Come Into
Natural Balance
Benefit from Albert
Organic Love Equation.
Get Genius Smart:
Help Nature Help Us Transform Our Polluted Ways Into Increased
Well-Being For All.
Ride Nature's
Wave Crest.
Self Evidence
SUNEH-54 Alive
Two bodies (V2B)
Our Estrangement
Whole Life Science
Habitual Confidence
Apply Equation
"NNIAAL + V2B ="
Be All You Were Born To Be
Equation Nature Connection
Courses, Degrees, Accredited,
Warranty, Certificate Authentic,
Balance, Education, Counseling,
Healing, Grants Global Sensory, Methods,
Credentials Career, Livelihood,
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are here now
Ride Nature's
Wave Crest.
Test Instructions
Self Evidence
SUNEH-54 Alive
Two bodies (V2B)
Our Estrangement
Whole Life Science
Habitual Confidence
Apply Equation
"NNIAAL + V2B ="
Be All You Were Born To Be
Start Here
Beginning Page
are here now
Ride Nature's
Wave Crest.
Test Instructions
Self Evidence
SUNEH-54 Alive
Two bodies (V2B)
Our Estrangement
Whole Life Science
Habitual Confidence
Apply Equation
"NNIAAL + V2B ="
Be All You Were Born To Be
The GreenWave Unified Field
Equation: your love of whole life in action
- Our
senses register for our awareness the world that is in and around us.
- Our thoughts, feelings and relationships are built on self-evident information
that our senses convey.
- When the information or our senses are limited, warped or injured, so are our lives, awareness and happiness.
world is troubled because we do not live out the Whole Life ways of relating
that we biologically inherit from the life of Earth, our living planet, as it thrives as part of the life of the Universe.
our modern Industrial ways are objective/material they omit using the
"subjective" 85 percent of our 54 natural unifying and
restorative senses that we share with the life of our
Planet. This omission unbalances and stresses the biodiversity of the world including
us. The loss
makes us want excessively; we feel we never have enough. This
unbalances us and places us at
Sadly, as we survive in our Society using
our nature-disconnected intelligence, we secretly learn to violate Earth, each other and
This is the source of most of our disorders, from excessive stress to
climate change. By applying a simple equation you can remove it from
your life and relationships and help others do the same.
This Intelligence Inventory
scientifically enables you to sense that your life is your love of
life. It helps you discover the strength of you as a special
54-sense personification of
Nature's Unified Field and its self-correcting attraction
Stories that mislead you about or disconnect you from
the spirited dance of the Unified Field produce the unbalanced relationships
that you and the
web-of-life suffer. You can at any moment help bring all things back
into balance, including yourself, by GreenWave
reconnecting your 54 natural senses to the Unified Field.
"The world we have created is a product of our thinking. If we want to change the world, we have to change our thinking."
- Albert Einstein
change best takes place when we help our sensory attachment bonds to
Nature-disconnecting stories re-bond to more sensible and
attractive connections with authentic Nature.
- Michael J. Cohen
Proposals are now underway to establish both a United Nations and
United States Office of GreenWave Intelligence and Relationships dedicated to applying
the GreenWave Unified Field Equation, described below. Let us know if you want to help with this. <>
Bio: The
Ultimate Intelligence Inventory
Decode and apply the
GreenWave Unified Field
Equation: your love of whole-life in action that Albert Einsten sought
+ V2B = The Unified CRL Dance of
- Engage in the most powerful and
beneficial use of your sense of reason and maverick genius.
- This acronym equation is as whole life true and practical as 2 + 2 = 4 because every part of it is repeatable, self-evident experience.
- Individually or collectively our 54 natural senses that make up this equation are undeniable. They need no proof.
An individual who is certified to have
mastered the knowledge and use of the GreenWave Unified Field Equation
can use and cite the Equation to validate or warranty their application of its contribution to their livelihood, relationships or defense of their thesis.
2012, Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
- The pages, below, review, increase and strengthen information you may have already seen in the introductory section.
- To
get the most from these pages first read through them entirely and then
a second time follow links of interest.
Bio Inventory Segment One (of Two)
For Segment Two select here
Individuals who
successfully complete segment one and two are eligible to receive
accredited academic or professional training CEU credits for the
comprehensive exam course eco800UF
Introduction Section A:
about a quiet, peaceful time you have spent in the beauty of a natural
area that attracted you. How did you feel there in comparison to being in a shopping mall, at work or school?
- Can you remember and feel colors, sounds, aromas, textures or flavors that might have been part of the nature experience?
- Can you feel comforting motions or attractive feelings of community, trust or place?
- Do you feel this connection is enchanting, self-enhancing or spiritually pleasing?
- Is it supportive, peaceful or both?
- Does it help you sense that you are part of a greater whole?
is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of
ignorance that surround it, it shines clear."
Mahatma Gandhi
"Although glaciers and Elk each travel in
own unique way, they are connected
to, guided by, and in mutually supportive balance with the attractive dance and
spirit of our
living planet and its web-of-life relationships.
As we travel in trains, planes and
automobiles created by our objective science and technology, we
powerfully move much faster and further than do the Elk or
glacier. However, our transportation is also a destructive
juggernaut; it produces harmful
side-effects that we can't stop while, to the benefit of all, the inherently wise travel
of the glacier and Elk is balanced. Their planetary homeostasis increases
global well-being. "
The Science of our Space/Time Universe
Since 2012 AD evidence increasingly has shown that our lives,
society, civilization and all other things are functions of the
13.8 billion year old, attraction-founded (Higgs Boson), life of the Big Bang Universe
that we also call Nature. The life of Earth and ourselves live in it. They are part of its intelligent, balanced perfection just as it is part of us. This is a naturally attractive, pro-life, fiduciary relationship.
In our solar system and without using our story-making
ability, over the eons the dance of Nature's aliveness has been
attracted to
create and grow the attractive self-correcting perfection of its own
time, space and
relationships moment-by-moment including this moment. The past
and future are, in reality, only stories and sensations in the present.
humanity with its senses and its stories only "recently" appeared (some 200 thousand years
ago), in
any given moment all things in the life of Planet Earth, including us, have
continued to hold in common the attractive unifying
space, time, life and wisdom of the Universe and its eons. This,
today, includes
our unique science, technologies and ability to relate through stories.
The life of Earth today also includes how our 54
natural attraction senses can register and build balanced and beautiful relationships without our stories.
This is pivotal because what any of our 53 senses find attractive in
nature is story-less nature within us doing and registering the
is our socialized, nature-disconnected stories that make our attractions estrange us from
Nature's homeostatic balance,
purity and beauty.
Detached from Nature, our relationships are out of tune with Earth's
life and wisdom. This
disastrous mental unbalance
teaches or addicts
us to spend, on average, over
99 percent of our lives thinking, feeling and relating through
powerful scientific facts that further separate us from and are at odds with
how "subjective" Nature works. This
culturally rewards us to excessively build our indoor world and injure
Nature's plant, animal, mineral and energy kingdoms even when we don't
want to.
pain and loss produced by our sensory removal from the unity of global
life underlies our personal, social
environmental disorders. This is why reconnecting our 54 senses with
their home in Nature's homeostasis happily restores our balance.
Uniquely, it creates moments that let Earth's teach us what we need to
... |
you for your interest in further discovering how much "Einstein Intelligence"
you may have and/or your desire to strengthen your maverick genius. It will help you and others think, feel and relate one
giant step further into increasing the personal, social and environmental
well being of healthy biodiversity than does the nature-disconnected way we presently operate.
The latter is
a way that produces rather than reduces our
The Giant Step:
It is a giant step to be educated enough to recognize that in our
advanced science and technology world you are alive and your life
like surfing the crest of a gentle wave. From it you can see the past but you
can't influence it because you are now on the immediate moment of your wave. Ahead
you can see the
future but you can't be there to influence it now because you are on your
Your wave only exists in the present, the amazing now moment of the life our Universe and us. It is the only time and place
where our intelligence can be aware of the past, present and future,
can speak and share information with them and then make changes for a better next moment. This is because the life of the
Universe, including our Planet and us, makes its own time and space,
moment-by-moment wave.
