
Project NatureConnect.net
Applied Ecopsychology Organics in
Eco-Art, Eco-Yoga, Eco-Soma and Organic Power Gaia Therapies
Counseling and Healing With
Nature Online
Funded, sensory,
accredited, courses, degrees and career training: Certification, BS, MS, Ph.D.
Homepage: Ecopsychology Online. Create scientific moments that let the life of Earth in a natural area provide us with whole-life powers to solve problems great and small.
Part Two
The History and Application of GreenWave CRL-51
Put PART ONE to work. Help you relationships, expertise and livelihood enjoy organic wellness
It makes sense that by bringing our 54 natural senses into play the stories and experiences in this book integrate our life with the life of
nature in a natural area. This occurs because in congress our 54
sensibilities detect stimuli on mechanical, thermal and chemical levels
that strengthen human and global well-being and survival in balance.
Traditionally, our 54 senses and their beneficial effects are scientifically overlooked yet their restorative powers are irrefutably self-evident and beneficial facts of life. Most of us have experienced this to some extent while in a natural area, even just for a short time. Our body mind and spirit
registers these benefits directly. We temporarily feel relaxed, renewed
and belong. We are who we were naturally born without being socialized
by nature-disconnecting stories that warp or injure our senses.
Our lives presently suffer because our 54 senses gift to our life in balance is the key omitted element
of our doctrines, philosophies, institutions, nationalities, psychologies, economics,
relationships, academics, sciences and spiritualities.
By enabling us to experience and validate the how, what, why, when, where and meaning of our 54 natural senses, the process of this book unifies humanity with itself and the natural world on personal and global levels.
this book's procedures attractive truths reasonably find and
bind like magnets naturally attract each other in universal ways. For
this reason we
offer subsidized doctoral degrees to individuals who are already
experts or leaders in their fields, disciplines or hobbies and who want
to use this nature-connecting course process to make their skills become organic. In this essential improvement and to the benefit of all, these individuals help reverse rather
than increase the earth misery catastrophe that our society continues to create.
If you think you are interested in an 18 month, subsidized, online, GreenWave Organic Power Therapy degree call 360-378-6313 for further information. www.projectnatureconnect.net.
of what you will sooner or later need to know or learn for your degree
is the heart of this book. It is Industrial Society's missing link to
peace on Earth through peace with Earth.
you ever had a rewarding childhood or adult experience in a natural
so, then you naturally revere this book's contribution to well-being.
This is because that nature-connection helped you consciously enjoy
part of your inherent, natural, unadulterated self and you would not
want to
have the joy of that love torn from your life. The misery of that
injurious separation would produce conflicts, insensitivities and
disorders in and around us. It
would go against your
established human rights to
life. It would not be legal, ethical or moral.
Unbelievably the nature-disconnection tragedy I describe above, is increasingly eviscerating life today on
personal and global levels. Our established thinking claims that the source of this disaster is unknown and a countermeasure
for it is unavailable. That is inaccurate. The
organic whole life art and science of revolutionary wisdom enables you
and your livelihood to help remedy this dilemma and help others do the same.
Chapter 10
Applying GreenWave-54 in a Group
Through the GreenWave-54 Organic Psychology of the Natural Systems
Thinking Process in this book, any attraction in nature, backyard or
country, that we become conscious of can help us bring Nature's
revolutionary wisdom into our lives. A weed growing through the
pavement can
do it. A park or a potted plant can do it. For example, I
participated in a hurried, almost stressful training program for people
whose differences kept them arguing and in conflict amongst themselves.
They had little
interest or time to hear an explanation from me of the unifying and
healing benefits of the GreenWave 54 reconnecting with nature process
so they
omitted it from their agenda. In the midst of this hubbub, a
young bird flew into the meeting room through the door. It could not
find its way out. Without a word, the behind-schedule, quibbling
meeting screeched to a halt. Deep natural attraction feelings for life
and hope filled each person for the moment. For ten minutes that
frightened, desperate little bird triggered those seventy people to
harmoniously, supportively organize and unify with each other to safely
help it find its way back home through the entry door.
