New: August 1, 2004,
for all
send a blank email to
and you will receive
the form by email.
Get your questions answered: call 888-285-4694 toll free.
New: August 28, 2004, A
key tool for increasing inner and outer peace
A nature-reconnecting tool
gives us the nine-leg ability to use the remarkable Einstein-Thoreau
Equation and benefit from tapping into the unifying,
regenerative aspects of nature that produce its balance and beauty.
A immediate use of the tool is available at
New: August 1, 2004, Quadruple
the power of your vote.
Simultaneous Policy, an organization
the uses political persuasion to boost cooperation and consensus
relationships intenationally, has partnered with Project NatureConnect
to give the natural systems within and around us a voice in consensus
decisions and in building cooperative relationships
New: JULY !, 2004, Reconnecting With Nature
Personal Balance and Healing Course
This ten-week stress-management
and mood improvement course uses nature as a teacher, a counselor
and a friend. It encourages us to slow down and re-orient ourselves
to the grace and wisdom of nature's creative and nurturing healing
process. Course members read assigned material, do NatureConnect
activities and share their experiences with others in their group
through email exchanges.
New: JULY 1, 2004, Simplified Certificate and Degree
Program Application Established
The application process now
includes engaging in some sample activities and readings that
demonstrate a candidate's compatibility and readiness for coursework
and programs.
New: APRIL 2, 2004, Inspiring Nature-Connection
Since the dawn of civilization,
thoughtful people have benefited from profound connections with
nature. In essays, books and articles they have shared the discoveries
and inspiration they found in genuine sensory contact with natural
systems. A free collection of these writings are available to
you from Project NatureConnect. You may receive a small group
of them for your education and spirit by email every few days.
Simply select here.
An addressed email will appear. Without writing on or in it,
simply send it. Just post this already addressed email on your
screen and be pleasantly rewarded. Or you can at any time send
a blank email to <>
The first set of the 5-month
collection will be in your email box within a few minutes.
You may easily disconnect from
the collection at any time.
A short, 1-credit online
course is available using these quotations.
New: APRIL 12, 2004
DAY and CHRISTMAS. Links to free, sensitizing personal and environmental
natural system wellness methods and materials gifts online. Includes
an Earth Proclamation to the American Psychological Association,
the Environmental Protection Agency and similar organizations,
activities, inspirational nature-connecting quotes gifts by email
(above), online nature trails, experience sharing and significant
but rare articles, books and a release you may use to help improve
our relationships with natural systems within and around us.
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