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Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature
Applied Ecopsychology and Ecotherapy in Action
- Online training programs, courses, jobs, grants and degrees.
- How to restore our living earth bonds and increase well being.
Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Program founded June, 1959. Most recent web site update: April 24, 2007.
Discover how to increase your success and happiness by strengthening personal, social and environmental well being.
Empower yourself to recycle and heal wounded or polluted thoughts and feelings.
Help yourself and others consciously connect with nature's grace, balance and restorative powers.
Gain the expertise to reach your highest potential by mastering a core Psychological Elements of Global Citizenship course.
WEB SITE TOPICS: Ecopsychology in Action: News, Degrees, Training Courses, Jobs, Books and Grants for Organic Gaia Psychology Therapists, Nature Deficit Disorder, Interdisciplinary Earth Wisdom Study, Peace Corps, Graduate Schools, Environmental and Human Services CEU, Holistic Outdoor Counseling, The Secret Natural Law of Attraction, War on Terrorism, Climate Change Answers, Sustainable Soul Coaching, Stress Relief Management, Natural Health and Wellness, Inner and Global Peace, Alternative Education Grants, Debt Solution Money, Global Warming Remedies and Organic Leadership Consciousness.
FOUND: A critical missing component in industrial society
At home, work or school, enjoy and teach the nature-sensitivity process of Organic Psychology.
Benefit from the self-correcting and purifying ways of natural systems within and about us.
Add sustainability expertise to your personal and professional life.
Boost your energy. Think and feel like nature's perfection works.
Activate the 53 natural senses you inherit to become more
- thoughtful, sensitive and likable,
- trustable, friendly and secure,
- helpful, confident and peaceful with people, places and things.
Increase pleasure. Recycle the pollution in contemporary thinking.
Correct falsehoods that painfully injure the wholesome sensitivities of the natural within and around us.
Empower yourself with nature-connected conflict resolution techniques.
To provide and fund open minded multiple-intelligence sensory tools that help us reduce the detrimental effects of our excessive separation from nature and the natural.
SPECIAL Portland State University accredited CEU courses online for nature-connected education counseling and human services.
........Project NatureConnect (PNC)
........Institute of Global Education
........A non-profit, special NGO consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
........P. O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250...360-378-6313
........nature@interisland.net ...www.ecopsych.com........Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D, Director
........Alternative holistic tools to help the United Nations meet its manifesto for
........sustainable personal and global peace, environmentally sound education and social justice.
....., ,..
NOTE: This web site contains portions of the books: Reconnecting With Nature and The Web of Life Imperative by Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D. They are the texts for Psychological Elements of Global Citizenship, our Orientation Course that is rooted in 47 years of living and learning with people and equality in natural areas.
The focus of our courses can be used as accredited electives for any degree program and to fulfill professional certification (clock-hour) requirements.
Please inquire about being paid for published reviews of our books, courses or this website.
For best results, first explore this homepage and then its links. Collect information that has value to you. As questions arise call 360-378-6313 to learn how you may participate through our grant program (email us for a toll-free number).
The program of Project NatureConnect is subsidized and strengthens any endeavor or discipline. The major requirement for participation is your caring intention to learn how to effectively increase well-being.
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Note: some searched pages have not yet been updated.
A Word to the Naturally Wise.....
Welcome, and thank you for your strong interest in advancing personal and environmental well-being.
Any kind individual who has enjoyed a good experience with nature --backcountry forest or backyard garden, or with their pet, or with the wind, sea or stars-- recognizes that, without the use of books, teachers or lessons, attractions in nature renew us. They help us feel better. They momentarily increase our bliss and wellness. They enable us to think more clearly.
Too often we take this gratifying gift and its mystery for granted. We call it an escape from real life: recreation, not re-creation.
."Nature is doing her best each moment to make us well. Why, Nature is but another name for health."
-Henry David Thoreau
Unwittingly, due to a dangerous falsehood that it promotes, industrial society socializes us into nature-exploitive habits that deteriorate the nurturing genius of nature. This underlies our great disorders within and around us.
We suffer many dysfunctions because the progression of our excessively nature-separated lives disconnects our mentality and loving from our biological and spiritual wholeness. We lose sight of the illumination and humility within our wilderness instincts and values.
On average, over 98 percent of our time, thinking and feeling is out of touch with the grace, balance and restorative powers of nature. It becomes "normal" for us to estrange ourselves from the worldwide healing benefits of nature's innate beauty and peace of mind.
From infancy on, we learn to detach our sensual psyche and soul from the self-correcting life-spirit and support of natural systems. This rupture stops the flowing cycles of of nature's regenerative vigor through our mentality. It breaks their vital circuit. It injures and desensitizes our thinking and feeling.
Our lack of respect and reverence for the consistent and giving pulse of nature underlies our discontents. This explains our "crazy world," why it feels like we are rolling down hill like a snowball that's heading for hell. Our thinking has become bewildered (wilderness separated).
This website presents nature-connecting social technology studies and biology adventures. From them you may learn and teach how to overcome the estrangement of our mind from natural systems and the nature deficit disorders that result.
The removal of our thinking and feeling from nature's (Gaia's) self-correcting, whole (holy/sacred/divine) ways of self-government and self-organization reduces our sanity, our humor, our fun and fitness. Our loss of contact with great spirit (the force) creates the quandary of our predicaments and dream fulfillment.
Project NatureConnect holds the self-evident truths of phenomenological experience as the means to produce practical solutions for our dilemmas. Patient and persistent, we, together, learn how to invite nature to safely connect us back to its non-polluting perfection. We honor this authoritative and decisive act of ours as the tipping point that makes a difference. Our imaginative passion for reconnecting with nature helps us create sober character, fortitude and courage. We build for ourselves and the world a reliable ecological, individual and social security.
Our classroom consists of creating moments that let Earth bring out its knowledge in us and sharing that understanding with others via the internet.
"This world is so beautiful that I can hardly believe it exists."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Benefit from a Powerful Humanitarian Tool....Engage in extraordinary online friendships, exciting training and sensible, whole life degree programs that our socialization usually omits. They help you improve your personal and professional life via an economical and accredited sensory learning process.
Project NatureConnect's visionary funding program financially assists deserving individuals who are conscious of our society's great discord and want to master the organic remedy for it that this web site offers.
Learn quantum nature-connected education and counseling techniques that help you increase personal, social and environmental health.
Please inquire as to how we can help you strengthen well-being within and about you. 360-378-6313 email
For Peace,
"Project NatureConnect presents an accessible, simple, enjoyable and extremely powerful way that love for all life may heal the deep wounds that we suffer."
- Elisabeth Ryland, San Bernadino
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How to efficiently use this web site for educating, counseling and healing with nature jobs, training, funding and activities:
The art and science on this website is like an affectionate and tender supermarket of relevant and timely knowledge. The site provides a wide range of real life information about human ecology and the organic application of ecopsychology and ecotherapy. The site's purpose is to help you custom design for yourself, online training experiences, jobs, accredited course work, certification or degree programs that enhance your personal or professional life via nature-connected experiential education.
Use this homepage to add skills and rewarding benefits to your present interests, prior training and/or life experience.
1. Bookmark and read through this homepage, then follow its links of interest. Always return this page to find additional information and links.2. Explore and collect information from these pages that attracts and makes sense to you, that supports your personal and professional desires. Place that information in an imaginary "supermarket shopping cart," in your mind, or write them down.
NOTE: our Procedures page is the best page for application and participation in our online training courses and degree programs.
