Free: Our love of Earth and Nature's life programs help you recognize that your life and all of life is
universal attraction/love in action. It is being violated. As you protect and
support it you increase personal, social and environmental well-being for yourself and others.
.. We are conceived as our unique 54-sense individuality, as part of the living Earth and its wondrous purifying and
self-correcting powers. The materialistic stories of our Society
injuriously habituates us to disconnect our felt-sense thinking
from these powers and we suffer accordingly.
Our loss of our 54 unifying and
restorative natural senses produces our
Nature Deficit Disorder's stressful, unbalanced ways and our
runaway mental illness as they erode personal and global well being..
Sadly, as we build relationships in our excessively nature-disconnected ways, we learn to violate
Earth, each other and
ourselves. When we apply the whole life social technology of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature(ECHN) it enables us to therapeutically bring all of life back
into balance as we reconnect our 54 natural senses to Nature's essence, in and around us.
Free ECHN Courses for those who love the life of Nature and Earth as their own.
A collection on this one page of the total information that is sent to ECHN course and degree inquirers.
The Email letter:
Let Your Love of the Life of Nature and Earth Help their Life Increase your Wellness and Reduce Climate Change. Today,
like myself, many nature lovers grieve as our runaway deterioration of
the life of Earth, Nature and ourselves persists.
Scientific studies continue to report an increase in climate change,
species extinction, habitat destruction, resource overload, unfair
relationships, poverty, mental disorders and stress overload.
The life of Planet Earth is under assault because our society suffers
from Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD). This sickness motivates us to
excessively disconnect from, exploit and conquer our living planet’s
balance and beauty in and around us.
NDD flourishes because it pays us to corrupt the natural world while it
sells us addictive quick fixes to relieve our pain from this
corruption. It gives us the Whole Life IQ of an Idiot and that helps explain
our crazy world.
If you love the life of Nature and Earth, you may obtain, free, the
remedy for NDD. It is a practical tool, a social technology known
as the Whole Life Art and Science of Educating, Counseling and Healing
With Nature (ECHN).
ECHN works because it enables you to create authentic sensory moments
in natural areas, backyard or backcountry, that let Earth’s life teach
you what you need to know to overcome NDD. It gives your love of
Nature the ability to transform our NDD madness into Earth’s
self-correcting purity and peace.
ECHN reconnects with authentic Nature the injured parts of us that have
been excessively disconnected from Nature. This lets Nature recycle and
heal its wounded self in and around us as well as strengthen our love
of Earth and Earth’s love of us. Through ECHN we can
• Stop treating our living Planet as a dead resource that has no rights to its life.
• Remedy our mind pollution and the disorder miseries that NDD makes us suffer.
• Let our 54 survival senses help us reverse climate change, species extinction and habitat destruction
• Get “Organism Earth” protected as an endangered species.
Give yourself the free NDD antidote that your love of Nature deserves.
Tap into the intelligence, safety and support that Nature provides.
Instantly engage in our free ECHN activities because you want to
increase Earth’s and your well-being.
Project NatureConnect.
Select Here
Take our Free Courses
Visit our Homepage
The Invitation to take PNC free courses online
Are you one of the gifted few that treasures your ability to love the life of Nature and our Planet?
Strengthen your gift. Support Earth's and your life by helping others discover and extend it in themselves.
- Certify your life and self. Be officially valued by Society as the gifted nature-connected person that you are.
- Thank your special love of the natural world by constantly letting its planetary life-source refresh it.
Expertly eliminate the pain we suffer from our Society's outlandish assault of Nature.
Join our free online nature connected livelihood and degree training
program. Learn how to create sensory moments in natural areas that let
Earth teach.
Your felt contacts in nature are pure, powerful and self-evident.
Empower them to safely let the life of our Planet give you and yours
what you need to increase personal, social and environmental
Heighten Nature as higher power when you turn to it.
Help your beautiful love of Earth's life enhance your
relationships, education and career. Help others do the same.
Benefit from our free courses and activities.