Our 54 natural senses only operate in each Now moment, they are
expressions of the Unified Field that come into our awareness.
All things in the life of the Universe only exist in the present moment of it, the Now of life
that includes our stories, sensations and knowledge. Learning
to "felt sense think and speak in natural areas on the wave" enables us
communicate with the whole of life and its history as
part of each moment of our Universe's Unified Field attraction network. In the "Now" aliveness of that wave no single thing or event stands alone. It is attached by attraction to
all that has gone before it and it will remain attached to all that
follows it and
attraction is conscious of what it is attracted to. That is how it
knows what and what not to attach to. Its aliveness has created an
attractive Universe and our planet. In real time in natural areas this lets our 54 senses
psycho-emotionally connect and attractively dance with all past
leaders, deities, stories and relationships while we update them with
new facts from today's art and science. This unification empowers each of us to mutually love and support our planet. Using
nature's wisdom we increase well-being.
Scientists have found that attached particles that are light-years separated from each can change their
behavior simultaneously. What happens to one instantly happens to the other. In
this sense they are part of a universal singularity moment and they are connected
to and on some level conscious and in communication with all aspects of themselves. It means that the maverick genius in
us can make change occur quickly when connected by our senses to itself
in others and the environment. This intensifies and comes into our
consciousness when we connect within the framework of small groups or
with just another individual in a natural area. Then we can sense the
love and sensibility of the wave in each other.
you are student of the whole life art and science of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN) the
concept of "surfing the wave" is the major new thing presented in
the GreenWave Equation. The rest of it consists of acronyms for things
that are common knowledge or part of our long established and uniquely warrantied ECHN studies.
The GreenWave Vehicle
The Equation and process of Surfing the Wave is a special researched
science-based sensory vehicle, an advanced social technology tool that
helps us think and relate like the self-correcting balance and beauty
of the life of Nature works. The Vehicle is known as The GreenWave Unified Field
Equation: your love of whole-life in action. It works because has its own distinct, self-evident
purpose, blueprint, parts and and energy sources. There is no other vehicle like it.
For the
GreenWave vehicle to operate successfully we must only use its matching
scientifically designed methods and materials. The parts or
skills needed for other vehicles won't work, just like we can't steer a
Ford with the reins and bridle for a horse. To do so would crash the
the car and injure us and we are already doing that. The point is to stop and do things that make more sense. We don't stop today's high-tech car by saying "Woah."
Using inappropriate parts for the GreenWave vehicle
increase Earth misery rather than reduce it. The
needs a standard commonality for all its members in order to unify the
wonderful peace and diversity of Earth's life. It is a unifying
diversity language of its own that one must learn to understand and
communicate with/in it.
Diversity includes humanity's wide
variety of conflicting stories that without speaking "GreenWave" while riding the GreenWave too often produce clashes in and
between us as well as with the web of life.
The GreenWave vehicle takes
into account that nothing else in the web-of-life uses or understands our language
stories. This makes the integrity of the non-literate natural world, in and around us, like
Billy Budd. He was executed unjustly because he could not communicate his truth adequately. Sound familiar?
GreenWave Facts:
Intelligence Inventory is an "Einstein-smart" wave exploration for any
who recognizes that this singular fact is self-evident:
The fact that you
are reading these words
right now is obvious. It needs no proof or defense. It is unadulterated truth.
This fact
extraordinarily reasonable because self-evidence is
undeniable. It's purity registers and it is always available in
moment, directly
into our body, mind and spirit through some or all of our 54
senses including at this moment our senses of
sight, reason, consciousness, motion (scrolling, cursor, eye movement),
color, trust, gravity and place, all surfing
the wave, in the Now of this universal time/space moment, on
this page.
- Without
us having additional senses our sense of consciousness could not
fulfill its attraction to register the world and help itself/us survive.
exemplified by the sensation of thirst, on cellular and atomic
levels, sensors (senses and their sensations) in an organism,
large(Earth) or small(nanobe), are receptors that are attracted to
detect stimuli.
- When the information, including feedback, that our senses register is out of
balance, they become the main homeostatic driving force for change that
promotes life in balance. Their detection process is a fundamental
source that functions on mechanical, thermal, chemical, quantum and pilot wave levels as it
promotes the survival of life.
- When our senses are not adulterated or limited by
nature-disconnecting stories they can be depended on as supportive
self-evident, recovery and balancing tools that are part of every
space/time moment.
- When we are in a natural area each unadulterated natural sense is the integrity of
nature within us seeking, registering and balancing with the integrity of nature around us.
You can trust self-evidence when
you understand,
as did Albert Einstein, that his sense of reason finally helped him
deny the Steady
theory of the Universe. He realized that the Big Bang time/space continuum sequence of Universe-expansion was more rational
and evident than
the alleged continual appearance of unexplainable
phenomena from unknown sources. This was not simply theory or
academics. It is scientifically how we and Earth are united,
moment by moment, similar to thinking like a billion year old slime mold.
"The only source of knowledge is experience."
- Albert Einstein
The Big Bang theory became a completed fact in 2012 with the discovery
of the Higgs Boson, and with gravitation waves in 2015. It includes the
fact that, like a river, the essence of the
is a single, sequential,
continuing, universe wide-and-deep attraction-energy flow, moment after
moment. The Universe is attracted to continually create the life of its own
attractive time and space
until in some future time it is attracted not to. As part of this
process we have 54 natural attraction senses that register the moment and make us aware of
singular dancing essence of everything in any Time/Space moment moment of the Universe is significant. It means that all things are
identical in this regard including Earth, you and me. We are all
at an attractive core oneness dance with Nature and each other, moment by moment. As
human beings, we are each our own unique personification or personhood of Nature
as us attracted to participating in the dance of this moment into the next moment while remaining us.
Our sense of reason registers that if you and I know we are alive in
any moment, we also know that all things in that
moment are identical as parts of the Universe. Logically and reasonably this means that, the essence of all things must also be
alive in our moment of conscious aliveness. These things include spirit, Planet Earth, our 54 senses and the Universe
This supports the recent and ancient observations that Planet Earth,
"Gaia" is a living
organism. It is self-evident. It also signifies that our Universe is alive and was born as the aliveness of the "Big Bang."
If we and Earth are our attraction to be/live/survive/grow, so is the
attraction of the life of our Universe to be/live/survive/grow
after moment since its beginning. The same is true for the life of our Planet.
the above may seem academic until we recognize that rather than just
using 5-10 senses there is greater strength from biodiversity when our
alive 54 natural
senses sensibly register each moment; they love and reason in balance
at any moment at some level: they make profound sense, 54 sense
Scientifically, we must incorporate all valid evidence in our
stories to think and live sensibly. In addition, we must walk our
GreenWave talk.
The fossil record shows that Humanity, its ancestors and their stories have been on Earth for six million years.
What was the life of Earth and the Universe like ten million years ago
without our stories and with respect to Earth Misery Day? Wasn't
everything rooted in non-story intelligence
then? What force then was present that found value in eradicating half
the species on Earth in fifty years and could not stop; that
cubby-holed everything into nouns, verbs and belief system stories that
fought and eradicated each other; that knew which if any god, religion,
political party, social class or economic scheme was best?
The essence of eons of human-less Earth was the balanced aliveness and
diversity of moment-by-moment space/time attraction to being conscious
of what it was attracted to. Few, if any, of today's garbage,
pollution, injustice or story-based abusiveness such as rape, murder
and war existed because the stories that cause them now didn't exist
then, and continue now to exist as wilderness, the natural and its
Reasonable thoughts and acts must measure and adjust themselves by their effects once they are known. That
describes the balancing heartbeat process of homeostasis. Acting like a pilot
wave, it is the process that the GreenWave vehicle enables us to enact
by consciously helping our story selves plug us into the non-story
intelligence that we are and that we share with the self-correcting
life of our Planet, in and around us.
Einstein recognized that since the expanding Universe was unified, its
sequence had to have or consist of a
field that held it together in balance. For the remainder of his life he tried to prove this with a
physics equation.
