


Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature: Nature-Contact, Online, Holistic Degrees Courses and Careers that enhance mindful life experience, prior training, and new thought remedies for addiction.

Help me cure the Once-ler's addictions, mental illness and trespassing around us and within us.



Funded positions and internships

Reverse shame  mental illness  addiction  pollution  stress  greed  injustice  excessiveness  habitat destruction  emotional disorders  abusiveness  war  corruption  genetic engineering  rape  species extinction  isolation  prejudice  violence  dysfunction  poverty  crime  imbalance  unfairness  hate  substance abuse  insane society  resource overuse

Help stop our madness!   Learn how to think and feel with the dance of nature's intelligent balance, beauty and restorative ways. Benefit from tapping our senses and sensibilities into Earth's organic healing powers, within and about us.  Don't suffer the shame and anxiety of not doing this.

Warranty: Become a trained leader, counselor or teacher who recognizes the self-evident truth that Planet Earth and its spirit are genetically our non-literate "Other Body." Who or what would you or I be if somebody took our Other  Body/Earth away from us?

Project NatureConnect
Akamai University Courses Degrees and Grants: 
Learn How to Think and Feel Like Nature's Perfection Works.

Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council

Create Moments That Let Earth Teach


Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN)

Subsidized Degrees, Career Training Courses and Jobs

Project NatureConnect testimonials and validations from witnesses and primary resources confirm the value of our fundamental distant learning programs. The enable you to add the art of nature-connected science to your skills and interests. Our living proof ecopsychology testimonials demonstrate that we honor your prior training and life experiences by providing grants and equivalence credit for them.

You may take accredited Applied Ecopsychology coursework and/or obtain a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most disciplines and professions, or to enhance your personal interests and livelihood(see the bottom of this page).

    * Help people remedy their disturbances, thoughts and feelings with the grace, balance and restorative powers of nature's web of life.
    * Increase your income through Ecotherapy effects for stress-relief management and imagination.
    * Strengthen personal health assistance, social and environmental self-esteem/well being and pollution reduction
    * Add the sunlight and beauty of the natural world to your God beliefs and community.

Visit our Homepage for complete information


Being identical, Earth's life and our lives are at risk. This is because we learn to think in powerful scientific ways that produce our technologies while we deny that we are stupidly addicted to nature-disconnected shams including harmful "sensory-omission science." The latter are not only mental disorders that drive crazy our personal and technological relationships but they also refuse treatment, as is typical of addicts.

The future is in the hands of ECHN practitioners whose expertise helps us transform our nature-disconnected addictions into reasonable acts of kindness throughout the web-of-life including humanity.

Is this of interest to you?

In our excessively nature-disconnected society everyone is destructively addicted to something that relieves their pain from being disconnected.

No surprise, genuinely reconnecting with nature via ECHN helps an individual stop their pain and addiction.

The quote, below, will speak to you if you recognize that we enjoy 54 natural senses and their
powerful survival rewards from thoughts and feelings that are rooted in the life relationships of our biological/ psychological home, Planet Earth, (our Other Body).
  • The purifying and grounding energies of our natural sensory rewards attractively replaces the misguided rewards that sustain our addiction relationships and their destructiveness.
  • A conscious fear of the pain, no less the pain itself, from unreasonably disregarding or disconnecting from our natural senses and sensibilities provides the missing motivation and rationale needed to change  addicted behavior.
  • Consciously connecting in a natural area to the attractive pleasure/pain sources of our 54 natural senses helps us reverse our addictions and disorders, solve problems and increase personal, social and environmental well being.
It makes little difference what destructive personal or global challenges you and I face. We suffer the shame and stress of our problems because we are unaware that we are addicted to the detrimental information and interpersonal or material relationships that cause them as well as addicted to not using the remedy for them.  That is how our denial of an addiction works.

It is evident that our unchanging, addictive ways are placing each of us at risk along with the life our planet.


“GOOD NEWS! I talked with my supervisor about implementing the 5-year grant and gave her a copy of your book “The Hidden Organic Remedy: Nature as Higher Power. Creating Moments that Let Earth Teach.”  Along with other administrators, she loves it and they all share my vision for becoming a certified training center in its methodology for CEUs and further education of LADCs and other professionals in the addiction field. Their enthusiasm is based on the outcomes of the program's use with clients.”

