#Natureness and #ClimateTherapy: Catch up With Reality. #Believe, embrace
and share the heartfelt natural area organics of Nature-Connected Psychology, Eco-Arts
Therapy and Gaia-science holism that protect our threatened
rights to person/planet life. As a fiduciary increase by 850%
evidence-based person/planet climates, happiness, well-being and healing through
critical social technology management partners, internships, tools and
humanistic Applied Ecopsychology
training, courses, certificates and degrees.
of Organic Psychology
Project NatureConnect
Climates Therapy Section
Scientifically validated, peer reviewed, articles, methods and materials
CLIMATE THERAPY www.NaturenessTruth.com The natural area remedy for Earth Overshoot and our broken world crisis.
If you spoke out for Nature or our injured Planet,
would you shout this?
excessive money and power, too many people are lying,
thieving pirates, ecozombies who can’t stop violating Nature and each
Project NatureConnect
Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature
How to create moments that let Earth teach
Natural area, hands-on, organic arts and science training courses and degree programs.
www.ecopsych.com Email: nature@interisland.net
360-378-6313 www.ProjectNatureConnect.org
Climate Therapy and Natureness
Uniquely create 54-Felt Sense Time and Space in a Natural Area: Hands-on Strengthen Well-Being for all by 850%
Based on our past century's scientific evidence, the life of our globally recognized space-time universe acts like, or is, a sprouted seed that consists of all things at once, including us, attracted together and growing as Nature's single "tree of life".
Everything is involved as the tree grows its own time and space. The past and future
are always present physically or in memory including our stories .
This explains how our thoughts, feelings and relationships reasonably sense and feel that, since before forever, as now, Nature is its wordless attraction (love) to begin life, to love it into being.
We call this singularity "survival."
Everything is it.
To humans and our story world, it is 54-sense self-evident that the essence of anything,
including us, is always present and it progressively loves pure life/us into being.
Nature is a word for natal, to birth. This explains why, since forever as now, Nature is its nameless attraction (love) to begin life, to love it into being. It's essence is appropriately called Natureness.
The prime cause of today's increasing problems is when our labels or stories make us abuse Nature, around, in or as us and we omit Natureness as a remedy.
With Natureness, if somebody asks if you believe in whatever, you can always answer, “Better still, I believe in its essence,” Anything’s essence is always scientifically accurate. It's existential.
Natureness is not something you know, it is something you do to keep it and all things alive and well, including youself. It's as simple as wanting to breathe and knowing why.
"When the solution is simple, God is answering."
- Albert Einstein
"Our challenge: our attachments to stories that as they excessively tame Nature for profit, abuse us and our planet."
- Project NatureConnect
United Nations ALERT, 2022: Simply put, the state of our planet’s life is broken.
Because humanity is engaged in a suicidal "war" on the environment, we must prioritize "making peace with nature" to stop new climate crises heights
of global warming and species extinction along with new polarizing lows
of mental health, ecological degradation and personal well-being.
An effective Natureness hands-on tool
plugs our 54-senses into Nature’s singular spacetime energies in
natural areas. By relating to the essence of everything, it restores
our personal and planet well being
As Natureness's Climate Therapy process
globally makes peace with Nature it decreases our anxiety,
conflict and abuse setbacks while it increases more equitable, inclusive
and sustainable relationships.
The essence of person and planet well-being is to relate to things by their correct name or label, "Natureness." This makes me Mikeness, you Youness or "Jodyness" and a tree treeness.
Good things go better with Natureness.
Get smart.
essence of education, counseling and healing is to give people the
things they need in order to grow into contributing and wholesome
members of their society. To achieve this, what was needed in ancient
times has little in common with with what is needed in today's bankrupt ecology.
scientists note that if you put together all the material in the
universe you end up with a solid mass the size of a vollyball that
entirely consists of the nuclei of hydrogen atoms. This means
everything else in the life of our Universe and Nature is "wordless
empty space." However, it's not really empty.
It consists of attraction energies, including electromagnetism and
gravity, that love to hold the life of the natural world together
while, moment-by-moment it grows bigger so it's more attractive.
When we die and no longer have senses and
words to register Nature, we become its attractive life. Sadly, until
then, we break the world and ourselves for profit. That's the
source of our problems. Sensory interlacing with Nature's
self-correcting ways is their solution
Because every moment is the growth of Nature's wordless essence (Natureness), Natureness continually creates heartfelt personal, social and environmental well-being.
The source and validity of Natureness in Project NatureConnect is indisputable.
"On an August day in 1965, a freak thunderstorm compelled me to ask the
Grand Canyon Wilderness how its life was different than mine. No
surprise, it said nothing because it is non-verbal. However, the answer
became obvious.
"Its life couldn't use words. As
humanity, I could."
Without knowing it I had created a moment that let Nature's essence (Natureness) speak and teach its wisdom."
- Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D.
phenomenon occurred 57 years ago. Yet this instant, as if a miracle, although
you and I are in different times and places, the Canyon incident and
each of us are present, connected and growing as felt-sense thoughts and
relationships here and now through this sentence.
This affirms space-time science. It validates that all things, past, present and future are
attached and present as the oneness of any instant. That's happening
right here and now, (space-time) as I write this, as you read this, and the Canyon
incident is present, too
I invite you to apply this same wonderful space-time relationship, in any natural area.
Note that nothing there talks or relates using words. Rather,
moment-by-moment Nature there loves to non-verbally create its optimums
of life, diversity, purity, cooperation, balance and beauty that don't
produce garbage, war or abuse. That's attractive.
A natural area's essence consists of its billions of diverse
attractions (loves) that, as a single space-time unity, harmoniously blend,organize
and self-correct together to grow as Nature's perfection
moment-by-moment. This fact is existential. We are it, as we
observe it in action.
We personally experience and register Nature's attractions as indisputable,
self-evident sensation truths. They are our 54 senses
that sustain our
life. For example, our senses of thirst, temperature, reason,
consciousness and music. Because we experience and register them, we
don't have to prove that they exist or function. It's existential.
Note that in our required education, our "civilized" sense of literacy
bonds us to stories that say we have just five senses we learn and know
from. They are Aristotle's, 350 B.C.,
touch, taste, smell, sight and sound. Omitting our 49 other
senses is a glaring error that makes us continue to demean and conquer Nature.
Our loss of 49 natural senses and their/our love to live makes us suffer the discomforting non-sense
of spending 99% of our time in isolation, out of tune with Nature's
embrace while craving artificial "pirate" satisfactions to fulfill that
loss, even as we see and feel our needs abusively overuse our planet.
Meanwhile, simultaneously, around, in and as us, Nature's space-time
eons continue to silently grow and love us into being. Since forever, or before, as now, Nature is its wordless attraction (love) to begin life and be it. It wants to survive.
Our excessive disconnection from Nature is the source of our
ever-increasing climate crises and earth-misery catastrophes.
Natureness remedies them by safely producing joy anytime we reconnect
our 54 senses with their origins in a natural area or pet.
