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Journal of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology (OP/NAE)

Project NatureConnect  Akamai University Institute of Applied Ecopsychology
VOLUME 1,  NUMBER 2011-2013                                                      Dr.  Michael J. Cohen, Editor

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Key, Healing, Whole Life, United Nature Courses and Short Time Degrees for Dance-of- Life Education and Training in authentic Nature

Educating Counseling and Healing with the Life of Nature and Planet Earth.

The Sensory Power of Self-Evidence: How to Dance in the Unified Field

- Michael J. Cohen


To stop our bewilderment, sensory connections that we make with the Web of Life in natural areas empower each of us to rejoin our 54 sensibilities with the balancing wisdom of the Unified Field to increase personal, social and environmental well-being.
  • Learning to think and speak while connected to the Dance of the GreenWave Unified Field in any given moment helps us communicate with the non-storied whole of life and its eons of history. They are attractions/loves of our personal life in that moment.
  • The Dance attaches us to all past and present leaders, deities, stories, senses, facts, prophecies and relationships in the present and past life of Planet Earth.
  • As we dance as 54-sense equals with the past in the Unified Field present, we unite and update the past with our advanced science and technology.
  • Dancing the Dance this way enables our stories and senses to increase well-being as our disorders transform into responsible  new Unified Field moments in peaceful balance with the whole of life. Our bewilderment becomes whole-life integrity.

    "Ivory Tower thinking sees the wilderness as being inept and stupid so "bewildered" means "confused dazed or perplexed" rather than meaning "the sanity of whole life wisdom. Today's tragic results demonstrate that it is Ivory Tower thinking that is bewildered."

Does it bother you that our advanced science and technology way of thinking is not pure? It is extremely biased because its methodology is forced to omit or override "subjective" phenomena. These vital sensory phenomena make up 85 percent of the way the life of Planet Earth and us work in balance via our 54 natural senses and we are indoctrinated to ignore them.

Are you aware that our personal lives are genetically gifted at conception with 54 natural senses and that these senses are as alive as we are? They enable us to moment by moment connect with and register the wholeness of life that we hold in common with the life of Earth.

Our life is a contributing diversity of the life of Earth/Nature. Its life produced and preceded ours by billions of years. 

Does it alarm you in the least that all but one of our 54 senses are "subjective" so they are omitted by our material objectivity? The 54 include
our love to Reason, Hear, Trust, Touch, of Music, Consciousness, Literacy, Place, Happiness, Motion and Community. Note that only Hearing and Touch are included in our established "five senses" and that Reason can be objective.

Are you concerned that the life of Planet Earth today needs the life of an additional Planet Earth half its size to attach to it? It is needed to make up for the resource deficiency our unbalanced way of relating produces as it eviscerates our planet's life each year and increasingly produces our miseries.

We live unbalanced lives. How do you feel about our runaway excessiveness having eliminated 49 percent of the wildlife that lived here in peace and as part of our environmental life support system in 1970?  Awful?  Who cares? How you feel does not count, it is subjective and we live in an objective science, material world.

Do you recognize that our daily decreasing life support from Earth erodes the life of our 54 senses since they are part of it? Our increasing personal, social and mental disorders result and most of our population is in denial of this catastrophe.
Can your sense of reason see the parallel between a 50 percent rise in Mental Illness since 1970 and about the same percentage of deterioration of the life resources of our planet including the polar ice sheet melting and climate warming in addition to species extinction? In many areas there has been a similar percentage drop in our trust in people, civic relationships, community and government. This is also true in manufacturing, happiness in women, fairness, economic equality, compassion, empathy and religiosity, while suicide rates and breast cancer have increased.

Most of us are so removed from reality that while all this deterioration is taking place, happiness in general has increased for some via the quick fix rewards of media communication like texting. The latter communicates that this situation is necessary for progress and economic growth.

If you are included in 99.9 percent of contemporary society it means that, along with us, your ability to register and think with your inherent whole-life 54 sense ability is now 85 percent incapacitated by attachment or addiction to the excellent but biased and limiting ways of material/objective science, thinking and feeling, a process that omits our senses as being "subjective" nonadmittable evidence.

