Well Mind, Well Earth:
Create Moments That Let The Life of Our Planet Teach You Its Sensory
How ECHN training helps your life
and livelihood increase personal health and global well-being.
Greetings and Welcome to
our ECHN Program. Thank you for your interest in it.
.The most
efficient way to discover how Project NatureConnect can help you achieve your goals is
to recognize that it empowers you with the whole
life art and science of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature
(ECHN). Its use is imperative.
You and I are in distress on many fronts
because Industrial Society does not have a dependable problem solving
process that addresses the core source of the disorders that it teaches
us to produce. Too often when we find one solution it soon creates
other problems.
Something to think about:
I want to know how to address the source of the problems we face so
that my solutions for them are lasting?
ECHN helps people stay in balance
because it is self-correcting. It genuinely connects our body, mind and
spirit with Nature and self-correction is how Nature works. As you
master this program you felt-sense know how the life of Nature achieves
balance and wellness and how you can do the same as part of it.
Something to think about: Am
I interested in having my inherent balancing powers of Nature work for
me and others?
ECHN results from an Expedition
that in 1965 successfully designed and lived out a unique conflict
resolution tool. For the decades that followed, it enabled Expedition
members to defuse the central disassociating source of the wide range
of dysfunctions that they suffered in their “normal” but
stress-filled lives.
tool worked to the benefit of all including the Web of Life, its
plants, animals, minerals and energies.
Rather than war
corruption and agents that produced their personal, social and
environmental disorders, the ECHN social technology that the Expedition
invented enabled them to transform them by making peaceful connections
with the restorative powers of Nature, in and around them in natural
accomplished this because they discovered that at every level, our
society’s excessive separation of our 54
natural senses from the self-correcting ways/dance of the
natural world produced what ailed them.
ECHN tool enabled their senses to rebind that separation.
a reasonable response to our disastrous estrangement from Nature, the
sensory nature-reconnecting process the Expedition established, at
will, let them create moments in natural areas that let the life of
Earth touch them and make a permanent place in their mind for its
ways and means. They regained the wisdom they had lost
through 54 natural senses that they had been taught to ignore. They
discovered they could best help themselves by helping others also
create transformative nature-connection moments.
Something to think about: Is
a four hours/week, 54-sense Expedition worth the effort? It will
increase the well-being of myself and the lives of others that I
touch...and optionally earn me a degree.
Today we are in trouble
because we don’t learn about or experience
the 54-sense way Nature sustains its purity and perfection
moment-by-moment and free of charge.
was as if instead of looking at a costly and possibly faulty compass
needle for direction, ECHN students became the compass needle itself
and learned the right direction from conscious contact with
Earth’s magnetic lines of force. This bypassed the bias in
Industrial Society that made the needle for profit and may have used
cheaper but flawed materials that influenced its accuracy. For
example: The direction of the morning sun or location of a landmark
could replace the need for the needle.
ECHN enables us to create moments
we learn to direct ourselves from sensory contact with the wisdom of
the life of our Planet. That is nature’s
ancient intelligence and the balanced thinking of native
cultures. For this reason we warranty
the accuracy of ECHN."
Since 1990 ECHN has been
available to
anyone interested in going online and joining the ongoing expedition
process there via this website. You accomplish this by entering our
subsidized Orientation Program.
It helps you directly, hands-on relate to the life of your planet home
in and around you as you encourage it to safely reveal its peaceful
ways to you, backyard or backcountry.
Something to think about: Do I want to obtain the
whole life truth about my issues and relationships so that my
involvement in them is successful?
excessively suffer from
the likes of anxiety, depression, stress, assaults and addictions
because our excessively nature-disconnected lives are misdirected. We
have learned to make the life of our Planet suicidal by treating it as
if it is not a living organism, rather it being mechanical and
exploitable without consequence. It is as if we think that we can
pollute the integrity of a reservoir and not be polluted by its water
that we drink.