3. Contact Mike Cohen, Ed.D., a fun advisor who will help you, without pressure, to customize the information you collect here so that you may best meet your academic and financial goals. 360-378-6313. (Pacific Time Zone, USA.), or email him.
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The Advantages of Alternative, Holistic and Sustainable
Educating, Counseling and Healing With NatureApplied Ecopsychology Environmental Jobs, Careers and Degree Programs in Action
Organic Psychology and the Natural Systems Thinking Process
Online antidotes for Natural System Dysfunction.
- Empower yourself by engaging in the gentle interactive art and science of pollution free,
nature-connected Organic Psychology.
Learn online through inspirational, hands-on, environmental human service tools, books and activities for health and wellness.
Benefit from sustainable, holistic, nature-connected jobs and careers. Master warmhearted, accredited, personal balance courses for CEU hours and/or academic credit.- Participate in all or part of our funded Ph.D., M.S. and B.S. degree, certificate and career program grants and scholarships. They incorporate and build on your prior training and life experiences. Start here or take our Orientation Course online for credit.
Promote peace within and around you: help yourself and others volunteer to use our practical nature-connected coaching and conflict resolution process. It enables you to be at ease with, as well as remedy, the stressful and abusive estrangement of our thinking from the wonderful health and wellness powers of natural systems within and around us.- Request participation instructions
.- HISTORICAL NOTE: our career development participants have successfully applied nature-connected education and healing to:
- Increasing Training, Administration, Personal and Professional Benefits. Improved Conferences, Progressive Human Services, Independent Contracting and Child Care.
- Self-help, Stress Management, Personal Growth, Motivational Neuro-Linguist Programming, Creative Writing, Hypnotherapy, Aromatherapy, Reiki. Energy Medicine and Art Therapy.
- Life, Personal, Success and Relationship Coaching, Leadership Skills, Consulting, Memory Training, Nutrition. Men's and Women's Issues and Assertiveness.
- Teaching, Mentoring and Facilitating Disorder and Prevention Remedies: Eating, Sleep, Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress, Attention Deficit, Addiction, Dependency, Burnout, Self-Confidence, Mid Life Crisis and other Dysfunctions.
- Counseling: Pastoral, Therapy, Recovery, Family, Marriage and Spiritual Counseling, Massage Therapy and Biofeedback.
- Shaminism, New Age Spirituality Retreat Centers, Self-Esteem, Yoga, Religion and Civil Rights.
- Course Instruction, Workshop Presentations, Social Work, Conservation Strategies Outdoor Leadership, Sociology, Environmental Education, Mental Health, Interning and Rich Brain Enhancement.
- Meditation, Complimentary and Alternative Naturopathic Medicine, Parenting, Relaxation, Intimacy and Higher Power.
- Founding or Directing Stress and Healing Programs, Courses for Training or Degree Programs. Additional Use (below)
- Do the observations, above, make sense to you?
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"Now, I am more sympathetic, self-sufficient and happy. I support the environment, and my health and friendships have improved; all this just from doing these thoughtful sensory activities with natural attractions that I discover in the park and then share with my Internet study group."
- Project NatureConnect Participant
Does the observation, above, make sense to you?
Is it attractive? ..Application Information
Act Now Funded education counseling and healing with nature internships online ecopsychology
degrees, courses and jobs.Email for information or call 360-378-6313
RATIONALE: The How and Why of Nature-Connected Education Counseling and Healing.
CONTENT LINKS (you may scroll down and read these short topics in sequence)
- Towards the Sustainable Health and Wellness of People, Careers and Places: Environmental Distance Learning With Nature.
- The Present Source of our Disorders: A Profound Distortion
- Disjointed Origins of Contemporary Thinking and Feeling
- How Organics Help Things Change
- Overcoming Personal, Social and Environmental Disorders
- Our Challenge for Sustainable Well-Being
- Summary: The Effects of Psychic Pain
- Destructive Normalcy
- Natural Wisdom
- Society and Individuals In Denial
- Coming to Our Senses
- Summary
- The Advantage of Project NatureConnect's distance learning program
- Sustaining Holistic Personal and Global Integrity
- Benefit from Making Nature a Stronger Part of Your Life
- The Challenge that Project NatureConnect addresses:
- Program Founder and Director
- Institute of Global Education: address and phone number
- Orientation Course: every program starts with this course.
Towards the Sustainable Health and Wellness of People, Careers and Places: Environmental Distance Learning With Nature.
Below appears one of thousands of journal entry quotes that convey unadulterated empirical evidence for your consideration. It comes directly from the stress-reduciing experience of a person whose thoughts and senses registered, first-hand, the outdoor events this entry describes:
"This nature-connecting activity helped me become aware of my attraction to the crescent moon as it hung over two hills near my home. Soon, its mellow glow, framed by peaks and trees, embraced me in a wordless, ancient primordial scene. Timeless power, peace and unity swept me up. I just wanted to stay in that state of awe, I felt in balance with all of reality. I was simply "BEING." No tension, no pressing goal, just truly belonging to the global community. This natural attraction captured my stress laden pulse and seduced it to the rhythms of Earth. The sleeping disorder I have battled all my adult life dissolved in this restorative power. For the first time in decades, I gently fell asleep after dark and arose shortly after dawn. With elation, I celebrated the breakthrough and I thanked nature. I thanked the endearing activity, too. I'm attracted to it because it helps me reconnect with nature whenever I choose, and I can teach it to others, too."
Do the observations, above, make sense to you?
Are they attractive? ..Application InformationThe rapture in this phenomenal outdoor journal quote goes against the public's stress-producing cultural bias to discredit, exploit or conquer nature. Nature includes the self-correcting and purifying ways of natural systems, of "Gaia," our living planet that flows around and through us.
The quote conclusively demonstrates this extraordinary fact: conscious sensory connection with natural systems helped the writer reduce his sleep disorder, increase his satisfaction and deepen his respect for nature.
As with this sleep disorder example, Project NatureConnect money-back guarantees that the outstanding nature-connected self-help coaching, wellness and counseling tools, activities and jobs offered on this website help you help yourself and others, by 32 percent or more, increase personal, professional and environmental well being. You will reduce puzzling disorders, dysfunction, trouble, conflict, stress, issues and dependencies. Your mind will cooperatively improve relationships in general; you will help protect endangered species and natural systems.
"By interlacing our mind with nature, the science of Organic Psychology enables our thinking to tap into nature's grace, balance and regenerative processes. This helps us transform and recycle detrimental ways we think and feel.
Uniquely, we learn how to help nature decompose into fertile thoughts the garbage that destructive aspects of industrial society have dumped into our mentality and spirit.
Educating, counseling and healing with nature, backyard or backcountry, is trustable. It results in beneficial coaching and teaching that compassionately increases our personal, social and environmental health. IQ and other analytical tests show that this process is a potent, cost-free antidote. We enjoy a smart, stress reducing euphoria, a thoughtful tranquility we normally miss in our excessively nature-separated lives."
The Web of Life Imperative
- M. J. CohenDo the observations, above, make sense to you?
Are they attractive? ..Application Information
Act Now: funded education counseling and healing with nature internships online ecopsychology degrees, courses and jobs. Email for information or call 360-378-6313
The Present Source of our Disorders: A Profound Distortion
"Truth is what stands the test of experience."- Albert Einstein
"Any thoughtful feeling of attraction to nature that we experience while in a natural area is a truth of the ages."