Learn more, select:



The Art of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN
) gives an individual's specific addictions the science to create restorative sensory moments in authentic nature, backyard or backcountry.

To our benefit, because we are part of Nature, in repeatable and lasting ways these regenerative sensory contacts enable the energy of Earth's balanced relationship building process to restore its integrity in our body, mind and spirit.

We suffer our contemporary troubles because we spend, on average, over 98% of our time thinking and feeling while consciously disconnected from and out of tune with nature's purifying powers, in and around us.

Most all of us are addicted to something.  For example, no matter how rich or poor we may be, we usually feel that we need about 15 percent more money.  This is because money helps us buy "discomfort reducers" for the wounds and insecurities inflicted on us by our extreme omission of free and healthy nature-contact gratifications and wisdom.

ECHN works because the life of our planet has a natural intelligence that we inherit at birth but that we are socialized to omit, exploit and repress as members of industrial society.  ECHN brings over 48, driven-subconscious senses and their beneficial sensibilities back into our awareness. It enables their renewed powers to embrace, purify and bring into balance the disturbed or misguided thoughts and feelings that our body, mind and spirit usually suffer.

Scientific methodology and technology is successful because it thinks within the framework of the Standard "big bang" Universe while our non-scientific thinking is addicted to habitually view the world via old religious or mystical fables. The latter is similar to believing that we still use the horse and buggy for transportation today.

We seldom solve our contemporary problems because when our mentality is in trouble and needs good energy, our intellect is addicted to pour "horse and buggy" oats and water into our "fuel tank" instead of gasoline and its moving energies. For this reason our problems continue and
the disastrous results speak for themselves.

Project NatureConnect uses the self-evidence from Applied Ecopsychology to help us remedy our addiction error, to think, feel and act in the same way that we know and benefit from the way the Standard Universe and our technologies work, in and around us. This includes activating our 54 natural sensitivities that, in concert, sustain and motivate human life in balance with all of life. To this end our students master how to create reasonable, self-evident moments in natural areas that let Earth teach us what we need to know to live in mutually supportive equilibrium with Nature's balanced and beautiful dance of the eons, in and around us.

ECHN has long established that our natural senses in contact with nature help us restore our natural sanity to the benefit of all of life.  This is no secret, rather it is self-evident.  Most of us have experienced this phenomenal change during even short visits in attractive natural areas.

Pure, free, self-evident contact with authentic nature increases our joy, clears our mind and produces a stress-reducing stability, wholeness and belonging that is missing from 98 percent of our lives today.

Self-Evidence: Why ECHN is trustable and effective (quoted from our Warranty)

We hold these truths to be self-evident:

The truth is that when something is self-evident it means that we don’t have to think about its truth or prove it.  It has to be true, like 1 + 1 = 2 or like the sensation of thirst conveys that we need water and that thirst is also intelligent enough turn itself off when we have enough water. 

It is self-evident that you are reading these words right now.

Self-evidence reveals that addictively thinking and feeling with corrupt information creates hurtful conflicts in and around us that result in the destructive personal and global problems we suffer. 

Self-evidence also shows that we enjoy strong emotional rewards from rational thoughts and feelings that stem from accurate information. These good feelings enable us to break addictions, solve problems and enjoy personal, social and environmental justice.

The immense advantage of self-evidence is that it always provides us with trustable, unadulterated facts. Their pure truth is essential as an antidote for the corrupt knowledge and relationships that, today, stressfully deteriorate the life of our society and our planet, including our body, mind and spirit.

The heart of our Applied Ecopsychology Program at Akamai University is that it only uses and teaches subsidized, self-evident methods and materials in its internationally accredited, nature-connected courses and degree programs online. Any interested person or group can benefit by adding this empowering form of education to their personal or professional life, or by majoring in it.

We offer the public our 50 years of experience in developing responsible relationship bonds with Planet Earth as a living organism, Gaia. To this end we help our participants learn how to use sensory nature-connecting, self-evidence activities to remedy the world's increasing disorders. 

We invite you to ally with or incorporate the Project NatureConnect (PNC) advantage in your personal life and/or professional goals.  Strengthen your ability to help yourself and the world enjoy healthier and happier tomorrows.

Restore the integrity of our living planet as it restores us.

We are presently seeking, training and supporting applicants who want add ECHN to their livelihood or personal life as part of Project NatureConnect.

