Nature-Connecting Degree Courses On Line: Natural Career
Education Personal and Professional Whole Life System Training Grants
and Jobs to Stop our Prejudice Against Nature Mental Disorders, Social
Madness and Global Insanity. PrejudiceAgainstNature.com
Prejudice Against
Nature ....
To put it simply, the state of the planet and our lives is broken." Making peace with Nature, around, in and as us, is the defining task of the 21st century. It is time to pull the green switch that makes peace and wellness." - Antonio Gutteres, UN Secretary
General (2021 extended)
![]() The "Pristine Truth" of this page's "Natureness" is the green switch that lets us make
peace with Nature as it is doing right now.
Visit it's Introduction to enjoy its benefits Dear Visitor, A critical moment is fast approaching. Now is the time to act powerfully if we care about the welfare of human and global life as we know it. We and Earth are at risk. Due to racial prejudice, it has taken
200 years to reduce our
irresponsible exploitation of people of color.
Due to sexist prejudice, it has taken 200 years to reduce our irresponsible exploitation of women. Today, however, we continue to injuriously act out our prejudice against nature, around us and within us. The frightening depth of our prejudice against nature and the natural has traumatized our sensibilities. It has reached the point where we are unable to admit, prevent or remedy our runaway conquest of and profiteering our manipulation of the natural world and its healing flow through our mind, body and spirit. Each year our unreasonable bias goads us to use 75 percent more natural "resources" than our living planet can produce or replace. Our prejudice against nature is an addiction. We can't stop even though we knowingly suffer from the personal, social and environmental deterioration that it causes including the pollution of our natural senses, thoughts and feelings. As if we are insane, we identify our excessive exploitation and destruction of nature to be progress, economic growth and civilization, not prejudice. We have yet to view our conquer-nature attitudes as detrimental discrimination. Most references to "prejudice against nature" on the search engines link to my 1982 book on the subject, or to my web pages and articles about it. As of September 11, 2001 there were no global or local searches for it. We are in denial. It is as if this prejudice does not exist and I have made a terrible mistake. I am actually a childhood fantasy, I'm Henny Penny (Chicken Little,) and the sky is not actually falling down. Here's what is really going on: Ancient humanity biologically and
culturally evolved in the tropics, the so-called "garden of eden."
our species was attracted to survive from additional life-support
relationships in new areas, our "tropical" body, mind and psyche had to
deal with
nature's fluctuations in these new areas. They were new threats to human survival.
To maintain human life we invented "techniques" that artificially maintained tropic-like conditions for us no matter where we located. For example, the art and science of fire-building provided heat when it was cold; agriculture provided food when its availability waned; strong, stable indoor shelters replaced adverse weather conditions; stored medications replaced unavailable seasonal remedies in the environment. Ancient shamanistic stories of ancestral human/spirit relationships with nature/god beings were replaced by stories of God existing in an earth-separated heaven. This produced stories that did not make our excessive conquest/exploitation of Nature an immoral or irreligious act or sin since God was not in Nature. Instead, from His heavenly home God urged humanity to multiply and subdue the Earth and replenish it with people and dominate it. Humanity became physically and psychologically dependent on its wits, stories and artifacts. The latter became far more important than the vital pulse of nature that, for eons, intelligently sustained the global web-of-life plant, animal and mineral community in balance and purity. Our socialization increasingly rewarded our psyche with the benefits and monetary profits from artificial survival. This addicted us to human superiority stories and artificiality along with our nature-disconnected leaders, technology inventors and institutions. Today, our indoctrination continues to addict us to our creative conquest and replacement of nature's balanced and purifying wisdom of the ages. Our thinking is prejudicially indoctrinated to applaud its "indoor stories and creations" as more intelligent than, and far superior to nature's self-correcting balance and purity. As greater industrialization has produced greater monetary profits for exploiting nature, our natural thoughts, senses and feelings have addicted to prejudicially seeking financial gain from nature, while dismissing nature as the true source of survival in balance. Nature became, and remains, an addictive monetary profit resource rather than being the essence of life in balance. This addiction is runaway. It has very little to do with obtaining satisfactions from our survival in equilibrium with nature's self-governing, organic perfection. Instead we gain emotional and economic fulfillment from social prestige, power, economics, fashion and excessive standards of living that powerfully overwhelm and pollute nature in and around us. Our warped prejudice against nature removes even our most reasonable thoughts, feelings and relationships from the healing and purifying ways of nature's intelligent, self-balancing essence. This prevents most of us from enjoying a long proven remedy for the "unchangeable" personal, social and environmental disorders that we suffer. Industrial Society is fully aware of its destructive effects. Subconsciously, we are deeply alarmed and ashamed of our irresponsible prejudice against nature in people and places. It is the same shame we allow ourselves to feel about the holocaust, our gender bias or our discrimination against people of color. Our shame prevents us from admitting that we continue to practice our unreasonable prejudice against nature and further deteriorate the web-of-life. Instead, we continue to believe that nature is dangerous, dirty or a "resource," that needs to be conquered and exploited. "OBJECTIVE" SCIENCE IS PREJUDICED AGAINST NATURE