With Natureness omitted, what we call love, god, nature, science or
honesty become weapons that continue to painfully eviscerate the natural world
and us.
It comes down to this. If you don't trust what your senses reasonably experience in a natural area, what or who can you
The pirates whose stories have abusively conditioned us to war with Nature around, in and as us?
Or the coalition of Natureness literate individuals dedicated to creating moments that let Earth teach us what we need to know.
- Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D.
Call me if you want to know more from the source 😊 360-378-6313

Natureness (as dogness) is happiness
Our Hope and Destiny is Natureness
Climate Therapy Eco-Arts and Science Create Personal and Global Peace.
Stop Our Suicidal War With Nature Around, in and as us.
Again, if you spoke-up for Nature or our injured Planet,
would you heartfelt shout, “For excessive money and power,
too many people are lying, thieving pirates, ecozombies who can’t stop violating Nature and each other?”
Published, professional journal, double blind, peer-reviewed and refereed Natureness truths
ECOFACT 1: Respirating
As contemporary people in Industrial Society
For example:
Fact. Based on reasonable, 54-felt sense evidence, Nature is not a belief. It is its wordless attraction (love) to begin and be life, it's sensations that we register and feel.
Scientifically, our Universe
is centered around growing and preserving the space and time (space-time) of its own
life since it was born as or before its Big Bang transition.
At our birth, without words, our life's essence is "instinctively" attracted and knows how to breathe and thereby survive the rest of our days.
Breathing is a fact, a wordless natural core attraction of our personal life and Nature's web-of-life.
Our evidence-based education teaches us that our natural ability to breathe is a word, it's called respiration. It comes from "re-spiriting."
In addition, Nature has wordlessly grown air
to breathe for three billion years preceding humanity and our stories.
(It no less created Planet Earth's life five billion years before our
However our pirate education fails to include that "spirit" is also the scientific essence of things.
Inspiration means “to inhale Nature's wordless spirit,” expiration means “to exhale Nature's wordless spirit” and respiration is wordless re-spiriting, moment by moment.
We can respirate with or without words, but more purely without pirate words that insult or eviscerate the life of wordless Nature's love and eons.
Folks seldom recognize that I had many "deep breath" experiences to be
able to ask the Grand Canyon wilderness "What's the difference
between your life and mine?" Those breaths indicated it could be alive.
ECOFACT 2: Mislabeling
As aforementioned, our
learned exclusion of wordless Nature and the natural in our lives makes us "ecozombies," mentally dead
about Nature's essence in each breath we take.
To our loss, we learn to omit
that since before forever as now, Nature is its wordless attraction (love) to begin and grow the universe/earth/us.
you don't believe this love exists, experience it for yourself. Hold your breath. Felt-sense disconnect
your life from Nature's attraction (love) to begin life this instant.
Not to worry. If you pass out, Mother Nature will
give you natural, not artificial, respiration and revive you as part of her love for your life that she loved into being.
Scientifically, we break our world whenever we don’t label or treat things
accurately. Then, Nature and we suffer grave
consequences as we injure it and us.
To avoid this hurtful phenomenon, in Natureness, "ess" is the existential essence of being or existing.
It is self-evident that existence only occurs moment-by-moment. It is the
wordless, now, life of our attractive Big Bang, space-time Universe growing itself.
This instant is Nature's wordless love to begin life manfesting itself here and now.
That's how and why it is undeniably possible and true that you are reading these words. Along with you/us, Nature's here and now exists.
absolute fact of Nature is always available in some form as part of our
existence. However, because our pirate education teaches us to ignore it,
without Natureness we end up love-starved and creating our lies, war, pain and tranquilizers.
As with respiration, catastrophically,
because our relationships consist of stories that
apply ecozombie names to everything, we know natural things by our pirate
words or stories' meanings that we glue to them.
We seldom know or embrace them for their wordless, life-supportive
contributions. They are "resources," not Earth's metabolism or body
Our labels and relationships omit our universal, mutually-supportive essence. It's our wordless love to conspire
with Nature, to heartfelt breathe together with the natural world for
survival in person/planet peace and unified well-being that creates no garbage.
As aforementioned, our stories usually omit that Nature is wordless,
that the life of Nature's pre-human eons never contained or related to
words, stories or abstracts.
Our stories makes wordless Nature's pristine eons of loving life become a slave to our misinformed and excessive ways and labels.
Our stories lie to us. They say we are not their victims, that Nature is an enemy so we must conquer it.
Our words claim that we own wordless Nature, that it was created for us by mystical stories and miracles 13.7
billion years before we or our words even appeared in the self-perpetuating life of our universe as it grows its own space and time.
Truth to tell, our words could not say or create anything through their eons of
non-existence. What our words today claim, is an obvious lie. To avoid the shame of our profound unreasonableness, we pirates call this nonsense a "miracle."
View this phenomenon in its illustration,
SUMMARY At this late date we continue to clash with most things due to the different labels we assign to wordless Nature
and each other. However, that's not how Nature's balanced and beautiful eons work.
The eons remain Nature's wordless attraction love for life until we label them:
When we label them inaccurately, we suffer the madness of living in the destructive world of words that
our unsubstantiated and conflicting stories fabricate and impose on wordless Nature around, in and as us.
That inaccuracy is the core of our war on Nature, the core of our prejudice, injustice and violence, the core of Earth Overshoot.
need Natureness to help us compost our war against life and recycle it
into Nature's love for all to live. That makes Natureness a reasonable
climate therapy.
Natureness's truth blends the essence of our geologically recent verbal way of knowing with the essence of this moment's eons
person/planet, non verbal life relationships.
They are available in a natural area or our pets and gardens.
relationships bring the past into the present where we have the power
to change it for the better. These natureness words are doing that here and now.
Most therapies’ healing activities often start by taking a few deep
breaths so we become aware of our essence through respiration.
They then label, logo or trademark our respiration essence with the name or brand of the
story or process they use.
This practice omits, discriminates against and defames the integrity of wordless Nature, our
inherent speechless eons of respiration and life. It's inaccuracy reinforces our ecozombie pirate ways and their destructive effects.
That adulteration is the hidden source and essence of our prejudice and conflicts.
They do not exist in natural areas because they are wordless.
Sadly, our stories also applaud us spending over 99% of our
lifetime hours, on average, out of tune with Nature's supportive essence in natural
wonder we pirates can’t make peace with Nature's wordless balance
and beauty. We can't
speak or find it so we give Nature no rights to its "dumb" wordless
life. This unjust demeaning lets us excessively omit or conquer Nature and turn it into a profit.
PIRATE LOVE NEWS: "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine," is a lie. Think about it. Doesn't real sunshine exist, even when its cloudy?
The result of our omission of Natureness is that at this late date scientists still don't know if Nature is alive.
I know, do you? If Nature or Earth died, we would die. Logically then,
they must be alive. This alone surpasses most college education and its
ECOFACT 3: The Antidote for Mislabeling
If the above distresses you, Natureness can help you reduce that anxiety while stopping the insults.
Here's what to do.
- Touch a plant that you like while you breathe on it (feed it your carbon di oxide).