Obviously, neither a teacher, preacher or politician was present
to educate these leaders about the value of the bird's life and
supporting it. Although it said not a word, the bird,
nature itself,
was that educator. Non-verbal sensory attraction factors within the
integrity of its life touched these same factors in the lives of the
leaders. That contact sparked into their consciousness their inherent
natural feelings of love in the form of nurturing, empathy, community,
friendship, power, humility, reasoning, place, time and many more of
our inherent 54 natural senses. That reconnecting moment with nature
engaged and nourished a
battery of their natural sensitivites and sensibilities. These inborn
natural intelligences led a contentious group to support rather
than deny the life of a bird, and to bring new joy to their personal
and collective lives for a short period. Yet when they accomplished this feat,
they cheered their role, not the role of the bird. They felt like
hero's for the moment for setting it free and congratulated their humanity for its wisdom
and compassion in this effort. In their story of the incident, the role and impact of
the bird went unnoticed. They returned to the hubbub of the meeting as
if nothing special had happened. They completely overlooked that the
bird had united them while it was there, something they continued not to do
without its presence.
I wanted to say something about the effect of the bird but I didn't.
People would have scoffed. They would have said that what happened was
not important or useful for it was uncommon to have a wild bird
interrupt their lives. It was their "human spirit" that they applauded,
not its origin and existence in nature even though several Native American groups were part of the training program.
Most people can see that reconnecting with nature during that incident
brought a special joy and integrity to their lives. The individual and collective benefits were evident. It is the
continual lack of such natural attraction contacts that creates
our disorders. People feel distraught, yet helpless, about Earth's life
and their lives being at risk, like the bird. Yet, if you use
this book's GreenWave Natural Systems Thinking Process, even an
aquarium or pet
can produce the same benefits. I've seen it unify couples, families and
individuals in conflict with themselves or others. It is an organic, unifying CRL tool.
We produce and suffer Earth misery because we excessively attach
ourselves to exploiting nature so we lose the integrity of its
benefits. Did Part One help you learn how to reunite with nature to
regain them? That is the heart of the matter that
GreenWave-54 addresses. Using the Zipper Tool would have been
appropriate for the meeting because it utilizes tangible contact
nature, in backyards, parks, even with potted plants, a bird and
too. There was a park near the meeting site where we could do, own
and teach simple nature-reconnecting activities. They could have
shared their conscious sensory contacts with attractions in authentic
nature to elicit an essence of cooperative life relationships. This would have enhanced the meeting's goals for unification.
Like playing
hide and seek, the GreenWave activities are fun and interesting. They provide, at
will, the nature-reconnected moments missing from our lives. People can
make them happen anytime because they know the "rules" of each
activity. The process is uplifting and responsible. It helps us nurture
as many as 54 natural senses we genetically inherit and share to bring
about homeostatic consensus within and around us.
An Expedition Challenge: Place
one of your hands in a bowl of very hot water while their other hand is
placed in a bowl of very cold water. After a minute, plunge both their
hands into one bowl of lukewarm water. In that moment, the hand coming
from the cold water signals your consciousness that the lukewarm water
is hot, while the hand coming from the hot water signals that the
lukewarm water is cold. Senses are not making sense, for time
subconsciously adjusts our sensitivity to environmental variations. The
sense of reasoning is frustrated and shifts into curiosity and wonder.
Without conscious knowledge of the events leading to this activity’s sensory discrepancy, a person can learn to mistrust their natural sense of temperature along
with their self confidence, or falsely think water has miraculous
properties. Through additional moments of time, the addition of other
sensory input from accurate information and reasoning, makes a person
aware of all the circumstances. We learn something about our sensory
nature and learning. This demonstrates the importance of knowing in 54
multisensory ways, yet we excessively discriminate and disregard the sensory
information available from tangible sensory contact with nature.