You are probably one of the 85 percent of the population that is in some kind of support or therapy group to deal with the Earth-misery challenge of our nature-separated daily life. Does it depress you in any way that like us, you may only be 15 percent intelligent with respect to thinking in happy connection with the 54-sense whole life integrity of our Planet and Nature? How good is that deficiency for your self-esteem?

If the aliveness that you share with your planet is sick what kind of craziness makes you think your life is well?

Most important, do you believe, as does the rest of our society and its authorities, that a self-evident and repeatedly demonstrated remedy for our disastrous life-deteriorating personal and global relationships is unknown or impossible even though it exists? Are you in denial of its contribution?

The remedy for our delusions is the GreenWave Equation, a whole-life art and science of Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN).
Its activities empower anybody to create non-invasive, sensory moments in natural areas, backyard or backcountry. There the life of Earth's passion for its life brings into play what we inherently know. It makes us aware of what its balanced ways need our 54-sense intelligence to do for all enjoy personal, social and environmental well-being.  The GreenWave then plugs our 54 natural senses directly into the self-correcting powers and beauty of Earth's life and vice versa.

I apologize that I must ask you this next question. Do you believe ECHN is impossible because it is bogus? Or is it because, along with most of us, you only have only a 15 percent capacity to recognize and trust the 100 percent ability of ECHN to revive the whole of life in balance, including your life?

Please note that our daily increasing deterioration of the life of our planet, along with ourselves as part of it, has been known and documented since 1974, as well as predicted decades earlier. Note too, that at this late date nobody says they know the underlying cause of this catastrophe or how to remedy it...nobody except the research team at ECHN.

The above situation is a monumental Catch 22 short circuit. It prevents our society from reasonably changing to meet our accurate objective science observations. The latter clearly identify our Climate Change and Earth Resource deficit and Misery Problems that the deterioration of our 54 sense way of life has caused.  However, the flaw of our society's 85 percent deficient whole life science prevents it from using ECHN to address this dilemma.

ECHN can continually strengthen by 85 percent every effort great or small we are presently making to come into balance and add the potent, presently omitted, GreenWave/ECHN remedy to our objective thinking. This would significantly reduce the medical, insurance, mental illness and environmental costs we presently incur.

Keep in mind that during the 15 minutes that it has taken you to read to this point, six of those minutes overused the present state of the life of our planet to support your life. Note that this stupid insanity and its miseries are increasing day by day.

Under the circumstances I describe, it seems essential that anybody's sense of reason should at least understand why the GreenWave ECHN process is not impossible and why it has the ability to help us do what we presently are unable to do.

The GreenWave holds this truth to be self-evident:

Fact: when something is self-evident it means that we don’t have to think about its truth or prove it.  It has to be true, like 1 + 1 = 2 or like the sensation of thirst connects us to the life of the global water cycle. Thirst signals to our consciousness that we need water. Thirst is also intelligent enough turn itself off when we have enough water so we don't drink excessively and interrupt the integrity of water's self-purifying life cycle. This is a self-evident fact that we experience.  The sense of thirst may have come into being as part of the process of the first sea animals becoming land animals.  It was necessary to make them aware that they needed water.
FACT: It is self-evident to you that you are reading these words right now.

Better still, it is also self-evident that no matter the date, time and place, or that we are probably strangers, we both know the sentence to be true because you and I consciously experience it.

A similar self-evident commonality would be that you and I are alive. If this was not true we could not read the sentence.
Other types of truths have to be proven; they are not self-evident. For example, FACT: The tree next to my house is green has to be proven true for you since you are not first-hand experiencing it here right now.
The explanation for the self-evident truth phenomenon is that the immediate moment "Now" is present in the statement for both parties. 

The "Now" is the unifying aliveness and essence of everything. The Now is the entire life of our Universe, along with Planet Earth,  creating its own time and space
moment-by-moment as it has since the Big Bang beginning of the eons.

The Now is the only time that the ability of our
54 natural senses to felt-sense register what the world is connecting them to. This fact of life happens moment by moment as part of our Universe. Consciously applying "Now power" is the unique value and contribution of Self-Evidence.
In review:
Our greatest challenge is that our wonderful objective science and thinking must omit our sensory truth, self-evident experiences because they are usually "subjective" phenomena and therefore unmeasurable and uncontrolable.

