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Our.alternative, natural, holistic studies include your life experience and prior education.

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Ecopsychology in action!

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Funded, sensory, accredited, courses, degrees and career training: BS, MS, Ph.D.

Our.alternative, natural, holistic studies include your life experience and prior education.

This vibrant, whole-life program
offers.core.distant learning that to add practical, hands-on, nature connecting methods and credentials to your livelihood and interests.

Ecopsychology in action!

Homepage: learn how to create moments that let Earth teach.





































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   The Mind Reading Camera-78: Final Report

"Make the destructive 'Joker' disappear. Help strengthen the life of Earth that you share. Connect with it so it can teach you how."

- Michael J. Cohen


Dear Inquirer,

Thank you for visiting this explanation of how the mind-reading part of camera-78 and the cards work. It also explains the destructive ways we have learned to think and feel that cause the well-being of people and places to increasingly deteriorate and disappear. That loss is increasingly breaking our personal and planet world.

Thank you, too, for being aware that, like the cards, too many our Planet's natural things are disappearing and for the same reason as the card you picked. When they were present, over the eons they organically (self-organized) to produce the life of Earth's optimums of balance and diversity without producing the garbage, abusiveness, violence, isolation or mental illness that marks contemporary society. To its and our loss, globally, 75% of Earth/our capacity to maintain this perfection has disappeared. This
catastrophe defines insanity. 

Regarding the disappearance of the cards and our well-being:

People are part of nature, we consist of natural systems and attractions that we share with Earth, moment by moment, as they flow through, around and as us. We naturally inherit the ability to 54 felt-sense think like nature works, with Nature's profound unity, wisdom and balance. However, we are taught to know the world through very few sensory contacts with authentic Nature even though 54 different senses exist in Nature/us at any moment. They are missing just like your card and for the same reason.

We learn to omit them because our education emphasizes restrictive, nature separated stories, science and relationships that our society legally enforces. Over 95% of our time is spent indoors, out of touch with Nature's balance and beauty around, in and as us.

Here's an example of what results from our omission via our excessive disconnectedness that Natureness corrects: as you focus your attention on the story written here, you lose conscious contact with many other aspects of this moment. Until the words here now bring them to mind right now, sensations of gravity, community, place, smell, thirst and touch may be out of your awareness. In fact, you are seeing these words right now but not their individual letters until I make you a w a r e   o f   t h i s  phenomenon.

Because, from birth, we are indoctrinated to become story oriented, our other ways of knowing become background and less important. For example: before I mention them now, are you conscious of feeling the seat you may be sitting on? The glasses or watch you may be wearing? The sound of the wind or temperature outside? Your heartbeat?

Are you aware that you can see the end of your nose right now?

To our loss, our story world has taught us to spend, on average, more than 99.9% of our thinking devoid of conscious contact with sensory attraction signals from natural areas and their self-correcting wisdom.

Although these signals make possible the balanced and purifying way that nature works in and around us, in our thinking and relationships they are un-exercised and thereby de-energized. We are strongly conditioned to  omit them from our thoughts, feelings and reasoning so they "disappear," become "unconscious" For example, we know from experience that we can sense thirst, hunger, music and motion yet our stories do not include these senses in the five senses that we say we know and learn from. That is the lie of omission in action.

Just knowing this is not enough as demonstrated by the fact you are unaware that your sense of consciousness, reason and literacy are involved with your registering these words and their meaning right now....and they, too, are not any of our five senses.

Because we are consistently rewarded to lose contact and familiarity with natural things, to our loss, our Industrial Society stories do not call to our attention that these things tend to habitually or addictively disappear from our thinking and relationships. They can't help us when we need them, we feel stressed and our unsolvable problems result.

That's what happens with the cards.

When the camera instructions ask you to focus on the amazing, hi tech story about how the camera works and on deciding which card you want to choose and remember, you lose contact with many other aspects of the whole picture. You lose your inherent senses of reason and deduction, your evidence-based ability to be wise, analyze and discover that NONE of the cards that come up the second time are the same as the original group of cards.

All the cards are replaced, not just the one you pick. That is why any card you pick is replaced.

This fact was purposely omitted in the story about them to achieve its educational end here. It omitted them so you omitted them. The lie of omission in the card story manipulated your mind. So do the omissions of sensory facts about Nature in our counseling and education

The words on the camera instruction page focus you on the remarkable camera and computer story. Unless you heed a critical thinking story from your sense of reason that tells you to check the second set of cards against the first set, and until this is challenged, you are left with the "miracle" story of the mind reading camera and/or the mistrustful feeling of being tricked.

Once you hear and accept this fabricated story as time progresses it becomes more attached and acceptable to your mentality until it is confronted and dealt with and replaced by Pristine Truth

The full story is hidden. The second set of cards appears  later, disconnected by time and space from the first set and accompanied by a distortion. Your attachments to the story sets you up to be misled by a lie instead of helping you find the truth.  This is equally true of todays increasing insanity

With respect to the well-being and future of the environment and ourselves, for profit and out of our society's lying prejudice against Nature, far too many of us are guided to produce and/or suffer disorders from our excessive disconnection from Nature, from its self-correcting omission in our lives. Instead, we learn to attach to questionable technological "miracles" and non-scientific "facts." We rightfully feel tricked and mistrustful of our stories, leaders and each other.