Our "Mechanical Earth" story is
abnormality that underlies most of the disorders that we suffer while
the ECHN living Earth remedy for our warped thinking is disregarded. We
socialize ourselves to habitually gain misleading sensory fulfillments
from “biased compass” relationships that deteriorate nature
around and within us.
this, ECHN empowers us to habitually enjoy organic fulfillments from
felt sense contacts made in natural areas, backyard or backcountry.
These nature-connected satisfactions are happy, sensible and rewarding
because they support and restore the natural world including our inner
nature, rather than continue to deteriorate it.
When added to any relationship
ECHN reduces the insanity that increasingly produces Earth
Misery Day (This insanity was "best seller" identified in 1948 by Fairfield Osborne. It is no secret).
ECHN is a key moral and ethical necessity that our nature-estranged
mentality conveniently omits from contemporary life.
For example we learn to overlook
- In Nature, when we inhale
(inspire) we are gifted with the pure oxygen that plants have produced.
It makes our life possible.
- When we exhale (expire) we
gift plants with the pure carbon di-oxide from us that they need for
their life.
- The
repetition (respiration) of this mutually supportive and fair exchange
attraction is the core of how Nature’s self-correcting life dance
organizes itself to work.
- Project
NatureConnect helps us join the dance by using ECHN to conspire
(breathe together) and unite and blend our 54 natural senses with their
origins in the balance and beauty of unadulterated
Something to think about: Won't the environment and all of us
benefit from me learning and teaching how to "conspire with Nature."

The GreenWave Path
This single page that you are
now reading is our GreenWave express lane,
the most efficient way to explore ECHN. It takes you on a sightseeing
and sampling tour that introduces you to special values that ECHN
offers that you can benefit from and share. Its links connect you to 10
key contributions that are made via the many other online links of this
1400 page website that was established in 1993.
You can travel off this page’s
path and fully explore its links of interest at anytime. You can then
return to it later and continue on. Or you can take it to the end and
then review its links, especially if you bookmark them along the way.
When questions arise you are welcome to call 360-378-6313 for help
and/or use our search engine.
This trail ends by enrolling in
our Orientation
Program or at an Ultimate
Intelligence Inventory that lets you put to work what you
learn here by “surfing an ECHN GreenWave.”
You can get free academic or
professional credit and grants by completing the Inventory
as a course. You can explore it anytime. It can help you integrate and
strengthen what you learn from this page and its links and vice versa.
can become a paid Ambassador for ECHN as soon as you have a working
knowledge of the GreenWave process that you can share as your job.
Something to think about: What is my Ultimate Intelligence? Do I
want to increase it?
There are very few people who
qualified to understand this express lane. If you love Nature, we urge
you to try it for that love will help you succeed where most others
To your advantage, you may find
that your love of nature makes you one of the exceptional folks to
whom ECHN makes sense. You know you are on the right track if you sense
on some level that Planet Earth is a living organism that, just as we
do, has a right to its life of which we are part. When its life is
injured, we are also injured.
ECHN speaks on this page like
the expertise of a scientifically
trained Lorax.
However it does not speak for just the life of the trees. In addition
it speaks for the life of Earth and the Universe, the eons and pre-eons
of our Planet. We sometimes call all of it the "natural world" or
"Nature" or "whole life".
ECHN lets Nature/Earth speak for
itself to itself in us because it loves that our lives are important
parts of its life.
Something to think about: Isn't my love of Nature
alive? Doesn't it want me to support its life and Nature?
Most people mistrust or ignore
what ECHN offers here. The think of it as being inadequate or fantasy
to the point that it does not register in
their consciousness as having much value. This of course, is their
The way most folks learn to
think, act
and relate is increasingly placing life on Earth as we know it at risk.
As if it is an addiction, they can’t stop doing this because
their senses and sensibilities have been rewarded and bonded to
nature-disconnected stories. This makes ECHN to be like an unwanted
intervention in their lives, one asking them to benefit from Nature as
higher power once they get involved in ECHN. It makes sense
once you become aware of the process that these same individuals embrace instead and
its dire effects.
Addicts seldom appreciate
yet they are often necessary for the addicts' survival and everybody's
safety. If you think you don’t understand the extent of our
disastrous personal, social and global effects and how they are
injuring you, visit our Earth Misery Day page now and return here when
it seems reasonable to return.