He was unsuccessful in achieving this goal because the essence of the
Universe is a whole life act and
that came into being 13.7 billion years before
human-made equations
were invented. The essence of its singularity was present then as now.
Equations produced by humanity came billions of years later.
the following 58 years after Einstein's death in 1955,
research by scientists culminated in the
Boson discovery in 2012. It shows that
you and I
and our Planet are the part of the attraction-based, space-time
continuum, Big Bang Universe that we call "Mother Earth" and/or
"Nature." Moment by moment we live in the Living Universe and in Planet Earth, beneath
Earth's living atmosphere and as part of its biosphere, bio
meaning "alive."
Our story way of knowing portrays time as an identifiable sequence of
events while the life of story-less Earth and Nature, in and around us,
knows time as unifying singular attraction of all things in each
In the Now of each moment, Einstein's
alive unified field dances in, around and as us on the Wave. The life dance
is a self-organized, total
universe, interconnected, pure,
balance of
matter and energy that since its Big Bang beginning, has been attracted
(loves) to make and transform into it being its own time
and space, moment after moment. Particles on one side of the Universe
change and similar particles on the other side immediately change
with it as if the two were a single particle or that the
universe itself is a single, alive
attraction consciousness, moment after moment.
By riding the attraction
wave of the Earth, every individual can consciously connect with and speak from its
unifying attractiveness because our senses register it as themselves in
54 different ways.
Doing this locally can make wonderful changes occur because the
attractions are concentrated in the local community. This is like
Panpsychism and its "all things have an element of individual
consciousness" in action because Attraction is conscious of what it is
attracted to.
Our unique
individual selves
personify the life of our planet and universe as us
in its flow moment after moment.
moment is a singular, unifying, life-dance of the Universe event that
includes all aspects of the Universe except one. The one is any
story that excessively disconnects us from the dance.
Actions or stories that are attached to the moment have a living earth anchor
that can unify them. This explains why mathematics and
self-evidence are trustable and work. Their design and sequence, parallel, convey or are the central life-moment in action.
Folks who have strong attachments to riding the life-dance of the wave find that it takes them to where they sensibly want to go.
is attractive. The purpose of life is to support life, to survive, to
live in the next moment, be you a person, place or our Universe.
- Project NatureConnect
"In a natural area the GreenWave
Equation enables our 54 senses to reasonably bring the dance of past
leaders, religious figures or mystics in step with Industrial Society
in any moment. This unity gives us the presently missing ability to
understand and deal with the
catastrophe of our excessive nature-disconnection because we are
simultaneously dancing in tune with geology and physics laws, with Moses, Jesus
and Mohammad and with the rhythm of scientists, wellness or folks we disagree with. We resonate with and make sense of friends or criminals,
past experiences, wisdom and any other nature-supportive story that comes to mind."
- Mike Cohen
Introduction Section B:
Register Scientific Truth
a new, whole life unifying
and balancing
equation helps people felt-sense experience the Universe and themselves as self-evident real. They do this
rather than only intellectualize it, give it lip service, or take other
peoples' word for it.
Anybody can gain from the Equation by understanding this
simple but accurate whole-life model of the universe and us actively relating:
The Albert Einstein Unified Field Green Wave: your love of whole-life in action
to know and participate in the Big Bang Universe through the
self-evidence of the Einstein-Cohen Sensory
Unified Field.
Reality Check: What is the Wave? Our homeostatic, 54
sensory way of us knowing supports our real lives because scientifically speaking, every
moment on Earth each of us and the life of Earth
is Equation-surfing
crest of an intelligent leading wave of an alive Blue Ocean that rolls into the
Blue Ocean is the wise
and pure Universe/Nature/Us in its self-organizing, space-time
moment of "now" on our planet. Our experience when we visit a
natural area is it and us being and riding the wave from our birth forward.
Moment by moment,
the dance of each
immediate-moment of the Wave creates its own new time and space as it
becomes its future
planetary moments. This process in the last 300,000 years has intelligently evolved into this moment's wave with you and me
as fiduciary parts of its totality.
ancient everybody and everything else on the wave, you and I are late
newcomer children of
the Ocean's life and each moment after moment as we Equation surf the
crest of its Wave into the future.
crest is "now", where and when the blue
ocean is now closest to the Sun, where it mixes with yellow sunlight so it
is green
and bright instant
after instant, as is the life of our body, mind and spirit as part of it and natural enlightenment.
The Big
Bang Universe Wave Diagram
In the scientific story this diagram presents, each of us becomes a small part of
our nature, our living senses of Reason, Consciousness and Literacy
experiencing our aliveness in this Now "moment as we read these words.
The story gives us a sensory aliveness equation surfboard or raft represented by a star (* or ) that
we can choose to ride so the destructive parts of our advanced science
and high tech life become a seamless continuum of Nature and benefit
from its self-correcting balance and beauty while our personal lives support it doing this.
On the top of the diagram, we are riding the living combination of our
orange surfboard * combination of our Yellow Sensation of Aliveness and red Now Moment Greenwave Connection |
nature-connecting ride on the surfboard enables our stories from it to
build mutually beneficial, fiduciary relationships with the life of Nature and its biodiversity, in and around us.

The Past:
From our "Now" crest of the GreenWave
where you stand on your Now moment Equation surfboard (*) you can see behind you
what has happened. However, you can't
be there or do anything there now because you
are in the present. Your 54 senses register
the story of the past on the GreenWave
crest of space and time in the life of the present Now moment.
What you see has already happened. It
is now a story, not reality. Reality is that you are registering
and perhaps building relationships based on that story of the
past in the alive GreenWave of the present.
The Future:
can see from your Now moment Equation surfboard (*) that your future will occur
but you can't be there now or change it then because your
54 senses register
the possible story of the future on the GreenWave
crest of space and time in the life of the present moment.
is that you are in, registering, and perhaps relating or projecting to
that future story, in the present.
You are aware that the only time you
can know, sense, feel or act with regard to the life of the past, future or present
is the Now moment Equation surfboard (*), on/in or as the pure GreenWave and how its life
may have modified in any given moment. Even those that know God can only do so in the present moment.
Your Society: From your Now moment Equation surfboard (*) you can see
that there are many other people riding the
same planetary GreenWave
that you are on now. What they are doing or their stories are saying is what your 54 senses
are registering from them in present time and space along with
registering the rest of the GreenWave, too.
living sense of Reason can choose to pay attention to what their stories say and do, or not, as well as act upon it. This is because it is
happening on your Now moment Equation surfboard (*) of the GreenWave.
You are "being there." This is the only time your life is empowered to make things happen or change.
In addition, GreenWave
wisdom and experience
can help you in the moment because its life is purely present as itself
and you in the moment without possible distortions from your story
abilities because the real GreenWave
is not a story. It did not become one until some parts of humanity
created stories, right or wrong, that represented/abstracted the
GreenWave in words and symbols in the past 250,000 years.
What You
Know Now:
From the GreenWave at this moment you can 54 felt-sense see that if
society's brown Nature Disconnected Fiction Stories mislead
you, your next moment on the wave will be
misguided and misdirected as will all
your future wave moments until you correct the
error in some moment.
Nature Disconnected Fiction Stories disconnect themselves from the reality of the life of the Greenwave Universe including your life. This
makes them a form of death that can cause death in our advanced science
Universe. It's like driving an automobile without being trained
or licensed.
can see
that how you affect the GreenWave Unified Field
in any time and space moment determines how the life of the GreenWave will
shape its time and space, in and around you and others, in the next
moment after moment. As you get this information unadulterated from the
GreenWave itself you become the Wave being conscious of itself on Earth
in word and sentence language stories.
know that the life of Planet Earth is just one minuscule part of the total living Universe
and its unified field Blue and Green Wave.
our Planet's part of it, it is self-evident that your living GreenWave
of reason, consciousness and literate-articulated stories are empowered
moment by
moment to surf the GreenWave
crest into the future in the most reasonable and intelligent way
possible. This includes you building and maintaining a sensible Now moment Equation surfboard (*) "Einstein Unified Field Equation" that will help
you understand and ride the life of the GreenWave more effectively without injuring it.
