and self-correcting,
purifying powers that help it balance restore and recycle itself.
Recent findings indicate that Planet Earth's biology, physiology and
geology are tightly linked into a single indivisible attraction process that
resonates within and about us and can reasonably register in our
thinking through the science of Organic Psychology. "Organism Earth" not only shows signs of
life but, in addition, it registers itself in our natural mind, senses
and feelings. For example, its water cycle includes us due to our
natural senses of thirst and excretion. This possibility has become more
accepted in our society today and it has helped others enjoy
experiences similar to mine.
1985 a National Audubon Society International Symposium was convened
based on my observations that Earth was a living organism.
Over 116 presenters concluded Earth displayed all the attributes of a
living organism including thoughtful consciousness. Nobody presented
any facts that proved beyond reasonable doubt that Earth was dead. Do
you have any? If not, do you know who addicted you to this false
2010 The People's Conference on Climate Change defined the rights that our
planet should have as a living being. However, contemporary thinking has yet to recognize that Climate Therapy offers a process that helps us implement giving
Mother Earth these rights and relating accordingly.
the year 2010, James Cameron's Avatar film depiction of the planet Pandora and
the relationship of the Na'vi to it are the closest image I've seen to
what I discovered in the Grand Canyon with respect to the truth of
humanity and Mother Earth that I convey in my Webstring Model, books and courses
Cameron represents in the fantasy of his film, I have demonstrated on nature-connected expeditions to
be true and accessible to anybody, now, on Earth, via my whole life scientific
Natureness process of Educating,
Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN). My warranty, books and
enable an individual's thoughts and feelings to choose to make this
therapeutic connection with authentic nature as an organism whose essence is the life of Einsteins unified field.
Today, all the living earth information and energy, above, blends together via the methods and materials in my 2013 workbook The Hidden Organic Remedy: Nature as Higher Power. Through it, validating our personal nature-connection experiences as I did in the Grand Canyon helps us Warranty, sense and feel that we each have two bodies, 1) the life of our literate, story telling body that is reading these words and, 2) the life of our non-literate Other Body, the Organism we call Planet Earth.
The petition to the United Nations
promotes personal and global well-being to be a function of Mother Earth as an attraction sensitivity living
organism. The petition contains links to tools that help you achieve this crucial
ACT. Learn how to walk your talk by creating moments that let Earth teach us things we inherently know that our socialization teaches us to forget. We offer free online courses that help you master this ability.
Discover how to create moments that let Earth
teach. Act
now. Master Organic Psychology by
doing it.
Explore it from our homepage
If you recognize Planet Earth is a living organism you are not alone. You can strengthen it for yourself and others by creating sensory moments in natural areas that let Earth teach.
activity moments blend the life of our Planet with our otherwise
disconnected 54 natural senses to increase personal, social and and
global well-being. This process does not work for individuals or groups
that do not recognize that Earth is a living organism. They build
their relationships with information about how to live from a lifeless,
mechanical Earth that their nature-disconnected stories have invented.
This makes them into subjects of Industrial Society's runaway mechanics
and spirituality. The results of this short-circuit speak for themselves.
A Core Fact of Life:
In a natural area the self-correcting life of your planet and your life are identical. The only difference between them is that you can speak.
Strengthen your life. Learn to think and speak in balance with the whole of life. Reconnect with Nature via ECHN.
"The greatest beauty is organic wholeness, the wholeness of life and things, the divine beauty of the universe."
~ Robinson Jeffers, 1935, The Scientist's Visionary
spirits of the material universe and plant world are alive, and also
more or less conscious. The originating principle of nature is a
material substance. (sic: gluons, boson, gravity attraction ."
~ Thales of Miletus, 580 BC, Father of Science
"The Universe is a single living creature that encompasses all living creatures within it."
~ Plato, 420 BC, Father of Philosophical Idealism
"Always think of the universe as one living organism, with a single substance, and a single soul."
~ Marcus Aurelius 180 AD
"The globe of this earth is not just a machine but also an (superorganism) organized body as it has a regenerative power."
~ James Hutton, 1788, Father of Geology
whole universe in its different spans and wave-lengths, exclusions and
developments, is everywhere alive and conscious. There is one
fundamental stuff."
