Organic Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN)
The life of Nature/Earth is your life.
Do you recognize that Nature is its wordless love to begin life? Are
you one of the gifted few that treasures your natural capacity to love
the life and wisdom of
Nature and our Planet? If so, you can strengthen this gift and
help others find it in themselves.
yourself. Become certified in who you naturally are and your special
qualities including your love of nature. Earn a degree in how to apply them to support the life of Earth in balance, including your life and relationships
ECHN online
certification or degree
training enables you
to create
moments in natural areas that let the authentic life of Earth teach you
and yours how to increase personal, social and environmental
well-being. We support you and give you the tools to make your love of Nature's-wordless-love a powerful part of your relationships
The Degree or Certificate training courses all start with the
Orientation Program, below. For information about the total program select here.
NEW: Applied Ecopsychology Organics as Climates Therapy. Powerful, Practical and Potent. Check out this opportunity.
Program application Your class is forming now
Certified Organic
Counseling and Healing With
Nature (ECHN)
lover, learn how to better support, by 850%, the balanced and beautiful life of our Planet as
it supports your life and helps you meet your challenges.
To remedy our personal and global disorders we must engage in an evidence-based enabling
process that lets our 54 natural senses
learn from the life of Earth how its
self-correcting ways work. In natural areas, this Nature's-wordless-love tool enables us to
therapeutically enjoy and support the aliveness of our planet's balance, purity and
beauty, around, in and as us. This stops us from being ecozombies.
Orientation Program Courses:
ECO 500A: Explore Nature's Wisdom. Four weeks at 4 hours/week:
suggested donation $65. Select
here for tuition details
ECO 500B: Psychological Elements of
Global Citizenship Eleven weeks at 4 hours/week: suggested donation
$285.00. Select
here for
tuition details
is a PNC subsidized program. In addition, work study, financial
assistance and grants are available based on a participants economic needs.
Program application Your class is forming now
.....Where there's life
...,,,,.there's love
Orientation Program Navigator
The Albert Einstein Law of Singular Sequence
any single moment the wisdom and essence of Nature's-wordless-love Unified Field peacefully
blends everything and anything with all that preceded it and all that
follows it.”
world is falling apart. Our insane climate change, species extinction,
corrupt relationships, abuse, violence, lies and stress disorders
result from a p-factor psychopathology climates misery that our society suffers.
factor is a mental illness that applauds us excessively disconnecting
our 54-senses from the natural world around, in and as us.
this condition limits our intelligence and happiness it emotionally
injures us. The pain disturbs our thoughts and feelings. It makes us
constantly want so there is never enough. This drives us to
destructively overuse natural resources, exploit each other and
deteriorate the life of Planet Earth/Us as it aggravates our emotional injuries.
The ways and means of Project NatureConnect are an antidote for the source of our excessively nature-disconnected trespasses.
NatureConnect works by creating fulfilling moments in natural areas.
Then and there, we experience our natural essence and wisdom. In
addition, we instinctively seek and help others benefit from adding the
balancing powers of such extraordinary moments to their lives.
that perfection grow is how the life of Nature works. It happily
changes our apathy into enthusiasm for sustainable personal and
global relationships.
our madness, it profits our insane world to teach us to dismiss the great truth of Nature's wordless love to begin life, moment-by-moment. The latter’s brilliance can be
added to any relationship.
It warmly bonds us with others who have entered that moment anywhere in the world.
It is always available in the next moment to those who want to gain from it and help others do the same.
It recognizes that to avoid re-living the pain from when we were abused
or injured, we often dissipate it by abusing another relationship in the same
For you, right now, this page is that moment.
In summary, the singular sequence, whole-life
art and science of ECHN helps any environmenally concerned person, nature lover or outdoor enthusiast create
unique, Nature's-wordless-love, sensory
moments in natural areas, backyard or backcountry. There your 54 natural senses
invite the transformative life powers of our Planet to
give your story-world life what you need to
come into equilibrium with the Planet's speechless life, other people
and your natural self. By you helping others also accomplish this on
the courses, our tuitions are 90% less than comparative programs.
Course Process:
- You and
the four others in your world-wide online study group read the
rationale and objective of a sensory
nature-connecting activity you
will do in a natural area, backyard or backcountry.
- You do the activity
journal what your 54 natural senses
enjoyed from their safe contact with the natural area and their origins
- You
sleep on the
activity for at least one night. This lets the attractions of
your 54 senses that you experienced (undeniable self-evidence) become a conscious
part of your mind, body and spirit that matches the same part of other
course members world-wide.
- By email or in
person, you share with others what you journaled and was attractive and
of value to you in the activity. The other group members share the same
with you and help each other be more accurate and adequate.
- This
course process
lets our story way of knowing make balancing sensory contact with the
Earth's web-of-life unified attraction field, in and around us,
to increase personal, community and environmental well-being.
community support, confidence and functions improve while disorders
subside because in a natural area you
genuinely gain and share the unifying strength of Earth's
self-correcting life as your life.
with authentic Nature's Unified Field becomes a trustable whole life
guide. It is a science-based therapist or higher power that you can
turn to at will and help
others do the same.
