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Project NatureConnect
of Global Education Organic
NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
Practical natural system distance learning that addresses mid-life and other crises. |
Thinking and Learning
With all Nine Legs
"If you
count a dog's tail as one of its legs, how many legs does a dog
solving with natural systems: overcome Natural System Dysfunction (NSD) and its deterioration of biodiversity:
use logical Earth and whole-life relationships.
Learn how
to address the deep, unrecognized prejudice and cultural bias
in our nature-disconnected thinking and its destructive effects
Master the application of the powerful 2015 Einstein-Cohen Unified Field Equation that enables us to reasonably ride in balance the fundamental living attraction GreenWave of our Planet and Universe.
the effectiveness of
If we are not using
critical and creative PeakFact thinking and its Equation that offsets our destructive cultural
biases, unknowingly we are part of the major life, midlife
and life-of-earth crisis that causes us to sense an erosion of hope.
We cannot solve our most challenging
personal and environmental problems by thinking and relating
with the same prejudice and limiting process that causes them.
The How
and Why of "Nine-Leg" Thinking:
How to use a whole life equation to identify
and address the underlying duality conflict in the destructive way we
habitually learn to think, act and relate to the world.
Why we produce
the insanity of our discontents and life crisis even though we don't want to
and it doesn't make sense.
The enabling key to validating Earth as our body or other body.
As I returned home from my
hike, the school bus stopped at the corner and dropped off two
young girls from first and third grade. We walked down the country
road together and we talked about how they liked school. I
made the mistake of asking them if they learned mathematics there
and they said they did. Although I soon wished I hadn't, I asked
them if they could answer a simple math question that I had seen
on a critical thinking math aptitude/intelligence test. This
logical reasoning question is used to help determine our mathematical
ability or our competency to qualify for the rewards of better
job, higher salary or greater prestige and self-worth. Here's
the question:
'If you count a dog's tail
as one of its legs, how many legs does a normal dog have?'
With smiles, both girls proudly
responded "five" and looked at me as if I had asked
a dumb question.
'Yes,' I replied, "And
have you ever seen a real dog? How many legs does it have?"
'Is its tail one of its legs?'
'No, silly,'
'Well then, is your mathematics answer correct, doesn't
a real dog only have four legs?"
As they thought about my question,
sadness filled the girl's faces. They thought they got the question
wrong or that I said they were wrong. The younger girl was about
to cry, and a tension built in each of us.
I was mortified about what
I had done and about to apologize for confusing them when, as
if by magic, a dog with a cropped tail walked down the road toward
us. Both girls excitedly smiled and shouted 'Four and a half
is the right answer, it's four and a half.' As they quickly walked
away from me to pat the dog, I was so thankful that it had come
to the rescue. It should have received a hero's medal.
The next day, when the school
bus arrived, I noticed that the girls were met by their mother
who drove them home....probably to protect them from me, some
crazy guy who was harassing them with stupid mathematics questions.
[It could be worse, "If you count a Kangeroo's tail as one of its legs, how can you be sure of anything? <grin>]
incident helped me recognize that the dualistic stress situation that I put the
girls in is the same stress that faces each of us in industrial society
from the day we are born. We learn to habitually think, act and relate
to each other and the world as if a dog has five legs. We are
socialized to "as if" thinking that is maligned. We, in turn malign
each other and the environment.
The science of this phenomenon has long been clear. The picture in our mind/consciousness (Sense #43) is experienced and reacted to by our body and spirit no differently than a real time authentic experience. For example, if you think about sucking a lemon, you begin to salivate.
is no surprise, then, that most people answer 'five' when I ask the
"5-legged dog" question. Our mind/consciousness is indoctrinated or
addicted to this answer by rewards and punishments concerning
mathematical ability in our Industrial Society education, training and
there is another reality at work. It's the nature of our planet, Earth,
and the solar system. Its eons of natural grace, self-correcting intelligence
and restorative attraction powers normally produces dogs with four legs, dogs with
tails that are not legs.
authentic reality also produces the way the world works as an optimum of life in
diversity and balance, as a web of life with a perfection of its own
that does not produce the pollution and disorders that result from our
"tail is a leg" thinking.
We are born into and are part of nature's reality. When we choose to let it touch us it
gives us the common sense to recognize that a warped, but habitual,
"tail is a leg" way of thinking is wrong with respect to nature's organic perfection by which it works and that we inherit as part of nature. It is the self-evident purity and happiness of life in balance. That wrong
underlies the "unsolvable" personal and global troubles
that we suffer in Industrial Society. In this regard, our thinking is
no better than a goat directing air traffic at O'Hare International
The "five
legged dog" critical thinking question presents a logical
reasoning challenge. Of course, "five," is the correct
answer on a math examination if you want to score high and get
ahead with a higher salary, prestige and social power. Intelligent people say "five" because it is
valid in mathematical systems and contemporary thought.
is a helpful and creative way of thinking, a powerful, accurate, problem
solving method that is stringently trained and rewarded by industrial
society. It even affects our self-esteem. We are like the two
elementary school girls. For example,
how comfortable
would we be if people discovered that we think 1 + 1 = 5?
We feel, look
and are treated badly if we are not mathematically adept because
we are out of step with our scientific technological world. In
it, 1 + 1 = 2
Most of us don't solely
use mathematically logical creative thinking to live our lives.
For problem solving, our natural sense of reason can consider
what we know from our genuine contact with a real, normal dog,
too. That's when our multitude of 54 natural senses
and their sensibility come into play: for example, our inherent natural
senses of sight, touch, motion, color, texture, language, sound, smell,
reason, consciousness, community, trust, contrast and love, to name
just a few. The self-evidence they bring to our awareness enables our
sense of reason to register that a dog's tail is different than, and
not one of its legs.