With respect to how we relate to the world, how differently we know it
if we are brought up connected to nature versus disconnected from
nature. Our disconnections presently have us over our heads in hot
1. Find a safe attractive area and spend 3 minutes getting to many sense know it with your eyes open
2. Shut your eyes and and spend 3 minutes getting to know it with your eyes closed.
3. What differences did you find between 1 and 2
4. If you were blind for years and then able to see, what temporary
confusions might you experience when visiting this same natural area?
5. How does this apply to the reality of SUNNEH-NNIAAL-54 in our
cultural life when 99 percent of our sensing and feeling time is
disconnected from it as a natural area?
the most interesting
felt-sense attractions from doing this section. List the senses that
were involved. Add this process to an experience you have had in your
special area of interest: Art, Creative Writing, Music, Yoga,
Parenting, Recovery, Addiction, Renewal etc.
- Supportive Reading and Activities:
in a natural area read one or two more chapters and appendices in Reconnecting With Nature including
doing their activities and journaling them.
- Journal Respond Form: For personal growth and reference use this
form to describe the value of
this section.
Applying GreenWave-54 with an Individual
"GreenWave-54 is one of the methods
whereby we can give people immediate reward experiences with
environmentally healthy behavior. I have found, in leading Project NatureConnect events
that, just as you say, it builds a sense of community, and mutual
support. Perhaps most important, it helps people learn to trust their
own senses and trust in the natural world."
Mike Cohen says we can do some of his activities with a potted plant,
and I actually had one client where this was shown to be correct.
My client had been in a motor vehicle accident and had multiple
injuries that prevented her from getting out and about. She was
in chronic pain and was having severe anxiety attacks.
was a nice potted plant in her living room (I think it was a
dieffenbachia, but I'm not sure). I described how we are in a
mutually-supportive role with plants -- they provide us with oxygen and
we provide them with CO2. I suggested that when she was feeling
anxious she should breathe with the plant, exchanging gases and and
recognize that they were being mutually supportive. As she did
so, I could see her visibly relaxing. Within a few minutes she
reported that her anxiety was gone and her pain was somewhat
Over the next few weeks she successfully used this technique whenever
she was anxious. As her physical abilities improved she began
spending time in the garden and then began gardening from her
wheelchair. Her anxiety was completely controlled without
I don't know what she bonded to or with, but she developed a sense that the
plant (and later her garden) was her friend and that they were in a
mutually supportive relationship. This feeling was able to help her
overcome her anxiety."
John Scull, Ph.D. Neuropsychologist"
An Expedition Challenge:
A. What attractive senses and feelings do I experience in the life of this area?
B. Ask the attraction,
"Who are you without labels and names?" After it responds
ask it, or ask yourself, "Who am I without labels and names?"
C. List the differences and similarities in the responses you discovered in B
D. Ask yourself "What would I sense and feel if my ability to register this attraction connection was taken away from me?
Enhance your knowledge. Experience the self-evident facts at www.ecopsych.com/54nineleg.html
Additional Information:
the most interesting
felt-sense attractions from doing this section. List the senses that
were involved. Add this process to an experience you have had in your
special area of interest: Art, Creative Writing, Music, Yoga,
Parenting, Recovery, Addiction, Renewal etc.
- Supportive Reading and Activities:
in a natural area read one or two more chapters and appendices in Reconnecting With Nature including
doing their activities and journaling them.
- Journal Respond Form: For personal growth and reference use this
form to describe the value of
this section.
The next chapter
describes the process and effects of taking our normal yet excessively
nature-disconnected lives on a year-long, evidence-based,
nature-reconnection expedition that helps its members deal with and
reverse the Earth misery that we all suffer one way or another.
expedition was an objective search for Mother Earth. For a ten
months it brought our old stories, injuries, feelings and memories
into the pure science experiences of our 54 senses in the GreenWave
present while camping out in 84 different natural habitats from
Newfoundland to California. Much of the art and science of Organic
Psychology was discovered on it.
