

Education, Counseling and Healing With
Online Training and Degrees.
Environmental Transition Services. Transform Brainwashing of Culture
Norms. Study a Psychology of Persuasion, multicultural counseling
process. Explore values and identity subculture transitions. Discover
new solutions for cultural identity programs.
Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Holistic, Sensory, Values and Identity
NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
Practical organic online, mind-recycling new solutions programming.
Project NatureConnect offers holistic, natural solutions and remedies
that enable you to transform past and present environmental
socialization and brainwashing encounters. You benefit from
real solutions Sociology that produces peace health and wellness
identity norms. You can teach it and add it to your degree program
and/or your skills, interests and hobbies
We honor your prior training and life experience by providing
sustainability grants and equivalent education credit for it.
You may take accredited or professional online CEU coursework and/or
obtain a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most transition and
transformation disciplines or your personal interests in solving
problems. A partial subject list is located at the bottom of this page.
* Improve
your income and satisfaction through new social cultural sustainability
study and Ecopsychology activities for transitions.
* Help people connect their heart,
values and feelings with the self-correcting and renewing powers of
nature transition services and new solutions that remedy linguistic and
media addiction.
* Increase personal social and
environmental sub culture well-being.
* Add the self-correcting sunlight
beauty and spirit of the Organism Earth's natural solutions to your
life, job and community.
our Internet Homepage
complete information
This Applied Ecopsychology, holistic degree and training course
program, consists of learning and teaching lessons about
nature-disconnected brain wash thinking and mind control that too often
destructive cults and cultural identity. A mentor or mentors
help exchange messages and observations in an online
process that increases critical thinking in conjunction with
cultural change information. Master how nature works to
increase globally
balanced thinking norms.
The shared course work heightens natural individual and community
solution contacts to afford sustainability through connection with
authentic nature and its powers to reverse the culture shock of
nature-disconnected thinking. This is an antidote for brainwash. It
strengthens personal, social and
environmental well being and helps us transition to personal and
The program's real solutions
provide unadulterated sensory contact with the flow of nature's grace,
and restorative powers, in and around us, backyard or back country. Its
professional and personal transition services address destructive
socialization bonds and attachments.
The Rosetta Stone Process of Natural
- Michael J. Cohen
Our mind does not need to
understand how or why an automobile works in order for us to benefit
from the car's use. If we recognize a car's
to our way of life and we know how to drive safely, that's
feel fine about driving because we have learned to
trust the know-how of the inventors, manufacturers and safety
inspectors of the automobile. We also trust our society's acceptance of
a car as transportation so we are comfortable with it. Advertising
reinforces its value and our economics depend upon it. We feel secure
because we have the tools and knowledge to repair it.
continual rewards that a car provides socialize us (think "brainwash") to use it for
transportation, often excessively.
Driving an automobile is applauded and "normal." However, it
pollutes the environment, it causes thirty percent of air pollution,
much of it at street level where we breathe. We become attached
to the car and its styling, it can be addictive. Automobiles kill and injure over three million people each year in the United States. That's more than the total of all the wars the USA has ever been involved in.
Our reaction to Natural Attraction Ecology
(NAE) as a social technology and a science, is quite different
than our reaction to a car. Although the application of NAE
increases personal, social and environmental well-being, it is new,
confronting and guarded from being part of our central culture and its runaway conquest of nature.
this reason, to learn how to use NAE for personal or
social transformation, we must not simply be familiar with its
activities. We must, in addition learn to master how and why it works
so we may be rational about it, trust it, and help others become
comfortable with it. Accomplishing this feat produces an appropriate structure and
conceptual scheme in our mentality. As we establish it, we can hang,
trust and integrate our activity learning experiences in our
consciousness. It is worthwhile if for no other reason than it enables us, individually and collectively, to stop our our excessiveness and addiction to things that harm us. Reasonable trust is established when an individual recognizes that the way NAE conveys how
nature works emanates from their own personal experience with it, from
their self-evident sensory contact with nature. Such contact offers greater
validity than the observations and theory of some stranger or article from some
other time or place in our nature-disconnected society. No
surprise, the stranger's words seldom convey nature's workings accurately just
like a book can't fully teach us how to swim…we must also get in the
lake and let contact with it help us, too.
NAE conveys how nature works
is based on observing and experiencing the undeniable, such as the fact
that you are reading these words right now. The undeniable includes
recognizing that all things that are together are held together in
relationship by attraction, sometimes called "attraction energy."
attraction was not present, a thing or things would fall apart on their
own, and they don't. When things do come apart, they are
attracted apart by greater attractions. For example, you are
somehow attracted by rewards (real or imagined), or attracted by the
avoidance of discomfort (real or imagined), to reading these words at
this moment. Otherwise, you would be doing something more attractive to
On our living planet, Earth, life as we know it consists of
diversity, of attractions that have organized themselves to operate for
strength and survival as wide range of "things," cycles and
As exemplified by water and the water
cycle, every part of a cycle supports the whole cycle through mutually
supportive attraction interactions that purify the cycle. In addition, each kind
of cycle is attracted to support and compost impurities in every other cycle. This makes nature's cycles
become more attractive and attracted to grow and purify additional
cycles, along with "things" like plants, animals and minerals.
