Challenge: The Considerations of a Nature Expert Repair the Destructive Story That Erodes Our Well Being "Get real. Show me a
place or relationship that, since the beginning of our Universe, has
or does not consist of the unifying power of natural attraction to bind things
together, to attach
them in ways that become and strengthen the whole-life
perfection of nature's purity,
balance and beauty...around and in us. Show me something that,
like the Higgs Boson, gravity or nature itself, accomplishes this magnificent feat without producing garbage, pollution and the other disorders that we suffer.
have yet to find anyone that can produce an example of whole, natural,
This is simply because its existence is a complete and unmitigated lie
with respect to the totality of nature, including humanity.
It doesn't happen on a macro level in nature, with one,
well-hidden exception." Are you the one? Can you identify anything in our Universe that is not composed of natural attraction energy? How could it be so if the Big Bang was a high energy, unified attraction field that forms the Standard Universe and a thing is part of this Universe? A split second after the universe began it was an ionized plasma where matter and radiation were inseparable due to attraction which was attracted to grow into the Universe of this moment. I
ask this question because when you build relationships, or an
automobile, on faulty information including half-truth science, you end
up with destructive and disturbing results, like, for example, a car
with no brakes, or people with runaway personal and social needs that produce detrimental effects. The Natural Attraction Ecology
webstring model is a sensory tool that enables those who use it to
prevent and/or remedy this problem by using self-evident information.
SYNOPSIS: This challenge for nature-connected relationships describes a significant breakthrough: a therapeutic online course and antidote for the excessive disconnection of our psyche from nature's flow and its destructive results. It identifies a remedy that we hold in common with nature, a sensory science challenge from me to you as well as a funded online degree program. The ecopsychology arguments of its educating, counseling and healing with its controversial nature process supports nature's path to Earth and humanity in peaceful balance. You may learn how to use this organic psychology tool to improve health wellness and counseling. It is an encounter that helps the people who use it, save you or me from enticing an individual's thinking and feeling to safely tap into the truths of nature's balance and beauty. Participants master alternative therapist, coaching and holistic spirituality that enables their clients to meet special needs and wants. PROGRAM
DESCRIPTION: Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature Supportive Degrees, Career Training Courses and Jobs On Line PROGRAM OVERVIEW: Individuals who have enjoyed a
quiet visit in a natural area often report that their sensory contact with nature's
balance and beauty increased
their well-being. They say that the connection renewed
their psyche,
their mind and
energized their spirit. To this end, the remarkable process of Educating, Counseling and
Healing With Nature empowers
anyone, anytime, to increase personal, social and environmental
well-being, and to help others do the same. Our
participants learn how to help nature's self-correcting ways interlace
with their mind, body and spirt. This enables participants, along with
their clients or family, to increase wellness by more adequately
thinking, feeling and relating like nature's perfection works. Project NatureConnect offers you a key to success, nature-centered, distant learning process and strategy. It enables you to daily add the benefits of nature-connecting methods to your degree program and/or your skills, interests and hobbies. Our program honors your critical thinking, prior education and life experience in most areas of interest by providing grants and credit for appropriate life experience. You may find and take accredited or professional CEU coursework for a certificate or degree in most disciplines or personal interests. A partial subject list is located at the bottom of this page. Visit our Homepage for complete information The Core Truth that Confronts You and Me
Natural Science With Attitude: rational growth urges emanating from nature-connected empirical thinking and feeling instill unity and remedy disorders. INTRODUCTION The Natural Attraction Ecology Webstring Model (NAE)
defines the Big Bang and the eons that have followed it as a singular
attraction "energy dance" (NA) growing, expressing and manifesting itself in
moments. On July 4, 2012, a year after this article was written, the discovery of the Higgs Boson validated
this fact and has been added to the article. NA is the fundamental formative and connective life-essence of all things, including our senses, body, mind and spirit. For this reason, our sensation of thirst (along with our 52 other NA senses) is part of our moment by moment umbilical cord to Mother Earth and the eons. NA is basic, a "oneness." It is like the color black that "has the power" to make visible these many different words that you now read so you may be conscious of them and think, feel and act from them. Our disorders stem from our thinking and feeling being excessively disconnected from conscious contact with the unifying oneness power that produced our 53 senses and NA in natural areas. To solve our problems, the use of Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE) restores our contact with NA and helps us bring its balancing and purifying powers into our psyche. This
page explains and defends the use of the following Natural Attraction Ecology
(NAE) guideline activity to improve any relationship or discourse in a
good way. (You might first want to become familiar with Natural Attraction Ecology) THE NAE GUIDELINE ACTIVITY: Moment
by moment, the unifying pulse of the natural attraction dance in places and people holds
things together
in balance today, as has been true from the beginning of time. The
sensibility of the "turn
and turn off" sense of thirst and our relationship to water and
water cycle exemplifies this. It shows that "thirst" is a homeostatic intelligence
that we inherit as part of nature. It knows when we do or don't need
water and it lastingly communicates this information in a peaceful and balanced way. In
the minuscule fractions of the first second after their pure single creation from
"nothing", the first particles and energies of our universe, including the Higgs Boson and an explosion of "Gravity Attraction,"
appeared like one seed containing the essence of intelligence, life and energy that it needed
to grow and mature attractively, over eons, into the attractive
universe of this moment. The first particles and energy either contained, had an instinct to, or simply were "attractioning" to form,
grow, cool and coalesce, to attach to each other in purity and balance.
