The Web of
Life Imperative:
Regenerative ecopsychology
techniques that help people think in balance with natural systems
Learn to correct destructive
personal and environmental relationships through a powerful organic
psychology with no adverse side effects.
Improve your lifestyle,
career and learning power by walking nature's balanced, rejuvenating
Solve challenging problems
by tapping into turning point information and energies in natural
research is based on the idea that everything that takes place
is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for
the action of people"
"Our task
must be to free ourselves from (our) prison by widening our circles
of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of
nature in its beauty"
can't solve problems by using the same level of consciousness
and same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
- Albert
Many people who seek to increase
peace, social justice, mental health and environmental sanity
achieve their goals because
they omit
the readily available art and science that this book contributes.
This omission also prevents people
from eliminating many health, relationship and economic disorders.
Our underlying problem is
the historic erosion of our inborn consciousness. Contemporary consciousness has learned
to additively register and relate to natural systems within and
around us as something to exploit or conquer. Our assault on
natural systems robs us of the restorative, purifying powers
in these systems. The Web of Life Imperative gives you
a tool to help our consciousness recognize and treat nature as
the life-supporting friend that it is. This removes the hostile
energies that produce most of our most challengin personal and
environmental disorders. It replaces them with the renewing,
regenerative energies that sustain natural system vitality within
and around us.
"In nature you can sense
and feel the rejuvenating intelligence, beauty and peace that
inspired the creation of this remarkable book and its practical
self-improvement process. The Web of Life Imperative offers
more tools, knowledge and personal power for good than most therapies
and spiritualities. It enables us to reverse our destructive
relationships by empowering us to make thoughtful sensory connections
with genuine nature. This connection responsibly satisfies the
aching, ever-wanting hole in our psyche that has been produced
by our excessive separation from nature, a hole that leads us
- Susan Chernak McElroy,
Award winning, N. Y. Times best selling author of Animals
as Teachers and Healers and Heart in the Wild.
"Here is an established,
easily accessible alternative to the destructive pitfalls in
the way we presently learn to think and relate. This foundation
for a much needed improvement in education and counseling is
a practical component for integrated learning. It enables contemporary
humanity to co-create truly civilized relationships with our
planet and its people."
- Dr. Douglass Cappogrossi,
Akamai University, Hawaii
"We dramatically increased
our program's effectiveness by adding the Natural Systems Thinking
Process to it. It helps our participants connect with their sensory
origins in nature and use that peaceful power to improve their
relationships with self, society and the environment."
- Dr. James Rowe, Director
Outward Bound School in Costa Rica
The Web of Life Imperative offers
an unprecedented breakthrough for sanity, a social and ecological
"e=mc2." It teaches you how to use an easily learned,
sensory nature-connection process that enables you to improve:
More About
The Web of Life Imperative.
Each of us is part of an important survival community consisting
of our family and friends, our professional relationships and
the environment. As such, we have the responsibility to sustain
a supportive and healthy quality of life for all community members.
You may recognize that most
of us are not doing the job that needs be done to meet our community
needs. As good as our intentions may be, they are obviously not
enough. Far too many people and ecosystems today suffer from
our inability to
the obstacles that face us.
Now, a remarkable new tool
can help anybody turn the tide.
The Lie
of Omission
At the Institute of Global Education (IGE), a special NGO consultant
to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, researchers
have identified a major, seldom acknowledged, "blind spot"
in contemporary consciousness. It is a destructive void that
contributes to the deterioration of our social and environmental
relationships. This blind spot in our consciousness undermines
the best of our intentions because it is very difficult for us
to deal with things that do not register in our awareness.
The void in our consciousness
results from the way we socialize and educate our natural
born psyche. From birth on, as part of our excessive separation
from nature, we reward our thinking for ignoring a continual
natural flow of biological survival sensations that we are genetically
endowed to register in our consciousness. Ignoring them produces
a conditioned, sensory blank spot in our thinking, a void in
our mentality. It results in us in knowing and relating to the
world through half-truths caused by missing information about
the value of natural systems. Like intellectual bigots, this
causes us to blindly trespass the sensory boundaries set by the
signals from other biological and human community members simply
because we are insensitive to them. They no longer innately register
in our consciousness. This produces many destructive effects
that overwhelm us.