~ William James, 1887, Father of American Psychology
is no such mode of independent existence; every entity is to be
understood in terms of the way it is interwoven with the rest of the
~ Alfred North Whitehead 1920, Father of Process Philosophy
is a tightly coupled dance, with life and the material environment as
partners. From the dance emerges the entity Gaia. Dr. Cohen is so right to
make the responsibility for living on good terms with Gaia a personal
one. It's always from an individual's activities that good and bad
things come."
~ James Lovelock, 1985 Father of the Living Earth Gaia Theory
said The Kingdom of God is inside/within you and all about and as you,
not in buildings/mansions of wood and stone or untrue stories. When I
am gone split a piece of wood and I am there, lift the/a stone and you
will find me.” - Gospel of Thomas
~ Stevan Davies (edited)
"It is self-evident. Moment-by-moment as our universe grows its space and time,
everything in it is connected it and at-one with it. Any moment
that a thing is alive, including yourself, the Universe and Earth must also
be alive, connected and in contact, as are our fingers, heart and toes."
~ Michael J. Cohen, 1965, Father of Organic Psychology's Applied Ecopsychology
Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313
"My natural sensation of thirst (#21) attracts and connects me
to the life of Earth's water cycle. It signals me that my life needs
water, it motivates me to get it and it intelligently turns itself off when
I have enough. This enables me to not drink water excessively and stress its self-purifying life cycle."
~ Your Name(ness), this moment, Owner of your personal life dance in the life dance of Organism Earth.
Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313
"Moore's Law notes that genetic complexity doubles every 376 million years—working backwards, it means that life first came about almost 10 billion years ago.
That predates the creation of Earth itself."
~ Richard Gordon, Alexi Sharov Geneticists
said, “The Kingdom of God is inside/within you, and all about you, and
as you, not in buildings/mansions of wood and stone or fabricated
stories. When I am gone, hug a tree, and I am there, lift a stone
and me being you will find us.”
~ PNC Gospel of Forty Days ((updated from the Gospel of Thomas)
Get real. Earth and you are the same life. Every year 98 percent of
the atoms in your body are attracted to become the environment. New
atoms from the environment are attracted become you. Complete replacement takes place
in 4-7 years, about 8 times over a lifespan. (1954)
consist of ten
times more "other species" cells than human cells; 25% of your genetics
are plant genes; the salinity of your blood and sea water is identical,
Earth intelligently edits its excessive heat from the sun like we
intelligently seek shade when it's hot.
~ Smithsonian Institute
Exercise your imagination and sensitivity:
Discover what they want you to know about "Organism Earth"
Science produces knowledge from logical, systematic methods whose
evidence excludes the mystical, supernatual and other questionable information. For this
reason the founding story of Industrial Society is scientifically
incorrect. It is not based on Planet Earthness being a living organism
while Gaia evidence shows that Earth is alive. Its life is our life because the essence of all things are one thing called Natureness. If we are alive, it is alive.
At birth and before, our senses and feelings register Earthness
as a living organism and that they are its life being them. They
register the life of Earth as a planet womb that completely envelopes
and supports our childhood and adult life.
Sadly, our dead
Earth foundation stories are incorrect because it/we/Nature are not
dead, rather our wordless love to begin life. These stories disconnect
us from
Nature's balance and beauty and this injures our lives. The stories
make us habitually deny our shared life relationship with Organism
Earth and reject that we have 54 inborn sensory ways
of loving our Planet Mother and receiving love from her.
To our loss,
our stories detach our senses from Nature and reattach them to our
nature estranged ways along with their destructive effects and
short-term gratifications.
The pain of our disconnection from our Planet Mother's life
and love produces discontents that undermine our relationships. We lose
whole life satisfaction and this makes us want. We sense and feel that
there is never enough. That sensation is the underlying source of our
greed, disorders and unrest. It explains why quiet time in a natural
area calms and restores us. It is enough.
The whole life art and science of Educating, Counseling and
Healing with Nature (ECHN) empowers us to sensory reconnect with and
embrace the self-correcting life of Organism Earth. This helps us
recognize Organism Earth as an endangered species, one that deserves
the missing love, protection and support that our 54 natural senses can
give it as it strengthens them.
Our faulty foundation's education, healing and politics
produce corrupt stories and relationships because they do not create
moments the let Organism Earth teach our 54 senses what we need to know
to come into balance with it and ourselves. To be reasonable and happy
we must use ECHN to reverse the catastrophic effects of our faulty foundation story.
