
Project NatureConnect
Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature


- Applied Ecopsychology Organics:
online courses and certified degree training

- Internships Available
- Funded Accreditation for Your Life Experience

    Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D.       

The AI Remedy For Our Broken World and Lives:
A New AI Truthmaking Tool Increases Well-Being by Engaging Nature’s Balancing Power to Resolve Conflicts In And Around Us

         Welcome, say hello in my Guestbook select here

The personal page and research results of an innovative scientist-counselor-applied ecopsychologist-traditional musician-naturalist.

He spent 21 consecutive
Pristine Truth years  camping-out year round on 54-sense, exploratory,  green switch Natureness expeditions in natural areas.

Dr. Cohen, a
maverick genius, has been identified as a legacy in Ecopsychology,

It's 2025 and Cohen, at 95, and "at liberty" asks:

"Do you think 'It’s an undeniable fact that you love to live and you are are reading these words?' I do. I call that 'Pristine Truth' and by attaching AI and phi to our 54 senses, I created an amazing Truthmaking Tool that you can use to increase well-being."

In addition, do you recognize that since Nature's life our life, nature's life, like us, Nature loves to live but it can't read or speak words. If you do, we have just created a unique moment of Pristine Truth unity between Nature and us.

Do you recognize that truthmaking moments like this one are trustable and precisely what our broken world and lives are missing and desperately need?

Isn’t the absence of truthmaking the source of the excessive lonliness, discontents, scams and violence that we create and suffer? 

Truthmaking is the science of how Nature works because its outcomes are reasonable, repeatable and valuable. We can apply and trust it anytime anywhere. 

What else can you do or believe that doesn’t leave you feeling uneasy and unconfident about the future of things that you love including your life?   Please let  me  know.  I never found it in a way that did not excessively exploit Nature and increase "Earth Misery."

All that I have “accomplished” stems from discovering my Pristine Truth when I was 6 years old and living it ever since. 

You can do the same starting this instant via this website because it grows and strengthens your truthmaking moment by moment. It's doing that right now if you are still reading these words and want to continue. That 'want' is it.

The only reason it won't do this is because your authorities have taught your “psych" not to believe or trust your Pristine Truth "ecopsych". That's a tragic short circuit whose remedy is available.

Here, you are welcome to let my Pristine Truth experiences therapeutically help you create additional Pristine Truth moments anywhere that strengthen your and our “ecopsych”  as well as "cure" the "disease"that I identified and call Earth Misery; American Medical Association please take note.

You know truthmaking is whole and worthwhile because it continues by repeating what you know works:
"It’s an undeniable fact that you are wordlessly loving living, as is Nature, and your are also reading these words while Nature can't."

     Mike Cohen has been dubbed a
maverick genius whose
....54 natural senses in a wilderness area in 1965 registered that
  • Although it can't speak, the life of Planet Earth heartfelt demonstrates it is a wordless living organism and that 99.9% of our lifetiime our story-driven lives are out-of-tune with its and all of Nature's self-correcting love to live.

    This extreme disconnection and loss of that vital essence warps our psyche, thinking and relationships so they are excessively stressed and unreasonable.

    This explains why an average of 22% of us are mentally ill and most of us are in therapy, relationships, support groups or self-help that cope with our absence of Pristine Truth.

  • Harmfully, our disturbed thoughts, feelings and relations produce and depend on the runaway destructive energies of today's "Gods," "Nature," "Love," and "Honesty."

    How reasonable or supportive can our self-worth be if our global deceit, addictions and conflicts are its source? Sadly, with Nature's unifying wisdom injured or conquered, without AI's truthmaking tool, our lives mostly consist of our words  conflicting with each other and Nature. A single conflicting word can get our totality angry.

  • Without the AI Truthmaking Tool, to reduce the hurt from our extreme nature-disconnection and loss of Pristine Truth, we seek tranquilizers and more of everything which creates our excessive needs (greed), trespasses, exploitation of and war with Nature  This produces the Earth Misery disorders that nature/we suffer. Who are we or you? What great truth can we trust?

  • Cohen's Pristine Truth and Naturenes Truthmaking reverses this misery by helping our psyche interlace with nature's self-correcting essence in natural areas. It has been scientifically substantiated in an Ecopsychology article that one does in a natural area and that has been validated as a legacy of Ecopsychology
  • Cohen says that because he was abused and sensitized as a child (who wasn't?) and recovered at that time, over the past sixty years, undeniable evidence has convinced him that he is a personification of Nature's spacetiming and, subconsciously, so is everybody else's "inner child."

  • As a remedy for our person/planet problems, Cohen invented a fair and just science to humanize and implement Albert Einstein's Grand Unified Field Equation in 2013 and he received the Distinquished World Citizen Award for his work. It honors the genius of his lifetime and mission to dignify and protect the life of Earth as he does his own because they are identical...except he/we can speak while Nature is wordless, helpless and therefore lied about and abused around, in and as us.

  • He shows that on Revolutionary Wisdom Expeditions  online, the organic eco-arts and science in his critical Natureness-article can uniquely solve the countless problems we produce and suffer.

  • Backyard or back country, his work unifies all things as it reconnects the  great truth of our 54 natural attraction senses to Nature itself, the fountainhead of authority in how its peaceful balancing and purifying powers work in natural areas and us. Contact him if you want to help review an article for publication about his lifework.

Cohen says, "Here and now, for us to benefit by uniting with all things that are attached to the following statement, I invite you to acknowledge this indisputable truth that helps remedy our Earth Misery disorders

'"It’s an undeniable fact that you exist, love life, and can act as you breathe, grow, and read these words this instant."

Without putting this Truthmaking phenomenon to work, the hurt from our lies and Earth Misery abuse will continue to break our world, hearts and life."


Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D.