You can to some extent participate in the year long expedition as you
read about it, by inserting the EXPLORE NOW: VALIDATE series, above, to attractive hightlights you find in Chapter 11, below, as well as discover and strengthen more
connections with your companion natural area.
Chapter 11
An Expedition Process Summary
Revolutionary wisdom continues a successful, moment-by-moment, learn by doing
exploration process that was established in 1965 and that
is described here. As it is doing right now the book and path makes
you aware of itself. At this point it says that
- It
is 54-sense self-evident that globally and personally we are suffering
today's earth misery on many fronts due to our society's excessive disconnection from the life of earth's eons of loving natural relationships in and around us.
- The core of most problems
personal, international or global is our 54-sense emotional
attachments to stories that conflict with each other. We
may be alble understand what a conflicting story say but if we are
attached to a conflicting story, it does not change and the new story
can push our buttons when we hear it or it is applied to us.
- This situation does not change until a unifying factor comes into play or one side of the conflict is conquered/removed.
- Reasonable
and caring people need to use the art of organic GreenWave-54 science
as a unifying tool to help them stop this catastrophe because it is caused by its omission.
- Question
yourself. Is it self-evident to you that you are a caring individual
and that you want to continue on this learning-by-doing expedition
path? If so, we encourage you to proceed and call us if you need
further information. 360-378-6313

Multi-Sensory Expedition Education Outcomes
The Source and History of Organic Psychology and GreenWave CRL relationships.
The whole life art and science of Organic Psychology has its special
sensory source in my life experience and training. It is as if Eleanore
Roosevelt, Louis Mumford and Felix Adler purposely loved me to be born
in Sunnyside Gardens,
a unique planned, garden community, now historic site, that they
built in the New York City Borough of Queens in 1929 because, as
Eleanore Roosevelt said, "People lose their humanity when they are too
separated from nature".
Sunnyside Gardens, as well as through my parents and several
progressive summer camps, I unknowingly became aware that my
left-handedness was part of my nature. I rudely discovered this when, at age six,
I felt
my elementary school unreasonably manipulating what I sensed when they
demanded that I write right-handed. It disturbed me. It felt abusive
to my natural integrity and it took four years of
discomfort and arguments to finally have the school consent to let me
write with my left hand using a, then taboo, fountain pen. That nature-supportive
use of a technology
changed and guided my life.
As part of my left-handed challenge I learned from Nature in and around
me that our society's established ways were prejudiced against my Nature as I discovered
that left-handedness was sinister or evil
and I could be treated accordingly.
I also found that this prejudice could be changed through extended
contact with and education about Nature's value and integrity. However, I
learned this by being the Guinea Pig in making this change happen at the
school and that experience has made it remain a central focus of my life. For this
reason, as new evidence-based information and technology is discovered
that improves our relationship with the life of our planet,
I incorporate it in my personal and professional activities,
sometimes to the inconvenience of my friends and myself.
the most interesting
felt-sense attractions from doing this section. List the senses that
were involved. Add this process to an experience you have had in your
special area of interest: Art, Creative Writing, Music, Yoga,
Parenting, Recovery, Addiction, Renewal etc.
- Supportive Reading and Activities:
in a natural area read one or two more chapters and appendices in Reconnecting With Nature including
doing their activities and journaling them.
- Journal Respond Form: For personal growth and reference use this
form to describe the value of
this section.
Expedition Process: Earth Alive
1965 an unusual
thunderstorm in the Grand Canyon convinced my long sensory
contact with natural areas that the life of Planet Earth had to be an
organism because there was nothing I did that it didn't do and
vice-versa, except talk.
It was like I and other people lived in it and as part of it as cells
that had the
unique ability to speak and relate through stories rather than simply
live out the wisdom of Earth's life. That wisdom might let the value of
left-handedness speak for itself as well as for others whose lefty or
other trespasses
had been admonished by our society's established ways. It felt like I
had found another, more loving society and I developed a fiduciary
relationship with it. For this reason I designed and established
a learning community of twenty folks. It made space for individuals who
would dedicate themselves to together
camp out on a nature-connecting expedition across the USA for a year.