- The Web of Life Imperative
"Over 80 percent of our social and medical problems result from significant excessive stress. In addition, stress erodes our personal and environmental relationships. This reduces our hope and self-worth."
- The Web of Life Imperative
Do the observations, above, make sense to you?
Are they attractive? ..Application Information
"Most people know that we live on the surface of Planet Earth. But do we?"
- Reconnecting With Nature, (Ecopress, 2007)
Today, we unnecessarily suffer dysfunction and pain because contemporary educators psychologists and health professionals teach us an extremely dangerous lie.
As a child, from the time we first begin to talk we obtain adoring rewards (social approval, food, shelter, water, air, light, love, etc.) that inextricably socialize us - that is, emotionally bond us during childhood- to our leaders' lie.
After that, like a bad habit, whenever we think or feel, what automatically comes to our mind first is their lie.
As if we are looking through warped eyeglasses, our leaders' lie makes us perceive in ways that produce stress and conflict. Their lie says that we live on the surface of Planet Earth while, from experience, we know full well that we don't.
The truth of our daily experience tells us that we live in the Earth, 300 miles below its atmosphere, beneath its air, clouds, rain, snow and flying creatures. Isn't this true for you? If so, why does it usually feel foreign or strange to say "We live in the Earth."
"Well-being increases when our stories tell us the whole truth."
- Anonymous
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When we learn to think the opposite about life from the warm reality we register when we experience life, our psyche becomes conflicted. This delusion excessively stresses us. We become disturbed.
The monumental question that rocks us is this: do we simply live on the Earth, or are we in and part of it? This is important. Earth is the planetary origin and source of life as we know it. It is an essential unifying root of our thoughts, feelings and survival.
Our discord about life and our life stresses the depth of our natural senses of place, trust, community and belonging as well as 49 additional natural senses. This stress undermines the delight and joy of our mind body and spirit as well as in our social and environmental relationships. It produces the discomforts of anxiety depression and panic. We feel ungrounded, uncentered and vulnerable. We lose our natural negotiating skills.
The person-planet clash in our thinking is secretly destructive. It troubles our senses of self, place and trust. Our senses of peace, community and belonging also deteriorate along with many other sensitivities. Confused and disoriented, we think this discord is normal for we see it all around us.
To reverse our troubles, we need strength and support, not stress, from our place in the cosmos. We need the healing purity of nature's grace, balance and restorative powers to help us solve the cancer of our runaway problems. Our major problem is that contemporary thinking is almost entirely disconnected from the value of nature's healing liferaft.
Do the observations, above, make sense to you?
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The scientific fact is that we are imbedded in and nurtured by Earth's biosphere, a 20 mile band of life that sits above and below the land and ocean. We are as much a part of the biosphere as is any leaf molecule or atom, any plant animal or mineral.
The discovery of the biosphere in 1929, makes a far greater contribution for good than did the great finding by Copernicus, in 1536, that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the solar system.
For the past 75 years science and society have recognized the biosphere and its cyclic systems as the central pulsating life community of Planet Earth.
The biosphere is a self-organizing, cooperative integration of atmosphere, sunshine, ocean, soil, plants, animals, minerals and energy, a web of life symbiosis that supports all of life (Gaia), including human life. It nurtures us as we nurture it. For this reason, for example, we are born as cat, dog and pet lovers, we are not trained how to love animals or life.
The essence of the biosphere and Earth is the pulsating flow of natural systems. Wherever or whenever that flow stops, life as we know it deteriorates or dies.
Many folks generalize the biosphere as being "star energies" or the "Universe." This thought can remove their psyche from the benefits and destiny they might otherwise enjoy by making conscious sensory contact with the real thing backyard or backcountry.
"I did the activity that directs you to visit a natural area and thoughtfully learn to sense it and the flow of its systems. You then try to determine where nature ends and you begin. I was surprised and greatful because in 20 minutes I discovered a new depth of who I really am and what has happened to me."
-Project NatureConnect Participant
"This home schooling activity helped me realize that even if I'm in a natural area but I'm thinking or talking about my problems in the classroom or my office, I'm not fully connecting with nature."
-Project NatureConnect Participant
Do the observations, above, make sense to you?
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Natural systems and their flow are self-correcting and purifying. They recycle and renew the natural deterioration of themselves and every molecule on earth. For this reason, nature does not produce garbage, pollution or our destructive stress, pain and excessive relationships.
Moment by moment, the pulse of natural systems and their grace, balance and restorative power flows through all of life. This includes the life of our mind and spirit, of our thoughts feelings and perceptions.
Natural systems are a prime commonality and unifier that we share with all people, places and things, past and present, including Moses, Jesus, Mohammad and Buddha.
Most artifical substitutes for natural systems exclude their natural unifying energies and organic healing ways. This omission produces our conflicts, discomforts, moods or deterioration, sooner or later.
Our health and happiness ultimately depend upon the streaming pulse of natural systems through us. But because of the lie in our leaders' biosphere-detached thinking, in the name of "progress" "profit" or "economic growth" our socialization teaches us to separate ourselves from, exploit and conquer nature and its systems. We become stressed consumers instead of responsible life-community citizens.
Do the observations, above, make sense to you?
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REMINDER: To our loss, on average, throughout our lives we learn to disconnect 98 percent of our time, thinking and feeling from conscious sensory contact with nature and its systems.
Our extreme exploitation of and disconnection from natural systems stops their beneficial flow through our psyche. The loss of their vibrance wounds our psyche. It numbs our thinking and feeling. It erodes our trust and our feeling that we naturally belong or have value.
Our pain and numbing desensitization lead to the excessive disagreements, violence, abuse, stress, hurt, disorders wants and addictions that mark our lives.
We are troubled because we don't know or relate to the ways of nature as balanced attraction-love life relationships, as do other natural beings.
We seldom embrace natural things as relatives, attractions, loves or spirit kinships. For example, the organism that we call a "tree," "board-feet" or "potential profit," nature-centered people(s) might call "treeing," "tree spirit," "friend" or "relation."
Natural folks are socialized to trust Mother Earth as a true mother, not as a dead third rock from the sun. Note that they seldom cause the troubles we produce.
"At root, ecology is an erotic attitude of closeness, relatedness and care. We have made it into a rational/activist project and lost sight of its heart."
- Thomas Moore
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Disjointed Origins of Contemporary Thinking and Feeling
"To be part of a system, a thing must somehow be in communication with that system."
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We may best begin to address our disconnection troubles by understanding their origins:
The fossil record demonstrates that biologically and culturally, humanity evolved in the tropical environment of Africa. In that "Eden" of the biosphere, warmth and food were constistantly available because seasonal changes were minimal.
Natural People: As ancient humanity migrated into areas with dramatically changing seasons, most cultures socialized themselves with stories that said: "We must seek, register and respect the attractive and ever changing sensory signals from this place and our love for it. We must respect how its signals help us feel and think in a good way. The Great Spirit of Mother Nature and her love will help us survive by sensuously communicating her fluctuations to us."
Natural survival depended upon expertly sustaining emotional sensitivity and gratitude to life-supportive sensory-emotive communications from the flow of natural systems. For example: when a certain flower turned blue it attracted a natural person's sense of color and signaled this was the time the salmon were running, that food was available or that seeds should be planted.
