
Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature, 
subsidized courses, degrees and career training online LOA, 

Journal of Organic Psychology and

Natural Attraction Ecology (OP/NAE)

Project NatureConnect  Akamai University Institute of Applied Ecopsychology

VOLUME 3,  NUMBER 2018-2020                                                      Dr.  Michael J. Cohen, Editor

.Reviewers. Course

The Organic Psychology GreenWave in Action

sensory, accredited, courses, degrees and career training
Certification, BS, MS, Ph.D.

360-378-6313 <nature@interisland.net>

Stories or experiences that abuse life wound the life of Nature and people equally.  Project NatureConnect helps you transform those wounds into love.

Homepage: Ecopsychology In Action Learn how to create moments that let Earth teach us to reverse our disorders.

Special: take our free, accredited,
CEU course online

      GTT Updated July 10, 2021 for Canteen Training

Hands-on eco-facts that resolve destructive puzzles


Apply the Heartfelt Art of Revolutionary Wisdom (RW) in a Natural Area

Humanize Albert Einstein's Big Bang Universe through the
54-Sense ways and means of Organic Psychology.
Continued from www.ecopsych.com/GREENWAVEBETA.pdf

Stop Being MISTified: the mystery of the Mist and how to help it help you and others. 

Earth Misery Climates (EM) include our unhappiness
Since 1974, the prejudice of our excessive demands on Earth’s life have increasingly created a 45% natural resource deficit  accompanied by a similar 45% increase in Earth Misery Climates (EM). EM includes species extinction, mental illness, obesity, climate change, oceanic oxygen depletion, loneliness, atmospheric carbon, population, mass shootings and excessive stress. These are accompanied by increased corruption, child abuse, unhappiness, mistrust, unfairness, expensive health care, political and economic extremes, destructive dependencies,  addiction  and  many other disorders.

 BE ALARMED. Sadly, EM is growing because we don’t add the art and science of its fiduciary “Revolutionary Wisdom” remedy to the excessively nature-disconnected ways we think, feel, speak and relate. As you may have experienced for yourself, OUR EM DISASTER IS NOT FAKE NEWS www.ecopsych.com/zombie2.html

54-sense Revolutionary Wisdom blends Objective Science and Organic Relationships to holistically remedy Earth Misery Climates.

The rules (stories) of Objective Science helpfully reveal facts about the life of Earth by not including inaccurate and/or subjective/questionable/mystical/unrepeatable things including our arts, senses and feelings. This produces our wonderful high-tech, but unbalanced, Earth Misery world that is now falling apart.

Objective Science omits these "untrustable" facts of life because being unquantifiable, natural and unstable they are personal/independent/subjective and hard to tame or control.

This loss in our life of how we naturally 54-sense subjectively think, feel and relate produces distressful Earth Misery side effects, our painful and increasing personal, social and environmental disorders.

The Revolutionary Wisdom GTT eco-arts of organically applying Ecopsychology objectivity produces accurate, holistic facts without omitting Revolutionary Wisdom "subjectivity." It lets our irrefutable, self-evident, 54-sense, RW truths (GTT) in a natural area identify what they recognize is true about anything.  This includes the truth provided by our unifying, heartfelt love of life that Objective Science stories too exclude as "subjective."

Nature is its love to begin life. 

In natural areas, the organics of Revolutionary Wisdom Eco-Arts Therapy
help what we love the most unite our most trustable objective and subjective feelings and facts. This is accomplished in the language-silent purity and beauty of natural areas, alone or with others.

 This fiduciary unification reconnects us with humanity's ancient origins in Art and Articulation. At that time it shared authentic nature's wisdom and kept life in healthy equilibrium.
Natural love is a flowing, It is attracted to flow to me and through me. When I hold it and claim it to be mine it stops flowing and suffering happens.

....- Vincent Brown, Project NatureConnect journal.

To our loss, on average, 98% of our life omits the flow of purifying RW contact.

Today, via 54-sense "Grok" connections in natural areas, RW peacefully balances all things, including us, without producing garbage or abuse, simply because this is the way the quiet of unadulterated Nature works, around, in and as us. Its love to live is organic (self-organizing).

One day I was taken by a stunning stillness, and without resistance I disappeared into Silence... It was my soul's homecoming, my heart's overflowing love, and my mind's eternal peace. In Silence, I felt my core identity, my essential nature, as a unity-in-love with all creation.

~ Robert Rabbin

The Big Bang Time/Space Universe

Although the long-established
Albert Einstein Universe is still not required knowledge in most traditional education today, by 1930 A.D., many parts of Physics concluded that the life of the Universe was not static. Instead, like the life of a seed or a beautiful, speechless, self-inflating balloon, the original energy of Universe was, and remains today, attracted to (loves to) expand and become more attractive, strengthen, and survive by growing and being its own, diverse time and space, moment-by-moment. This natural attraction was and is conscious of what it is attracted to. That is how it "knows" which way to move or what to bond or attach to in mutually beneficial (naturally balanced/homeostatic) ways.