The purpose of their exploration was to discover if they could produce
a fiduciary, consensual interaction, learn-by-doing process that was in
balance with the natural world. Each year
each new
group would reinvent the expedition process so, as it succeeded, each
participant might know how to best live
harmoniously their life with the life of Nature in the environment,
each other and
the most interesting
felt-sense attractions from doing this section. List the senses that
were involved. Add this process to an experience you have had in your
special area of interest: Art, Creative Writing, Music, Yoga,
Parenting, Recovery, Addiction, Renewal etc.
- Supportive Reading and Activities:
in a natural area read one or two more chapters and appendices in Reconnecting With Nature including
doing their activities and journaling them.
- Journal Respond Form: For personal growth and reference use this
form to describe the value of
this section.
Guided by my living earth perceptions, commencing in 1968, for 16 years every
September a yellow school bus and its occupants embarked on a ten
month living and learning expedition into natural areas from Newfoundland to California. Outfitted
only with camping gear and a small library, it carried twenty students, my
staff and myself into a personal and academic growth utopia. It began
my sleeping out under storms and bright stars year round; camping
exploring and learning while enveloped in America's spectacular natural areas.
This all-season, consensus-governed, outdoor-living program that I
founded in 1959 immersed its intimate school community in rich organic critical
thinking, interpersonal experiences and natural wonders.
Participants thrived in eighty-three different natural habitats, and
from keeping their commitments to open, honest relationships with the
environment, each other and with indigenous people(s), researchers,
ecologists, the Amish, farmers, anthropologists, folk
musicians, naturalists, shamans, administrators, historians,
counselors, teachers and many others. The experience deeply connected
our inner nature to the whole of nature.
As a result of our romance with educating ourselves this way, in the school community:
Chemical dependencies, including alcohol and tobacco, disappeared as did destructive interpersonal and social relationships.
Personality and eating disorders subsided.
Violence, crime and prejudice were unknown in the group.
Academics improved because they were applicable, hands-on, and fun.
Loneliness, hostility and depression subsided.
Group interactions allowed for stress release and management; each day was fulfilling and
relatively peaceful.
Senses that had been injured in childhood were recognized as being
vulnerable to individuals who, due to similar childhood injuries, were
less sensitive to the vulnerability of these senses. Connections with
natural areas replaced these vulnerabilities in both parties and
increased unity.
Students using meditation found they no longer needed to use it to feel whole.
Participants knew each other better than they knew their families or best friends.
They risked expressing and acting from their deeper thoughts and
feelings; a profound, fiduciary sense of social and environmental responsibility
guided their decisions.
vacation periods arrived, only a few wanted to go home. Each person
enjoyably worked to build this supportive, balanced living and learning
utopia. They were home.
All this occurred simply because every community member met their
commitment to make sense of their lives by establishing relationships
that supported the expedition and the natural world within and around them. We hunted,
gathered and practiced such relationships; we organized and preserved
group living processes that awakened our natural wisdom. We explored how to
let Nature help us regenerate responsible relationships when they decayed.
the most interesting
felt-sense attractions from doing this section. List the senses that
were involved. Add this process to an experience you have had in your
special area of interest: Art, Creative Writing, Music, Yoga,
Parenting, Recovery, Addiction, Renewal etc.
- Supportive Reading and Activities:
in a natural area read one or two more chapters and appendices in Reconnecting With Nature including
doing their activities and journaling them.
- Journal Respond Form: For personal growth and reference use this
form to describe the value of
this section.
The secret to our expedition's success was to learn to tap into and learn directly from the
natural world, the life of earth within and about us. Through our 54 natural
attraction sensations and feelings it taught our sense of reason how to trust the life of Nature and how to
validate and incorporate its reasonableness. The highlights of this process included:
- Starting
the school year in a classroom that had no individual or authority sitting in the front of
the room desk. The staff, unrecognized by some, sat with the students facing
the desk and blackboards. In time students and staff started to ask each other
what was happening and introduced themselves to each other. As
discussion proceeded the group rearranged the desk chairs so the were
now in a circle and folks could better relate to each other. That moment was when we started the school year.