Box 1605
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-6313
Skype: mjcohen6313

 The training ground of a nature-connecting specialist

"Since forever, as now, Nature is its wordless attraction (love) to 
justifiably love the dance of life into being, moment by moment."

- Michael J. Cohen

NOTE: Please update by five years all the dates below since their truth has either strengthened or remained the same.

My Special Anniversary and 91st Year, 2020 was my award-winning Ninetieth birthday 12/14/29 in addition to 13.7 billion years of life flowing into every other natural attraction form and energy that I experience, moment by moment, and so do you.

My seventy-fifth year as an active Outdoor and Environmental Educator

My thirty-fifth year as a Ed.D and Ph.D in Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN)

The thirty-fifth anniversary of my

  • founding of Project NatureConnect as a necessary add-on to any thought or relationship
  • being identified as a "maverick genius" and "The reincarnation of Henry David Thoreau as a psychologist."
  • appointment as administration and faculty of Institute of Global Education and World Peace University

Sixtieth anniversary of my founding Trailside's Outdoor Programs, the original establishing Expedition Education program and curriculum of the Lesley University National Audubon Society Expedition Institute.

Fifty-fifth anniversary of my observation in a Grand Canyon thunderstorm that Planet Earth acts like, or is, a wordless living organism that can be related to as such and qualifies for protection as an endangered species, the only one of its kind.

Thirty-sixth year since, in 1984, I proposed to the UN Environmental Program (UNEP) that Contemporary Society is fighting an undeclared war against Nature, around, in and as us and Natureness is its green switch remedy.

Seventy-fifth year as a performing folk song artist, eighteenth year completed performing over 200 programs for Road Scholar groups on San Juan Island, fourth year as Songmaster for Grange #966 on San Juan Island and former weekly "Shantyman" at the island's Cask and Schooner Public House.

Seventy-fifth year as a folk and contra dancer and instructor.

Twenty-fifth year sponsoring the Contra Dance in Friday Harbor, WA.

Fortieth year as a published author: thirteen books about Pristine Truth, Natureness, spacetiming, environment, education and psychology; two books about folk music.

Forty-fifth year sleeping outdoors year-round in natural areas.

Nine thousandth daily Pristine Truth hike up Mt. Young in San Juan Island National Historical Park.

Twenty-fifth year weekly playing old time music for the San Juan Island Farmers Market while missing it only four times.

Sixteenth year of performing as the traditional singer in the the stage show "The Life and Times of George Pickett"

Thirtieth year living on San Juan Island

Located Below and Elsewhere

Bio video, Interview video  Compassion video

Janet Thomas Interview

Ecopsychology Journal Interview

Autobiographical sketch

Biographical summary

Education Experience

Professional Experience



Green Politics and nomination

2019 Revolutionary Wisdom Metaphoric Class Action Suit to stop Earth Misery

"My outdoor decades of conscious sensory attractions to nature, within and around me, taught me how to safely blend with each Natureness truth moment of time and space in Organism Earth while helping others do the same. Since 1965 my special Expedition Education process and program has operated and grown from my heartfelt, love of natural areas in 54 ways. The process blends and contributes to our human and constitutional rights to life through Climate Therapy and my advanced training in

  • John Dewey progressive education,
  • Alexander Wolf psychodynamic group therapy,
  • Kurt Lewin T-groups,
  • George Bach group therapy
  • Paul Brandwein science education,
  • A. S. Neil Summerhill education,
  • Josh Lieberman creative camping, 
  • Michael Herman folk and contra dancing 
  • along with observations by John Muir, Wilhelm Reich, R.D. Laing, Joseph Wood Krutch, Guy Murchie and Alfred North Whitehead.

A 1996 quote from the book Ecotherapy: Healing Ourselves, Healing the Earth by Howard Clinebell that identified and founded the study and practice of ecotherapy:

"Michael J Cohen Ph.D.,  How Nature Works and Reconnecting With Nature: finding wellness through restoring your bond and kinship with the Earth"

"Dr. Michael J. Cohen, a psychologist and outdoor educator describes how he developed eco-therapeutic theory and methods that integrate psychology and ecology, and use thoughtful sensory contacts with nature to catalyze wellness, spirit, and responsibility. He portrays the process for enabling people to reconnect with nature that evolved over his many decades of teaching outdoors.  It involves direct sensory contacts with nature, including nature within the person, integrated with cognitive understanding and validation of these nature feelings and sensory knowledge."

- Howard Clinebell, Ph.D.

At a glance, what I do is operate a whole life eco-arts and science, self-organizing Education, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN) Revolutionary Wisdom Expedition program online within the balancing love and intelligence of the life of Organism Earth instead of the sterile, isolating walls of a school building.

Some scientists, including me, note that if you put together all the material in the universe you end up with a solid mass the size of a vollley ball that entirely consists of the nuclei of hydrogen atoms. This means everything else in the life of our Universe and Nature is "wordless empty space." However, it's not really empty. It consists of attraction energies, including electromagnetism, gluons, bosons and gravity, that love to hold the life of the natural world together while, moment-by-moment they/it love to grow bigger, to expand it so it/they/us is more attractive. This is a way to define aliveness.

When we die and no longer have senses and words to register and convey Nature, we become its attractive wordless relationships. Sadly, until then, we break the world and ourselves for profit.  That's the source of our problems. Their solution is the truthmaking of Natureness, a green switch that via AI super interlaces our 54-natural senses with Nature's self-correcting, no garbage ways, in natural areas.