At this moment, in the now, the "universe balloon" still consists, of the original life energy of the Big Bang and its Unified Field that was born 13.8 billion years ago. Moment by moment since then, it has grown into being the wordless life of the balloon creating its own space and time this instant.

The life of the balloon is similar to our personal genetics at our conception, growing into us, including them, today. It happens because we and our genetics are part of the life of the Big Bang growing its time and space as us, in its own moment-by-moment "now" tree of life.

Each thing in the now of the balloon is 1) attracted to (
consciously loves to) grow more attractive by diversely forming new attraction relationships with attractive things. Simultaneously, 2) each thing is also attracted to support the unifying energy of the balloon's rubber skin that holds everything, including itself, together.

Although they are different, 1 + 2 "is/are" the unified balloon 3. This exemplifies the diverse-unified, now balancing powers of Nature's homeostasis.  It's life organizes itself in balanced purity, moment by moment; it  inherently loves to be organic and attractive in the now.
Since its beginning, all things in the Universe organically make and only exist/be in its seamless space/time flow together in pure and fair unity. It's like a ball sailing through the air.  This means that all things are a singular, moment-by-moment, attraction energy relationship, love/essence
"being" in community. That ball lovingly includes each of us to be part of it and the "now."

Note that we say the Universe is recognized to exist moment by moment. This enables us to identify it because we make the momentary verbal space and time for our stories to explain to us the universe in words. We make the moments for our stories to exist because they are otherwise unknown in the history of the Universe. Our stories correctly include "moments" as part of them, a part that only they create and understand.

Science Works. If our stories are unscientific, CRL creates rather than thwarts our inaccurate ways of knowing because they are foreign to the pre-human world of Nature's life.

Note that "I AM" is not "I was" or "I will be" and that I am is also Yahweh "I am who I am," an original name for God.

This immediate attraction-love includes our unique human ability to sense, think, feel, relate and survive through appropriate stories, moment by moment, Again, these moments are created by and for our "artificial foreign stories" to be part of time and space

ith the exception of humanity, the life of the plant, animal, mineral and energy web-of-life does not enjoy our unique ability to build relationships with stories. The truth of the Web-of-Life is non-verbal. The I AM of the Universe does not speak words. They invent I AM and then put them in I AM's mouth and say they speak truth. If they are not scientifically evidence-based, and don't include Nature's authentic web-of-life in a natural area, we mislead ourselves and produce Earth Misery Climates.

The life of our planetary world is broken because our sensibilities and relationships are fixated by Ivory Tower education and counseling. Its strongest truth may be about itself because it is it.  The Ivory Tower says that it is "An attitude of aloofness from or disdain or disregard for worldly or practical affairs."


In our true to life, GTT story, the balloon, you, I and time and space are, moment by moment, homeostatically, the art of the singular, balanced, organic unity of natural attraction love consciously being the 1)central and 2)peripheral
truths that it is simultaneously attracted to in any natural area moment.

This love is pulled in two or more diverse attractions at the same time.

They balance out and modify each other into being the next central singular moment.

This process is the natural world's  homeostasis. It is like pulling apart the ends of a rubber band.

The band's integrity has a new shape that attracts it together as a transformed, in-balance, rubber band, unique singularity.

Because the wholeness of the balloon today includes us, it is challenging for us to understand it because, storywise, we are like its eye and an eye can see all things except itself.  For this reason, in some form, I repeat the Summary here as I continue because we, the balloon eye, will be operating then, moment by moment, while not seeing itself/us as such.

ntil the summary becomes habitual, the balloon will need each moment's complete and accurate story available so we all can benefit from it in a lasting way. That story includes us as a limited and often warped, subjective eye. Continual contacts with authentic nature easily accomplish this and transform problems into the happiness of Nature's love.

Validation: The Science of the Summary

Nature is non-literate. You can trust this fact.  Do you know anything in Nature’s life that senses, thinks feels, articulates or relates through word-story language, other than humanity? Congrats, neither does the Ivory Tower. You get an “A”. <grin>

However, evidence-based research in the tower shows that since the Universe’s Big Bang birth 13.8 billion years ago, Nature’s life has survived without using stories. 

Stories only came into being 150,000 years ago with humanity. They are a foreign language to the natural world. They make it artificial. It can’t survive when our our untruthful stories make us excessively conquer Nature and suffer accordingly. This is a serious short circuit.

