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Island WA Grange #966 |
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It is an alternative source for to the information below.
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Love Unifies. Why
Wouldn’t You Want to Consciously Link with its Essence in the Life of
Earth/us to Increase Personal, Social and Environmental Well-Being?
Here is an undisputed fact that you can use to validate yourself and your relationships: the whole world recognizes the truth that you are reading these words right now.
You and everything else enjoys and trusts this powerful “Truth of
Now(TN)” because it is the scientifically valid energy that builds the space and time of
each moment including our stories about the past and future in any moment.
The mission of Project NatureConnect validates that its 54-sense organic ecopsychologyart
and science TN validates that the life of Earth/us inherently loves to
live in balance and beauty. Our lives hold the aliveness of TN
love in common with the web of life and each other. To our demise, our
nature-disconnected stories socialize us to disregard, exploit or
conquer the TN.
By omitting or denying TN, the world is increasingly unable to remain
unified. In painfully destructive ways we sense and feel the life
of Earth falling apart in humanity and the environment. Without invoking TN we
are unable to stop deteriorating peace, sanity and resources as we increase the extinction of species, climate change, mental illness, excessive stress, obesity, depression and most other disorders.
Why wouldn’t you want to therapeutically link to the source of TN, boost personal and global unity and increase well-being?
See www.ecopsych.com/Explore Nature Article.docx
| ProjectNatureConnect
Organic Psychology in Action
Counseling and Healing With
Nature Online
Funded, sensory, accredited, courses, degrees and career training: Certification, BS, MS, Ph.D.
Homepage: Ecopsychology Online. Learn
how to create moments that let Earth teach.
Special: take
our free, CEU course online
Natural intelligence and mental health
studies with Project NatureConnect include your life experience and prior education in combination
with Albert Einstein's
GreenWave Unified Field.
Our special whole-life interactive program offers,54 sense, core distant learning online. It enables.you to add
practical, hands-on, nature connecting methods, material and
to your career and
This page scientifically enables you to recognize that your life is lovingly
conceived and supported as a uniquely-you 54-sense personification of
Nature's Unified Field and its purifying, self-correcting attraction
Stories that mislead or disconnect us from
the Unified Field produce the unbalanced
relationships that we and the
web-of-life suffer. You can at any moment help bring things back
into balance, including yourself, by GreenWave
reconnecting your 54 natural senses to the Unified Field.
Improve your life and all of life by coming into nature-rooted equilibrium.
Explore the long validated authenticity and credibility of this unique program.
Master the organic art and science of thinking and relating like the
genius of nature's purity and balance work.
Good experiences you
have only had
in nature demonstrate that nature is attracted to you and that your
mentality has been excessively disconnected from it.
Too often we learn
to take our natural sensory contacts for granted rather than recognize them
as the wisdom of the ages that we naturally consist of and that we are
socialized to demean and suffer accordingly.
Get smart.
The essence of education,
counseling and healing is to give people the things they need in order
to grow into contributing and wholesome members of their society. To
achieve this, what was needed in
ancient times has little in common with with what is needed now
to live a safe and healthy life in balance with today’s advanced
science, knowledge and technological practices.
To reasonably maintain and support personal, social and environmental
well-being, the core of what we learn must be an outgrowth of the needs
and relationships in which we exist today.
If we do not increase our attraction to, or love for, intelligent
thinking, acts and laws that help us come into balance with
Nature, in and around us, our dilemmas will continue to increase.
Bio, Love
and Nature:
Albert Einstein's GreenWave-54 Unified
Field Inventory.
We have gone crazy and make the world fall apart because we live in Einstein's contemporary world of
advanced science and technology while we are socialized to
think, build and experience our relationships as if the date was 800 B.C.
Help yourself stop the madness.
GreenWave-54 self-evident facts enable you to come into the present with your 54 senses
(Were you ever taught that you have 54 of them, even though you and your teachers experience them all the time?)
yet indisputable truth, whole truth and nothing but 54-sense whole life truth is
working here.
This truth is eleven times more accurate and balanced than the misleading
"five senses" way we have learned to think, relate and produce
our catastrophic side effects
A. Discover the
percentage of yourself that can think with it.
B. Explore the percentage of yourself that omits it
and therefore
restricts your ability to meet urgent challenges and help others do the
C. Let genuine sensory connections with authentic Nature enable
you to combine the results of A and B so you and your livelihood or
other interests may come into an organic healing balance with the
and vice versa.
On July 4, 2012 Einstein's scientific premise about the existence of a
grand unified field essence of the Universe was
proven correct with the advanced research discovery of the Higgs Boson "God Particle attraction net" of the Big Bang.
The field is a core, unifying attraction energy throughout the Universe that Einstein predicted 90
years earlier but he could
not prove
a physics equation. Our sense of Thirst, our attraction to water, is
part of the as are, for example, our 53 other natural sense attractions
to music, reason, community, trust and love. (note that none of them
are our 5-senses)
As of July 4, 2012 it has been validated that an organic unifying attraction force exists in and around
us continually. It is the self-propagating, life-giving time and space of each moment-after-moment in
our science-based Universe that we call Nature and our technologically advanced lives.
often we learn to deny that we best think, feel and relate with Nature's unifying powers rather than deny them.