Something to think about: Do
I know of addictions or disorders I want to reduce that unbalance me or
others so that our wants produce destructive excessiveness?
As a
certified ECHN guide, I am qualified to speak for
Nature’s whole of life because the life of Nature/Universe makes
its own time and space moment- by-moment. Like you, I am part of Nature
doing its thing right now. I am engulfed in this moment of Nature and
of our advanced science and technology on this planet, here and now.
To your
advantage, ECHN is a social technology tool that in any moment empowers
you to felt-sense think and relate like Nature works its perfection.
I know that you are reading these
now, and you know that I know it if you are, yet we may be thousands of
miles and hours apart. This is an important
root of truth to build on, one that we learn to take for granted.
works because the Standard or Science-based Universe
that we live in produces its own space and time moment by moment. We
live in its, and as part of its "now" and vice versa. We share that
essence, it makes us "one".
Something to think about: Am I aware that I am reading this sentence in this moment as a part of the Universe that can speak?
The scientific process that
identified the space/time Universe is the same process that gives us
the technologies we use today, from the automobile to mobile phones and
space walks. If you appreciate their excellence, you can trust the
Universe’s space/time truth because the same form of research
that produced our technologies also produces Planet Earth's material
life today.
Long before humanity was present,
through its early attractions to do so, the life of Earth
was attracted to grow from and into being part of the life of the
space/time life of Nature/Universe. It is doing this right now. If you
recognize this, please continue. You are exceptional.
Something to think about: Do I want to discover how I
became exceptional and put what I find to good use?
As part of the life and history
of Earth and
its eons, your and my body, mind and spirit are doing the same
life-survival thing in this moment. So is the life of Earth. The
difference is that Earth knows how to do it in pure and balanced ways
that beautifully promote growth, diversity and cooperation.
Are you aware that like all other
members of the Web of Life’s animal, mineral, vegetable and
energy kingdoms, you are Earth’s life biologically being you and
bringing your special life into this and the next moment? In this
respect the essence of all things in/on Earth are identical in any
given moment. Our essences is its essence. We suffer our destructiveness
because our nature-disconnected ego story indoctrinates and pays us to
conquer this essence.
Something to think about: How can I mutually benefit
from my oneness with the Web of Life?
outstretched upon a mound
Of earth I lie; I press my ear
Against its surface and I hear
Far off and deep, the measured sound
Of heart that beats within the ground.
And with it pounds in harmony
The swift, familiar heart in me.
They pulse as one, together swell,
Together fall; I cannot tell
My sound from earth's, for I am part
Of rhythmic, universal heart.”
- Elizabeth Odell
To be whole and to stop
hurtfully subdividing the life of Earth
and us, it makes sense for ECHN to create a way to accurately portray
Earth’s life with the singularity provided by an acronym that
stops and prevents disconnection. The whole of life needs this
integrated unity that includes each moment of the Universe, Nature,
Earth and Humanity (UNEH). That acronym is UNEH. And since ECHN is a
scientific Lorax and modern science is part of Earth, too, I’m
going to add an S to the acronym. This makes the unified singularity of
any space/time moment be fully represented as SUNEH.
ECHN works because it roots itself
in the "now,"
the singularity of each SUNEH moment, to be a trustable, time, place
and way to know the life of the Universe and Earth that we all are and
is an anchor whose life process is consistent and accurate, similar to mathematics.
If this makes sense to you, ECHN is an exacting tool that will enhance
your every interest and relationship. It will add 54 sense support from
SUNEH to your efforts rather than having them be in
conflict with SUNEH while you are the H in it. That conflict
is the source of most problems we face.
Something to think about: How can I be sure
ECHN will work for me? Exactly how can SUNEH support me socially and
Do you recognize that in SUNEH as
the life of Planet Earth, only humanity communicates with stories
consisting of words, images and other abstracts that shortcut portray
the real thing that they represent?
Do you recognize that none of
our stories are real,
that they are like blueprints for how to relate to non-story SUNEH?
