Michael J. Cohen, 2008 Candidate for Nomination
to the Office of President of the United States.
To realize
our hopes and dreams for well being we must learn use and teach
a process that enables us to implement them.
- Michael
J. Cohen
Presidential Candidate's
Educating and Counseling with Nature Process Increases Sensitivity
in Government to Produce Personal, Social and Environmental Well
The candidacy and platform
of Dr. Michael J. Cohen as a nominee
for President of the United States in 2008 introduces a new,
learning and relating natural systems process for political and
social use by the nation, one that
implements greater peace and wellness in our time (3).
The scientific design of Cohen's
nature Process makes it a social technology for improving contemporary
life by reducing Natural System Dysfunction.
This Organic Psychology tool
is vital because to realize our greatest hopes and ideals we must identify
and use a science, process and design that implements them (5).
Without an effective process our ideas too often remain only
as ideas while our troubles persist.
Good evidence suggests that
we are presently on a psychological treadmill. We suffer our
unsolvable problems and dysfunctions
because we are trying to solve them using a limited thinking
and relating process that causes them (6).
Attraction Energies: Why
the Process works
All systems, including the internet and natural systems within
and around us, operate through attraction energies. These energies
are the natural power that holds atoms together, produces materials,
and causes electricity to flow in our nervous system or a computer.
Like all our other senses, the sensation of Thirst is one of
these attraction energies; it attracts the water cycle to flow
through our body for our and Nature's survival (7).
Over the eons, natural system
attraction energies have produced Nature's perfection of which
we and our psyche are part. The secret to that perfection is
that in its natural, unadulterated state, it sustains itself
by its organic attraction energies consistently purifying and
recycling its contamination. For this reason Nature seldom suffers
or produces the abusive, polluted, stressful and unjust relationships
that plague contemporary society (5).
Contemporary thinking has taught
itself to economically profit by conquering or substituting for
Nature's perfection. Our environmental and social deterioration
now alerts us to the destructiveness of this substitution. We
now recognize that there are few innocent substitutes for Nature,
its wholeness and integrity. Most scientific substitutes have
injurious "side effects" on natural systems in people
and the environment (11).
Contemporary thinking's attraction
to profit driven, runaway substitutions for Nature sooner or
later pollute and deteriorate natural systems within and around
us. Our mental short circuit is a major source of our unsolvable
personal and global problems (13).
An Internet Presidency
The global communication inherent in natural systems holds Nature
in balance worldwide. The internet and other electronic media
potentially have the same communication ability with regard to
people. However, being of contemporary origins and singularly
electrical, the internet does not contain the wide ranging, diverse
grace of natural system attraction wisdom that produces and sustains
Nature's balanced perfection (3).
Through the internet, Mike
Cohen's presidency effectively addresses our thinking's destructive
separation from how Nature's perfection works. It empowers every
citizen with an easily accessible Process that
enables them plug the balanced, and peaceful wisdom of natural
system attractions, within and around them, into their thinking
and the internet. The Process
and its
scientific design thereby
gives contemporary people the ability to tap into and electronically
communicate in verbal language, the non-verbal, restorative attraction
powers of natural systems. This is a beneficial breakthrough
Each individual's use of the
Process to connect their consciousness and the internet
with natural systems has shown to produce relationship improvements
personally and globally. The Process helps our thinking co-create with
and operate as part of how Nature's perfection works (8).
Because we ordinarily
learn to ignore our natural system legacy, Cohen's leadership
restores in each individual, including governmental leaders,
our inherent ability to sentiently interweave our thinking with
profound natural system attractions. To repeat, this is important
because these attractions demonstrably dissolve and recycle our
destructive psychological
attachments to people,
technologies and the environment, attachments that undermine
responsible change. (4 ).
It is reasonable for Americans
to address the psychological, emotional /sensory, attraction
source of the unsolvable problems we suffer. These problems demand
psychological solutions. Without these solutions,
our misguided and hurt emotional bonds continue to attach us
to our discontents. They stop our intelligence from creating
and sustaining free, peaceful well being, the heart of our American
dream (10).
Mike Cohen's platform nationally
introduces a simple but powerful social technology. The scientific
design of his nature Process rejuvenates the inborn, regenerative, natural
system part of our thinking that we presently have learned to
subdue. It allows Psychology, Ecology and Nature to revive in
our consciousness our natural healing and purifying energies.
This improves our ability to reason and relate more intelligently,
to responsibly increase the joy and integrity of our personal,
professional and political life (13).
Cohen's platform mainly consists
of nationally introducing and disseminating a hands-on learning
Process that results in greater personal, social and
environmental sanity (3). It helps us use presently ignored natural
attraction energies to transform our destructive ways into constructive
Cohen invites people to share
with him how his candidacy can help them.
NOTE: Subsidized, online, distance learning courses
and degrees are available to help implement personal and
global peace and sustainability.