The end
result is that, on Earth, the flow of all things bound in and attached to the beautiful dance of natural attraction
is, moment by moment, like a streaming river. Nature's dancing attraction
river is attracted to organize itself and organically grow into
mutually supportive optimums of life, diversity and cooperation that
sustain the natural world's purity and peace. This is how the river dance, through
cooperative and mutually supportive dancing by all its dancers, also preserves and strengthens itself.
is the
self-correcting, renewing and restorative process of the river dance
that we
call "nature's perfection." It is perfection because, in the
dance, garbage and pollution are unknown. Also unknown are the
excessive abusiveness, isolation and disorders that we suffer in
contemporary society.
Because the Dance and its currents are
attracted to continually flow through and around each other,
moment-by-moment the river is never the same. It only exists in the
immediate, in the "Now" of the time and space of life that the Dance
creates in every moment. Consider this profound, trustable, singular
fact of life if you are seeking something to be sure about: you can
never put your hand in the same river twice.
On our living planet, all things,
including us, are attraction creations of the Dance of nature's flowing
perfection. It is wise, attractive and beautiful in the now, and so are we as
part of it.
The attraction dance of the river grows by manifesting itself as the
vast variety of natural things that make up the natural world.
One of them is us. For this reason, we register and know the world,
including ourselves, through at least 53 inherent natural attraction senses that we share with their origins in Dance and its developmental history through since the very first moment of time.
We are wanted and we belong
because, molecule by molecule, we are attractive parts of the river, as
are all things. In this attractive way we are each kin with the
river dance
community members and each other. For example, we find the DNA of
plants and animals
in our genetic makeup. Our DNA, along with the rest of our material
selves, consists of atoms from the river that we return and replenish
from the river, daily. The existence of our living planet, Earth is 4.5
billion years, however, the genome of the dance of life is 10 billion
years. It took life 5 billion years to reach the complexity of a
Since we are one of the currents in the
river dance, it and its renewing ways flow around and through us. This
explains how and why bulldozed forests as well as our scraped skin,
know how to heal themselves and grow back to where they need to be as
contributing parts of the whole of life on Earth.
Dealing With Disorders
understand how to increasingly remedy most of our disorders, including environmental degridation, we must
recognize that we have invented and live by a nature-disconnected
brainwashing story. This linguistic/literary way of knowing motivates and
instructs us to profit by building a dam across nature's river and making money as we stop
its flow.
The story tells us that we want to benefit from stabilizing the
river so that we don't have to deal with its ever-changing currents. We
do this no matter how it may adversely impact the dance of other forms of river
life. Our dam story says that other ways and inhabitants of the river
have no rights because the dam we build creates a special lake, our
lake, a “human supremacist” lake. In it, the stillness of the
water is predictable so, in the lake-corral that we build, we can
label, profit from and exploit its beings and relationships....including each other.
womb to tomb, our mentality is encouraged to think, feel and be
socialized to grow in the relatively stagnant, story-lake that forms
behind the self-serving dam we grow in our psyche.
We become story dependent dam builders. The dam puts a profit motivated toll
station between ourselves and what we want. It also irritates us so
that we want to stop the irritation.
The life of our mental
lake is stagnant in comparison to the vibrancy of life in the river.
The vital flow of the river is vastly reduced by the mind-dam that
society programs us to construct in our mentality.
Most of our
remedies for the disorders caused by our living in our artificially
formed lake involve using the reduced artificial qualities and
technologies from the lake for healing. However, they don't nearly
equal the combined preventative and purifying powers of nature's
unadulterated flowing river and the purity of its dance.
The way that we attempt
to resolve the problems caused by our socialized bonding to our
sluggish and polluted lake is similar to throwing pebbles in the lake. This
article is one of them. We cheer each corrective wave that they
make, but, as if in jail or a zoo, we are engulfed in the massive stagnant ways
of the lake. They, and we, remain relatively unchanged by pebbles or
The pebble-waves don't transform our steadfast, addictive attraction bonds
to the dam and the river-estranged lake. For this reason, our greatest
problems remain and grow.