It well help other folks do the
same with their unified field, but 54
different color-preference,
What You
Can Perceive:
On your Equation surfboard, you can see from the wave crest that the
life of the Ocean of the past on Earth has deteriorated since it expressed
itself as humanity and our attachments to stories that are Nature Disconnected Fiction about the GreenWave.
Since Industrial Society and the life of advanced science and technology has appeared, the power and impact of our adverse
GreenWave- disconnected
stories has significantly increased. They have been strengthened by
excessive use of conveniences like indoor areas, electricity, mass
mechanical demands, agricultural life, air transportation,
electronic communication, computers etc.
The unified living Ocean's
purity has been stressed with story-made chemicals, plastic and excessive relationships
that the GreenWave
never seen.
This powerful increase in stress has strengthened humanity's
unbalanced, hostile Nature Disconnected Fiction Stories and
relationships that eliminate habitats and species, upset the climate and peace and
undermine the unified perfection
of GreenWave
integrity of Earth in you and me.
the now moment you can sense that your
survival on the life of the Green Wave
is based on what the aliveness of your 52
senses are conveying directly to your senses of Consciousness(#42) and Reason(#43) as you think and feel as
part of each GreenWave
crest space/time moment. The senses of Reason
and Consciousness more powerfully bind with your special sense of articulate Literacy/story(#39) of the moment.
The aliveness of these three natural senses, Consciousness, Reason and Language (CRL)
are your
self-evident truth and intelligence in words and stories applied to you benefiting
from your GreenWave
surfboard, non-story, self-evident experience of the ride.
the now moment on your living surfboard you can look back as well as presently
see that Humanity is the only thing
on the GreenWave
that organizes itself around language stories. Whenever the
stories do not
sufficiently connect our body mind and spirit with the GreenWave
we lose conscious contact with the
loving intelligent, balance, healing and peace powers of GreenWave life. This
happens because as Planet Earth the
is not a story. It does not understand them and it is extremely
vulnerable to
their power in any space/time moment. Too often we impose them, inaccurate and unabated, with the strength
of our nature-disconnected money, technology and
prestige desires.
Problem We Now Can Solve
In contemporary society, now and historically, as we ride the GreenWave
life of the moment two things happen.
We socialize ourselves to think, feel
and relate to Nature- Disconnected Fiction Stories of the past and
the future. We habitually or addictivly bring into, and pay attention in
each GreenWave moment,
to our story errors
and their consequences.
Our socialization often omits our balancing sensory process of the
non-story GreenWave on the Now moment Equation surfboard (*) present. We are
"normally" out of touch with its/our reality 99 percent of the time.
NOTE: Socialize is simply a more acceptable term for Brain-Wash and Institutionalize
The present is when we are Now as part of the unifying moments
of time and space of the Universe, as, on and in our planet and us.
Our Nature Disconnected Fiction Stories strengthen and continue in the present and future until
we act out the Now moment Equation surfboard Einstein
Unified Field stories that genuinely
connect us to our GreenWave aliveness using the
ways and means of Educating,
Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN).
The Solution:
self-evidence from the unifying GreenWave Now moment Equation surfboard (*) dance strengthens our inherent 54 sense
way of knowing
the world and increases the well-being of all parts of the GreenWave including our genetics.
This is because in the present all things are one singular, unifying,
identical attraction energy aliveness, every instant, moment after moment and we
are each our unique personification of it.
moment spent
indoors with stories and images that are excessively separated from
sensory contact with
the GreenWave
in an
authentic natural area is an artificial moment disconnected from, and
foreign to,
the ancient and pure ways of the GreenWave
and its natural, non-story origins.
Rewards from, addiction to, or excessive artificial moments like this living in our inaccurate Nature Disconnected Fiction Stories produce disastrous effects. Research shows that such
is the case today.
You, Recovery and Change:
When your 54 attraction sensibilities tune into or are
attached to injurious or inaccurate Nature Disconnected Fiction Stories from other folks about the life of the GreenWave
or your surfboard, they separate your
body, mind and spirit from
the perfection of
the universe GreenWave,
in and around you on Planet Earth. You suffer accordingly. You have
lost contact with Nature and the aliveness of its "higher power".
Making new,
uncontaminated Now moment Equation surfboard (*) story
contacts with the life of the wave corrects this
mistake by
new, pure moments of information that include input from the authentic GreenWave
and its self-correcting ways.
is usually finalized while you are
sleeping after conscious ECHN GreenWave contact has taken place. That's when your present story world is asleep.
unhampered by now-sleeping false stories, your self-evident, 54-sense GreenWave
experiences fill new paths you made in your mentality while doing ECHN GreenWave-connection
wake up thinking and feeling differently. Change has occurred
the better with respect to living in
balance with the GreenWave
in people, places and things. For this reason, some individuals use Now moment Equation surfboard (*) Einstein Unified Field contact with the GreenWave as
a source of higher power. This is a key process for reasonable
change to take place to improve how we think feel and act.
You strengthen and establish the helpful GreenWave process for yourself
and others by communicating it to other people in you life. That make
you and the GreenWave process a contributing part of contemporary life.
To fully benefit from riding your Now moment Equation surfboard (*), you must
understand the how and why of the life of the Unified Field equation
so your senses of consciousness, reason and literacy can logically and
confidently think with the equation and intelligently explain and apply it at any
moment through accurate stories. Through this process, more
surfboards may be built in mutual
support with other
human surfboard riders and all other plant, mineral, animal and
energy members of the web-of-life.
Web of Life members, including people, may not understand your
native language or personal story, however the good news is that in any present moment
everything in the Big Bang Aliveness Ocean can sensibly speak, hear and relate to
the dance of the GreenWave
and its NOW balancing and
self-correcting wisdom of the ages that they inherently have
held in common since the beginning of time.
time you choose to "surf" the GreenWave you place yourself in conscious
sensory contact with the essence of every story or theory that exists, every leader
and every serenity you may seek. They come with the GreenWave means to
apply and unite them reasonably with respect to the whole of life in
The more times and GreenWave participants you participate and share
with, the more supported you and they are in accomplishing this goal.
This is because the essence of all things and the essence of the
Unified Field is the non-story, 53 sense essence of the unadulterated
life of Earth in a natural area.
DIAGRAM: the Grand Unified Blue Wave Field
and its Sunlit
GreenWave aliveness that we can surf in any
immediate moment - - -
with the Einstein
NNIAAL Equation percent of intensity. In that moment the surfboard can modify or replace preceding
human sensations and stories - - -
that have adversely influenced the
life of Planet Earth - - -
and our lives.
Big Bang Universe
evolution: the attraction-unified sequence
of the moments of the life of the Universe over the past 13.7 billion

Whole Life Summary:
To come into the well-being aliveness of
attractive, whole life balance it is
reasonable that our objective
thinking and science stories include
the ways and means of us riding the
balancing, multisensory GreenWave
of the Universe in the Now. Einstein's Sensory Unified
Field Equation lets us do this as we live, educate, counsel and heal with nature in the
immediate Now moment Equation surfboard GreenWave

Introduction Section C:
you are riding your space/time GreenWave
in a crowded elevator, a woman steps on your toe
you protectively push her off and explain why.
She tells you her Nature-Disconnected Story, "I'm being paid $10,000 by a Candid Camera advertising
agency to film our
feet. You can have half of the money if you don't make me move."
You stop
body has
acted like it is a balanced sensory GreenWave of
its own, being a hologram of the wave. Its unified powers have your
toes connected to your
heart and fingers and it gives you an intelligence that attracts them to register
each other
immediately in your 54 senses and then act from their blended
intercommunications to the benefit
your whole self. Their toe pain signals you to find some more
satisfying attractions. Now, this reasonable intelligence of yours is
in, and
to, a questionable, somewhat irritating "economic future" story from a
In this scenario, your ride on
the universe GreenWave suddenly contains an economic story that may or may not be good for your
personal surfing. This makes your future shaky and unbalanced.