- All aspects
of the program except driving the school bus and some administrative duties were self-organized and shared by all. This included
governing by consensus. Anybody could call an all-school meeting
at anytime to address challenges or discontents that arose. This process became the core of the curriculum.
and all-year itinerary was reasonably developed based on weather
conditions, special connections and geographic logistics. It included
spontaneous opportunities as they arose and it could be
changed by consensus as new ideas and information appeared.
- By agreement technological
assistance and dependence was limited so that the community depended
upon nature and each other for information and satisfactions.
Technologies were limited to the bus, camping equipment, cameras and a
small library, no radios, TVs or tape players. The only media
player allowed was a tape recorder that played back to us interviews,
songs, music and reactions to and from our expedition experiences.
- The
group was a justifiable combination of Kurt Lewin T-group encounter
processes, Progressive Education and Alexander Wolf group therapy. The
recognized that group
members subconsciously registered a group they were in as their family
at home and often
felt the joy or hurt of the latter and acted accordingly. In doing so
in the nature-connected expedition family, we learned
from this experience how to CRL express and guide our relationships with nature's 54-sense wisdom.
- When
expedition members found that some of their senses were injured or
weak they discovered that it made sense to temporarily ride
the senses and feelings of others who were healthy in these same areas.
This continually made the expedition group a unified whole and helped
individuals restore their own balance through bonding connections with
attractive natural senses of individuals in the group and attractions
in natural areas that surrounded us. An expedition was organized so
that in its membership a wide range of injured sense challenges supported
and educated it and them.
- In
reality and imagination each member of the community, including its
staff, was roped into each others' lives for the year as would be a
mountain climbing expedition that reasonably organized and maintained
itself to survive by helping its environment survive. This enabled us
to sense and feel our true relationship with the life of Earth and its
web members because, without today's "ticket to Mars," we are each on
an expedition to, in balance, enjoyably support the life we share with our planet
home and each other.
- Our special high motivation survival goal was consistently re-affirmed: this was a
one-year expedition that could dissolve if it did not maintain itself
appropriately. It was also the long-term goal and livelihood of some
group members that went far beyond one year's duration, (For myself it was sixteen years).
Again, it is significant
that in a short period of time, globally, within local areas, this
same organic, small-group expedition education process can be included in the eleven sections
that the PNC mission addresses (listed above). In addition, these local groups can globally learn from each other via the internet.
The National Audubon Society identified the Trailside Country School
expedition education program as the most revolutionary form of learning in
America and selected it to be the official Audubon alternative
education program out of 116 programs that were considered. It became the National Audubon Society Expedition Institute in 1978.
the most interesting
felt-sense attractions from doing this section. List the senses that
were involved. Add this process to an experience you have had in your
special area of interest: Art, Creative Writing, Music, Yoga,
Parenting, Recovery, Addiction, Renewal etc.
- Supportive Reading and Activities:
in a natural area read one or two more chapters and appendices in Reconnecting With Nature including
doing their activities and journaling them.
- Journal Respond Form: For personal growth and reference use this
form to describe the value of
this section.
Starting in 1960, from thirty years of all-season travel and study in over two hundred
sixty national parks, forests and sub-cultures, I developed a learning
process and psychology that unleashed our natural ability to grow and
survive responsibly. By documenting that it worked repeatedly and could
be taught, I earned my doctoral degree and the school became a small,
accredited graduate and undergraduate degree program at several
Universities. I have helped that experience further grow and develop since 1990, by, for 26 years daily
climbing a local wild mountain overlooking the sea (that is 27,000 miles, 62,000 hours) and
sleeping outdoors, year-round, since 1969.