Over the eons, they have grown the seed into
the "Now," the present moment, the self-correcting flow of energy and atoms
of the universe that are found in all things, including our sensory selves and
psyche. In
my Plant Physiology class we made balls of wet Plaster of Paris that were a
little smaller than a tennis ball. While the plaster was wet we
pushed a kernal of corn, a corn seed, into the middle of the ball and
sqeezed the ball closed around it. The ball hardened in an hour
and it was completely set as a hard rock ball within three days.
A week later the rock ball cracked open from the growing power of the
corn seed. It seemed impossible but the power of Natural
Attraction was clearly demonstrated in a single seed, mind you without the help of the Army Corps of Engineers. The source of the original natural attraction seed of our universe is unknown and is too often destructively argumentative. Wars are sometimes fought between those who are attached to different origin stories or opinions. Millions have been killed and continue to be put in harms way over the differences in creation stories our psyche becomes attached to, especially during early childhood. One study offers that throughout history 809 million people have died in religious wars alone. For those who believe in the "existence of God story" it is helpful to recognize the source of the natural attraction seed dance and its growth into nature/universe as the will of God expressing itself. In that case, to in any way harm nature's integrity would be against the will of God. That is the definition of a sin: a deliberate disobedience to the known will of God. Our 53 natural senses can register natural attraction at work at any time in a natural area, backyard or backcountry as well as in our selves. Natural attraction supports the one, single, whole web-of-life, including all its parts. Again, this includes the growth and well-being of ourselves and our natural attraction sensitivities and sensibilities. Our
misguided attachments to stories that lead our psyche, thoughts and
feelings to omit genuinely connecting with the whole of nature, the real thing, are the dualistic heart
of our dilemmas. Our limited and limiting attachments that result from this duality contain mind-polluting NNIAL toxins that make us loose the wisdom, good energies and balance
that promote life in balance and that we seek. It is as if, from womb to tomb, our nature-disconnected stories indoctrinate or addict our thoughts and feelings to suck from the nipple on a bottle of booze that we have invented, rather than from the NA breast of Mother Earth. Nurturance from our Earth Mother is a readily available, rewarding, procedure that is the prime remedy and preventative for the whiskey nipple. Since
the beginning of time, attraction powers of the Higgs Boson (HB) have
held the universe/nature together in its perfection. Personal and
environmental disorders arise simultaneously whenever we excessively
separate the HB in our senses, thoughts and feelings from HB in nature.
-Robinson Jeffers
human being is a part of a whole, called by us -universe-, a part
limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and
feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical
delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for
us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few
persons nearest to us."
Here is some consistent
knowledge that has been consistently ignored. (What do you think we are we
waiting for? Note the dates on the quotes, below):
"May the force be with you" - Obi-Wan Kenobi et al (Star Wars) Elements of NA gravity, electromagnetism and nuclear forces became unified into a single super attraction to dance. As expansion and cooling started, a mix of matter and antimatter appeared and they were attracted to annihilate matter in a burst of radiation, leaving behind randomly scattered pockets of matter that make up the universe today. This can also be seen as the attraction of matter to survive as it has, in balanced ways with the whole of attraction. One
estimate is that if you eliminated all the attraction space between
particles of matter in the universe, a solid "material ball" would be
produced of matter whose diameter would be only the size of a
football field. As
cooling and growth continued, resonating "strings" developed whose pulsating
attractions attached to other pulses to begin to form a wide variety of
sub-atomic particles. The Gluon and Higgs Boson particle may have been part of that process.
Then, for 13 billion years that followed, the natural attraction to grow, expand and cool continued through eons, attracting atoms, light and hydrogen-helium fusion stars and gravity to form, as exemplified by our sun as it functions now. (see #6 in the sequence at http://ssscott.tripod.com/BigBang.html) In modern molecular biology and genetics, the genome is the
entirety of an organism's hereditary information. The genome for life
has been considered to originate, not on Earth 3.5 billion years ago, rather
10 billion years ago, or more, in the natural attraction of atoms during that
period. The
sun is very attractive. It attracts the Solar System to orbit around it
while attracting Earth's life community to grow in cooperative balance. Part of
this process was the creation of our 53 natural attraction senses so
that we could register, think and consciously participate in the Earth's web of life in a good way....to the benefit of all. Too often we ignore that Natural Attraction's attraction to become something like water also became the sensory homeostatic attraction of thirst
to connect life forms with water. Similarly NA sensory
attraction to grow "food" also grew sensory attraction to food that we
call our natural sense of hunger occasionally along with taste and smell.
This is also the biology for our 50 other natural senses. Culturally,
we label and define the above sensitivities in many ways, depending on our
overriding cultural story: non-material, spirit, needs, drives, fairys,
instincts, gods, love, angels, wants, energy, light, consciousness, divas etc.
Scientifically, however, the totality of NA, its
properties and its subdivisions are seen in the Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE) webstring model as the singular, alive, prime
connection and growing force of the eons, as the uni in universe and Grand Unification.