The Degree or Certification program mainly consists of learning how to
do, and help others do, up to 170 activities over an 18-36 month period
at 4 hours/week.
the "Navigator" above or at the bottom of this page for complete course
is an oasis in the middle of our dessert of disconnection. Our
story relationships with our self, others, and the entire web of nature
and define us. Through the “moments that let Earth teach” I felt each
of us find our way back to the beautiful truth of who we
naturally are. And
from that space we experienced those connections that
let us know that we are seen, we are acknowledged, we are valued, we
are loved. Whenever that happens we are free to feel and act from the
joy we are
embedded in."
Orientation Course Participant
Application Your class is forming now
At will and
forever, you can learn how to participate in the
purifying ways and integrity of the web-of-life that lives in
natural areas, others and yourself.
orientation program is your first step to help increase personal,
social and environmental well-being for all of life.
like firemen, nurses and others
are paid to protect, save and improve lives, ECHN pays folks who
54-sense faithfully represent and support the life of their planet in
around them.
Questions? Call
Mike: 360-378-6313
ECHN instantly brings peaceful life in
balance to
the lives of those who already love, or who want to learn to love more,
the well-being and happiness they have found in the real life of
areas and our planet, not just stories about it, accurate or not.
thanks to each and everyone of you on this course. You have given me
support and unconditional love during a traumatic time in my life and I
cannot express to you what it truly means in my heart."
Betsy W. Orientation Program
Application Your class is forming now
ECHN helps interested people
make the
healing love and caring powers of the natural world's life a safe and
lasting home and/or
livelihood for their body mind and spirit. The whole life moments of our
planet in and around these individuals
becomes a reasonable sensory playground and school that they personally
support as it supports them.
They have the ability to prevent trespassers from entering this
personal space
while they delight in building trustable, friendly relationships
in it with other members of the plant, animal, mineral, energy and
human community.
are not alone. The passion of millions of warm and caring
people is strengthening the life of the natural
world due to their wonderful early memories of it, or their new found Nature's-wordless-love of living things including Gaia.
Questions? Call
Mike: 360-378-6313
UPDATE: July 1, 2016.
Because, since 1986, we have been reducing Chloroflurocarbon particles
that we placed in the atmosphere, the Ozone hole is beginning to
recover from the damage inflicted by these particles. They were
identified as the point source of the hole and then sensibly reduced so Earth's self-correcting powers could once again operate.
Get real. If
drill makes a hole in the roof your house when you remove the drill the
hole does not repair itself. This is simply because the house is not
natural aliveness, rather it is a blueprint imposed on aliveness that
disconnected from nature's regenerative ways. Our courses enable you to
therapeutically tranform the hurtful parts of your drilling into love.
ECHN Orientation Program
lets the grounded security of the life of the natural world be a powerful balanced and beautiful home for
nature lovers that they can choose to live in or visit at will.
sustainability, and
ecologically sound professions are steadily growing. However, most
folks in them increasingly
subdue the Nature's-wordless-love life of our Planet.
unbalanced impact occurs because we have never learned how to let
ECHN 54-sense
contact moments with the authentic life of Earth teach and support us.
Our stories don't know how
cooperatively think and relate like nature's transformative perfection
works, even though it is the essence of our lives. The orientation
course connects you with authentic Nature, the fountainhead of
authority in how it works, backyard or backcountry.
The course is like letting Mary Poppins help you understand an
up-to-date picture of how the life of Earth's perfection works around
and in you. You experience it firsthand in a natural area, you are
there, it's your life and
it's real. Everything
that the human race has done and thought is concerned with the
satisfaction of deeply felt needs and the assuagement of pain.
Questions? Call
Mike: 360-378-6313
Application Your class is forming now
you seek a degree, career or training in what you love, the most
reasonable thing you can do is speak in person to Mike Cohen, a friendly and supportive
dude who's happy to share his decades of natural area experiences to
help you discover how this Orientation Course enables you to achieve
your goals in a good way. Call
Mike anytime: 360-378-6313
you sense that the life of Planet Earth has self-correcting powers, you can see how the
Orientation Course helps you validate and benefit from them by selecting here.
Want more information? Please visit these
continuing pages:
.....Where there's life
...,,,,.there's love

Orientation Program Navigator
NEW: Applied Ecopsychology Organics as Climate Therapy Powerful, Practical and Potent. Check out this opportunity.
Enroll Here.
class is forming now
Questions? Call
Mike: 360-378-6312
The Orientation Program
described on this page is the starting
point for all certification and degree
A Synopsis from an Orientation Course Participant:
me to describe the process that the course participants took and the
change from Natural Attraction Disconnect thinking to Reconnected
Natural thinking that I observed. The e-mail based participants were
located in various places around the globe. These included China,
Brazil, Korea and the United States.
The basic process in the course consisted of readings, experiments,
exercises to be done in a natural environment, and feedback sent among
the students to describe what they did and felt .These were expressed
as Thoughtful Verbalizations.