My TRUTHMAKING ECHN key to success is knowing that

  • 1) Scientifically, the Natural Attraction that makes up Einstein's Unified Field is the essence of our flowing Big Bang Universe's, space-time life, love and spirit,
  • 2) Excessive disconnection from our loving, 54 innate natural attraction senses produces disorders that result from natural love deprivation.
  • 3) Any given moment consists of our human story way of knowing and the non-story natural world that we can reasonably choose to improve in our 54 sense, body, mind and spirit relationships.
  • 4) Whatever these senses find attractive in a natural area, moment by moment, is what is doing the finding in order to achieve unadulterated Natureness unity.
  • 5) Natural attraction is conscious of what it is attracted to including balance, like the homeostasis of water always seeking its own level.
  • 6) Since 1965 I have known myself to be a personification of the life of Planet Earth whose 54 natural senses register and speak for the Planet and, without shame, scientifically express their/my inherent love for its/our life.

 "The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think"

    - Gregory Bateson

Eighty-six years ago, 1936, when I was six, my school emotionally amputated my left arm by forcing me to write "righty" with a dip pen, a step upward from a feather. I hurt, had disorder symptoms and complained for four years until my parents and other reasonable folks took pity and managed to give me a "taboo" technology. It was a fountain pen. It allowed my nature to naturally use my left arm to write without being punished for violatiing the educational 'right-handed standards" of 1936. That restored my peace of mind and penmanship while other "lefty" students "coverted" to being righty and right.. However, everything is always attached and present as our Universe grows, moment-by-moment. Although my fountain pen abilities well support me and my awareness of my early childhood abuse is also always present a truthmaking Natureness feeling of "I can help" when I'm aware a thing is unjustly being abused. Natureness is Nature's self-correcting, truthmaking essence.

This abuse-sensitivity quality is helpful since I survive by letting my Natureness help that abused thing's essence and its attachements to all things. Natureness is the name given to the self-correcting essence of Nature that exists everywhere as the essence of each thing including our thoughts, senses, feelings and relationships. I simply add "ness" to their name and mine and Nature's momentous balance and beauty fairly composts and peacefully recycles the abuse into its wordless origin, its love to begin life without producing any garbage. That's what I teach others to r do.

I think my parent’s extraordinary "lefty protection" efforts were part of their shield from abuse as Jews in the Russian pogroms that they fled and then from similar hatred as it existed in our USA neighborhood. I avoided this danger by spending my time with friends in local natural areas where I loved to be. One was a vacant lot “forest” of towering sunflowers.

Using a fountain pen technology to avoid "righty conversion" felt so sensibly good that I tried to make it happen with everything I did after that as per my social technology GreenWave-54. It became my "maverick genius," a felt-sense intention to continually dignify the life of Nature in and around me and teach others the same. Scientifically doing this helps us bring our problems and the life of Nature into balance in a natural area. There, the natural whole of life strengthens its and our integrity by reconnecting our 54 inherent natural senses, including our sense of reason, with their home in the non-verbal peace of Nature's self-correcting ways.

I'm often attached to and benefit from thinking and relating like a slime-mold works. This troubles our established ways and expectations because they are already in trouble.

Revolutionary Wisdom Expeditions: Person/Planet Recovery
"Learning to think and speak while connected to the Dance of the GreenWave Unified Field helps us communicate with the whole of life and its history as part of the attraction/love essence of our personal life in any moment. The Dance attaches us to all past and present leaders, deities, stories, senses, facts, prophecies and relationships in the history and life of Planet Earth. While we lovingly dance as 54-sense equals with them in the present, we update them with our advanced science and technology progress. In congress this enables our GreenWave dance, moment-by-moment, to unify, transform, produce and support responsible tomorrows in peaceful balance with the whole of life."

- Michael J. Cohen

"We can only see the universe by the impressions of our senses reflecting indirectly the things of reality."
- Albert Einstein

My Project NatureConnect Guarantee

A Great Trustable Truth of your life  is that if you pinch yourself and you feel it, you are alive. It is a self-evident reality. No other proof is needed, you 54-sense it. This is a reasonable, exact and repeatable experience for you and for any other person as well. It is a commonly held fact of life that is more true and authentic than 2 + 2 = 4.

Project NatureConnect (PNC) results from, in 1936, an "abused" child, Mike Cohen, at age six stopping his abuse and recovering from it. He accomplished this by, in a natural area, successfully discovering, validating and applying his greatest trustable truth to beneficially gain and apply additional trustable facts of life to any relationship. It soon became common 54-sense, organic and reasonable to him to help others benefit from doing the same while in the web-of-life of a natural area and its t truth.

PNC guarantees the same great truth results for you as you learn to co-mentor with others its trustable Revolutionary Wisdom, educating, counseling and healing with Nature process.

How can we deal with the rampant lies, corruption and destructiveness of our society if we don't know, experience or invoke the truth of our lives that our central way of thinking denies.


SUMMARY: Does This Feel Familiar?

As a child, instinctively, like most children, I felt more alive, free and happier in a natural area than indoors. More intelligent, too.

With my friends, I grew up and was educated in the indoor box world of contemporary society. It excessively detached our psyche from genuine contact with its biological origins in nature's joy, wisdom and balance. To fill this void we psychologically attached to society's ways, including the destructive trespasses of nature and people by our scientific, economic and spiritual dogmas.

The box-world assured me that people only felt and related better in nature because in nature they escaped from reality. Reality was the challenges of home, work, and school, escaping to nature was "recreation."

Thirty-five years of progressive counseling and educational research in natural areas taught me a different story, one of re-creation. I lived in settings similar to the "Survivor" TV series except that our goal was not to competitively scheme, conquer Nature and eliminate each other to win a million dollars. Rather it was to sustainably live in peaceful balance with people and the environment. I explored and discovered 54-sense webstrings, how to think and relate in ways that free our psyche from the grip of the indoor world's invasiveness and discontents.

