
The Organic Psychology
GreenWave in Action
Funded, sensory,
accredited, courses, degrees and career training: Certification, BS, MS, Ph.D.
360-378-6313 <nature@interisland.net>
Homepage: Ecopsychology In Action Learn
how to create moments that let Earth teach us to reverse our disorders.
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Naturally Inherent Love-of-Love: Our Felt Sense Balance and Beauty.
that the human race has done and thought is concerned with the
satisfaction of deeply felt needs and the assuagement of pain.
The Revolutionary Wisdom of Eco-Arts Therapies (EAT), an organic
application of Ecopsychology, transforms into reasonable pleasure the
pain produced by the art of contemporary science omitting or injuring
the life of Nature/Earth, including humanity. This domineering
practice is the major source of our need for therapy; about 80 percent
of us are now in therapeutic support groups of some kind.
Therapy is a losing battle when the detrimental side effects of its nature-disconnected ways creates additional distress. Adding Eco-Arts Therapy remedies this short circuit.
People are conceived and born as members of the self-organized plant, animal, mineral and energy of Earth's Web-of-Life.
We inherently sense
their attraction/love for Earth because it is our planetary origin and womb throughout our life.
We suffer because the beliefs of contemporary society excessively
disconnect us from from Earth's unadulterated love of our life that is
found in natural areas.
We are conscious of our planet's love for us via our 54 natural senses. For example, our sense of thirst is our survival love for water (sense #21). Thirst consciously attracts/loves us to bring Earth's water cycle in and through us and Earth loves the nurturing results.
Accomplishing this
safely produces rewarding
feelings of a unified, mutual, reasonably satisfied, love of love. It
is a felt-sense natural homeostasis (sense #54).
Not accomplishing this
produces the discontent or pain of
dissatisfaction, frustration and wanting. This motivates us to find
attractive arts and skills for happiness and satisfaction (senses
When our survival loves are disconnected from Earth's Web-of-Life,
they more powerfully love and are fulfilled by the artificialities of
cultural arts and techniques. However, the latter often exploit, mask
or replace our 54-sense wisdom callings from the Web-of-Life. This
unbalances our relationship with the natural world until the disconnect
is brought to our attention and remedied.
If we do not appropriately respond to this
situation, the life of Earth and us suffers and produces a wide range
of human and environmental disorders. These discomforts attract us to move into a happier balance. They gently remind us that Nature bats last.
Application: SELECT HERE
Different Paths to Learning More about EcoArts Therapy
Your Customized Path Call 1-360-378-6313
Most Direct Online Path
The Learning by Doing Path
Follow your Curiosity Path
Fiduciary Community Path
Greatest Trustable Truth Path
18 Month Degree Path
Revolutionary Wisdom Book Path
Project NatureConnect Path
Applied Ecopsychology Path
Follow Your Interests Path
Therapy(EAT) enables us to transform our hurtful core issues into
healthy relationships via the facts and observations listed
below. Most of them are common sense or common culture in many arts. To help set your priorities, below
- identify the concepts that you already like, support or understand as familiar and helpful information.
-In addition, collect or
highlight the things you consider unhelpful, inaccurate or disruptive.
Then learn more about them through reading and questions. If
things unify you become certified in EAT. (Should certification
in EAT be called a meal? <grin>)
Earth Misery(EM) A Core Problem
The central thinking of
Industrial Society is in denial that it is prejudiced against Nature
and Planet Earth's rights to its life.
Since 1974, the impact of our excessive demands on Earth’s life have
increasingly created our yearly 45% natural resource deficit
accompanied by a similar 45% increase in Earth Misery (EM).
EM includes species extinction, mental illness, obesity, climate
change, oceanic oxygen depletion, loneliness, atmospheric carbon,
population, mass shootings and excessive stress. These are accompanied by
increased corruption, child abuse, unhappiness, mistrust, unfairness,
expensive health care, political and economic extremes, destructive
dependencies, addiction and many other disorders.
the overlooked fact that there is a remedy for it. Eco-Arts Therapy
helps us transform EM into the reasonable happiness of personal, social
and environmental well-being. In heartfelt ways it enables anyone to
embrace the balanced and beautiful life of Nature/Earth (N/E) that is
also the life of humanity; what happens to N/E happens to us.
Eco-Arts Therapy is Revolutionary Wisdom. It validates that, with the
exception of humanity, no member of our planet’s animal, plant, mineral
or energy community has the ability to speak, read, write or understand
stories. Moment-by-moment, Nature/Earth’s non-literate way, without producing garbage or toxic wastes, loves to sustain its beautiful, self-correcting optimums of life, diversity, cooperation, balance, peace, and well-being.