They are like a dollar bill "You can’t eat it but you can buy
food with it, with or without the wisdom of SUNEH."
Our established stories have
attached or addicted
our 54 senses, including our sense of reason, to relate to Earth as a
mechanical resource that is little different from a machine, chemical
or a fantasy we invent that helps us survive, be it balanced or not.
All three are artificial blueprint outcomes of our media and
story-based world. They are stories and abstracts, not living
organisms, not like speechless Organism Earth.
For ECHN to be helpful, one must
recognize that Earth is and has it own life and aliveness. It is a planet-sized, non-literate SUNEH organism with
ancient nature-created homeostasis and life-sensitivities not found in
machines or blueprints.
Something to think about: What "Boss" has
taught me, or tried to teach me, not to believe Earth is a living
you omit Earth’s aliveness ECHN becomes the disaster
of ECH without N, in and around us.
It is a major question as to if
can be any substitute for SUNEH, the real thing. Can we actually find
or make a substitute for the perfections of our Universe and its eons
of SUNEH life experience?
Something to think about: There are some human-built things and
relationships that don't have adverse effects on the life of Planet
Earth. What are they?
ECHN helps us effectively relate
to SUNEH by enabling us to create 54-sense
space/time moments
that safely let conscious contact with SUNEH in a natural area teach us
what we need to know to come into balance with SUNEH. This is neither
science fiction nor new age fantasy. Some of us consider it to be
unadulterated contact with the divine. About 51 of our 54 natural
senses make up over 85 percent of our mentality, our “old
brain” intelligence that sustains and governs the
web-of-life today.
Via ECHN we obtain information from
Earth itself, the fountainhead of authority on how it works, not about
Earth from folks who live closeted from it.
example, in any given moment the intelligence of our sense of thirst
(#21), one of our 54
natural senses,
can inform us that to survive we need to bring the flow and dance of
the pristine global water cycle into us. In addition, the intelligence
of thirst can turn itself off and disappear to signal us that we have
enough water. This noble deed prevents us from exploding from excessive
water or suffering from lack of water. It also prevents SUNEH from enduring a water imbalance. Thirst is balanced by SUNEH, it
is not runaway, so it supports the integrity of SUNEH rather
than dis-integrates it.
omit SUNEH intelligence from our thinking is to ask for the troubles
that we produce and can't solve.
This balancing phenomenon of
our sense of thirst is
the satisfying natural homeostatic power of SUNEH in action. It is a
fact, a fact of life that is its own self-regulating and
self-correcting boss. It is unpredictable because SUNEH is an
ever-fluctuating dance of and into balance. For this reason we place
the sensation of thirst outside the realm of objective material
science. We can't measure it, its not a measurable and consistent fact
so it doesn't count. Its dance won't stand still because that would be
a form of death to its life. For this reason, and to our loss, our
sense of thirst becomes a “subjective” phenomenon that we
can experience and feel but not scientifically integrate into how we
know and relate to the material world.
Something to think about: Can I identify the "Boss"
who taught me that what I naturally sense and feel is not a fact of
life so it doesn't count?
ECHN helps us remedy our
excessiveness and miseries
by enabling our awareness to make genuine 54 sense contact with and
accurately register SUNEH in any given time/space SUNEH moment in a
natural area.
Each or our 54 senses is a
singularity in any moment the most accurate form of information. This
lets the restorative self-correcting, recycling and healing powers of
SUNEH help our body mind and spirit, like a compass needle, register
and come into balance with the real aliveness of our Planet in 54
sensory ways that include the sense of reason. Then we can speak from
the reality of that experience. This makes ECHN a valuable remedy, a
reasonable Rosetta Stone between the objective and subjective for what
ails us if we appreciate its unique contribution to well-being.
Sadly, the way we think and relate
taught to omit 85 percent of our natural sense intelligence under the
illusion or fable that Earth in not a living organism. This so distorts
us that we believe we can be stewards of Organism Earth although the
way we presently think has been around less than three percent of
Earth's age. The results of this arrogance speak for themselves.