Well Being
Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE)
provides a crucial contribution to increasing personal and global
wellness. It gives us the sensibilities and techniques to
reasonably connect with the Dance of authentic nature and its profound values. In natural areas and
natural things, the unadulterated river and its renewing attraction
flow is alive and well. The restorative experiences that we enjoy in the dance of natural areas testify to this.
benefits of even a short quiet
walk in a natural area demonstrate the powers of the flowing attraction
river dance. So do our other attractive contacts with natural
areas. To our loss, we often take these experiences for granted
rather than discover how and why they work, or be grateful that they
do. We learn to think they are there to serve us, just like the automobile. We control them.
is a tested process that supports those who seek the lasting benefits
of connecting-with, thinking, feeling and relating through the dance of the river, in and
around them. It helps any interested individual realize these
benefits by painstakingly using the thought and action steps below:
Recognize that throughout the eons and today, the life-flow of the
Dance of nature has been and remains non-literate. The Dance
neither reads, writes, nor speaks in words and symbols. The
latter are media. They can merely represent how part of the way the
Dance, or we, may work. By themselves they neither contain nor offer
the pre-literate powers or perfections of the flowing river.Recognize,
too, that the Dance does not achieve its perfection and powers through
word-stories. It achieves them via attraction, by continually
growing attractive natural relationships that support and purify life,
that strengthen the river and the perfection of Nature's Dance. To do
otherwise would not be attractive to nature or life.2.
Approximately 90 percent of our mentality is a seamless, wordless
continuum of the Dance and its eons of non-linguistic experience.
Known as our "Old Brain" or "Horse Brain" it is 90 percent of our total
mind and it consists of at least 54 natural attraction senses.
They were "invented" by the Dance as an attractive, pre-literate way
for us, along with all of life, to sensitively know, relate and
share ourselves with each other as people and with the natural world.
Old Brain only registers sensations and sensibilities in nature, like
the song of the wind, the beauty of flowers or the intelligence of
beavers. (The latter being smart enough to build dams in ways that do not upset
the balance of nature.)
3. Only 10 percent of our mentality
has the ability to learn to register, produce and think with the
river-removed literacy of words and numbers. This part of our mentality
is called our "New Brain," It reasons about, articulates and relates to the world
through shortcuts, through abstract words and stories that we invent or
research. They are mostly half-truths about how nature works. This is
because nature's flow is neither an abstract, theory or a symbol. Nature is the dance of
attraction relationships, real things in action.
To our loss, the New
Brain learns almost entirely from boxed-in, stable, people-constructed "lake
maps." They often are scientifically “objective.” This means that
their sterility excludes (read: "objects to") information derived from
sensory contact with the ever-changing, self-correcting dance and flow of the
river community.
4. Contemporary people are born and raised in
the often-destructive, boxed in culture of the stagnant lake that our story-world
dam has created in our mind. Engulfed in the lake, be we leader
or follower, teacher or student, most of us are excessively
disconnected from the wisdom, balancing and healing and powers of the
nature's flowing Dance.
We spend 18,000 developmental childhood
hours learning how to think abstractly in our indoor, lake supportive
On average, we spend over 95 percent of our life
surrounded by walls and stories that isolate us from the river while we
applaud the ability of our superior intelligence to avoid and dam the
river. How can we even register the river's opposing point of view as,
with attitude, we pave over its paradise in the name of progress or economic growth?
Over 99 percent of our
thinking and feeling is separated from and out of tune with the river's
callings, with the way nature's dance produces its perfection and
transformative powers in our Old Brain way of knowing.
the age of seven, we brainwash, are rewarded/paid for, and addict
ourselves to think with New Brain stagnant stories and materials that
have been warped by the dammed lake. This wide ranged, subtle,
nature-separated psychology of persuasion deteriorates our ability to
think and act supportively as citizens of the natural world and its flowing river.
Planet Earth might perceive contemporary thinking as a self-destructive and nature destructive cult,
while our natural
selves suffer from "lake-living" culture shock.
Many of our mental ailments: stress,
sleeplessness irritability and depression, are the same as the symptoms
of post-traumatic stress disorder. We can't identify their traumatic
source because it is the norm, it is our excessive separation from, and
conquest of the nature's dancing river that we admire. This explains why, when we
finally do quietly connect our psyche with nature in natural areas, many of our
symptoms subside. We have learned to take this for granted rather
than honor and celebrate nature's contribution to our lives.
Any person whose
sensibilities have not yet been completely overtaken by the lake should
be able to see the advantage of, whenever possible, learning how to
make genuine conscious sensory contacts with the authentic attraction
flow of the river and its dance, backyard or backcountry. This contact helps some of
our subdued natural senses recover. Research demonstrates that it helps our psyche and lives come into greater balance and well-being. .
Purification, restoration,
correction, renewal, cooperation, support, self-organization,
diversity, community, beauty; these are but some of the attractive
things that the wild river dance builds to strengthen its, and our,
life. For its own and our welfare, through our Old Brain, it is
attracted to help us think and feel attractive, like the Dance of nature's
perfection works.
Most of us have be socialized to think that
the description, above, is poppycock. Is it? Or is it instead that our
thinking and feeling have been polluted by lake stagnation?
Doesn't each attractive experience we have ever had with nature
convey the truth of this multicultural relationship? (As long as we
have enough sensibilities remaining to register and trust this
attractive information and its values)
Have we become "Lakers"
to the point that we fear a safe natural area because of a story that
says that something like a wolf will attack us.... even though there is
no record of a wolf ever attacking anyone? Isn't it
some form of brainwashing that enables us not to fear going on the
highway when we know full well that three million folks in the USA
get killed or injured by an automobile there every year?