Tropicmakers: The ancient groups that originated contemporary culture socialized themselves to a different story. It said: "To survive throughout the seasons, we must create artificial tropic-simulating 'closets.' By living in these immitations of the tropics, we may protect ourselves from nature's changes and enjoy a constant warmth and food supply, as if we were in a tropical area. Our survival does not depend upon thinking that includes signals from our natural senses and feelings while in contact with nature. Rather, it depends upon our leaders' creativity and intelligence to develop 'tropic-making' techniques. We must learn to use natural sensitivities and systems in people and places as resources to love and support our leaders and their ability to produce imitations of tropical life: of its natural warmth, food supply, medicine, food storage, entertainment, recreation and transportation."
Today, we are increasingly disconnected from the beneficial sensory pulse and resonations of natural systems. The tropicmaking thinking of contemporary people has addicted us to excessive sensory rewards from, and/or to tranquilization of the emotionally-abusive discomfort from nature-exploitive stories, technologies, profit, power and prestige. The latter act as a form of terrorism against natural systems.
Insight from our 53 natural senses and feelings had little value in our tropical-immitation indoor world. We learn to train, subdue or conquer them rather than support them. Too often, we learn to think and feel like cultural objects rather than as contributing sensitive members of Earth's life community.
As tropicmakers, constant blessings from distant-God stories and/or technologies replace the joy and other supportive rewards we would ordinarily receive from expressing our inborn gratitude to nature and our love for the natural life-spirit that we find in people, places and things. Tropicmakers often experience the latter to be "flakey, fuzzy thinking, fearful, emotional or taboo."
The key to contemporary survival has become nature-disconnected thinking and its controlling stories that often stress our senses and loves and that deteriorate well-being. Unfortunately, as these stories support excessive technologies, profits and industrial growth they increase our disorders as they further deteriorate our natural systems and their common sense.
Delusion: During our first six years of childhood we socialize youngsters to change from their birth as natural beings into fledgling tropicmakers. Our tropicmaking socialization leads us to believe that the disconnection of our thinking and feeling from nature's grace, balance and restorative powers is progress, that it is benign and that it does not underlie the discomforting falsehoods, emotional imbalance, psychic wounds and isolated lifestyles that stress us.
It is not possible to amputate away the loves or ecstasy of an organism and not have that organism suffer and want. The organism senses that something valuable about it is missing. It never has enough. Without tranquilization of its discomfort, it always wants more, if nothing else, more tranquilizers. This is especially true when the organism we amputate is us and what we ampute away is our natural love of life.
Our tropicmaking mentality today is like a computer that has foolishly unplugged itself from its energy sources. Without its sources, the computer is stupid. It is unable to discover what's wrong or compute how to re-plug itself.
Restoration: Once we recognize the tropicmaking source of our dysfunctions, the story of how to remedy them becomes apparent: "Use a tool that helps you replace what's missing. Genuinely plug your thinking and feeling into the loving vibrance and wisdom of natural systems. Restore their attractive flow in and through your body mind and spirit. Enjoy the safe, lasting satisfaction and renewal this provides. If you don't do this, your psyche will more severely express its hurt and wanting sooner or later."
"We are dysfunctional socially and environmentally because we are cut off and isolated from the world of nature and the natural."
-Albert Gore (edited)
Vice President, USA
Author, Earth in the BalanceThe positive process along with the specific outcomes and general outcomes of genuinely reconnecting our thinking with natural systems speak for themselves.
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How Organics Help Things Change
We seldom have the ability to change our socialization by industrial society for it is a form of addiction or brainwashing. We can, however, sensibly choose to bypass its limits and use tools to connect ourselves with the transformative, powers of natural systems. Over time, this habit we develop helps us change for the better.
The Natural System Thinking Process in Organic Psychology says:
"Make sense by learning how to respect and resonate with the flow of nature's pulse rather than by excessively controlling it or fortressing yourself from it.
Delight in the rewards that come from direct sensory connections with the energetic spirit and love of life in natural systems, rather than only from stagnant indoor substitutes for it that have harmful side effects.
As part of family dating or singles life, learn to connect directly with nature's life-spirit in natural areas, backyard or backcountry. It sustainably helps you convert the stress that erodes your well-being, into dopamine and serotonin as well as supportive personal and environmental relationships you trust and enjoy. You sense and feel that you belong to something worthwhile because you do.
Recognize that tropicmaking science limits our thinking by omitting the validity of natural sensory knowing. For example, tropicmaking does not include the natural sense of thirst as a fact as real as water or as part of the global water system or as one of the "five senses." Omissions like this disconnect our thinking from the purifying water cycle, from nature's sensory grace, balance and recuperative ways.
Thirst is an intelligent sensory attraction. It informs us when we need water so we bring water into us and benefit. Our thirst also turns off to signal us that we have enought water. Similarly, our sense of excretion tells us to contribute our excessive water as food and water for the welfare of other members of the globl life community. At least 51 additional natural sensory attraction-loves serve this same supportive purpose with regard to personal and global well being. This includes sensations of depression, death, dying and grief.
We excessively suffer because the way we learn to think, feel and relate is non-sense. We use only 10% of the natural sensory wisdom we inherit as part of nature so we foolishly applaud our excessive conquest of natural systems. Learning to genuinely reconnect with nature, the real thing, helps us reverse this dilemma. For example, it helps us with dieting and weight loss as we satisfy ourselves with sensory food.
"Personal transformation is best cultivated by partnering with the supreme agent of change, the Earth. Life is change, and nature is the wizard who enlivens its magic cycles."
- Philip Sutton Chard
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Overcoming Personal, Social and Environmental Disorders
As described above, Organic Psychology helps us reverse our tropicmaking disorders by giving us the tools to help natural systems and their fulfillin benefits once again flow through and register in our psyche. It is a process that enables us to preempt or bypass the false and destructive aspects of our socialization. It empowers us to directly reconnect our disconnected and wounded thoughts and feelings with the essence of our origins in natural systems and their healing ways. This re-connection gives us the ability to:
Override or transform nature-disconnecting ways and childhood lies we learn in industrial society.
Become more intelligent as we benefit from first-hand contact with the truth and regenerative powers of natural systems and the eons.
Build relationships based on immediate trustable attractions to natural systems that we hold in common rather than on stories that divide us.
Increase personal and environmental well-being by thinking and feeling with nature rather than against it.
The core of our troubles is that, since Aristotle and before, our most powerful leaders, thinkers and teachers have been rewarded while they are/were victims of our culture's nature-conquering ways. As a result, while we are infants, our leaders bond us to the same disconnecting half-truth labels and stories that they have been conditioned to believe. As if brainwashed, we emotionally attach to a way of thinking and relating that restricts, distorts and demeans natural systems. It estranges us from them and the flow of their beneficial pulse.
Out of habit, our ingrained life story rejects the supportive flow of natural systems in our psyche so the flow there stops.
The deteriorating state of natural systems suggests that we learn to fight a prejudiced undeclared war against them. How else can we explain that at the same time that the biosphere and its natural systems were discovered 75 years ago, so was Scotch tape, the jet engine, the EEG, the condom and Monopoly? Why, other than prejidice, have the latter thrived while the health of natural systems has dangerously declined.
Don't we suffer because we conquer and exploit, rather than think, feel and relate in support of natural systems and their gifts for well-being? Have we not become ecozombies to a greater or lesser extent?
Organic Psychology gives us a trustworthy antidote and preventative for our nature-disconnection problem. We can use its activities to make thoughtful sensory contact with the transformative powers of natural systems and experience an elation and wisdom that our socialized thinking ordinarily omits. We can add this process to our personal and professional lives. Its benefits speak for themselves.