How can we win the battle to increase the well-being of our
planet/person life without strengthening our inborn ability to know and
love our planet home as Organism Earth rather than an exploitable
resource trending towards the "dead" disorder of entropy? ECHN enables our body, mind, and spirit to accomplish this.
It reconnects, recycles and transforms our hurt 54 natural
attraction/love senses so they embrace Nature in and around us. This
reverses our deterioration of the life of Earth and us. It transforms
our miseries into the happiness of whole life well-being.
Avoid being a hypocrite: If you don't put
hay in the gas tank of you car to fuel it like you would feed a horse,
similarly don't think and relate with the outdated notion the Planet
Earth is not alive. Read The Story of ECHN, an article about the process of creating moments that let Earth teach.
Learn the Organic Psychology of Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature
it will help your cause or livelihood, you may obtain a certificate or Ph.D. in what
you do simply by learning how to add Applied Ecopsychology to it. You
can make Project NatureConnect an income-producing online degree or
training program for your livelihood, school or company.
Contact us at 360-378-6313,
Online reading: useful online articles and
Free courses
Educating, Counseling and
Healing With Nature
Web of Life Imperative
The Hidden Organic Remedy: Nature as Higher Power
With Nature
Einstein's World
Well Mind, Well
A new Copernicun revolution. (2012). Journal of Organic Psychology and
Natural Attraction Ecology, 2. Retrieved from
Albert Einstein’s unified field equation. (2014-2016). Journal of
Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology, 2. Retrieved from
Brown, N. (1990). Love's Body. University of California Press
Cohen, M. J. (1983). Prejudice Against Nature. Cobblesmith Retrieved from
Cohen, M. J. (1993) The training ground of a nature-connected expert.
(2014). Retrieved from
Cohen, M. J. (1995). Education and counseling with nature: A greening
of psychotherapy. The Interspsych Newsletter, 2(4). Retrieved from
Cohen, M. J. (1997). Reconnecting With Nature, EcoPress.
Retrieved from
Cohen, M. J. (2007a). Thinking and feeling, and relating through the
joy of nature’s perfection. Retrieved from
Cohen, M. J. (2007b). Whom am I? Who or what is your natural self? Retrieved from
Cohen, M. J. (2008). Educating, counseling, and healing
with nature. Illumina. Retrieved from
Cohen, M. J. (2009a). How to transform destructive thinking into
constructive relationships. Retrieved from
Dewey, J. (1934) Individual Psychology and Education, The Philosopher, 12, Retrieved from
Doherty, T. J. (2010). Michael Cohen: Ecopsychology Interview.
Ecopsychology Journal, 2 Retrieved from
Fishman, K. (1854) Chief Seattle’s Speech. Wildwood Survival. Retrieved from
Grange #966, (2015) Resolutions, Retrieved from
Green, B. (2013). How the Higgs Boson Was Found Smithsonian Magazine, Retrieved from
Kluger, The Sixth Great Extinction Time Magazine. Retrieved from
Milgram, Stanley (1974). Obedience to Authority; An Experimental View. Harpercollins. Retreived from
Page, S. (2015) A Dutch Court Just Did The Unthinkable
Retreived from:
Pascal, B. (1995) Pensées, Penguin Books, Oxford University Press, USA
Retreived from
Skinner, B.F. (1971) Beyond Freedom & Dignity, Pelican Books.
Retrieived from
Natural attraction ecology.(2003). Retrieved from
Our living universe: Who is the boss of you? (2014). Retrieved from
Peak fact: Whole life self evidence in action (2010). Journal of
Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology, 2. Retrieved from
The hidden organic remedy: Nature as higher power. (2013). Journal of
Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology, 1. Retrieved
The impossible dream: We ask you to be a part of it. (2011-2013).
Journal of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology, 1.
Retrieved from
The magic of something from nothing. (2012). Journal of Organic
Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology, 2. Retrieved from
The National Grange. (1874, February 11). The declaration of purposes
of the National Grange, Retrieved from
The state of planet earth and us. (2001). Retrieved from
Thinking and learning with all nine legs. (2011). Retrieved from
Who, what or when is the acronym NNIAAL? (2013). Retrieved from
Searls, D. (2009). The Journal of Henry David Thoreau, 1837-1861
December 6 entry, New York Review Books Classics. Retrieved from
Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus &
Herbal Remedy
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing
.................................. |
& Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change
Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming
Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology
alternative distance
learning to strengthen person/planet well-being
EMAIL: Homepage (360) 378.6313 Skype mjcohen6313
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