Immediately improve
Earth's and your well-being. Tap into the trustable intelligence,
safety and support that Nature provides. Thank if from your heart for
always being there for you. Let our whole-life art
and science
directly connect you to the wisdom of Nature, in and around you.
Call us now: 360-378-6313
Take our Free Courses
Visit our Homepage
Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN)
Project NatureConnect
Further Information:
Many studies show that we daily suffer the increasing deterioration of
our personal, social and environmental relationships. This catastrophe
results from our Society's excessive disconnection of our body, mind
and love from the life of Planet Earth and it's self-correcting ways in
and around us.
Our disconnection from our global life source hurts and stresses
us. We suffer outrageous personal, social and environmental
corruption that it produces. Because we learn to deny its origin
and cure, we can't stop it.
Individuals who love the life of Nature and Earth are invited to
immediately participate in Project NatureConnect's subsidized
Orientation Program and/or the Educating, Counseling and Healing With
Nature (ECHN) free courses, below. They enable you
and yours to identify the "unknown" cause and remedy for our runaway
ECHN helps you create authentic sensory contact with the balancing and
restorative life powers of Nature and Earth. They empower
you to help transform our madness into the love, beauty and peace
of the natural world.
Contact Mike Cohen, Ph.D, for further information. 1-360-378-6313
Call us now: 360-378-6313
Take our Free Courses
Visit our Homepage
Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN)
Project NatureConnect
The Listing of Free Courses
The sensory Education and Career courses described below are
significant breakthrough in distance education. They are sustainable counseling and
therapy training that includes your prior learning, equivalent
courses and life experience and that offers financial aid grants.
The courses help you remedy the
disconnection of our psyche from nature's flow that produces our
disorders. Its applied ecopsychology enables you follow nature's
path to Earth and humanity in peaceful balance.
Successful completion of a course may make you eligible to be a financially commissioned ambassador for Project NatureConnect and the well-being of our Living Planet. Inquire.
Strengthen your relationships. Do a course with friends and share the life-saving attractions you discover in nature and each other.
IMPORTANT: Start by reading the Course Prerequisite page for all the courses that appear, below.
1. The Sensory Life of Nature Path
Organic Inspiration from Respiration
Thinking, Feeling and Relating Through the Self-Correcting Joy of Nature's Perfection
Follow instructions at
2. Surf the "Now" GreenWave of Nature
Sense and relate via the authentic Unified Field
The Ultimate Intelligence Test Inventory
A. Read and links of interest there
B.Read and new links of interest, especially
C. Read and do and the Part One eleven pages of its sequence
D. Read and do Part Two at
E. Respond to appropriate parts of the Comprehensive Exam
3. The Hidden Organic Remedy
Benefit from Nature as Higher Power
A. Read and links of interest there.
B. Obtain the course via
4. Acting Out Your Love for Nature
Respectfully ask Nature to help you gain its wisdom.
A Do the Activities at
and Part 2:
Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Read the
Ecopsychology Journal interview with Dr. Cohen:
An Overview: Our 54 Sense Life of Earth Intelligence
The whole life art and science of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN)
- My senses of hunger, thirst and suffocation signal me that I need water, food and air. They attract me to them.
- My senses of trust, community and thankfulness signal I have support here and now. They attract me to this relationship.
- My senses of reason and language say that it is
self-evident that the six senses (above) help me make sense. This
attracts me to their reasonable story.
My sense of reason also works off a short-circuited story that I
learned to believe habitually. It says, “We only have five
Now my sense of reason says, “That five-sense story must
be inaccurate. None of the eight senses, above, including my senses of reason and
language, are included in the five I was taught to be the correct
number.” I know from experience that the eight senses are
self-evident and undeniable. They are biologically the built in way
nature gave our nervous and other systems to register the world. They
are an essence of correctness. I know from experience that I have at least 13 senses.
My sense of Reason now says that self-evidence shows that
it is never reasonable for me or anyone else to believe, feel and act
as if we only have five senses.
My sense of Reason also says it is reasonable for you and
I to be reasonable if we don’t want to increasingly suffer the
consequences, a major consequence being Earth Misery Day.