ECHN works because it helps us be
ambassadors or avatars of our living planet rather than puppets of
imaginary global operants.
It is scientifically accepted that
everything on Earth is connected to everything else and that all things
somehow commune with each other to coordinate with each other so they
can come into balance and not trespass each other. However, other than
humanity, things on Earth don’t communicate with words and labels.
Only people do that. We become both story tellers and SUNEH as we learn
to speak and tell stories that accurately connect our thinking with
SUNEH so we may survive in balance.
How sensible is our intelligence
to reduce SUNEH accuracy by 85 percent through the "sin" of omitting most of our natural senses and what they register and
communicate in every whole life SUNEH moment?
Something to think about: Am
I aware of anything else in Nature that communicates in abstract
stories, words and labels and thereby can disassociate from SUNEH?

We are beneficially story connected to the
of life when our stories attach our 54 senses to register and support
SUNEH. Conversely, we produce our hurtful dilemmas and their pain when
our stories continue to separate us from SUNEH and its wisdom of the
ages. These disconnection stories dismantle the integrity of
SUNEH’s singularity by isolating us from it, or teaching us to
conquer it as if it was an enemy or dead so we believe we can't hurt it.
Since SUNEH does not use words to
tell its story, and its story desperately needs to be told, the process
of ECHN tells it on these web pages and in the Project NatureConnect
(PNC) program. It conveys it as it was discovered and explored outdoors
on year long SUNEH expeditions for 16 years.
In addition, PNC’s Whole Life Art
and Science of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN)
consists of making safe space and time to let SUNEH speak its truth to
ECHN participants in natural areas while they are in 54-sense contact
with SUNEH, backyard or backcountry. This makes the way the ECHN
program teaches be the same learning process that was in effect when
ECHN identified it on expeditions and as it describes it here.
Something to think about: Do
I want to be an ambassador or avatar for the self-correcting whole life
sanity and integrity of SUNEH? Isn't that livelihood the wave of our
You, too, can learn from conscious 54 sense contact
SUNEH. If you desire to have this make more sense to you now, you might
want to visit the 54
natural sense page.
You may recognize that you have experienced many of these senses in
your lifetime; they are self-evident facts that you probably learned to
ignore or conquer or attach to artifacts as is the custom, for profit,
of many parts of Industrial Society. These parts do not value them as
vital guides to whole life well-being or teach you to do this.
While a person is in a natural
ECHN lets SUNEH blend with their 54 senses so they may learn through
their senses what they personally may need to know from SUNEH in their
own words and in conjunction with their past experiences.
ECHN lets us commune with SUNEH
via stories that include what SUNEH teaches us without stories.
Something to think about: What values do I see for myself in
learning to use ECHN?
Obtaining knowledge and
guidance from SUNEH
is very important because when our stories about how SUNEH works are
inaccurate or outdated, they disconnect our lives from SUNEH.
- This makes us lose SUNEH's
self-governing attraction power to organize, correct, balance and
purify itself and us in the moment.
- Without
this power we produce problems and disorders that we can’t solve
as well as body, mind and spirit injuries that we can’t heal.
- SUNEH suffers from this as we
do, for we are the H in SUNEH. Our suffering
moves us to excessively use more and more material and energy
resources from SUNEH to reduce our disconnection discomforts so the
situation continually deteriorates as is demonstrated by Earth
Misery Day. When we want there is never enough.
That is the unbalancing source of most unhappiness, stress, anxiety and
depression. It erodes sustainability, responsibility and peace.
helps us find balance. It enables us to satisfy our wants
organically by reasonably connecting our 54 natural senses to
the authentic life of Earth in and around us.
We presently use 50% more
each year than SUNEH can produce and this has made Earth sick. Its
temperature is rising and our toxic ways are killing off its species.
As the H in SUNEH, we cause and are subject to this idiocy because
against the will and health of SUNEH within us, our disconnection
stories teach and reward us to be SUNEH disconnected.
Our SUNEH-disconnected education
counseling and healing practices make us absurd and in addition be
proud of it as "winners" even when we are aware of the dire effects.