Since Nature’s life is story-less, it means that our personal lives are the following two different realities in any given moment:

ONE, Nature: our natural, unifying, 54-sense, biological, non-story way of knowing and relating.

and simultaneously

TWO, our socialized, artificial, excessively nature-disconnected
story way that we are early childhood educated to know and relate to the world in our society’s language.

Think. Validate. Aren’t you both of them right now?

Reason. When our stories abuse or irritate our natural senses, doesn’t the pain influence how we think, feel and relate?

Conclusion: In any given moment, 54-sense enjoyably knowing ourselves as Nature becoming life along with a story that excessively disconnects us from Nature, tears apart our integrity. The duality of our conflicting identity crisis creates the clashing views, corruption and worries that we suffer. We are distressed, polarized victims of stories that make us war against Nature and each other.

The Conclusion raises puzzling questions. How, in any moment, can things be seen and felt to be different  whole-Universe or whole-Earth while in that same moment all things, including you and I, are the same, identical, Big Bang time and space essence? 

At a given moment, how can we, or our arts, see, sense, feel and relate to different colors, times, places, temperatures, opinions, shapes, objects, motions, sounds and stories while in that moment, scientific fact has determined that the essence of everything is being and happening as one?

In any given moment how can red and green be the same as up and down or three and five, or good, bad, right or wrong?

The Revolutionary Wisdom Art of scientific reasoning responds to this GTT question.  In it, the 13.8 billion year old life of the Big Bang unified field is the first moment of time and is represented by a dot  . That dot is the conscious attraction to live essence of the Big Bang and its field.  It existed and continues to exist in the now.

dot . was attracted in that moment to become more attractive and stronger for its survival and it was conscious of its attraction to do this so it did it by procreating/reproducing itself. Its limits of singular growth accomplished this by becoming unbalanced and therefore attractively subdividing and cooling into the next moment as two attractive dots . .
that, with twice the strength, like kin, loved to be related to each other as well as loved being independently attracted to become stronger and more attractive by diversely growing into additional dots in the next moment.

The second dot was the Higgs Boson attraction field including its magnetics, forces, dark energy, gluons and gravity attraction potentials. It was/is Einstein's sense of a Unified Field that as it progressed, like the balloon skin, attractively "held itself together" along with all the dots that followed.
The dots survived and grew as attractive interrelated, naturally balanced, homeostatic, Unified Field relationships. For this reason, in any moment, all things were and are attached to what they came from and what they will become. That is Nature's homeostasis

For example, parts of the first two dots were conscious that they were more strongly attracted to each other and these parts independently deattached and united. That new unity became the next moment's still stronger three dots . . .

As in the beginning, in that three dot moment each dot was in equilibrium by simultaneously being attracted to be its own, new, singular integrity as well as attracted to also be the unity of the other two dots that were its kin/origin. This is Nature's homeostatic balance dance. Also the Fibonacci Golden Ratio.

These dual attractions balanced the dots. They were/are each the "balloon," their collective homeostatic attraction to each other as a unified field whole sequence while simultaneously attracted to their individual integrity and callings.  

As this attractive, unified growth continued so that, in any moment, all things were and are happily attractive, attracted, attached or transformed in the moment into the next moment that they grow. They each and all belong and love to belong as part of the balloon life of the Universe/Nature/Earth. For this loving reason, nothing that is connected with it is garbage, omitted or abused. It's Nature's universal love-in "growin balloon".

In the moments that followed, this community process continued, homeostatically, to attractively add more attractions and diverse attraction relationships to the Universe.

Over a singular, moment-by-moment sequence of 13.8 billion years this unity/universe grew into what the balanced life of Nature, Earth, you and I (eye) are in this moment.

Verbally and non-verbally, we are the whole of Nature beginning life, including each other's life, to love to attractively diversify for the strength and joy  of becoming more attractive in community and friendship.

We are simultaneously attracted to be 1) ourself as part of a naturally established, unified, whole of dots and 2) stronger via personal new and previous attraction relationships.

To repeat: the fairness and balance established between these two different yet simultaneous attractions is nature's homeostatic essence, the joy and balance of the natural world that is also who we are when our stories don't disconnect us from it.

The happiness of quiet time in an attractive natural area exemplifies and demonstrates this phenomenon. This is not a new idea:

"Close the door of words that the window of your heart may open."

- Rumi  circa 1250 A.D.

Keep in mind that natural attraction is the essence of love, the life of our attraction-based, Big Bang Universe balloon from its beginning or before. It consists of its moment-by-moment love to begin life, to survive through its attraction to support life.

Natural attraction is conscious of what it is attracted to,
otherwise how would it know what to try to bond with or attach to in mutually beneficial ways?

If you have your attention on what is, see its fullness in every moment, you will discover the dance of the divine in every leaf, in every petal, in every blade of grass, in every rainbow, in every rushing stream, in every breath of every living being.