"Francis Bacon started it in the 16th Century with his scientific method which was based on separating ourselves from nature, believing this was necessary in order to gain objective knowledge. With the scientific method, nature could be "forced out of her natural state and squeezed and molded." Bacon's scientific method was based on power, control, and coercion--"the power to conquer and subdue" nature, whom he referred to as a "common harlot." Bacon introduced the concept of perpetual war against nature. Bacon was the one who secularized the dictum of St. Thomas Aquinas--to be in this world but not of it. Then comes Rene Descartes with nature as a clockwork mechanism and mind/body dualism. Combined with Sir Isaac Newton, the foundation was laid to transform "worthless" matter into valuable wealth. The goal, according to Descartes, was to "make ourselves masters and possessors of nature." His vision stripped nature of its aliveness. John Locke said, "Land that is left wholly to nature, is called as indeed it is waste." Locke believed that as long as humans were vulnerable to the forces of nature they could never be secure, and that "the negation of nature is the way to happiness." This all provided the philosophical justification for our separation from nature, and paved the way for our physical separation in the enclosure movement as people were removed from their ancestral grounds. Some historians call this the revolution of the rich against the poor." - David Ewoldt Being in blind denial of our prejudice, we seldom recognize that, since we are part of nature, our prejudice against it deteriorates vital parts of our natural self. Our resulting emotional pain and self-destructive thoughts and feelings underlie most of our personal, social and environmental disorders. By not recognizing the underlying prejudice against nature cause of our greatest problems, we also can't see that Natural Attraction Intelligence and its practical process of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN) provides us with a potent sensory preventative and antidote for our prejudice and disorders. ECHN gives us a tool and remedy for what ails us. It works because its activities are social technology tools that empower us to genuinely interlace our psyche with authentic nature. They help us learn to think like nature works in cooperative ways to produce the wellness of its renewing balance and beauty. ECHN activities enable us to produce an emotionally fulfilling, mutually supportive familiarity with the essence of the natural, a relationship and embrace that erases our prejudice against nature. Most nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts are compassionate about the plight of nature in and around them. Teamed up with ECHN their consciousness becomes the poweful key to helping Industrial Society remedy the prejudice against nature that undermines and eludes us. NATURE LOVERS, HELP WANTED: Let your deep respect for nature and its spirit improve your life and all of life. Learn and teach the balanced sensory science of Educating Counseling and Healing with Nature. Take advantage of subsidized nature-connected degrees, courses and careers online. Enhance your profession and your personal relationships Empower your passion to "green" industrial society and stop our pollution and global warming. If you have ever had a good experience in nature, I invite you to visit www.NaturalAttractionEcology.com Owls and Howls, Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
article, below, demonstrates that an
unreasonable prejudice against nature in Industrial Society underlies
our greatest personal, social and environmental disorders.
The participants who
use the Article's organic
process benefit
from in-depth socio-environmental education activities, materials,
books and essays. They empower themselves to cope
with many
forms and types of
prejudice against nature. The participants strengthen their
inborn love of the natural as they master the ECHN science of
nature-connected alternative
therapist coaching,
stress release management and holistic spiritual psychology.
socialization (read "brainwashing" or
"indoctrination") by
Industrial Society emotionally attaches our psyche to an
arrogant human superiority story. The nature-disconnected bigotry in
that story
prejudices our thinking
against the wholesome energies of nature in people and places. It
teaches us
that it is "normal" to conquer and exploit the manifestation or
expression of nature wherever it appears, including, for example,
as our natural senses and feelings, or in landscapes, habitats, Native
Americans, people of color, women, children,
minorities, sexism, age, plants, animals and minerals. Our
vicious discrimination denies nature's and life's
right to life. It thinks it is "progress" to
manipulate or demean the flow of natural systems in and
around us.