."It's great. Mike Cohen is right to make the responsibility for living on good terms with Gaia a personal one."
- Dr. James Lovelock,
Author, Gaia: A New Look at Life on EarthDo the observations, above, make sense to you?
Are they attractive? ..Application Information
John Dewey noted, "We only begin to think when confronted by a problem." Confront yourself. Confront our leaders. Most of them have learned to become ecozombies. If they don't correct their biosphere lie and support nature-connected learning and healing, refuse to support them until they do. If you don't confront them, who do you think will make them think further?
"Illegitimus non carborundum"
- Joe Stilwell,
Four-Star American GeneralDoes the observation, above, make sense to you?
Is it attractive? ..Application Information
Act Now: funded education counseling and healing with nature internships online ecopsychology degrees, courses and jobs. Email for information or call 360-378-6313
Reminder: first bookmark and read through this page, then follow its links of interest. Using this information, call 360-378-6313 to custom design a training or degree program around your interests, a program that includes your prior experience and provides financial assistance.
Our Challenge for Sustainable Well-Being
Consider the two significant 20th century observations that, among many others, help us improve our personal and global wellness.
."Human behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are threatened."
-Stephen Aizenstat
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"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."
- Albert Einstein
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Industrial society's greatest problem is that its logic often teaches us to betray the natural psychic pulse, the wave of our life-spirit. We are born as part of nature's perfection and integrity. But, as previously mentioned, we learn to spend over 98% of our lives and thinking separated from nature's ongoing support of our mind, psyche and spirit. That support is readily available in natural areas, backyard or backcountry whenever we use Organic Psychology sensory tools to help us access it.
We suffer our dysfunctions because our immediate material and economic rewards habituate us to a cultural and spiritual bias against nature and the natural. Today we are additionally stressed by our uncontrolled stupidity. We exploit and conquer natural systems while fully aware that they are key to our survival and to our recovery from disorders. This way of thinking and acting is a form of madness. Fortunately, the antidote for it, Nature-Connected Psychology, is readily available and is subsidized. Anyone can learn and use it.
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Act Now: funded education counseling and healing with nature internships online ecopsychology degrees, courses and jobs. Email for information or call 360-378-6313
Summary: Effects of Psychic Pain
Nature's absence in our lives leaves a wanting, hurting hole in our psyche, and when we want, there is never enough. For example, in our society, no matter how rich or poor a person is, it is normal for them to feel they need about 15 percent more money.
Our induced, insatiable wants produce our vulnerability to detrimental temptations and weakened resilience. This destructively stresses us and has become a national epidimic. As mentioned, 75-90 percent of our primary care medical advice and treatment is related to stress disorders.
We can't resist society's unwhole and taxing demands and lures. These include the salary we receive for excessively doing unhappy jobs directed by leaders who massage us to exploit natural systems.
Disconnected from the natural peace and satisfactions provided by nature's ways, our thoughts and feelings often lose their inherent life wisdom. Then they cannot adequately help us address the detrimental expectations placed on us by others or by misguided parts of our thinking. As we discover this it often produces "mid life crisis."
Too often we forget that nature has the profound ability to heal itself, be the injury a bulldozed landscape, a scraped knee or an emotional hurt. However, nature seldom helps us correct our dysfunctions or improve our wellness when we disconnect our time, thinking and feeling from nature's ability to do this.
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Destructive Normalcy
Sadly, in our excessively nature-separated society, we are often taught to believe that our strong attraction to nature's enchanting peace, nurturing, beauty, cooperation and sanity indicates that something is wrong with us. We learn to think that we are escapists, strange or different "hippie," "environmentalist" "earth muffin" "flakes." This is hurtful and false. Our attractions to nature are actually intact remains of natural systems within our consciousness, fortuitous fitness residues that have survived our excessive exploitation of nature and its perfection.
The surviving natural parts of ourselves may be stressed, but they are resilient and trustable. They refuse to be converted, to be further separated from nature, to be conquered or undermined. They will not submit to the competitive madness of our society and its detrimental ways. Instead, at risk, the hurt in these natural systems trys to teach us to find nature's peace. They emotionally signal our consciousness to protect, seek and promote contact with the nurturing and restorative powers of our biological and spiritual origins in natural systems. This includes powers that remain alive in our family, neighbors and other supportive individuals.
Project NatureConnect dedicates itself to providing financial and technical education assistance that helps frustrated natural systems in us reconnect with their nurturing origins. To this end, PNC provides an online activity or two to help you become more aware of natural systems' flow.
Send for participation instructionsOn this web site you will find many teachable Organic Psychology tools that help us meet our nature-disconnected challenges in a good way ("good" meaning supportive of the whole). They have value because Organic Psychology enables generations of us to personally and professionally benefit through co-creation with natural systems, rather than through additional exploitation of them.
"This program helps us plant the last Truffula seed from the Lorax in the fields of education, psychology and health."
-Project NatureConnect Participant
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Act Now: funded education counseling and healing with nature internships online ecopsychology degrees, courses and jobs. Email for information or call 360-378-6313
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Natural Wisdom
Organic Psychology is for those of us who are naturally wise enough to neither trust nor depend upon the nature-disconnected processes of industrial society that cause our problems, to help us remedy these same problems. For us, it makes sense to confront this detrimental way of thinking and replace it with recuperative assistance from natural systems to make destructive parts of our personal and collective lives subside.
Over 85 percent of industrial society seeks help for their natural system discontents on some level. However, therapies and education we use that are not organic seldom solve our problems. Instead, they move our problems to another time place and context where we, our neighbors or our children will face them in even more destructive forms because we have reinforced them, rather than transformed them into cooperative relationships and well-being. By using nature-connected education counseling and healing, any ardent person can easily break this habit.
"A solid approach that applies the same consistent attitudes to living with people as it does to living with nature."
- Environmental Education Report.
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Choose to act now: funded education counseling and healing with nature jobs; online Ecopsychology degrees,courses and internships. Email for information or call 360-378-6313
Society and Individuals in Denial
Our core challenge for improving our well-being is to recognize that our thinking is often in denial:
- We deny that the biosphere-detached way we learn to think produces personal, social and environmental dysfunctions, including global warming.
.- We deny that we psychologically condition or addict to familiar stories, technologies and relationships. We won't admit that they habitually separate our mind and spirit from thoughtful connections to nature's balance, peace and renewing energies.
.- We deny that beneficial sensory tools are readily available to help our thinking and psyche more fully tap into nature's energizing beauty and healing ways.
.- We deny that connecting our consciousness with authentic natural systems helps us change our discontents into constructive relationships.
.- We deny that our natural senses and feelings, like plants and animals or the wind hills and stars, are natural systems in action.
.- We deny that the life-sustaining sensitivities of natural systems are all that we hold in common with each other and the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms...that the loss of these sensitivities in our thinking produces our greatest troubles.
.- We deny that we personally need assistance in dealing with our loss of nature, that this is all fine and good for "others," but not ourselves.
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"Any clear-thinking person can profit from today's most important and rewarding jobs, careers and training. They can enter or promote sustainable livelihoods by adding organic psychology education, counseling or healing with nature activities to them. They help our polluted thinking get out of the nature-disconnected closet that is polluting it. This helps us stop global warming, the fever we have given our living planet.
We can each make a difference. No surprise, the rewards of most education, psychologies and therapies in our nature-exploitive society tend to further exploit nature. In contrast, the rewards of Organic Psychology increase our well-being and the health of the environment, too. You can add it to any relationship, therapy or profession."