Using his or her natural attraction senses, even a very young child who does not know
math can determine that a tail is not a leg. A child's sense of
consciousness and reason can accurately register that a tail is
located, moves, feels, looks, smells, acts and has a different
name than a leg.
Each of our 54 natural
senses applied to a normal dog provides us with additional
information. Each helps our critical and logical thinking
sense of reason make more sense and more informed, sensible,
problem solving decisions.
In concert,
our multitude of natural senses enable our inherent creative thinking
to identify and register a different, self-evident truth than that of 5-leg
thinking. Natural thinking recognizes from experience the fact
that a tail is different than a leg, that a dog has
four legs, not five, no
matter what is correct in mathematical logic, no matter what is
accurate in our society's "as if," story on an aptitude test and its financial rewards. Four legs
is nature's reality, no matter how Industrial Society socializes us to
duality in five
leg "as if" thinking and knowing has been absent from
Earth's 4.5 billion year existence.....until humanity very recently
entered the scene with a nature-disconnected five leg story that says
must conquer and exploit nature to survive in a good way. Five leg
thinking can lead us on many misleading thought trails but it can't
eliminate the natural sensory fact that a normal dog or horse has four
Five leg thinking is very important if you live in a zoo and its story
and depend upon the zoo for survival and happiness. However,
caged animals are separated from the intelligence of their natural wildness
when they become domesticated and they suffer accordingly.
Society can be seen as a zoo and its institutionalized story enforcers
act as zoo keepers and trainers for its young people. Most
psychologies, education and healing that we bond to during our early
years is designed to make us excellent zoo animals, tamed and on
display for a profit. What the Industrial zoo hides is that we
genetically are designed to live in and dance with our living planet,
Earth, not a zoo.
When our
mentality treats the planet within and around us like it is a zoo
animal, it deteriorates our self-evident natural wisdom, of how the
balancing and
healing powers our planetary home work as well as our natural body,
mind and spirit as part of it. This stresses us. It reduces our happiness and resilience.
Life in the animal world recognizes a
zoo is not healthy, they want to leave. That's why cage doors are
shut closed, as is our thinking. ECHN helps us open it.
Our excessively nature-disconnected society too often builds itself on
"as if" 5-leg thinking and stories because it does not respect or value how
nature works. It rewards us, including paying and applauding us, to habitually think with these stories. This overwhelms and suppresses
our natural 4-leg ways of sensory thinking and feeling into our subconscious.
It produces the crisis of Natural System Dysfunction
that frustrates and injures our 54 natural senses and underlies most of
stress, disorders and troubles. It disables us from consciously
registering and thinking with sensory signals from natural systems
within and around us. The play of these natural attraction sensitivities is the way nature works to
produce its perfection. We inherit, and we are, their grace expressed as humanity. However,
an unreasonable prejudice against nature in Industrial Society, for
monetary profit, socializes us to conquer and exploit nature by convincing us to
think "as if" a dog's tail is a leg. Be careful when you can't replace "as if" with "self-evident."
NineLeg example
with Colors
Does it help to think of the impact and relationship between 4-leg and 5-leg thinking with the example below?
| Think
of the square in the center of the circles, below, as being nature's way,
the inherent natural integrity of a dog and its tail.
"A" is the tail as registered by nature's sensory, non-literate natural world; that is our biological/psychological/spiritual self.
"B" is the tail as registered through an "as if" literate "zoo" story
"C" is the inherent natural integrity of the dog including its legs and
tail. C is the true color of all the squares that says "a real dog has four
Nine-leg thinking is A + B + C.
It is, and it helps us reduce the stress and conflict of duality and sustain the balance and beauty of whole-life sanity. It enables us to see the trees and the forest.
. |
| "A" bio/sensory "B" literate/story
| .... |
"C" actual color
"C" |
| ............................ |
NineLeg example
REVIEW SlimeMold Intelligence: select here
SPECIAL: Watch this "billion years on Earth" Slime Mold exhibit
"no story" 4-leg thinking as of old. Note that this is how whole-life
reasoning and science work as they include information from 53 natural
senses (no sense of literacy #54). Be more amazed: read more about it here.
NineLeg example
Story Body and Non-Story Body
The "Earth is my Other Body" Phenomenon
Visit this Web Page Select Here
and the Color Chart, below
5. NineLeg Example
Color Chart GO-GG
The "Earth is my Other Body" Phenomenon
it helps to think of the impact and relationship between 4-leg and
5-leg thinking through this explicit example and experience:
we learn to feel good about ourselves as natural beings in a nature
separated society? As a control for this task, we first asked
participants if they still had their natural inherent 4-leg ability to
quickly distinguish and identify blocks of ink colors that we painted
on a separate page.
then asked if they were literate and could apply a name to each color, and, of course, they could if they were not color blind or using a different language.
then asked each of our study participants to verbally call upon their
inner nature, their inborn, natural sense of color, to
express itself, to do its natural thing. The vehicle we
used for this purpose is the list of color names found, as below and not
unlike the Stroop Test. The words naming the colors were written in
different colored inks (for example, the word "brown" was written in
violet ink). Participants were asked to quickly go down the color chart
list and say aloud the ink colors, not the color names. For example,
the first color is orange, not green.