To repeat, as such, the dance of natural attraction is labeled and capitalized here
as a
proper noun, as Natural Attraction (NA) that has its own wholeness,
properties and integrity. A proper noun can be a person, place or
thing, The dance of Natural Attraction is all three and the eons of time in
addition. The wonderful advantage of the scientific process that has identified the Standard Universe is that it enables our body, mind and spirit to live in and think with a reasonable, defined wholeness, not a misleading story or fantasy about it. We can choose to think in whole life ways because, like one and zero being the basis of mathematics, we have identified the start and unbroken eons of our attraction-based Universe that continues to love itself into being us as part of its next moment. This explains why the Project NatureConnect educational process consists of us learning how to create moments in our social life that let natural areas and Earth teach us what we need to know to live in the peace of personal, social and environmental well-being. Some individuals or ideologies maintain that the essence of the eons is not NA, rather it is "consciousness." However, when they include NAE ECHN activities in their practices and create sensory moments that let Earth teach, they discover:
In the NAE model, NA includes consciousness as an NA attribute, along with aliveness, non-literacy, intelligence and Love (NNIAL or CNNIAAL). The universe's original NA had the ability to pulsate (resonate), flow and grow into becoming the attractive time, space and matter that we now recognize as the dance of Universe/Nature. The universe, as well as each of its parts, including us and our psyche/mind, is held together/unified by the pulsating power of NNIAAL, NNIAAL is the pulse of its original, non-dualistic, natural attraction fundamental. With the confirmed evidence/symptoms of the Higgs Boson, NIAL has become more helpful as CNNIAAL The essence of NNIAL is its living pulse, the conscious aliveness of its constant love to grow more attractive relationships, moment by moment through the eons. This means that all things are alive, including natural attraction, and some may be to be slower or quicker form of aliveness, including our planet, Earth. This explains why "dead" things like rocks, stars and galaxies have life cycles. It also explains why individuals continually sensing and seeking natural attractions in natural areas experience healing, as exemplified by quiet or extended time in a park or other natural area. It is because:
Some individuals overlook that the life-dance of NA pulsates as it grows. They believe the "fact" that nature operates by attraction and repulsion. This reminds me of when I was a child taking classes in New York City, I rode the train home for 25 minutes from Manhattan to Long Island. In Manhattan I'd most conveniently board on the front of the train going EAST to Long Island. I knew that my best exit was from the back of the train when it reached Long Island, so during the train ride I'd purposely walk back, WESTERLY, 8 cars to get to the rear of the train. On the walk to the back I would occasionally meet folks I knew and I'd know for a fact that I'd reached the westerly back of the train when there were no further cars back there to walk through. My senses registered this experience. The fact that I could prove, that I knew for sure from experience, was that each week I had successfully met folks I knew and walked towards the WEST to fulfill my reasonable "back door exit" desire/attraction. This was empirical evidence and thinking. The other fact I knew for sure was that although I walked WEST for 25 minutes (not continuously for the train made several stops along the way), I ended up 20 miles to the EAST, at the train station on Long Island that was my goal. In addition, as it was carried by Planet Earth's attraction to rotate on its axis, the train and I moved another 380 miles eastward. (and to this would be added all the other motions of our solar system, galaxy, etc.) I often think of my childhood train ride as I watch the world stay insane because our thinking focuses us on the importance of our micro experiences within our indoor "in the train and its stops" thinking and society. Society pays us to omit appreciating that all the while we are, moment by moment, riding aliveness, the universe's ever present, whole life "singular natural attraction to grow and support the life of, Earth, nature and the universe, including us." I may need to revive Horace Greeley(1872) and, in full view of the media, have him tell us "Go EAST, young man, think EAST." Individuals who fail to meet the natural attraction challenge I present, above, almost always give examples of "repulsion" based on observations or experiences with some parts or isolated behaviors of or in nature. These are the micro, not the macro, whole earth or whole life or total unified field of the nature/universe/time dance, that is constantly present and sensed, but buried in our nature-disconnected awareness. (senses 52, 37) This
page can't bring us to NNIAL because the page consists of words and
images. Each is a duality. Each brings our consciousness to the meaning
we have learned to attach to the word or image. Each of them is a
representation of, not the reality of,
what they convey as a felt senses. They are imaginary. For
example the word "tree" and the felt senses of a real tree are two
different realities;
the word thirst and the felt sense/sensation of thirst are two
different ways of
knowing that register through two or more different natural senses.
Each is a "truth" of its own, so how do we, discover, think and
relate to reality, the real truth? The
experience of being treeness, a real tree, and the label for it "tree"
are completely different. Treeness is NNIAL, attraction-based
experience. "Tree" is simply a word, an imaginary abstract symbol literacy of the
treeness NA experience. This duality prevents our thoughts and feelings
from relating to treeness, how the intelligent integrity of the tree
knows itself to be. It is like comfortably standing in a boat and
then attempting to walk onto another boat. When you have one foot
in each boat and the boats spread apart, you lose your underpinnings
and end up in the water. This is similar when we may be on skiis or
roller skates, but not on a skateboard for the latter is one
"indivisible" thing. We
are in hot water because most of our
thinking and feeling is dualistic, rooted in two boats. One boat
is the word/story/symbol and the other registering the real thing via
our senses and sensibilities. Different parts of our brain register either our senses or our word abstractions. The secret cure is that when we relate to the
singular pulse of NA dance the duality is gone. Then the word "thirst" and the NA sense and feeling of thirstare
identical by definition and experience. The sensatiion of thirst
is not imaginary, it is self-evident. Trusting and validating our
senses "skateboard"
aligns our story world indivisibly with our sensory knowing. The
distortions from duality can be seen in believing that repulsion exists
in nature by observing a magnet. It is magnetic because all its
molecules lie in a unifying attraction to each other. Folks try
to prove repulsion is part of nature by separating two magnets that
hold each other together and then placing the like poles near each
other so they repel. (Does this disturbing act disturb the magnets?).
This, folks believe, demonstrates that repulsion is
also part of nature. (Does the magnet somehow register this as a
repulsive act? If not, why does it always try to re-align itself as it
originally was?) What a person's thinking overlooks in this
example is their duality. It is their "disturbing" story to
distort nature, to
turn the magnetic poles around, that produces the repulsion.