For this distorted reason we applaud and fund our
"improvements" that
interrupt or alter nature's self-correcting and restorative ways. Our
unabated, but biased, creativity too
often undermines nature's
self-organizing, natural attraction process that has sustained Earth's
purity, balance and well-being through the eons. Our
anti-nature thinking results in in the deteriorating state of the
natural world. We have empowered ourselves to enact and impose our
nature-disconnected stories, thoughts and feelings upon the helpless,
non-literate natural world. We
don't listen to nature's
words because nature does not use words, it uses sensory/emotional
callings that we suppress. Our
prejudice against nature makes us reject the supportive guidance,
healing and natural attraction balance that nature offers to all of
life, that clarifies thinking and reduces
prejudice. With its meaning and images
missing in our thoughts and feelings, we become unbalanced. ARTICLE: "It's as easy as ABC to live in balance: A. Remember that before humanity emerged, the natural attraction, self correcting ways of nature/earth produced their special perfection: their optimums of life, diversity, balance, cooperation and well-being without garbage or pollution and without the excessive abusiveness, greed, isolation and disorders of contemporary society. B. Remember that as part of nature, each of us is born in, and inherits all these natural attraction sensibilities and that we learn to bury them in our subconscious under the prejudiced against nature stories that indoctrinate us into Industrial Society. C. Moment by moment find and support natural attraction energies in yourself and others. Our conscious connection with them lets their wisdom help us sustain personal and global balance." - Michael J. Cohen If
we are to prevent the increasing environmental and social disasters
that now face us, it makes sense to clearly identify and address the
elusive core of how and why, against our will and better judgment, we
continue to deteriorate personal, social and environmental well
being. The heart of our major
problems is that our thinking
flawed and the flaw prevents us from using a tool that can help us
remedy the flaw. The
ways and means of contemporary humanity, as well as each of us
personally, are natural currents in the river whose consciousness has
become prejudiced against
the river. Our awareness is isolated and technologically overpowering
due to the insensitivity of its disconnection overpowering our natural
senses. Nature-centered
people(s) seldom cause the problems produced by the ways of Industrial
Society. They are, however, subject to them along with the rest of the
web-of-life. In
the webstring model, life itself, and all forms of life, express, and,
as best
they can, enjoy a natural attraction to remain alive. Without
stating it, our thoughts and acts are engaged in an undeclared war
against nature, in and around us. In the 1980's a petition
sent to ask Congress to officially declare war on nature so that people
would at least become aware of this secret conflict. It was,
of course, ignored. A good definition of
prejudice is
that it is an unreasonable pre-judging attitude that is, due to
bonding, unusually resistant to rational influence. A
sensory tool, the Webstring Natural Attraction Model
enables our
thinking to genuinely reconnect with the river and incorporate its
supportive ways. Uniquely, the Webstring
Natural Attraction Model
recognizes our prejudice against nature as the anomaly that we must
address to improve well-being at all levels. Every
aspect of
humanity and all of life is
naturally part of and supports nature. The main exception is our
and feelings
that are prejudiced against nature. Our prejudice excessively
separates us from Earth's life community. It destructively makes us
different than every other member of the plant, animal and mineral
kingdom and their spirit. "From the masses to the
The most Revolutionary consciousness is to be found Among the most ruthlessly exploited classes: Animals, trees, water, air, grasses." - Gary Snyder
* * *
Prejudice Against
a metaphor for today.
to 48 of our 53 natural senses and at
least 19 axiom truths
about how nature works, contemporary people today are no different
than the blind Governing Council of an island society that consisted
entirely of non-sighted people. Citizens on that island were content
and adequate in their uniquely adapted ways, even though a rare disease
totally numbed each person into blindness by the age of two years old.