This is a form of addiction we seldom acknowledge, one that underlies
most other addictions and is pervasive.
We must identify and remedy the
point source of our lives that disconnects us from SUNEH and produces
our loss of well-being. ECHN enables us accomplish this feat.
Something to think about: Does
my deeper or ideal self want to use the ECHN sensory re-connection tool
to help me produce whole life happiness for myself and others?
The source we seek has been
by ECHN. It is that we are hooked by and attached to inaccurate or
outdated stories that deteriorate SUNEH. SUNEH is vulnerable to them.
It can’t deal with them because SUNEH does not understand and
can’t influence our stories, especially with its stories because
the latter don’t exist. In addition, we
don't give SUNEH any legal rights to its life so we don't have legal
stories that protect it.
On average, over 99 percent
of how we think, feel and act is out of tune with the way SUNEH works;
over 95% of our time is spent indoors and our stories usually
applaud this destructive separation from SUNEH as us having more
intelligence than it.
Something to think about: Does
this deteriorating conflict describe my life or that of others I know?
Has being embedded in the ways of Industrial Society forged my
mentality to be disconnected and arrogant? Have I become too isolated?
The story information you get
from ECHN books, courses and this website reconnects you with SUNEH
in its space, time and ways and how it can
help you.
The crucial thing that the
information here does not necessarily do
is un-hook you from your attachments or addictions to hurtful
SUNNEH-disconnected stories. You are bonded to them because your
"Bosses" have supported and rewarded your SUNEH-disconnected survival
from the moment that you were born into your SUNEH-separated life in
contemporary society. This is a destructive form of indoctrination or
brainwashing we support as our "socialization."
need sensory
ECHN contact with reasonable people
to safely release your painful bonds and instead attach yourself to
happiness gained from sensible ECHN organic stories and technologies.
Our nature-contact deficit
is the seldom-recognized source of the stress, disorders and mental
illness that we suffer. ECHN helps us eliminate the rift in our lives
between our SUNEH-estranged story-driven world and SUNEH's inherent
balance and beauty
example, moment by moment, the life of the Universe and its Unified
Field (Higgs Boson) natural attraction dance
essence enables the life of Earth and all its web of life participants
to create and enjoy Earth’s attractive optimums of life,
diversity, balance, cooperation, sustainability, recycling and purity.
"The fittest" are those that can best engage in this process.
the nature-disconnected stories of too many parts of Industrial Society
create our garbage, excessiveness, stress, assaults, corruption, mental
illness and the many other disorders that we and SUNEH suffer. They are
seldom found in nature-centered societies.
Something to think about: Do I want to correct the
SUNEH destructive aspects of myself and others? Do I want to "Get my
thinking out of the Box"?
Conscious, sensory, non-verbal
experiences with authentic SUNEH in a natural area contain a powerful
ability that we have lost. The rewards they provide reasonably detach
us from our inaccurate, outdated but ingrained stories and their
disconnection pain. These experiences then attach us, instead, to
in-the-moment, SUNEH-supportive, organic stories and their beneficial
effects including increased happiness. This same unadulterated process
is also the basis of whole life scientific thinking and methodology
that was established by Thales of Miletus, circa 600 BC.
Every aspect of PNC and ECHN is
on re-connecting with SUNEH what our inappropriate stories have
disconnected from it. We accomplish this by doing activities designed
to help us create and experience safe space and time moments in natural
areas. In them we invite natural attraction callings in SUNEH to guide
and teach our 54 SUNEH-disconnected senses the SUNEH-supportive stories
and relationships that we need to strengthen them and increase our
personal, social and environmental well-being. This is not foreign or
difficult because we are naturally born with our natural senses being
SUNEH connected. We simply renew and restore
what our disconnected relationships have made us suppress.
crux of our predicaments
is that in light of Earth Misery Day, in any SUNEH moment we are either
thinking or acting from a story that is SUNEH connected (supporting
balance) or SUNEH-disconnected (increasing
Since we are
and rewarded by long established SUNEH-disconnected information and
fables, out of habit or story-addiction the way we act usually
increases imbalance and pays us to do this. To remedy this our sense of
reason can choose to create safe time and space to do ECHN activities.