However, your body, as well as Planet Earth can obtain help from the GreenWave
to deal with the woman's story and new unfolding moments. You
consciously connect in a natural area with the GreenWave
and its message to you through your Now moment Equation surfboard Einstein's
Unified Field,
below. Just connecting alone reduces stress so you may think more
clearly from additional information the connection may provide.
Even the
reasoning ability of a moron knows it is self-evident that we can't
think, feel or act intelligently if we are working with hurting, flawed,
misleading or corrupt
information gained from just 5, rather than the aliveness of our inherent 54
natural senses/sensibilities/sensitivities of the Universe
We can't solve vast problems with half-vast thinking and feeling
Nature Disconnection:
Moment after moment in contemporary society, on average, our stories teach us to spend over
95 percent of our time
indoors, separated from Nature.
Moment after moment, over 99
percent of our thoughts, sensations, feelings and relationships are out
of tune
with Nature's 54-sense balancing and purifying ways of the GreenWave, in and around us.
As a result of our excessive disconnectedness
from the GreenWave,
in each new moment on the GreenWave
today we are similar to being the
separated, frustrated and
aggrevated floating white tips of icebergs that were once
happily and supportively together as a land formed glacier.
imaginary icebergs portray what we need to know about our excessive
separation from nature. In reality they would be whole life "as happy as icebergs"
as when they were whole life "happily combined in the Glacier."
In this metaphor the white tops of the Iceberg are given our human
reasonably talk to each other about, and yearn for, how they/we must
peacefully be closer together again in unity, as of old in the Glacier, and act wisely in the next
moment for the mutual benefit of keeping each other cool and in
supportive community. However they/we ignore that we can't accomplish
because we don't
recognize or address this
fact: 90 percent of who we
are, (as icebergs and in reality), is our unseen but established,
frozen, unchangeable and inaccurate past
separation stories and their effects. All are hidden invisible
in the water below.
We have been trained to lose sight of these disconnections
and not be conscious of them in our GreenWave-disconnected present. They include
stories and feelings about our hurtful childhood experiences and their
psycho-emotional wounds that lie in fixed postures below our "sea/see
level." They
are stuck there because we don't want to feel their discomfort.
Meanwhile they are
attracted to be felt-sensed by us at times because they want to protect us from
entering hurtful situations similar to those that
produced them. GreenWave
connections enable us to avoid such situations by immediately
transforming them into person/planet supportive relationships.
When we are GreenWave-disconnected we can't and don't see how our past stories
and experiences bump into and irritate each other (push our buttons)
and prevent
our unification. For this reason we don't choose to let GreenWave connections help us deal with them by replacing them with updated, more accurate stories of the present. Until then, we and
Earth suffer.
The unseen iceberg bumps are like an unknown (subconscious) life force whose
potential pain if it surfaces into our awareness prevents us from
walking our talk.
Therapy helps us address this discomfort. However, over 99 percent of therapy processes do
not include Nature's unified GreenWave
connections, powers and contributions. For this reason Nature-isolated social
answers continue to produce fears
and pains we have yet to identify, no less address, so our Earth
Overshoot miseries continue
to grow.
Including the readily available ECHN Einstein Unified Field Equation in
each new moment is
vital if we are to:
- float into
and make conscious sensory surfing contact with GreenWave aliveness and its unified healing powers as it exists in
the ocean, ourselves and each other in the present moment,
- help the GreenWave update
itself and melt our differing, "below see level" stories and past
experiences into the unified GreenWave 54 sense
present. Then
we have the power to reasonably adjust them and blend them together for
the betterment of all web-of-life members,
- come to our
senses, all 54 of them and
- reverse our
Introduction Section D:
purpose of this intelligence inventory and its warranty is to help
you determine how
much you are already, or
can learn to be, GreenWave-wise
enough to beneficially 54-sense recognize that:
The art of Nature's balance, integrity and peace, in and around us,
is violated or injured
by outdated or inaccurate stories and acts that are disconnected from
or unfairly exploit
Nature and its GreenWave.
We suffer accordingly.
In reality we spend far too much of our lifetime addicted to rewards,
including money and prestige,
from nature-disconnected stories and their destructive personal
and global results that each of us presently endures.
3) When our excessive disconnection from Nature causes us problems, authentic reconnecting with Nature's GreenWave
helps us
solve them.
4) Scientifically,
Natural Attraction of the Unified Field is the essence of our Big Bang
Universe blue ocean and GreenWave, including our
ability to live and
love. It is our excessive separation from Natural Attraction love and
unifying intelligence dance that produces our
due to love-deprivation.
5) The art and science of Educating, Counseling
and Healing With Nature (ECHN)
enables us
consciously 54-sense connect with the authentic nature GreenWave,
and remedy
the many love-deprivation
and discontents that we suffer.
6) Our objective science
process must become a whole life
science by incorporating
the "subjective" self-evidence facts registered by our 54 natural attraction
senses in congress while riding the Now moment Equation surfboard GreenWave
in natural areas.
it does not seem intelligent to seek new sensory information by
returning to the ways of ancient Nature's GreenWave,
think about what the
Nigel Goldenfeld says, "When
you are facing in the wrong
direction, progress means walking backwards."
Intelligence Evaluation: What is your most reasonable choice for your
next moment?
( ) GreenWave
connections or
( ) Inaccurate,
disconnected stories
You can easily make the right choice for yourself, moment after
moment and strengthen you ability to do this as you do it.
You can learn how to
yourself and others into our present moment sense of reason and the aliveness of its
natural and knowledgable GreenWave intelligence.
"Compared with
most organisms,
slime molds have been on the planet for a very long time—they first
evolved at least 600 million years ago and perhaps as long as one
billion years ago. At the time, no organisms had yet evolved brains or
even simple nervous systems. Yet slime molds do not blindly ooze from
one place to another—they carefully explore their environments, seeking
the most efficient routes between resources; they can solve mazes. They do
not accept
whatever circumstances they find themselves in, but rather choose
conditions most amenable to their survival. They remember, anticipate
and decide. By doing so much with so little, (Little? Really? Ed.) slime molds represent a
successful and admirable alternative to convoluted brain-based
Nature International
Journal of Science
Everything in the web of life, including the Slime Mold,
Elk and Glacier relate through the same reasonable, immediate GreenWave intelligence
as do some human
societies that know how to consciously connect with the GreenWave
and have not produced our problems. See additional
examples of this.
We know that
the intelligent GreenWave
is in our
genetic makeup as well as our body mind and spriit at any instant. This
is because the Big Bang
Universe, being an alive, step by step,
sequential, space-time building process, moment
after moment from the beginning has a
dependable and trustable scientific anchor in Einstein's unified field.
The anchor is that in the aliveness of Earth and the Universe no single thing or
stands alone.
All are alive and each thing is consciously attracted/attached/loves all that has
gone before it, and it
will remain attracted/attached/love all that follows it. This includes
body mind and spirit relationships, stories, senses and memories. Attraction unifies in each GreenWave
moment in story-less ways, including the attraction of the sense of
reason to be more reasonable. Attractions are conscious of what they are attracted to and reasonably transform into
more attractive attraction relationships, as was the case in the pre-story world.
The GreenWave is the researched essence and story of our
science-based Planet and Universe. It is as logical, pure and accurate
as the numerical sequence and truth of 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 integrity
often used in establishing scientific facts and producing our technologies.
There is an original "attractive-growth and strength by adding diversity" relationship
between all the numerals to support each others veracity. It is an
attraction that is born in the difference between 0 and 1. That
attraction is what makes computers and the Slime Mold "smart." Either
something is logically right or wrong with respect to the goal. With
the Slime Mold the goal is to support its attraction to survive.
Zero is
unknown "no Big Bang yet." One
is the Big Bang and its
"God Particle" desire to be born and to in moment by moment sequence, grow into the material Universe
we know today 13.7 billion years later, including our unique individual
personhood sensitivities, and stories as a personification of it.
(In the GreenWave model process continued backwards, before zero could be some of
whatever "beings" that were being attracted to manifest
themselves and live in a material and attraction energy way that produced the Big Bang).
