| Project NatureConnect.net
Applied Ecopsychology Organics in
Eco-Art, Eco-Yoga, Eco-Soma and Organic Power Gaia Therapies
Counseling and Healing With
Nature Online
Funded, sensory,
accredited, courses, degrees and career training: Certification, BS, MS, Ph.D.
Homepage: Ecopsychology Online. Create scientific moments that let the life of Earth in a natural area provide us with whole-life powers to solve problems great and small.
Revolutionary Wisdom
The Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) Web-of-Life Model.
With the
discovery of the Big Bang Higgs Boson natural attraction field announced in
July, 2012 after eighty years of research, the
source of our life-support deterioration along with the remedy for
it further affirmed the work of Project NatureConnect (PNC) and its
Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) Web of Life Model. This was
because the core of PNC had historically been that natural attractions
or attachments are the GreenWave strands and webstrings that make up every aspect
of the web-of-life.
Fifty years ago that model postulated that attraction was the core of
Nature and the life of Planet Earth's web of life acted accordingly.
(PAN 1981, ECHN
GreenWave power and wisdom of NSTP is that scientifically the Universe, Nature, Earth and Humanity are
moment-by-moment all-attraction expressions and manifestations of the
Unified Field. Nothing is unattractive or negative in or around us
except the nature-disconnected stories that we attach our 54 GreenWave
senses to. The way we think with these stories deny or disrupt the all-attraction truth
and value of NSTP whole-life science.
For example:
A rubber balloon filled with a mixture of gases including nitrogen,
oxygen and carbon dioxide has its own attractive wholeness.
When you push
in its rubber skin you stressfully separate the skin molecules by stretching
them out. At the same time you attract together the air molecules
within the balloon to accommodate the push and its value...and their crowded
attachments stress them.
Both the separation and attraction are "dance
properties" of the balloon that your push energizes into dancing.
Both make possible an attractive pulse that supports the balloon's
whole-life survival
in coping with change from a push. Neither are
If, over time, your story that pushes the
balloon is not attracted to more attractive things in response to the stressed resistance dance signals it gets
from the balloon, your story is then a negative because it injuriously
stresses the balloon. It is not part of how the balloon normally
operates to sustain its well being by its energies bringing themselves into balance.
When the balloon is the web of life of Planet Earth, the consequence of our addictive and increasingly pushy, planet-insensitive stories is Earth Misery.
Presently, over ninety-nine percent of the stories that we use to normally think, feel and relate are disconnected from the way the life of Earth works.
The Project NatureConnect NSTP model and its stories are excellent for learning how Earth works because strands of the web represent attracted,
connected, sensitive Web of Life GreenWave connections that include 54 natural
sense signals from the life pulse of Earth.
the most interesting
felt-sense attractions from doing this section. List the senses that
were involved. Add this process to an experience you have had in your
special area of interest: Art, Creative Writing, Music, Yoga,
Parenting, Recovery, Addiction, Renewal etc.
- Supportive Reading and Activities:
in a natural area read one or two more chapters and appendices in Reconnecting With Nature including
doing their activities and journaling them.
- Journal Respond Form: For personal growth and reference use this
form to describe the value of
this section.
The Webstring Natural Attraction Model (NSTP)
For almost sixty years, Michael J. Cohen, the creator of NSTP,
has been
environmental educator and psychologist who, from many decades of
university training and living
and learning in natural areas, became aware that our socialization in
industrial society prejudiced our mind. It conditioned us to know
nature and ourselves through
abstract stories that separated our thinking from the beauty and
balanced ways of nature and this created our disorders. The
biased the way we think to believe that it alone was intelligent and
that our thinking made more sense than the natural attraction way that
worked to produce its eons of self-correcting perfection.
completion of his undergraduate and graduate studies in natural science
and counseling in
1957, for 49 years Cohen increasingly lived, learned and researched
ecologically sound relationships as he guided expedition education
camping and study groups into natural areas for periods of thirty days
to a year at a time. From this remarkable outdoor experience
recognized that he and Planet Earth were equally alive and shared all
aspects of life except one, humanity could build relationships using
stories, the life of Earth could not. Over time, he developed a sensory
nature-connecting model that empowered its participants to genuinely
connect their thinking and relationships to the balance and renewing
powers of nature, the real thing, backyard or backcountry.
