Journal of Organic Psychology and

Natural Attraction Ecology (OP/NAE)

Project NatureConnect  Akamai University Institute of Applied Ecopsychology
VOLUME 2,  NUMBER 2014-2016                                                      Dr.  Michael J. Cohen, Editor

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Project NatureConnect

Funded, sensory, accredited, courses, degrees and career training: BS, MS, Ph.D.

Our natural intelligence and happiness studies include your life experience and prior education in combination with Albert Einstein's Unification Field.

This unique whole-life program
offers.core.distant learning online. It to add practical, hands-on, nature connecting methods and credentials to your career, livelihood and interests.

Ecopsychology in action!

Homepage: learn how to create moments that let Earth teach.

Take our free, accredited, CEU course online


             A Bio/SUNEH aliveness moment

     A Bio/SUNEH aliveness moment

     A Bio/SUNEH aliveness moment

     A Bio/SUNEH aliveness moment

    A Bio/SUNEH aliveness moment

    A Bio/SUNEH aliveness moment

A Bio/SUNEH aliveness moment

     A Bio/SUNEH aliveness moment

A Bio/SUNEH aliveness moment

    A Bio/SUNEH aliveness moment

    A Bio/SUNEH aliveness moment




Because our intelligence seldom learns natural sensory activities that are readily available, the unbalanced ways of contemporary science stress the world, make us want excessively and place us at risk
.The Einstein Equation remedies that as we learn to succeed socially, we secretly learn that its OK to violate the Earth.

Twelve Ultimate Intelligence Strengthening Activities

Unblock your mind by opening your heart to Nature.

Let Whole Life science help you remove the destructive barriers in how you think, feel and act.

Become more likable, involved, sensitive,  broad-minded and helpful.

Strengthen your Ultimate Intelligence:

Part Two

(Part One is located at

Inquire now if you want to obtain academic or professional CEU training credit for completing the test or for incorporating it in your livelihood. 360-378-6313.

Two Reasonable Questions:

Imagine that you are trying to get a ride home through stalled, midtown, rush hour traffic and you find a very modern, electric taxi cab parked at a curb, but no driver is in sight.  This cab contains built in traffic reports, a computer, GPS, TV, Internet and wireless phone service along with a hot tub.  As you wait for the driver to show up, a beam of light from the heavens appears and Jesus himself (or any other pre-1850 prophet or leader) comes down, sits in the driver’s seat and says he will take you to your destination.

Question 1: If, when you ask him, Jesus honestly tells you that he’s never driven or been taught to drive a car and that he’s had no need for scientific training or experience with electronics or other “A.D.” technologies, (including not knowing how many folks he’d need to help him screw in a light bulb because he’d never seen one), would you get in the cab and ride through traffic with him while he perceives red and green traffic lights to be Christmas colors flashing to welcome him?

Question 2: If, in reality, you did actually consent to take this miraculous taxi ride in New York City today, wouldn’t you more likely arrive dead in heaven or hell before you reached you planned destination....and injure or kill other people in the process?

In today’s scientific and technological reality, miracles and the mystical are not part of the equation simply because they can't be substantiated with facts based on
valid evidence. Using valid evidence is the essence of scientific thinking. However, the story, above, helps us identify a major problem that we face.

Our unsubstantiated beliefs are directing and funding our advanced science and technology powers because our mind, body and spirit are not learning to scientifically seek whole life-facts that include sensory and unmeasurable information. Instead, we are habitually attached to limited, flawed and outdated facts that are not evidence based, as is exemplified by letting Jesus drive in the story.

Worse still, we often can't use fact-checked information because we are indoctrinated to omit guaranteed, self-evident facts that can be gained from sensory moments that connect our 54 natural senses with the life of nature's perfections in natural areas, backyard or backcountry. This is mainly because they are considered "subjective" and therefore must be omitted by "objective" thoughts and science.

The bias of our present lives prevent us from living mentally and physically in conscious sensory contact with the
balanced perfection and wisdom of Nature, our scientifically identified Big Bang Universe. The disastrous results speak for themselves.

On average, we spend over 95 percent of our time indoors. Over 99 percent of our thoughts, sensations, feelings and relationships are out of tune with Nature’s Big Bang Universe.