About 30 percent of these car accidents are caused by unfulfilled,
lake-distorted thinking. It urges folks to obtain tranquilization
for our lake-caused discomforts through alcohol and to driving drunk.
To help us contend with the stagnant lake dilemmas described in 1-4,
above, Project NatureConnect has designed an empirical web-of-life
model that works by knowing and doing 160 NAE Dance-connection
activities. Each addresses a disconnection from nature that we
suffer. They enable sensible people to restore and heal our
injured natural senses and sensibilities as nature's can best
help us do.
The activities make it possible for us to learn
what we need to know from the flow of the river and it dance. This makes
sense. The Dance is nature's essence; experiencing it is the best
teacher about it. Nature itself is the fountainhead of authority in how
it creates and sustains its perfection as well as how to benefit from it.
NAE at Project
NatureConnect empowers folks who are reasonable enough to want their
psyche to learn how to develop nature-connection parts of their mind so
the river dance can enter their thinking feelings and lives. They gain
access to the benefits of the Dance. It helps them remove their indoctrination by the warped
dam and its deadening effects in their mentality. It enables them remove
Society's misguided stories about the virtues of the dam. They may opt
to become Ph.D.'s, or earn other Degrees or Certificates for learning
and teaching this NAE art and science of well-being in conjunction with their
Instructions for learning and teaching the NAE Process
PART ONE: Orientation for using Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) activities.
A. In a Project NatureConnect book about ECHN, read the rationale of
the NAE activity you are about to do. Become aware of what
disconnection from the flowing, restorative Dance of nature attractions the activity is designed to help you
address. This information enables you to see that it is
reasonable to use the activity to make conscious, sensory contact with
immediate attractions in the flow of nature's river, in and around
Go to a safe natural area that reasonably feels
attractive in this moment, backyard or backcountry. Go to an attraction
that is registering in you from this area now, not from some past or
future idea, memory, explanation or experience with nature. They are
media; NOW is the river. In the Now is when nature intelligently
speaks attraction. For example, if your body needs water, you
experience thirst. When you visit a natural area you will, no doubt, sense an attraction to
water. However, at times a greater attraction may call for fulfillment first.
is like taking a Rorschach Test or a TAT with Mary Poppins. But we
do it in a natural area, the real thing, instead of with ink blots
or photographs. In addition, in nature's presence this test also becomes a remedy."
- Anonymous NAE Participant Reminder: an unsafe natural area is not reasonably attractive. It is not reasonable to be unsafe.
C. Obtain consent from this natural area to visit it and do an activity with it. Painstakingly follow the attraction-consent
activity guidelines.
Remember that to make a contribution, attraction relationships, to be
attractive, must obtain consent from all parties in the
relationship. This includes consent/consensus from plants
animals and minerals, the wind and things like starlight.
Help your sense of reason recognize why it makes sense to become aware
of and express the natural attractions that your natural senses are
registering while in this natural area. Validate that you are
making unadulterated contact with NNIAAL, the alive planetary attraction river that you
live in, with the global life community that cooperatively and
supportively enjoys being the river with you.
E. Pay attention
to senses, feelings, thoughts, memories, attractions and anything else
that becomes conscious while your psyche is in this supportively
connected relationship with Nature. Note what may be
attractive about the experience. How does it feel? What value does it
have for you? What does it help you discover? Does it disconnect
you from illegitimate authorities in your daily life? What negative
stories might you hold about it? How would you feel if you were denied
the ability to have this relationship?
Be aware that A-E
completes the first third of the activity. The value and contribution
the activity will not occur unless you complete it by doing the
remainder of it that is described in Part Two, and Part Three, below.
PART TWO: Nature-Connected Literacy
Bring your "Old Brain" sensory attraction contact with nature, in E,
above, into your literate "New Brain" linguistic powers of thinking and
knowing. Accomplish this by writing an email to your study group Orientation Course members,
an email that conveys the truth of what happened in E., what it brought
to mind, how the visit may have been beneficial to you and/or the
natural area. Include in this email your responses to the Twelve
Interaction Catalysts in the Web of Life Imperative book (page
50). They help you heighten your critical thinking and
self-awareness with respect to your biological and spiritual origins
and relationships. You get to know yourself as a citizen of nature's flowing river attraction
community. (G. may also be accomplished in real life, local, study group
Read and respond to emails that you receive from
your study group that express what they thought was attractive and
valuable about the email they received from you, what they learned from
it, what they shared with it. Do the same for them with regard to
the emails they send you that describe their thoughts, feelings and
experiences in "E." Discover how speaking from nature can reach others
and build or improve relationships. I gives nature a foothold in our
sense of literacy.
Sleep on this activity one or more nights before you start engaging in
an additional activity. Major changes occur while you sleep and dream
as your sensory and story brain attractions amalgamate with each other so
your psyche comes into greater balance with the whole of life and its
supportive ways.
