Empower yourself to increase
personal and global consciousness and sanity. A Perfect bound
148 page "must read" basic program book that contains the Orientation Course
instructions and all the materials necessary to complete it online
or to use on your own for practical independent learning and
teaching. See http://www.webstrings.org
for further information. Our most updated and complete publication.
If you
only get one book, this is the one. It works best with its companion volume Reconnecting With
Nature, (see below)
"The Web of Life Imperative
offers more tools, knowledge and personal power for good
than most therapies and spiritualities. It enables us to reverse
our destructive relationships by empowering us to make thoughtful
sensory connections with genuine nature. This connection responsibly
satisfies the aching, ever-wanting hole in our psyche that has
been produced by our excessive separation from nature, a hole
that leads us astray"
- Susan Chernak McElroy,
Award winning, N. Y. Times best selling author of Animals
as Teachers and Healers and Heart in the Wild.
"I learned
how to regain efficiently and effectively through simple reconnection
activities. It gives me hope for the future." This sums
up the most important thing for me both personally and professionally
from this book and course. Daily, we tend to get bogged down
in a myriad of worries, concerns, fears, habits and issues that
are unappealing, unpleasant and even painful to us. Nonetheless
we cling to these stresses, unable to escape them. We don't consider
that by following our natural attractions as nature does, helps
us make different choices to eliminate these stresses from our
........Since completing this course, I've
faced several upsetting events in my life, but I find I'm handling
them quite differently now.
........Knowing how good I feel when I amconnected
to nature and knowing that I have the choice to feel that good
at any time, I am no longer willing to give up that feeling,
even if I am in the middle of a frightening or unpleasant experience.
I've learned that at any moment, I can say, "No, that's
not what I want." No matter how difficult the situation,
I can choose to connect with nature, to move responsibly toward
what attracts us in the moment, to choose wisely for myself,
my loved ones, my community and the natural environment in which
I live.
........The Natural Systems Thinking Process
is a remarkable personal and professional tool that can be used
to heal us of a vast variety of lifestyle stresses and the resulting
depression, anxiety, and addictions that plague us. In the process
we can learn to respect and value, and thereby preserve, the
life-giving natural environment around us.
- Sarah
Edwards, Author
Getting Business to
Come to You
Candidate, Project NatureConnect
With Nature
J. Cohen, Ed.D
restoration of the missing link in Western thinking
A self-guiding
integration of ecology and psychology that lets thoughtful sensory
contacts with Earth catalyze wellness, spirit and responsibility.
here for full description and reviews
- A revolutionary new book and
natural sensory reasoning process.
- A free or accredited E-mail
course you can take and teach.
- A key to responsible economics,
education, self help and global sanity.
- A community network, hobby,
lifestyle or profession.
- A way to critically think,
enjoy and learn by touching strands of the web of life
In backyards or backcountry
savor the fun adventures of a lifetime. They begin in a natural
area where we learn to follow 53 sensory callings from natural
attractions. Safely, these attractions break through limiting
walls of our thinking and bring us to hidden attractive valleys
in our mind. Here we discover an imprisoned essence of life inside
ourselves and help it reconnect it to its ancient home and origins
in nature. This nurturing reconnection enchants, and energizes
nature's vibrant, fulfilling spirit into our consciousness and
how to further enjoy your connections to nature's dancing energies, balance
and beauty. Learn what even Harvard won't teach you, how to let
life help you feel stronger about life and make things naturally
go better
Learn how
to promote self-improvement. Our excessive separation from nature creates
an inner void that produces our insatiable wants. Our unfulfilled
wants stress us. They fuel our greed and our stress related personal,
social and environmental disorders. From your home, gain the
expertise to let genuine connections with nature reverse this
destructive process in yourself and others.