The 2012 Big Bang discovery made apparent the missing underlying cause
remedy for the personal and
global disorders that plague us. It
demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that:
unified relationships from the beginning of time and space have been
attracted to
intelligently self-produce
and grown into Nature's balanced perfection through the eons, moment by
moment. Biologically, nature has loved each of
us into being our unique, organic natural selves. We are the beautiful
way that nature works without producing garbage, where everything
belongs when our
stories acknowledge this fact.
humanity is part of Nature/Earth but we excessively refute that we have
created and live out inappropriate and inaccurate stories about our body,
mind and
spirit. We too often forget that these stories
disconnect our 54
natural senses from their inherent seamless connection to Nature's
unified essence, in and
around us, every moment.
makes perfect sense that we and our
Living Planet suffer from stories that disconnect us. This is because we are as naturally connected to Earth and other people as
our fingers
are connected to our heart and toes. When we disconnect them we produce
On average, today, how we think, feel and experience is
excessively separated from the natural world 99 percent of the time; we
are in tune with Nature less than 12 hours per lifetime.
It is common knowledge that the deterioration of any naturally connected
living thing is predictable if you remove any part of it from its
wholeness and you don't replace it adequately.
ECHN consists of sensory tools, technologies of behavior, that you can use to
help yourself and others
reap the long missing benefits of being in sensory personal and global
The methods and materials of ECHN work because
it uses incontrovertible, nature-connected,
that your 54 senses gather in natural areas, backyard or
backcountry. This empowers you to
deliberately plug your story about yourself directly
into the Big Bang unified field, the "now" of Nature that produces its
own, self-correcting, time and space moment by moment, an essence
of your genetic and sensory makeup.
You benefit from Nature's
unifying, restorative and recycling powers as they wonderously dance in and around
It is
because, as part of Earth and the Universe, you and I are these same
powers in
action during every
moment of our life
and I suffer many discontents because our extremely Nature-disconnected
conquer-nature ways of knowing have detached us from the balanced
and purifying benefits of Nature's self-correcting ways. Applying
the 54 sense science of the Einstein GreenWave-54 Unified Field helps us reverse
this disastrous estrangement.
“In order to change an
existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic
model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.”
- Robert Buckminister Fuller
- Benefit
from genuinely connecting your 54 natural senses with the undeniable
unified field and equation of the Universe today that Albert Einsten
identified but could not prove in physics in 1955.
- Learn
and teach a legitimate nature-connected whole-life process and
livelihood that
is free
and organic. It helps you immediately obtain from Nature the missing
sensory support and wisdom that you
need in a wide range of relationships.
- Many
of us are far more intelligent than we have been led to
believe. Discover how and why we have lost our natural smarts and the
inherent 54 natural sense ways that help us regain them.
- Most folks
don't recognize
that a deep unifying love
missing from their life because we live in excessive
nature-disconnection that subdues our attraction senses and their
ability to love and register love. We suffer because our runaway
prowess is daily bulldozing away Nature's amazing love for us, in and
around us. Einstein's sensory unified field
empowers you
with the grace to take back and share the love that is rightfully yours.
- Create moments
that let Earth teach. You will
want to apply nature's free and easy remedy for
feeling deficient
or empty because it makes sense to heal the unexplainable void that you
feel in your
body mind and spirit. You and I were not born with this hole of
discontent. We
have been taught to create it and excessively buy products that temporarily satisfy
it, again and again, more and more. This has severely injured the whole life of our planet and our whole life as part of it.
- Use this book to own an antidote for our
greed, excessiveness and disorders, for our hurt and wanting due
to our excessive loss of Nature. Too
often it makes us feel that there
is never enough love and this
warps our psyche and relationships. It
makes us
seek exaggerated fulfillments
that stressfully violate the life of
Earth, including
the life of our body, mind and spirit.
Optionally obtain Academic or CEU
credit for learning, and/or a BS, MS or PhD degree in how to prevent and remedy this
crime. It starts a special, online training or 18 month degree program you may already be eligible to
- Be
wise. We
cannot win the battle to increase the
well-being of our planet's life, including our
life, without strengthening our innate ability to love
all of life. We need to recover our missing 54 natural attraction/love
with Nature, in and around us, for we will not fight to
save what we do not love enough. Note that Facilitator, Guide and Mentor positions are always available.
Select Here
to start
your free, immediate, personal Sensory Nature Unified Field article
because you seek peace and sanity and it's easy to find it here in a
good way. Why wouldn't you want to do this? It is hope in action. Nature helps those who help each other.
Become whole life intelligent. Obtain a subsidized sensory
Counseling and Healing With Nature training in
conjunction with:
Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus &
Herbal Remedy
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing
.................................. |
& Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change
Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming
Enjoy Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction
Ecology Resources:
to OP/NAE Table of Contents Homepage
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