Match your reactions to this activity with those of other people who
have done it, or who have done other activities. Write out and
add your own unique reaction to it. Remember that you can use
this activity again and can teach it to others, so they may benefit
from it.
K. Remember
that Nature is a community process where all the elements in it support
each other and may be attracted to transform into roles that achieve
this goal. Do the most you possibly can to build and sustain this kind
of group for yourself if you want to achieve your goals by helping
people transform their thinking and feeling. What you are doing then is
making space for Nature (NNIAAL) to support Nature and that's the essence, the name of the game.
L. Help Nature recover
from our excessiveness. Use and teach this activity to others to help
nature recover within their body, mind and spirit. In addition, be sure
to add your support and resilience to some natural area so that the
state of nature improves for Earth and Us.
Sample Reactions:
stood today about 30 seconds of sensing these plants in silence and
respect. I became aware of the other parts of nature that
surrounded them in the distance. The sun, tall trees, beautiful plants
in bloom, birds singing everywhere. Wow, this place is
magical!!!! This moment reminded me how much brighter the world
and we can be when we focus on nature's attractive beauty. I felt
blessed and balanced, As I left the garden, gratitude emerged
from every cell in my body."
- Anonymous NAE Participant
of the major ways this course has contributed is its wisdom about how I
might deal with the persistent depression my aged mother suffers from.
She had been placed on drugs for a very long time before now but each
time she withdraws from the drugs, the depression relapses. Since I
started the ECO 501 Project NatureConnect course, I stopped her from
taking any drugs and engaged her in some of my activities in
reconnecting with our source in nature. She gradually began to see the
beauties and perfections of nature and her therapeutic healing effects.
She found friends in nature and most times I see her either tending the
flowers, or reconnecting with the trees around my house. She used to be
a lonely woman but she realized that life is worth living when
connected with nature through NAE activities. She now understands
the synergy of relationship between humanity and nature."
- Anonymous NAE Participant
my journal I wrote: 'The sun is my soul.' I don't think I felt
this before doing the activity. It is in writing it this way, to myself
and you, that it touches me. I sense a recognition of something
truthful inside me which makes me cry."
- Anonymous NAE Participant
(You may explore hundreds of additional reactions, testimonials and field study reports via http://www.ecopsych.com/testimonials.html)
Why the NAE Process is Effective
stated, the NAE activity process of A-J works because it enables us to,
at will, remove our psyche from the stagnant lake where we are usually
born and raised, and re-connect our psyche to the grace of its
self-correcting origins, the purifying and flowing, "now" attraction river community
in a natural area, backyard or backcountry.
It is only in the
now, the immediate moment, that our senses and memories come into play,
that nature exists, and that we can think and act. For this
reason, nature's full and empirical truth only exists in the "now."
non-now "facts" are stagnant lake stories of the past and future. They
are usually theoretical, nature-disconnected abstracts of reality, not
the real thing. The effects of time and nature-removed persuasions often
adulterate them.
The unique scientific story that the process of
NAE offers guides us, in the now, to do nature connection activities.
We learn to own the means to, at will, connect and responsibly nurture
and fulfill our Old Brain and its inborn natural sensory attractions to
nature's balanced ways and wisdom.
As we do nature-connection
activities, nature's renewing and regenerative powers produce new,
reasonable, health enhancing sensory paths in our psyche.
doing an activity, when we sleep, our New Brain and its stories are
also asleep. Asleep, it/they can't block our activity-energized, newly
revived Old Brain sensory attraction way of expressing itself and
knowing the world. These (activity experience-based) Old Brain sensations, feelings and
intelligences follow their attraction to creep up and re-bind with new
paths in the New Brain. These are new, experiential paths that were formed by doing a
nature-connecting activity. This is nature's attractive
way. Similar attractions restore a bulldozed forest to its most
contributive and healthy adult form.
We awaken with a feeling of greater
fulfillment and a stronger sense of natural self. We comfortably
feel less dependent on obtaining fulfillment from questionable beliefs
and relationships. In time, our sense of reason is conscious
that, through sensory nature-connection activities, we can gain
fulfillment and restoration without detrimental side effects from
contemporary chemicals, technologies or dogma.
We feel new
confidence because we own a tool that gives us the power to deal with
destructive childhood incidents and indoctrination that have plagued us
and produced disorders. We feel more involved, less
Embracing natural attractions often replaces or complements prescribed drugs. It strengthens holistic
techniques. This results because when help our literate-story way
of knowing register our sensory way of knowing in connection with
authentic nature and its powers we make nature whole in our psyche.
Our mentality incorporates both our sensory and story way of thinking
and feeling. It is whole and whenever nature is whole, it proceeds to
do what it does best: nurture, recyle and renew its integity.