I have founded, warrantied and packaged a nature connected psychological science model, Natural Attraction Ecology, that restores people to their fullness, their natural integrity and deeper ideals. Through the internationally recognized and accredited Organic Psychology of the Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) and GreenWave-54, people and natural systems co-create and grow into balance. They let the unifying strands of the web of life help them rejuvenate the sensory truths, ideals and loves we are born with as part of the global life community. It gives folks the ability to create moments that let Earth teach them what they want to know

Anybody can use and teach NSTP as a hobby or professionally. It is an organic, hands-on learning tool that enables you to let conscious sensory contact with nature help you get your thinking to incorporate the intelligence and balance of the web of life. Through nature connected psychological activities, courses and degree programs, folks master how to relate in cooperative unity, like nature works.

In April of 1998 I celebrated my 50'th year as a outdoor educator, counselor and traditional folk singer, musician and dancer. I celebrated by doing exactly the same thing I did the previous month and for 50 years before that, and that I continue for I still do what I like to do best. I use my science, education, counseling and musical expertise to catalyze responsible, enjoyable relationships with the nature in people and places. I continue to sleep outdoors throughout the seasons.

The Project NatureConnect Web pages describe the organics of  Natural Attraction Ecology. The process is a celebration in and of itself. It has been absent in our society for we conquered it along with nature.

The purpose of nature/life is to support nature/life. We call it survival, the love of life. It is one thing to give lip service about co-creating with nature, quite another to subsist through an absolute truth process that accomplishes this goal. Nature operates by fulfilling its conscious attractions to attractions. Its purity washes away evil if you reasonably bathe in it.

We are similarly attached to nature as our toe is to our finger and heart. Society tears us out of this relationship. It rewards us for excelling at subduing nature: from excessively using lawn chemicals to indoor education to the conquest of space. Out of the 620,00 hours that we live, on average, we spend less than 12 of them in tune with the beautiful life of our planet.

The heart of our dilemmas is that we have learned to runaway conquer and hurt life/nature and we are part of it. That some of our most profound thinkers are first raising the question as to if a relationship exists between our psyche and ecology is a statement of how far we have strayed. I am one of the special folks who passed the Ultimate Intelligence Test about this way of relating in 1965, as I describe below. The test is a "one step beyond" way to discover on a percentage basis where you are with our personal and global destructiveness, where you might want to be and the means to get there.

My doctoral work demonstrates that if you teach people to live and think like nature works, the pain and cravings that drive us to our disorders subside, and the disorders follow suit, replaced by reasonable happiness.

Six major GTT nature reconnection experiences have guided me to create and sustain my expedition education process as Project NatureConnect and the National Audubon Society Expedition Institute outdoor programs that I founded in 1959 as the Trailside summer and ski camps that became the Trailside Country School in 1969.

I was born into a musical family of progressive first generation Americans who escaped social and religious persecution in Russia. They downplayed the institutionalized aspects of their spirituality and most other aspects of mainstream society, leaning toward camping, music and the outdoors instead. However, my father was Phi Beta Kappa and ran for Congress as a progressive in 1940 in an effort to correct some of our irresponsible tendencies.

Being born left handed, I was traumatized by being required to write right handed in elementary school. It was an abusive overload, an "invasion" of my natural integrity that was already injured and defiant as it struggled to recover from the effects of my family's immigration escape from decapitation during the 1906 Jewish pogroms near Kieve, Russia.  While others succumbed and re-programmed themselves to becoming "righty,"my family and I finally convinced the public school, in Queens, New York, to let me write "lefty" in fourth grade by using a fountain pen. In six months I wrote better than I had for four previous years. That "winning" experience taught me to trust and celebrate the value of my "left handed" natural senses and feelings along with technologies that supported them, like the "forbidden" fountain pen. It also taught me a healthy mistrust for the directives and entrapments of contemporary culture stories. It left me until recently, not recognizing I was surrounded by the academic greatness of three family members and associates being the New York City Superintendant of Schools and Cum Laude Phi Beta Kappa. I never used or use alcohol or drugs for fulfillment because that does not seem reasonable. What is reasonable to me is to trust and empower in nature my 54 natural "lefty" senses and feelings, for they are GTT facts more real and accurate than alls other facts.

In 3rd grade, 1938, my class learned new math only to find that we were unprepared to go into 4th grade math and would have to go to summer school. My parents decided instead to teach me math on their own while living at a lake in the country. I spent my summer mornings indoors agonizing over a math workbook while enjoying afternoons playing and exploring outdoors. The comparative difference in how each setting felt made an indelible impression on me and directed my life toward outdoor rewards. It also deteriorated my relationship with my mother.

At age 11, my contact with Burl Ives validated the traditional musical background of my parents and my summer camp musical experiences. By 1945, at the age of 15, I concentrated on learning outdoor skills, traditional music, songs, dance and instruments as well as on a career that included using them in heartfelt, group-centered camp programs. I have been amazed that so few of these homemade songs from the heart of rural people express love for the land. Unlike the songs of indigenous people, most of them sing of conquering nature and the hard times encountered in doing so.

In 1957-59 I directed an outdoor organization, the American Youth Hostels spending most of my waking hours frustrated in a windowless basement administrative office in downtown New York City. Evenings and weekends were spent in cabarets, concert halls and recording studios as a folk singer. I trusted those frustrated "lefty" greatest truth feelings. Two years later I renounced that indoor life and founded programs that provided me with the same professional fulfillment while in natural settings. That was and is my joy. I have lived, learned and taught outdoors almost continuously since 1959. Does that make me a natural person even though I am not a Native American?