Objective science and thinking can be 100 percent accurate and it makes amazing positive contributions to our contemporary material life. However, it is not whole. It respects only 15 percent of our total 54 sense way of knowing. It is only 15 percent whole life smart and it is in denial that this produces immense problems. It claims itself to be the most intelligent form of life on Earth at the same time that it can't stop deteriorating Earth's life.

We produce and suffer our runaway troubles because our objectivity omits 85 percent of our ability to genuinely 54-sense connect with, know and relate appropriately to the self-correcting whole of the life of our planet and universe.
Self-evidence reveals that our attachments to thinking and feeling with scientifically inaccurate information creates hurtful conflicts in and around us that result in the destructive personal, social and global challenges we suffer

Self-evidence also shows that we enjoy strong emotional rewards from rational thoughts and feelings that stem from accurate, whole life information. The happiness from these organic responses enables us to break addictions, solve problems, resolve conflicts, justify relationships, reduce stress, modify violence and increase personal, social and environmental

The immense advantage of self-evidence is that it always provides us with trustable, unadulterated facts that even in
a court of law are acknowledged as evidence beyond reasonable doubt.

The pure truth of organic self-evidence is critical as an antidote for the polluted knowledge and bigoted interactions that corrupt and stress the life of our society and planet, including our body, mind and spirit.

Because the whole life art and science of ECHN only works with self-evidence from life itself in natural areas it offers a valuable contribution that is presently missing. It transforms objective science into becoming whole-life reasonable. It gives us 100 percent intelligent expertise in dealing with the conflicts that arise from our presently unbalanced relationship with the life of our planet, in and around us.

ECHN enables us to scientifically make "others" include the life of our planet's plant, animal, mineral and energy kingdoms as in:  "Do not do to others what you don't want them to do to you."  ECHN helps our sense of reason recognize and deal with the major challenges in our present excessively nature-disconnected way of knowing and relating.

ECHN emanated from school authorities demeaning and assaulting the life of a six year old boy in 1936 who was left-handed. It took them four years to approve his family's reasonable request fpr him to use an appropriate but forbidden technology, a fountain pen, that provided him with a whole life remedy for the conflict they imposed. His maverick genius was attracted to continue on this path for the rest of his life because it was happy and because no single thing or event stands alone. It is attached, and it attached him, to all that had gone before it, and it remained attached to all that followed it.

The expertise of advanced science and technology
universe affirms to our senses of reason, consciousness and literacy that along with everything else, we only exist and live in the "Now," moment-by-moment, whole life of the Universe and its attraction to build its next whole-life moment of time and space. The Now is the powerful time and space the life of the Universe creates so it can survive by continuing "to be" in that and the next moment.

Organic omissions or distortions of the life of our 54 senses, that include our sense of reason, create Now moments in others and ourself that are made dysfunctional by disconnection injuries we inflict on the whole of life along with their long term effects.  Our dysfunctions remain until they are corrected through the organics of the ECHN process.
Self-evidence in the sequential continuum of the time/life Now of the Universe means that undeniably in the Now everything is identical and connected; we are one. If anybody knows they are alive in a Now moment through their 54 senses, including the sense of Reason, they also know that the identical essence of the Universe and Earth has to be alive in that moment, too.

Similarly if a person can't identify or experience anything that is not held together by natural attraction "love", it is most reasonable for them to ECHN learn how to build relationships based on the self-evidence of attraction being everywhere. This is further validated by the small 15 percent but outstanding objective science that identified the life of the "Universe and Organism Earth Higgs Boson God Particle attraction network."

Our 54 senses in concert enable us to register that our lives live in Organism Earth as part of it, not on it. We live under its atmosphere and flying life forms and in its biosphere. Our life is its life.

Studies by our felt senses of consciousness, reason and literacy have established that our socialized lives live, on average, over 95 percent of our time indoors. In addition, on average more that 99 percent of our body, mind and spirit continually live out of tune with the way that the life of Nature and our living planet work.

Nobody has yet to identify or experience any other part of the life of Earth that has the ability to communicate or build relationships through stories and labels. Until this changes, it is evident that Organism Earth is speechless and non-literate. It can't tell or understand stories. It has been this way until humanity formed.  Because it can't tell or understand our stories, our storytelling has the power to disconnect us from the whole life of Earth and Nature.

From our experiences our 54 senses register that we socialize ourselves to addict to thinking, communicating and relating through words with respect to the whole of life
, be they right or wrong. To our loss, most Words stories continually disconnect us from, shadow or replace the integrity of our sensible, 53-sense, non-articulate, "slime mold" attraction way of relating rather than reasonably supporting it.

Our sense of reason can whole life, self-evidence experience the nature of Organism Earth, including humanity, as the aliveness of a singular and attractive, love-dance Unified Field of the eons in any given moment.

Our living planet's Unified Field has the attraction power each moment to fairly produce optimums of life, diversity, peace and cooperation as well as sanely organize, purify, correct, heal and balance itself and its participant dancers without producing garbage or pollution.

In the Now, every part of the dance of Nature, including humanity, is in communication with the total Dance so every individual or thing dances in attractive balance, harmony and support of the whole Dance and its Dancers, and vice versa. This is only interrupted when we dance to the tune of inaccurate or outdated stories, or we identify the vibrant resonance, sway or motions of the dance as repulsions of each other as they attractively move one way or another.

"Repulsions" can't be part of Nature's life because self-evidence shows that Nature is all-attraction, nothing can be negative or repulsive.  For example, what we call repulsion is actually a Now signal to find a stronger natural attraction. Danger attracts us to run for our life.
Note that it is our nature-disconnecting story that arranges magnets to show that like poles "repel" each. In unadulterated Nature the poles are not story-manipulated to do what they don't naturally do. In the attractive freedom of Nature, magnets align themselves with opposite poles attracting. That's naturally who they are.
When excessive disconnections of our body, mind or spirit from the life of the unadulterated Dance of Nature is a cause of a problem or disorder, the 54 sense ECHN process of genuinely reconnecting our life with the life of the Dance in a natural area is an essential part of the solution. This is because Nature's Dance is the fountainhead of authority in how it works. The attraction/love between the whole of life and its diverse expressions makes the web of life constantly  transform in balance.

In the Whole Life of Science, Universe, Nature, Earth and Humanity (SUNEH):
  • No single thing or event stands alone. It is attached by attraction to all that has gone before it, and it remains attached to all that follows it.
  • Both scientific Objective facts and 54 sense Subjective facts show that the life dance of the Higgs Boson Unified Field "god particle" keeps every part of each time/space moment alive, attraction-connected and in communion. The field dances everywhere. Our 54 senses are it being conscious of itself as us.

  • As part of the life of Earth and its web, only humanity has the ability to communicate and and build relationships through stories rather than via the dance of attraction relationships alone.

  • Our whole-life story describes a unifying "God" flow of unconditional love for all relationships. Our troubles start when our stories stop the flow.

  • We produce and suffer our personal, social and environmental disorders when our 54 senses are attached or addicted to unscientific, nature disconnecting stories that estrange our thinking and relationships from the self-correcting dance of Organism Earth. These stories stop the flow.

Everything exists.

By extending the logic-based, ECHN whole life process into the pre-Big Bang world, we can reason that since we desire to be, the pre-Big Bang unknown also desired to be as it has from its start.

ECHN incorporates that the essence of everything existed before the Big Bang. Everything has always been conscious on some level that it is, it exists, that it is "being" in action. Attraction is conscious that it is attracted to something otherwise how would it know what it is attracted to?

Our attachments to or labels and stories separate us from our sensory attraction to the "story-less" life of Earth in balance in the Now.  They produce disastrous separation issues, arguments and wars about who's story is right. Billions of people have been assaulted, killed or wounded due to their attachments to pre-Big Bang god stories and the like that lead us to eviscerate the life of our planet and us.