Nature does not make the story, our NA disconnected abstract
"scientific" thinking
imagines, creates and imposes the disturbance on the life of the magnets. If the
magnet(s) could speak
they might say "Leave us alone, we are now, and for eons, been happily attracted to each other
through NA; we are contributing to balance in this happy alliance and
we are causing no harm" In this example, we project
our repulsion story to be a repulsion property of nature, and the latter is not true. Without the
disturbing interference of our story world, the magnet is only
attracted to its
non-polluting original NA status, not to repulsion or to being
"repulsive" to itself and its environment. The
above paragraph holds equally true with capturing "wild and free"
natural electrons whose position can only be postulated, not
ascertained, caging them in machine that "domesticates" them with
powers that shoot them in a predetermined direction (unnatural) with an
introduced energy in an imaginary "creative" experiment that arranges
electrons et al in our mentality to motivate us to build and power the
shooting machine along with predetermined forms, directions and
targets. We then interpret the results as "objective fact" and come to
voodoo conclusions about the nature of the Universe that omit 50 or
more of our natural senses signaling to us that this is nonsense, that
the sensory intelligence of NNIAL has been omitted. Since NNIAAL is alive, "things" that seems like repulsion in nature's dance are actually the "things" being attracted to run for their life, run towards their whole life NNIAL attraction to support life, survival. Allow the magnets to be mobile and watch them again line up in north-south attraction. (Do you realize that we "harness" this NA power in magnets to make electricity. How has NNIAL been harnessed in you that so you sometimes feel like a cultural object? Is being "sentenced" as a child to 18,000 hours of indoor literacy and education a way of excessively harnessing us? When and where is the wisdom of NNIAL taught in the classroom?). Most
of the teachings of contemporary society and spirituality celebrate
love (read "attraction") as an essence of goodness, morality and spirit.
They preach that the world operates on and out of love, but,
disconnected from nature, they assign or worship that love as a story
or image, not as or from the essence of nature and contact with it.
This reduces essential support for nature, in and around us, and produces the
destructive outcomes that we suffer. Our nature-conquering thoughts and feelings disturb the world. This is because being excessively disconnected from NNIAL, we are disturbed personally, socially and environmentally. What is really disturbing is that our story world calls this disturbance "normal," "progress" and "economic growth." It pays us greater amounts of money as we learn to do it better and increase our disturbing effects on nature and each other. "America is an insane asylum run by the inmates." - Lester Roloff Different things experience or
relate to NA in different ways. The classic ability of
natural attraction to bind, resonate and unify a universal, wide range
of diversity where all things contribute and belong, identifies NA as a prime essence, an essence we sometimes call
unconditional love in that everything is naturally attracted to everything. Natural Attraction-love has the energy to bring together and feed
unique molecular attachments. So energized, these attachments grow into
attractive adult forms of life, including mineral crystals increasing in size.
By studying the way in which the universe
exists today it is possible to learn a great deal about its past. life, diversity, cooperation, balance, purity, beauty, community, wellness, sensitivity, renewal, fairness, organics, spirit, sustainability, self-organization, self-correction, intelligence, restoration, unification, cycles recycling and love
No surprise, the results of not thinking and feeling with all our 53 natural senses are sooner or later unbalanced, unattractive and destructive. The way to avoid this is simply choose to wear NA colored glasses so you can see the balance you are searching for. In the process you will discover that the violation of that balance in you is what is motivating you to search. The glasses consist of choosing to think, feel and relate through this simple adjustment of Industrial Society's foundation story: "Creation created our universe by planting a natural attraction big bang seed that knew how to organize and perpetuate itself in attractive ways, moment by moment." This adjusted story explains why we can't find anything that is not held together by natural attraction and why quiet time in a natural area momentarily recycles our misguided stories and promotes healing. Adjusting and balancing to a variety of environmental attractions, NA strengthens and weakens as it grows. This pulse can affect our thinking, feeling and spirit, along with everything else. However, we can produce and support beneficial long-term effects and well-being by, at any time, seeking how the whole of NA is operating successfully in any given moment. We can then connect with successful attraction to help our thinking do the same. Making this connection puts us in tune with the whole life power of the Earth and universe attraction-growth process. It is the heart of the science of Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE) and sustainability. We have all experienced samples of it when we have had a good experience in nature. NAE gives us the ability to have it available continuously as we learn how to experience and register the seamless flow of NA in and around us. In
this day and age, it is unreasonable, arrogant
and destructive for us to think that our attraction-fed psyche and
mentality is so intelligent that it can separate from nature, and on
its own create superior nature-disconnected stories and techniques for
building wholesome relationships. "Years ago, it meant something to be crazy. Now everyone's crazy." - Charles Manson We have yet to demonstrate that we can replace and substitute for the attraction-perfect way that nature continually works in balanced sustainablity and purity. “All
the green in the planted world consists of these whole, rounded
chloroplasts wending their ways in water. If you analyze a molecule of
chlorophyll itself, what you get is one hundred thirty six atoms of
hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen arranged in an exact and complex
relationship around a central ring. At the ring's center is a single
atom of magnesium. Now: If you (or NA) remove the atom of magnesium and in its
exact place put an atom of iron, you get a molecule of hemoglobin. The
iron combines with all the other atoms to make red blood ... “ ~ Annie Dillard, from her Pulitzer Prize winning book, “Pilgrim at Tinker Creek”. SUMMARY:
Moment by moment, the singular life-pulse of NA holds things together
in balance today, as has been from the beginning of time. In
minuscule fractions of the first second after their creation from
"nothing", the first particles of our universe were attracted to self-organize,
to coalesce, to be attached to each other to become the seed of the universe,
including ourselves and our psyche. Our
misguided attachments to stories that motivate our psyche, thoughts and
feelings to omit genuinely connecting with nature, the real thing, are the heart
of our dilemmas. These limited and limiting attachments make us loose the wisdom and good NA energies
that we seek.