Our severe disconnection from the natural world produces a loss of nature-connected intelligence that makes us want. 

Our wanting makes us excessively attach or addict to technological fixes along with their adverse side effects. For this reason we injuriously attached or addicted to polluting our mentality and deteriorating the natural world.  This means that when we unnecessarily pick a flower we don’t just disturb a local habitat, we also trouble a star, for all is connected in a given moment by our love of the Unified Field as  moment-by-moment it creates the time and space of its life.

What we can do is find and/or develop in ourselves a powerful, nature-connected “ultimate intelligence” that gives us the fact-check know how to "select or drive a safe cab and manage our traffic" in sane and balanced ways.  As part of nature and the Universe we genetically inherit this intelligence, it is already in us. The means to discover, free up and utilize it is available via Project NatureConnect’s Ultimate Intelligence Test Inventory and Orientation Course. In fact, the
information that you are now reading, will be more helpful to you if you take the test first and then apply the Einstein NNIAAL equation there, "NNIAAL+ V2B= the Unified CRL Dance of Bio/SUNNEH-54," to the gateway activities here.

The special intelligence to know that in any given moment the unifying aliveness dance of the Universe and ourself is sensory and identical has great value:

It enables our nature-connected thinking, feeling, acts and stories to strengthen our inherent, organic life as part of Organism Earth.

It helps our body, mind and spirit be at one with the natural attraction homeostatic restorative and purifying powers of our Big Bang Bio/SUNEH origin

It empowers us to identify and beneficially transform scientifically flawed beliefs, information and individuals.

This page is for folks who know they have passed the test and recognize far beyond reasonable doubt that the Universe/SUNNEH is alive and balanced. If you are one of them, your special ability in this regard can be strengthened by engaging in the twelve gateway activities, below.

You probably are one of the few who recognize that natural homeostasis, nature's ability to balance itself, is the Big Bang's original attraction to survive attractively by everything equally loving to share and support the Big Bang's attractive life Unified Field, moment by moment. 
For the welfare of all, the presence everywhere of the unified whole life unified field in any time/space moment enables attraction to be attracted to follow diverse new attractions while simultaneously being attracted to support the whole of life.  Attraction acts like a rubber band which if stressed attracts things attracted to straying too far to be attracted to support the Web source and it members..

The gateway activities can also be helpful to folks who are trying to pass the intelligence test by removing the blocks resulting from their habitual, nature-disconnected thinking, feeling and stories

Individuals are sorely needed who have an open mind and want to think and build relationships in conjunction with the natural aliveness of the Universe and its unifying attraction dance, in and around us.  These folks more fully understand any situation, anywhere at any instant because the natural attractions they sense in that moment increasingly endow them with the greater wisdom, wholeness and balance of Bio/SUNNEH that is also present in the moment.

Gateway Activity Introductory Requirements:

Recognize that the attractive experience and joy that you and others have sensed during a natural area connection is a unique healing, centering and well-being enchantment. It is a sensory essence of nature’s balance and beauty that is a fact because it's self-evident.

That for every unfair trespass we make against each other in our society,  our nature-conquering society's dogma has proudly made a far more outrageous trespass against the life of Nature (Bio-SUNNEH) in the name of progress, profit, God or economic growth.  Bio-SUNNEH it the way to remember the identical "Life(Bio) of the Scientific/Universe/Nature/NNIAAL/Earth/Humanity"
Because our Nature trespasses continue to teach and reward us for trespassing Nature in each other, our violation of life has become a prejudice, habit or addiction.
To be sane and reasonably stop our madness we must treat it as a prejudice, habit or addiction when it does not respond to reasonable facts.
Recognize that multi-sensory time in a natural area can genuinely connect our “two-body” mind and spirit with the singular attraction-love of each moment of the Universe to live its life. Each new moment helps our stories support the non-story aliveness of the unifying dance of Nature (Bio-SUNEH/NNIAAL) in and around us.