Figure 3
using this color chart, although practically every participant had no
difficulty labeling the control blocks of ink colors, most participants
had difficulty quickly identifying the same ink colors when they
spelled out words. Try it. The overwhelming tendency was for participants'
culturally trained sense of language to dominate and, out of habit, or
"incorrect word addiction" read the colors as words rather than as colors. This is a deep Green as Orange Conflict (G-O) that produces stress and inappropriate thoughts, feelings and relationships.
experience the effect of our 18,000 hours of training to be literate,
plus all the rewards of building relationships through stories that
exclude nature, visit http://www.njagyouth.org/colortest.swf
and test yourself there. As an example of how disconnected from nature our society is, notice there that the
website's story there excludes sensing color as our inborn 4-leg nature
and it concludes, instead, that the phenomenon is a subdivided,
right-brain, left-brain effect, rather than the effects of natural world/industrial society story acculturation bonding or addiction to language.)
not born thinking and communicating with words and their meanings that stress us, we learn
this skill. In
addition, when doing this activity quickly, over 40% of the
participants "deluded" in that they spoke a written color name aloud
but actually believed they had said the ink color. For example, in the
fifth item in figure 3, where Paul believed he read the ink color correctly
even though he said the word "brown" while seeing the color pink. If
another person had had not been with Paul and caught the the error, he
may not have known that he made it. It's similar to you, the reader,
perhaps not noticing that the words "the" and "had" were doubled in the
previous sentence until I now alert you to this fact. The difference is
that Paul lost awareness of a vital sensory signal from his inner
nature and the natural world, his "Other Body," not simply a typographical error. This
can be seen as subconscious Green as Orange Conflict (G-O) and it occurred in 40 percent of the test participants.
concluded: "My trained habitual dependency on using words overwhelmed
my natural sensory inner child, an important, loving natural part of
myself. I had trouble expressing my natural ability to recognize green
in a non-language way." One participant offered: "I love nature yet I
have a hard time loving myself. This G-O helps explain why."
never experienced "difficulty," "tension," "conflict" or "stress" on
the last word on the color chart, the word green written in green ink.
In all cases, "Green" written in green ink felt more sensible, relaxing
and attractive than did the other color words. "It feels like a
refreshing oasis", said one participant. This is Green in Green (G-G).
we learn to feel good about ourselves as natural beings if we don't
first meet the challenge of bringing into our awareness who we are as
natural beings? This study suggests that our awareness, our
consciousness, is overwhelmingly dominated by prefrontal area, 5-leg, bonded/addicted G-O words and stories
that disconnect us from nature within and about us. We have to learn
how to use language and reasoning
get past our inaccurate stories,
to find and validate our 9-leg G-G true colors to make sense and reduce stress and conflict.
Prefrontal area
(Orange, 13% left side of image): The Consciousness Reasoning and Language ability (CRL) area
that Industrial Society rewards and bonds/addicts/socializes to
destructive nature-disconnected, conquer/exploit nature stories G-O. All
other parts of the brain are the non-Language, 54 sense, seamless,
green continuum of our green, non-literate, other body, mind and spirit Earth/Nature G-G

We have two bodies:
When I can, I share with folks that I have two bodies, that the life of Earth is my other body. An example of 9-leg thinking is
that, due to having both a 4-leg and 5-leg way of knowing ourselves and
the world, we can honestly nineleg say that we have two bodies
Every individual is a living organism.
Our Language Body 1) When our language/word/story, Prefrontal area, 5-leg way of knowing is green in
orange addicted, it is disconnected from Planet Earth being perceived as our Non-Literate Other Body in and around
us and its value. We are stressed because we are not thinking, feeling and relating like our nature/earth Other Body works its perfections without story telling. (We are not riding or being the equation)
Planet Earth is a living organism.
Body 2) When our Prefrontal literate/word/story
area is, in the moment, reasonably, felt sense connected with and experiencing Earth as a seamless continuum of our body, green in green, Earth includes us as our singular, conflict-free, non-corrupt Languaged body,
mind and spirit everywhere. We sense happiness because we are thinking, feeling and relating like the joy of nature/earth works. (We are riding or being the equation)
Imagine an all green-silhouette of a person. That body represents
a person whose thinking and feeling are totally in tune with and
supportive of nature/earth. They are a GG one body
person whose stories are congruent with all, including their green
natural environment, Earth. (Quietly visiting a natural area for an
extended period of time helps you be/experience one body. Having less stress, one-body folks have a high rate of happiness.)
Think of an all green silhouette of a
person whose small prefrontal CRL forebrain is colored Orange because
it is addicted to nature-disconnected or nature-conquering Orange
stories and thinking, so it can't readily change, as demonstrated in the color
chart exercise. That body represents a person whose thinking and
feelings are bonded to be out of tune with and not supportive of
nature, rather they would conquer and exploit it as a desensitized G0 two-body person. The green part of that individual is one body/earth GG, but their total body is GO and the two bodies are in literate/non-literate conflict that produces the stress, disorders and discontents that we suffer.
of us are in the
"Paul" syndrome where we say the word brown while we think we are
saying the color pink. As the state of the world demonstrates, we think we are GG but are actually GO and very few folks are helping us identify no less correct this error. By saying that we have two bodies
we do identify the mistake so we can begin the critical unifying and
healing nature-connection process we need to practice today.
We are GG when we are
actually giving as much back to the dance of our planet as we take,
even a trifle more because it is attractive to support the whole.