They sensibly reconnect our 54 senses with the unifying powers of SUNEH
in a natural area. This contact makes us up-to-date and whole with the
balanced whole-life ways of the eons that SUNEH produces moment by
moment. We can, at will, create more and more such moments.
reasonable decisions become easy to make and carry out without conflict
because, for survival, our ECHN stories and activities support our 54
natural sensibilities and vice versa. The two are no longer in
conflict. That is the whole life source of well-being that is presently
missing from contemporary life, fueling our disorders and producing Earth
Misery Day earlier each year.
Something to think about: Have
I ever had any experiences in Nature that enjoyably cleared my mind or
know of this happening to others? Do I know and trust the essence of
these experiences and how to access it?
The ECHN activities require that our
always include what our SUNEH-connected senses register during ECHN
natural area activities, no matter the time or place we tell them. This
gives us an enjoyable, reasonable and safe independence and immunity
from doing harm to ourselves or others in most relationships.
of this Website consists of the history and rationale that
support the ECHN process. Participating in the Orientation
does much more because in that program, in addition your 54 senses
felt-sense experience and register the ECHN process in a natural area.
You begin to become it. You embrace that your sensations are as real as
anything else, often more real and reasonable. This makes the lasting
value of connecting with SUNEH become unforgettable and practical. It
increases your intelligence.
Something to think about: Do I want to bring more
ECHN value into my life and the lives of others?
In today’s world it is critical
have our story way of knowing be congruent with SUNEH and our in-common
attraction to survive. When this does not happen, conflicts arise, they
are not permanently resolved and we suffer the consequences.
Our traditional stories about life
thousands of years old and are inappropriate and misleading us as to
how to relate to advanced technology SUNEH today. However, we are so
attached to them that we don’t easily change. It’s as if we
are addicted to steering our modern automobile with the reins and
bridle for a horse ....and then are surprised when things go awry.
We suffer from an environmental
amnesia, more specifically amnesia of more than
45 of our 54 natural senses. This amnesia is highly contagious in early childhood
and a global epidemic throughout contemporary society.
ECHN’s special contribution is
that it is organic. It enables us to safely and reasonably release our
destructive attachments to things that don’t make sense and then
sensibly reattach them to more sensible SUNEH things in the next
moment. This immediately produces a posture of momentary sanity
accompanied by reasonable happiness. ECHN helps us continue to do this
at will in the moments and years that follow.
ECHN gives you a powerful
a dependable anchor that holds fast because it is grounded in 53
additional singularities. This life saver is described in the ECHN
Warranty and a Dualism
Something to think about: Do I see a value in having ECHN be
part of my life, of what I can contribute?
ECHN works for those of us who
know in our heart
that, like ourselves, Earth is a living organism, one that has rights
to its SUNEH life that are equal to ours because it is the same life.
To live in balance and equality, we must relate to our living planet
accordingly because we are the H in it.
ECHN enables us to get important
information directly from its source in SUNEH, not from
SUNEH-disconnected individuals and institutions that continue to
increase SUNEH Miseries even though these individuals are
the empowered
Conversely, any education,
counseling or
healing program today that is not based on Organism Earth being alive
is corrupt and corrupting. It is part of a huge problem, not its
lasting solution. For money and power it is cheating its participants
and SUNEH of a vital ECHN truth and process that is needed immediately
to protect the life of all things from further injury.
We must not do
to the life of Earth what we don’t want done to our lives. When we don’t know how to live this logic, we and SUNEH
To achieve unified SUNEH
ECHN enables us to tap into Organism Earth’s sane ways and
wisdom. In turn, Organism Earth heals and relates to us because our
senses and feelings are valuable facts of its life. It loves
them. They count!
That is different than our Society’s story that we are consumers,
constituents, sinners or other cultural objects whose senses and
feelings are subjective, therefore not scientific, not part of the S in
SUNEH so they don’t count. This makes us
cultural objects that hurt and want due to our excessive severance from
ECHN supports and encourages
reasonable passion that benefits folks who recover from their
disconnectedness by using Nature as higher
power. It's outcomes make personal and ecological sense.