The life of Nature's Unified Field and Organism Earth seamlessly continues. Moment by moment it affirms that 13.8 billion years ago there was born into being from the pre-Big Bang, a cloud of attraction that was conscious of itself. It may have been located in a Black Hole, other universe or anywhere else

The cloud was conscious that parts of it were attracted to becoming more attractive
by manifesting themselves materially into matter since that provided more attractive and stronger stability, diversity and love. Becoming matter  was conscious that this mattered.

The conscious concentration of these unified attractions in this regard transformed them into the attractive Big Bang birthing moment. This included the life of its Higgs Boson attraction net "God Particle," the unified field that holds together the life of our planet and us to this moment as well as gives things mass.

It is the stories that disconnect our life from any moment-by-moment attraction act in the life of Nature that produce our major disorders.

The good news is that in a natural area our ECHN intelligence can reconnect these disorders and stories back to our living planet's unified field self-correcting ways in the next moment.

The life of Nature, Earth and Humanity is identical except that we can tell stories. Otherwise, our lives are the whole of life's integrity that it developed moment after moment through the eons.

Any moment that our stories excessively interfere with the whole of life, part of its/our integrity deteriorates. All things suffer from this destruction as it continues into all moments that follow until it is finally corrected. There is hope. Through ECHN this interference may be corrected in any moment by creating space for activity moments that let Earth's self-correcting ways guide us and teach us what we need to know to correct it and empower us to implement that correction.

If there is a moral here it is this: you can't cure bewilderment as long as you are emotionally dependent on its insane rewards and profit from their corrupting effects on the integrity of the life of Earth including your body mind and spirit. This is no different than us mistreating our pet and then watching its total wellness decline, including its soul.

Most of us are indoctrinated to ignore the evildoing of our nature-disconnected stories. What is normal is to take what we can get while stressed by sadly knowing on some levels that we have gone way past Nature's free lunch zone.  Other people places and things suffer for the excessiveness of our immoral and short-term, quick fix happy moments. We know this on some level and it depresses us so we are more vulnerable to additional stress.

For those who care, ECHN provides a powerful, 54 sense cure. It strengthens every great effort we are presently making to change and come into balance with Nature. People who can use and teach ECHN will be in high demand as things continue to deteriorate.
ECHN helps us instantly enjoy the happiness of whole life truth by reasonably loving everything that exists in the whole life of each moment. Its whole life is its unadulterated attraction essence in the moment.

All things only exist in the present moment of our Universe, the GreenWave Now of life that includes our stories, sensations and history.  Learning to "felt-sense think and speak on the GreenWave Unified Field" enables us communicate with the whole of life and its history as part of each present moment's attraction of the life of our Universe to survive.

The "Now" aliveness of the GreenWave attaches our felt-sense thinking to the profound wilderness experiences of past leaders, deities, stories and relationships. It updates them with our knowledge of the present that was then unknown. This empowers us to increase personal, social and environmental well-being, today and tomorrow as we dance with the past.

In a natural area the GreenWave Equation enables our 54 senses to reasonably bring the dance of past leaders, religious figures or mystics in step with Industrial Society in any moment.  This unity gives us the presently missing ability to understand and deal with the catastrophe of our excessive nature-disconnection because we are simultaneously dancing in tune with geology and physics laws, with Moses, Jesus, Krishna and Mohammad and as well as the dance of scientists, wellness or folks we disagree with. We resonate with friends or criminals, past experiences, prophets, wisdom, love and any other nature-supportive story that comes to mind.

"Learning to think and speak while connected to the Dance of the GreenWave Unified Field helps us communicate with the whole of life and its history as part of the attraction/love essence of our personal life in any moment. The Dance attaches us to all past and present problems as well as to leaders, deities, stories, senses, facts, prophecies and relationships in the history and life of Planet Earth. While we lovingly dance as 54-sense equals with these individuals in the present, we update them with our advanced science and technology progress. In congress together this enables our GreenWave dance, moment-by-moment, to unify, transform  and produce responsible tomorrows in peaceful balance with the whole of life."