- Remove your hand from the plant and exhale (expire) on it. Now, stop breathing until you sense you must start again.
Note the feeling building in you lungs and psyche from what these words have asked you to do.
you feel the pain and/anxiety from your loss of, or abandonment by, your
love to live, to breathe? What name/label do you give this sensation? Fear?
Suffication? Horror?
Do you recognize that the plant similarly suffers from the loss of your breath's carbon di oxide? That's exspiration.
To "expire is "death" or "transformation."
this activity demonstrates, the arts and science of Climate Therapy
catalyze well-being around and in us because it's authentic,
connectivity is “Natureness-truth" a happy remedy to our pirating destructiveness.
This is the same indisputable truth as you are reading these words here and now (space-time).
It is especially true if you teach Natureness to pirates so they may
heal from their past abuse, abandonment or rejection by our conquer-nature
Natureness gives added value to Nature rather than continue to war with it.
As aforementioned, Natureness works because it is the core of spacetime. It brings the essence of our
destructive past and future pirate stories into the present moment's essence, the now of life. That's the only time (space-time) when and where we can change
and improve things, including our words, mind, heart and relationships.
Uniquely, Natureness, including our words, blends our breath-of-life essence with its
wordless source, the essence of Nature’s eons in natural areas, back country, backyard, pet, potted plant or weed.
This lets our Natureness words and Nature, peacefully breathe together in unity.
Many people experience this phenomenon when they visit a natural area. They 54-sense know it's true.
Natureness helps us honor and benefit the natural world’s wordless purity moment by moment.
This transforms the ecozombiness in us into the joy of Nature's well-being and its healing energies.
In any spacetime moment we have the choice to become Natureness or continue being pirates.
Natureness heals our broken world by blending our story essence with wordless Nature's essence.
It's when we excessively omit Natureness that our pirate troubles begin.
Why wouldn’t you want to learn Natureness . Simply continue to scroll down and sample this page's evidence for it to ECOFACT 17.
ECOFACT 4: Natureness Answers
Things to think about
Is it morally or ethically OK for us not to do all we can do to stop today's life-death pirate war with Nature?
Did or do you choose to become an ecozombie pirate or live on a pirate ship?
Did or does our piracy inflict emotional wounds from abuse that you or yours suffer?
Does part of your life feel ecozombie dead?
Do you want to increase wellness, stop being a stressed-out pirate, and help other ecozombies stop, too?
Do you realize that Natureness scientifically strengthens your "respiration" in conjunction with authentic wordless Nature in a natural area?
If so, you are eligible to benefit from, or teach, Natureness, Climate Therapy's core eco-arts process.
It only works in a natural area or with pets and gardens where all things are real-life present including us and our past and future stories.
This is because, scientifically, a natural area is the original life of Big Bang spacetime having grown into this moment. We
need no miracles, supernatual or mysteries to explain this. We 54-sense
know it because we have lived and been it since our conception as a
Validating this Natureness Truth is critical. Otherwise our stories let us pirate, war against and conquer Nature's spacetime life.
That gives us license to violate each other's lives and countries, too.
scientifically, in wordless spacetime all things are oneness, the
same essence. The past and future are here and now acts
and/or stories, when the latter are accurate.
54-sense, essence-blending relationships change today's battlefield into a heartfelt
peace party. Sadly, the world has disregarded this fact of life for 70 years,
and counting, so things are polarizing and the climate is changing to cope with our negligence.
ECOFACT 5: The Missing Remedy
Do you think Natureness is reality?
Perhaps ecozombie pirates have stolen your better judgement so you believe Climate Therapy's Natureness is a trick, sin or harmful.
Scientfically, can you at least trust this self-evident, spacetime reading experience?
"Natureness is the undeniable truth that you are reading these words here and now, because, since before forever, Nature is its wordless love to begin life."
NOTE: If Nature does not begin life, moment by moment, neither we, our respiration or our stories can exist.
As aforementioned, if
you don't believe this, hold your breath now. Felt sense disconnect
from Nature's begin-life love. If you pass out, it will
give you natural, not artificial, respiration as part of
its love for you.
Our word-based ways are harmful when they are not scientifically repeatable. Tragically, then they
mislead us to financially profit from conquering and overusing, rather
than unifying, with Nature's wordless self-correcting ways.
Natureness creates time, space and words in natural areas that let Nature's 54-sense wisdom use organic words to unite and heal the essence of everything, including us.
Nature can do this because it is the fountainhead of authority in how its wordless love to purely begin life works in spacetime.
This explains how Natureness reduces conflicts and injuries as it strengthens personal, social and environmental
It's how Natureness helps us make peace instead of war so we stop breaking our inner and outer world.
ECOFACT 6: Our Attractive Essence
The core of Climate Therapy, 54-sense Natureness, stops degradation and increases sanity by strengthening justice for all.
"All" includes every member our planet's wordless web-of-life plant, animal, mineral and energy communities.
850%, Natureness reduces the mental illness and distortions that make us
ecozombie pirates who can’t stop creating our climate crises, unfairness and
emotional disorders.
natural areas, backyard, backcountry, or pets, Natureness remedies
these problems by replacing glaring omissions in the words and acts of our science, education, justice
and media.
Beneficially, Natureness
can be added to any relationship and become the otherwise missing essence
of it. It's eco-arts scientifically accomplish this because, as mentioned, Nature is its wordless love to begin life. That's what it and you are, know and feel.
It unifies because the essence of love is attraction. You are attracted to reading these words right now, otherwise you would stop.
ECOFACT 7: Nature's Unconditional Love
Climate Therapy eco-arts create Natureness moments let wordless Earth teach us what we need to know.
Natureness blends the essence of Nature’s wordless love with the essence of our life and our words. This creates reasonable, happy, interpersonal and person/planet relationships.
astounding three-way connection lets wordless Nature use our words to let us know its truth.
Delightfully, its grounded, 54-sense story then transforms our ecozombie pirate lies and abusiveness into the
purity of Nature’s love, balance and beauty.
wordless Nature never produces garbage or toxic waste because in mutually
beneficial ways all natural things are attractive and united relationships; everything belongs.
That's unconditional love in action.
Because Natureness's heartfelt, evidence-based processs helps us distinguish the difference between true and false, its ways and stories helps us make peace with Nature around, in and as us.
by prejudicially excluding Natureness,
Industrial Society's pirate methods and materials produce facts that
are ecozombie and natureness flawed so we increasingly suffer
our destructive ways.
have become addicted buckaneers who hurtfully overuse our “natural
resources” while denying that they are also, and always have been, our wordless person/planet metabolism and Natureness.
Using scientific evidence, Natureness affirms that our wordless Standard Universe big bang birthed its life into existence 13.7 billion
years ago. This means all things are moment-by-moment alive except our stories that deny or disregard this fact.
To our misfortune, the stories of our ecozombie scientists and leaders have yet to even recognize this aliveness truth.
This is because as pirates we teach ourselves to disregard that only a scant 150,000 years ago Nature first loved our body, mind, “human spirit” and stories into being part of its eons.