Validate that it is reasonable and attractive to gain assistance from the list of 54 Natural Attraction Senses and their energies that enable us to register the world ( and become familiar with how these senses attractively connect us with the world via NNIAAL and its powers because they help us genuinely experience it. (

Add to the gateway activities listed below, aspects of your special areas of interest (EcoArt, Yoga, Child Development, Equestrian, etc.  For example, in EcoArt make a drawing or Mandela of what you place in you Safebox, or use a gateway activity to help mentor others or to connect yourself or others to nature as higher power. 

To obtain greater depth at any time, resonate the senses involved in any of the activities with additional senses. For example: sing or find trust in the life of your natural attraction sense of thirst. 


1- Safebox Insertion With its consent, find and sense an attractive example in a natural area that consents to help you build a protected Safe Box in your mind where you can place and preserve unpolluted Bio/SUNEH information that you gather as you continue.  Check to see which of your 54 sensory attraction powers build and sustain this box and why they consent to do this.
Identify which of your 54 sensory attraction powers were active in doing this, then Validate and place the experience in your Safebox.

2. Gain Consent: With its consent, find and sense an attractive example in a natural area that gives your “story way of knowing” its consent to help you continue with this checklist and vice-versa <>. 
Identify which of your 54 sensory attraction powers were active in doing this, then Validate and place the experience in your Safebox.

3. Big Bang Seed With its consent, find and sense an attractive example in a natural area including yourself, that the Science-based Big Bang, 13.7 billion years ago, moment-by-moment was attracted to create its own, self-unifying and balancing seed that grew the naturally attractive time and space of the Universe, and continues to do so in this moment as Bio/SUNNEH-54 (Science-based, Universe, NNIAAL, Nature, Earth, Humanity)-NNIAAL that we commonly call “Nature.”
Identify which of your 54 sensory attraction powers were active in doing this, then Validate and place the experience in your Safebox.

4. Attraction Essence With its consent, find and sense an attractive example in a natural area, including yourself, that, until proven otherwise, the essence of this singular, attractive and unified “oneness” moment consists of all things in Bio/SUNNEH being attracted/attached to each other as they manifest themselves in this instant as part of Bio/SUNNEH, including you and your 54 senses.
Identify which of your 54 sensory attraction powers were active in doing this, then Validate and place the experience in your Safebox.

5. Whole Life Attraction With its consent, find and sense an attractive example in a natural area, including yourself, that repulsions in nature are the attractions of senses 25-27 to have us and others find additional attractions to support ourselves and Bio/SUNNEH in this moment.
Identify which of your Identify which of your 54 sensory attraction powers were active in doing this, then Validate and place the experience in your Safebox.

6. Unified Aliveness With its consent, find and sense an attractive example in a natural area, including yourself, that in this unified and “at one” moment you know Bio/SUNNEH and its Unified Field are alive because you are the H in Bio/SUNEH and from your self-evident experience you know that you are alive, with one exception (see 8, below).
Identify which of your 54 sensory attraction powers were active in doing this, then Validate and place the experience in your Safebox.

7. Science Based With its consent, find and sense an attractive example in a natural area, including yourself that shows that you are a manifestation of everything else in Bio/SUNEH that has gone before you and to all that follows you. Describe how this evidence based, non-miracle way of knowing is an important fact-check part of the way the life of the scientific process works and that Bio/SUNNEH is that process at work.
Identify which of your 54 sensory attraction powers were active in doing this, then Validate and place the experience in your Safebox.

8. The Bio/SUNNEH Exception With its consent, find and sense an attractive example in a natural area, including yourself that demonstrates that in any given moment all of Earth consists of 1) our stories and 2) Bio-SUNNEH/NNIAAL.  Stories or images that are not evidence based are the Bio/SUNNEH exception, the one thing that is not part of Bio/SUNNEH/NNIAAL and can be destructive to all.  Our attachments to this exception often habitually/addictively mislead us to produce and suffer our disorders
Identify which of your 54 sensory attraction powers were active in doing this, then Validate and place the experience in your Safebox.

9. Two Bodies With its consent, find and sense an attractive example in a natural area, including yourself that helps you affirm that you have two bodies: 1) is your body that can think, feel and relate via words/stories/labels and 2) your other body is SUNNE-h (that has no story-flawed H). SUNNE-h is the closest wilderness to where you are no matter where you are. It includes your unadulterated inner nature, the life of the Unified Field as you. It is Bio/SUNNEH as it was about 200,000 years ago before stories as we know them came into existence.
Identify which of your 54 sensory attraction powers were active in doing this, then Validate and place the experience in your Safebox.