You may unify and remedy this ingrained "G-O to G-G" two body conflict by, at no cost, applying The Hidden Organic Remedy: Nature as Higher Power. Visit http://www.ecopsych.com/nhpbook.html and take the free course offered there. This is equally true for the free GreenWave Unified Field Equation Course
6. NineLeg Example
The GreenWave Unified Field Equation as a Nine-Leg Tool
combination of scientific methodology with Mathematics by Copernicus in
1543 is the heart our advanced technological knowhow and lives
today. Here's an example of why it works:
A. This is a black scientifically acceptable, reasonable, logical, predictable and repeatable sequence of things (numbers) that is and are trustable:
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
numerical sequence is anchored on a singular observation, that zero is
different than one. The sequence repeats that singularity throughout
itself and anything that is built upon its use. It works when it is
applied because it is an accurate representation of the way the
sequence of the Big Bang universe worked and builds itself moment after
moment since its beginning. Doing this with numbers is called
Mathematics and is part of human literacy. Note that each number in it
is sensibly whole unto itself as well as to its sensible contribution
to and support from the whole of the sequence. It is the way both a computer and a Slime Mold
work and the heart of scientific thinking.
is scientifically and technologically valuable because, from, part-of,
like, and paralleling the attraction-based "God Particle" Universe sequence, we
can trust
that each thing in it is attached to all that has gone before it, and
will remain attached to all that follows it. Its scientific truth
portrays how the science-based universe sequence works moment after moment. The logical beginning and continuing sequence of the non-story Universe and the symbol story sequence of mathematic numerals is identical. For
this reason math is
the essence of accurate story thinking and information in a Sci-Tech
Here is mathematics applied to the color green. Notice that it retains the same accuracy, wholeness and integrity that it had when it was black.
This is what makes Math so useful. It can be correctly applied to many
things that are stable because the Unified Field natural attraction
dance of the Universe is stable.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Here is mathematics applied to the color green with one exception. The person or people using it thinks that the number 6
is unlucky or evil or that it does not represent or include their
beliefs, special knowledge, personal experiences, stories or view of
the world. For this reason they give 6 less value. It becomes an orange/different 5 1/2 in the sequence. The valuable full "whole life" contribution of 6 is then missing and the Math is wrong until corrected.
0 1 2 3 4 5 5 1/2 7 8 9
In its green/orange
state this faulty Math is neither trustable nor useful for living in
peace and harmony today. It is 5-leg. It distorts the contribution, accuracy
and value of Mathematics to help us build balanced and supportive
relationships with the time/space universe along with the life of Planet
Earth that we live in. This continues until go is corrected to gg
because every moment is attached by attraction to what came before it
and what follows it. For this reason our thinking alone can't
scientifically sustain or re-create the peace of Nature's
self-correcting well-being process. Our thinking has something vital
missing. What is missing in objective thinking and science is the input
from all of our "subjective" 54 natural attraction senses.
Using only 8 of them makes Objective Science and Math only 15 percent
accurate giving it/us the intelligence of an imbecile.
As in B,
when we apply Math to our observations of the Universe, we discover its
truths. Copernicus did this in discovering that Earth and the
other planets circle around the sun, not the sun around the Earth as
was previously believed. Copernicus could not have accomplished this
discovery using faulty Green/Orange
Math. The same is true of all scientific investigations. People must
omit non-evidence based, green-orange stories and/or "mystical"
or "supernatural" information in order to insure balanced, accurate and dependable thinking,
results and technologies. This can be accomplished by applying the GreenWave 54 sense Equation to the information while riding the GreenWave and thinking with only the sensible attraction parts one discovers.
E. Modify Objective Science. If we (5-leg) gave each
of the 54 senses an "objective" numerical value of "2 percent" (so 50
senses would equal 100 percent) and that 2 percent was then subtracted
from our common application of Facts that omit our "subjective senses",
we would be subtracting something like 85 percent of the way we
presently live and build our artificial way of life today globally. The
85 percent would represent the senses and their sensibilities that we
omit in the destructive way we presently think and act. Maybe
doing this would help us reduce Earth Misery.
The strongest means to nineleg into gg is
to attach the number and name of an active attraction sense to your
story about
an experience, for example: "I felt-sense wanted to breathe (#21
Appetite for Air) and then shared this knowledge with others. This is
exemplified directly following the listing of 54 natural attraction senses
Note that the alphabet is also a human designed sequence whose letters
are not not evidence based in nature. When it is applied to
making words or stories, the latter are not singular and
trustable. Rather, with rare exception, they have two or more
meanings so they cause more arguments than accurate conclusions.
7. NineLeg Example:
Create Moments that Let Earth Teach
Visit and get involved with the nine-leg disruption examples at http://www.ecopsych.com/millecopsyggact.html
reading each example get permission to visit an attraction in a natural
area. Identify and validate what attraction senses are active in
this visit and recognize that like the attraction itself, each of your
senses is also a fact of life.
these senses/sensibilities and the natural attraction they connected
you to to consider the examples and information on that page with
respect to new and old brain thinking. Write down what happens and what
conclusions you can draw from it.
A major problem we face
is that we live extremely nature-separated lives. On average,
we live over 95% of our lives indoors, disconnected from how
nature works. Less than 12 hours of our entire lifetime is spent
thinking in tune with the grace, balance and self-correcting powers
of nature. This conditions us to become prejudicially biased
against nature's intelligence and wisdom.
arrival the play of fresh wind waves and color on the rocky shoreline
filled our senses. A loving feeling of awe and belonging suddenly
unified us when only minutes before we were angrily competing
for status and to be 'winners' "
- Project
8. NineLeg discussion:
Realities and our Discontents
Research in
Neuropsychology has established that our natural, four-leg dog,
sensory way of knowing and problem solving is our old brain
(Cohen 1995),
that includes everything except the literacy ability of our pre-frontal
lobe. It is the way that non-literate nature and its systems throughout
the eons, along with our inherent inner nature today, know, without
words, how to sensitively sustain the world in its natural grace
balance and beauty.
In nature,
our old brain's intelligence
nurtures us to fulfill our 54 natural attraction senses and their
intelligence, to seek and enjoy natural good feelings of greater
wellness and balance. This is nature's way. It naturally produces
dopamine. We enjoy and benefit from this phenomenon even on just a quiet walk in
the park. It is whole life science
Out of Balance
The "four-leg
dog" old brain makes up 88% of how our mind and psyche
work. However, our cultural bias prejudicially disconnects us
from nature's ways. It socializes us to habitually think with our old brain for less than .01 percent of our lives.