Just as nature can take a bulldozed or contaminated forest and
restore it to its healthiest state, when whole in our psyche, nature
does the same thing with our injured or contaminated thoughts and
rewarding growth and healing of our psyche through NAE enables us to
think more critically as
well as helps us release our bonds to our destructive ways. They
become rewarded and transform into more sensible relationship
building. We
recognize that the flow of the river dance is rewarding and that it
provides us with an ever-present life raft of reasonable sensory
fulfillment. This realization helps us make further contact with the
river and better cope with the lake stagnation
that has deteriorated our personal, social and environmental well-being.
self-worth and esteem increase as we are enabled by NAE because we own and
can obtain further benefits by repeating familiar river-connection
activities at will. In addition, we can also teach the activities to
others so they may benefit from them.
Is it surprising to learn
that we get the most out of nature-connection activities by teaching
them to others? However, like a parent and child, isn't this
caring process the “mothering” way Mother Nature works to sustain and promote
her perfection?
Summary: using and teaching NAE activities makes nature
present in both our New Brain and our Old Brain way of
thinking and feeling. Our psyche and nature become whole by
consciously sharing the transformative powers of the river. Nature and we benefit because
whenever and wherever nature is whole, it recycles, heals, unifies and
brings things into balance. That is nature's delight.
NAE process of educating, counseling and healing with nature is a
transformative, sensory science that, through natural attractions in
natural areas, helps us connect our thoughts and feelings with the
renewing wisdom and joy of nature and its eons on this planet,
now. It helps us learn how to think like nature works. The
connection replaces our destructive bonds. It enables us to enjoy responsible happiness, to sensibly
walk together, hand in hand, in the attractive real-life beauty,
cooperation and peace of nature's amazing grace.
As exemplified by a published full response
to an NAE training program activity assignment, whole-life
learning includes information that actively includes the NAE process,
the psyche and the soul.
"The Orientation Course Web of Life Imperative
book offers more tools, knowledge and personal power for good than most
therapies and spiritualities. It's information enables us to reverse our
destructive relationships by empowering us to make thoughtful sensory
connections with genuine nature. This connection responsibly satisfies
the aching, ever-wanting hole in our psyche that has been produced by
our excessive separation from nature, a hole that leads us astray"
Susan Chernak McElroy,
winning, N. Y. Times best selling author of Animals as Teachers and
Healers and Heart
in the Wild.
additional references, testimonials and appropriate links for this
article may be found imbedded in a Petition to the United Nations
located at http://www.ecopsych.com/petition2.html
A Sample of NAE ECHN in Action
Write a general description of how you did the activity and what
happened along with any quotes you like from the reading and how they
added meaning to the experience:
the picture with the word “glasses” beside it in section #9 caused a
huge, sad and very heavy feeling in my heart and I did not know why at
first. It did not seem directly related to the lesson the book was
trying to point to, but I felt so strongly attracted I decided to
follow the thread that seemed to be pulling me and see what I could
uncover. I soon realized the picture of the glasses had hit a
subconscious memory of when I got glasses as a kid and I decided to go
to nature to see what she could teach me.
I drove my Jeep a half
hour to the 3 acre backyard of a house I lived in as a child back in
1963 ( I was in third grade) to visit the old maple tree I used to have
my tree house in. It was lightly snowing. Of course, the tree is much
bigger than it was 48 years ago. I asked the tree permission to put my
hands on her in order that she might teach me. She seemed so familiar
and I felt tears running down my cheek in the 20 degree weather.
Memories flooded in as the tree held me in what felt like a loving
embrace encircling my entire body:
I was 7 when my parents
discovered I was extremely near-sighted and dyslexsic. I had to get
glasses. Up until then, I was deeply in tune with the rhythms of nature
and spent every waking hour I could playing outdoors-especially in my
tree house where I loved to sing. After I got my glasses my whole world
changed. I hated them and I was always taking them off. My parents
thought I was embarrassed by them, but I realized it wasn’t that at
all.- I missed my old world where I had learned to rely more heavily on
my sensing, hearing and feeling to make up for my "poor" vision. The
colored auras I could so easily see around plants and animals had
disappeared and I did not understand why. I felt frightened at this
disconnect. This was not how I knew the world to be at all! ….and
nearly 50 years later could still FEEL that grieving webstring.
then decided to take out my contact lenses I wear these days and see
how things looked and felt. While I did not see any auras, I could shut
my eyes and hear the song and the heartbeat of the sleeping tree. I
traveled up her bare branches, and down her root system with the worms
and microorganisms, I envisioned how she looked in every season of the
year, on sunny days, on stormy ones, and how, like me she had grown,
changed in shape. Her bark, like my skin, scarred with stories and more
wrinkled with time. I wondered if any other children loved her like I
did. What had she heard, and felt and seen. did she have memories? I
remembered the day those many years ago I was singing in my tree house
mimicking the morning dove and melted into the tree. I was her and she
was me…
This day, I stayed there singing with her again until
the long shadows of evening began to creep in. My toes and fingers were
so cold I could barely move them, but inside my heart was warm and
expanded and my whole body felt alive with a deep love and peacefulness.