-Project NatureConnect Participant
Do the observations, above, make sense to you?
Are they attractive? ..Application Information
Act Now: funded education counseling and healing with nature online Ecopsychology degrees, courses, jobs and internships. Email for information or call 360-378-6313
Coming to Our Senses
This website's nature-connected thinking tools strengthen our ability to benefit from, and to protect, the unifying ways of natural systems. Here, we discover how to more fully belong, to find the sanity of nature's peace within and about us; we enhance our intelligence and spirit; this contributes to saner living.
"Our religion keeps reminding us that we aren't just will and thoughts. We're also sand and wind and thunder and rain and the seasons. All those things. You learn to respect everything because you are everything. If you respect yourself, you respect all things."
- Least Heat Moon
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The flow, swirls and eddies of a river are part of and exemplify the streaming of the biosphere. It challenges the tropicmaking ways of most science because science gathers its best evidence under standard laboratory conditions of temperature, pressure, motion and light. But nature's life-pulse in/of the river constantly fluctuates. It has no standard conditions, they would stop the pulse.
Our addiction to power, status and money drives us to pay objective scientists to produce standard conditions and controls, such as dams and pollution. They degrade a river's life-flow. Like a hypnosis that produces global warming, such science is not objective. It is directed and financed by tropicmaking goal setting, greed and values to satisfy our unfulfilled wants. We must add to it holistic sensory inquiry where things like the biosphere, water and the sensation of thirst are equally regarded as important facts, facts of life.
How and when will we, with enthusiasm, come to our senses, our natural senses, our inherent ability think and feel with the flow of natural systems, to co-create with nature? Organic Psychology offers a trustable art and science to help us achieve this goal and increase well-being.
Do the observations, above, make sense to you?
Are they attractive? ..Application Information
Act Now: funded education counseling and healing with nature internships online ecopsychology degrees, courses and jobs. Email for information or call 360-378-6313
"Our greatest problems result from the difference between the way we think and how nature works"
- Gregory Bateson
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Project NatureConnect:Confronts and breaks through our denial that we are addicted to technologies, relationships and stories that have stress-producing destructive effects. It offers us innovative organic tools to help us tap our thinking into nature's restorative ways.
Send for participation instructionsGuarantees that the nature-connecting accredited processes it offers are readily available online to help us, backyard or backcountry, come into a supportive balance with ourselves, each other and the environment.
Send for participation instructionsShows that we uniquely benefit from adding this website's easily learned Organic Psychology method and nature jobs to our lives and livelihoods.
Send for participation instructionsDemonstrates that the heart-desired science of this site's Natural System Thinking Process enables us to restore our deteriorated natural consciousness and resilience. This helps us reduce dysfunctions and disorders in ourselves, others and the environment. We enjoy the ability to increase peaceful and rewarding well-being, within and around us.
Send for participation instructionsDocuments that what we need for a healthy sustainable tomorrow is simply for more of us today to learn how to use and teach accredited outdoor sensory tools, tools that help us tap into nature's wellness powers. It is our disconnection from these powers that sustains our major problems.
"This is not a reading experience, it's a hologram. It is communicating through talking leaves, something of what whales communicate to each other...you are there."
- Robin E. Lagemann, Indigenous People's activist.
Do the observations, above, make sense to you?
Are they attractive? ..Application Information
Act Now: funded education courses, counseling and healing with nature online Ecopsychology degrees, jobs and internships. Email for information or call 360-378-6313
The advantage of Project NatureConnect's distance
learning programVia the Internet, Project NatureConnect uses the simplicity and convenience of rewarding, free nature-reconnecting activities in local natural areas, backyard or backcountry. It helps us learn how to inexpensively apply practical, accredited, counseling, education and self-help healing tools, degree programs and conference agendas.
- Local learning relieves us of the excessive time, costs, lodging, risk, unfamiliarity, rip offs, stress and transportation resources (along with their adverse environmental impact) to travel elsewhere for training.
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.- In the online Organic Psychology process, local success, resources, people and experiences remain familiar, friendly and easily available to us when we need them again.
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.- We daily help sustain local and immediate natural systems within and around us and others and they, in turn, help us sustain and increase our well-being.
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.- Via email, we learn and relate more honestly because we are not limited by concerns about how others think we look, dress or sound or by being overwhelmed by the personalities or insensitivities of others in our group. We learn to build relationships by helping the natural systems in us interact with our attractions to the natural systems in our online classmates and the natural areas in their location.
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.- Entering this astonishing program links us, by email, to the support, work and experience of all the program's participants, graduates and faculty, locally and internationally. As an online cooperative, we mentor, guide and support each other when we, by email or phone, request assistance. In time, we establish this kind of supportive community where we live, too.
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"Its impact lies in the fact that the author has lived its wisdom of these past twenty years... I have learned first had that its theories prove themselves in the fruition that its education delivers. It offers the medicine that disillusioned humanity and the endangered environment needs."
- Herb AlF, Ed.D. President, Environment Talent Inquiry and Development
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Are they attractive? ..Application Information
Act Now: funded healing education and counseling with nature online; Ecopsychology degrees, courses, jobs and internships. Email for information or call 360-378-6313
Sustaining holistic personal and global integrity"I recently participated in a hurried, almost stressful health and wellness training program for people whose differences kept them arguing amongst themselves. They had little interest or time to hear an explanation from me about the unifying and healing benefits of our reconnecting
with nature process and they therefore decided to omit it from their agenda. "The trees and rocks are not the problem, they are not dysfunctional, they don't have abusive chemical or interpersonal dependencies, they don't commit crimes or have learning disabilities" they said.
In the midst of this hubbub, a young bird flew into the meeting room through the door. It could not find its way outdoors.
Without a word, the behind-schedule, argumentative meeting screeched to a halt. Deep natural attraction feelings for life and hope filled each person for the moment. For ten minutes that frightened, desperate little bird triggered those seventy people to harmoniously, supportively organize and unify with each other to safely help it find its way back home, outdoors. Yet when they accomplished this feat, they cheered their role, not the role of the bird. They felt like hero's for the moment and congratulated their humanity for its wisdom and compassion. In their story of the incident, the role and impact of the bird went unnoticed while they cheered the human spirit.
The group returned to the hubbub and conflicts of the meeting, as if nothing special had happened. They completely overlooked that the bird had united them while it was there, something they could not do without its presence. Similarly, we who learn to consciously invite nature into our lives know its grace helps us overcome our stress and conflicts by uniting our mind body and spirit with our balanced and restorative origins in nature. As a result, we increase our appreciation and love for natural systems and their healing ways. The connection motivates us to further support and protect all of life."
From Reconnecting With Nature
by M. J. CohenDo the observations, above, make sense to you?
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"The activity attracted me to lie in the water beneath that sky of reddish and orange colors, with the sun rising more powerfully than I've ever seen it before. And there I was, all alone in the pond, but at the same time feeling totally held by the outdoor moment. I knew this is where I belonged. I felt a powerful energy being given to me by everything around me. I had a feeling in my throat that made me feel
like crying and shouting with joy at the same time; and also a sense of peace, like everything was telling me "It's all right, it's all good."
My sense of isolation, this sense of loneliness, of being abandoned, of having the world against us is a common feeling. But how could a person be lonely when they could feel as part of a pond or see themselves in a lovely flower, in the trees and animals, and in other people? Think of all the lonely people who have no idea that we are so connected to nature.