Today, the reasonable updated story of the senses is that scientifically, we are naturally born with at least 54 natural sense groups that make us aware and attach us to the life and self-correcting balance and beauty of the natural world, in and around us.
Our 54 senses are designed to help us consciously register the life of our Planet, from womb to tomb.
When we do so we are in tune with, and can live in balance with the
life of Earth in and around us, rather than trespass it. This is
because when signals from Earth register on our senses, we react
accordingly when they are reasonable, and vice versa. Each sense
motivates because it is its own, special organic love to survive,
moment after moment.
We suffer the pain of our disorders and dilemmas because
1. We are born with the natural 54-sense ability to live in balance with the life of our Planet
2. From our birth on, we are socialized to think, feel and relate
through 15 percent of our 54 senses. In addition, for 99 percent
of our lives our socialization attaches us to our indoor world’s
material science and technology facts and inventions along with indoor
rules and imaginary supernatural stories. We seldom learn how the whole
life of Planet Earth is operating, in and around us
moment-by-moment. This part of our socialization is a sickness
known as Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD) or as Natural Attraction
3. We habitually operate with an Idiotic Whole Life Intelligence IQ of 15 due to NDD and this explains many dilemmas including Earth Misery Day.
NDD habitually motivates us to excessively disconnect from, exploit and
conquer the life of Earth’s balance and beauty in and around us.
seldom eliminate NDD because it gives us a salary to corrupt the
natural world. It also profits the folks who sell us our immediate
satisfaction stories and the other artificial things that we depend on to relieve our
pain from our corruption. Most challenging of all is that NDD teaches
us to deny its known origin and remedy.
The whole life art and science of Educating, Counseling and Healing
with Nature (ECHN) helps us remedy NDD. It enables us to create moments
in natural areas that let Earth guide and teach us. These moments
provide, at will, a safe space for our natural selves to come into play, our
buried, but alive, reasonable 54-sense ability to live in balance with
the life of our Planet.
works because anybody can make its process and benefits a treasure
chest in their mentality that is there consistently as part of their
daily life and livelihood.
READ: The Process of ECHN an article about involving yourself with the whole life art and science of creating moments that let Earth teach.
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Doherty, T. J. (2010). Michael Cohen: Ecopsychology Interview.
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Fishman, K. (1854) Chief Seattle’s Speech. Wildwood Survival. Retrieved from
Grange #966, (2015) Resolutions, Retrieved from
Green, B. (2013). How the Higgs Boson Was Found Smithsonian Magazine, Retrieved from
Kluger, The Sixth Great Extinction Time Magazine. Retrieved from
Milgram, Stanley (1974). Obedience to Authority; An Experimental View. Harpercollins. Retreived from
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Pascal, B. (1995) Pensées, Penguin Books, Oxford University Press, USA
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Skinner, B.F. (1971) Beyond Freedom & Dignity, Pelican Books.
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Our living universe: Who is the boss of you? (2014). Retrieved from
Peak fact: Whole life self evidence in action (2010). Journal of
Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology, 2. Retrieved from
The hidden organic remedy: Nature as higher power. (2013). Journal of
Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology, 1. Retrieved
The impossible dream: We ask you to be a part of it. (2011-2013).
Journal of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology, 1.
Retrieved from
The magic of something from nothing. (2012). Journal of Organic
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The National Grange. (1874, February 11). The declaration of purposes
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The state of planet earth and us. (2001). Retrieved from
Thinking and learning with all nine legs. (2011). Retrieved from
Who, what or when is the acronym NNIAAL? (2013). Retrieved from
Searls, D. (2009). The Journal of Henry David Thoreau, 1837-1861
December 6 entry, New York Review Books Classics. Retrieved from
Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
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Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus &
Herbal Remedy
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Outdoor Education
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Energy Healing
.................................. |
& Life Relationships
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Natural Health and Wellness
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Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change
Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming
Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology
alternative distance
learning to strengthen person/planet well-being
EMAIL: Homepage (360) 378.6313 Skype mjcohen6313
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