Before then, for 13.7 billion years, Nature growing life was humanless and wordless as it remains, still, in a natural area, backyard or back country.
"What we call wildness is a civilization other than our own.”
— Henry David Thoreau
Our wonderful stories and labels about humanity's amazing intelligence
and spirit are actually stolen goods, pirate theft names/logos of Nature's wordless functions around, in and as us.
ECOFACT 8: Disconnecting Unity
break our world because our misleading pirate words are ecozombie propaganda. They make us ignore Nature's preceding 13.7 billion year wordless origin of our being and soul.
This is criminal, unjust prejudice, a lethal discrimination against the eons of
life's survival.
It violates our legal rights to life.
is the underlying source of our injustices, exploitation, mental
conflicts and conquest of people and places, the source of our greatest
discontents. They are simply variations of our unfair war with and conquest of Nature.
Without Natureness in play, as ecozombie pirates we excessively plunder
and wound our wordless Natureness roots.
This devastating loss changes even our best intentions into hurtful outcomes as, for profit, our pirate kings reward and manipulate us while disguised as leaders who say that we can trust them.
That lie attaches or addicts us to pirating.
Cllmate Therapy's Natureness helps us counteract it.
with Earth almost 50-75% in deficit and bankrupt, Natureness in a natural
area is our last hope, teacher, counselor and cathedral.
Catastrophically, pirate propaganda teachs us to believe a miracle: we can continue to overexploit Nature without further creating damaging consequences. This is not the same truth as you are reading these words right now.
Wordless Nature can’t contest this or warn us because it can’t even speak out and be heard as our “inner child,” so we suffer our increasing disagreements and mental illness.
Our hope and destiny is Natureness. We can safely believe in the eco-arts of its science.
major reason we suffer the miseries of our war with Nature is because
our pirate kings' prejudicial nature-disconnected education,
counseling and media indoctrinates our pirate kings to fear or conquer "savage" Nature,
around and as us.
This, even though Nature today has been so excessively tamed that it can't recycle itself.
Our runaway nature-disconection prevents pirate kings from supporting Natureness or unlocking their
excessively brimming treasure chests to fund Climate Therapy's arts and science.
Natureness makes pirates stop teaching us
that the equality, happiness and justice we fight for relates only to
our lives on our pirate ship as it continues to plunder our planet.
ECOFACT 9: The Life of Pirating
a century we have known that in
our Standard Space-Time Universe all things, past, present and future,
are attached and are the essence of one single unified thing at any
This singularity includes its oneness being alive since we know we are alive. This is the same truth as you are reading these words right now.
Because all things are attached, including stories about the past and
future, our false pirate stories deteriorate everything until the are corrected.
This includes the story you are reading here until your essence makes 54-sense
Natureness contact with the pure essence of Nature's wordless love to
begin life in a natural area. That was my experience in the Grand
Canyonin 1965.
Without Natureness, since 1949, as pirates we have consciously plundered our planet and deteriorated our road to survival.
Does a judge, today, need to sentence a convict to "walk the plank,"
"be hung from the yardarm" or be "keel hauled" before we come to our senses and acknowledge that we are ecozombie
Where do we learn the dirty little secret that in the beautiful images of "Planet
Earth held in a human hand" a bit further up the wrist is a pirate
Moral: In regard to Mother Earth, ecozombie pirates are MF's (Misguided Folks)
Fortunately, anybody can learn to add the beneficial powers of Natureness to anything. Just scroll down this page.
It means any child or adult can help transform our pirate ships into 💚 relation-ships.
Note: Aboriginal People lived in Natureness harmony with
the land for 50,000 years until most were assaulted by or became
pirates. Compare
their history to the destruction our pirating has inflicted in North
America during the scant 600 years since Columbus landed.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Dr. Michael J. Cohen, 360-378-6313 nature@interisland.net www.ClimateTherapy.org
ECOFACT 10: Natureness's Added Value
Adding Natureness's 54-sense connection with Nature's love to begin life strengthens
organic relationships while reducing our pain, bankruptcy and corruption.
Natureness can be used to
• Create a globally unifying atmosphere that makes any relationshp increase person/planet balance and beauty.
• Help
you feel better, increase your well-being and help others do the same
as it strengthens resilience and reduces stressful conflict, disorders and excessiveness.
• Stop
the lies and corruption
that infiltrate our lives so that we may sustain happy relationships and help others do the same.
• Reduce the health insurance premiums of those who
engage in Climate Therapy while reducing the health costs of insurance companies.
• Increasingly reward
those who enjoy and teach therapeutic nature-reconnecting activities
and create the joyof beneficial person/planet effects."
• Be profitably offered by the pharmaceutical and
medical profession as a potent preventative and means to hasten
recovery from
many disorders.
• Reduce the human service budgets of municipalities
while improving personal, social and environmental health.
• Make significant Climate Therapy contributions to conflict resolution on
personal, local and global levels.
• Convert outdated dogma, philosophies and scriptures into today's spacetime knowledge to increase person/planet well-being.
Improve the economy by reducing environmental costs and motivating
environmental recycling, sustainability and wellness
• Give added value to natural areas to help
industrial society’s story come into balance with natural systems in and around us.
Strengthen mental health by relieving our pirate stress and pain
climates as we transform them into Natureness love.
• Increase the responsibility and profitability of
organizations that incorporate Climate Therapy into their management and operation.
• Produce a new human services Natureness economy that
profitably trains and pays people to use, teach and reap the benefits of Climate Therapy.
We welcome your donation to support participant scholarships and jobs
ECOFACT 11: The Natureness Process Activity
Whenever you bring it into play, Natureness immunizes you from our pirate war with wordless Nature because everything has an essence.
As mentioned, "Ness" conveys something's essence and wholeness. This influences relationships in a good way.
Through Natureness, you
simply unify the differing essences of everything by taking a few deep breaths to free yours essence and adding the suffix
"ness" to the name of heartfelt, inspiring attractions that call to you in a natural area.
You become Daveness or Janeness. The natural areaness becomes treeness or beautyness or butterflyness
“Ness” refers to anything’s wholeness and essence because they are the same oneness in any spacetime moment.
It helps to remember that, scientifically, a natural area is the pure Big Bang eons of Nature's wordless love to begin life actualizing itself as the wordless area and wordless you as you visiit it. Again, to our loss, as pirates, we live 99% of our time out of tune with Nature's love.
To help make this visit a habit, Natureness partners encourage and remind each other to discover, share and enjoy Natureness truth in a natural area.
Taking deep breaths and adding
“Ness” to things in a natural area makes this easy. It reinforces the essence and
wholeness of anything while wordless Nature loves that thing into unadulterated being. This includes
your essence as a "natural thing."
While in Natureness contact with a natural area,
all beings involved are consciously Nature and its wordless
Big Bang eons unifying and loving everything to begin life while using words.
Nature’s love to wordlessly begin life is two things at once, a thing's essence and
its wholeness. This is the same truth as you are reading these words right now.