~ Deepak Chopra


Each of us at any time is the unique attraction/love of many dots to be us individually as dots and also loving to be in support of all the dots.


As a whole, the essence of the Universe is the simultaneous attraction of all things to what is local as well as to the essence or wholeness of the immense whole.  This can be represented as all the dots being a moment-by-moment singular sequence of a unified, attraction dot mist.

The Mist consists of its sequence continuum of Big Bang attractions and its happy desire to remain alive by supportively beginning life,

The Mist is GreenWave-54 and our GTT/UFC attraction to being it in a natural area as described in Revolutionary Wisdom 

The Felt-Sense Unified Field Mist

Unified Field Mist is invisible as such. It does not appear as real things to us until we become attracted to them, or let them be part of our lives.

Until that attraction-conscious moment, the mist is our awareness of it as the Unified Field, our felt sense attraction to survive, to live in love and unified community, as do all the rest of the dots.

Each of us is just a dot in the mist, as is everything else in the Universe, with this exception: in the life-mist that we call Planet Earth, humanity is the only thing that is verbal/literate, that has "artificial" language power  stories. Uniquely, we can communicate with, and relate to, stories, images and abstracts, as you are doing here and now, in this space-time moment.


The Unified Field Mist (UFMist) of attraction dots

What our stories call reality is the life of the
Unified Field Mist whenever we are GTT conscious of it through some of our 54 senses. Our stories are part of the Mist, but neither the essence or whole of it because the Mist is storyless.

To find yourself in the life of the "reality mist," image, above, follow this "instruction story."

Be attracted to point your finger to any place in the UFMist image while, with your other hand, lovingly caress yourself. 

When you caress, you can feel two things, 1) the caress on your skin and 2)  the feel of your skin on your caressing hand. Only you can experience this unique "two things as you" phenomenon simultaneously in a space/time moment, while unique-you are also it as part of the mist that you point to.

Doing this multiple-sense confirms that you are special you and you are consciously alive in this moment.

The finger touching the UFMist image just feels the image, singly.

Note that the caress lets you experience its felt-sense pleasure as part the life you know. The sensation only appears when you, as the Mist, are consciously attracted or directed to caress yourself. 

You make the pleasure feeling happen by your conscious or subconscious attraction to make it happen.  Until you do, your ability to caress and enjoy that satisfaction is the UFMist and its potential to be realized as "compassionate reality."

Without you being attracted to making it happen, that moment would instead be mist/missed. It would be the attraction of the UFMist wanting to live as the next attractive time/space moment of the UFMist by building that time and space, which includes humanity.

Similarly, this is true for all other things as well, from atomic  particles to weather systems. They only exist for each of us as such when our individual consciousness attracts/caresses them into being themselves in our reality. It is our awareness of their possiblity that makes them materialistically real.

This is like static energy attracted to becoming kinetic energy when a signal is given or switch thrown.

Each of us, individually throws the caress switch, alone or, better still, with others as fiduciaries.

In summary, whenever you become aware of what you think, feel or remember, good or bad, that awareness
energy is what attracts the UFMist to become it as a real thing, thought or feeling, for you and sometimes others. This happens because, via your caress, you become the mist and the moment. Your love for it completes you as it and vice versa so it becomes real. You "caress" it into your being in as many as 54 sensory attraction ways. Each is the art of communion with the life of UFmist. 

This is the same process of knowing your unique self from two-feeling touch. It
multiple-sense confirms that you are you, you are consciously alive and exist in this moment. It is again original attraction being conscious of what it is attracted to in the now of life.

The UFMist is a potential energy history of all previous Big Bang attraction/love relationships waiting to come to light in the now as you need them. When you don't attract them into being they are the
UFMist so you don't see or experience them as such. You register them as a "sub-conscious" or "unconscious" desire for loving balanced life and survival relationships to happen. This makes the prayer of the heart the prayer of truth.

The above helps explain why in a single moment we can see, sense, feel and relate to different colors, places,  temperatures, histories, shapes, objects, motions, sounds memories and stories including ourselves doing this. In the now, we are caressing our UFMist selves and what we know or want into "being". Our "54-sense mist self" needs these things and sensibly brings them into reality so we can be reasonably conscious of them and enjoy mutually beneficial life supportive relationships with them and them as each other.

We, as well as all other things, caress into reality the existing UFMist moment.  The Mist includes from the beginning, attraction being conscious of what it is attracted to (and sometimes attaching to it to form "matter" because things love to matter.)

Scientists are first beginning to identify the UFmist phenomenon as Quantum Monism  If so, it is attraction being conscious of what it is attracted to and then becoming it, whether our machines can see it or not. Since they can't see it, physicists call it dark matter and dark energy and they know it makes up more than 95% of the Universe. What they say is that it is what holds the galaxies together as does UFmist along with everthing else, including the physicists and us.