For fun,
growth and profit, master thoughtful sensory activities that demonstrably center and rejuvenate
us, that dissolve stress by lastingly satisfying our deepest
natural loves, wants and spirit. Empower yourself to let the
attractive wonders of nature pull you out of the shadows of disorders
and discontent.
new, nature-connected, interpersonal skills, thinking, and techniques. Use them to help
yourself and others tap the "higher power" wisdom of
nature anywhere.
your inherent sensory awareness:
Let nature help your spirit soar.
Recapture nature's balance, peace and beauty.
Learn a
nature centered hobby or livelihood:
Increase wellness and creativity. You may learn and teach this
accredited healing process for an enjoyable, profound and profitable livelihood. Let contact with nature
help you build rewarding, sustainable relationships for yourself
and others
With Nature enables us to support and apply our good judgement,
innate knowledge and visions for a better tomorrow. Here is an
environmental educator who teams up with Earth to create a vehicle
of hope."
Dr. Charles
Director, Coalition for Education in the Outdoors
here for full description and reviews
Well Mind, Well Earth
and its companion volume
Connecting With Nature
The Project
NatureConnect Advanced Self-Guiding Training Manual
97 Environmentally
Sensitive Activities for Stress Management, Spirit, and Self-esteem by Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D.
World Peace University Press, 1995, 254 pages 8 1/2 x11 includes
With Nature: Creating Moments That Let Earth Teach, recipient of an award for Excellence In Interpretation
from the National Association for Interpretation. $64.00 US,
postage paid, foreign postage extra,
with Reconnecting With Nature, $88.00 with Einsten's World.
form here
This self-guiding training manual offers unique nature connecting
that evolved from thirty-five years of educational and psychological
research in natural areas. Dramatically, the activities reverse
our estrangement from nature and its negative effects as they
renew over 49 inherent natural senses and fulfillments. The process
awakens repressed natural feelings of love and understanding.
It fills the voids that fuel our problems and gives natural areas
added value as rejuvenators of our biological and spiritual integrity.
For a sampling of the activities and process read Counseling
and Nature. Read reactions to theWMWE
form here
of Well
Mind, Well Earth
Reviewed by Dr. Daniel Levine
in Legacy, the Journal of the National Association
for Interpretation
Immediate. Provocative. Gratifying.
Imperative. These words came to mind at the conclusion of Dr.
Michael J. Cohen's August 1991 Project NatureConnect sensory
activity training workshop. Enthused, I asked Mike to present
the workshop to students and teachers of two school districts.
He did, and their happy response to it further heightened my
interest. We desperately need to solve our runaway problems.
Here was a simple, practical and stimulating way to do so.
I learned that in counseling
and educational settings which incorporate Project NatureConnect
activities, unique sensory contact
natural areas reduces personal, social and environmal disorders.
At first, I questioned that. It seems too ideal, almost utopian.
The process has long proved itself at the renowned, but cloistered,
National Audubon outdoor environmental education program which
Dr. Cohen founded in 1959. He spent 26 years there, intensely
living, learning and teaching outdoors. But how and why is his
Applied Ecopsychology effective elsewhere? I needed practical
and down to earth information. Reading Mike's new work, Well
Mind, Well Earth provided it and includes his book Connecting
With Nature. It shows that we seldom deal with the underlying
cause of our destructive dependencies and dysfunctions. Like
an arm painfully pulled from a living body, we are extremely
separated from nature and beauty. Sadly, the deteriorating state
of the natural world and humanity reflects this painful separation.
No knowledgeable person disputes
that our natural senses and emotions are of, by and from the
biological world. Well Mind, Well Earth validates that
nature endows each of us with, not just 5, but over 53 natural
connective senses including hunger, thirst, nurturing, place,
community, esthetics, self and belonging. It clearly shows how,
in our culture, we learn early in our lives to disconnect from,
assault and abandon nature, our natural environment and our natural
self. Our emotional inner nature registers painful stress/abandonment
and dispels it by hiding it. Some call its hiding place the subconscious
Our potential for establishing
responsible relationships collapses whenever an expectation or
rejection triggers this hidden abandonment pain. Fear and apathy
arise. Although over 40% of the public is in counseling to help
us deal with this phenomenon, most counseling takes place entirely
Mike's book, workshops, courses
and personal experiences substantiate that connecting directly
with natural areas fosters responsible enjoyment
that reduces stress and abandonment
fears. This makes perfect sense; disconnection from nature produces
abandonment pain and dysfunctions, re-connection produces joy,
sensory regeneration and bonding. Project NatureConnect's problem
is that it goes against our prejudicial "indoors is best"
thinking. Connecting with nature works best in natural areas
and they are usually outdoors.