In spacetime the two are one thing, Natureness, because in
spacetime all things happen together simultaneously to mutually support
their in-common lives and oneness as well as their individuality.
Natureness evens the field. By blending things it enables wordless Nature to speak its truth.
This is a great trustable truth that strengthens person and planet well-being.
Do This Reality Check Be
inspired. Take a few deep breaths and visit or walk through a natural
area for five minutes while calling each natural thing you see or sense
there "your nameness" (Daveness, Janeness etc.) or "Attraction" or
"Oneness" or "Loveness" Call human-built things that you encounter, including
people's pirate stories, "intruders." Note any changes that occur as
you make these connections with the Big Bang's Space-Time Universe
Optionally repeat this Reality Check anytime, alone or with a friend.
Respiration Reminder
Our pirate education teaches us that we are the stability of nouns. For
example, you or a pond are your names continually.
However, we are also fixated to the meaning of
the human labels we place on nameless natural things and energies.
lasting, Nature-foreign meaning and power we assign to our labels gives us
word and story control over the things we label. For example, a "tree" becomes "board feet" This discrimination is
immoral. Natural things don't have this word-power so they can't stop
it, they are helpless until collectively they change the climate or put out "virus" antibodies and other discomforts to change our direction.
conquest of the natural world occurs because, as pirates, truancy laws
legally require us to addictively learn to relate to things’ names and
economic values that we pirates assign.
This prejudice dismisses our inspiring, inherent, nameless, Natureness love to begin and support organism Earth's web-of-life and
each other as equals.
Our pirate stories unfair management of life is the source of most forms of war, injustice and bias.
It's remedy is respiration that adds Natureness and its words to everything.
is in transition in Nature, however, the things that pirate names and meaning
identify stay the same until we modify the names. For example, a lamp of 2000 years
ago is not the same as a lamp today.
this word-anchoring destructively separates our stories and labels from
authentic Nature’s
now unity, it and they become false, argumentative cubbyholes of
exploitive knowledge, the propaganda that fuels conflict.
We have spent hundreds of years and bazillions of education and
counseling dollars on this natureness-absent process that teaches us
ecozombies how to become more expert pirates.
we have accomplished this with such high tech expertise that we have no
way to stop if it doesn't include Natureness. That makes Natureness a
critically valuable social technology.
ECOFACT 12: "Nessing," the Remedy for our Piracy
Our pirate stories can fixate into making “Bambi,” or each other the terror of
becoming a corpse, abused or injured. This damages or limits us, others and Organism Earth.
makes anything's become its immediate global essence and wholeness simply by , in a natural area, respirating and adding
“ness” to it along with its pirate label.
Ness is Nature loving verbal us and itself into being spacetime truth's balanced and beautiful essence, moment-by-moment.
example, after respiration, via our 54-natural senses, I, Mike, am also my essence, Mikeness. Similarly, a tree
is treeness, a cloud is cloudness and Nature’s wordless love to begin life is Natureness.
in an injured natural area we can add “ness” to anything and share with
Nature our ness words and commonality. This mutually supports our in-common essence and need to recover from our pirating.
It scientifically makes Nature’s wordless loving-to-begin-life strengthen from whole life
words like Mikeness, loveness or soulness.
"Ness" includes words that make us and Nature’s intelligence, equal and friends, rather than us being a pirate, foreign-power noun.
It is
like creating a common denominator fiduciary for different fractions to unify in
their oneness, or adding water and soil to a seed so it sprouts, or stating your age as 14 billion years plus your birthday.
In this case it's us unifying with Nature’s balanced and beautiful love to purely
begin life while in a natural area with attraction to rather than prejudice against the essence of Nature.
With joy there, that spacetime loveness
reduces piratness and increases unity as it 54-sense transforms our ecozombie hurtness into the
happy raptureness and wisdomness of Natureness's silent balance and beauty in a natural area.
It's simply the profound different feeling between taking our next
breath or not taking it. That's Nature's wordless love to being life in
balanced and pure action...right now.
enables your greatest trustable truth to recognize a “thing” is, or once was, an inspired attractive,
supported, free and unified part of authentic wordless Nature.
ECOFACT 13: Pirate Slaves
Our pirate
words, especially labels, have enslaved us as soldiers to fight our prejudicial war
against Nature while creating its battlefields/climates.
Without Natureness, our words coerce things, including our 54 senses, to become objects,
resources and satisfactions to feed and sooth our pirate economics, stress and
Sadly, what we do to Nature’s love, we do to ourselves and each other because, as spacetime, we are always that same wordless love manifesting itself as us.
For us
to Natureness or not-Natureness? That is the question. Ecozombie Piracy or peaceful well-being? This is the same truth as you are reading these words right now.
you were consciously Nature's wordless love to begin life wouldn't you feel the
pain of dismay and horror as pirates destroyed your metabolism and
your intent to live, as you felt the places and things you loved into being
deteriorate and disappear?
is not an "as if" conjecture. The pirates withold or mislabel from your knowledge
that you are Nature's love to begin life including your words.
Without Natureness educating them and you, your counselors and teachers think
there is something wrong with you and with Nature, too. Worse
still, futilely trying to tranquilize our wounds increases our economic
growth and our rewards as it worsens our situation.
Since 1974, to
not-Natureness continues to increase the pirating evisceration that
hurtfully changes us and our world into clashes that break it and us.
Our relationships with self and others must become 3-way, with Natureness being one of the three, anytime, any place.
Try Natureness free when it appears as you scroll down into a flower bed, below.
We welcome your donation to participant scholarships and jobs
ECOFACT 14: What to do: Reasonable Intention Fullfillment
Activity C from/for ECOFACT 17
As stated, Natureness in a natural area changes our objectifying nouns and ways into us
loving-to-become-harmonious life and unite rather than break our world.
This makes our good intentions stronger by 850% because it engages all our 54 senses, not just five of them.
It helps us makes space for Nature to 54-sense compost and recycle our
painfully misguided thoughts and acts into its immediate love to begin pure life.
For example, if you love a Rose for its color and fragrance, you
substitute “You” with Youness, enjoying words with Roseness’s colorness
and fragranceness here and now.” (Translation: you love a rose’s color
and fragrance.)
Your great truth becomes “Youness are safely loving a roseness’s colorness
and fragranceness here and now that would otherwise continue to
pirate and deteriorate our worldness.”
this science-based, spacetime reality, 54-sense Natureness connects
what ails you with a rewarding, grounded, safe and reasonable, wordless natural
area lifeboat, not a pirate ship.
As a worded spacetime power it becomes your next moment in reality and
imagination. That moment is authentic Nature, including words, loving to begin pirate-free life.
Then by re-spirating you can continue yourness love to
live while Natureness consciously embraces youness in its 13.7
billion-year history of Natureness love that your pirating has learned to reject, deny or conquer.
This emancipates, rather than supports the prejudice and war of pirateness
It's like learning about peacemaking and justice with Mary Poppins to the benefit of all.
It has much greater impact and recovery rewards if you teach the
Natureness process to others. That's when you become Nature with words loving to begin
love is a wonderful and wise purity that you personify and can
experience and share with others in conjunction with a natural area, tree, cloud or potted plant.