N/E’s web-of-life instinctively organizes itself by communicating
through non-verbal attraction sensitivities. It simultaneously
grows and supports its unified wholeness as well as each of its
uniquely different members, from sub-atomics to weather systems and
Each member of the Web has and is its own attractive
attraction/art/love to maintain its individual life while
simultaneously loving to support the rest of the Web.
The essence of N/E, like all of life, is its passion to survive and
grow. As members of the web, our body, mind and spirit inherit and
share our love of N/E.
Humanity’s special means to survive is to be literate, to speak,
understand and build relationships through stories and arts that
beneficially convey how our survival operates. However, our stories
along with most art and science are artificial. They imitate and
attempt to express nature's reality as abstracts, not as authentic,
non-literate N/E and its perfection.
N/E is the fountainhead of authority in how it works. When our stories
deliver accurate, evidence-based information derived from authentic NE,
these true stories helps us live in happy and cooperative balance with
the Web of Life community, including each other.
To our loss, on average, over 99 percent of our thinking, feeling and
stories are educated to be out of tune with authentic N/E in natural
areas. Over 95 percent of our time is spent indoors.
When our N/E-disconnected stories deliver scientifically outdated
falsehoods our integrity deteriorates. We are encouraged to emotionally
attach to unreasonable relationships that hurtfully deteriorate the Web
of Life, including us.
We suffer because, too often abusively, our
“inner child” love and survival bonds with N/E are hurtfully detached
from N/E. In replacement, we are pacified by loving our N/E
stories, art and science that, being immitations, produce Earth Misery
side effects. This additionally hurts us so we seek additional
pain-reliving satisfactions. EM produces additional excessiveness
because when we want there is never enough.
To exploit, for profit, our insatiable wants, we pay ourselves to think
and relate in unbalanced ways that fuel our economy. This escalates
Earth Misery. In contrast, we could choose to gain similar but more
responsible rewards by adding Eco-Arts Therapy to our lives and
In 1974, our present lifestyle first produced EM and it has steadily
increased ever since. Adding the methods and materials of RW Eco-Arts
Therapy to our arts and loves gives us the ability to create moments
that let the healing wisdom of Nature/Earth therapeutically transform
EM into the joy of reasonable relationships while in community with
Instructions: Identify, below, what things you need to further understand as well as what is already true for you.
1. - Natural, sensory, self-evident truth (GT-UFC) is alive, undeniable and scientifically valid.
2. - We live in, not on, the life of Planet Earth as fiduciaries.
3. - The life of Nature and Earth, including us, is attracted to continue to live.
- We have at least 54 natural sense groups that register, embrace and
balance their attraction relationships.
5. - With the exception of humanity, the life of
Nature and Planet Earth, neither uses or understands our
verbalized story ways of knowing.
6. - Everything is held together by attraction.
7. - Anything or everything is attached to all that
has gone before it and all that
follows it and all are always in in the moment-by-moment now of life.
8. - Things must be valued or measured by their effects.
9. - Natural attraction is free-will conscious of what it is attracted to.
10. - Grokking a natural area attaches our natural truth
to Nature’s homeostatic essence; we each equally become part of N/E essence in our
11. - For every new peripheral natural attraction there is an equal central natural attraction.
12. - Scientifically accurate, 54-sense stories, supported
by the same in other people, are needed to catalyze
organic change and healing.
13. - Things only exist or happen in the now of N/E.
14. - There are no repulsions or negatives in N/E, it singularly consists of a stronger or weaker attraction/love dance, wave or mist.
15. - We avoid re-living the pain of what has abused us by
the relief and satisfactions gained from abusing others as we
were abused.
16. - Spirit, creation, self or God are our organic
love-of-love sense #54 that is found everywhere in a natural area.
17. - The fittest things are the most attractive cooperators with other things.
18. - Invoking GreenWave-54 and identifying our
54-senses by name makes a critical contribution that increases
19. - GreenWave-54 Grokking via our Consciousness,
Reason and Literacy senses (#39, 42, 43) creates organically sound human
20. - Since its life was born, the Universe/Nature has remained alive.
21. - The essence of all things is the singular
attraction energy of Einstein’s unified field, moment-by-moment.
22. - An attraction we find in a natural area is it
in us loving the joy of reuniting with itself and its unified family in
the natural area.
23 Math is reliable because it depends on its basic truth of "one, not zero" We
suffer our troubles because most of us don't know the greatest truth in
our life that we can trust and depend on. It is not Math, God, Love, Honesty or
24. Our rights to a
healthy life are violated by withholding the organics of Eco-Arts
Therapy from our education, counseling and healing. As our
nature-prejudiced science and technologies excessively conquer and
exploit the life of Earth, including us, we fearfully scream “Oh God,”
or “whoa”
or “STOP” as if a technology, for example, a car, is an evil spirit or
a runaway horse, or it understands words and feelings.
25 - We can transform Earth Misery into the therapeutic well-being
of Revolutionary Wisdom www.ecopsych.com/LNE.html
The Big Bang Time/Space Universe
Although the long-established, Big Bang, Albert Einstein Universe
is still not required knowledge in most traditional education today, by 1930 A.D.,
many parts of Physics observed that the life of the Universe was not
static. Instead, like the life of a beautiful, speechless, self-inflating balloon, the Universe
was, and remains today, attracted to (loves to) become more attractive,
strengthen, and survive by growing and being its own, diverse time and space, moment-by-moment.
At this moment, in the now, the "balloon universe" still consists of the original energy of the Big Bang and its Unified Field that
was born 13.8 billion years ago. Moment by moment since then, it has
grown into being the life of the balloon in the space and time now that it makes.
The life of the balloon is similar to our personal genetics at our
conception growing into becoming us, including them, today. It happens because
we and our genetics are part of the life of the Big Bang growing
its time and space as us, moment-by-moment.
Each thing in the now of the balloon is 1) attracted to (loves to) grow
attractive by diversely forming new attraction relationships with
attractive things. Simultaneously, 2) each thing is also attracted to
support the unifying energy of the balloon's rubber
skin that holds everything, including itself, together.
Although different, 1 + 2 "is/are" the balloon. This exemplifies the diverse-unified, now balancing
powers of Nature's homeostasis. In the now it organizes itself in balanced purity; it is inherently organic and attractive.
Since its beginning, all things in the Universe organically made and now only exist in
its immediate space/time moment together in pure and fair
unity. All things are a singular, moment-by-moment,
attraction energy relationship, essence (love) that, in community, includes (loves) each of us to be part of its "now."
This immediate attraction-love includes our unique human ability to sense, think, feel, relate and survive through appropriate stories.
However, with the exception of humanity, the life of the plant, animal, mineral and energy web-of-life does not enjoy our unique ability to build relationships with stories. The Web-of-Life is non-verbal. It does not speak.
In Summary:
The balloon, you, I and time and space are, moment by moment, the art of the
singular, balanced, organic unity of natural attraction love (Sense #54). It
consciously consists of being both the 1)central and 2)peripheral truths that it is attracted to in any moment.
the wholeness of the balloon includes us as well as is us, it is
challenging for us to understand it as ourselves because an eye can see everything except itself. Until this summary becomes part of our habitual thoughts and feelings, the balloon will need its correct story to be available so all things can benefit from it in a lasting way.
Different Paths to Learning More about EcoArt Therapy
Your Customized Path Call 1-360-378-6313
Most Direct Online Path
The Learning by Doing Path
Follow your Curiosity Path
Fiduciary Community Path
Greatest Trustable Truth Path
18 Month Degree Path
Revolutionary Wisdom Book Path
www.ecopsych.com/54rwbook .html
Project NatureConnect Path
Applied Ecopsychology Path
Follow Your Interests Path
A presentation of the Eco-Arts Therapy facts, above, are here with numbered resource links to web pages for further information.
A. The excessively nature-disconnecting stories that our
education, counseling, and healing teach us influence our 620,000 hour
lifespan to spend, on average, less
than 12 of our life hours in happy, verbal, 54-sense, conscious tune with the
beautiful balance and purity of N/E’s self-correcting ways of the
web-of-life, around in and as us (26).
B. Until proven otherwise, since
its Big Bang inception the Dance of the GreenWave energy (Mist), life
of Natural Attraction is the living “unified binding field” Higgs Boson
attraction essence of every atom and its parts.
The dance dances in every part of the GreenWave since its Big Bang
inception. This includes the self-evident thoughts, senses, feelings,
intelligence and relationships of our body, mind and spirit as part of
the Albert Einstein GreenWave Unified Field (21) Universe (11) in the
In the GreenWave, the homeostasis of evolution consists of a fiduciary
dance that finds the most attractive new way to survive that supports
the central Unified Attraction Field. Every space/time moment of the
Universe is evolving in an attractive communication dance because its
essence is Unified Field natural attraction (19)
C. The aliveness of creation's Unified Field Natural Attraction Dance
of the Universe/Nature (the Dance/UFWave) only exists in the immediate
moment Now, as do its Dancers (UFMist Dots).