unique Webstring Natural Attraction Model (NSTP) enabled the thinking of its
participants to sensibly become familiar with, respect and enhance
nature's nurturing life-flow in and around them. It benefited them by
giving them the means to eliminate the separation of the life of their
psyche from nature's restorative intelligence and balance. He observed
that it was this separation that made industrial society reduce
personal, social and environmental well being.
Today, the
NSTP model's
process helps us transform our hurtful ignorance and deterioration of
web of life into mutually supportive relationships with its natural
systems in the environment, other people and ourselves. In
addition, the Model gives us the means to teach others how to easily
accomplish this.
Because the
Webstring Model has successfully involved people in the process of
reducing their destructive relationships with nature, the Model is
significant because it is far more experiential and practical than
theoretical. It provides us with the means to achieve our most
valued goals. This is important because we best increase well-being by
owning and using tools that help us build mutually supportive
relationships with nature that reduce our dysfunctions.
By 1948,
history and current events demonstrated that our thinking in industrial
society was programmed to conquer, exploit and control nature for
profit, not to embrace nature. Embracing nature was considered, flakey,
subjective, unscientific, touchy-feely tree-hugging. We not only
learned to think that loving nature impeded “progress” and “economic
growth,” we were paid and in other ways rewarded to think this
way. This was no small matter nor was it a secret. It was a
matter of massive and long-term public consciousness that industrial
society had bonded to support our harmful ways, even when we abhorred
their personal and global negative effects. By also learning to
ignore appropriate tools to deal with this phenomenon, most people were
rendered helpless and apathetic in this regard. They knew that the
nature-destructive thinking and excessive ways of industrial society
deteriorated natural systems within and around them. They had yet
to know the source of this dilemma and how to remedy it via NSTP.
The Process of the Webstring Natural Attraction Model
In his
classic 1953 book, The Web of Life, a first book of Ecology, John
Storer, incorporating Eugene Odum's scientific methodology in
Fundamentals of Ecology, brought to public attention the fundamental
truth that all aspects of life are related to each other and that this
gives life the ability to create its own supportive environment and
healthy balance. Storer noted that, through Ecology, he described the
web of life with respect to what could be identified as an orderly
progression of significant food chains and energy threads that were
only a small part of the massive facts and forces that go into making
the physical global life community. Ecology provided scientific
evidence for the concept of a universal form of oneness, that all
things are connected. This had long been part of human thinking
in many cultures.
In 1972,
two years after the first Earth Day, Cohen watched an environmental
education specialist in Smokey Mountain National Park ecologically
demonstrate how all threads, not just food and energy threads, of the
natural community fit into a single pattern to connect, grow and
sustain the massive web of life that Storer and Odum identified. The
specialist went beyond learning from book knowledge and theory alone.
She involved her audience in an environmental studies model, in an
activity that helped them bring to mind, include and validate their
personal and professional life experiences. In a natural area, she
engaged them in a web of life ecology activity that enabled people of
all ages to understand, model and feel the natural environment so they
could more appreciate, support and protect it.
specialist's activity consisted of placing a group of forty park
visitors, including children, in a circle and giving each person a card
to wear. On each card some part of nature was inscribed: bird, soil,
water, tree, air, wolf etc. A large ball of string (the GreenWave) was then used
to demonstrate the interconnecting relationships between things in
nature. For example the bird ate insects so the string was unrolled and
passed from the "bird person" through the hands of the "insect person."
The string represented their connection. The insect lived in a flower,
so the string was further unrolled across the circle through the hands
of the "flower person." The flower was supported by the soil so the
string continued across the circle and through the hands of the “soil
person.” In time, the ball of string became a web of strings
(webstrings) that passed through the hands of the participants and
interconnected all parts of nature with each other. It was a
science-based, ecologically correct and environmentally sound
educational portrayal of the total global life community, including
activity continued by requesting that the group of web of life
participants gently lean away from the web they built while holding it.