In 1965 a transformational experience in a freak thunderstorm on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park added new Pristine Truth dimensions to my thinking. I may be the only scientific person in the world that has directly asked a wilderness area what the difference was between its life and my life and took seriously the answer that it couldn't talk and I could and then found the Pristine Truth way to bridge that destructive gap. The profound geological effects of that storm on the landscape convinced me that Earth acted homeostatically, like a living organism, and that acts of nature and humanity could be rationally explained from this point of view. Most of my work since then has come out of that realization including founding Expedition Education, the Trailside Country School,  the National Audubon Society Expedition Institute at Lesley University and the 1985 National Audubon Society International Symposium "Is the Earth a Living Organism." I have camped and studied with people in 84 different ecosystems for periods of three days to 10 months since 1959. It felt like I was Joe Hutto working with a group of people. I have lived with the Amish, indigenous people, outdoorsmen, organic farmers and ecologists. I initiated State of Maine Legislative Document # 697, March 3, 1983, AN ACT to Establish a Numerical Whole Life Factor that conveys any product's contribution to sustainability (see Cohen, 1983, page 260-266). In 1984 I financed the legal assistance that stopped the development of the Pittston Oil Refinery in Eastport, Maine.

The above great truth experiences underlie the direction and energies in my past and present endeavors. I further explore them in my books and courses.

My personal challenge is to build and strengthen personal relationships for myself in Industrial Society for, in the name of progress and economic growth, most parts of it are postured to defeat what I think I contribute.

My best thinking tells me we are in deep trouble because we deny that we are addicted to nature-disconnecting stories, technologies and relationships that produce uncontrolled excessiveness.

I warranty that nature is a trustable dance that operates by consensus and as a singular dance, in and around us, it does not suffer from duality. Nature achieves its perfection by every manifestation of it consistently being attracted to gain consent to attach to its immediate environment. The "fittest" are those things that can cooperatively do this best. The application of this observation has significant political, peace and healing applications.

This statement in  a recent article identifies the missing unifying factor that our socialized arrogance has yet to accept no less invoke.

"We know and are our planetary selves when we have, and we  know full well why we have, consent from a natural area to visit it. That's when we can make time and space to feel attracted to unadulterated Nature while sensing that all things there are attracted to us.  That mutual love is NNIAAL, SUNEH as it knows itself, the all-unifying aliveness of its flowing, moment-by-moment dance that conceived us and that we were born. We humanize the dance by accurately speaking what we register while we are in genuine sensory contact with it in natural areas. I symbolize this process with an American Southwest Mimbres pottery image from 1000 years ago. 

We suffer our troubles because, early on, we excessively separate from SUNEH, bury the image under our addictive stories, flags and logos and then can't find it. We forget that what our 54 senses find attractive in nature is what is doing the finding. Because I have excessively invoked and practiced the ideals of Organic Psychology, I sometimes experience Post Utopian Stress Disorder

The key people who have encouraged my inner nature to safely and constructively express itself include my parents Sonya and Israel Cohen, and Joseph Wood Krutch, Burl Ives, Valentine Zetlin, Ruth Axline, Nate Levine, Pete Seeger, John Dewey, Milton Axel, Josh Lieberman, Robert Binnewies, Benjamin Fielding, Aldo Leopold, David Brower, Robert Muller, Guy Murchie, Algernon Black, Henry Paley, John Cohen, Samuel Shacknowitz, Richard Schneider and all the Trailside Good Guys.

Here's the best article about me.
Here's the best article explaining my work.


by Allison Weeks

Fleeing oppression in Russia motivated Dr. Michael Cohen's grandparents to take full advantage of the freedom and liberties available in America. Relationships that sensibly supported life were sought, cherished and validated as being reasonable practices and an operating consciousness. He was raised in this atmosphere and his childhood exposure to natural areas helped him recognize their integrity and perfection in comparison to the environmental and social disorders he encountered in most human societies. He constantly elected to live, work and protect nature-connected relationships and natural areas.

At great risk to himself and his family, he conceived and founded nature based social and environmental education outdoor programs because they helped him make sense of his life and that of his constituents as well as support environmental protection.

Since 1959 Dr. Cohen has been teaching, researching and living in a wide variety of natural areas to discover how and why they influenced people in a good way. He created and manifested an accomplished, repeatable expedition education curriculum for conservation education and social responsibility in school groups which he then donated to the National Audubon Society and Lesley University. At his own expense, he then translated and published the highlights of that curriculum into an accredited backyard or backcountry, Nature connected, Natural Systems Thinking Process that anybody can use and teach via the internet or in local groups. He presently continues to develop, teach and promote the process which has been incorporated in four university progams and many other environmentally and socially responsible groups.

Dr. Cohen's work has the potential to make a positive, profound impact on the planet, including humanity. His process allows people to create moments that let Earth teach its non-verbal wisdom (it self-organizes, preserves and regenerates itself through attraction relationships, producing an optimum of life, diversity, and cooperative, balanced unity without producing garbage). Additionally, his simple reconnecting with nature activities have the ability to give rise to an increased awareness of personal connectedness to the web of life. Our choices and behaviors begin to reflect nature's wisdom, and support of the Web replaces personal greed and destructive personal, social, and environmental behaviors.

Is Dr. Cohen a maverick genius?


Akamai University, Hawaii, Ph.D. 2007, Applied Ecopsychology.

Clayton University, St. Louis, MO Ed.D. 1981 Environmental Psychology

Columbia University Teachers College, 1957 Guidance and Counseling Completed 103 units of graduate work

Columbia University Teachers College, M.A. equivalent, 1955, Guidance of Adolescents, Student Personnel Administration

Columbia University Teachers College, M.A. 1952, Natural Science Education

University of California, Berkeley B.A. 1951, Biology

City College of San Francisco, A.A. 1949, Biology
Alpha Pi Omega


Nature Education: 1959-1985 Participated as the founder and as a travel/study community member in the year round outdoor living and learning Expedition Education program of Outdoor Travel Camps, Trailside Country School and the National Audubon Society Expedition Institute.

Counselor training: 1953-58, Completed an Alexander Wolf control group therapy program.