D. The Dancers are all the things in our Now Universe, including the
thoughts, senses, feelings and relationships of our body, mind and
spirit. The Dancers include sensations, attractions, ideas, individuals
and memories of the past, present or future along with our ability to
relate to and with them (UFMist) (12). For this reason, when we
unreasonably pick a flower, we trouble a star.
E. Until fully proven otherwise, with the exception of humanity and the
like, as the life of Planet Earth neither the attraction Dance nor its
Dancers can speak or relate through literate story abstracts (1).
Being non-literate and immediate, the web of life and its members don’t
have the ability to produce misleading information or produce the
destructive effects of stories that do not attractively and
appropriately support the Dance (22).
F. Every part of the GreenWave Dance, including humanity, is in
communication with the Dance, moment by moment. Every individual or
thing dances in attractive balance, harmony and support of the whole
Dance and its Dancers, and vice versa. The essence of no single thing
or event stands alone. It is attached to all that has gone before it,
and it will remain attached to all that follows it. Our memories are
past attraction relationship moments as they registered and now exist
in the present. They are best evaluated by their outcomes with respect
to life in balance.
G. The GreenWave Dance does not produce any toxic waste. Its
process of transformation into more self-correcting attractive
relationships enables all Dancers to belong and to be wanted; no Dancer
is polluted, omitted or discarded. No garbage is produced (14) because
garbage is not attractive.
H. In a natural area, when we are in immediate conscious sensory
contact with the authentic Dance of the UFMist, in and around us, not
just stories about it, whatever an individual personally experiences is
empirically true self-evidence for them because, unadulterated, the
experience registers directly on, and can blend and unify with, their
more than fifty-four inherent natural attraction senses and
sensibilities in that N/E universal life moment (15).
Whatever any of our 54 natural senses find attractive in nature is
Nature as us doing the finding and wanting to unite with its origins.
Without our senses functioning we experience the nothingness or
depreciation from sensory-deprivation. Our fifty-four distinct
sensations include the bonded together senses of Reason, Consciousness
and Literacy (the CRL Triad) and the Unified Field Mist attraction
dance to reasonably reunite what our disconnecting stories have
I. When excessive disconnection of our body, mind or spirit from the life of the unadulterated UFMist GreenWave Dance of N/E
is a cause of a problem or disorder, the Eco-Arts therapy of genuinely
reconnecting our life with the life of the Dance in a natural area is
essential as part of the solution.
The GreenWave Dance is the fountainhead of authority in how it works.
It is a singular remedy and preventative for duality, nature-deficit
addictions and other disorders of the CRL Triad.
Until proven otherwise, the Dance of NNIAAL is a legitimate background
to consider when determining the accuracy of a fact. NNIAAL includes
the GreenWave aliveness of the Standard Universe since it was attracted
to become itself.
J. Individuals (16) who have had a good or beneficial experience while
spending quiet time in a natural area, register and are conscious on
some level that the Dance, in and around us, is us and that it has
attractive renewing, restorative, enchanting and peaceful, corrective
and purifying therapy qualities.
K. As demonstrated by the self-evidence of our senses registering
birds, air, clouds, rain and insects in the sky above us, we each live
in and as the Dance of Planet Earth, not in the nature-distorted story
that we live on it. We are but one of its web-of-life Dancers
each of whom has a justifiable right to the joys and benefits of
unadulterated life in balance (17).
L. Planet Earth is my alive, non-verbal, non-literate other body. I
know this is true because I feel loss, anguish and despair when I ask
myself “Who would I be if somebody, or some thing, took my lifelong
Earth body and its committed attraction to be me away from me?” Holding
my breath lets the painful self-evidence reality of Earth separation
validate itself. Sensing and feeling these reasonable survival
sensations attracts me to to choose to breathe, for my aliveness to
survive, and help others use EcoArt to validate and enjoy Planet Earth
as their non-verbal other body and, through GreenWave ECHN, increase
its, their and my well-being.
N. No qualified individual is denied participation in the standard
training, certificate and degree programs of Organic Psychology and
Natural Attraction Ecology at Project NatureConnect based on their
budget challenges.