The numerals represent ten "digits" (fingers)
the GreenWave was
attracted to evolve in us to increase its strength.
The Now moment Equation surfboard anchor
can be applied to correct GreenWave-disconnected stories as well
as validate connected ones as long as
its integrity is kept intact. Changing
the scientifically reasonable value of any numeral or fact deteriorates
our personal and planetary whole-life integrity.
- We genetically inherit our ancient
GreenWave Slime
Mold's intelligence, its innate, non-literate ability to reason by
sensing the attractive, survival-of-our-life difference between 0 and
- However, our
present-day nature-disconnected education, counseling and politics
seldom respect the GreenWave,
connect to it or give it credit for its gifts to us
as wise cells of
living planet.
- Instead the outdated or inaccurate stories of our established authorities
teach us to conquer the GreenWave/Nature/Earth, injure it and make
us bury it alive and wounded, in our subconscious. That
destructive "hidden iceberg" disconnection bump is the
source of many stresses, discontents and disorders that we suffer.
Riding our "in the Now" GreenWave 54-sense
helps us realistically deal with our destructiveness moment by moment.
It enables us to change what needs to be changed as mutually produced,
“Thank you for your love and care,” good feelings are produced and
enjoyed by Nature's unified field, in and around us.
Spend some quiet time in or with the life of a natural area, even a potted plant, now and
note how you change in time. Think of good experiences you have had in
natural areas and the balance and beauty they restored in you.
Does this influence how you feel. Can you directly thank the
natural areas and their unified field dancers for this?
You can trust this special intelligence
test inventory, its outcomes and its exceptional Warranty. This is because
it is entirely based
on self-evidence,
from a maverick genius's 50 years of feelings and facts gained either from direct, sensory
life experiences while riding Nature's GreenWave
in natural areas or from "empirical evidence," a preponderance
of logic and scientific facts about Nature's GreenWave
that are
reasonable doubt until proven otherwise.
For this
reason, what this test reveals is your
personal truth, your whole truth and nothing but your truth as a
natural being, as a moment by moment GreenWave-connected
participant of and in it at any moment in time including this one.
We are troubled and in trouble because we have
been indoctrinated to omit,
on average,
our personal Now moment Equation surfboard GreenWave-ride
truth for 99.9 percent of our
life. Our stories make our ride nature-disconnected. We
spend less than 12 hours of our entire lifetime on or in tune
with the GreenWave. Our preponderance of disconnected moments
produce and ingrain our ignorance of how nature works and our "iceberg bumps."
Einstein Sensory Equation Intelligence test is guaranteed and dependable
it also includes a Personal Honesty
Factor. It
is only valid
and/or educational if you obey this Factor and do not proceed to
the next statement in the test until you are aware of and have written down the
a visited Intelligence Inventory Statement is attractive and agreeable
to how you think and
feel. That helps you scientifically recognize the posture you are bringing into and
shaping the next moment. It invites that moment improve it by the
Unified Field making it more attractive as well as you being aware of this.

Introduction Section E:
References for this Unified Field
Equation Inventory are located at the bottom of the Beginning Page.
If you plan to continue this GreenWave ride
to explore Einstein's Unified Field Equation, be prepared to consider
some whole life discoveries you may make.
sure to note that
scientifically a clear
distinction between life and death has never been determined.
This is because in the resonating heartbeat of the life dance of our Big Bang Universe life and
"death" continually change into each other.
important thing that objective science has omitted is natural
attraction, the "subjective" sense and sensation that life feels more
attractive than "death" when you are consciously alive.
our living planet all things and energies are simply
slower or faster forms of life and its cycles.
thing, be it animal, plant or mineral, consists of
its long-term Unified Field attraction or love to transform,
transition, compost or
recycle into other forms of life that sustain and strengthen the central life
of the total planet community. Nothing is left out in this process.
The essence of minerals,
atoms and energies are alive because the Now Unified Field is alive. From
the time of their first appearance
they have been the basic elements of more diverse life through the
Every 5-7 years, moment by moment, every atom in our body is replaced
by other atoms and energies from elsewhere. This same heartbeat process goes
on with everything else in the web-of-life at various speeds.
The fact is that 10-15 times during a normal human lifetime we slowly become the Planet and it becomes us.
living planet, what we call death is a slow speed of life. The
GreenWave Unified Field Dance is the heartbeat of our Planet
and Universe that was born alive in the Big Bang. Its 1) lasting central love to
exist through the eons combined with its 2) immediate love to follow
new attractions in each moment is Nature's usually
unexplainable homeostasis that produces its balance and beauty.
The more diverse the dance is attracted to be, the stronger its core of loving to be
Riding the GreenWave reasonably enables us to tap into and register
the sensibility of the heartbeat homeostasis core that we usually learn to overlook in the
moment. When we speak its sensations and include them in our stories we are the heartbeat as us in that moment.
The usually omitted natural intelligence facts that the stories contribute help us build balanced
and happy relationships to the benefit of all.
From 50 years of people making direct sensory ECHN contacts with the
natural areas of our living "Organism Earth", 34
science-based discoveries about the GreenWave and
ourselves have been established from first-hand experience and a
preponderance of empirical evidence beyond reasonable doubt.
Links to explanations of the 34 points appear throughout the
pages of this Inventory. Each of the 34
points adds to your power as part of the Unified
Field Equation when you apply it. Select Here to visit the 34 point summary of all the information that is validated and warrantied in the equation.

Introduction Section F:
What To Do:
This inventory can be an important measuring device and progress
as you progress in the PNC program or your
life. Do
it at your own rate of speed. If necessary use just its summaries once
you understand them by skimming the material. For
deeper learning, do just one section of the test per day minimum,
including reading its "unreasonable B
response link" and then sleeping on it. In general, just follow ideas
attractive to explore further.
A. Be sure to complete and save the percentage results
strength indicator that
appears, in green, at the end
of each Intelligence Statement.
Now and/or later, you can
respond to the whole statement.
through its green indicator and update your percentage for any
section of it. This is the statement that appears in each section of this inventory:
the strength of my attraction/agreement with this statement is ______
(insert number 0% to 100%). Keep a record of your percentage
for this statement for use later on. It helps you identify yourself in
a fiduciary relationship with Earth and other folks who are riding the
spend some time with a nearby attractive natural area, be aware of
which of your 54 senses attractively connect there and see what happens.
B. When you complete the inventory, go back
to Statements 1-10. Add
up and write down your TOTAL percentage points and then divide it by
10. Use this score to help you determine your growth and increased
expertise as time goes on.
if your strength of agreement percentage has changed in any of the
from when you first acknowledged it. If it has become higher it
suggests that
by doing the test you increased your Ultimate Intelligence as you
activated additional senses and sensibilities, gained additional experience and information here and elsewhere in the
ECHN program, moment-after-moment. That's how nature grows and works.
(PNC funds high Ultimate Intelligence
individuals to help mentor PNC participants and strengthen
Bio/SUNNEH-54 aliveness.)
C. The test inventory is self-educating
because each statement in it is accompanied
to by a reference link that will help you better respond to it. Some
points are repeated several times as their original reference information may have
been made days before and thus forgotten.
D. The final Ultimate Intelligence Question
you will learn to master is this:
any given moment how can the maverick genius in yourself and others come into peaceful therapeutic
and increase personal, social and environmental well-being by learning
to scientifically apply the art of this Einstein-Cohen sensory,
self-empowering GreenWave
Surfboard equation
for whole life justice:
the Unified CRL Dance of Bio/SUNNEH-54w"
This equation is made up of Acronyms for the ways and means to ride the GreenWave. For example,
Unified is the Unification powers of unifying with the GreenWave; 54 is
our 54 natural senses; CRL is our senses of Consciousness, Reason and
this equation to any experience forever strengthens the benefits
available from the Greenwave in any moment. It is the same as knowing that your life is
lovingly conceived and supported as a unique 54 sense
personification of Nature's Unified Field aliveness and its
attraction relationship, love dance.