We often learn to think that we deserve to have good feelings because we have thought or acted in a socially acceptable way. We seldom learn that we inherently deserve to have good feelings. They are naturally attractive, hormonally produced (endorphin-dopamine) rewards from Mother Earth and the universe for fulfilling one or more our NA senses, including our senses of consciousness, literacy and reason. For example, when we drink water to fulfill our NA sense of thirst, we not only feel satisfied, quenched and happier, in addition we can consciously articulate that we feel this and that it makes sense. "Webstrings are like little smiles waiting to be noticed." - Einstein's World
is abnormal
is that today, on average, we learn to spend less than
12 hours of our total lifetime connected to, and in tune with natural attractions
in natural areas. Over 95
percent of our time is spent indoors. Another word for this foolishness
is either "misguided" or 'stupid' As
casualties of our society's excessive disconnection from nature, is
it any wonder that
are often disturbed, ailing, ungrounded and out of balance? We are bewildered
(wilderness separated). We have trouble identifying who
or what we are. We are like billiard balls being bounced around by the pool stick of Industrial Society.
not insane. Are you? It is reasonable for me to be
to using and teaching this NAE process and supporting others who are
attracted. Let me know if I can help you do the same for yourself. Information alone does not change behavior. Now is time to stop wearing ourselves out in abuse, conflicts and arguments, to, instead, become what we are looking for by engaging in the unifying educating, counseling and healing with nature process.
often overlook that part of being reasonable is to consider information based
on the effects it will produce. This is often as or more
sensible than waiting for the evidence to prove that information will produce good
outcomes. We can never be sure that evidence will ever be discovered.
However some decisions to act based on what we want to happen empower
us to help make it happen. That is how NAE came into being in our
prejudiced against nature society and how it is being sustained, moment
by moment. It enables the outcomes from NA connections to demonstrate their attractive value,
person by person. "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost There has always been a "great mystery" about how the universe and life came into being and maintain themselves. It's not quite as mysterious when we recognize that we are attracted to maintain our lives and survive and we are therefore attracted to find attractions that help us accomplish this. We have have done this successfully since NA was attracted to become us. This suggests that NA has and is this self-organizing ability. If so, the great mystery focuses more on the origins of NA essence and its pulse, not how it operates. We already know the latter from our NA experiences and research. As big a question as is the "great mystery" is why we deal with our addictive shortcoming to substitute for nature's way with less adequate replacements for nature? Why don't we make efforts to validate the intelligence we inherently have? Why don't we learn from the sensibilities of our natural senses in conscious contact with NNIAL? Do/did nature-centered societies produce our runaway disorders? If not, was this because they found "the creator" in the immediate environment, in nature around and within them, rather than from in a story that placed creation in a far away "heaven," where "it" would be called to bless anything we did, including killing foreign things or competing for an award or opening a casino? One can choose to experience NNIAL thinking, feeling or relating as a legitimate form of spirituality because any doctrine, philosophy, or religious practice that holds universe/cosmos as the totality of forces and/or matter, is synonymous with the theological principle of God. "I believe in God but I spell it Nature"
- Frank Lloyd Wright
“When the solution is simple, God is answering.” – Albert Einstein.
As I re-read this diatribe I have written it becomes clear to me that as true as are the essence and qualities of natural attraction, equally true is that, as far as we know, the pre-humanity wholeness of nature and its eons is and has been non-literate. Nature neither registers or understands these words. Their value is what they may contribute to individuals in helping them learn and teach NAE activities. NAE empowers them to help themselves and others create moments that let nature teach us what we need to know, individually and collectively. If nature-connecting medicine is readily available and we refuse to take it, can we expect what results to be better than our present continuation of our non-sense? Although
a shoelace has its own cultural integrity, it is held together by
natural attractions on molecular levels that Industrial Society's
thinking has molded into serving as a shoelace. I mention this because
a boot recently came on the market whose top lace hook has a
technological improvement. It is a ratchet that only lets the lace come
through the top lace hole of the boot in one direction. This prevents
the lace from slipping backward and loosening the boot. However, the
"improvement" has proved to interrupt the integrity of the lace and be
you don't believe this destructive interruption by a ratchet of the
seamless continuum of a shoelace happens, just ask me and I'll show you
my bruises. It's a good example of what results from disconnecting the
wholeness of any worthwhile integrity. It simulates how the
nature-disconnected way we learn to think hurtfully separates us from
how nature's balanced perfection works. It also conveys the destructive
results of our nature-isolated thoughts and feelings separating nature
from itself. Your Choice
The core of nature in and around us (NNIAAL) bases its operation on B, below. What is your choice for your life and community? A. 2 + 2 = 4 (base 10) B. 2 + 2 = 1 (base 4) C. 2 + 2 = 2 (base 2) D. 2 + 2 = 11 (base 3) A-D are each true depending upon the base number we choose to apply to the question of 2 + 2 =? However, (omitting fractions) the number 1 at "B" is the only base outcome of A-D that is the oneness of singularity, not dualistic. "B" is our best choice if we want to avoid the confusion and detrimental contradictions of dualism. This is not as simple as it might seem for, because we have ten fingers (digits), our established thinking addicts us to A and therefore it feels most familiar and correct. (This could be a rationale for Orwell's "Four legs good, two legs bad.") Similarly, when we view the original Big Bang Attraction Energy Dance as the one, single seed of the Universe, through NAE our thoughts and feelings can shift into natures unifying singularity and perfections. This enables us to think like nature works and avoid many problems and disorders caused by duality. The Law of Singularity: Nature is its attraction to more diversely enjoy the dance of its attractiveness - Michael J. Cohen There
is great power for good in selecting the correct base or idea to help