One day, Gulliver, a shipwrecked castaway, half-dead, washed up on the island. Compassionately, many community members of the blind society nurtured him to full recovery. Then he became the bane of their existence. He constantly demanded things unknown to them in their blindness: windows, lights, books, television, painted colors and sunglasses. The Governing Council investigated and discovered Gulliver's trouble. Gulliver had organs that could see. The blind council members, in their great wisdom, solved the problem; they took his sight away. They removed his "troublesome ability to see" from their island community society. They surgically numbed his optical nerves in the same way theirs were numbed by some unknown early childhood disease. Although he adjusted to his loss, Gulliver emotionally hurt whenever he thought about how this island community society had deadened his sense of sight. Gulliver discovered that when he visited natural areas many of his remaining 52 natural senses became stronger and they more energetically registered in his awareness. This was similar to the renewal provided by you or I taking a quiet walk in the park or along a beach. This contact with nature invigorated him and helped him clarify his thinking. Soon, Gulliver invented a reinforcing science for this nature-reconnecting process. As he practiced it, his sensory connections to the self-correcting and restorative healing powers of natural systems within and around him further strengthened. Slowly, nature's flow, in and around him, recycled his psyche. It composted and transformed the numbing agent that was introduced by the surgical procedure that made him blind. His eyesight slowly un-numbed and returned. Gulliver told his blind island friends about the resilience, energy and sensibility he had found through his new nature-reconnecting tool and about his delight in improving his sight, life and health. Alert members of the island community learned his art, thrilled to similar results and helped others do the same. In time, most of the island community society regained sightedness and increased their well being, happiness and ability to think in whole ways. In the process, with gratitude and thoughtful passion they became protective of nature because they loved it for its gifts to them. This made sense, felt right and further helped them heal. They lived with Gulliver and the environment in greater peace and balance. * * *
Although humanity is born as part of nature, a seldom recognized disassociative process makes contemporary people as blind as Gulliver's sightless islanders to important attributes and values of the natural systems that flourish within and around us. We plant the seed of blindness-to-nature in a child by, as noted above, rewarding the youngster for living indoors, separated from nature, over 95% of the time and to then perceive or think that people are different than nature. We nurture this seed by applauding the youngster for spending 24,000 hours of their developmental years being educated indoors, and learning to expertly think, feel and relate through abstract words, belief stories and technologies that are foreign to nature and that often mislead, demean or conquer natural systems in and around us. This is elegantly conveyed by observing the affects of labels and symbols on just one of our 53 natural senses, the sense of taste: 8/6/07:
Researchers gave a group of 3-5
year old children two identical
servings of many different kinds of food. The only difference between
the two servings was that one was wrapped in a McDonald's wrapper, the
other in a plain wrapper.
Overwhelmingly, the children said the food placed in the McDonalds wrapper tasted better. Their natural self had been misled. Their senses and sensibilities had been prejudicially brainwashed by the "story" on the wrapper before they were age six. "Demonstrates that
advertising literally brainwashes young children"
- Dr. David Katz, Yale University School of Medicine What we produce in Industrial Society is an adult whose mentality, 99.9% of the time, enjoys rewarded emotions, sensitivities and thinking conveyed by prejudicial "McBurger-type" stories that provide rewards. We have been addictively disconnected from nature and are thereby unable to register, relate to, or benefit from the cooperative ways and wisdom of nature's grace and regenerative powers. In this McBurgered, nature-desensitized, mediated state, we claim ourselves to be king of the global life community, to be an advanced form of intelligence and consciousness. We can fly to the moon, but we can't live in balance with our supportive home planet or each other. Like a cancer we overrun, pollute and destroy natural systems in people and places while we are fully knowledgeable that nature designs these systems, like our sense of taste, to support our life and sanity. If somebody shows us how we are acting harmfully to the global life community, our society and ourselves, we deny it, for our senses can not tolerate such insensibility. We are paid and otherwise rewarded to be "normal." In our denial, we offer progress, God's will and economic growth as rationale for our injurious effects. Is education based on good information the answer? Does telling an adult that the two foods in different wrapper are identical change how the foods taste to them, or has that individual's taste prejudice become fixated? You have been given information here about our society's prejudice against nature. Has it changed your behavior? Have you/we been McBurgered into being a good citizens of a society that deteriorates nature within and around us?
