The Web of Life Imperative

One giant step for sanity




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The Web of Life Imperative
Regenerative ecopsychology techniques that help people think in balance with natural systems






Press Release and Synopsis



A new ecopsychology book, The Web of Life Imperative, teaches a powerful nature-connected learning process. It enables anybody to improve

  • Peace. Presents a newly researched, potent component that produces inner, local and international peace.
  • Health: Provides an alternative medicine and psychotherapy that improves physical and mental health.
  • Environment: Offers a readily available means to restore the integrity of natural systems within and around us.
  • Sustainability: Helps us learn how to live in rapport with the land and humanity as have people in other cultures and times.
  • Relationships: Empowers us to enjoy more intimate, stronger and lasting friendship and love bonds.
  • Leadership: Assists us in mastering and teaching an nature-connecting sensory process to reach our deeper ideals and hopes. Entitles us to demand that our leaders use this process and support its implementation at every level.




MAY 15, 2003

CONTACT. Michael J. Cohen, nature@interisland.net 360-378-6313


An Organic Science Increases Health, Peace and Sanity Through

Sensory Contact with Natural Systems.


In The Web of Life Imperative: Regenerative ecopsychology techniques that help people

think in balance with natural systems (Trafford), the sensory-education environmental

pioneer, Dr. Michael J. Cohen teaches any person, organization or discipline a

breakthrough organic psychology, a profound tool for building non-polluted personal

and environmental relationships. Along with 36 other award winning authors,

educators, and peace leaders --including the N.Y. Times best selling nature and

healing writer Susan Chernak McElroy-- Cohen documents that because people are

part of nature, when we genuinely connect our psyche to natural systems, nature's

renewing powers help us responsibly improve our health and happiness.


This book's unique, hands-on, nature-connected learning and recovery process

shows us how to thoughtfully, interlace our senses with restorative natural system

energies within and around us. This helps us safely transform our destructive

thinking and addictions into the responsible rewards of constructive wholeness,

wellness and environmental protection.


Cohen is a director of the Institute of Global Education, a non-profit, special NGO

consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Since 1990 his

nature-connected psychology has enabled thousands of people to enjoy the integrity

of a mutually supportive balance between their professional, personal, social and

environmental relationships.


Because his organic learning tool is rooted in nature's purity. it does not produce

adverse social or environmental side effects. Rather, it empowers us to more

reasonably and energetically reverse our troubles and realize our deeper hopes and


* * *


The deteriorated state of the world and people demands that we learn how to relate more responsibly to the natural systems that thrive within and around each of us. This demand often threatens the nature-disconnected ways that we have been conditioned to think. Protectively, we deny that our disconnection from nature lies behind many of our troubles so we ignore the issue. This helps explain why many of our greatest problems remain unchecked. In lieu of this "normal" but destructive phenomenon the breakthrough process offered in the book, The Web of Life Imperative, makes a significant contribution to our health and sanity. It enables people to genuinely connect with nature and let the recovery powers in natural systems help them heal their destructive denial and the evils of apathy.

Unadulterated nature consists of the coordinated integrity of multitudes of natural systems that flow through our bodies, mind and the world. These systems are a self-organizing perfection, a regenerative natural intelligence that beautifully creates nature's optimums of life, diversity and cooperation without producing garbage or insanity. For this reason, intelligently, nature, including nature-connected people, seldom demonstrates or causes the harmful pollution, isolation, dependencies, abusiveness and mental illness that plague contemporary society.

Contemporary people biologically originate in, are part of, and can be responsibly guided by natural systems because we are a seamless continuum of their perfection and energies. However, our norm is to live in excessively nature-separated ways. On average, we spend over 95% of our time indoors. Over 99% of our thinking is out of touch with the way nature's perfection builds and sustains itself and our thinking is our destiny. We have made ourselves wounded freaks of nature and act accordingly.

Our core problem is the disconnection of our thinking from nature's intelligence and healing wisdom. Our indoor oriented socialization amputates from our consciousness our sensuous, nurturing and rewarding origins in natural systems. This produces a frustrated emotional hole in our thinking and being, a void that constantly needs sensory fulfillment. It leaves us continually sensing that we don't have enough, constantly feeling a need for more. Our unabated wanting produces our greed, stress and need for unreasonable tranquilizers, relationships, excessiveness, addictions, disorders and aggressiveness. Due to the hole in our mentality we falsely think we can solve these problems by more intensely using the same destructive thinking process that causes them, more nature-disconnected education, therapy, technologies, media, politics, science, psychology etc.