For example. "Jody, take some deep breaths, respirate in a natural area and gain consent to call your attraction to a tree its Ness name and as well as call yourself your Ness name, Treeness and Jodyness.
- Say hello to Treeness, introduce yourself as Jodiness and exchange pleasantries.
- Ask Treeness, “Who are you without your name? Remember what Treeness replies.
- Ask yourself, Jodiness, “Who are you without your name? What do
you discover you and Treeness have in common or where words separate
- Tell Treeness what is attractive to you about it.
- Ask Treeness what about you is attractive to it and speak what it says
- Note what thoughts and feelings grow from engaging in this Natureness relationship.
- Tell Treeness what you would think, feel or do if somebody tried to take your
connection with it away from you. Ask Treeness the same about someone taking you
from it.
- Ask Treeness if it is attracted to you hugging it and do so if it's attractive to both of you.
- See if Treeness will help you discover what words or labels determine where you,
Jodyness, begin and it, Treeness ends or vice versa.
- Out of love or respect make a pact between Jodyness and Treeness that
would help Climate Therapy transform ecozombie Pirating into
- Ask Treeness what it would like to teach you or tell you. Then become Treeness and as it, tell this to Jodyness.
- Who are you as a non-pirate? Use your Natureness words to now tell yourself who you are without your name or without being a pawn for pirate kings.
- Now give yourself a valentine for what you have learned.
- Note any benefits you sense now and later.
- Sponsor or teach other pirates to do the same wherever you have influence.
- Join our, by donation, fiduciary, online, Climate Therapy Natureness program to beneficially share your "de-pirating" happiness and challenges with others who are also Naturnessing. (nature@interisland.net 1-360-378-6313) "
End Activity C
this process seems complex and lengthy as you read it, you can achieve
it in less than a minute by being your Natureness in a natural area, taking a few reconnect breaths, and
inviting an attraction there to respond to “Youness would love consent
from ‘Treeness’ to learn from it in safe, mutually beneficial ways."
With experience, once you
obtain that consent, you can let it help you immediately update and strengthen
personal, social and environmental well-being.
helps us label and speak the Tao as well as actualize Confucius: “The
beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right name.”
Without Natureness, since 600 BC, Buddha's and Thale’s natural deductive science
has preached against, but slowly created and supported, destructive
pirate relationships that have brought us today's runaway warring and natural resource bankruptcy.
In other words, keep Natureness respirating.
You happily benefit from the therapeutic ways of Nature’s
wordless love when you call natural things by their “Ness” name.
Whenever you do this it’s automatically an immediate, spacetime “green
hug 💚 ” of you or me (“Mikeness”, “Robertness” or “Janeness”) and
a Maple tree (“Mapleness” or “Treeness”) and maybe another person, too
Each participant then adds the newly created 54-sense
value of Ness to their life, as does the life of Maple treeness
or your petness, so all things unite.
That’s when great trustable truth attraction relationships
between things increases their well-being and happiness.
This is because attraction is scientifically the unconditional essence of love.
We welcome your donation to participant scholarships and jobs
ECOFACT 15: Natureness Rationale
Nature’s spacetime love to begin life, has existed since before
forever. Scientists discovered it in 1906 and validated it by 1970 as
the life of our Standard Space-time Universe.
is not the disorganized entropy and mechanical or inaminate ways of the
disproven and outdated Static Universe where time was actually a history story, a stable progression of the past into the present and future.
Time being Natureness's seamless love to begin life in the moment, has
been continually confirmed as a universal attraction force
since 1906. It became our Standard Model Universe's life by 1965.
sense of reason knows spacetime's life exists because if time stopped all
growth would stop and all things would disappear, including us, since
there would be no time or space to exist or respirate. This is the same truth as you are reading these words right now.
No question, spacetime is self-evident existential. Our life exists and is part of the spacetime universe.
In addition, you know if you want to arrange to meet someone or
something, you have to know the where (space) and when (time), not just
one or the other.
Spacetime is actually Einstein’s E=mc2. It states that mass
(like a tree or us) becomes Natureness’s wordless energy when its
velocity is immensely increased to the speed of light squared, and vice versa when that energy is
slowed down.
means the singular living essence or source of sub-atomic attraction energy
that holds a tree together, at a different velocity is the same
attractiveness of the physical tree and our 54-sense attraction to it
and vice versa.
Natureness is also the attraction "glue" that holds the birth of the big bang
Universe together as it grows. In fact, one of its original parts is a "gluon," a sub
atomic attraction- energy particle.
Scientifically, including respirating today, is how and why the life of all things,
including stories, memories and feelings have always been the Natureness truth
of a singular, oneness, spacetime, unity that we label Nature.
The facts of life in spacetime science include
1) Evidence for spacetime has only been validated in the past century.
2) Our human ability to tell stories that label things has only been part of spacetime for the past 150,000 years.
Our deceitful ecozombie pirate stories have put out of sight and
illegally buried the rest of spacetime's 13.7 billion year life so we
ignore it or cash in on it. We are breaking our world due to its
Note: This means via Natureness you can experience that death is really just a
pirate story since everything is alive as spacetime's wordless life.
The "dead" are simply other forms of life that as 53-sense non-pirates live, without words, in
and as natural areas.
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.
I am the gentle showers of rain,
I am the fields of ripening grain.
I am in the morning hush,
I am in the graceful rush
Of beautiful birds in circling flight,
I am the starshine of the night.
I am in the flowers that bloom,
I am in a quiet room.
I am in the birds that sing,
I am in each lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there. I do not die.
- Mary Elizabeth Frye
Humans that died and have promised to supportively love us forever, never left. They are
hiding wordlessly in natural areas because, if discovered, they know we pirates will make them walk
the plank for exposing us to the truth about our lies.
However, they are always Natureness respirating with us.
You have probably been deceived into felt sense thinking
you know your date of birth and how old you are. Instead of
continuing as a pirate, to be honest, here and now, try this. Simply add to your age and birthdate, the 13.7 billion years of Nature's wordless wisdom and love that our piracy stories keep stealing from us. That's your age, who you really are, that pirates are witholding from you.
By respirating, Natureness peacefully returns it to your inborn integrity.
If you can't make this or other corrections, not
to worry. Natureness inspiration loves them into being for us in a natural area and
you'll delightfully benefit from its trustable fact outcomes as others bring you there.
ECOFACT 16: Updating Pirating
any now moment since the beginning of time and before, shared, wordless
attraction/love energy is, by definition “Natureness.” This is the same truth as you are reading these words right now.
is because in Standard Universe spacetime, like a watered, growing seed, all things since the
beginning of time are all alive, growing and happening together at once
and as one unity, every instant.
54-sense register these things as real time experiences and/or as story or
memory experiences so we can relate to them. They are all present in any moment.
All are the same balanced and pure immediate energy-essence that is only available unadulterated in a natural area. The area is the Big Bang now.