This means that 99.9 percent of how we think and feel is not in tune
with the way nature beautifully produces its balance and purity.
are trained, for problem solving in Industrial Society, to use, think
and feel "adequately" with the bias of our "A dog has five-legs," our
"as-if" way of knowing. As the two school girls demonstrated, we
develop emotional "addictive" bonds to it by our seventh birthday. This
5-leg ability centers around our recently evolved literate "new brain,"
the Prefrontal Neocortex. It only makes up about 12 percent of
our mentality.
It is our cultural story, a
"we must exploit nature for survival" prejudice that
extensively trains our new brain so that it dominates over 99.9 percent
of how we would naturally think and be conscious throughout our
lives. Our exploitation of natural systems and their flow, within and about us,
often becomes a source of midlife crisis and most other problems.
This happens because our prejudice to exploit nature for economic/prestige/power
rewards in Industrial Society have become a "normal" addiction. It has addictively pushed us
far past what we
and natural systems need to be for survival in balance. Our stress-release demands for "more
everything" trespass our ability to survive in peace and balance. We presently need
another planet, half the size of earth, to produce the "resources" we
use to sustain our stressful addiction to our "G-O more of everything" lifestyles.
the masses to the masses'
The most Revolutionary consciousness is to be found,
Among the most ruthlessly exploited classes:
Animals, trees, water, air, grasses."
- Gary Snyder
"We must stop denying that
we have created and live in a 5-leg lie. We base our lives on
a grossly inaccurate fact. It's misinformation is the heart of
global warming as well as most personal, environmental and social troubles.
Fortunately, we can easily correct
this dilemma once we come out of our denial that it exists.
Here's what's wrong. There is a conditioned, underlying
short circuit in our thinking. We learn to "five-leg" believe that we live
on the surface of Planet Earth and we don't (G-O). We live in our
planet, ten miles deep in its biosphere, in the web of life that includes Earth's energies, natural systems, atmosphere and sunlight.
We "four-leg" sense and feel our "life in Earth" through our senses of
distance, motion, sight, consciousness, community, trust and
color along with many others. They help us 4-leg know that we are below the clouds, birds and the atmosphere, and since the latter are part of
the Planet, we must be in it (G-G), part of its biosphere.
We survive as part of the life-dance and flow of nature's plant, animal
mineral and energy community. It is us, we are it.
Every seven years the flow replaces every atom in our body. Radioactive
isotope studies show that 98 percent of our 'personal' atoms are
replaced by the biosphere every two years. We consist of ten
times more "other species" cells than human cells. A good portion of
our genetics are plant genetics.
"Our thinking is our destiny.
We suffer our troubles because we disconnect our thinking from
nature's ways and lose the grace, balance and restorative powers
of nature. We can't afford to do that."
- Anonymous Course
"If you count a normal dog's tail as one
of its legs, how many legs does a dog have?"
The old
brain inherently senses and knows four, as does the
dog and the rest of nature and the eons.
Our society's
cultural bias trains, rewards and conditions our new brain
to mathematically think five. This problem solving prejudice
produces conflict, stress and life crisis in our sensory old
brain and nature's balanced, non-polluting ways. Although often
overwhelmed, they know the answer to be four.
Old Brain =
4-leg dog = nature's sensory ways of harmoniously knowing and relating
New Brain =
5-leg dog = socialized, biased ways of habitually knowing and
relating that often conquer or exploit nature.
From womb to
tomb our cultural bias applauds, rewards and conditions us to
habitually know the world through the prejudice of 5-leg logic
rather than 4-leg facts of life.
The PeakFact truth
of the matter:
a tail is not a leg. However, the prejudice of our new brain
thinking has also convinced itself that only it contains
intelligence and that it is superior, that its 5-leg way of
thinking and problem solving can best produce survival and manage the
world. When we consider the destructive effects of this thought,
recognize that something is missing or very inaccurate in how we think
and feel. Our mentality is operating in programmed G-O ways that don't
help us recognize that Earth is our other, non-literate body.
Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) is the antidote for this dilemma. It helps us create moments that let Earth teach.
go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not (5-leg)
fish they are after. As far as the laws of mathematics refer
to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain,
they do not refer to reality." (see above, paragraphs 1-5 for details)
- Albert
"Men have become the tools of their tools."
- Henry
David Thoreau
No matter how
conceptually clever we are with our biased five-leg dog thinking,
it is our four-leg sensory awareness that grounds our lives in
the reality of natural systems and how they work within and around
us. Again, that reality knows any normal dog has no more than
four legs and no matter how you look at it, a tail is not one
of them.
What is true
for our thinking to accurately determine the realness of a four
legged dog, is also true
for the determining the realness of our life on Earth, of our
relationships with plants, minerals, animals and energies, with other
people, spirit and our natural self.
Our disorders and
discontents arise because when it comes to
supportively relating in balance to nature and its systems around
and within us, we rarely think in 9-leg (4-leg plus
5-leg) ways of critical or empirical thinking.
PeakFact, nine-leg thinking
offsets our Industrial prejudice and bias against nature. It is
readily available.
Cohen says we can do some of his activities with a potted plant, and I
actually had one client where this was shown to be correct.
client had been in a motor vehicle accident and had multiple injuries
that prevented her from getting out and about. She was in chronic
pain and was having severe anxiety attacks.
was a nice potted plant in her living room (I think it was a
Dieffenbachia, but I'm not sure). I described how we are in a
role with plants -- they provide us with oxygen and we provide them
with CO2. I suggested that when she was feeling anxious she
should breathe with the plant, exchanging gasses and and recognize that
they were being mutually supportive. As she did so, I could see
her visibly relaxing. Within a few minutes she reported that her
anxiety was gone and her pain was somewhat reduced.
the next few weeks she successfully used this technique whenever she
was anxious. As her physical abilities improved she began
spending time in the garden and then began gardening from her
wheelchair. Her anxiety was completely controlled without
don't know what she bonded to, but she developed a sense that the plant
(and later her garden) was her friend and that they were in a mutually
supportive relationship. This feeling was able to help her
overcome her anxiety."