We are truly not alone but only disconnected from our natural state. I used to be so depressed and now when I feel it come on me I think about how connected I have become to all things. I am less and less depressed now. Imagine if everyone could experience this outdoor connection. It would become a different world."
- Project NatureConnect Participant
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"I felt the connection the first time that I tried to connect and it becomes easier each time that I try to reconnect. In 1998, I was on a humanitarian medical mission to Haiti. I contracted St Louis encephalitis during that mission and have suffered from migraine headaches since that time. Lately after starting my studies, when I get a headache, I just go outside and connect with nature. I calm down, I get a feeling of completeness and my headache resolves in minutes."
- Project NatureConnect Participant
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Act Now: education counseling and healing with nature online funded Ecopsychology degrees, courses, jobs and internships. Email for information or call 360-378-6313
"This program offers an environmentally sound, educational process that reduces apathy, catalyzes peace and promotes mental health. It fulfills our personal and economic needs, deeper ideals and spirit; it deserves the attention of every person who seeks to reverse our troubles."
Dr. Robert Muller
- Assistant Secretary General Emeritus of the United Nations.
- Recipient of the Albert Schweitzer Peace Prize and UNESCO prize for peace.
- Chancellor of the University for Peace, United Nations.Does the observation, above, make sense to you?
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Benefit from making nature a stronger part of your life
Enjoy a powerful alternative book or online course that helps your mind walk nature's path to simpler living and greater sanity.
Send for participation instructionsAs a hobby or profession, produce financially and emotionally rewarding nature-connected jobs, social environmental and political relationships, stress reduction and livelihoods.
Send for participation instructionsProject NatureConnect offers subsidized, online distance learning holistic Ph.D., M.S., and B.A. degrees, courses, grants, scholarships, jobs, books, training and internships for sustainable health and wellness.
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"The activities work, they move students. I see significant improvement in their self-esteem and value. They find something outside themselves that is actually a truth within themselves."
- Mark Walsh, Director of Wilderness Therapy, Hyde Psychiatric Hospital
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"I wept as I sensed the unity of nature and myself. Honoring my nature experiences energizes and restores me. It enables me to more effectively help others recover. As these unique nature activities make me more whole (holy), my sense of self becomes more alive and active. The activities feel safe, they stimulate me. They free me to let go, to be in the moment. As I co-create with nature's rejuvenating processes, my life becomes more fun, balanced and joy-filled. These exercises enable anybody to touch nature and enjoy its embrace."
- Project NatureConnect Participant
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Act Now: funded Ecopsychology education counseling and healing with nature online; degrees, courses, jobs and internships. Email for information or call 360-378-6313
The challenge that Project NatureConnect addresses:
"Oh, what a catastrophe, what a maiming of love when it was made personal, merely personal feeling! This is what is the matter with us: we are bleeding at the roots, because we are cut off from the earth and sun and stars. Love is a grinning mockery because, poor blossom, we plucked it from its stem on the Tree of Life and expected it to keep on blooming in our civilized vase on the table."
- D.H. Lawrence
Do you have or want to have a working knowledge of what "cuts us off" and how to overcome it?
"Thousands of tired, nerve shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity."
- John Muir , 1901 A.D.
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Act Now: funded education counseling and healing with nature online Ecopsychology degrees, internships, courses and jobs. Email for information or call 360-378-6313
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DIRECTIONS (repeated from above)
How to efficiently use this web site for educating, counseling and healing with nature jobs, training and activities:
The art and science on this website is like an affectionate and tender supermarket of relevant and timely knowledge. The site provides a wide range of real life information about human ecology and the organic application of ecopsychology and ecotherapy. The site's purpose is to help you custom design for yourself, online training experiences, jobs, accredited course work, certification or degree programs that enhance your personal or professional life via nature-connected experiential education.
Use this homepage to add skills and rewarding benefits to your present interests, prior training and/or life experience.
1. Bookmark and read through this homepage, then follow its links of interest. Always return this page to find additional information and links.2. Explore and collect information from these pages that attracts and makes sense to you, that supports your personal and professional desires. Place that information in an imaginary "supermarket shopping cart," or write them down.
NOTE: our Procedures page is the best page for application and participation in our online training courses and degree programs.
3. Contact Mike Cohen, Ed.D., a fun advisor who will help you, without pressure, to customize the information you collect here so that you may best meet your academic and financial goals. 360-378-6313. (Pacific Time Zone, USA.), or email him.
Program Founder and Director:
Recipient of the 1994 Distinguished World Citizen Award, Ecopsychologist Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D. is a Director of the Institute of Global Education, where he coordinates its Integrated Ecology Department and Project NatureConnect. He also serves on the faculty of Portland State University, Akamai University and West Coast University. Dr. Cohen has founded sensory environmental education outdoor programs independently and for the National Audubon Society and Lesley University (AEI), conceived the 1985 National Audubon Conference "Is the Earth a Living Organism," and is an award winning author of The Web of Life Imperative, Reconnecting With Nature, Einstein's World, and How Nature Works. He is an accomplished folk song artist and contra dancer who presents traditional music programs for the U.S. National Park Service and Elderhostel on San Juan Island, Washington.
www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html ...
360-378-6313, Pacific Time ZoneAll programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the book The Web of Life Imperative.
Send for participation instructions"Mike Cohen is a crackerjack teacher. What counts is that his words help us do what we must do to save ourselves and Gaia."
- Pete Seeger
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INSTITUTE OF GLOBAL EDUCATION Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council
Alternative and holistic coaching and education tools
for the sustainable health of person, planet and spiritP.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 nature@interisland.net www.ecopsych.com
The Natural Systems Thinking Process
Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director
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The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature.
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Nature-Connected Learning
and Healing
Most people sense that a vital, unifying component is missing in contemporary society, their personal lives and their job. Many people feel that today's stressful world is more a form of insanity than a peaceful, healthy and supportive integrity that they can trust. ..Do you share this feeling?
People who engage in the unique, environmentallysound, nature-connected, organic learning and psychology process offered on this web site report that it empowers them to enjoy, in a sane balance, their personal, professional and environmental relationships as well as improve their health and stress management.
. ...
Nature has a regenerative means to heal its disorders, a process that helps us, as part of nature, heal our disorders, sustain nature's peace within and around us and implement our deeper hopes and ideals.Identify the flaw that disconnects our soul from nature's grace. Benefit from using a sensory outdoor tool that enables us to reconnect with nature.
the art and science of nature-connected learning in:
- Increasing personal and professional benefits.
- Training or administering in your field of interest.
- Self-help Stress Management and Personal Growth.
- Life or Personal Coaching and Leadership.
- Teaching, Healing, Mentoring, or Facilitating.
- Counseling: Pastoral, Marriage, Therapy, Recovery, .Family or Spiritual Counseling. Retreat Centers.
- Course Instruction, Workshop Presentations.
- Meditation; Complimentary and Alternative Medicine.
- Improved Parenting, Outdoor Leadership, .Environmental Education, Mental Health Interning
- Independent Contracting Organic Psychology
- Founding or Directing Stress and Healing Programs.
- Holistic Courses for Training or Degree Programs.
If you respect, enjoy or love nature
The process of Applied Ecopsychology will help you increase your success and income. Learn how to use your love of nature to personally and professionally strengthen the health and wellness of yourself, others and the environment.
To first quickly discover if this program is for you, go to our
Degree and Training Eligibility Page. Then continue below.Act Now: funded education counseling and healing with nature online ecopsychology degrees, courses internships, and jobs.