A vast majority of people sense that insanely the world is breaking apart, that something must be done to correct our destructive trespasses against the natural world, each other, and ourselves. Their thinking, however, has yet to come up with a reasonable, practical and readily available solution, a Pristine Truth tool. That's because, like the cards' truth, it is purposefully hidden, we learn that it's shameful and inconvenient.

Due to our extreme estrangement from nature, the omission of learning how to think and feel with the self-correcting powers of nature's balanced wisdom makes it become unthinkable. Although we inherit this ability, it did your card. Our stories are tricked to omit it.

Perhaps you realize that overlooking the value and possibility of connecting, thinking and feeling with the balance and intelligence in nature is far more ingrained and invisible than the second set of cards being different than the original set. However, this is not true. Learning how to consciously reconnect your thinking with natural world using the Natureness, process of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN) is an effective, readily available tool to help solve our great personal, social and global disorders. 

The ECHN process lets the life of nature nurture back into our consciousness its unifying intelligence that lies, buried alive, abused, thwarted and hurting, beneath our awareness.

As aforementioned, in our society we learn to hide from our thinking about 95% of our natural mentality. The destructive results speak for themselves.

How will your thoughts and feelings ever decide to try to seek the the vital contributions that conscious contact with nature, backyard or backcountry, offers us? After all, did you notice the word THE was doubled in the previous sentence?

You might be interested in fascinating studies in dealing with the disappearing phenomenon. It will help you and others revive a missing link to the way we think. You will see how the heartfelt science of natural attraction relationships helps us not be mislead by the manipulating stories that produce our stressful personal and global relationships.

For safety and well-being, to protect yourself from being misled and to find your best path, for starters it makes sense to embrace the greatest truth in your life that you can trust. Like the missing card, it is not Nature, God, Love or Honesty and it is free. Do you think you even know for sure what it is? It's ability to increase person/planet well-being is missing for most of us due to the omission of that truth in our education. To recover and benefit from it immediately Select here

Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature enables you to find what is absent that has produced the hole in your life that you may feel.

  • stronger truth and fulfillments: economically, socially and personally.
  • greater opportunities in your areas of interest.
  • satisfactions for your deepest desires and ideals.
It will help you:
  • feel safe.
  • improve the environment.
  • be part of a supportive community.
  • be secure economically.
  • live in a peaceful world.

It will also help you help other achieve these worthy goals.  It is doable because it energizes into play vital truths of nature that have been removed from our lives.

Here's an example of the mindread camera phenomenon:

    Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson, an expert in scientific thinking, went on a camping trip. They pitched their tent in an open area and turned in for a good night’s rest. In the middle of the night Holmes awakened the good Doctor.
    “Watson,” Holmes queried, “What do you see and what do you deduce?”
    Watson rubbed his eyes, looked at the open sky and replied, “I see the sky and I deduce that among all the planets and stars in the heavens there must be some planets like Earth. And if there are planets like Earth there is a high probability that there is life out there.”
    Holmes repled, “WATSON, YOU KNUCKLEHEAD! Somebody stole our tent!”

Don't let excessive disconnection from Nature continue to steal your life. Reconnect here.

Project NatureConnect
P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor WA 98250

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

Who we are

Project NatureConnect is a non-profit network of dedicated individuals, universities and organizations. We have shown that the addictive, excessive, separation of contemporary thinking from the life of Nature/Earth within, around and as us underlies our greatest discontents and disorders. Our research helps remedy this destructive breach by offering the public a unique, easily accessible, nature reconnecting Revolutionary Wisdom Expedition online. Its process empowers anyone to create sensory moments, backyard or back country, where genuine contact with authentic Nature helps restore us and regenerate integrity, spirit and the environment.

We have founded, designed and offer courses and activities that help you enjoy these benefits.

We have raised and provide scholarship funds to help individuals who want to use or teach this process.

The most efficient way to enjoy the benefits of learning the Natural Systems Thinking Process is by taking our online Orientation Course.  It is an antidote for our destructive prejudice against the way nature's self-correcting balance works. Let the life of Planet Earth help you recover from the abusive parts of Western Civilzation.


"This program offers an environmentally sound, educational process that reduces apathy, catalyzes peace and promotes mental health. It fulfills our personal and economic needs, deeper ideals and spirit; it deserves the attention of every person who seeks to reverse our troubles."

Dr. Robert Muller
Assistant Secretary General Emeritus of the United Nations.
Recipient of the Albert Schweitzer Peace Prize and UNESCO prize for peace.
Chancellor of the University for Peace, United Nations.



By selecting here, if you have had any of the experiences listed above, during the next eight minutes on this web site new professional and personal understandings will enable you to further your deeper hopes, ideals and dreams. 



Well-being for person, planet and spirit

P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor WA 98250
E-mail (360) 378-6313
Eco-wellness programs, methods and materials

Dr. Micheal J. Cohen, Director

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