- John Scull, Ph.D. Neuropsychologist
limited critical or creative thinking is detrimental. For example,
it might be logical to kill or hurtfully stress a dog if we make
it run too fast or far because we think that it has five legs.
isn't that what our bias is doing to us and to the environment?
How often do we fund our 5-legged ways and thereby overwhelm 9-leg
common sense. How often do we, in metaphor, applaud our ability to dream up
things like a 5-legged dog and then suffer the consequences of
disrupting the health of the gene pool and ecosystem by genetically engineering a dog
to have five legs?
The destructive
results of our problem solving prejudice speak for themselves with respect to our
5-leg relationships to emotional, psychological and biological
natural systems, to life and midlife crisis within and around
us. We suffer from its distortions.
"We have
repressed far more than our sexuality: our very organic nature
is now unconscious to most of us, most of the time, and we have
become shrunken into two dimensional social or cultural beings,
aware of only five of the hundreds of senses that link us to
the rich biological nature that underlies and nourishes these
more symbolic and recent aspects of ourselves."
...- Norman
0. Brown
...Author of Love's
Body (1966)
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Natural System Dysfunction
SUMMARY: The differing
values and attributes of
- natural-sensory thinking,
- abstract thinking and
- whole thinking
It is a grave
mistake for us not to take seriously the difference between natural sensory
(4-leg) and abstract "as if" story (5-leg) ways of critical and creative thinking,
along with our learned prejudice for the latter. The schism between their different
means of registering the world often produces our discontents
and life crisis, the destructive relationships, stress and conflict
within and around us.
sensory (Four-leg
) knowing
is a magnificent psychological and physiological attraction phenomenon with
deep natural system sensitivity roots into the eons, the heart
of Earth and the universe. It registers in the older lymbic brain (horse brain) that
makes up 90 percent of our psyche. It brings our widely diverse
multiplicity of ancient natural attraction senses and sensory ways of registering
the world into our immediate awareness so that we can think and
relate with the self-evidence they present..
We are biologically,
psychologically and spiritually built to know and relate to the
world through our natural senses, as does the rest of nature and its natural attraction
story thinking (Five-leg) knowing produces important awareness
through our cultural bias to creatively think with new brain abstract theories, imagination,
labels and stories. However, like a movie playing in our mind,
they are each a shortcut to reality, not reality itself.
Being conscious of the label or name for a color is is a five-leg new brain (not left brain) function while the sensory ability to register color itself is a four-leg old brain function found in many animals and plants. (Reminder, you may personally experience the influence of the trained and literate new brain and its relationship to the old brain.)
mind movies are never reality, they are pictures of it or stories
about it. They abstract reality into three of our 53 natural
senses: language, reason and consciousness. These three senses
connect with each other to produce the movie in the newer prefrontal
neocortex of our new brain.
In our abstract
story thinking movie, a sentence that makes us conscious of something
that is reasonable is considered a story that is "true"
or "a fact." However, when we do not also seek information
and think with our 4-leg natural sensory ability, our abstract,
5-leg, "truth" results not only in personal desensitization
but in the biased separation of our thinking from the balancing
reality of Earth's natural systems and their self-correcting
powers within and around us. This profound loss in our thinking
produces the destructive side effects and life crisis of our
artificial world. These are troubles that we can not readily
solve with nature-disconnected thinking alone.
"An actually
existing fly is more important than a possibly existing angel."
.....- Ralph Waldo Emerson
can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used
when we created them."
.....- Albert Einstein
Life thinking (Nine-leg)
PeakFact knowing
combines 4-leg and 5-leg thinking to our benefit. It produces a
whole-life, integrated, intelligent and balanced re-connection between
interconnected natural senses and systems and our abstract thinking
abilities. It also brings to our consciousness our inherent attraction
to the grace, beauty and restorative ways of natural systems. This
love, to our benefit, offsets our cultural bias and its detrimental
effects. It helps nature help us relate and co-create more harmoniously
and sustainably with natural systems in ourselves, each other and the
environment. For example, when building a road, the shortest and
least expensive distance between two points may be identified, but if
it goes through a beautiful natural area that should be protected, or
through a cathedral, what we sense and feel tries to guide us to
go around them.
Whole Life Thinking
is Normal and Natural: Brain research by Dr. Wilder Penfield and others
demonstrate that when an area of the brain is stimulated, the
subjects report that they become conscious of specific past places
or situations as well as of the senses and feelings that
are part of that experience. Our mentality, by design, stores
and thinks with both experiences or stories and the sensations that accompany
them. To separate one from another reduces our thoughtfulness
and produces dysfunctional thinking and relationships. Scientists
and Philosophers tend to do this by dismissing our senses and
feelings as being "subjective" "fuzzy thinking" or "granola." This is a major underlying source of duality,
of seldom being able to discover and relate to the singular essence of
things. Story knowing vs Sensory knowing often produces more than one
truth or meaning to "things."
""Scientific research is based
on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by
laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."
"Our task
must be to free ourselves from (our) prison by widening our circles
of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of
nature in its beauty."
.....- Albert Einstein
heart of our many problems and discontents is that we know and treat
natural systems within and around us inappropriately because our
prejudice incorrectly registers them in our thinking as a "5-legged
dog." This finally catches up with us when we recognize that this
dualistic conflict leaves us and our Other Body dissatisfied and troubled. It motivates us to find
our natural roots and feel better.