Since we suffer
from our thinking being prejudiced against and therefore disconnected
from nature, the Model's process enables our thinking to appreciate
genuinely reconnecting with nature and its beneficial grace, balance
and restorative powers, backyard or backcountry. Mutually supportive
familiarity is a
profound remedy for prejudice. The ways of the Model help us
discover, build and strengthen a mutually supportive familiarity with
nature and its flow through us. The
Model contributes to
well-being by providing us with activities that enable us to
create conscious sensory moments in natural areas, moments that let
Earth teach. During these moments, our natural attraction senses
interlace with
and connect our ability to think and feel with its origins in the
corrective callings and ways of natural systems. This helps us
us un-bond from the unreasonable and, in addition, reconnect any or all
of 53
natural senses
in our psyche, to nature's balancing sensitivities and its
eons of
whole-life experience. During
these connective moments, nature and our thinking become a flowing
continuum, as of old. This empowers our thinking to recycle
garbage that has been placed in our psyche by our prejudice, so we may
think clearly, like nature's perfection works. Over time,
this process
becomes a habit because it rewards us by feeling good and making sense.
we practice this natural attraction habit, it helps us feel and act
more sensibly. We tend to be disenchanted with the manipulating
"McBurger effect" and might try to remove it from our socialization by
imagining a skull and crossbones on the McBurger wrapper.
To bring
to mind how Webstring Model connections feel, try to remember, for a
few minutes, a good experience you have had in nature, one you would be
attracted to repeat again because it was attractive.
Can you remember and feel colors, sounds, aromas, textures or flavors that might have been part of the experience? Can you feel comforting motions or attractive feelings of community, trust or place? Do you feel this connection is enchanting, self-enhancing or spiritually pleasing? Is it supportive, peaceful or both? Does it help you sense that
you are part
of a greater whole? The above are some of the
results that individuals
have reported from remembering their attractive experiences in
As demonstrated by the
pre-Columbian natural
and its people in North America, nature produces these natural optimums
without creating garbage or pollution, nothing is left out. In
addition, things in nature seldom suffer the excessive abusiveness,
greed and disorders that result from the ways of contemporary society. A heightened
ability to thoughtfully map the world in our consciousness and to
design tools for survival was one of our adaptations to life in the
temperate and arctic zones. However, unlike nature-centered
societies, our map for survival short-circuited itself.
prejudice against nature rejected nature-connected relationships as a
prime source of information, survival and happiness. Instead,
prejudicially, the map's rationale said that we must conquer, exploit
and "improve" natural systems to survive, produce our artificial indoor
kingdom and thus achieve happiness. It bonded our thinking to
our control-nature stories. Our loss of the balancing and
of natural systems in our thinking made us destructively excessive as
well as unable to stop being excessive. Our
holocaust against natural systems has destroyed 85 percent of the
American wilderness and it has injured people. It has knowingly
released toxic
pollutants that cause health disorders to most forms of life.
have been alerted en-masse to this situation since, at least, 1948
through the best-selling books Road
to Survival and Our
Planet and
Silent Spring. However, our socialized bonding
to our prejudice
nature makes us continue on our destructive path, even while we admit
that our nature-exploitive relationships are excessive, irrational and
symptoms of insanity. We suffer
from our loss of nature, from being manipulated to want "more of
more power, money, materials, sensations, tranquilizers, chemically
induced euphoria and relationship
satisfaction. Because, due to our prejudice against nature, we are missing sensible and rewarding co-creative relationships with nature, our unsatisfied wants drive us to inappropriately produce: -
excessive air, water, land and mind pollution, agricultural clearing,
cultures, livestock grazing, predator extermination and global warming; To sustain its health, the
river of
gives every part of life, including us, a diverse, but equal, right to
life and
well-being This is nature's attractive way to support life in
balance. Due to our prejudice against
nature we
because our prejudiced thinking injures natural systems, as described
above. Once injured in the environment, the flow of these injured
systems can't correctly support our body, mind and spirit, and vice
versa. Our nature-dysfunctional
thinking seldom recognizes
like a disease, we suffer from a nature bigotry that injures and
unbalances both our psyche and our planet. To remedy it, we
must learn to expertly address it as such. The train's original track
consists of a non-polluting, unifying and balancing attraction dance
that the train itself
designed. It followed that track for eons before our story
world decided
that it/we were super
intelligent so we could take over and run the railroad.
and materials of the Webstring Model enable us to do exactly the same
thing with regard to our prejudice against the natural world. They
empower us to reverse our irrational thinking and feeling that pit us
against the inherent wellness of the unadulterated global life
community. “If we don't use
and support the Webstring
Natural Attraction Model, is it because the
Model is not reasonable and it does not work or make sense? Or is it
because, as with Gulliver, our sense-numbing
prejudice against nature
has blinded us to the model's vital contribution?” Support and
training to use and
teach the Model is available to those who recognize its value and benefits.
http://www.ecopsych.comEnjoy further information about Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology:
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