Most people recognize that the disconnection of our thinking from nature causes our troubles and that genuinely reconnecting our thinking
with authentic nature can help us resolve them. However, they also think this idea is idealistic because we do not have an effective, readily available nature-reconnecting process that enables us to implement it. The critical contribution of The Web of Life Imperative is that it teaches people a powerful, reconnecting Natural System Thinking Process (NSTP). Tried, tested and documented, backyard or backcountry, NSTP enables anybody to reconnect and interlace the multiple senses and intelligences of natural systems in our psyche with the regenerative, healing energies in nature that sustain its, and our, natural organic perfection.

Since 1995, the thirty-five authors of this book have researched, studied and experienced NSTP and facilitated thousands of people through it in accredited trainings, courses and degree programs. The results are as one might predict. Authentically reconnecting our thinking with nature responsibly satisfies our wants by giving us lasting, free fulfillment from contact with the intelligent, sensory energies of nature. NSTP helps us transform our destructive wants and dependencies into passions for participating in constructive relationships. This occurs in wide-ranging elements of society and its health benefits are documented in the medical and psychological community.

The Web of Life Imperative is a significant book because it offers us a unique, easily accessible, personal and global instrument to sustain the sanity of peace within and around us. Happily, it enables us to make "The answer is blowing in the wind" a practical reality.

How The Web of Life Imperative is unique:

It brings to consciousness and identifies the relationship-building fundamentals we share with nature and offers activities that sensuously let these fundamentals speak to us for themselves.

Its principles and activities stem from over fifty years of the author living and learning with study groups in natural areas throughout the seasons.

It recognizes that there is no known substitute for authentic nature's perfection, that the substitutes we create usually produce the destructive side effects that underlie our greatest troubles.
It empowers the public and its leaders with a scientific social technology that enables them to gain authentic empirical information and restorative power from nature itself.

Its cost is partially subsidized so that it is accessible to people and organizations that otherwise can't afford it, thus making readily available a process that enables people to implement their ideas, deeper hopes and ideals.

It utilizes the Internet as a free, global textbook that is constantly being written and updated by people who make conscious sensory contact with nature and share what they learned from that contact.
It provides a tool that, backyard or backcountry, enables people to create moments in natural areas that let nature's balanced perfection teach its secrets.

About the Author

Recipient of the 1994 Distinguished World Citizen Award, Ecopsychologist Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D. is a Director of the Institute of Global Education, where he coordinates its Integrated Ecology Department and Project NatureConnect.(www.ecopsych.com) He serves on the faculty of Portland State University, Akamai University where he directs its Applied Ecopsychology Institute, and the International University of Professional Studies. A natural science education and counseling major at the University of California at Berkeley, Columbia University and Clayton University, since 1959, Dr. Cohen has founded sensory environmental education programs independently and for the National Audubon Society (The Audubon Expedition Institute), Lesley University and Antioch University, Seattle. He conceived the 1985 National Audubon Conference Is the Earth a Living Organism and is the award winning author of: Reconnecting With Nature (Ecopress), Connecting with Nature, (World Peace University Press), Our Classroom is Wild America (Cobblesmith), How Nature Works (Stillpoiint), Einstein's World (Institute of Global Education)., Across the Running Tide (Cobblesmith), Prejudice Against Nature (Cobblesmith), Well Mind, Well Earth (Project NatureConnect), To Hell With Skiing, (Oak) and 101 plus Five Folk Songs for Camp , (Oak). He has more than 20 reviewed articles in professional publications and is an accomplished, published, folk song artist and contra dancer who presents traditional music programs for the U.S. National Park Service and Elderhostel on San Juan Island, Washington. His 34 co-authors are established mid-career professionals who have mastered and facilitate the Natural Systems Thinking Process. For details visit www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html




The Web of Life Imperative by Michael J. Cohen and many co-authors. Publisher: Institute of Global Education and Trafford Publications.

Release Date: July 15, 2003. Pre-publishing copies may be available by April, 2003. Email for information

Contents: 148, full size, 8 1/2 x 11 inch, Perfect Bound. illustrated pages containing empirical principals, knowledge, activities and opportunities for internships, jobs and degrees.

Price: $35.00. Subsidized copies are available through a grant from IGE.
When purchased from IGE, a percentage of the book's cost supports its distribution and its companion books, courses and scholarship programs.

Institute of Global Education Project NatureConnect
P. O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <nature@interisland.net> www.ecopsych.com






Institute of Global Education
Project NatureConnect
Special NGO Consultant to the
United Nations Economic and Social Council

.............P. O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
.............360-378-6313 <nature@interisland.net> www.ecopsych.com

.............Educational tools and research for peace that help meet the United Nations manifesto for ............environmentally.sound personal growth and social justicce.



Front Cover (below)









Front Cover.


Enjoy the crucial secret to learning with nature
 .....  .,,....

The Web of Life
Regenerative ecopsychology techniques that help
people think in balance with natural systems

 ...,,.  ,,,, ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

.Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D.


Rejuvenation power to the people and Earth!.






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