- Michael J. Cohen

Parallel Contemporary Thinking

As in our present reality, in fantasy, on average, a Whole Life IQ could be:
Normal —– 85-115
Deficient — 71-84
Moron ——  51-70
Imbecile — 26-50
Idiot ——–  0-25

Idiocy. Since the material objectivity of our "normal" advanced science and technology omits "the subjective" our objectivity is, on average, only 15 percent of our whole-life total 54-sense intelligence's ability to make sense. This bewildering limitation means we normally have a
Whole Life IQ of 15. Folks with exceptional science objectivity abilities can have a Whole Life IQ of 25 or higher.

We are "normally" Whole Life Idiots. This explains many things about the crazy world we build and live in as our attachments to nature-disconnected stories produce it.

We are actually Idiot Savants because our 15-25 IQ has awesome objective intelligence qualities. We are at risk because we can't reasonably apply them in a balanced way to the subjective reality of the whole of life, in and around us.

As Savants we can go to the Moon and invent mobile phones 120,000,000 times more powerful than the computer system for the Apollo moon landing. However, we are too addicted to our high tech power to stop using it to assault the beautiful life of our planet home, the paradise that is our life.

Out of pity we might call those of us living normal contemporary lives in our advanced industrial society "Savants." That allows us to better survive by avoiding the disabling pain produced by our Ego and intelligence being aware that they are bewildered nature-disconnected Idiots with respect to the whole of life.

Caution: because in our democracy our authorities and leaders powerfully represent us, they are often our most powerful idiots.

Get Smart:

It is wise to deal with any issue by adding ECHN to include the 54-sense life of our planet as a partner that sensibly supports us in gratitude for our support of its well-being

To live in the reasonable sanity of balance and happiness we simply have to choose to let ECHN help us add our natural 54-sense, 85 IQ to our Savant 15 IQ in natural areas.

With joy for and from all of life the GreenWave can help us become 100 percent intelligent of who we were whole life born to be. 
That's what that six year old child did in 1936. He and others continue to do it successfully via ECHN and this is self-evident to me.  I am that child now with a Ph.D. in being him as a recognized maverick genius.  It verifies what I knew then and what I know even better now. I cheerfully admit that when problems present themselves  I'm attached to ECHN helping me think like a slime-mold works and teach others to do the same

Make ECHN happen for yourself. Participate our Orientation Program.


The ability to engage nature in stopping addiction been described in Michael Cohen's book Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN), the GreenWave Intelligence Inventory and other PNC books, web pages and online course responses that increase personal, social and environmental wellness.  Taking the PNC Orientation Program online is the best way to learn how this skill will be of assistance to you.

There are 170 ECHN connection activities that help us habitually re-connect 170 disconnections from nature and help us think like the perfections of Nature work. Each activity resembles playing "Hide and Seek" in a natural area, backyard or backcountry, and validating truths you discover about yourself as part of authentic nature there. In addition, you know the rules for each reconnecting activity so you own it and can teach it to others.

Visit the many links at our Survey of Participants to view the wonderful results of ECHN

* * *

Enjoy a Video that lets some folks see how paying attention to their attractions helps them find what they feel they are missing.  If it has value to you, you are eligible for financial assistance in our online training programs.

Explore the hidden organic remedy for our addictions to false stories: www.HiddenOrganicRemedy.com

Apply now to the Project NatureConnect 18-Month Subsidized Degree Program Albert Einstein Sensory Ecology Track.

From Amazon.com: "Among the great many original contributions of Dr. Michael J. Cohen's Genius is his genius to get people out of the way of their "Observer/Observed" minds and in direct natural sensory relationship to think with their Other Body, the life of the Earth/Universe.  Dr. Cohen, what you have done in an extraordinary way is wisdom beyond the convention of education and with direct Natural Sensory Relationship and a Holistic Process that has no dogma or doctrine. No one can dispute it or take it as a possession unto themselves. There is absolutely no disputing this contribution of your Genius."

Dan Shelton, Ph.D.