Stories that misleadingly disconnect you
the Unified Field produce the unbalanced relationships that you and the
web-of-life suffer. You can at any time reasonably bring all things
back into balance, including yourself, by safely GreenWave reconnecting your 54 natural senses to the
Unified Field
and relating from that experience to the Greenwave dance in other
people places and things. Your stories help you become a dancer in its community, rather
than a misguided manager of it.
The central focus of most equations and formulas is the symbols that
are inserted into them to convey concepts. What is usually overlooked
is the significance of the equation's + - =
symbols. They are the 54 sense heartbeat attraction dance of the
GreenWave that unifies the equation symbols with the life of the
Planet. When you GreenWave an equation, as a fiduciary you make
folks conscious of this omission so their reasoning can include its
This equation is Certified Organic: see the
notarized Project
NatureConnect Warranty.
It is easy to understand and apply for some
folks and for others it's as challenging as E=mc2. No matter who you
are, as you study it your
percentage of ability to benefit from it
along with your happiness will increase. For some folks this has
already happened between when they started reading this page and this
present moment.
NNIAAL + V2B = the Unified CRL Dance of
+ (GreenWaved with the)
Valdation of 2 Bodies (story body and story-less Earth body)
= (seamlessly GreenWaves as the)
Unified Field (Higgs Boson/Gravity/Electromagnetic/TOE)
Conscious Reason Language triad senses (#42, #41, #39)
and the natural attraction strong-weak-strong-weak wisdom Dance of
Bio (life)/Scientific Universe, NNIAAL Nature, Earth, Humanity
54w webstring natural attractions senses's diversity and strength.
Read its simple Giant Step again. Doesn't it make sense?
you find
this inventory is too challenging, try this one instead.
you want to
determine your Eco-Sensory IQ, select here
you want to accompany this inventory with a free course and textbook
to read more about its topics, complete this page and let us know your GreenWave percentage for it. Then, select here to obtain it only after this selected introductory page
makes sense to you.
If you want to read the results of other fiduciaries
riding the Green Wave, select here
Introduction Section G:
Your 54 Natural Attraction Sense Discovery
Picture: Self Meet Yourself.
sub-atomics to galaxies and beyond, all things in the Universe,
yourself, are
bonded together and to each other by the constant pulsing dance between strong
or weak attractions in the moment that
your senses operate (homeostasis). This is especially true for the attraction dance to
diversify for strength in conjunction with the attraction to support
the core of the Unified Field.
This homeostatic dance is like the flow of a river. At
any moment its water is either attracted to the shore or
is attracted to be part of
the main flow or both. This produces the dancing attraction balance of
the river that
supports its core life as well as the life of its bays, pools and
The whole-life attraction flow of the river is the
singular integrity of its dance. It is not a duality, it is natural
homeostasis, a global-life "more attractive/less attractive" heartbeat pulse that maintains balance to
fairly and peacefully promote reasonable optimums of life and diversity without
producing garbage.
At the end of each section, as below, find
attractions you can see in the full Self Meet Yourself practice area picture (Remember, the picture is you being an image that you understand, not the living reality of the whole
life GreenWave in a natural area).
down until the full picture, from top to bottom, appears on your
screen. Widen the picture by widening the browser screen.)
Using the 54 Natural Attraction Sense list as a reference: what attractions in this picture can
identify that are operating in real life, in and around you? You can
sense them in the picture because 54 senses in your body, mind and
spirit recognize their representations in the picture.
'What we are looking for is what is looking.'"
- St. Francis of Assisi
- What do you think you could see,
smell, taste,
hear, or touch that's in the picture?
- Can you
sense, community, place, trust, temperature, thirst, motion, gravity,
color, love, play or rhythm occurring in it in reality?
Now go to an authentic
natural area
and let attractions there invite you to genuinely sense,
feel and discover further who you are through
your 54
GreenWave attraction senses in contact with their natural
origins there, moment
by moment. See
how you experience the above there. Using the 54 attraction sense list, write down
each sense that you discover is operating and bringing the natural area experience into
your consciousness so you can integrate it in your thinking and speak it to others. What you find
attractive in nature is what (nature in you) is doing the finding. This process
liberates your senses so you can be more sensible. Even doing it with a potted plant
or pet can be helpful in this regard.
The GreenWave Unified Field
Equation: your love of whole-life in action
1. A human being is a 54 sense living organism
whose unique sense of language (#39) can create stories, speak and understand them and build relationships around them.
2. Planet Earth is a highly sensitive living organism that, minus humanity, can neither create nor communicate through stories and is vulnerable to thoughts and acts based on our story inaccuracies.
3. Without using our stories Earth's biodiversity builds, communicates and relates via the thousands of
natural attraction energies of Nature's
self-correcting ways.
All things only exist in the now moment dance of the GreenWave Unified
Field. While dancing we can transform into 54-sense wholeness our outdated nature-disconnected falsehoods and scientifically limited-sense "objective" stories that ordinarily mislead or stress us and cause us to produce our disorders.
5. Scientifically, whenever we are aware that we are alive all things of Earth are also alive
and unified by 54 sense attraction because everything is that moment's whole-life GreenWave
attraction to live. This awareness includes our nature-disconnecting stories so in a natural area the life and wisdom of authentic Nature can re-connect with these stories and produce the future in balance.
6. In the Now, the essence and wholeness of all things is identical and is connected,
with the exception of nature-disconnecting stories that remove us from the Now. The GreenWave genius of continually thinking like Nature's works is vital because any natural attraction we find
in nature is Nature in us doing the finding. Each attraction is an unadulterated sensory connection with the balalnced integrity of the eons, now and tomorrow.
7. Habitually incorporating the GreenWave
in our 54 sense thinking and relationships increases the fiduciary benefits
of personal,
social and environmental well-being.
All things only exist in the present moment of our Universe, the GreenWave Now of life
that includes our stories, sensations and history. Learning to "felt-sense think and speak on the GreenWave" enables us communicate with the whole of life and its history as
part of each present moment's Unified Field attraction of our
Universe and us. The "Now" aliveness of the GreenWave attaches our felt-sense
thinking to the profound wilderness experiences of past leaders,
deities, stories and relationships. It updates them
with our knowledge of the present, then unknown as we dance with them. Doing this empowers us
to increase personal, social and environmental well-being, today and
tomorrow. Things go better when we relate to the GreenWave in each other and everything else.
Now record your fiduciary percentage for this introductory page statement, above.
the strength of my attraction/agreement with this INTRODUCTION PAGE statement is ______
(insert number 0% to 100%). Keep a record of your percentage
for this statement for use later on as a fiduciary. Occasionally note if and how it changes as you continue with the Inventory.
Spend some time with a nearby attractive natural area, be aware of
which of your 54 senses attractively connect there and see if that influences your percentage.
NOTE: be
aware, but don't necessarily do now, the supportive Equation Action
activities listed, below. Whenever you do them, keep a record of
what happens as you can use it as part of our courses and degree program
(Scroll up for the GreenWave Introduction)
Action: Doing the Equation
Activities to Strengthen your "Self Meeting Yourself."
As time permits do the activities below in conjunction with the
remaining 10 parts of this GreenWave Equation Inventory. You can
use and get credit for your results in Project NatureConnect Courses, Certification and Degree Programs.
A link back to this green activity box will appear after each Section of Equation. As time and interest permit, do the activities below for each section of the equation and/or for the whole equation.
Write down and save what is suggested in the section along with what you value about it. This material will save you time and money as you can use it again in our GreenWave courses, certifications and degree programs. Call for details with respect to your goals 360-378-6313
sub-atomics to galaxies and beyond, all things in the Universe,
you and your natural senses, are
bonded together collectively, and one to another, by the heartbeat dance of strong-weaker strong-weaker strong-weaker natural attractions. Your senses register 54 of these connections.
You and the world significantly benefit as you increase the inborn
ability of your body mind and spirit story to know your life as a unique
personification of the heartbeat dance of the Unified Field.
real. Be authentic.
Dance the wisdom of "green in green accuracy (GG)," not the dualistic confusion and stress of "green in orange accuracy (GO)." (option: learn about GO-GG Select Here)
Each of the activities, below, makes a contribution but is incomplete
if you don't share your results with a supportive person, preferably
someone who has had some experience in the GreenWave process. This human contact
verbally continues how the GreenWave supports itself via its non-verbal community support. It
can be done at home or online with others. It is a key part of our online interactive courses.