Eagle Scout,1941-49, Assistant Scoutmaster, Boy Scouts of America, Alpha Pi Omega


2004-present. Faculty, West Coast University, Panama City, Republic of Panama.

2001-2021. Institute of Applied Ecopsychology Director, Akamai University, Hawaii.

1995-2002 Department Chair, Applied Ecopsychology, Greenwich University, Hawaii

1995-Spring Adjunct Faculty, Applied Ecopsychology Antioch University, Seattle

1995-2020 Adjunct Faculty, Portland State University Graduate School of Extended Studies

1986-2014 Department Founder and Chair, Professor of Integrated Ecology, World Peace University/Institute of Global Education, Portland, Oregon.

Educator and Administrator, Founder and President of Project NatureConnect

1987-2001 Contributing Editor, Between the Species Journal of the Albert Schweitzer Center, Berkeley, CA. Writer of nature/psychology/education articles

1985 Conceiver of the National Audubon Society International Symposium IS THE EARTH A LIVING ORGANISM?

1985 Faculty, Guild of Tutors, International College, Los Angeles, CA

1984 Financed the legal assistance necessary to stop the development of the Pittston Oil Refinery in Eastport, Maine.

1983 Introduced State of Maine Legislative Document # 697, March 3, 1983, AN ACT to Establish a Numerical Whole Life Factor.

1978-1987 Founder and Director, Trailside Country School, Expedition Education and the National Audubon Society Expedition Institute program. Administrator, educator, curriculum design, student.

1978-1987 Adjunct Faculty Member, Lesley College Graduate School, Cambridge, MA. Instructor

1976-present Folk, Contra and Square Dance Caller and Musician (1999-present, Lead singer of the Sugar on the Floor folk group. 1996-present, Traditional song artist for the US National Park Service San Juan Island National Historical Site and the stage presentation "The Life and Times of General George Pickett.")

1977-78 Environmental Education Consultant, National Audubon Society

1969-78 Founder and Director, Trailside Country School, Administrator, educator, curriculum design, student.

1959-78 Founder and Director, Outdoor Travel Camps and Trailside Outdoor Programs, the expedition education pilot program of the National Audubon Society Expedition Institute.

1957-59 Executive Director, American Youth Hostels, Metropolitan New York Council, New York, NY

1955-57 Biology and Science Teacher, Dobbs Ferry High School, Dobbs Ferry, NY

1953-55 Chief of the Clinical Microscopy Section, 1st Army Medical Laboratory, New York, NY

1952-62 Vocalist and Musician, folk singing trio: The Shanty Boys, New York, NY

1952-57 Administrative Assistant, Camp Robinson Crusoe, Sturbridge, MA

1941-49 Eagle Scout, Assistant Scoutmaster, Great Neck, NY, Troop 10, Alpha Pi Omega, City College San Francisco

Membership in Professional Organizations:

      • National Association for Interpretation
      • Association For Experiential Education
      • North American Association for Environmental Education
      • Coalition for Education in the Out-of-Doors
      • Global Network of Environmental Education Centers
      • Alliance for Environmental Education


Keynote speaker at the national conferences of the:

      • North American Association of Environmental Education,
      • NY State Outdoor Education Association
      • Coalition for Education in the Out-of-Doors.
      • Award for Excellence in Interpretation, National Association for Interpretation
      • Distinguished World Citizen Award from World Peace University


Bold titles are books.

Cohen, M. J. (1966). 101 Plus Five Folk Songs for Camp. New York, NY: Oak Publications.

Cohen, M. J. (1967). TO HELL WITH SKIING: 64 Tragicomic Ski Songs. New York, NY: Oak Publications.

Cohen, M. J. (1968). Catalog of The Trailside Country School reprinted in Cohen, M. J. (1974) Chapter 2, OUR CLASSROOM IS WILD AMERICA. Freeport, Maine: Cobblesmith.

Cohen, M. J. (1974). OUR CLASSROOM IS WILD AMERICA. Freeport, Maine: Cobblesmith.

Cohen, M. J. (1978). ACROSS THE RUNNING TIDE. Freeport, Maine: Cobblesmith.

Cohen, M. J. (1980). The Environment as an Educator. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION REPORT. Washington, DC.

Cohen, M. J. (1982-A). The Lesson We Weren't Taught. NEW ENGLAND OUTDOORS, July. Boston, Massachusetts.

Cohen, M. J. (1982-B). The Bewilderment of Education. PROCEEDINGS Education for the Year 2010. World Future Society, Annapolis, MD.

Cohen, M. J. (1983-A). PREJUDICE AGAINST NATURE. Freeport, Maine: Cobblesmith.

Cohen, M. J. (1983-B). But One Breath Have All. THE INTERPRETIVE NATURALIST. Association of Interpretive Naturalists. New Jersey.

Cohen, M. J. (1984). Culture-Nature-Self Paradigm. JOURNAL OF INSTRUCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, Summer. Athens, Georgia.

Cohen, M. J. (1985). Releasing Prejudice Against Nature Through Environmental Education: The Expedition Institute Model. PROCEEDINGS: Is The Earth A Living Organism? National Audubon Society Expedition Institute, Sharon, CT.

Cohen, M. J. (1985) The Liberation of Self and Planet: Some Lessons From Nature's Classroom. ADVENTURE EDUCATION. Journal of The National Association for Outdoor Education. February. England.

Cohen, M. J. (1985). AS IF NATURE MATTERED: A NATURALIST GUIDED TOUR THROUGH HIDDEN VALLEYS OF YOUR MIND. National Audubon Society Expedition Institute, Sharon, CT.

Cohen, M. J .(1986). Education as if Nature Mattered: Heeding the Wilderness Within. PROCEEDINGS of the Association for Experiential Education. September. Moodus, CT. Also accepted for publication by the JOURNAL OF INSTRUCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY.