To share my discovery with the public, in 1984 I initiated the
National Audubon Society International Symposium "Is the Earth a Living
Organism?" and in 1987 I encapsulated my
nature-connected psychology as Project NatureConnect in a series of 154
sensory backyard and
back country activities (Cohen, 1988, 1990, 1993). They have been used
as an organic form of psychology in many courses and training programs
for educators, parents and
students so the latter may incorporate these revolutionary interactions
their work and lives. These simple, fun nature explorations benefit
people of all ages and backgrounds. Uniquely, they revitalize the
sensory communication and support between a person and the natural
world, in and around others and themselves.
Psychology natural area activities balance our lives by letting our 54
natural connectedness identify and be our common cause of survival in
balance. By reducing
stress while motivating participation, the activities promote recovery
from destructive habits, dependencies and dysfunctions. Today
professionals use them to augment counseling, twelve-step, hospice,
stress management, conflict resolution, self-esteem, and
environmental education programs (Cohen, 1993). They help us follow the
suggestion in Job: "Speak to the Earth and it will teach thee.”
They go deeper and more sanely than most psychological and psychiatric
Organic Psychology honors the wisdom of the
global life community, it enables that community to
relate and grow harmoniously through the natural attractions of its
attraction-field root. That fabric,
which we each biologically inherit, lovingly unifies life relationships
than further subdividing Earth into isolated academic and institutional
cubbyholes. My extensive time engaged this way enables me at will to
snuff out my story way of knowing and fully enjoy unity with the
natural intelligence that loved me into being..
In reality and imagination the art and science of organic psychology expeditions
return us to our origins. There we critically measure information,
procedures and behaviors by their natural attractiveness and long term
effects. We then, moment by moment, responsibly organize and balance
our relationships by helping our natural attractions unite themselves.
the most interesting
felt-sense attractions from doing this section. List the senses that
were involved. Add this process to an experience you have had in your
special area of interest: Art, Creative Writing, Music, Yoga,
Parenting, Recovery, Addiction, Renewal etc.
- Supportive Reading and Activities:
in a natural area read one or two more chapters and appendices in Reconnecting With Nature including
doing their activities and journaling them.
- Journal Respond Form: For personal growth and reference use this
form to describe the value of
this section.
Various Labels
For sixty years I have pioneered and promoted the scientific value
of creating moments that let Earth teach us what we need to enjoy the
wisdom of nature's garbage-free perfection. This has had various
names assigned to the process as information advanced including
- 1959 Trailside County School outdoor travel and camping
- 1977 An Expedition Education learning program via the Regents of University of the State of New York
- 1965 Organism Earth: the life of Earth having its own, self-correcting homeostasis
- 1978 National Audubon Society Expedition Institute at Lesley University
- 1990 Project NatureConnect in cooperation with Portland State University
- 1990 NSTP: The web-of-life Natural System Thinking Process
- 1990 Nature-connected 54-sense knowing and relationships,
- 1986 Organic Psychology at World Peace University
- 1991 Integrated Natural Attraction Ecology at the Institute of Global Education
- 2005 Akamai University Institute of Applied Ecopsychology
- 2013 The Organic Psychology GreenWave-54
Albert Einstein Unified Field process and equation for Eco-Art,
Eco-Yoga, Eco-Soma and Organic Therapies.
These years and results testify to my stubborn dedication to Nature's
welfare and that I experience it as a my peculiar integrity. I thank my
parents and Eleanore Roosevelt for this precious knowledge along with
the exceptional individuals who continue to participate in and
support Project NatureConnect.
EcoArt Activity: GreenWave: Opening Your Heart to the Darkness of the Night
An Expedition Challenge:
and learning on the Expedition was in some ways as different as night
and day in comparison to "normal" life. Does this activity help you
bridge the gap?
EcoArt Activity: GreenWave: Opening Your Heart to the Darkness of the Night
1. Choose an area that is attractive. Keep in mind
that you want to experience the night time living systems as natural as
possible. For example, instead of sitting near a manmade light try to
take a few steps away from this light so you can emerge yourself safely
in the pureness of the dark. Remember to Gain consent to visit a
natural area, including a person's inner nature.