"As a
mother and counselor I have been feeling stressed and pressed
for time. I have been juggling time ever since my kids were born.
So much of my daily interactions are around taking care of others,
especially their pain. Or as a parent dealing
with mundane tasks or having to be a disciplinarian.
I walked to
sit by a small pond and was especially attracted to the wind,
watching it dance across the shimmering water. It was playful,
joyful, and suddenly I wanted to make something beautiful. I
arranged a broken piece of birch tree limb, some bark with little
lichens, a few acorns and a pine cone, and created a "thank-you
to nature" gift on a rock beside the pond.
The important
message for me that I took from this experience was how much
I need to thank and revive the playful, joyful, creative parts
of myself. I began making different choices about how to prioritize
my time and where to put my energy. In doing this, some things
have fallen by the wayside at times; a balanced checkbook, an
over clean house, more garden weeds. But am starting to feel
better. I have a lot more energy. I'm more interested in my work
and I have a deeper connection with my husband and kids."
- Project
"A lake is the landscape's
most beautiful and expressive feature. It is Earth's eye; looking
into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature."
-Henry David Thoreau
is what stands the test of experience."
- Albert
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Natural System Dysfunction
a Core Problem
A described
above, the five-leg bias and prejudicial limits of critical and
creative contemporary problem solving and thinking produce our
greatest disorders. One of these disorders is that, being logical,
our five-leg thinking can not tolerate its awareness of the unreasonable
suffering that its nature-disconnected ways cause. It escapes
this pain by going into denial of the problem. It
refutes that its sensory disconnection from natural systems within
and around us is prejudiced, biased, addictive or limiting and
that it produces disorders. It's bias defensively claims instead,
that our mentality and intelligence is far superior to that that
of other species and the global ecosystem, even though the results of how we are trained to think
don't feel right. That is a way to describe hallucination.
Dealing with
this problem consists of using a distinct nature-reconnecting,
9-leg art and science. Engaging in this whole
thinking tool
enables us to first let nature revive our numbed natural senses.
This heightens our multisensory awareness of natural systems
around and within us and others so that our every relationship
may connect with and benefit from registering their regenerative
balance, beauty and grace.
The greater
sensibility of the 9-leg thinking process enables us to let
nature's powers help us free ourselves from our bonded prejudice
and bias for our destructive ways and against natural systems.
Our reward is that we enjoy sustainable relationships that support all of
life and benefit from them.
I may be very dumb but, you know, I'm also very rich. That is because I'm
so dumb and addicted that I gamble all the time and I only make one bet.
I bet that
a person who is not using nine-leg peak fact thinking to solve a problem
is actually helping to cause that problem and they don't even
know it.
The reason
I'm rich is because I win that bet every time."
- Alfred E. Newman <grin>
Some Basics
of Love
(Before reading
further please recognize that it is the G-O bias of our five-leg
thinking that is doing the reading, not our inherent sensory
connections with natural systems G-G, for the latter are non-literate. Our G-O prejudice against nature may feel ill-at-ease
with this page's critique of how our 5-leg thinking is in denial
and how it omits the way nature's global perfection works so
Most scientists
recognize the PeakFact evidence that just as our arm is naturally attracted, or "loves,"
to be attached to our body, all people are biologically, psychologically
and spiritually born of, part of, and naturally attached to nature,
our planet, Earth. This includes being emotionally attached or
bonded to Mother Nature and Mother Earth, our other body, through our natural
attraction senses, just as a child is also bonded to its human
We are born
with an innate, Unified Field, sensory love of nature's plant, animal and mineral
kingdom, of sunshine, food, water, soil, air, community, cooperation,
spirit and beauty--that we hold in common with each other and
all of nature. This is why most children love to play in nature.
The name we give to this deep potent and rewarding love is survival, our love of life.
"A four-leg
experience put the shock of my unexpected job loss in perspective.
The job loss left me extremely drained of energy but in a nearby
park, I experienced both the physical and the mental healing
effect of nature. As I drew near a strand of shade trees, it
quite literally reminded me of being held in my mother's arms
as a very young boy. It was as if the area was saying to me;
come to me, let me hold you so that you can rest. I lay down
and fell asleep under those trees. When I awoke I sensed how
each thing around me was connected to the others for its survival,
how we're all part of Nature, relying on one another. I knew
I would be OK even though my job had ended.
Change is constant
and I'm not going through it alone. The natural world has been
surviving much longer than I have, so why not learn from it."
- Project
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Natural System Dysfunction
Our stringently
learned "five-leg dog story" new brain's extreme disconnection
from thinking with our inherent old-brain "4-leg dog"
sensory way of knowing, causes serious limitations in the way we relate
to ourselves, each other and the global ecosystem. It is as foolish
as hiring a lobster to direct the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal."
- Albert
is the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to
put it on?"
- Henry
David Thoreau
"The loss
of nature's wisdom and purifying powers in our mentality makes
us continually want so there is never enough. We presently 'want' the world's resources at
a pace that outstrips the planet's capacity to sustain life in balance, as
we know it.
The natural world wants more mutually supportive relationships while we want more of everything."
- Michael J. Cohen
Because our
critical and creative indoor thinking and psyche have very little
genuine, sensory 4-leg contact with authentic nature, we desperately
need a process that helps us increase our conscious sensory
contact with natural systems.
The world and
its people are seriously at-risk. It makes the greatest sense
for our super-trained "5-leg" thinking and problem
solving to learn to see the value and logic of connecting with
"4-leg" sensory old brain ways of knowing in order
to make better sense of our lives and reduce our troubles.
