Online Nature-Connecting Holistic Counseling Therapist and Degree and Training Course Dissertation Process : Alternative Natural Career Education Innovation, Personal and Professional Environmental and Human Nature University Power Scholarships, Grants and Jobs.
SYNOPSIS: This whole-life dissertation instruction page supports a funded Mother Earth sensory science in action. It explains to educating, counseling and healing with nature degree candidates an organic psychology social network tool. It helps us improve health, wellness and counseling by enabling our thinking and feeling to safely tap into the nature's grace, balance and restorative powers in natural areas and people. Participants benefit from and strengthen their inborn love of nature as they invoke their training and mastery of PNC Organic Application of Ecopsychology into degree program and social network sites for alternative therapist coaching, natural stress release and management and holistic spiritual psychology. If you love nature you obtain a Ph.D. for keeping the wisdom of that love alive and helping others do the same to the benefit of all. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Now training and hiring instructors and administrators for Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature Training and Certification for supportive Degrees, Careers Courses and Jobs On Line Project NatureConnect offers nature-centered distant learning that enables its participants to invoke the benefits of nature-connecting methods and credentials to their degree programs, careers and/or their skills, interests and hobbies. We honor your prior training and life experience by providing grants and equivalent education credit for it. You may take accredited or professional CEU coursework and/or obtain a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most disciplines or personal interests. A partial subject list is located at the bottom of this page.
Project NatureConnect: Proposal and Outline for the TRAINING FOR DOCTORATE BY PROJECT IN LIEU OF DISSERTATION FIELD OF STUDY: Applied Ecopsychology (OAE) (the Organic Application of Ecopsychology) is Project NatureConnect’s Applied Ecopsychology NSTP/GreenWave-54, Organic Psychology degree training program): The Process of Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) visit www.projectnatureconnect.com Highly Recommended: 18 Month Program Synopsis Select Here Parallel Applications, Processes, Terms and Resources
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OAE Source Books and Organic Psychology Track Courses:
OAE Ph.D. Training
Organic Psychology Track Review full particulars online
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Ecopsychology
Applied Eco-Arts Therapy Applied Organic Psychology Applied Eco-Meditation Applied Ecotherapy As described in ECHN and other Applied Ecopsychology course books, OAE is a hands-on, activity based, art and science that helps us increase respect for our living planet, Earth. By design, it empowers people to solve problems without producing additional problems. To master this field candidates are required to have a working level literacy of ECHN and its history that must be reflected in their project and its defense/dissertation Elements of OAE originated in 1946. They resulted from nature-connected experiences and observations within the Progressive Camping movement that established itself in 1920-1935 and that centered around Josh Lieberman's Creative Camping, book and programs As described in Children's Nature, the application of Progressive Education in organized camping developed healthy personal growth and community relationships while in natural areas (CONTINUED). Any Ph.D. is obtained by working with an assigned committee of three or more faculty with Ph.D's. They guide you to assure the academic quality and appropriate contribution of your Ph.D. Each university establishes general guidelines that a student must follow to earn a Ph.D. degree, and each college or department within a university sets specific standards by which it measures the mastery of its field. This helps PNC students and dissertations address destructive dualism and its resulting Earth Misery. The field of OAE recognizes itself as a distinct and powerful natural attraction based forerunner of Ecopsychology, while academia's story often portrays NAE as an application of Ecopsychology. This division results from the roots of Ecopsychology being mostly in indoor academics, philosophy and substances while OAE academics spring from Progressive Camping outdoor exploration and nature sensitivity discoveries. To address the above, and other results of dualism, in Project NatureConnect's Applied Ecopsychology Institute at Akamai University the prime measure to increase personal, social and environmental well being is the reasonableness of any relationship or idea with respect to the welfare of the whole of life. Identifying the web-of-life sensibility of ideas or acts, not research alone, becomes a prime factor in determining "truths." The short and long term effect on the welfare of all members of the web of life is a critical operating factor in the NAE education and Ph.D. process. To the benefit of all, this focus reasonably modifies the value and impact of research, thinking or titles that may support Industrial Society's unreasonable war against nature or excessive exploitation of natural systems. You are undertaking research in the Application of Ecopsychology. We identify this field of study as Organic Psychology, Revolutionary Wisdom and Natural Attraction Ecology as it fits into the GreenWave-54 workings of Ecopsychology and Ecotherapy. OAE's history and contribution is to apply Ecopsychology by making space to learn and benefit from direct sensory contact with nature itself. It recognizes nature to be the fountainhead of authority about how and why nature works through its flow of natural attractions and attachments in and around us, that express themselves as 54 natural senses. OAE's purpose is to ask the life of Nature and Earth to help humanity think like the way nature's perfection works. It enables individuals to empower themselves and others with nature connection tools that help them feel better, think and relate with Nature's wisdom, and act to affect change to the benefit of all. Each student is accountable to invoke this purpose. Every doctoral candidate is expected to show mastery of NAE by clearly identifying its unique GreenWave contribution to their project and vice versa. Through the means you find most reasonable and appropriate to the field and title of your research, we invite you to demonstrate how NAE may have specific attributes that address problems stemming from our human disconnection from nature, upon which both OAE and Ecopsychology Ecopsychology have helped shed light. THE GREENWAVE UNIFIED FIELD The organics of Applied Ecopsychology help the world and individuals develop a warrantied 54 sense GreenWave natural attraction skill and consciousness that 85 percent more effectively motivates people to act in support of disciplines that reduce our excessiveness and destructiveness. For this reason your ability to explain and defend your hypothesis can be the central thrust of the project that you will do or have done and that your dissertation defends. It should be something close to: OAE should be used as a prime root for critiquing some of the studies, philosophies, or programs you come across during your research and cited in your paper, but may not be your sole source of argument. A broad and comprehensive review of traditional academic literature in your general field is also expected. Your strongest, most supported, effecient and accurate path to our Ph.D. in applied ecopsychology, is for your project to be to study yourself as you increase your well being by mastering how to mentor yourself and others in how to invoke GreenWave-54 in any relationship. If you have not already done so, you may explore the parameters of OAE at www.ecopsych.com/GREENWAVEBETA.pdf and http://www.ecopsych.com/ksanity.html. The latter provides you with a dissertation about NAE that may help you organize your dissertation. (Note: it contains an irregular sequence of chapters that is not recommended.) http://www.ecopsych.com/journalproposal.html is your best route if you have expertise and success in a specific field. It fits perfectly into the 18 month SET, autobiography rooted program www.ecopsych.com/18month.html and it highly recommended GreenWave-54 sequence that you share with others and the web-of -life PLEASE NOTE: The work you are undertaking for writing this thesis dissertation and degree is your academic defense of a Project, not a survey or statistical undertaking in the traditional research sense. We invite you to determine a topic and title of interest and value to you, and develop it into a project or vice versa. The guidelines we offer on this page are rooted in the more detailed dissertation by project guidelines. GUIDANCE: At Akamai University, the dissertation procedure has been laid out as a course. If you are seeking guidance, please refer to portions of the course, and integrate them into your procedures. http://www.akamaiuniversity.us/finalproject.html http://www.akamaiuniversity.us/images/GuidelinesforMajorProjectsinLieuofTheses.pdf ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE: A SAMPLE DISSERTATION http://www.essaytown.com/samples.html (Sample #5 is 51 pages.) We suggest a minimum of 75 pages with approximately 30 percent of the dissertation being the Literature Review.) DISSERTATION ADVICE: http://www.grad.washington.edu/envision/phd/obtaining_phd/dissertation2.html DISSERTATION HELP BOOKS: 1.http://www.learnerassociates.net/dissthes/amazon.htm 2."Guide to the Successful Thesis and Dissertation: A Handbook for Students and Faculty" Fifth Edition by James E. Mauch and Namgi Park. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: We invite our students at the dissertation level to be in contact with each other so that they may learn from each other's questions, experiences and appropriate resources they discover. We encourage students to take advantage of the wealth of volunteer and professional expertise that may be available to them in their locale or on the Internet via the search engines. Links to useful databases, and websites concerning research info/assistance Education Journals Questia Library, Trusted Online Research. The best in academic resources like Books, Journals, Articles, Encyclopedias and more http://www.ovid.com/site/catalog/DataBase/866.jsp http://psycnet.apa.org/index.cfm?fa=search.defaultSearchForm http://www.ovid.com/site/catalog/DataBase/139.jsp http://www.ohiolink.edu/resources/show_details.php?db=psyc http://becker.wustl.edu/impact/assessment/research/measurement.html http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/index.php http://www.statisticssolutions.com/home-page-text Candidates are required to use, and be prepared to defend, the rationale or processes that seem most reasonable to them. To date, the guidelines, below, have served our students well. START HERE At this point you should be familiar with the essence of OAE as described at www.ecopsych.com/GREENWAVEBETA.pdf Note that
knowledgeably "Grokking" is the core organic, 54 sense process that
makes OAE work. You are awarded your degree for being a credible person
who has mastered OAE and can co-mentor others to use and benefit from
Grokking is best accomplished in everyday, informal and relaxed language and relationship processes in natural areas because it is already included, but hidden, in this procedure. OAE creates moments in natural areas that help people to discover and benefit from the hidden parts of OAE there. The Ph.D. requires a candidate to communicate their Grokking work to their committee and the scientific world in very precise ways that meet strict academic and scientific standards as set forth by the American Psychological Association and Higher Education accrediting agencies and Universities. This enables these institutions to best accept and integrate OAE into their activities and goals. To assure this criteria is met, these agencies have designed advanced computer programs to scrutinize dissertations for their quality. To meet this challenge, Project NatureConnect makes these programs available to Ph.D. and M.S. candidates so they may check their own work and be sure it will painstakingly meet high academic and scientific standards. This process is often quite foreign and the biggest task that a student accepts to attain their Ph.D. goal. PNC faculty provide guidance to help students succeed in it and custom design their path. There are several steps in your journey to your PhD. This and the GreenWave information above should help you clarify them. Writing your proposal centers around the course RES 985 description below and at www.ecopsych.com/dissertation33.html All the information there and below should be used to actualize your Ph.D. It is required that all candidates on this track, as an example, first read through www.ecopsych.com/journalproposal.html and its link to the dissertation of Stacey Mallory, Ph.D. Transforming Pain into Love Through Sensory Connections with Nature http://ecopsych.com/STACEYDISSERTATION.pdf
Doctoral Proposal
Credits: 4 Course Number: RES 985 Applied Ecopsychology at Project NatureConnect is dedicated to awarding degrees and certificates to individuals who have experienced the abusive effects on people and places from our society excessively disconnecting from the life of Nature/Earth (N/E). These are individuals who love N/E enough to want to learn, and help others learn, how to create “Grok” moments, backyard or back country, that let Nature's self-correcting powers help us reconnect with it, redress our hurtful experiences and reverse our destructive estrangement from the natural world, in and around us. As of today, most of the information and efforts that promote contemporary society’s "success" have also produced earth misery day and they can’t stop it from growing www.ecopsych.com/zombie2.html. The organic Application of Ecopsychology offers a unique nature-connecting tool to reverse this dilemma. It trains individuals to empower themselves and others with PNC’s 54-sense, evidence based, Revolutionary Wisdom Organic Psychology. This enables us to help N/E's self-correcting powers make happen what needs to happen if we are to remedy and prevent Earth misery. Project NatureConnect identifies individuals with this training (you) by awarding them a degree or certificate. This strengthens their credibility and effectiveness in applying Organic Psychology. The technical details of a Ph.D. dissertation that defends your Organic Psychology project are located on this dissertation page. It is best to complete your written comprehensive exam before you fully commit to your project. The book and course www.ecopsych.com/54rwbook.html is the strongest path to this end. Otherwise, other ECO 800 courses serve this purpose. For you to best complete your dissertation your committee needs to focus with you on these topics: 1. A simple autobiography of your history with N/E, how you came to this moment and how you want Organic Psychology to help you contribute to the well-being of yourself, your clients, N/E and Organic Psychology via NSTP, GreenWave-54 or both. The two are identical except NSTP originates from a web string model of the Web of Life, and GreenWave-54 originates directly from sensory attractions that call to you, moment by moment, in a natural area. Anybody can use GreenWave-54 alone however, NSTP is very helpful as a blueprint in learning how to Apply Ecopsychology in an organic way. It is Chapter Eleven in the Revolutionary Wisdom book. 2. A person is asking for trouble and probably needs therapy if they think it is OK to operate today’s advanced science/technology automobile while using a bridle and reins to steer it or regulate the car's speed or stop it. Similarly, although we deny it, we produce our increasing Earth Misery abuse and additional disorders because we govern and promote contemporary science and technologies with inappropriate "horse and buggy” ways that are as much as two-thousand years outdated. (www.ecopsych.com/zombie2.html). Organic Psychology helps us remedy this problem by: a.
Validating that our fifty-four senses, along with our desire to fulfill
them in loving ways, is a scientific fact of life that our contemporary
mentality must include if it is to correct and control its destructive
side effects ;
b. Organic Psychology supplies us with methods and materials that activate and fulfill our fifty-four senses in happy, lasting ways. This helps Nature’s beautiful balancing and self-correcting powers to strengthen, in and around us, while we are in a natural area. It enables us, at will, to benefit from and invoke their wisdom anywhere. c. Utilizing appropriate types of valid evidence and research techniques, including phenomenology, your dissertation must scientifically examine your hypothesis (or study) and show that your project demonstrates that you know how to apply Organic Psychology and help others do the same. You then do or do not, accomplish what you predict your project will do as well as draw conclusions and make suggestions in this regard. (www.ecopsych.com/journalhypothesis.html). You cannot include as facts things in your dissertation that are mystical, supernatural or “iffy" because they are not supported by valid evidence. NOTE: Our fifty-four natural senses are self-evident; this makes them undeniable facts of life. 3. If it is helpful, think of your dissertation as a defense before a prosecuting attorney, judge, and jury. In it you demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that you should not be fined or sent to jail for making a statement that misleads the public. Scientifically, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is what you are working with including the fact that we have, but ignore, the wisdom of our 54 natural senses. It is a whole-life way of knowing in your project as described in scientific journals including www.ecopsych.com/GREENWAVEBETA.docx. It is best learned through the book Revolutionary Wisdom www.ecopsych.com/54rwbook.html. With Justice for All describes it in metaphor www.ecopsych.com/grandjury.html. The book is a defense of the hypothesis "Higher education produces Earth misery by withholding or discounting the Organic Psychology of GreenWave-54." 4. If it is helpful, think of your dissertation as you demonstrating that you can scientifically invoke Organic Psychology GreenWave-54 NSTP in the realm of your project or profession. “Invoke" is described in the Revolutionary Wisdom book/course www.ecopsych.com/54rwbook.html#invoke 5. Put 1-4 together, from above, with the rest of this page and its required links, www.ecopsych.com/dissertation33.html www.ecopsych.com/journalhypothesis.html as a proposal in a Word Document and send it as an attachment to Mike Cohen, Ph.D. email: nature@interisland.net. AGAIN: You are probably misleading yourself and may have to do some costly backtracking if you do not include early on calling the program director, Mike Cohen so he may help you create the most effective and efficient, self-customized way to construct your dissertation. 360-378-6313 You may petition for equivalence rearch methods and materials once they are approved by Dr. Mike. 1. After you finish your comprehensive exams you submit a copy of your MS thesis or ten pages, minimum, of scholarly writing that demonstrates your ability to meet the requirements of APA format, style and citations. You become an official candidate and will be assigned to a faculty committee of 3 who will be approving all your work. You will also be given a faculty mentor to help guide you through any questions that may arise. 2.Next, please write a brief introductory biographical paragraph or two to introduce yourself to your faculty members. Also write a paragraph explaining why you have chosen to get your Applied Ecopsychology PhD and what you plan to do with it. 3.Then begin work on your proposal as outlined below. Note that there are two phases to this stage. Both proposals should attached as MS Word documents in an email to Stacey Mallory <Stacey@connect2nature.org> 4. Once your proposal is approved, you will do your research, develop your project and write your dissertation paper. If any questions arise, your mentor is available to assist you. Dissertations: Developing and Writing The Project Proposal and Dissertation After all of the courses and the comprehensive exam have been completed the cornerstone of graduate degree work is the final project. It may take any of several forms, quantitative or qualitative research, participatory action research, or, preferred, a major project demonstrating excellence, depending upon the field of study and the expectations of faculty. MOST APPROPRIATE AND EFFICIENT: Many students find it rewarding and productive to apply the organics of ecopsychology to their autobiography, as a narrative, and defend their strengthened personal growth and development outcome to be the key to helping others do the same. Our Sensory Ecology Track enables you to accomplish this in as little as 18 months if you have sufficient personal experiences and training in your areas of interest. Your Ph.D. identifies you as the expert that has mastered the organic application of Ecopsychology. It includes how to invoke PNC in your personal life and recovery from Earth Misery, and mentor others to do the same www.ecopsych.com/LNE.html. Students in the PNC program generally submit a major project in lieu of traditional research. The strongest path is to m This might take the form of using the GreenWave to design or applying a program, create a novel, a book of poetry, a textbook, directory or series of journal articles, an original work of art, a play, a concert, an academic conference or symposium, a graphic design project, a community-based project or organization, a curriculum or another major product of unique design. In any case, students are required to prepare a formal write-up which justifies the project, describes it purpose and explains the importance of the project as a contribution to the field Applied Ecopsychology organics. At the Doctorate level, this is an original contribution. Whatever form the final project takes, it must represent the student's original work. Students don't begin formal work on the final project until approval of the project proposal has been received in writing from the faculty advisor. Clearly it is best if students begin to think about their final projects as early as possible. The faculty advisors will begin exploring possibilities with the students from the start, so that their program plans might effectively serve as preparation for their final projects. Certain coursework will often be applicable toward the work which must be done to best prepare for the final project such as completing bibliographic readings and gaining clarity on research methodologies. Students are advised to carefully review with faculty their expectations for the preparation of the dissertation manuscript. Students are also advised to obtain the approved APA style manual before the onset of the research proposal process. Dissertations allow students a controlled opportunity to demonstrate excellence in the discipline covered by the degree. The final project allows each student an opportunity to make an original contribution to the field and provides a uniform process through which to determine that the student has met minimum standards of competence. Whether the student does a traditional or nontraditional study, whether it is research based or a project in lieu of research, these standards are kept in focus. The faculty committee is charged to clearly demonstrate that each student has met the minimum Ph.D. standards through a demonstration of scholarly excellence and has developed an original contribution to the academic field. NARROWING RESEARCH TOPICS Students who find it difficult to narrow the research focus of their dissertation have a variety of options to explore: 1.
They may reflect upon their long term career goals and select a
research focus which securely establishes them within their profession.
They may determine the projects which will ultimately profit them
the most and try to develop their own "comer on the market" by
specializing in an academic area of interest within the society or
profession. They are required to also prepare an abstract of their
proposals and skeletal outlines of their proposed documents, and submit
these to their faculty advisors and colleagues for feedback.
2. They may reflect upon their philosophy of life and cultural values, and prioritize their research interests and ideas on that basis. Students should establish their research solidly upon personal or social causes. Initially, students will find personal reflection their best guide with this option, but later will want to discuss their ideas with friends and colleagues and reflect upon their recommendations. . 3. They should choose a research focus based squarely upon their academic achievements, selecting a topical area within which they have excelled and in which they remain committed and comfortable. If students feel driven by an academic specialization and get along well with co-workers in that field, it is feasible that their enthusiasm will carry them through to successful conclusions. Peer counseling sometimes will help clarify these ideas. 4. Students should investigate college literature on dissertation writing for help in narrowing their focus. Much has been written on this topic. A local bookstore, or library will have a variety of books to choose from. Internet searches are always helpful, but be aware of reading other dissertations that many not fit these specific guidelines. 5. Many graduate students determine their focus by exploring lists of initial ideas to select trial topics then attempt to construct trial drafts of the introductory chapter for review and comment by their faculty advisers. Many times, by putting down their initial ideas in this manner, they are able to uncover their focus from among lists of original ideas. As a last resort, the Dean may be able to review the student’s ideas and assign the primary research questions, helping them to sufficiently narrow their topics. 6. All the above can be used to support the candidate's autobiographical narrative as what their dissertation defends. www.ecopsych.com/journalproposal.html AND AGAIN: You are probably misleading yourself and may have to do some costly backtracking if you do not include early on calling the program director, Mike Cohen so he may help you create the most effective and efficient, self-customized way to construct your dissertation. 360-378-6313 COMPLETING YOUR PROJECT PROPOSAL Following successful completion of the Admission to Candidacy Examination, graduate students are guided through the dissertation proposal process by their faculty advisors. The actual format and content of the proposals are assigned by the faculty advisors in writing via your account in Box.net and are usually dictated by the traditions, standards and expectations of the degree fields. PROJECT PROPOSAL Candidates are required to prepare a formal write up which justifies the project, describes its purpose and explains the importance of the project in the same format of a traditional dissertation. This written document explains and justifies the Natural Attraction Ecology contribution that your project or autobiography represents. The following outline was developed to help you center your thoughts and help you focus on your task. Most students choose too broad a topic and are quickly overwhelmed. This committee will help you hone and mold your topic into an acceptable and manageable project undertaking. This proposal shall be kept current at all times. If any part of this proposal changes as you proceed, please send us an updated copy. There are two phases to the project proposal - The first is a brief concise prose-based page or two containing the following sections. Here is an example of what to submit to your committee for your initial proposal. PHASE ONE 1. PROJECT NAME: Simple, to-the-point title of your project. 2. INTRODUCTION: Write a GreenWave statement of research question and/or a hypothesis (preferred) and clarify the specific problem addressed. Explain the issue in detail. No subjective evidence. All should be written in objective voice. Structure the introduction so that you build from a statement of and justification for the project toward a statement of objectives and outcome results of the project. You can do this in describing what your autobiography will contain, if you decide to go that route 3. LITERATURE REVIEW: The lit review IN YOUR ACTUAL DISSERTATION is not a book report or simple bibliography, but must move in a logical fashion toward a conclusion. The lit review will identify major relevant positions within the literature both pro and con. Absolutely no subjective statements. All statements must be backed by a literature citation (Ph.D. Level). At this proposal stage, simply state the areas you will research and at least 25 of the writers/researchers/journals you intend to explore to give the committee a clear idea of where you are moving in your literature review. We realize that there will be many other, as of yet unknown, writers that you will find to cite as you progress through the formal lit review 4. PROJECT PROCEDURES: Describe your intended project and how you will progress to its completion. This should be only a few paragraphs to give the committee a good indication that you have a clear view and focus. It is strongly suggested that you explore pre and post testing to back your findings and conclusions. Use standardized tests whenever possible so you won't have to defend and validate them. If you need assistance in this area, contact the committee members for direction. PHASE TWO: Once Phase One (above) is approved, you will develop a more detailed outline of your proposal. Here is an example of what to submit to your committee for the second stage of your proposal: Annotated Bibliography A required element of the proposal package is the student's preparation of an annotated bibliography. The bibliography need include only those citations which represent the foundational works underlying the theoretical argument being presented in the manuscript. The annotations are usually a one paragraph statement covering the content of the literature, its importance to the field and its contribution to the research study or major project. Proposal Manuscript Outline As an essential element of the proposal package, each student is asked to prepare an outline of the dissertation argument in the form of an extended outline which mirrors what will actually be presented in the document, chapter by chapter, section by section, issue by issue. This will serve to strengthen the student's scholarly presentation, allowing the faculty advisor to more easily determine weaknesses in the academic argument and permit substantive discussion to be carried out before any actual writing begins. Most students benefit greatly from having their manuscript outline critiqued early in the research stage of their program. To learn more about effective academic argument and referencing, students are advised to inspect a number of theses, dissertations and journal articles within their academic field. They should model their work after what is found to be effective within the work of others. If students are vague about any point of protocol, they should ask their faculty advisors for references. 5. Sample of a project proposal detailed outline: PROJECT PROPOSAL OUTLINE NAME: Scraping the bottom of the spaghetti pot: GreenWave mindfulness in personal growth oriented journeys to natural environments for adolescents participating in a therapeutic boarding school 1. INTRODUCTION: 1.1 Statement of research question, clarification of concepts and application of GreenWave. 1.1.1. mindfulness 1.1.2. natural environment 1.2 Academic areas addressed: 1.2.1. Psychotherapy: definition, history, approaches, critique 1.2.2. Ecopsychology: definition, history, approaches, critique 1.3 Project's meaningfulness: 1.3.1 for psychotherapy 1.3.2 for ecopsychology 1.3.3 for adolescents 1.4 Main objectives: 1.4.1 Presentation of qualitative data from interviews, observation and journal entries to develop and center on mindfulness as research topic 1.4.2. Test state of mindfulness in participants pre and post experience in the natural environment and analyze results 1.4.3 Compare results with expected meaningfulness to academic areas addressed and population. 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE: 2.1 Adolescence: definition 2.1.1 Theories of adolescence 2.1.2 Brain development and adolescence 2.1.3 Influences on adolescents 2.1.4 Statistics for issues in adolescence 2.1.5 About boys 2.1.6 Treatment for adolescents 2.2 Mindfulness 2.2.1 Origins 2.2.2 Functions of mindfulness 2.2.3 Mindfulness and related concepts in Psychology 2.2.4 Testing mindfulness: CEI, FMI, others 2.3 Natural environment as therapeutic 2.3.1 Overview 2.3.2. Research 2.3.3 Attention Restoration Theory 2.3.4 Natural Systems Thinking Process 2.4 Conclusions to review of literature 3. PROJECT PROCEDURES: 3.1 Population and setting 3.2 Initial exercises 3.3 Interviews and qualitative data 3.4 Development of mindfulness as construct to measure 3.5 Description of mindfulness enhancing activity 4. FINDINGS AND RESULTS: 4.1 Methodology of research 4.2. Analysis of data: 4.2.1 Comparison between CEI and FMI 4.2.2 Results without mindfulness enhancing activity 4.2.3 Results with mindfulness enhancing activity 4.2.4 Comparison between experienced and inexperienced participants 4.2.5 Other results 4.3 Analysis of method and problems encountered: 4.2.1 The sample 4.2.2 The good student 4.2.3 Environmental factors 4.2.4 Test-taking mindfulness 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions 5.1.1 Proposition for mindfulness in natural environments 5.1.2 Usefulness of mindfulness enhancing activity 5.1.3 Benefits to adolescent development 5.1.4 Contribution to academics areas addressed 5.2 Recommendations 5.2.1 to parents and educational institutions 5.2.2 for further research To download and review other excellent examples of a proposal select here and/or select here. Sometimes you will find most helpful www.ecopsych.com/ksanity.html CONDUCTING THE RESEARCH PROJECT Once the project proposal has been approved by the faculty advisor, students may initiate the project in lieu of dissertation. It is vital that, for the effective conduct of the final project, students follow the procedures approved through the research proposal. It is strongly recommended that student acquire and take guidance for appropriate research guidebooks which will inform their work. This includes methodologies related to development of data gathering instruments, useful scales for use on questionnaires, classification of qualitative data, regression analysis and other statistical test, analysis of data and effective presentation of findings in charts, graphs and tables if necessary. A careful review of literature on research techniques is essential. GUIDELINES FOR PROJECTS IN LIEU OF DISSERTATION As mentioned in the Proposal section, students in the PNC program generally submit a major project in lieu of traditional research. They can defend it or, more appropriately, use it to support their autobiography. This might take the form of a novel, a book of poetry, a textbook, directory or series of journal articles, an original work of art, a play, a concert, an academic conference or symposium, a graphic design project, a community-based project or organization or another major product of unique design. Student’s choosing to submit a project in lieu of dissertation are required to prepare a formal write-up which justifies the project, describes it purpose and explains the importance of the project in the same format of a traditional dissertation. The written document MUST EXPLAIN AND JUSTIFY THE UNIQUE CONTRIBUTION TO PNC ORGANIC PSYCHOLOGY AND THE PUBLIC THAT THIS PROJECT REPRESENTS. The write-up will look quite similar to a traditional dissertation manuscript. Students will need to describe the project structure and the processes through which it was developed and clearly identify the role they played in the project. Most of the time, a write-up of approximately 50 pages should be adequate for the task, so long as it is carefully guided by the procedural information provided in this handbook and the APA style manual. Use of Valid Studies and Evidence A central concept in reasoning, science and the scientific method is that all evidence must be empirical, or empirically based, that is, dependent on evidence or consequences that are observable by the senses, including the sense of reason as in the GreenWave Unified Field Process The greater the variety of senses that register a phenomenon, the greater is the validity/sensibility that the phenomenon is true. When our senses do not directly register a phenomenon from experience, we rely on the sense of reason to determine the validity of the phenomenon. Applying scientific methodology is considered to be the best process to achieve this end, and be reasonable. Determining what is or is not reasonable is a vast field that goes far back in history and still has many varying theories and conclusions. To avoid the traps and arguments of making this determination (several Ph.D.'s in itself,) a diss/project author is required to use and reference recent studies that result from the scientific process and that have been validated and reviewed in this regard by appropriate experts. These studies are available in "reputable" journals and publications, or directly from experts. Scientific facts that are commonly accepted do not have to be referenced...such as "the law of gravity" or "computers can store information." Research for your Project and Functional Degree To be scientific and practical, the art of APPLIED Ecopsychology degree research involves scientifically asking an original question in the form of a stated hypothesis, doing a related Lit Review of appropriate studies, and conducting/applying a contributing project. You are asked to do an extensive and exhaustive 'researched' review of the literature, one that debates, supports or limits the hypothesis. It is important to recognize and validate that YOU are the person who is APPLYING your contribution to PNC's organic form of ecopsychology (Organic Psychology sometimes called Natural Attraction Ecology) and your hypothesis includes you proposing that you can accomplish this. In addition to the lit review, you are to conduct an 'observable subjective analysis, or 'study' of your project using focused questionnaires and/or other methods of obtaining participant feedback. You are not required to do traditional formal statistical analysis of the data." The following discussion will further guide students in the preparation of a project iin lieu of dissertation: PRELIMINARY PAGES IN PROJECT WRITE-UP The preliminary pages for the project in lieu of dissertation are standard; they include the title page, copyright notice, table of contents, acknowledgments, list of figures, list of tables, abstract, preface and other special sections. The page numbering and order of these pages and information pertinent to the style and structure of the manuscript are outlined in the APA style manual. The final sequence of chapters/topics is ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION INCLUDING HYPOTHESIS LITERATURE REVIEW METHODOLOGY (including procedures and methods, etc.) CASE STUDIES FINDINGS & DISCUSSIONS CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS REFERENCES APPENDICES Introduction In the introductory chapter, students should describe the academic area which was addressed, drawing upon the demographic statistics or scholarly statements that discuss their project's meaningfulness to the culture or importance within the academic discipline. Students will also need to clarify the specific problems they have addressed in their project and explain these issues in detail. They should structure their introduction so that they build from a statement of, and justification for the project, toward a statement of the three main objectives of their project. Deriving the three main topical areas of investigation will be made easier by clarifying why the particular project was undertaken and justifying it as an effective manner in addressing the problem or achieving the desire solution. Project Review of Literature Moving beyond the introduction, students must begin exploration of what the literature states about their three main areas of focus within their projects. They need to discuss the literature as it informs their work and explain the thinking of the experts. Students should identify the major relevant positions within the literature, both pro and con, exploring where their work rests in regard to all other work undertaken in the field. They should present either a scholarly discussion of the literature or carry on an academic argument which justifies some major elements behind the intent of their project. This chapter is not intended to merely be a series of book reports strung together, but should move in a logical fashion toward a conclusion, and follow the expectations of faculty with regard to argument and referencing of the literature. Project Procedures In this chapter, students need to describe what was done to address the problem. They should clarify the process followed from conception to completion in conducting their projects; and explain the planning processes, the initial exercises and the research activities related to finalizing the end-product of their projects. Students must explain the usefulness of their projects; how they were tested or used and, if trial runs or field tests were initiated, explain the processes and the outcomes. They must also clarify the role of significant colleagues and contributors in the process. Project Results/Findings/Summary Here students describe their project outputs or finished products, including photographs, videos, CDs, or other media or diagrams, as needed to describe works of art, plays, concerts or similar outputs. If books or manuals are produced, students should describe the content of each section or chapter. They should explain to what degree their projects are successes or failures, reflecting upon the three main objectives of their projects (as stated in the Introduction) to their write-ups. Students should also explain what effects or potential effects the completion of their projects has had or will have on their academic disciplines, workplaces, communities, or societies. They need to explain any problems encountered and discuss things which should be done differently in the