2. Find an attraction(s) there or give it time to find you.
3. From the 54 sense list say or write the name of
the self-evident senses, sensations or sensibilities that you register.
Do this as well for other attractions that show up in your immediate
4. From your experiences draw what your attractions
are in the nighttime. Remember you may not be able to directly see what
a living being is so you can be creative and draw what you think the
living being looks like. Try not to draw from memory or images. Let
your creative nature guide you.
5. Title and sign your artwork.
Reflective Questions
1. How hard or easy was it for you to connect with the natural environment versus the manmade environment?
2. What noises in the manmade environment did you have to block out, or try to, in your experience?
3. Did you experience nature differently at night
than you do in the daytime? If so how? What new senses/sensations did
you experience?
4. Did you experience cause you to feel negative in anyway? If so how and how did you self-correct this?
5. Are you happy with your artwork? Why or Why not?
6. Did it feel natural to be participate in nature connecting experiences at night? Why or Why not?
7. What did you learn from this activity?
8. What did you like the most about this activity?
9. What did you like least about this activity?
10. Do you have suggestions for improving or adding to this activity?
WARRANTIED FACT CHECK: Visit the warrantied fact list www.ecopsych.com/warrantfact.docx
and insert dates on new facts that you learned or know to this point in the
book. Place a check mark on facts you previously dated that you feel
have been reinforced or extended.
A. If at this point you
are interested in strengthening your knowledge, resilience and
relationships via increased GreenWave-54 expertise, you have
enough information about it now to know that you will succeed in
mastering it and adding its value it to your personal and professional
relationships. You can do this free on your own as long as you
remain aware that doing it without a supportive partner(s) limits its
depth and effectiveness due to a lack of input from a human source that
only a human being understands.
B. You can also accomplish
the above in conjunction with a mentor and support group online along with onsite and
gain optional credit, certification or a degree that confirms your
skill and training. At this point you are eligible for work-study
and financial assistance on this path. Visit www.ecopsych.com/orient.html to explore and
apply for it.
Continue this free,
immediate, personal Sensory Nature Unified Field
GreenWave-54 training because your GreenWave attraction is to promote
peace and sanity and it's easy to do that here in a
good way. Why wouldn't you want to do this?
remainder of this book and course validates, reinforces, accredits and
enhances what you now already know so that you can expertly CRL apply it.
To continue Select Here for
and call 360-378-6313 to let us
know your questions and how we can help you.
Introduction/ Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
We are going to Kick Start a hard copy publication of this book,
available at cost, for the public and as a textbook for learning and
applyingGreenWave Wisdom anywhere. You will get a free copy of it and its companion volume, With Justice for All
if you contribute to our Kick Start goal of $100,000 for a Public Information
Director who will full time educate folks about the book's
message and availability. Let us know if you are interested in participating.
360-378-6313 nature@interisland.net
Become whole life intelligent. Obtain a subsidized
Counseling and Healing With Nature GreenWave-54 degree
or certificate in
conjunction with:
Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus &
Herbal Remedy
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing
.................................. |
& Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change
Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming
1 A new Copernican revolution. (2012).
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Retrieved from http://www.ecopsych.com/naturepath.html
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Nature-connected learning participants. Retrieved from
13 Cohen, M. J. (2016). Maverick
Genius Walk. Retrieved from http://www.ecopsych.com/MAKESENSEWALK.docx
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a part of it. (2011-2013). Journal of Organic Psychology and Natural
Attraction Ecology, 1. Retrieved from
19 The National Grange. (1874, February
11). The declaration of purposes of the National Grange, Retrieved from
The state of planet earth and us. (2001). Retrieved from
Thinking and learning with all nine legs. (2011). Retrieved
from http://www.ecopsych.com/nineleg.html
22 Cohen, M. J. (2009a). How to transform
destructive thinking into constructive relationships. Retrieved from
23 Cohen,
M.J. (1993a) The process of counseling with nature The Humanistic Psychologist, 21, Autumn
1993 Integrated Ecology:
Enjoy Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction
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