They sensed and enjoyed how this thin GreenWave string now peacefully united,
supported and interconnected them and all of life. The specialist had
them note that the greater the number of nature-representatives that
were in the circle, the stronger the web would become. Some
people shared how the web was beautiful or how past contact with nature
had been a powerful experience that opened new vistas, renewed or even
healed them. Most acknowledged that being in nature reduced their
stress, even on just a short walk in the park. Some said that
nature was their higher power.
A few
participants observed that there was no garbage or pollution in this
web of life community, nothing was left out, everything belonged and
cooperated, even though many things, like a mouse and a tree, were
extremely different from each other. The activity and its
discussion evoked feelings of trust, integrity and unity amongst the
participants along with a greater respect for nature's peaceful
involved people in a webstring model that captured and conveyed
nature's perfection, the specialist then cut one strand of the web
signifying the pollution or loss of a species, habitat or relationship.
The weakening effect on all was noted, not only physically through the
string, but also by a sadness that many participants felt. As
people shared other environmental and social destruction or pollution
that they had witnessed, or knew about, another and another string was
cut. String by string, the web's integrity, support and power
disintegrated along with its spirit. Because this reflected the reality
of their lives, participants, some in tears, said that it they felt
hurt, despair and futility while others became angry about the loss.
Webstrings, Real or Imagined?
years later, in 1988, at an environmental education conference where
the same web of life activity was informally demonstrated, Cohen asked
the activity participants if they had ever visited a natural area and
had actually seen strings interconnecting things there. They said, no,
that would be crazy. He responded, "If there are no strings there, what
then are the actual strands that interconnect and hold the natural
community together in balance?" It became very, very quiet.
Too quiet. That silence flagged a momentous missing fact in
contemporary thinking, consciousness and relationships, a fact that is
still missing today. Participants concluded that the question went
outside the scope of environmental education, environmental studies or
science. However, Cohen argued that webstrings were a vital part of the
web of life and survival. He said they were just as real and important
as the plants, animals, minerals and energies that they interconnected,
including humanity. If things were really connected, as in the model,
then the strings were as true, or more true, than 2 + 2 = 4. They
were facts as genuine as trees, thirst or motion, water, sight or
sunlight. Without knowing, sensing or respecting the webstrings that
make up nature and our inner nature, we broke, injured and ignored
them, and part of ourselves as interconnected citizens of this global
community. As members of the web of life, we were born with the
ability to sense, think with and benefit from the webstrings that
connected us to nature and our living planet, Mother Earth.
To identify
and explain the strings in the web of life, from his 38-year livelihood
living and learning in natural areas Cohen modified the web of life
activity. His goal was to help its participants be fully aware of
webstrings, what they were and their significance. In his version
of the activity, he did not start the demonstration with the labeled
cards. Instead, he began it by asking participants to: 1) visit
the natural area around them for five minutes, 2) find two or three
things there that for at least five seconds they felt attracted to, 3)
identify what they liked about these attractive natural things and then
4) return to the web of life circle. Upon returning,
participants, in turn, wrote on a card that they later wore, one of the
natural attractions they found, one that, if possible, had not already been chosen by
another person to insure an optimum of diversity in the circle.
To help
people integrate the attractions they found in nature as part of the
web-of life activity, Cohen explained to the participants that,
although they could not notice it, the large ball of string faintly
pulsated like a heart because it was the source of conscious
attraction. The dance of its pulse resulted from, back and forth, being
attracted to survive in the moment and then to attractions that drew it
into more supportive survival in the next moment. In addition,
whenever he passed the string through a person's hand, it was always
from left to right.