future. Project Conclusions and Recommendations Students should use this chapter to clarify what has been learned from their projects and how that will further the knowledge in their field, benefit their professional development and bring about change in the culture or the occupation. They should be clear as to what other conclusions can be drawn from their projects and what recommendations can validly be derived from those conclusions. Project Appendix Students should insert in the Appendix their project outcome, recreations of any written materials, information and literature related to their projects, or references to any supplemental materials (video or audio tapes, copies of original works of art, books and so on). Project Bibliography Students are to submit proper bibliographies of all sources cited in the review of literature and elsewhere in their formal write-up. This should be separate from any bibliographic references already incorporated within their project documents. SCHOLARLY ARGUMENTS AND REFERENCING THE LITERATURE Fundamental to an acceptable dissertation is a thorough review of the literature, correct referencing and proper citations. This is also true of manuscripts related to projects in lieu of dissertations. While it is essential that the manuscript be edited throughout and constructed in an acceptable format, argument and referencing is a most important matter. To strengthen the review of literature and theory, students are asked to reflect upon the following guidelines before work begins, throughout the project process, and when preparing the final manuscript. Judge Your Own Understanding In all instances, even those which appear to be common knowledge, students should ask themselves where they became informed of the information being presented. It is bordering upon plagiarism to exclude a reference if the information presented is not clearly common knowledge. Only those individuals who are well founded professionally and have long experience using the terminology should take liberties in absenting citations for material they believe to be in the realm of common knowledge. Ground Your Work Students are to reference more than one source and more than one author for each point within their academic argument or scholarly discussion other than their own observations and writings. A minimum of three references is a good standard at each step of the academic argument. Students are expected to back up all of their authoritative statements, conclusions, instructions and directions with citations and referencing of the current academic literature from the past five years before drawing upon theoretical and research literature from earlier dates. In no cases will students be allowed to exclude the most recent literature from their manuscripts. Establish Their Words Students are to write entirely in the third person, using phrases like, "according to", and "in Eric Ericson's book, Identity: Youth and Crisis, he writes…” They should avoid unfounded value judgments of any author's work or theories. The task is to cite the literature which informs and supports their thesis, not to editorialize. Students' opinions are not appropriate supportive material for their dissertation and they should avoid propagandizing by including all relevant opposing points of view. Exceptions can be made for this in some autobiographies. Be Thorough Students should cite the literature completely as it relates to their research. The Review of Literature (that immediately follows the Introduction) should bring into place all aspects of the academic literature which informs the discussion encircling their research topic. If they exclude important references, even those of differing perspectives, it will weaken their academic arguments. It is much more effective to present an opposing point of view and demonstrate its weakness than it is to ignore it. In some cases, more than one chapter is needed to cite the literature and in each case the student should determine the appropriate manner in which to distribute the evidence. Investigate the Fine Points Students are expected to investigate the fine points of the literature before putting total credence in the works cited. Before assuming that materials are of value to the academic argument, it is essential to inspect the citations within the referenced works and thoroughly evaluate the effectiveness of the research methodology and the limitations of the findings. It is imperative to at least read critiques of each author's work. Borrow from Peers Students will find it essential to read through other dissertations in their degree field, studying the work of others to learn effective academic argument and the rules of referencing. Students should do this prior to attempting to construct the initial draft of their manuscript. They should also inspect a number of journals within their field and model their work after what is effective within the work of others. If a point of protocol is vague, students are directed to seek help from the program advisor. Give Yourself Credit, But Only Where Credit is Due When the information presented is taken from a student's own activities or observations, they must be stated as such. In all other cases, students must indicate where and how they became informed of the facts. For example, they might state as follows: "In this researcher's work with AIDS specialists at NYU Medical School it was observed that inadequate funding led to an inability to obtain leading edge technology, slowing the research process.” Students should continue this reasoning throughout. PREPARING THE MANUSCRIPT The preparation of the manuscript should be guided by the manuscript outline form, the approved research proposal, and must conform to the APA Style Manual. This style manual has complete guidelines for the preparation of the manuscript, chapter by chapter and includes guidelines concerning formatting. Students are cautioned to make extensive notations concerning the literature which has informed every aspect of the manuscript and make every effort to present correct and complete citations and references to the scholarly literature. Preliminary Pages of the Manuscript The student's preliminary pages are the title page, copyright notice, table of contents, acknowledgements, list of figures, list of tables, abstract, preface and other special sections. The page numbering and order of these pages and information pertinent to the style and structure of the mss are outlined in the approved APA Style Manual. Abstract of Dissertation The abstract is a very clear and concise summary of the dissertation and is to be submitted at the same time as the finished work. It should be no longer than 300 words. Guidelines for Final Manuscript Preparation The following guidelines will present an orientation concerning the process for preparing the final manuscript. Review of First Draft During the process of the actual review of the first draft of the dissertation some faculty advisors may wish to have the document prepared and submitted in sections. Others choose to wait and review the entire document as a first draft. In any case, it should be clear to the student