All are Nature's spacetime wordlessly loving to begin life as one
single natural system, except that the life of our pirate stories excessively dis-integrate, subdivide and
exploit Nature to make it a weapon called money.
We learn to deny that we are victims of this conquest and that our wars are offshoots of its crumbling ways.
Since 1949, Natureness is a scientific update from the past 3,000 years when our "Static Universe" planet was
considered a dead, unlimited, ball of rock that would never run out
of its "natural resources" as it decayed into disorganized entropy. Too often we still treat Earth this way, not as a living organism.
forget that if we are aliveness, the essence of Nature, Earth and our
Universe must be aliveness because all things are oneness.
we and our words are not conscious of Nature’s
Natureness, our habitual, old and inaccurate, nature-disconnecting, pirate words lead us astray.
Because we lose our love of love then, we become vulnerable to further producing and suffering our hurtful
abuse and injuries from our war with Nature.
Whatever horrors we have done to people, we have earlier done or continue doing more so to Nature.
Fortunately, our
Climate Therapy Natureness partners help us remember to continually
connect each other with Natureness. Otherwise, as pirates we foolishly
keep using piracy to reduce it.
Natureness love is found
in 1) us as well as 2) natural areas and 3) other people, when it is
not hurtfully smothered, abused or replaced by our nature-disconnecting
pirate stories.
1, 2 and 3 makes our loss-of-Natureness pain change into reasonable
happiness as it motivates us to make natural area connections.
This is
like needing air and scientifically taking a breath whose beneficial
respirating effects are long-term and feel good.
ECOFACT 17: The Natureness A-E Activity Sequence
Flower Bed Relationships
Free: Here's how your, or other's, pirating abuse or trauma may recover and enjoy Natureness. Try or explore it here and now. Or download its instructions for use later.
A. Welcome to Natureness.
take a few deep breaths and find an attraction in your most attractive,
available natural area, backyard, backcountry, sky, pet or potted plant. Each is Nature's wordless love to begin life.
B. Use this Gaining Consent Activity to obtain permission from the attraction to visit it.
C. Do the What To Do activity "C" ECOFACT 14 (located above, select here)
time, two people can find the attractive "ness" in each other and share
the activity while each is also connected to a natural thing
for assistance.)
D. Do the Valentine activity. Save your "I love" responses to it for E.
E. Write a short statement like these about
the value of the activity and network it to those who would or should
appreciate it. Invite them to visit this page and do the activity
with you for its joy and benefits.
For assistance, contact your sponsor or facilitator
To help us help each other make peace rather
than continue to pirate and war against Nature, around, in and as us,
our Natureness program is a 54-sense, fiduciary “breathing
together alliance of folks who
1) Have read the Climate Therapy/Spacetime article and the interview of its author
2) Know or want to learn the greatest trustable Truth of their life from phone or personal contact
3) Are committed to helping each other reinforce our great truth Natureness and the exhibits in the Climate Therapy/Spacetime article
by creating and adding to it substantiating Natureness exhibits from
their personal experiences with real-life natural area contacts.
4) Who want to access and use the, above, workshop resources for reference via
http://www.Amazon.com/ search Reconnecting With Nature, by Michael J. Cohen,
ECOFACT 18: Making Peace Around, in and as You
Our pirating person/planet war is caused by conflicting Natureness facts. Do you now recognize their value?
From forever and before, as now, Nature's perfections consist of its love to begin
life. Its wordless intent to love things into being has never ceased or been
scientifically refuted. This is the same truth as you are reading these words right now.
Nature does not use words to function, people do, and we are only a
very recent pirate participant in Nature's eons. This includes aboriginal folks
once pirates conquer them.
Because, today, on average, 99% of our time is spent out-of-tune with Nature, Earth's recovery powers from our overuse of it are
45% deficient, bankrupt, and counting. This makes us addict to
continually want
more resources to satisfy that loss of Nature's love to begin our life.
This in turn increases our resource defecit and bankrupt planet.
Our words that disconnect us from Nature’s wordless love painfully increase its
and our abuse. For example, our conquer-Nature war stories denigrate
Nature as uncivilized so Nature’s love to begin life is our enemy, around in or as
us. Conflicted, we learn to sense it as savage, it frightens us so we excessively want artificial weapons and pacifiers.
Words that connect us to Nature's love help stop our prejudicial war
and increase the happiness of person/planet well-being. Nature’s
love easily accomplishs this because we are it speaking our learned
truths or lies. The lies hurt and create problems. Our Natureness truth is a unifying, mutually supportive personal and planetary joy.
secret to well-being is to know yourself by your ness name whenever
possible. This helps change each pirate moment into peaceful Natureness
relationships when all parties focus on the honesty of being the greatest truth in their life that they can trust.
Nature's peaceful balance and beauty loves us into beings whose Natureness can personify, speak and strengthen it.
For this reason, adding Climate Therapy to anything, helps remedy our distressful loss of Nature's love and heals our pain from this abandonment.
Without Climate Therapy Natureness,
on average, as pirates we spend 99% of our lifetime harmfully out of tune with
Nature and 95% indoors. This addictively makes us need more of
everything to replace our traumatic loss of Nature’s love.
Memo: To Natureness or pirate, that is the question.
If you want to get a certificate or degree by adding Natureness to what
you already know how to do, or inexpensively complete a degree program
this way, explore our
Climate Therapy Natureness path.
Diagram: The History of Nature's Life, Time and Space
Below is an illustration of the Universe's facts of its life whose Natureness essence says, "Since before forever, as now, Nature
is its wordless attraction (love) to
begin and grow life.
Option: for a complete exploration of this diagram, select here
Illustration by Pablo Carlos Budassi
that humanity and our language is Nature's last appearance, (At the right-side edge point). Without Natureness,
our stories lie to us because, without repeatable evidence, they declare some mystical
or supernatural fables created and own Nature's big bang history.
This falsehood can't prove its claim. It's impossible. Neither humanity or language
had been formed or was present in or as the Big Bang (The white center
We and our story ways of knowing arrived 13.7 billion years later and fabricated this distortion.
This destructive insult demeans Nature. It gives our "foreign" stories dominion over it. It is a runaway cancer that abusively eats away Nature's love to become Earth/us, so we suffer.
In response to this catastrophe, our Natureness's
greatest trustable truths peacefully
help Nature correct this injurious propaganda. They give Nature
accurate words that reasonably transform this painful slander into
scientific fact.
I believe in God only I spell it Nature.
- Frank Lloyd Wright
As long as we are attached or addicted to parts of our story world and its war, the addiction and war will continue.
Natureness helps us stop eviscerating Nature/Earth and, for profit, converting it into
money and our prejudicial war with Nature.
The solution to the war is to bond with Natureness by teaching it as a
hobby or livelihood and as part of a like-minded community. As the
community and Nature grow stronger, so does the war subside.
It makes sense that Society should fund that Natureness scenario rather than further deteriorate.