From his decades outdoors,
Mike has devised and collected enjoyable, short, well researched
nature-connecting activities. In backyards, parks or back country,
even in terrariums, they catalyze lasting supportive, environmental
and interpersonal satisfactions. Each hands-on sensory experience
reduces stress and abandonment fears while promoting healthy
bonds, minds and environments. Incorporating these activities
in counseling and education allows the natural world and its
integrity to become a co-counselor and teacher.
No society has ever established
socially and environmentally sound relationships without having
strong bonds to the natural world within and about it. It is
always Mother Earth's dedication, love and passion for all of
life that bonds, motivates and guides natural beings, including
people, to support each other. Without question, Well Mind,
Well Earth is a book of major significance who's vital contribution
deserves our attention. It supplies counselors and educators
with tools that let nature nurture.
Select Here for professional reviews of Well Mind, Well
Order form here
Einstein's World
Natural Attractions, Intelligences
and Sanity
Educating and counseling
with 53 senses that build thoughtful web of life relationships
Our destructive problems don't
exist in unadulterated nature. Einstein's
offers a natural, enjoyable, readily available way for us,
as part of nature, to similarly relate in society. It enables
us to add the way nature works to our thinking and relationships
and teach others to do the same locally and globally.
form here
How Nature Works
Regenerating Kinship With Planet Earth
A book of personal experiences
by Michael J. Cohen. Conference Edition, World Peace University
Press, 1987, illustrated, 230 pages 5 1/2 x 81/2, Soft cover,
$10.55 postage paid. Overseas postage extra. Order
form here P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 or
As you read these words you
are conscious of each word, not their individual letters. Yet
when we were children, it was letters--not words--that caught
our attention. Our upbringing and education refocus us to our
present state.
Dr. Mike Cohen, from extensive
outdoor research, finds that to our cost, our upbringing hides
not only alphabet letters from our view, it blinds us to important
aspects of nature, too. Through unique and sometimes hilarious
confrontations, we discover that the workings of nature, once
recognized, give us excellent instruction for living more harmoniously.
Dr. Cohen's courses demonstrate this process in action.
Painstakingly, humorously,
this book takes us on Dr. Cohen's life journey across the planet.
We locate otherwise hidden natural powers and senses. We discover
how, at birth, we each embody the global life system, and why
our road to cultural maturity turns us against it.
Cohen's educational methods
give us the means to reunite the earth's vital nature with our
own. We learn to enjoy our ancient connections with the planet.
That kinship guides us to nature's peace.
This self-guiding training manual offers unique nature connecting
activities that evolved from thirty-five years of educational
and psychological research in natural areas. Dramatically, the
activities reverse our estrangement from nature and its negative
effects as they renew over 49 inherent natural senses and fulfillments.
The process awakens repressed natural feelings of love and understanding.
It fills the voids that fuel our problems and gives natural areas
added value as rejuvenators of our biological and spiritual integrity.
"Mike Cohen is a crackerjack
teacher. What counts is that his words help us do what we must
do to save ourselves and Gaia."
- Pete Seeger
"Delightful, illuminating
communication at its best--contains stories and guidance for
experiencing Nature in the full thrill of her presence. Playful,
scientific, but not academic. Take it and read!"
- Dr. Thomas Berry, Founder and Director,
Riverdale Center of Religious Research
"A worthwhile, thought-provoking,
hard look at our relationships with Planet Earth as a living
- Marshal Case, Director of Education, National Audubon
form here