Doing this is the heart of the GreenWave self-correcting process. (as exemplified where Paul
believed he read the ink color correctly even though he said the word
"brown" while seeing the color pink in the GO-GG activity)
If you want to share with interaction individuals email or call 360-378-6313 and ask to join a GreenWave support group.
If you are already on a course, ask some of your classmates to be your
response partner for the activities. A funded CEU online class is
always available.
Ride the GreenWave. In an attractive natural area, backyard or backcountry:
Sample a GreenWave activity experience by selecting here. Discover
and explore its values. It is best to do this activity each time before you do
any others Note that there are several other activities linked to
the bottom of that page that you can do. They also are linked below here, so
you can do them later.
Do strengthening activities for "What our 54 natural senses find
attractive in nature is what is doing the finding." Speaking this truth contributes it to the honesty of our story world:
For five minutes or more quietly walk through this natural area and continually repeat "self meet yourself" to accurately GreenWave register
each attractive non-story natural contact and connection you make as you sense them. Note worthwhile discoveries that you make from doing this.
Similarly repeat this activity while continually repeating "attraction" to accurately GreenWave label and register
each attractive natural contact and connection you make as you sense them.
Also do this repeating "nameless" and "Unified Field" or "GreenWave" to
help you sense that these attractions are not stories or language
functions. They are unifications that your senses feel and register, no
different than the nameless beauty of the Planet, the wordless song
of the wind or slime mold intelligence.
Label human-built things you may find on your walk as the
story-influenced Unified Field by saying "story " or "blueprint" or "artificial." Note discoveries that you make from doing this, how you feel may change.
Label pollutants, garbage or excessiveness that you may find on
your walk as "nature-disconnected". Note worthwhile discoveries that you make from doing this.
The more you value and apply the GreenWave Equation, the better will be your ability to benefit directly from its Consciousness, Reason and Language/literacy senses (CRL) core function as follows.
Discover your GreenWave connection in this moment by selecting here. Register and explore its values. Do this activity again whenever you choose and increasingly benefit from it. Write and save a description of what senses came into play and the effects
of doing this on you. What you write can later be part of your application for
funding, advanced standing or facilitator livelihood opportunities at
Project NatureConnect.
Validate Your Experience:
Whenever you find an attraction in a natural area or the nature of another person engage and validate your senses of Consciousness, Reason and Language
to powerfully blend and express themselves in an informed way to others
who might appreciate and grow from them.
The procedure is:
1) Gain consent to visit a natural area, including a person's inner nature,
2) Find an attraction(s) there or give it time to find you.
3) From the 54 sense list say
or write the name of the self-evident senses, sensations or sensibilities that
register. Do this as well for other attractions that show up in this
experience. This produces "genius level" CRL labels and stories that you and others can use to replace the
excessively nature-disconnected stories and things that our senses have been hurtfully attached or addicted
4) have your CRL make space in the GreenWave to speak and share this experience with the CRL in others who appreciate it and whom it might help.
and using this core activity helps you become a genius fiduciary
ambassador of Nature's universal homeostasis because what
our senses find
attractive in nature is what is doing the finding and balancing. Reasonably speaking
and sharing this experience contributes its self-evident truth to our stories and relationships.
Find a consenting natural attraction in a natural area and for two minutes ask it "Who are you without your name? Speak
for it. What does it say? Then for two minutes ask and answer the
same question of yourself. "Who am I without my name?" Do you
discover any similarities?
Find some of your 54 senses in this natural area that are named/labeled on the 54 sense list
one by one thank them for connecting you to your origins in the life of
the Unified Field that you personify. Can you identify your sense of
- #12 gravity,
- #18 motion,
- #34 emotional place/community/belonging/trust/thankfulness,
- #42 reason
- #43 consciousness,
- #45 aesthetic sense, appreciation of beauty, music, form.
- #53 spiritual/sublime love. Note worthwhile discoveries that you make from identifying your senses/sensibilities in a natural area.
Get consent from a natural area to ask it "Where do you stop and I start?" What does it say? Do you start where you can ask questions and tell stories and it can't?
you have a high GreenWave Percentage and your CRL includes a form of
"Godness" that is in our Universe, in a natural area get consent from
the area to label attraction moments there:
as your name,
or your God's name,
or you or God without a name.
Use "goodness" if "Godness" is not attractive ("good" meaning to the benefit of all). Note discoveries that you make from doing this.
A powerful and immediate GreenWave activity that exemplifies CRL is the online Nature Trail Select Here
short-term stress-reduction effects of a quiet GreenWave walk in the
park clearly demonstrate that most people have an inherent sensory
healing attraction to nature. However, long-term, it usually escapes
the way they are trained to think. If they search for it for a thousand
years, they may first find its peace.
this program, I learn how to daily walk out my back door and
connect my thoughts and feelings with the colorful purity of a
rainbow...with the intelligent, calming life-dance of the trees, the
grass, the song of the wind...the clouds. This is an undeniable
fact and experience, not my imagination, so it lasts. My
reasoning senses the original truth of my natural attractions. This
makes it sensible for me to respect and genuinely relate to nature's
renewing balance and beauty in a fiduciary relationship.
love how these ecopsychology activities help nature's vitality
consciously flow through me at will. Connecting my natural senses with
the enchanting wisdom of our living Planet and its unified field
increases my honesty, clears my head and opens my heart.
The perk of my livelihood is that I am paid to teach others the science of this eco-intelligent path to well-being."
am 42, a single parent and a surviver from my past. I have had many
battles and sought all kinds of therapy but found that my band-aids
kept coming off. I realized , when my son had begun his difficult
journey, that I could no longer seek those who gave me these band-aids.
I prayed for help. I got sick. The doctors were baffled. I was
housebound. I lost my financial security, I lost some control over my
body, I was scared. I moved beyond myself. I looked out the window. I
saw peace, calmness, beauty, the wonders of mother nature. I began to
explore my awareness. I became peaceful, calm and for the first time I
felt beauty within, thus, over time, allowing others to feel this. My
life changed, my thoughts changed, my feelings and perceptions changed.
My son was in a difficult environment, I was entering a new one, a
truly divine one. It helped me with my son who is now exiting his harsh
mental environment, and now we both can move into a magical one. I now
realize that no one has taken anything from me, I have me I always had
If you think you are holding stories that make you question, demean or
dismiss the value of GreenWave-54 attraction energies, discover if scientific studies can be of service to you
Do it now. Obtain training, credit of a degree by online GreenWave
reconnecting your 54 natural senses to the Unified Field

Most of our stories in Industrial Society disconnect us from the values
of the GreenWave Dance. They are false information because
the Dance is not a story, it is an act. Words that express and support the Dance help us
walk our talk in balance.
The contribution of the whole life art and science of Educating,
Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN) is that its story reconnects
with the GreenWave our lives' disastrous separation from the GreenWave in and around
ECHN story is to do activities that enable us to CRL re-connect what is
disconnected. Each activity strengthens and makes available at any time
the benefits of a GreenWave connection. We become more whole from consciously sharing
Organism Earth's intelligence, not being its master or steward. The activities can
be prescribed to
correct disorders or used as exercises or rituals for maintaining connection.
You can get credit for doing them in your Degree or Certificate program .
Additional Free Activities:
Nature in Mind
Good Feeling Source
Right on the Button
Self-Discovery via Self-Evidence
NOTE: Do you have a
skill or profession that you have mastered and want to be awarded a Certificate,
Ph.D. or other funded degree for, in 18 months or less, making you and your interests uniquely GreenWave organic? If so we can help you. Email
or call Project NatureConnect 360-378-6313.
An educator, farmer, politician,
engineer or bartender with a GreenWave Ph.D. makes a world of
difference for the degree improves their lives as well as helps others
and the life of Earth do the same in a fiduciary relationship.
Return to the Section you came from via back, bookmark, history or address
For Part Two of the Equation as a course select here