I bowed and thanked her, promised to return, (put my contacts in) and drove home.
2) The three most important things I learned from this chapter are:
a.) Never under-estimate the power of 5 -legged thinking.
b.) Remember to laugh. There is surely a laughing webstring or two…or three….
c.) I am right where I need to be taking this course at this time.
3) How would you feel if this webstring attraction were taken away from you?
week after my tree house experience I found myself wondering if it is
possible for a webstring to be ”taken away” from us. I was reminded of
an energy picture I saw once of a girl with an amputated arm that
showed her ghosted image of her physical arm still there. I saw the
same for a leaf that had been cut in two. I believe that nature is
trying to teach us that while webstrings may be severed, damaged, or
dormant, they are in actuality, impossible to totally remove. They are
life. And life, as nature herself teaches us, always supports life.
4) Did the activity enhance your sense of self-worth and your trustfulness of nature?
Yes. It has helped me once again trust and appreciate all that I naturally intuit.
5) The part of you, if any, the activity identified or re-educated inside or outside of you:
am aware that many webstrings were tapped and re-awakened both
internally and externally (in both waking and sleeping time) due to so
much four-legged connecting in the natural world these past two weeks.
As webstrings are re-activating I am aware that my five-legged thinker
sometimes wanted to intervene and blame someone or something for the
numbing. In such moments I would pause to ask: “Who is this one who is
upset and what is her fear? Four legged awareness would sense a 5-
legged self that was deeply grieving and resenting the fact that she
had “lost “ her outdoor education school and “had” to go to work
indoors for the last four years. Nine-legged thinking allowed me to
embrace this five-legged one who might want to play victim and helps
her recognizes that she does not serve herself or humanity with her
whining. A feeling of anxiousness, resentment and fear then gives way
to love and quiet acceptance.
6) My attractions to group member’s postings this week
I was attracted to the way you responded to one of my e-mails a while
back. You used 4 individual words with periods after them to convey an
entire message and yet I could follow your entire train of thought!
Fun. I usewaytoomanywordssometimes.
Thanks. Reminder. Less. More.
7) What did you find of value in doing the SUMMARY STATEMENT B:
I am mostly rewarded by people and society, I tend to habitually know
and think about the world through the perceptual filter of our nature
conquering society."
This is a great reminder and it is hard to
admit I had to give it a 5. I have always been considered a rebel,
finding it far less rewarding to please others than to live my life
from my own seeing. This has put me at odds with many people in my
life-especially my immediate family that was used to me doing what
pleased them. But then as I will share below, I too, got sucked in and
nearly drown recently. Our 5 legged social conditioning is powerful and
is always trying to “buy us”, control or put us back to sleep.
8) Two words conveying what I learned from this assignment:
Trust Remember
Write one or more complete, single, short power sentences “quotes” that
convey a significant contribution that this assignment makes to
improving our relationships:
1. Don’t push the river
2. Unlearning is a process- give yourself ( and others) grace.
10) After Dreamtime this week, note any changes with respect to your outlook or the way you feel:
am resting quite well and feel very safe, trusting and “at home”. I am
finding myself more aware of the transition times between being awake
and sleeping. When I wake up ,especially right before I open my eyes or
move my body, there is nice sensation on the back left side my head
between my occipital bone and my shoulder . It feels like my energy is
slipping back into my body after a long rejuvenating journey. Sometimes
there is a little headache just for a moment, but if I breathe deeply
and sigh a couple of times it dissolves. I remember sparkling water,
vivid colors, earthy smells, hear faint melodies and a steady
heartbeat. There is a warm, peacefulness and a sense of being rooted
underground deep in soil. Some mornings I feel like I have been alone-
other times as though I have been to a joyous family reunion. Either
way, I feel enormously grateful, grounded and hopeful for humankind.
Identify what things you have put into the trustable, uncontaminated,
thought and feeling room/space you built into your psyche.
room itself is still empty. It looks like the inside of a flute. The
inner walls of the flute have simple words written on them. Two are
from last week: Inhale, Exhale. Two are newly added: Trust. Remember.
Here are my responses to the assignment on page 58 of The Web of Life Imperative:
1. Share one or two significant attractions that you found in each of the ten sections above:
“born with an inherited ability from nature”- I resonate with this
greatly. As we re-connect with nature we hear/feel again the
familiarity of her communicating with us and thereby awakening our
dormant or disconnected way of communicating
Two: the words “The purity of balance” feel powerful and good to my heart when I repeat them steadily to myself like a mantra.
“If you apply a story.” Good reminder that stories are always applied
and they influence our perceptions. We make it all up.
Four: “Wisely-balanced living organism” sounds and feels so ancient, effortless and alive. It hits me in my gut.
“The authority who punishes us “ is US if we believe in the authority,
was my realization as I read this line...and I laughed remembering how
easy it is to want to blame others.