There were different reasons people had for learning this process. They
included wanting college credit, wanting to be a peace mediator and for
individual growth. All were interested in the process but 2
participants out of 4 did express some healthy skepticism at the
beginning -given the wide myriad of social and individual maladies this
process claims to help. As one participant proclaimed she must
"overcome my distrust of sensory experiences as the sources of
knowledge of self and the real world."
There was education in the area of sensory bias -showing us how the
perceptual observations of traditional psychologists are often based on
faulty thinking. There was education in how and why this process works.
Yet these readings would be meaningless unless we had a way to validate
them through our own experiences. Traditional psychotherapy has relied
basically on 2 senses-cognition and feeling. Psychotherapy is
essentially a verbal process. Although silence can be used as a
therapeutic tool rarely are any other senses utilized.
The process undertaken involved going to a natural area, identifying
what was attractive to you, asking permission to be there and share in
the interaction. One was to reconnect with nature and sense the
intelligence.Through a process called webstrings these connections were
shared with others -meant to inspire. As we feel the positives of
nature and realize these natural attractions also exist in us we have
improved self-esteem and respect for ourselves, others, and our
Did it work? Here are some quotes from students describing their experiences and observations.
Marcia: "Since ours first days we are induced to do things not to learn
and develop ourselves but to be rewarded with familiar approval, social
recognizing, and even to reward the others (like parents). I guess the
destiny of all human being has been largely ( and badly) influenced by
how we have learned to separate from nature and its values, because the
consequences are in front of ours"
Madelyn: "most important things I learned were that words run my life way too much; that the nonverbal world is primary"
Revalyn: "Non-verbal experiences have as much meaning and validity as verbalized, rationalized ones"
These statements indicate that through the exercises experienced an
awareness of NAD was developed. The stories and words were seen as too
prevalent in their lives-more sensory contact with nature was needed.
Was self esteem (positive feeling about self) and concern for others and nature developed or enhanced? Observations:
Revalyn: "I did not want to rationalize too much, I did not want reason
to detract from the satisfaction and good feeling the activity left
within me."
"It seems to me that I went through consent, contact, feeling, trust,
and recognition of my ability to experience pleasant and meaningful
sensory experiences."
Jackie: "I love me because I am imperfect but beautiful"
Madalyn: "The three most important things I learned from the chapter
were: don't let categories such as "dangerous" and "safe" cloud the
moment's sensibilities; begin to believe in and perceive in terms of
the larger entities of natural community; begin to permit/encourage
myself to get good feelings from the earth more often. When I ask the
other one's permission to do anything I'm really recognizing them as my
equal, and expressing my respect
for them."
Were new senses aroused -were things seem in a new way? Were new insights discovered?
Jackie: "Deep inside me a joy has awakened because I can find myself having so much in common with a broken shell on the shore."
Lastly was there a global connection -concern for others world wide? A concern for the environment?
"I thought, I am a person who has seen what the "end of the world"
might look like - am someone who is grieving for the loss of so much
that is natural and loved in my immediate world"
Revalyn: "Into the room of reasonable trust I have built in my mind I
have placed: global consciousness as a search for unity of all
endeavors and acceptance that webstrings exist,that the unseen can
exist and be felt, that the untouchable can touch me. By feeling and
responding to attractions in Nature, we do not reject or run away from
human relationships but learn how to approach them in a more open,
balanced way."
I observed growth in all participants. Participants were able to
experience new senses, find joy in things previously unnoticed, share
feelings with "strangers", recognize their disconnected feelings and
thoughts and change them, and relate in new ways to their environment.
An awareness of the world as one was evident.
As for my own experience I experienced a new awareness of things once
unnoticed, little things that brought me joy like an acorn in a snow
pool, felt relaxation and stress reduction, found value in things once
undervalued (the influence of pets, plants, and nature in general),
felt new senses and a connection and concern for the other participants
and our world. A world terribly disconnected from nature -destroying
its self in the name of Peace. I don't think Traditional Psychotherapy
could have done that in 5 weeks!
So in summary, the promise of Psychology to truly help others is here.
Individually and globally. Sound too good to be true? I invite you to
decide for yourself. Remember the writing in this paper is made up of
words. We are aware of the individual letters intellectually, but not
in sensory way. To truly understand NSTP you must experience it-not
just read about it! (By the way I was one of the 2 students who voiced
skepticism at the beginning of the course!) If you want to experience
this process go to the website You will find that you
(and the Earth) will be glad you did!
(1)"Psychology's Dilemma-
(2)Author: Rakesh Jain, MD, MPH ,Medical Writer: Nancy Russ Addressing Both the Emotional and Physical Symptoms in Depression
(3]Elements of Global Citizenship:
The Science of Connecting With the Web of Life
The Art of Thinking With Nature.
(4)Cohen, Michael J. Reconnecting With Nature, Ecopress 1997
Enroll Here.
class is forming now
Questions? Call
Mike: 360-378-6312
The Orientation Program
described on this page is the starting
point for all certification and degree
New Book: Climate Therapy: Trust Revolutionary Wisdom
You may
obtain an Educating,
Counseling and Healing With Nature degree or certificate in
conjunction with:
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus &
Herbal Remedy
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing
.................................. |
& Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change
Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming
.Topics addressed on
this website