1. The truth is that we live in the life of Nature's moment-by-moment, attraction-based Universe that loves to begin life by caressing and embracing itself into being, including us late in its sequence.  Our life experiences the Mist as our wide range of loves and arts including our love to be reasonable and wanted and not abused.

2. Our unreasonable stories that excessively deny or abusively disconnect us from the life of Nature's caress is the root cause that produces and makes us suffer many forms of Earth Misery Climates. They eminate from the Ivory Tower of academic information (a state of sheltered and unworldly intellectual isolation).

3 On average, 98% of our heartfelt arts and science habits are disconnected from reasonably validating UFMist love and its wisdom.  Applying EcoArts therapy enable us to reconnect with it in the authentic reality of a natural area, backyard or back country.

Scientifically, this reasonably makes God   the essence of love that namelessly exists in a natural area, moment by moment.

The essence of love is attraction being conscious of what it is attracted to so it supportive begins life, moment by moment.

If widely used, this could provide connected, critically needed, but now missing, 54-sense facts that would produce whole-life, Objective Science forms of nature-connected relationships, locally and globally. This would decrease EM and increase personal, social and environmental well-being.

This is important because Objective Sci/Tech is the dominant, established and respected core of contemporary society. EcoArts Therapy helps every part of it embrace, rather than omit, vital sensory facts and objectively transform our relationships into peace with the life of Earth, in, around and as us.

4. Locally and globally, what works is to caressingly, 54-sense connect our disconnections to welcome contacts with our natural attraction origins in natural areas. This science of Organic Psychology transforms our discontents into the happiness of our loves and arts while reducing our Earth Misery Climates. It is beneficially contageious and our greatest trustable truth

How to Make Your World Better.

Try this Hand Window activity.  Close your open hands around your eyes so you can't see. When all is dark, be attracted to slowly open the space between your hands slightly so that you make it possible for you to only see the grey UFMist square, not the rest of the page. At that moment the page does not exist to your sense of sight. For you, sightwise, all the rest of the page and world is the unseen UFMist.

Now, do the same, above, Hand Window activity with the rest of the life of Earth, not just the grey square that represents it.

With respect to your sense of sight, whether you view a a shopping mall or a natural area, the rest only becomes the reality of what it is, for you, when you are attracted to make an opening in your hands for it. You are in control.

As you are attracted to slowly open your hands from around your eyes, your attraction to be more conscious of the life of the
UFMist transforms the mist to manifest itself into being the more of it that you see in that moment. You act like a caressing UFMist magnet that helps make your reality be real.

As previously indicated, your attraction to registering UFMist via the hand window makes it materialize into what you see through the opening in your hands. Until then, for you, what you sense is only that 54-sense tendency or desire as you in each UFMist moment. 

When you are aware of the UFMist via your 53 other senses, they do the same thing each within their unique but interconnected realm.

For example, you can make and hear the reality of the
UFMist as a sound and know it is there because you were conscious of hearing it.  Until that moment of sound, it and you were the soundless UFMist.

When you bring part of yourself into the picture you are viewing your sense of self as you are also feeling it.

Our personal life is our UFMist dot continually attracted to exist/survive by 54-sense caressing the total UFMist into "being" to support its and our mutual survival. This includes people in the mist.

"It's the feeling I love when I embrace myself as being the wisdom of the UFMist as me."

~ Rhana Kozak

"All the powers of the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark."

~ Swami Vivekenanda

"It felt amazing to sense that fully experiencing myself as this natural attraction's greeness in a natural area was God being me.

~ Project NatureConnect Student

SUMMARY: Your sense of sight becomes aware of the
UFMist by you opening your hands a smidge.  Your attraction to opening your hands caresses the UFMist to 54-sense transform into what you see and sense as reality.

This helps explain on a personal, sensory level, how you make and participate in the
UFMist time and space of now.

As, moment-by-moment, you are attracted to move and focus your hand window, you 54-sense transform the
UFMist to be the truth of what appears in the window.

If at any moment in time you are attracted or emotionally bonded/addicted to bring in unreasonable stories or relationships, you become them and their disruptive Earth Misery Climates (EM) effects in that time/space life of the Universe and all that follow until you choose to make the next moment attractively reasonable.

If you are attracted to bring reasonable stories into a natural area, you have become and gain its RW and feel their inherent peaceful unity and balance.

Individuals who have RW embraced themselves into identifying themselves as the scientifically reasonable
UFMist say they soon sense within them a general feeling of peace, unity and resilience that was not formally present.

They have objective science, 54-fact, established a "Greatest Trustable Truth GTT/UFC" habitual way of knowing themselves as the subjective UFMist. (They have become the purrrr-fect whole truth of Schrodinger's Cat.)

Quantum Physics

Enjoy the results of humanity, since 1000 AD, converting Big Bang, moment by moment, non-verbal reality into the lasting artficiality of evidence-based words

What you want and can be already exists as the
UFMist. You make it a reality by caressing it into you mind, body and spirit and seek additional UFMist attractions to strengthen it.  This applies to other people also being the Mist.  If you do this with them, you grow strong bonds and relationships with each other and the unifying life of Earth.

If you do this via a nature-disconnected story, or indoors, where authentic Nature is omitted, you lose some of your natural
UFMist 54-sense wisdom. You suffer its loss and EM.

If you do your caressing in a natural area (Grok), Nature's unadulterated
UFMist helps you become one of the self-organizing and correcting parts of Nature. Without producing garbage, abusiveness and disorders, they caress into reality Nature's optimums of life, diversity, cooperation, balance and well-being.  These are our, presently thwarted, "inner child" natural attributes. They want to live in balance and become allies that support nature-connected therapy. That unity is an EcoArt integrity and advantage, especially for those who appreciate it.

Mutually sharing your Mist experiences with other people  strenthens the UFMist love that holds you in common with them and vice-versa. This unifies relationships. www.ecopsych.com/LNE.html

Sadly, our society's Ivory Tower excessively socializes us with stories that detach over 98 percent of our life from caressing the healing joy and wisdom of the life of Nature/Earth into our lives.

This causes us to excessively want so there is never enough. That is the source of Earth Misery Climates. The immediate antidote for it is Climate Therapy


If society rewards you for your nature-disconnectedness, you emotionally attach or addict to those deceptive stories and their rewards.  As a result, you consciously or subconsciously experience the EM distress, unbalance or abandonment of disconnection.

Revolutionary Wisdom helps you "GTT/UFC" remedy this phenomenon.

Just as with the hand window activity, above, by invoking RW you choose to caress and enjoy naturally balanced UFMist
rewards by reasonably caressing them into consenting natural attractions in a natural area.  This occurs peacefully and nothing is left out so no garbage is produced.

This Revolutionary Wisdom process  helps you as part of the
UFMist to therapeutically transition the wisdom of the UFMist into your reality.

You empower yourself with its self-correcting and unifying
Revolutionary Wisdom ways and enjoy that strength. In addition you increase your love for the natural world, reduce Earth Misery Climates and feel motivated to caress others to do the same.

Make UF your first or middle name initials. See if that helps you, for the moment, become its wisdom in action.

Include other people in this process to develop strong relationships  www.ecopsych.com/LNE.html

The Love of Love:
Felt-Sense Homeostasis (Sense #54)

"Everything that the human race has done and thought is concerned with the satisfaction of deeply felt needs and the assuagement of pain. "

- Albert Einstein

As part of the self-organized plant, animal, mineral and energy members of Earth's Web-of-Life, humanity is conceived and born in and with a Unified Field attraction/love for the life of its planet mother.

We are conscious of this love via our 54 natural senses. For example, our sense of thirst is our survival love for water (sense #21). It consciously attracts us to bring Earth's water cycle in and through us in balanced ways.

Accomplishing this safely produces rewarding feelings of a unified wellness, a reasonably satisfied and balanced quenched love of love. It is a felt-sense homeostasis (sense #54).

Not accomplishing this produces the discontent or pain of dissatisfaction, frustration and wanting, a thirst that motivates us to find ways to come into natural balance (senses #25-27).

When our survival loves are disconnected from
Earth's Web-of-Life, they more powerfully love and are fulfilled by the artificiality of cultural arts and techniques. However, to our loss, the latter often mask or replace some of the 54-sense homeostatic callings of the Web-of-Life. This unbalances our relationship with the natural world until the disconnect is accurately brought to our attention and addressed by our society.

If we do not appropriately respond to this situation, the life of Earth and us suffers and produces Earth Misery Climates.

EM signals us to move into balance (senses 25-27). It reminds us that Nature bats last. 

Mastering the methods and materials of EcoArts Climate Change Therapy in natural areas enables us to long-term increase our love of love in balance, moment-by-moment. Note that it helps us experience and explain the "mysteries" of quantum physics and morphogenic fields as well as energy therapies like Reiki and healing touch.

“Nature is the unseen intelligence that loved us into being.”

       ― Elbert Hubbard

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.  To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

       ― R. Buckminster Fuller

Human Time as a Motion Picture Film-Frame Seqence

By omitting the validity of the 54-sense, natural-attraction (Higgs Boson), time/space sequence, questions arise that always lead to more questions but seldom to the accurate, 54-sense balance that is needed to prevent and remedy Earth Misery Climates. 

The time/space sequence is not time. Instead it is like one frame of a movie film following the previous one, with the last frame being nature’s “now” time frame. It is a seamless continuum that contains the, one-by-one, added on information/scenes from all the previous frames. 