NatureConnect is a tool that teaches us how
to recognize 4-leg and 5-leg thinking, and how to bring them
together. We benefit ourselves and the planet by learning to
use a 9-leg thinking process to appreciate it. Knowing the world
this way helps us keep in mind that a dog's tail is not a leg.
who have had a beneficial experience in nature but whose G-O bias
does not let them practice the nine-leg art and science of strengthening
that experience, and think with it, have been socialized into denying their
own truth. They and the world suffer accordingly."
Organic Psychology instructor
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Four-leg connections
combined with our five-leg thinking enable us to enjoy restorative
9-leg experiences and relationships that help us co-create more
harmoniously with nature's
healing and renewing powers within and around us.
An online 9-leg
technique helps
us make better sense of our life, and life on Earth, and reduce
our most challenging troubles --personal and global. This is essential,
for prejudicial short circuited thinking usually short-circuits
its ability to figure out what short-circuited it.
"I am
going through a breakup with my partner and am thinking about
things that are most important to me. I am finding a great difference
between my intuitions and my instincts. My instincts, which include
my senses tell me to stay with my partner. I am still so attracted
to Renny in many ways. But the rationale of my inner intuition
tells me that I need to move on. In the natural area I visited,
I was attracted to a group
of trees, and I remembered roaming in the woods before I was
with Renny, and that lost sense of freedom and autonomy.
Focusing on
my senses in the wild allowed me to temporarily be away from
my attraction to Renny. Being connected to the Earth brought
many senses to mind that helped me evaluate my connection to
my partner and how it was serving me.
I think I am
getting too "attached" to Renny. Meaning- my time of
learning and growing with my partner is over, but I cling to
the relationship out of a need for connection. Out of a lack
of deep connection with the Earth and people, I find someone
that I can cling to and hold on to. What I discovered I really
need to do is let go and work on building deeper relationships
with people who I am not in love with and be with the Earth.
I find that
being connected with all possible aspects of nature dissolves
my addictions and allows me to be free and think clearly. It
teaches the part of me that attaches to things that have become
less sensible to let go and be free, and to let myself change
and grow."
Ecology Student
need the tonic of wildness."
"In wildness is the preservation of the
- Henry David Thoreau
human being is a part of a whole, called by us -universe-, a
part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts
and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of
optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind
of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and
to affection for a few persons nearest to us. "
- Albert
matter the original source of
natural attraction energy, here's my challenge to you:
'Get real. Show me a
place or relationship that, since the beginning of our Universe, has not,
or does not consist of natural attraction binding things
together in ways that support nature's purity, balance and beauty.'
I don't think you can show me the above because it's a 5-leg G-O
distortion. It doesn't actually happen in nature.
beginning of our universe consisted of binding natural attraction
energy that flowed in, through and around atoms. This process continues
today in the Sun and in us.
The integrity of natural things is intact because natural attractions maintain them this way.
all things in the Standard Universe consist of natural attraction in action, surely our 53
natural attraction senses
are a continuum today of the attractive, intelligent workings of
natural attraction through the eons until this moment. For example, the
natural attraction sense of thirst
turns on and off to bring water into, through and out of us in a
balanced and nurturing way for all things. That makes sense and is
disorders arise simply because our 5-leg stories excessively disconnect our
society and mentality from conscious sensory contact with natural
attraction self-correcting power that flow through and around us and natural areas, backyard or
The 5-leg
story of our central culture denies natural attraction is an essence of nature and life.
Our denial gets us into the troubles we suffer. It applauds us
for our
thinking's omission of natural attractions and their wisdom from
our thoughts, feelings and relationships.
Nine-leg G-G thinking and feeling
helps us address this detrimental flaw in our lives.
and around us, our use of a tool
that helps us genuinely reconnect our mind to nature's balance, beauty
and healing powers enables our thinking to reduce our troubles and
increases our love of nature. This is significant because we protect
and save what we love."
- Dr. Michael J. Cohen,,Maverick Genius
course was attractive to me because in it I could find like-minded
people to share my passion and reverence for nature. The course
provided a framework for me to try to verbally express what I would
experience in nature with others. We went from a group of relative
strangers to people who were as honest and open in the sharing of our
weekly experiences as we could be. We learned to speak with our "Other
Body" nature that we discovered in each other. It didn’t matter where
we all
started from; our common goal was growth through nature’s G-G
There was a commitment and trust from the beginning that I have never
experienced in a course before. I am deeply appreciative of the
opportunity to learn with all of the members of my group. Their
presence was invaluable, deepening, anchoring and so wise."
- Orientation Course Participant
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Natural System Dysfunction
Cohen, M.J. 1995, Counseling
and Nature: A Greening of Psychotherapy THE INTERPSYCH
NEWSLETTER volume 2, issue 4 March, 1995. Contains additional
reviewed journal references. [Also re-published in
U.S. Department of Education ERIC, Green Education, Reconnecting
With Nature (Ecopress), and Web of Life Imperative
Cohen, M. J. (1993) Integrated
Ecology: The Process of Counseling With Nature. The Humanistic
Psychologist, Vol. 21 No. 3 Washington, DC: American Psychological
Cohen, M. J. (2003) The
Web of Life Imperative: Regenerative ecopsychology techniques that help
people think in balance with natural systems. Victoria, British Columbia, Trafford
Cohen, M. J. (2007) Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature Natural Attraction Ecology in Action.
Cohen, M. J. (2013) The Hidden Organic Remedy: Nature as Higher Power, WA, CreateSpace Publishing.
ADDITIONAL NINE-LEG INFORMATION: courses, degrees, grants,
recovery, coaching, self-help
and Personal Training Books,
Courses, Degree Programs, Grants Articles and Nine-Leg Process Validation
The on line Exceptional Secrets of Natural
Attractions Trail
Outcomes; empirically knowing ourselves and the world
in a nine-leg way.
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books, courses, degrees, grants, recovery, self-help
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Course online.