Cohen added two more cards to the activity. Each of them was labeled
“person,” and after all the webstring connections were made between all
the participants, including the two people labeled “person,” the two
“person” people were additionally connected to each other by a special
red ribbon. It lay across the top of all the other webstrings in the
circle. Cohen explained that the ribbon signified that people
inherited a sense of literacy, a unique ability to connect with each
other by thinking and communicating through words, numbers and
stories. Most participants agreed that the web of life itself
communicated or communed through webstrings but things in nature did
not directly think with, understand or use spoken or written words,
numbers or stories. In this sense, nature and the natural were
illiterate and our “red ribbon” stories were foreign to them. Cohen
noted that this disconnection was very dangerous because it was
self-evident that to be part of a system a thing must be in
communication with the system and vice versa. Many participants displayed alarm or sadness to the point of tears during this procedure.
Cohen added
another step to the original activity. He had participants
slowly, with their fingers and free hand, move the strings through
their hand from left to right so that the pulsating string moved/flowed
throughout the web. This depicted the long-term dance and flow of
natural systems and their attraction energies. It portrayed how the
“waste products” of one natural thing were a life-giving contribution
to other things, including people. For example, the carbon dioxide we
exhaled was food for plants. The model also demonstrated that whenever
any member of the web of life community restricted the flow of the
string, the string was stretched and stressed until the member
cooperated. This tension modified its pulse. However, if the
restriction was not corrected, the flow and well being of each member,
as well as the whole system, was adversely affected. This included a
reduction in the well being of the non-supportive member.
In his
enhanced web of life activity, during the part of the activity when the
strings were being cut, Cohen suggested that it was inaccurate,
incomplete or biased “red ribbon” human thoughts and stories about life
and natural relationships that mislead people to excessively cut the
webstrings or restrict their flow. Non-supportive stories impacted the
strings, and therefore the whole web, as they passed through the hands
of people. For example, the story of industrial society socialized
people to ignore the attraction string flow in each moment as their
source of survival and, instead, for profit, survive by excessively
devouring or exploiting other members of the web community. This
occurred even to the point that other web members became extinct and
disappeared from the global life community. Participants
admitted that this occurred in their lives out of habit, addiction or necessity so
they could not stop injuring the strings, even when their sense of
reason knew it made sense to stop. For example, they could not
walk to work if their workplace was not within walking distance.
Since well
before the day that the web of life activity was first designed, Earth
and its people were increasingly suffering from "cut string"
disintegration, yet we continued to cut the webstrings at an alarming
rate. Few disputed the accuracy of our situation as depicted by
the web of life model yet, sadly, people witnessed and felt, especially
since Earth Day, the continued cut-string deterioration of the natural
world and their relationship with it, each other, and themselves. To
those whose belief system rejected that people were part of the web of
life, Cohen asked how they explained that in a study published in the
Annual Report for Smithsonian Institution in 1953, scientists found by
using radioactive tagged atoms that 98 percent of the atoms of our body
and mind are replaced each year by atoms from the environment. Every
seven years or so, practically every molecule in our body returns to
the environment and is replaced by a new molecule from the environment,
just as the string flow of his webstring model portrayed. In
addition, our body consists of ten times more non-human cells and
organisms than human, cells. Over 115 species, alone, live on and help
sustain the health of our skin. (Margulis & Sagan 1986). Cohen
would ask, “Doesn't this suggest that we are part of the web of
life and it is part of us? Isn't the web like the womb of our
post-natal life?” Are not the life of Earth and ourselves identical?
In one of
his later workshops, Cohen helped participants answer, “What are the
strings?” the question that he originally asked at the conference. He
suggested that to answer it, they explore and express what they had
been sensing or feeling as part of the web of life because the life of
their psyche and mind was also part of the web. To this end, he had
participants do an activity to help them discover what webstrings might
be: “Find any attractive object or thing in the natural area
here, and with your total energy pull or push it, but don't dislodge it
from its attachment or move it from its place.” Through this
activity participants were able to physically sense and feel some of
the attraction energies that connected things to each other and the
whole of the web of life, including attractions in air and water. They
also became aware that their felt-sense attractions to things in nature
were also webstrings and that webstrings pulsated. As they changed from
moment to moment, they re-registered in the things they connected. For
example, if a person saw a bird and the bird saw the person, the bird
might move, the person might move in return and this pulse would
continue until other attractions called. Both the bird and person
registered and reacted to the in-balance webstring senses of motion
sight and distance, and perhaps many others, as well.