Enjoy further information about Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology:
  1. Key Page Index<http://www.ecopsych.com/annotatedpages.html>
  2. Publishable Article<http://www.ecopsych.com/hallucinatearticle.html>
  3. Process Synopsis<http://www.ecopsych.com/transformation.html>
  4. 18 Month Degree<http://www.ecopsych.com/18month.html>
  5. Fundamentals <http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen22.html>
  6. Free Course:<http://www.ecopsych.com/nhpbook.html>
  7. Testimonials<http://www.ecopsych.com/testimonials.html>
  8. Best Course<http://www.ecopsych.com/orient.html>
  9. 54 Senses<http://www.ecopsych.com/insight53senses.html>
  10. Outcomes<http://www.ecopsych.com/survey.html>
  11. Interview<http://www.ecopsych.com/ecopsychologyjournal.html>
  12. Research<http://www.ecopsych.com/2004ecoheal.html>
  13. Overview<http://www.ecopsych.com/insight2005.html>
  14. Workbook<http://www.ecopsych.com/nhpbook.html>
  15. Training<http://www.ecopsych.com/training.html>
  16. Director<http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html>
  17. Identity<http://www.ecopsych.com/thesisquote6.html>
  18. Validity<http://www.ecopsych.com/journalcopernicus.html>
  19. Petition<http://www.ecopsych.com/petition2.html>
  20. Articles<http://www.ecopsych.com/2004artnews.html>
  21. Dualism<http://www.ecopsych.com/journalessence.html>
  22. Activity<http://www.ecopsych.com/naturepath.html>
  23. Facts<http://www.ecopsych.com/journalpeak.html>
  24. Book<http://www.ecopsych.com/ksanity.html>
  25. Film<http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1357054/>

Learn More:

Benefit from empowering, online, your livelihood and prior experience to be more resilient, validated, green, holistic, environmental, sustainable, natural, nature-connected, healthy, spiritual, organic and peaceful.

Achieve a degree or certification that strengthens your contributions as a counselor, healer, teacher, environmentalist, coach, therapist, spiritualist, leader or health and wellness mentor.

As have others, you may obtain an Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature degree or certificate in conjunction with:

Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch

Art Therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
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Anger Management
Energy Healing

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming

Take our free, accredited, CEU course online.  Use it for professional licensing requirements or transfer it into your academic program


Readily available, online, organic psychology tools for the health of person,
planet and spirit

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <nature@interisland.net> www.ecopsych.com


The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the book
The Web of Life Imperative.


We are born as part of the total life of Nature and our Planet. We inherit as part of it our unique 54-sense ability to relate to its perfection through stories that the life of Nature as Earth neither use nor understand. 

Because life is a moment-by-moment attraction to be, every moment of it is attached to all that has gone before it, and it remains attached to all that follows it.

Our stories are not real-life wholeness. They are blueprint abstracts for relating to global life.
Accurate ECHN 54-sense stories help us gain life support from the whole of life in the moment in mutually beneficial ways.

Inaccurate or nature-disconnected stories corrupt the life of our planet including us as part of it. They hurt because they separate us from the trustable support available to us in whole life moments and their eons of self-correcting and balanced attachments.
In Industrial Society our story teaches us to spend, on average, over 99 percent of our time living in "objective" stories.  They are disconnected from and out of tune with the "subjective" whole life of our Planet. 

Our excessive planetary separation corrupts the wholeness of our relationships throughout or lives. We increasingly hurt as our story driven, 54-sense evisceration from the totality of life increases. This disassociation makes us continually want and when we want there is never enough.  It makes us produce our life of Earth misery and overuse, in and around us .

Although our objectivity can see that global life, including us, is depleted, miserable and sick with a fever we can't stop causing it and suffering the dysfunctions it produces in our lives.  This is because, out of sensory desperation, we become attached or addicted to our excessive nature-separation stories as "Normal." For this reason, we applaud those who are most powerfully disconnected simply because they have the money to continually buy technological substitutes for their emptiness.

Being severed from the whole of life we are insecure. We 54-sense that we need more of everything. This includes the excessive profits our disconnection produces as we buy artificial satisfactions to feed our everwanting sensory deprivation from the whole of life.

Our objectivity is aware of the problems our break from the whole life produces. However it omits getting and applying self-evident, ECHN "subjective" relationship information. That is only available from 54-sense contact with the whole of life in natural areas, backyard or backcountry.

Without applying our missing sensory information our life can't change or stop the unbalance we produce simply because our life is unbalanced. A broken computer can't mend itself.



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