Cohen, M. J.(ed.) (1986). PROCEEDINGS of the 1985 international symposium Is The Earth A Living Organism? Sharon, Connecticut: The National Audubon Society.

Cohen, M. J. (1986). Organism Earth: The Gaia Hypothesis. THE ANIMAL'S AGENDA, November. Westport, Connecticut.

Cohen, M. J. (1986). Making Nature's Wisdom Public: The Affirmation of Planet Earth as a Living Organism. PROCEEDINGS of the North American Association for Environmental Education. September. Eugene, OR.

Cohen, M. J. (1986). Awakening a Ghost. THE COMMUNICATOR, Journal of the New York State Outdoor Education Association, December. Raquette Lake, NY.

Cohen, M. J.(1986). Education as of Nature Mattered: Reaffirming Kinship with the Living Earth. PROCEEDINGS: International Symposium on the Promotion of Unconventional Ideas in Science, Medicine and Sociology, ("The Maverick Genius Conference") Bureau of Applied Sciences, England.

Cohen, M. J.(1986). Letting Nature Speak: Honoring the Wilderness Within. PROCEEDINGS of the New York State Outdoor Education Association, October. Geneva, NY.

Cohen, M. J. (1986). Planet Earth As A Living Organism. THE CLEARWATER NAVIGATOR. Poughkeepsie, NY.

Cohen, M. J. (1986). Education as if Nature Mattered: Rebuilding Kinship with Planet Earth as a Living Organism. PROCEEDINGS of New England Alliance for Environmental Education, October. Plainfield, Vermont.

Cohen, M. J. (1987). Romancing a Planet, EARTH FIRST JOURNAL. Tucson, AZ.

Cohen, M. J. (1988). HOW NATURE WORKS. World Peace University Press, Eugene, Oregon.

Cohen, M. J. (1988). HOW NATURE WORKS. Stillpoint. Walpole, New Hampshire:

Cohen, M. J. (1988). Monkeywrenching Mainstream Education. EARTH FIRST JOURNAL. Tucson, AZ.

Cohen, M. J. (1988). The Fabric of Earth Kinship. POLLEN The Education Journal of the North American Bioregional Congress. Wilder, Kentucky. Sunrock.

Cohen, M. J. (1988). Earth Kinship: The Fabric of Personal and Global Balance. EARTH FIRST JOURNAL, December. Tucson, AZ.

Cohen, M. J. (1989). Connecting With Nature. HALO MAGAZINE April. Elmhurst, IL.

Cohen, M. J. (1989). Education As If Nature Mattered. COALITION FOR EDUCATION OUTDOORS JOURNAL, May. Cortland, NY.


Cohen, M. J.(1989-A). Lessons Learned Since Earth Day 1970. NATURE STUDY, The Journal of the American Nature Study Society. Newark, NJ.

Cohen, M. J.(1989-A). Earth Kinship: The Fabric of Personal and Global Balance. JOURNAL OF EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION. Spring. Boulder, CO.

Cohen, M. J. (1990-A). Progress: Teaching Peace To Children. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND PEACE. September. Flagstaff, AZ.

Cohen, M. J. (1990-B). With Justice For All Beings .BETWEEN THE SPECIES Journal of the Albert Schweitzer Center. May. Berkeley, CA.

Cohen, M. J. (1990-C). The War For Peace. CRANBROOK SCHOOL HERALD. June. Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

Cohen, M. J. (1991-A). The Fabric of Personal and Global Balance. LEGACY, The Journal of the National Association for Interpretation 1. Helena, Montana: Falcon Press.

Cohen, M. J. (1991-B). Leave It To Beavers. THE TRUMPETER, Journal of Ecosophy. Victoria, B.C., Canada.

Cohen, M. J. (1991-C). Integrating Feelings in Environmental Education. ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS. The Journal of the International Society of Naturalists; Baroda, India.

Cohen, M. J. (1991-D). SCHOOL SCIENCE REVIEW. The Journal of The Association for Science Education. December. England.

Cohen, M. J. (1991-E). Environmental Education's Rendezvous with Destiny. CLEARING #78, the Journal of The Environmental Education Project, Oregon City, Oregon.

Cohen, M. J. (1991-F). Peace and the Environment. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND PEACE. June. Flagstaff, Arizona.

Cohen, M. J. (1991-G). Environmental Education's Rendezvous With Destiny. PROCEEDINGS, 19 and 20th Conferences of North American Association For Environmental Education, St. Paul, Minnesota.

Cohen, M. J. (1991-H). Making Sense With Nature. PROGRESS IN EDUCATION. Pune, India.

Cohen, M. J. (1991-I). Connect With Nature: Regenerate Personal and Global Balance. PROCEEDINGS, International Conference of the Association for Experiential Education, Lake Junalaska, North Carolina.

Cohen, M. J. (1991-J). Project NatureConnect. WORLD PEACE UNIVERSITY BULLETIN, Box 4112, Roche Harbor, Washington 98250.

Cohen, M. J. (1991-K). Integrating Nature's Balance. THE JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION v.22 #4, Washington, DC.

Cohen, M. J. (in press A). Making Sense With Nature. THE SCIENCE TEACHER Journal of the National Science Teachers Association, Washington, DC.

Cohen, M. J. (in press B). Project NatureConnect in Monroe(ed.) MONOGRAPH OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM SOLVING. Washington, DC: North American Association for Environmental Education.

Cohen, M. J. (in press C). The Fabric of Balance. FORUM The Journal of Educators for Social Responsibility; Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Cohen, M. J (in press D). Making Sense with Nature: Outdoor Education's Rendezvous With Destiny. ADVENTURE EDUCATION, The Journal of the National Association for Outdoor Education; England.

Cohen, M. J. (1992) The Nature of Senses, ENERGY AND NATURE, April, Germany.