Return to Ecofact 2
Further Information
These links can help you meet any challenge by adding Climate Therapy to your interests, recovery, livelihood or education
( ) Explore your scientific origins www.ecopsych.com/journalslimemold.html
( ) Evaluate an interview www.ecopsych.com/janetinterview.html
( ) Read/review the article www.ecopsych.com/NATURENESSARTICLE.pdf
( ) Read a FAQ www.ecopsych.com/gttspacetime.html
( ) Discuss the process www.ecopsych.com/GTTPHONE.pdf
( ) Take a course www.ecopsych.com/orient.html
( ) Explore Respiration www.ecopsych.com/naturepath.html
( ) Investigate the book www.ecopsych.com/climatetherapy.html
( ) Get training or certification www.projectnatureconnect.org
( ) Learn Eco-Arts Therapy www.projectnatureconnect.org
( ) Receive a Grant www.projectnatureconnect.org
( ) Make a Donation https://greatnonprofits.org/org/project-natureconnect-inc?badge=1
( ) Obtain or complete your M.S. or Ph.D. Degree www.projectnatureconnect.org
Hi Ecozombie Pirates,
This is Fake News Please spacetime
examine all the parts of the wisdom indicator circle below. See if
its pirate lie that people who are destructively nature disconnected scare the circle's Natureness wisdom so it quivers.
Do things like rolling and blinking your eyes make
it shake while your intelligence
knows it is still? If yes, oh, you must have the quivering
nature-deficit disorder. NOT <grin>. You definitely need help from
Psychology's Climate Therapy shake-up <grin>.
What's actually true is that it Climate Therapy Natureness helps pirates and their kings transform into Natureness so they increase personal, social
and environmental well-being.
Cannon, W.B. (1932)). The Wisdom
of the Body.NY: W. W. Norton. [Online] Available:
• Cohen, M. J. (1993) Maverick Genius: the training ground of a
expert. (2014). [Online]
• Cohen, M. J. (1994) The
ways and means of Expedition Education. [Online]
Available: www.ecopsych.com/journalexpeditionedu.html
• Cohen, M. J. (1995). Education and counseling with nature: A
greening of psychotherapy. The Interpsych Newsletter,
Available: http://www.ecopsych.com/counseling.html
• Cohen, M. J. (1997). Reconnecting With Nature, EcoPress.
[Online] Available: http://www.ecopsych.com/insight53senses.html
• Cohen, M. J. (2001) The state of planet earth and us. [Online]
Available: http://www.ecopsych.com/zombie2.html
• Cohen, M. J. (2007). Thinking and feeling, and relating through
the joy of nature’s perfection. [Online] Available:
• Cohen, M. J. (2008). Educating, counseling, and healing with
nature. Illumina. [Online] Available:
• Cohen, M. J. (2009) How to transform destructive thinking into
constructive relationships.[Online] Available:
• Cohen, M. J. (2010). Planet Earth is a Living Organism. [Online]
Available: http://www.ecopsych.com/livingplanetearthkey.html
• Cohen, M. J. (2011) Thinking and learning with all nine legs. [Online]
Available: http://www.ecopsych.com/nineleg.html
• Cohen, M. J. (2011a). The anatomy of institutions. [Online]
Available: http://www.ecopsych.com/journalinstitution.html
• Cohen, M. J. (2012). A new Copernican revolution. (2012).
of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology, 2. [Online]
Available: http://www.ecopsych.com/journalcopernicus.html
• Cohen, M. J. (2013). The great Einstein sensory equation dance.
[Online] Available: http://www.ecopsych.com/journalgut.html
• Cohen, M. J. (2013a) The hidden organic remedy: Nature as higher
power. Journal of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction
Ecology, 1.
[Online] Available: http://www.ecopsych.com/eco800NHP.pdf
• Cohen, M. J. (2013b) The impossible dream: We ask you to be a
of it. (2011-2013). Journal of Organic Psychology and Natural
Attraction Ecology, 1. [Online] Available:
• Cohen, M. J. (2014) Our living universe: Who is the boss of
you? [Online] Available:
• Cohen, M. J. (2015). A Survey of Nature-connected learning
participants. [Online] Available:
• Cohen, M. J. (2016). With Justice For All. [Online]
Available: http://www.ecopsych.com/grandjury.html
• Cohen, M. J. (2016a). How To Liberate Your Natural Essence. [Online]
• Cohen, M. J. (2017). Organic
Therapy/Psychology: Planet Earth's
Revolutionary Wisdom. [Online] Available:
• Cohen, M. J. (2017a). The Scientific Core of all Known
Relationships: Attraction is Conscious of What it is Attracted
to. International Journal of Physical and Social
Science [Online]
Available: http://www.ecopsych.com/66IJMRA-11682.pdf
• Green, B. (2013). How the Higgs Boson Was Found Smithsonian
Magazine, [Online] Available:
• Mallory, S. (2017). The Accepted Proposal for a Ph.D. by
Stacey S.
Mallory, M.S. [Online] Available:
• Murchie, G. (1978). Seven Mysteries of Life. Boston,
Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin.
• Popova, M. (2012) The Quantum Universe. The Marginalian
Available: https://www.themarginalian.org/2012/02/13/the-quantum-universe-brian-cox/
The Living Nature and Essence of Ness: What Natureness is Attracted to do
- Maria Popova (updated in bold)
In science, as in
art, everything grows from what came before; everything is
connected by attraction to everything else because Nature is its wordless attraction (love) to begin life.
Attraction is the essence of love.
Consider the world around you. You are holding a book made of paper,
the crushed pulp of a tree. Trees are "machines" (not). They are growing life-forms that are attracted to take a supply of
self-organizing atoms and molecules, regrow them into new attractions and rearrange them into
cooperating colonies composed of many trillions of individual parts.
They do this using a molecule known as chlorophyll, composed of over a
hundred carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms attractively twisted into an intricate
shape with a few magnesium and nitrogen atoms attracted on. This assembly
of particles is attracted to capture the light that has travelled the 93
million miles from our star, a nuclear furnace the volume of a million
earths, and transfer that energy into the heart of cells, where it is
used to grow molecules from carbon dioxide and water, giving out
life-enriching oxygen as it does so. It’s these molecular chains that
love to form the superstructure of trees and all living things, the paper in
your book. You can read the book and understand the words because you
have eyes that are attracted to convert the scattered light from the pages into
electrical impulses that are interpreted by your brain, the most
complex structure we know of in the Universe. We have discovered that
all these things are nothing more than self-organized, attracted assemblies of atoms, and that
the wide variety of atoms are grown using only three particles:
electrons, protons and neutrons. We have also discovered that the
protons and neutrons are themselves made up of smaller entities called
quarks, and that it is where things stop, as far as we can tell today, 2012. (By
2022, gluons are known to attract quarks together and along with Higgs
boson fields and gravity they attract the Big Bang to grow into
constantly being more attractive, and attraction is the essence of love.
At the core of the Universe are a handful of grand life truths that
transcend the realm of science as an academic discipline and shine out
into the vastest expanses of human existence. Because in science, as in
art, everything is attracted to grow from what came before; that the essence of everything is
a singular oneness relationship of all things wordlessly connected together by Nature's space-time attractions that are conscious of what they are attracted to.
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