FREE: online interactive experience sharing
Consider the Natural Systems Thinking Process:
Learning, Counseling and Healing with Nature
- The organic psychology science of transforming disorders into constructive relationships through renewing sensory contact with natural systems.
- The restoration of Earth's purifying intelligence within us.
- The art of thinking and relating using nature's rejuvenating peace and wellness powers.
The Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) is
a readily available, accredited, easily learned, educational tool. This enabling social technology and outdoor psychology has been researched and developed by Project NatureConnect at the Institute of Global Education (IGE). Its purpose is to help the United Nations meet its manifesto for environmentally sound personal growth, social justice and peace.
Our major challenge in contemporary society is that our thinking is extremely separated from nature. Although we are part of nature, on average, 99% of our lifetime is spent mentally disconnected from the way the natural world's wide diversity of life forms and minerals produce the perfection of nature's beauty, purity, balance and peace.
In contemporary society we train our psyche, consciousness and thinking to help us relate to the human environment. However, the biology and psychology of human life is a continuum of nature. As part of nature, we can not afford to separate our mentality and associations from nature and its restorative powers. This not only causes, but, in addition, prevents us from reversing destructive relationships and health problems. This website presents an organic art and science of educating, counseling and coaching with nature that enables you to help remedy this omission and promote wellness.
NSTP helps the thinking of contemporary people make genuine sensory connections with authentic Nature and its energizing, rejuvenating properties. It helps an individual benefit from the healing and health-sustaining balance of natural system relationship-building powers. As part of nature we biologically and psychologically inherit connections with these powers but we learn to hurt and suppress them in our separation from and conquest of nature.
The pain or frustration from our excessive severance from nature makes us want and when we want there is never enough. This irritation underlies most of our discontents and disorders. NSTP enables us to reverse this process by choosing to occasionally reconnect our thinking with nature.
The easiest way to learn NSTP is to by taking our online Applied Ecopsychology Orientation Course Psychological Elements of Global Citizenship.
If you want additional information or materials, continue below.Act Now: funded education counseling and healing with nature ecopsychology online degrees, internships, courses and jobs.
Site Index
Internationally, across the Internet, through outdoor NSTP programs on this website, IGE and its cooperating organizations offer:
- The Web of Life Imperative This key book and its accredited, online orientation course helps you fathom the unique contribution of NSTP as you learn and practice important elements of it. Be sure to discover and explore how its powerful, responsible, Organic Psychology will help you strengthen your personal and professional relationships. Credit Optional.
..- Start here: Applied Ecopsychology Orientation Course.
- Applied Ecopsycology Degrees Online Ph.D., M.S., B.S.
- Teacher, Counselor, Healer or Life Coaching Certification, Overview and Courses The best way to apply, participate and gain expertise.
- Books
- Scholarships
- Articles: Program, .Process, .Rationale,..How Nature Works, Reference Links,
- Work, Jobs, Careers, Internships, Wellness Training
- Outcomes & Testimonials: Surveys of Participants
- Description of a maverick genius: are you one?
- Homepage continued: purpose and process
- Essence: Find support from the nature of nature
- Application and Admission online information guide
- A FREE Course online A gift you can enjoy and give. A unique .contribution for any occasion, a good way to learn about NSTP. Credit available.
- A FREE Activity online that you can do.
- A Shortcut to quickly discover if this program is for you.
- FREE: online interactive experience sharing
.Act Now: funded education counseling and healing with nature ecopsychology online degrees, internships, courses and jobs.
About The Natural Systems Thinking Process
Book: The Web of Life Imperative: Regenerative ecopsychology techniques that help people think in balance with natural systems.A breakthrough, time tested, self-guiding book and course teaches you the Natural Systems Thinking Process(NSTP) , an organic psychology that helps you strengthen your coaching, thinking, relationships and livelihood.
NSTP: What Harvard University refuses to teach you. This unique, accredited, nature-connected, learning tool for peace within and around us enables your psyche to genuinely tap into the potent healing powers of nature and use them to restore forty-eight inherent sensory intelligences into your awareness that we normally learn to subdue. Research shows that, contrary to mainstream thinking and education, these natural outdoor intelligences are ways of knowing and relating that, when intact, sustain the wellness, peace, balance and resilience of natural systems inside and around us.
Backyard or backcountry, the practical NSTP education, counseling and recuperation process empowers you to help improve health, relationships and happiness. You learn how to consciously replace the destructive, desensitizing, omissions in the way we learn to think with rejuvenated natural sensitivities and multiple-intelligence, Earth-integrated, whole ways of knowing.
Learn how to powerfully reconnect your mentality to its nurturing origins in the regenerative vigor, sustainability and integrity of nature.
Help yourself, and those close to you, benefit from the renewal and resilience that lies in the magnificence of a beautiful day, the wisdom of an ancient tree and the fortitude of a weed.Master how to let the "higher power" in nature's healing energies help your thinking transform your stress, disorders and harmful bonds into constructive personal, social and environmental rewards.
Strengthen your inborn natural genius. Enjoy personal growth and wellness from hands-on, accredited, "biophilia-in-action," online classes, essays, activities, research, internships, counseling and healing.
Order this book/course now
Read more about this book
"The Web of Life Imperative offers more tools, knowledge and personal power for good than most therapies and spiritualities. It enables us to reverse our destructive relationships by empowering us to make thoughtful sensory connections with genuine nature. This connection responsibly satisfies the aching, ever-wanting hole in our psyche that has been produced by our excessive separation from nature, a hole that leads us astray"
- Susan Chernak McElroy,
Award winning, N. Y. Times best selling author of Animals as Teachers and Healers and Heart in the Wild.
"We dramatically increased our program's effectiveness by adding the Natural Systems Thinking Process to it. It enables our participants to connect with their sensory origins in nature and use that peaceful power to improve their disorders and their relationships with self, society and the environment."
James Rowe, Ph.D.
Director of the Outward Bound School in Costa Rica
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Read more about this bookAct Now: funded education courses in counseling and healing with nature online ecopsychology degrees, internships and jobs.
FREE: online interactive experience sharingABCDEF
Program Founder and Director:
Recipient of the 1994 Distinguished World Citizen Award, Ecopsychologist Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D. is a Director of the Institute of Global Education, where he coordinates its Integrated Ecology Department and Project NatureConnect. He also serves on the faculty of Portland State University, Akamai University and West Coast University. Dr. Cohen has founded sensory environmental education outdoor programs independently and for the National Audubon Society and Lesley University (AEI), conceived the 1985 National Audubon Conference "Is the Earth a Living Organism," and is an award winning author of The Web of Life Imperative, Reconnecting With Nature, Einstein's World, and How Nature Works. He is an accomplished folk song artist and contra dancer who presents traditional music programs for the U.S. National Park Service and Elderhostel on San Juan Island, Washington.
www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html ...
360-378-6313, Pacific Time ZoneAll programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the book The Web of Life Imperative.
Send for participation instructions"Mike Cohen is a crackerjack teacher. What counts is that his words help us do what we must do to save ourselves and Gaia."
- Pete Seeger
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Act Now: funded education counseling and healing with nature online ecopsychology degrees, internships, courses and jobs;
INSTITUTE OF GLOBAL EDUCATION Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council PROJECT NATURECONNECT Readily available, online, nature-energy tools
for the health of person, planet and spirit
P.O. Box 1605
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director
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Project NatureConnect
(site search engine)Grant-funded, alternative books, courses, training and holistic degree programs online that help us sustain personal and environmental health.