Contact Mike Cohen  at 360-378-6313  nature@interisland.net

PNC invites you to use, participate in or social network whatever you find of interest in the short announcements below: 

“The ECO800NHP course is bringing me great pleasure. It has helped me more deeply connect with many things around me as well as support and refresh feelings I have long forgotten to remember.”

Some folks doing the ECO800NHP free course have asked to do it in conjunction with others online and found that this makes the course more fun and educational.  If doing this is of interest to you, contact Mike via nature@interisland.net

Some individuals who have training and expertise in ECHN have volunteered to be information resource guides to groups that are doing the free course together.  Contact me if you are interested in their participation with you.

Additional evidence for the validity of the “Planet Earth is my Other Body” natural attraction model in the NHP course has been announced and is included in newer editions of the book. The sense of Gravity is natural sense #12 of the 54 senses listed in the NHP book’s appendix. The original seed of the Big Bang Standard Universe now includes, as predicted in the Webstring Model, the Gravity Wave Explosion results announced by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center on March 17, 2014.

A non-profit funding organization is being designed to accept donations that will be used to fund individuals and organizations that want to be trained for, offer and/or facilitate PNC Courses.

Most students now enrolling in the Orientation Course to begin their subsidized degree or certificate programs are using the ECO800NHP course as their Comprehensive Exam for the program.

“I was thinking of creating a service where I go into businesses/organizations to give a lecture on the benefits of time outdoors. I would present material from the Orientation course. Then, I would offer to lead an outdoor activity. At the end, I would provide information on how to signup for continued study through enrolling at Project Nature Connect.”

“Good idea. You can use it as a fund raiser for us, too, and get a commission for donations while giving a free hard copy of NHP to anybody who donates.  See http://www.ecopsych.com/training.html”

Some participants have suggested that we raise the cost of the Orientation Course to $285 and offer a commission of $60/signup to students who certify as NHP-Literate Ambassadors for the PNC program and introduce new applicants to the program. Would you be interested in doing this?

The latest edition of the NHP book includes the following Validation Checklist that can be kept in your pocket and be a helpful reminder whenever you want to Validate after you’ve learned how.

Validation Checklist: To help you come into balance, your nature-connecting Validation enables you, in to strengthen your awareness of any experience by further inviting nature to help you improve how you think, feel and relate to the world. A Validation includes the fact that Planet Earth is a living organism and that your life dances in and as part of it, like an individual cell of Earth’s whole web-of-life dance.

1. Begin your validation through “inspiration” by taking a few deep slow breaths. They bring Earth’s atmosphere into you so you sense and feel the connection of your life’s metabolism with your "Other Body’s" web of life functions. Notice how Earth supports you by bringing your awareness into the moment and calming and energizing you with the joy of nature’s wise and powerful dance of the moment (21).

2. Say to yourself, or aloud, about the self-evident truth you have discovered and are validating “I know it is true for me because I experienced it.”

3. Seek or notice additional senses, thoughts or feelings that come into play during this validation. Do additional affirmations as time and interest permit: match, resonate, appreciate, trust, celebrate (Appendix B)

4. Thank nature/earth for providing the time and space for this life experience. Share it with others

Over 800 life experience, field study testimonials and evaluations that support independent nature-connection research may be found on the pages, below (often in the middle of them.)

Evaluation Testimonials
Journal Entries 
Survey Results
Key Web Pages
Consent Archive,
Appendix D
Appendix D2
Avatar Testimonials

UN Petition
as well as quotes in Einstein's World

and the Appendices of Educating Counseling and Healing with Nature
Reports From 287 Participants
PNC Search Engine

Further information: contact Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Telephone 360-378-6313
Email: nature@interisland.net.
Website: www.ecopsych.com 
Film http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1357054/
NAE http://www.naturalattractionecology.com
Prime Resource Book: http://www.ecopsych.com/ksanity.html

Green your livelihood. Increase its value.  You may obtain a Project NatureConnect
Applied Ecopsychology degree online in conjunction with:

Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch

Return to the top of this page
Art Therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing


Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming


Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council


Akamai University


Accredited CEU Courses, Certification, Grants and Degree Programs

online to sustain the well-being of person, planet and
spirit. Prior training and life experience
incorporated in all programs.

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email> www.ecopsych.com

The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

send email
All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the books
The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature





















































