NOTE: If each frame represented one year and the film was projected at 24 frames/second, as is a regular movie, it would take 10.5 years in a theater, day and night, to see the whole film from the beginning of the Universe to this moment. (13.8 billion years)

The last seven years would show the beginning of the life of Planet Earth to now. (5 billion years)

On the last day of the 10.5 year film, humanity
with its ability to talk appears on Earth. Like an inexperienced  tresspasser from elsewhere, humanity's unscientific stories produce fables, dieties and relationships that create artificial environments and ways for surviving "outside the tropics" that, for some, become addictive and excessive. (100,000 years ago)

Forty seconds before the film ends human stories produce Greek Civilization, (500 BC) followed by Christianity 3 seconds later.

Stories that produce our Copernicus/Gallileo evidence based math-science competencies  and world appear in the last 20 seconds of the 10.5 year film (1500 AD). The ways of Industrial Society appear in the last 9-seconds (1800 AD) that led to Earth Misery overuse in 1974

Natural area experiences and stories create and continue the sequence of additional, moment-by-moment, UFmist film frames as well as blend them into a single, now Climate Therapy GTT/UFC frame. This immediate frame is "time" in Nature.

The GTT/UFC Organics of Eco-Arts Therapy and Ecopsychology.

Since Greek Civilization, objective science thinking, evidence and tools have explored the organic history and mechanics of Nature's material/energy relationships.

Michael J. Cohen's 1965 sensory discovery that the story-less life of Planet Earth was identical to his life, at Project NatureConnect he has used objective science thinking, evidence and tools to explore the organic "film frame" history and attraction-based ways of Nature's sensory/rational, 54-sense life relationships. PNC enables you to enjoy this Revolutionary Wisdom.

Empower Yourself to Wear a Pair of PNC's Unique Whole Life Glasses.

The lenses of PNC’s special organic science glasses are different than each other.

The natural, whole-life subjective lens, in the blink of an eye, enables PNC participants to personally, 54-sense  in speechless natural areas, around and in them and, as humans, speak/share that experience. Their words validate the self-evident, singular, life sequence of the Big Bang, from its birth to the now and that our life is part of it.

This lens felt-sense registers that the essence of the life of Earth, including Humanity, is natural attraction being conscious of what it is attracted to. It self-organizes this way as it builds the time/space Universe, moment-by-moment since the Big Bang. Due to our society’s prejudice against nature, less than 1% of our lifespan uses or is encouraged to experience and validate this authentic, nature-connecting lens

The civilized, objective, hard-science lens, in the blink of an eye, allows only 5-sense, measureable, articulated, labels/ facts to pass through it under standardized, laboratory-type conditions of temperature, pressure, time, weather, season, mathematics etc. This filters out our “49-sense subjectivity” so even in a natural area, piece by piece, we scientifically register the Big Bang Universe as amazing, observable, quantum fact labels and stories. However, injuriously, they omit or abuse the non-story intelligence of 49 of our other, “subjective,” natural senses and our emotional fulfillment from them. This sensory-deprived lens motivates and teaches us to excessively exploit, fear, separate and fortress ourselves from Nature for over 99% of our lifetime.  

PNC concentrates on bringing the organic, whole life lens into being used on a more equal 50/50 time basis. It helps us close one eye or the other to see what each lens registers in a natural area. We then come into balance as we view things with both eyes open via "Grokking" genuine natural area contact. The teachable, 54-sense wisdom and process we gain improves the value of any art, science or relationship eleven times over.

It's Critical: Share Your Life Experience

Validate and strengthen the deepest Arts, Hobby, Science or Livelihood that you love.

Additionally make it an authentic, nature-connected therapy that you can offer

In the balance and beauty of natural areas, backyard or back country, scientifically empower your special art love(s) to 54-sense eliminate Earth Misery Climates.  Increase your personal, social and environmental well being while helping others do the same.

Online, in 7 months, gain certification as an organic Eco-Arts or Climate Therapist in your special area of interest. Short CEU courses are available.

Online, complete a funded certification, diploma or BS, MS or Ph.D. in Applied Ecopsychology that is based on your personal autobiography, experiences and heartfelt art or desire to therapeutically help the life of Earth and its people recover from our society's excessiveness.

Intern with us. Learn how to independently produce an income as you help reduce and reverse Earth Misery Climates. Train to qualify as a co-mentor faculty at Project NatureConnect and its cooperating Universities.

What to do

Many people just need to learn how to add Revolutionary Wisdom to their already existing art or love to make it a nature-connected therapy they can enjoy and teach. Others need more time and training to achieve this. You can make this determination for yourself by identifying areas you think you need to strengthen and then use recommended resources to achieve this. As you do this, you add new skills to your autobiography and education while you approach your goal.