us live in mutually supportive ways with the web of life.. One
example is based on recognizing that what we call recreation consists
of fulfilling our natural senses one way or another and producing joy
as an outcome. However, there is seldom such a thing as
recreation in nature. There, fulfilling attraction is also the joy of
surviving in harmony. For us to choose to enjoy recreation by
only obtaining it through NAE re-creation, as does our living planet,
huge strides would occur that increased personal, social and
environmental well being CONCLUSION: The purpose of ecopsychology is to help humanity learn how to survive in balance. The universe accomplishes this by doing a unifying, non-dualistic dance that does not produce garbage and includes humanity. Moment by moment this dance produces survival in balance in the next moment and achieving this is attractive. The webstring NA model is all attraction because it enables interested folks to be part of the attraction dance in the moment so they are in contact, synch and support of the universe in producing the next attraction moment and its balanced values. That is the science, goal and effect of the webstring model. It would appear to be part of ecopsychology. Repulsion in any form to the process of the unity/universe attraction dance moment removes folks from its power and unity. Such removal from the moment of the dance I think would be the opposite of the goals of ecopsychology. Based on the beneficial and reasonable effects one sensibly desires along with the way the model works, my choice is to, for accuracy, remove repulsion from the picture. Repulsion/repulse makes no sense or contribution for the universe or for an individual with respect producing the next survival moment of the dance and its perfection. Removing repulsion is simply and reasonably accomplished by recognizing that dancers sway back and forth to the rhythm of the dance and that this is an attractive essence of the dance. The sway is neither repulsion nor repulsive to the the universe nor the individual engaged in the dance-connection process of the NA webstring model. The sway of the dance is attractive, part of nature's beauty. Getting sidetracked into defining part of the sway as being repulsion produces duality. It detrimentally diverts attraction energy in the moment, and has negative effects, so I reject it as part of the model and the enabling practicality if offers In the "duality is wonderful" model/philosophy, repulsion is fine....as long as you are satisfied with the effects of including it which presently include using up 50 percent more of the planet's ability to dance than it produces. As we are part of the planet, repulsion erodes our ability to dance as well. This is the underlying source of most of our disorders and dysfunctions. Non-acceptance of the Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE) webstring model is understandable in the dominant paradigm of Industrial Society for it is an inconvenient truth to its message. However, I neither understand nor see the value of "ecopsychology" or "ecotherapy" omitting or disputing the webstring model and its contribution rather than incorporating it as a practical way and means to personal, social and environmental well-being. To me, the omission makes these disciplines in need of improvement, not the model. Until proven otherwise, since the beginning of time, all things, sub-atomics to the universe, including humanity's body, mind and spirit, have been held together and unified in pure, balanced integrity by nature's natural attraction dance. This means:
Contact: Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D. Telephone 360-378-6313 Read the Ecopsychology Journal interview with Dr. Cohen: http://www.ecopsych.com/ecopsychologyjournal.html Email: nature@interisland.net. Website: www.ecopsych.com Personal page: http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html RESOURCES
REFERENCES Although these Big Bang references, below, do not directly use the word "attraction," or "grow," they do identify the attributes of attraction and growth with similar attraction words including "creation," "growing (expanding)," "unifying collision," "in favor of" "particle formation" "join," "kin," "unify," "union," "form" "attach," "mixture," "clump," "singularity," "combine," "coalesce," "gluon" "quarks held together" "binding forces, (the force)" "Higgs Boson," "bond," "light," "spontaneous appearance (attraction to appear in ways that can be registered by the senses)" What is often omitted in hard science is that the attraction of scientists to discover the essence of the big bang, or any other phenomenon, is a manifestation and continuum of NA as our natural sense of "reason" being attractive. This is true of most of our motives and motivations. They are attractions to grow in a good way via building relationships that strengthen the multifacted life of natural attractiveness. It should be noted that until the Big Bang cooled sufficiently, clumping via attraction could not occur nor could light shine through the original proton and electron soup. Similarly, it can be argued the the original "vacuum" or "void" that preceded the Big Bang, was so hot that its attraction to begin to form the universe had not yet come into play until some cooling occurred....or maybe it was first attracted to cool. http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2008/apr/26/universe.physics http://www.umich.edu/~gs265/bigbang.htm http://ssscott.tripod.com/BigBang.html http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/big-bang.html http://www.everystudent.com/wires/universe.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/ http://timestranscript.canadaeast.com/opinion/article/1464557 Read and/or publish a press release about this page Journal quotes from students who are doing natural attraction activities: (additional quotes are available on our outcome pages) "In this natural area, when I connected non-verbally, I really “clicked” into nature, with no words in sight, just the heavenly experience of an unending stream of sensory sensations in the most sensational sense of the wordless word. I stood there drinking it in, and then merging with it all, swaying with the breeze, soaking it up and sharing it, being part of it, being an attraction in a sea of attractions. It was ecstatic." ^^^ "It was snowing very lightly and things were covered in a tiny mist of glitter. The street lights caught all the sparkle and made it so magical. Everything was hushed and quiet. As I entered the area I stopped and asked permission to engage with ALL that was there. The dry little leaves on the branches of a nearby tree seemed to dance and sparkle in the reflected light, beckoning me to join in. I felt very pleased with myself at having to remembered to ask permission!!! I liked that the response was so immediate and happy. After walking for a moment and as the activity instructed, I started to repeat the word UNITY over and over. At first I felt a little silly..the word was like a drum beat and I seemed to be marching to the three beats of it..I reminded myself to be ‘still’ within..and feel my connections, I did belong, ..I was not outside looking in..I was united with ALL I was surrounded by..Then an amazing thing happened, The word UNITY moved itself into the background and everything before me seemed to click into place..I noticed how the branches of one tree touched the branches of another, the leaves that remained on the trees did not dance randomly but rather they were all moving to the same song. My cheeks felt the little breeze, that breeze connected me to the dance…the glistening snow on the branches and grass spoke to me of attraction and senses..The branches attracting the moisture, then water, then thirst, I thought about how all the roots, ( trees, grass, bushes) were holding hands and were united under the blanket of ground..I thought about the ground and nourishment. I thought how NIAL nourished me daily now, how one day I would nourish it...Unity, Union, United…I realized I was connecting to many of nature's senses and these senses were activating many of my own senses like the sense of form and the sense of play, the sense of my mobility. What a unifying experience…I liked that I was a part of this Union..we could commune together so easily..each a part of the other..each united in a common goal for love, life and continuity. I enjoyed the conversation that was going on in my head. As always, I came away from this experience feeling so full of love and happiness. It may be the way to enter the age of Aquarius." ^^^ "I did this activity behind my job where there is a small herb garden and tree canopy patio. I was attracted to the rosemary and mint plants. I cupped my hands over my face and slowly opened them. When my hands completely covered my face, I noted that my other senses were heightened and a sense of connection with the plant remained strong. I became instantly aware of, and had a felt/sense of connection to, the whole of nature and myself as one. As I slowly opened my hands, I felt the connection stay with me. It seemed to slowly be altered into a less intense version, but still very strong and I saw the rosemary in a new way. It was no longer just an herb. I could now sense its connections to the web of life and they lead me to the feeling of being connected to the it. I saw the mint intermingling with the rosemary and sense the intermingling of roots that could not be seen including the tree and grass that were near by. All the while all of them sharing the soil on this planet that is connected to this solar system, which is connected to the universe. It’s so amazing and I feel so good (safe, connected, have purpose) when I have this career and awareness! I learned that my dominant sense of sight can limit my ability to connect with nature and my other senses and that my other senses are less habituated to “seeing” things in a particular way and can lead to deeper connections and awareness. Awakening these senses led me to a felt experience of connection with the web of life and the universe and to trusting that my other senses are valid. This activity enhanced my self-worth by showing me that when my sense of sight is not being used that other senses will heighten and keep me connected to nature. My experience in nature shows me that I am a person who gets good feelings by using my senses to become aware of senses that I do not use as much. Authorities within my head were yelling at me during this activity, saying that people would think I was crazy if they saw me doing this. (I was in a very public place when I did the activity). I was reeducated when I realized that what they thought doesn’t matter to me. Gaining from the activity was more important. 'My senses lead me to feeling the universe flowing in and out of me. When I close my eyes, my other senses see.' I think this makes me sound like Alan Watts" ^^^ "Oh precious 'Bears' study group, thanks to you all for recent posts and responses, as usual so beneficial and empowering for me. Thank you all for being wonderful hugable bears whose love has entered into my life to strengthen planetary connection. A fabulous sensory supportive feature of our interaction was that your experiences and understanding compliment and complete me, I will revisit them many times, for strength and guidance. As such we have created an ever present support system and I focus now and always to manifest your wisdom and insights as they have become my spiritual family- comforting, reaffirming- that nature has provided exactly when needed. One infinitely trustable love" ^^^ "Big news...we bought a house in Nevada in the Carson Valley 20 minutes down the mountain from Lake Tahoe. All the magnificence without the high real estate price tag. This will signal the end of straight full-time RV living for the past 8 years. I'm looking forward to a garden, an office where my compupter remains on a desk with all my books surrounding me ready for the next spontaneous attraction and room to offer private and group ecopsychology course activities and integration/translation/debriefing sessions. I am feeling the excitement of an expanded imagination into the realm of infinite possibilities...it feels really good and right because it all happened organically through this program." ^^^ "This natural attraction reminds me of something I practiced sometimes when my son was a toddler. My husband was working very long hours, and I was sometimes exhausted by being "on" 24 hours a day taking care of both all of the household chores and an active, inquisitive child who was immersed and captivated by exploring his world. Sometimes when I was at the breaking point trying to get all of the daily chores of the household done while also affirming and supporting my son's need to explore, play and investigate, I would intentionally let go of my own chores and spend 30 minutes doing nothing but following David's lead into explorations. I discovered (lo and behold) that when I joined him (rather than trying to corral him into an activity which allowed me to get the dishes done), we had the most marvelous time and that I was refreshed and inspired and renewed by following his toddler trail with curiosity and mutual enjoyment. After doing so, I invariably discovered that the dishes did indeed eventually get done- sometimes with the cheerful assistance of my son. In giving to him, my own needs were fulfilled- and his. Because I did so, he was eager to try this too, coming along on my adventures with washing clothes, dusting the furniture, and watering the garden." ^^^ "I stood on my deck....looked at my amazing view and noting that I rarely stop to ask if I can 'join' with it. In time, the embrace came. Light filled my inner forehead and the expanse drew me in. I was astounded to see that when we consciously approach nature, she truly shows herself to us. This is like life I suppose. We become so 'entoweled' in our own views sometimes it is hard for the inner vision to authentically greet the true beauty and grandeur of what awaits us moment to moment. As I stood, I said to myself and to her "I like your vastness. I like your deep stillness yet changeability." Then, as the activity directed, I said to