Cohen, M. J. (1992) WELL MIND, WELL EARTH. Portland Oregon, World Peace University Press.

Cohen, M. J. (1992). New Roots For Personal Growth and Grounding. JOURNAL OF THE OREGON COUNSELING ASSOCIATION, Eugene, Oregon.

Cohen, M. J. (1993) Counseling With Nature: Catalyzing Sensory Moments that Let Earth Nurture. COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY QUARTERLY Vol. 6, No. 1 Abingdon Oxfordshire, England: Carfax Publishing.

Cohen, M. J, (1994)Integrated Ecology: The Process of Counseling With Nature. THE HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGIST. Vol. 21. No 3. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

Cohen, M. J. (1994) World Peace: Getting Back To Basics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND PEACE Vol. 10 No. 1 Flagstaff, Arizona.

Cohen, M. J.(1994) The Process of Counseling With Nature. THE TRUMPETER Journal of Ecosophy, Vol. 11 No. 1 Victoria, B.C., Lightstar Press.

Cohen, M. J. (1994) Counseling and Nature: A Greening of Psychotherapy. ERIC/CASS Greensboro, North Carolina: United States Department of Education.

Cohen, M. J. (1994) Discovering Us: The Ecology of God. THE TRUMPETER Journal of Ecosophy, Vol. 11 No. 3 Victoria, B.C., Lightstar Press.

Cohen, M. J. (1994) Are You Missing the Missing Link? The Greening of Critical Thinking, PROCEEDINGS 27th Annual Conference New York State Outdoor Education Association, SUNY Cortland.

Cohen, M. J. (1995) Counseling and Nature: The Greening of Psychotherapy. INTERPSYCH, the Electronic Mental Health Journal, March, Internet.

Cohen, M. J. (1995) Why Don't We Create Moments that Let Earth Teach Us? COOPERATIVE LEARNING, Santa Cruz, CA: International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education.

Cohen, M. J. 1996. Wilderness Revisited: The Twilight's Last Gleaming, in Adams(ed.) THE SOUL UNEARTHED , Tarcher-Putnam, Los Angeles.

Cohen, M. J. (1995) RECONNECTING WITH NATURE: A restoration of the missing link in Western thinking. Friday Harbor, WA Project NatureConnect, University of Global Education publication.

Cohen, M. J. (1997) RECONNECTING WITH NATURE: Finding wellness through restoring your bond with the Earth. Ecopress, Corvallis, WA.

Cohen, M. J. (1997). The Natural Systms Thinking Process, How Applied Ecopsychlogy Brings People to their Senses. PROCEEDINGS, 26th Annual Conference of North American Association For Environmental Education, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Cohen, M. J. (1999 in press) The Missing Link in the Way You Think: Discover and Recover it ..INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND PEACE, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Cohen M.J. (2000) Nature Connected Psychology: creating moments that let Earth teach The Natural Systems Thinking Process Greenwich Journal of Science and Technology Vol 1 NO 1, Hawaii,

Cohen, M.J. (2000) EINSTEIN'S WORLD: Natural Attractions, Intelligences and Sanity in Action. Institute Of Global Education Technical Bulletin.

Cohen, M.J. (2003) THE WEB OF LIFE IMPERATIVE: Regenerative ecopsychology techniques that help people think in balance with natural systems. Trafford.

Cohen, M.J. (2007) EDUCATING, COUNSELING AND HEALING WITH NATURE Natural Attraction Ecology and the Web of Life Model.



Project NatureConnect

Cohen, M.J. (2017A) The Scientific Core of all Known Relationships: Attraction is Conscious of What it is Attracted to in the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE, Vol. 7 Issue 6, June 2017


Cohen, M.J. (2019)  PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIC PSYCHOLOGY, Project  NatureConnect.


Cohen, M.J. (2022 )The Remedy for Abuse that we Learn to Ignore: Nature’s Essence is its Wordless Love to Begin Life JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND RESEARCH Volume02|Issue 04 (July-August)|2022

Cohen, M.J. (2023) Pristine Truth Ecopsychology: The Natureness Remedy  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOPSYCHOLOGY

Feel free to contact me for consultations and further information on Project NatureConnect send email

P.O. Box 1605
Friday Harbor, Washington 98250
(360) 378-6313


What you can do:

The Orientation Course, below, responds to 32 critical life relationship questions. They are answered by enabling you to enjoy and then share online ten authentic, sensory, Nature connected attraction experiences over a 12 day to 11-week period.

Sign the Earth Day Petition for Peace on Earth Through Peace With Earth and put to use the Earth Day Activity. Join the Simultaneous Policy/Project NatureConnect program.




ORIENTATION COURSE: Psychological Elements of Global Citizenship
The Science of Connecting With the Web of Life
The Art of Thinking With Nature

An exciting, inexpensive ($150) blend of shared, online activity, information and training with credit optional. Learn by doing. Become a practitioner anywhere. This is a free course if it meets your needs, a transferable prerequisite for additional courses, degrees and participation. The course is our best, most complete and useful way to help nature restore the good nature of humanity in contemporary society. It opens new vistas in academics, counseling, careers, spirit and wellness, vistas that recycle and purify destructive thinking. Optional Credit $60.00



Einstein's World: Natural Attractions, Intelligences and Sanity A non-fiction, metaphor, book and reading course. It helps you reverse nature disconnection disorders from your home. You can take it, teach it and be paid, too. Book $15.00, Course $20.00. Optional Credit $42.00



FREE: Our Exploratory Course online enables you to sample the Natural Systems Thinking Process to learn, first hand, its thrust and benefits.



Project NatureConnect

Online Organic Psychology books, training and degree programs
P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 USA360-378-6313
nature@interisland.net | www.ecopsych.com
in cooperation with
University of the Pacific
Akamai University