In time,
participants recognized that webstrings were a dance of connective
attractions by all of life to obtain things like food, water, habitat,
energy, minerals, warmth, community and support. Soon they
realized that, in their psyche, these attractions were also specific
senses or desires that they experienced such as hunger, thirst, trust,
belonging, respiration and place. They saw how, in the web of
life demonstration, every part of the global life community, from the
spaces between sub-atomic particles, to weather systems, to the solar
system, to the life of their mind was included and was part of the web
and that everything consisted of, and was held together by webstring
attractions and their aware/conscious contact with of each other.
This explained why, like the whole web of strings they had constructed,
nothing ordinarily fell apart or became garbage without cause.
Webstrings naturally bonded things together in mutually supportive
ways. Natural things acted as if they consented with each other to
support their individual lives and all of life.
Webstrings injured in childhood are recognized as
vulnerable to other individuals who, due to similar childhood injuries,
less sensitive to their vulnerability, and vice versa. This situation
triggers distress. Webstring attractions in natural areas replace these
vulnerabilities, reduce distress and promote unity.
the Webstring Model has successfully involved people in the process of
reducing their destructive relationships with nature, the Model is
significant because it is far more experiential and practical than
theoretical. It provides us with the means to achieve our
valued goals. This is important because we best increase well-being by
owning and using tools that help us build mutually supportive
relationships with nature that reduce our dysfunctions.
the most interesting
felt-sense attractions from doing this section. List the senses that
were involved. Add this process to an experience you have had in your
special area of interest: Art, Creative Writing, Music, Yoga,
Parenting, Recovery, Addiction, Renewal etc.
- Supportive Reading and Activities:
in a natural area read one or two more chapters and appendices in Reconnecting With Nature including
doing their activities and journaling them.
- Journal Respond Form: For personal growth and reference use this
form to describe the value of
this section.
Expedition Challenge Activity
This activity helps you experience a crucial point in my life and yours. It allows the dead to rise
from the grave. Once I was able to see life everywhere, I could
critically validate the universality of my natural senses and of Us.
1. Go to an attractive natural area and thankfully gain permission to spend an hour inventorying what is taking place there. Identify how and where for each thing you find, this same thing is taking place in yourself and affecting you, and vice-versa.
2. Do this same activity with a partner and each of the 54 senses that you can find in that person.
Participants’ Reactions have been:
Plants breathe, I breathe.
I move, rocks move.
Water cycles through me and everything else.
Rocks interact, I interact.
Crystals grow, I grow.
Soil nourishes, I nourish.
Atoms attract and are attracted, me too.
I reproduce, minerals reproduce.
Birds fly, I jump.
I desire to be, so does everything else.
I love to relate, oxygen loves to relate.
Water changes, I change.
Roots need diversity, so do I.
- My life results from and celebrates the lives of other beings.
The desire to be of trees, rocks, and dinosaurs is alive and well within me.
I’m alive. Earth is alive.
I’m not old enough to reproduce, but that doesn’t mean I’m not alive.
the most interesting
felt-sense attractions from doing this section. List the senses that
were involved. Add this process to an experience you have had in your
special area of interest: Art, Creative Writing, Music, Yoga,
Parenting, Recovery, Addiction, Renewal etc.
- Supportive Reading and Activities:
in a natural area read one or two more chapters and appendices in Reconnecting With Nature including
doing their activities and journaling them.
- Journal Respond Form: For personal growth and reference use this
form to describe the value of
this section.
Expedition Challenge Activity
A human infant, our inner child, is the Planet personified; it embodies the Planet’s attractions, life processes and materials. Its natural tension-relaxation attractions exist to acquaint and connect the infant with the natural world’s life-supporting elements and pulse.