Something to think about: How can I include ECHN in
my life or livelihood so what I reasonably sense and feel has more
With the above in mind, the best
way to use this website is to read it conjunction with taking our
online Orientation
There you can practice what you learn as you learn it by doing it while
supported by students and guides that are helping each other do the
Read the opening
article of the Orientation Program. If it makes sense to
you, either enroll in the Orientation Program or visit www.SaneEarth.com
and follow the links there until you find yourself “surfing the
GreenWave” to strengthen your Ultimate
Your final goal is to choose
to educate and know yourself, at will, as a contributing part of the
Organism Earth GreenWave. The Orientation
Program will support you in choosing more and more to enjoy
this reasonable way of relating and its happy
results. You can obtain, and help others obtain degrees or
certificates that show you have mastered the ECHN process.
Something to think about: Am
I comfortable in supporting stories that are deteriorating the life of
Earth because they make us treat it as if it was a machine l while an
ECHN antidote for this catastrophe is available?
I moment by moment honoring the sane essence of my own life and those I
love? If not, who is now, or was at one time, the misguided Boss of me
that influences how I think and feel today?
repressed far more than our sexuality: our very organic nature is now
unconscious to most of us, most of the time, and we have become
shrunken into two dimensional social or cultural beings, aware of only
five of the hundreds of senses that link us to the rich biological
nature that underlies and nourishes these more symbolic and recent
aspects of ourselves."
Norman O. Brown
that the Universe is one being all its parts are different expressions
of the same energy and they are all in communication with each other
therefore parts of one organic whole. This
whole is in all its parts so beautiful and is felt by me to be so
intensely in earnest that I am compelled to love it and to think of it
as divine."
Robinson Jeffers
what a
catastrophe, what a maiming of love when it was made personal, merely
personal feeling. This is what is the matter with us: we are bleeding
at the roots because we are cut off from the earth and sun and stars.
Love has become a grinning mockery because, poor blossom, we plucked it
from its stem on the Tree of Life and expected it to keep on blooming
in our civilized vase on the table."
D. H. Lawrence
EMAIL: nature@interisland.net (360) 378-6313 M.J. Cohen, Director
Key Pages to visit:
Start the
ECHN Introductory Course and your program here. Why wouldn't you want to add this important benefit to
your life and livelihood?
Application Your online class is forming
in our free ECHN support activity because it will instantly increase
your intelligence and help you make an income from it. Select
please choose your next step:
Start the
ECHN Introductory Course
Your online class is forming
you value the following qualities in your education, we support you
benefitting from them in this course as you help others do the same:
- Warrantied accurate, current and appropriate. Emphasizes life experience and certification of equivalent education.
- Online, hands-on sensory academics. Customized learning and payment schedule. Empowers a hidden organic remedy.
- Addresses the point source of problems. Connects with authentic Nature's love.
- Evidence, activity and outcome based therapy art and science. Support telephone 360-378-6313. Work study options.
- Rooted
in 54 sense truth and wellness. Interactive. Self-help. Learning
by doing and teaching. Mentoring. Facilitating. Transparent. Interactive.
- Education with attitude. Stop the madness. Free activities. Grounded. Internships. Subsidized. Conscious contact with fountainhead of authority
- Nature as higher power for recovery. Work-study and grant funds available. Quantum leap into whole life health and wellness.
- Independent careers, jobs, livelihoods. Help wanted. Transferable credit. Practical happiness. Rational passion.
- Nature's
essence is our teacher. Sensing Planet Earth is our textbook. Integrate
science and spirit through whole life experiences in natural areas.
- Accredited transferable courses and CEU credits $110. Degrees: 18 month Ph.D. $7800. M.S. $6000.
in a free ECHN activity because it will instantly
increase your intelligence and help you make money from it. Select Here.
You may
obtain a customized Educating,
Counseling and Healing With Nature degree or certificate in your own area of interest or
in conjunction with: