"This people-empowering
political integrity deserves our trust and support."
From parent to president, our
leaders don't know how to get us
out of the troubles they lead us into. Vote sensibly. Vote for
someone who makes readily available to us the tools we need to
create the personal, social and environmental well-being that
we deserve.

Michael J. Cohen, Candidate for Presidential Nomination in
To benefit
from our desires for well-being we must learn, use and teach
a process
that enables us to implement
these desires.
- Michael
J. Cohen
October 15, 2005. Friday Harbor,
I, Michael J. Cohen Ed.D.,
am more qualified than most to be nominated for President of
the United States, or for Secretary of the United States Department
of Education. I offer the public a singular, key, regenerative
process. The Process is
nature-connected education counseling and healing in action. It scientifically helps us overcome our Natural
System Disorders by introducing the grace, balance and restorative
powers of natural systems into our thinking and government.
The Process gives
us the health and wellness benefits of Organic
Psychology. It enables people to happily and responsibly
improve their personal, professional and political relationships.
I am a candidate for nomination
because I recognize that a wise, sensory part of each of us is
seldom represented in our society. It wants representation. It
needs it if we are to remedy our greatest troubles. I will represent
and promote it.
My candidacy enables us to
take a significant step beyond the mistrust and destructiveness
of political promises. It empowers us to enlist the assistance
of the self-correcting and purifying energies of nature. This
helps us immediately participate in building greater personal,
social and environmental sanity in our communities and thereby
society at large.
My platform allows me to further
do what I have proven I do best. I help people add to their lives,
and teach others, an easily accessible means to enjoy the integrity
of whole, sustainable relationships. This addition is a truly
American, including Native American, process
that produces additional social and environmental security.
It enables us to increase our
wellness by strengthening our natural sense of reason.
It reduces most budgets by
reducing our disorders and the costly services they require.
The Process works
by enlisting the powers of natural systems to help us purify
their pollution within and around us. This includes purifying
our contaminated intelligence, thinking and consciousness so
we may enjoy greater well being.
The heart of my Platform is
to make our government add the Process to how we learn to think and relate
thoroughout our lives and nation. This empowers us at every level
to restore the well being we desire.
Deep inside, most of us know
we are not born to suffer the destructiveness that results from
contemporary thinking's conquest of natural systems and life-spirit
within and around us. Rather, we come into the world to enjoy
supporting life. Sadly, we are educated
to disregard this enjoyable reward. Instead we learn to become
stressed and isolated subjects of the dementia
of those who fund our all too destructive fulfillments and destiny.
About The Process
My candidacy is unique because
it adds a responsible, enabling Process to our
every relationship and policy. As stated, the Process
empowers us to tap into the recuperative energies that pervade
and purify natural systems. This includes the natural systems
that operate as us. The Process helps us restore our natural perfection and
its joy.
By choosing to invoke the Process, our unsolveable
problems subside because we let the integrity of our mentality
and the environment strengthen each other.
This transforms our problem
producing mental abberations into constructive relationships.
A child or adult can learn
to use and teach the Process in two to ten weeks. This is explained in detail
at http://www.ecopsych.com/wholeness2.html.
The Process dynamics are described at http://www.ecopsych.com/.
Self-guiding books make the
Process easily accessable locally through study groups
and internationally via the internet .
I am a candidate for President
nomination because we can no longer afford to cope with our great
Natural System Dysfuction problems by continuing to use the contaminated
thinking and relationship building process that causes these
problems. My candidacy repairs this short circuit. It offers
leaders and constituents alike,
a readily available Organic Psychology tool that helps us think
and relate more responsibly. It is a social
technology that teaches us how to deal with the formidable issues
we face.
I bring to this task a wealth
of experience that can be shared. The fact that many people now
use and teach this Process attests to my effectiveness in advancing this
I am motivated, in part, to
be a Presidential candidate because in 1946 my Social Studies
teachers, along with the American Legion, identified and honored
my thinking as worthy of the Presidency. Although they told me
this was my destiny I have throughout my life refused to believe
them. Now my lifelong experience with the Process tells
me they were right. People who learn, use and teach the Process enjoy and promote responsible relationships at
every level of endeavor.
A significant part of my candidacy
is that as they use the Process people demonstrate its benefits and
can share them with others. This greatly reduces election campaign
travel and media expenditures as well as the questionable environmental
impact of large gatherings. Anybody can effectively master and
teach the Process through the internet and guidebooks.
My campaign funds itself from donations
made by people in their appreciation for learning the Process and being able to help
other help themselves.
I avoid the
proven dead end of forming a separate political party by offering
my candidacy to any individual, political party or other institution
that embraces the Process. They, in turn, benefit from the Process as well as support from people who recognize
its value.
Until the time
that my candidacy is accepted by a legitimate political party,
I remain an educator, not a political candidate. However, I invite
anybody attracted to my Presidential Platform to make me their
write-in vote so that my candidacy will represent their sentiments.
Out of disallusionment
more than 50% of the voting population does not vote. In my candidacy
and the Process, they have something worth voting
for. That alone will influence those presently in power.
The thrust of my Process platform
is: "Peace on Earth through peace with natural systems within
and around us"
My campaign gathers support
for nationally applying the Process via people who have learned how to
use and appreciate it. I suggest that when you hear worthwhile
proposals from institutions, parties or leadership, simply ask
"What distinct process do you offer that will enable us
to effectively implement your proposal." If none is apparant
yet the proposal has merit, simply offer my candidacy and the
Process for their consideration. It will help
because our great problems do not exist in Nature. Like the Process,
most worthwhile
programs and social sciences simply provide space to let Nature's
"magic" work.
The Process makes good things happen because it helps people
restore the full potential of their natural consciousness and
thinking sensabilities. We have eroded them in our culture's
conquest of nature's renewing way within and around us.
As the Process comes
into play, the benefits of the following adjustments in the Federal
Government will enhance American and International relationships:
1. Pursuit of Happiness
If we desire to peacefully increase our happiness at every level,
we must give ourselves the Constitutional right to do so. At
present our "self-evident, inalienable, right to the pursuit
of happiness" is affirmed in our Declaration of Independence.
However, aristocratic founding fathers omitted it from the Constitution
in favor of the "right for the protection of property."
It is vital that we now add our "self-evident right to the
responsible pursuit of happiness" to the Constitution of
the United States.
2. National Bird The
aggressive supremacy of the way we view ourselves often alienates
the advantaged from the less advantaged and places power above
reason. To help us modify this questionable relationship, it
is reasonable to change the national symbol from the Eagle to
the Wild Turkey, as was originally suggested by Benjamin Franklin.
Although both forms of wildlife equally contribute to the perfection
of natural systems, for people the Wild Turkey more visibly survives
in supportive harmony with other animals and the plant community.
This change in our National Symbol will help us identify our
inherent natural ability to develop mutually supportive relationships
with people and the environment.
3. National Animal It
is reasonable to make the national animal the Pica / Pika / Cony,
(the Rock Rabbit or Haymaker,) an alpine independent who, like
the Beaver, demonstrates remarkable self-sustaining, non-polluting,
agricultural and biological skills and compatibility within the
limits of its domain. Identifying with the Pika will help us
want to do likewise.
4. National Plant It
makes sense to have a plant like the Illinois bundleflower [Desmanthus
illinoensis], a native legume, become our National Plant.
Like most legumes, it carries easily observed nodules on its
roots which house nitrogen fixing bacteria. By supporting these
microorganisms, the Bundleflower supports its own life, provides
an enriched food for animals and people and, without overpopulating
itself, increases soil fertility while preventing erosion . It
is an excellent role model.
5. Peace To enjoy the
many benefits of peace, we must skillfully work for it. It is
vital that the Federal Government to focus its powers to help
Americans create and sustain peace at every level or relating.
To this end it makes sense for us to use the Process to help
us form a unified U. S. Department of Peace. This Department
would incorporate and oversee the present Department of the Interior,
Department of Education, Department of Health and Welfare, the
U. S. Forest Service and Secretary of State. The Department of
Peace would insure that these governmental agencies incorporate
the Process,
and share their resources to help establish personal and environmental
peace. Each agency function to be funded would be required to
use a teachable peace component that enhanced other peace efforts.
6. Arbitration To promote
peace by avoiding disruptive impacts on innocent lives, it is
reasonable through the Process
to develop binding arbitration
and conflict resolution procedures into a scientific, sought-after
art as well as a legally required part of all contracts.
7. Consensus Through
the Process, consensus based on reasonableness will replace
the party powered, money driven process presently used to make
decisions in congressional committees. When consensus fails,
binding arbitration science will produce final decisions.
8. Marijuana. In general,
through the Process the reduction of dependencies on marijuana
and other drugs occurs because these dependencies sap off important
natural energies and make many benefits of the Process unavailable.
This is also true regarding the use of alcohol, tobacco and excessive
For some individuals it is
rational to make the use of prescribed medicinal marijuana legal
on a Federal level until better substitutes for it are found.
To reduce the increasing impact
on our forests, the growth of Industrialized Hemp as a substitute
for wood products should be legalized, as it is now in many countries
with few adverse effects.
Through the Process these
changes can make America a demonstration model that the United
Nations and other peoples will want to incorporate due to its
benefits and because it therefore makes no sense to do otherwise.
No matter your interests or
age, I encourage you to join me on this quest. There's much to
learn and do.
Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D.
P.O. Box 1605
Friday Harbor WA 98250
A Candidate
for Presidential Nomination Offers a Trustable Antidote for our
Untrustable Leadership Dilemmas.
Further Information:
Articles and Activities
The Mind Reading Camera
and its Implications
Who is the Boss of You?
The Stairway to Sanity
The Natural Systems Thinking
SAQ Mike responds to Seldom Asked Questions
that need to be asked.
Endorsements (forthcoming)
Things you
can do (forthcoming)
Examples of
the Process from Journals (forthcoming)

J. Cohen, Ed.D. is an award winning Environmental Education
and Psychology author who directs several
university programs in Applied Ecopsychology as well as the Integrated
Ecology Division of the Institute of Global Education and Project
NatureConnect. He conceived the 1985 International Symposium
"Is the Earth a Living Organism" and is the recipient
of the Distinguished World Citizen Award. For further information,
visit his personal