O. Because the purpose and object of PNC GreenWave expedition-model
education is to help people heal and support the wounded Dances in and
around themselves and others, financial assistance based on economic
need is available via self-designed payment plans, work-assistance
projects, grants, tuition subsidies, volunteerism, contributions and
interest-free loans
All things only exist in the present, now, moment of our Universe, in
the Organic Psychology of the GreenWave that includes our stories,
senses and sensations. Learning to 54 felt-sense think and speak
on the GreenWave enables us communicate with the whole of life and its
history that lies in each present moment's Unified Field core
attraction power of the eons. The "Now" aliveness of the GreenWave
feelingly attaches our lives to all past leaders, prophets and deities
along with their stories, senses and relationships. In natural areas
this therapy gives us the ability to lovingly dance as equals with them
now and update them with today's scientific knowledge, then unknown.
The GreenWave dance process is creation's glue. Using it empowers us to
resolve our destructive differences by N/E unifying their origins. It helps us reduce our disorders and peacefully increase personal, social and environmental well-being.
1. Cohen, M. J. 1995, Education and Counseling With Nature: ......A Greening of Psychotherapy. The Interspsych ......Newsletter, ......Vol 2, Issue 4
2. Cohen, M. J. 2008, Educating Counseling and Healing With ......Nature Illumina Publishing.
3. Project NatureConnect 2012 The Magic of Something From ......Nothing:
4. Project NatureConnect: Eco Zombie, Wake Up
5. Project NatureConnect Web of Life Imperative ......http://www.ecopsych.com/newbook4wli.html
6. Project NatureConnect, 1996, A Survey of Participants
7. Project NatureConnect Peak Fact: Whole Life Self Evidence ......i n Action
8. Project NatureConnect 2007 Whom Am I? Who or What is ......Your Natural Self?
9. Doherty, T. J. 2010, Michael Cohen: Ecopsychology .......Interview Ecopsychology Journal, Vol 2 No.2. Mary Jane .......Liebert Publishing.
10. Project NatureConnect 2007 Challenge: The ........Considerations of a Nature-Connected Expert.
11. Project NatureConnect 2000: A New Copernicun .......Revolution
12. Project NatureConnect 2007 Who, What or When is the ....;..Acronym NNIAAL and the Unified Field?
13. Project NatureConnect 2005 Thinking and Learning With .....;.all Nine Legs
14. Project NatureConnect 2008, How to Transform .....;.Destructive Thinking Into Constructive Relationships.
15. Project NatureConnect, 1990, Connecting With Nature, .....;.World Peace University Press
16. Project NatureConnect, 2013, The Hidden Organic ...;...Remedy: Nature as Higher Power
17. Project NatureConnect 2007 Whom Am I? Who or What is ....;..Your Natural Self?
18. Project NatureConnect 2007, Thinking and Feeling Like the ......Joy of Nature
19. Project NatureConnect 2018, Revolutionary Wisdom
20. Project NatureConnect 2014, Our Living Universe: Who is ..;....the Boss of You?
21. Project NatureConnect 2014, The Ultimate Intelligence ...;..Test Inventory
22. Project NatureConnect 2014, The State of Planet Earth .;.....and Us
23. Project NatureConnect 1998, New Vistas Dawn, The Only ....;..Life of its Kind.
24. Project NatureConnect 2015, Applied Ecopsychology ...;...Orientation
25. Project NatureConnect 2017, Attraction Is Conscious of ...;...What it is Attracted to ......http://www.ecopsych.com/GREENWAVE.pdf
26. Project NatureConnect 2001
REFERENCE: www.ecopsych.com/54rwbook.html.
A core white paper that helps anyone benefit from Revolutionary Wisdom is available via www.ecopsych.com/GREENWAVEBETA.pdf
The accuracy of Revolutionary Wisdom is assured by a published warranty
(1), validated field studies (2) and refereed, peer-reviewed and
published articles in many scientific and professional journals
(3). Its twenty key facts (4) have yet to be scientifically
disproven since they were put into practice in 1972, reflected by
revolutionary wisdom participants (5) and legally defended (6)(7).
1. http://www.ecopsych.com/journalwarranty.html
2. http://www.ecopsych.com/ksanity.html
3. http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html
4. http://www.ecopsych.com/66IJMRA-11702.pdf
5. http://www.ecopsych.com/survey.html
6. http://www.ecopsych.com/grandjury.html
7. http://www.ecopsych.com/journalproposal.html
Join the RW community via www.ecopsych.com/LNE.html
J. Cohen, Ed.D, Ph.D.
President, Project NatureConnect
Contact me for information. 360-378-6313 <nature@interisland.net>
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