10. Earth Dancers With its consent, find and sense an attractive example in a natural area, including yourself that shows that we each live in and as the Dance of Bio/SUNEH manifesting itself as Planet Earth and us, not in the distorted story that we live on our Planet.
Identify which of your 54 sensory attraction powers were active in doing this, then Validate and place the experience in your Safebox.

11. Self-Evidence Guarantee With its consent, find and sense an attractive example in a natural area, including yourself. There, look for additional examples in Nature that affirm the terms of the ECHN Warranty.  Are there additional science-based things you would add for yourself to the warranty?  Are there examples when or where the warranty helps you validate your life and energies? 
Identify which of your 54 sensory attraction powers were active in doing this, then Validate and place the experience in your Safebox.

12. Nine Legging With its consent, find and sense an attractive example in a natural area, including yourself where you can find nine-leg knowing in action.  Then discover examples there where the application of these 12 Ultimate Intelligence Gateways have 9-leg strengthened the life of the Unifying Dance of Bio-SUNEH/NNIAAL in yourself or others. You can always help any person or situation obtain awareness of and assistance from Bio-SUNNEH by sending them our Valentine, year-round.
What else can you contribute to help reverse Earth Overshoot and its excessive nature-disconnected effects?
Identify which of your 54 sensory attraction powers were active in doing this, then Validate and place the experience in your Safebox.

The scientific validation of the above information is the peer-reviewed book Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature   <>
and its update The Miracle of Something From Nothin
g <>

$$ NOTE: If you successfully complete Part One and Part Two of this Ultimate Intelligence Test you may petition Project NatureConnect to accept donations and grants toward your ECHN program tuitions because you have a special intelligence that contributes to the well-being of all by reversing Earth Overshoot and its disastrous effects

If you would like to connect with others
who have passed the Ultimate Intelligence test, email us a description of a good experience you have had in nature that portrays the intelligence and aliveness of Bio/SENEH as, in and around you. If you wish, we will place you on a discussion list with other successful Test participants who have asked to be on it so they can share interesting Bio/SENEH gateway experiences and grow from them. You can obtain inexpensive academic or CEU professional training credit for doing this. Call Mike at 360-378-6313

Bio/SUNEH Intelligence Strengthening Opportunities:

Our leaders identify our disorders but don't give us the sensory science tools that we need to remedy them. You can become a special type of leader, one whose livelihood provides people with the missing tools they need and deserve to live in balance. If you know you've got some Bio/SUNNEH Intelligence, use it in a good way for Education, Counseling and Healing with Nature. Participate in Project NatureConnect (PNC) activities that certify you to help empower and share your Bio/SUNEH Intelligence through work/study and grants for students and practitioners.  Certified practitioners have the ability to help people to engage in nature-connecting activities so that their sensory contacts in natural areas teach them experientially how to apply what is described in PNC books and web pages.

Your Bio/SUNEH intelligence can help reverse Earth Overshoot and its destructive personal and global effects. Although only .037 percent of the USA population presently has
Bio/SUNEH Intelligence, almost everybody senses and suffers from the hole in their body, mind and spirit left by its absence. Learn how to help Nature help your livelihood and community and vice versa.

Enjoy further Bio/SUNEH information
: Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology:

Learn More:

Benefit from empowering, online, your livelihood and prior experience to be more resilient, validated, green, holistic, environmental, sustainable, natural, nature-connected, healthy, spiritual, organic and peaceful.

Achieve a degree or certification that strengthens your contributions as a counselor, healer, teacher, environmentalist, coach, therapist, spiritualist, leader or health and wellness mentor.

You may obtain a Bio/SUNEH aliveness Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature degree or certificate in conjunction with:

Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch

Art Therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming

Take our free, accredited, CEU course online.  Use it for professional licensing requirements or transfer it into your academic program

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planet and spirit

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
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The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the book
The Web of Life Imperative.



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