myself, "I like my vastness and my deep stillness yet I also appreciate my changeability." In a fun way this dropped me into a relatedness with my immediate surroundings and an affinity that I was not aware that I had with the view I see every morning. I discovered the value of my own inner landscape and for this, I am pleased. I rested in this nurturing appreciation and let it feed me." ^^^ "Through the process of letting earth teach and writing about it, I have discovered that I am capable of spending a lot of time indoors separated from nature, that many of my choices are motivated by finances, and that I am guilty of adhering to misrepresentative labels produced by our society. After completing the exercises in nature repetitively, I feel a greater magnetic force that pulls me outside than I did before. A significant reward for me has been an increased curiosity in areas I probably would not have visited if it weren’t for the instructions in this assignment. I have a better awareness that nature exists not just in big wilderness areas but as equally in small pockets such as my patio or sidewalk, and in me, too." ^^^ "The paved pathway through the park was mainly bare but one section was blanketed in fallen leaves. It stunned me actually as I was running and it took me some time to catch on. The colors were dark yellow and brown. Some of the leaves were curled. The patch reminded me of lily pads that congregate in lakes. The crunching sound below my feet urged me to slow down and be delicate in my stride. The word ‘change’ popped in my head. Fallen leaves are a sign of change and adaptation. I sensed that I was changing too as a result of this nature-connection course. The fallen leaves were an extension of my progress thus far and I felt parallel to the seasonal cycle. The trees and I are similar in that if we are through changing we are through." ^^^ "When I noticed each nature connecting attraction, it was like saying “hello” to each one, like shaking hands, or hugging, or grinning and waving. I noticed that doing connections of any kind, some were more attractive than others…and that led me into adding the “connection attraction”, which produced a truly astounding ecstatic feeling, a wild rush of full-out love throughout my body. Everything became beautiful, I was beautiful, we were altogether beautiful. It seemed as if the tree above me was moving with the breeze and with me in a sentient manner. Then, when I added the conscious experience of the good feelings, expressed my thanks, and said aloud, “natural attractions make me feel good”, my full-body joy continued to build. I felt this unified love with all around me and as I noticed attractions and consciously felt the good feelings and expressed thanks for them, the intensity of the joy and pleasure continued to build, as did my awareness of unity in a broadening circle around me. The maple tree above me seemed to be relating to me in its entirety, and as I drew in a sudden breath in awe and let it out, a gust of wind puffed into the top of the tree’s canopy in direct alignment with my position, as if a gust of love from heaven itself puffed in to me, and then filtering down through the branches of the tree, wafted beautifully into me…and as I became fully aware of the canopy of the tree, so did I become aware of the roots below, so that I experienced being hugged and cradled by this tree from every direction, above and below, in a rush of love." ^^^ "So many times during the activity, there was a sight that was so delightful and beautiful that I wanted to take a picture of it; but I finally laughed and stopped thinking about cameras because I realized that the photo could never catch the attraction itself, and it was the attraction between us and the love I was receiving from the interaction that made it so beautiful. It reminded me of the recommendation in the book to always interact directly with living nature and to avoid the trap of using “nature media” because it can make a person forget what they are missing and think that pictures are as good as real interaction." ^^^ "This was the most ecstatic experience of merger that I’ve had during the course. I am thanking the bamboo, the sun, the tree and other neighboring trees, the bees, wasps, other little flying ones, the breeze, the earth…there is no way that I can properly express my thanks or name everyone who was involved in that experience. So, I just say Thank You, Nature! Thank you." ^^^ “A mother goes to extreme ends to protect and guide her children. Mother Nature does this by creating special senses that greatly increase our motivation to discover and participate in the intelligence of our natural attractions when we don’t hear their signals.” ^^^ “As we reconnect with nature and validate our experiences, new stories and images appear on our screen of consciousness. Our sense of consciousness begins to know nature as nature knows itself- as many forms of attractions. This allows the new brain to describe nature in loving sensory attraction terms rather than as mechanical cause and effect relationships or as hurtful, repulsive or dangerous.” ^^^ "These activities identifiy the ancient form of Nature within me. Thanks for sharing your insights with us. I just can’t express my gratitude in words. This is a wonderful service to humanity." ^^^ "And then I said good morning to the baby trees and asked for their support for the new baby being born any day now, that my daughter and her partner will adopt. It was moving to feel the innocence and softness of these trees and also feel the approach of this new baby into our family. I have had a hesitation I think to the new baby, as adoption feels very unpredictable and it's even been hard to remember that there is a baby out there, since it is not my daughter or her partner who is pregnant. This morning I felt a holiness out there in the baby tree nursery that connected me and baby Benny and the baby trees. It was amazing and beautiful. I am so grateful to be able to feel this connection." ^^^ "RWN activities help us learn that whenever we sense discomfort in nature that discomfort is a natural sense, a natural attraction in action. Discomfort indicates that the natural world is supporting us….In nature, pain is nature’s love trying to helps us by telling us to find other natural attractions and their rewards." "I am attracted to this idea and the many examples and ways of explaining it throughout the chapter. It is easier of course to apply this message at a physical level for many: the pain of thirst etc. The pain of inner anguish is harder to detach from for most people but the principle is still true." For an extensive collection of Journal quotes from students doing natural attraction activities: Visit http://www.ecopsych.com/survey.html .................................................................................. Achieve a Degree or Certificate to strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you increase personal and global well being. Topics, subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other areas of interest: |
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