With consent, find examples of the 54 natural attraction senses in a
natural area and see if you can determine how they supported you life
as an infant and now.
For example:
- The infant senses the tension of suffocation to attract the Planet’s air. Breathing relaxes this tension and satisfies the Planet’s tension for carbon dioxide.
- The infant senses the attraction called thirst because Earth has rain, lakes and rivers to give it water.
- Thirst attracts the Planet’s water and, in turn, the infant’s urine relaxes the living planet’s tensions for liquid, nitrogen and support.
- The infant senses hunger because the global life community wants it to eat and live. The infant senses the attractive tension to excrete because Mother Earth needs its by-products as food for other organisms.
- The infant desires mobility to move toward attractive environments that support it and need it.
- The infant feels loneliness because it craves the life-supportive niche and relationships that Earth and relationships.
- The infant senses temperature because it seeks environments that best support its life and vice-versa.
- The infant experiences tensions of sexual desire and nurturing as part of nature’s love for it and its kind.
- The infant senses music, form and color so that it may react to those aspects of Earth. The infant satisfies the living planet’s desire to have life supportive relationships.
- The infant feels tensions and senses because, in concert, senses catalyze global and personal balance.
- The infant trusts the now moment because only in it does the whole of life resonate.
- The infant loves life because love is the nature of NNIAAL.
Our infant self remains alive in us throughout our lives as our inner nature's biology. It is entirely sentient. Our mind is mainly designed to pay attention to attractions in the natural world for they are its origin and sustenance. The infant within us craves them, for it is them and of them.
Food for thought: .
To be fully rational, our rationality must honor our natural senses and act accordingly. When it doesn’t, our inner nature emotionally us senses abandonment for it is being disconnected from NNIAAL, the sources of its life. Our comfort-discomfort feelings at any given moment entirely depend upon wisdom about what combinations of logic, symbol-images, attractions and tensions touch our inner nature.
the most interesting
felt-sense attractions from doing this section. List the senses that
were involved. Add this process to an experience you have had in your
special area of interest: Art, Creative Writing, Music, Yoga,
Parenting, Recovery, Addiction, Renewal etc.
- Supportive Reading and Activities:
in a natural area read one or two more chapters and appendices in Reconnecting With Nature including
doing their activities and journaling them.
- Journal Respond Form: For personal growth and reference use this
form to describe the value of
this section.
Expedition Challenge Activity
Let SUNEH-NNIAAL help you answer a question or strengthen yourself.
1) Identify a question you want assistance with.
2) Find a natural attraction in a natural area, an
attraction that you can touch (tree, brook, flower, place, air etc.)
and gain its consent to do this activity with it.
Get to know this tree as yourself by identifying as many of the 54
senses that you share with it as you can in this moment of the time
space unified field.
-Validate that now is when the life of its and your essence are identical.
-Validate, too, that during the growth of Earth's life through the eons
this natural attraction preceded humanity and part of it loved itself
into being to your human life so in real time,
-Validate that what is attractive to you about this attraction is actually it in you doing the attracting.
Now, while unified with the attraction, continue to put into language
what attractions you are experiencing that could be helpful to your
question. 5) In your imagination become the attraction talking to you and telling you the helpful experiences you found in 4).
6) Identify the insights or values you obtained from 1-5 and apply them when appropriate.
the most interesting
felt-sense attractions from doing this section. List the senses that
were involved. Add this process to an experience you have had in your
special area of interest: Art, Creative Writing, Music, Yoga,
Parenting, Recovery, Addiction, Renewal etc.
- Supportive Reading and Activities:
in a natural area read one or two more chapters and appendices in Reconnecting With Nature including
doing their activities and journaling them.
- Journal Respond Form: For personal growth and reference use this
form to describe the value of
this section.
WARRANTIED FACT CHECK: Visit the warrantied fact list www.ecopsych.com/warrantfact.docx
and insert dates on new facts that you learned or know to this point in the
book. Place a check mark on facts you previously dated that you feel
have been reinforced or extended.
Continue on to Part 4
Introduction/ Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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