An evaluation of your present Revolutionary Wisdom UFMist skills and thinking along with appropriate paths you can choose is available. It helps you master RW and obtain an Organic Psychology EcoArts therapy Certification or Degree.  What you learn in this exploratory process you can add to your autobiography.

Select Here

The Core Concept: A Model of Our Greatest Challenge 

We usually suffer our problems because, in metaphor, Industrial Society has emotionally attached us to drive an advanced technology automobile. As we excessively speed this vehicle down the highway to relieve our stress or  distress, or for fun, or late for an appointment panic, we are alarmed to see that the car will go into a group of families having a Revolutionary Wisdom (RW) GTT training workshop and picnic in a beautiful natural area.

Because we have not yet desired to learn how to fully activate the car’s organic braking and steering system, in anguish we hope and pray that the vehicle will stop as we fearfully scream “Oh God,” or “whoa” or “STOP” like the vehicle was an evil spirit or a runaway horse, or it understood words and feelings.

The reactions, above, are unscientific and outdated. They do not stop our high-tech car, so we wreak Earth Misery havoc on people, places and things including ourselves as passengers. We are guilty and must be punished for DUI, Driving Under the Influence of nature-disconnected ignorance.  Scientifically, how could this not be so? How can we realistically stop the car?

What we need is an organic science and technology brake, a great truth that helps us register and apply the wise, self-correcting, ways that are inherent in the life of that lovely natural area, and in us, too. We would then know and apply the natural world’s organic balance and purifying powers that have protected and preserved its life over the eons. That Truth would would be motivated to wisely manage the car because its life was part of it and wanted to survive, there.

Program Application: SELECT HERE

RW truths that come into play, above

1. The life of natural attraction is conscious of what it is attracted to.  It is attracted/loves
to support life.

2. Our education and counseling omit that, at and since its birth, the life of our Big Bang Universe, without humanity, is attracted to continue to survive, to make its own, non-verbal, time and space, moment-by-moment.

3. The excessively nature-disconnecting stories, that our education, counseling, and healing teach us, influence our 620,000 hour lifespan to spend
, on average, less than 12 of our life hours in happy, verbal, 54-sense tune with the beautiful balance and purity of Nature’s self-correcting, natural area ways of the web-of-life, around in and as us.

4. In sequence, the wisdom of Nature’s
UFMist blends everything and anything with all that precedes it and all that follows it.

5. We avoid re-living the pain from things that abused our senses by abusing others as we were abused, or by co-dependently protecting others from that hurt, or by tranquilizing these uncomfortable feelings.

6. Under its atmosphere molecules, energies and flying creatures, we live in the dance and flow of the life of Planet Earth, not on it. We are it as us, including our stories.

"The soul is not in the body;
the body is in the soul."

~ Hildegard von Bingen

REFERENCE: www.ecopsych.com/54rwbook.html. 

The free core white paper book that helps anyone benefit from Revolutionary Wisdom is available via www.ecopsych.com/GREENWAVEBETA.pdf


Once you know what your Greatest Trustable Truth (GTT) is
(8) the accuracy of Revolutionary Wisdom is assured by a published warranty (1), validated field studies (2) and refereed, peer-reviewed and published articles in many scientific and professional journals (3).  Its 24 key facts (4) have yet to be scientifically disproven since they were put into practice in 1972, reflected by revolutionary wisdom participants (5) and legally defended (6)(7).

1.    http://www.ecopsych.com/journalwarranty.html
2.    http://www.ecopsych.com/ksanity.html
3.    http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html
4.    http://www.ecopsych.com/66IJMRA-11702.pdf
5.    http://www.ecopsych.com/survey.html
6.    http://www.ecopsych.com/grandjury.html
7.    http://www.ecopsych.com/journalproposal.html
8.    http://www.ecopsych.com/gttspacetime.html

Join the RW community via www.ecopsych.com/LNE.html

Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D, Ph.D.
President, Project NatureConnect

Contact me for information. 360-378-6313 <nature@interisland.net>

Learn/Teach Organic Psychology GTT as an expedition co-mentor:

- Course Introduction www.ecopsych.com/journalLNE.html

- Course Description www.ecopsych.com/LNEdescription.html

- Course Instructions  www.ecopsych.com/LNEinstructions.html

- Course 24 Facts   www.ecopsych.com/LNE24facts.html

- Course Actualization www.ecopsych.com/LNE.html


Become whole life intelligent. Obtain a therapeutic Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature 54-sense science degree or certificate in conjunction with the eco-arts therapy of

Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch

Art Eco-therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming


Enjoy Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology Resources:

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Readily available, online, organic psychology tools for the health of person,
planet and spirit

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <nature@interisland.net> www.ecopsych.com


The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

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All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the book
The Web of Life Imperative.

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