what the advisor expects before any writing begins. Peer Review Before the student submits a first draft for initial review by the faculty advisor it is strongly recommended that the student submit the draft to peer review. The student should present the manuscript (in its entirety or in sections, whichever the faculty advisor prefers) to at least two outside individuals who will read the document and make substantial written recommendations concerning clarification. Professional Editing If, after making the changes which emerge from the peer review process, it is clear to the faculty advisor (or the student) that the document needs more extensive editing the student should submit the document to a professional editor. Copies and Reproductions Under the direction of their faculty advisors, students must present corrected drafts of their thesis or dissertation manuscripts to their Faculty Committee for review. The student may produce the initial draft for committee review as an original printed copy or a photocopy of acceptable quality. All draft copies must be typed and of good quality. The reproduction should be sharp and clear and the pages free of smudges and extraneous marks. If students have any questions, they should ask in advance of making copies. While the initial drafts may abide by a somewhat lower standard, the final manuscripts must adhere to the following guidelines. Paper The final manuscript must be submitted on a CD (or a hard copy on acid-free white bond paper of not less than 20 pound weight and not less than 25 percent rag content is required. Page size shall be 8 1/2 by 11 inches. Archive paper is preferred.) Typing Guidelines The work must be typewritten or produced by computer and on a CD or printed on one side of the paper only. The text shall be double spaced, except for long quotations, which may be single spaced and indented. Margins shall be no less than 1 1/2 inches the left (to allow for binding) and no less than one inch at the right, top and bottom. The top margin on the first page of each major heading should be 2 inches. Margins are measured from the edge of the page to the beginning of the text. Typefaces such as script or other unusual typefaces are not permitted. The same typeface shall be used throughout. Typing shall be neat, clean and faultless. There should be no erasures or white-out fluid corrections on the copies submitted. However, such corrections can be made on an original copy, which can then be carefully photocopied in a quality manner onto proper paper. Manuscript Format In all cases, students are advised to carefully follow the APA style manual. You can use these free programs that organize your work in APA style PERRLA as a formatting resource for all. http://www.perrla.com/Pages/1/2.aspx then to http://www.openoffice.org/ MAC: http://porting.openoffice.org/mac/ Use of Style Manual The APA Style Manual is to be used exclusively. Finding Editing Assistance Students may be required to seek outside editorial services or the services of translators to assure proper English usage, if their faculty advisors find this necessary. There are software programs available for this purpose. Provision of Copies of Manuscript to Faculty Readers Creating and sending copies of dissertation manuscripts to faculty instructors and advisors is the responsibility of the student, at student expense. It is customary for students to permit their faculty readers to retain the copy they received and to deal with required corrections though errata sheets and correspondence. ONE LAST BIT OF ADVICE Although in most cases no problems arise in the final stage of the degree program, accidents, disasters and instances of lost mail can occur. Students should keep extra hard copies and separate computer files (back up) of any portion of their dissertation which has been mailed to faculty and keep at least two extra disk copies of any computerize work in progress to back up current work, and one at a remote site to insure against unforeseen circumstances. END NOTES: RESEARCH PARAMETERS Each student is expected to learn the critical features of sound quantitative or qualitative research including subject selection, research design and statistical analysis in order to develop a sound thesis/ dissertation or project proposal. Each student will be expected to define an applied problem or theoretical issue which they wish to investigate, articulate a rationale for the study of the problem or issue and propose and implement a quantitative or qualitative method of evaluation of the issue or problem. Students will demonstrate the ability to complete a thorough scholarly literature review on the topic they wish to present. Students are encouraged to select research methodologies which will assure valid and reliable evaluations of the effects of variables on individuals or groups being studied. The intent is to ensure that students have the competency to examine applied or theoretical issues in their fields of study and implement programs of intervention that are cogent, scholarly and make an original contribution to the body of information available in their fields. JOINT THESIS AND DISSERTATION RESEARCH PROJECTS Under very strict conditions, certain joint research projects are acceptable for submission in meeting the expectations for theses and dissertations. Students wishing to submit a joint or cooperative work in lieu of the individual research requirement may do so if the submission meets each of the following requirements. No exceptions will be made to this rule. 1. The individual contribution of the student must be clearly identifiable. It is not acceptable for a student to submit a work for which his or her contribution to the project is not clearly distinguishable in its entirety. 2. It is essential that faculty is able to determine that the student could, individually, satisfy all required aspects of the dissertation. 3. Each student must submit a finished manuscript which is separate from that of other contributors and, in and of itself it must fulfill the manuscript requirements. For instance, if the student wishes to contribute the graphic artwork for a collaborative textbook project and prepare a project write-up to clarify his or her aspect of the project that is acceptable. In like fashion, if two students wish to write a textbook by dividing the work into chapters and support their contributions with individual project write-ups, this also is acceptable. 4. It is not acceptable for a student to submit a joint work such as a two- author work of fiction for which it is not possible to determine the separate contribution of each student to the overall project. REGARDING HUMAN SUBJECTS AND USE OF LIVE ANIMALS Faculty advisors will address with their students, as needed, all issues related to research protocols concerning human subjects and use and care of live animals, and the securing of necessary equipment arid facilities, Students will be required to present evidence of permits and outside agreements, which should be attached to the proposals, indicating that all legal and administrative arrangements have been finalized. Act
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