The disregard of most experts
to our void in consciousness and its harmful effects is reflected
in their disregard of a fact of life that Dr. Michael J.Cohen
"The sensation of thirst
is as much a fact, truth and reality of life as is water. Thirst
is a vital part of consciousness, intelligence and survival.
It is the part of personal and global awareness that knows and
communicates to us when we do or don't
a drink of water for our well being. We learn to take this intelligence
for granted.
As an attraction for, or love
of water, thirst sensuously brings water into us and thereby
nutrifies it and us as part of the global community's water,
nitrogen and life cycles.
We suffer many dilemmas because
we are taught to mostly know, learn, think and relate through
five senses and the sense of thirst is not one of them.
Similarly, our consciousness and thinking omit 48 other equally
vital natural senses.
The way we learn to think too
often omits including profound natural senses and their joys,
like the joy of thirst being quenched. We lose the joys of community,
trust, belonging, balance, peace and place along with 42 others
of equal value and importance. Although this destructive omission
can be easily rectified, we continue to try to make sense and
enjoy life using only five senses, ten percent of our inborn
sensory intelligence and potential. The unhealthy, aggravated
state of the world and our lives reflect this disorder."
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of Research
There is good news. The IGE research team has discovered that
as we learn how to help nature rejuvenate and thereby remove
the harmful sensory void in our psyche, we therapeutically reduce
a major source of the destructive, endless wanting and hurt that
is generated by the void. In addition, our thinking receives
excellent empirical knowledge and regenerative guidance from
natural systems within and around us. As a result, many harmful
relationships subside. We begin to build cooperation and peace
internally and externally.
To implement these discoveries,
IGE has developed a significant process that
enables anyone to reverse the dilemma presented by the numbed
spot in our consciousness. You may learn the process in The
Web of Life Imperative, thus it is imperative to read
the book. The book teaches you how to enjoyably and safely strengthen
your biological survival sensations so that they acutely register
in your thinking. There, as is their natural purpose, these sensory
energies renew, guide and motivate you to act in more sensitive,
life supportive, ways. These are the same web of life sensitivities
that help natural systems organize themselves into their coordinated
perfection without producing garbage or our many other troubles.
Dramatically, through the book's
ethic and activities, the passions that survival sensations create
in us transform the evil of our apathy into the joy of more motivated
and thoughtful participation in naturally balanced, and rewarding
relationships. We more actively engage in solving our problems
because we are rewarded by the peace, improved health and and
stress reduction from doing so.
and transformation
The unique process the book presents helps us unify with our
and become
an integrated community. We consciously, powerfully register
that we are part of life and the eons; it feels right and makes
sense. This motivates us to seek the satisfactions gained from
greater participation in responsible social and environmental
Because the process
enables us to transform our destructive relationships into constructive
involvement, it is an excellent recovery and preventative tool
for many disturbances and disorders.
We live in the myth that responsible
wellness, social and cultural change is slow and difficult to
achieve. However, television, air conditioning, computers and
the internet when not misused are examples of responsible changes
in how we relate to the world and each other, changes that occurred
quickly because they provide a technological process whose
rewards people seek and appreciate. This is equally true
of the web of life process discovered at IGE. It is an
easily accessible, therapeutic, consciousness-rejuvenating technology
that enables us to enjoy social and environmental sanity.
The process makes a major contribution to the success of worthwhile
personal or social causes. It is readily available through the
subsidized, book, The Web of Life Imperative, to be officially
released July 15, 2003. Pre-publication editions are presently
Can you afford to overlook
the potent addition this self-guiding book can make in your work
or life goals? It empowers you to further your personal and professional
hopes, realize your ideals and reduce disorders because it gives
you a powerful process by which you can implement these goals.
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