Six: “artificially built
stories” This gave me a nauseous feeling in my stomach. I recognize
this to be true and thought of the world of marketing and advertising.
The marketing campaign that keeps us tied to our artificially built
world is working 99.9% of the time. We like what is familiar- even our
Seven: I resonated most with the picture of the joined
images. I see figure A as five-legged thinking, Figure B as 4 legged
thinking and the joined one as 9 legged thinking. The exercise rewards
dualistic thinking. Rich/poor, good/ bad, right /wrong are soley
reinforced doing nothing to help us see the benefit of the whole
working together. Our western world is built upon the “Figure A” ( 5
legged) notion that money=power. “Figure B” is 4 legged (nature), whom
we have disconnected with. She is in the background looking for a way
to work with Figure A to create a 9 legged economy. But alas, our 5
legged selves like what is familiar especially if it rewards us with
power and control over our world. This is why it is hard to see from a
4 legged perspective if our salary depends on it. Oh boy….I learned
this the hard way.
Eight: “hurt webstring feelings” – webstrings
have memories. Traditional therapy is predominately 5 legged as it
deals with thinking and the content in the brain. I see NSTP as an
approach to healing that includes the 4 legged approach of
acknowledging the subconscious feelings of an emotional trauma while
nurturing webstring connections in a 9 legged way. Nice.
the word “GLASSES” in all caps had an amazing effect on me the second I
read it that was not seemingly tied to the exercise. But in the end, I
realized I had just experienced a subconscious Ah-Ha!. ( see #1 for the
Ten: “Are you aware of the overlooked secret of
nature?” I think I very much am. I am also continuing to see that I am
here on this earth to share this magical secret, that is no secret , at
all, and feel honored to do so.
2. In a single paragraph that
incorporates the material in this chapter write a short statement about
how your destiny may be influenced by how we have learned to separate
from and think about nature and its values.
Life has taught me
well recently that 5 legged socialization is one seductive
temptress..and high contrast is also one great teacher. Eight months
ago I was let go from a high-paying research and development job in the
music technology business. I was devastated for a moment because it put
me in a huge financial bind and I lost my house and retirement, but now
I see it saved my life. For 4 years I sat inside that old automobile
factory with no fresh air, hooked up to droning machines believing the
work I was doing would help make the world a better place. That came on
the heels of 20 years of farming at near poverty level and working
outdoors year-round at my outdoor education school. What I failed to
see is how much “the dream job” was slowly killing me. I didn’t feel
well most days. It was fast-paced and competitive. I had headaches. I
missed the trees. I longed for sunshine and color green. My work and
personal relationships were becoming drama –filled….I was beginning to
buy into it all….Just a little longer and I can retire…. The golden
hand-cuffs, I’ve heard it called….A nice home, full health insurance,
retirement account, shares in a successful company, vacations,
world-travel. Then gone. In a blink all of it. I ran to the trees to
cry…I didn’t realize it then, but I was probably really crying for the
"lost" four years…
….and now all I can think about is how will I be able to bear watching my grandchildren go to public school?
In a single short paragraph, describe if you can how the information in
this chapter affects your answer to the question “Who are you?”
teaches me that I am what is left when all the self- imposed and 5
legged societal images are negated. I felt inspired to sit with my
guitar and write a new song. Here is part of it:
I’m nothing that I try to be,
I’m no one that they think is me,
I’m everything that’s left
where nothing is.
Explore your naturally attractive self.
Benefit from your natural attractions,
strengthen your personal and professional well-being and save time and
this fun and easy natural attraction activity.
If it makes sense and is attractive to you,
you are eligible to take our Organic Psychology Track for a degree or
certification in the organic application of Ecopsychology to
healing arts.
This track honors you life experience and prior training.
It saves you the costs and time of 18 credits of graduate
or two
years of undergraduate work. By emulating how nature works, it reduces
normal school tuition fees by 85 percent.
or email nature@interisland.net for an application
Save time and be complete. Call us. Tell us about yourself and what you
are looking for or seek to accomplish. We will help you find the
quickest and
least expensive means to achieve your goals. 360-378-6313 or
can email
us and we'll call you (USA): nature@interisland.net
now. Master
Organic Psychology by doing it.
Explore it from our homepage
a Difference: Sign our NAE Petition
to the United Nations. In return, it provides you with links to a full complement of critical free information on the Internet about the NAE process
A press release about this web page is available. This page is available as an updated article that you can download or publish.
a Degree or
Certificate to
strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by
connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you
increase personal and global well being.
subjects or leisure pursuits for a certificate or degree can include those listed below or other
areas of interest.
behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The
rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious
traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When
these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and
societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are
industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to
betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking
over 98 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we
normally share with natural systems and their eons of experience. Our
subconscious hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of
these senses underlies our greatest troubles.
J. Cohen
from learning to enhance the natural psychic pulse within and around
us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic
Psychology to
your life and livelihood.

research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is
determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action
of people."
is what stands the
test of experience."
Albert Einstein