Project NatureConnect (PNC) How and why the love of Nature is the salvation of the world
Practical training, certification and degrees
to increase person/planet
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Where there's life, there's love
a person or business claim to be socially and environmentally
responsible if they omit the organic PNC love process that eliminates
the source of our excessiveness and disorders? |
The purpose of this advanced learning expedition is for each student to
become a credible GreenWave-54 eco-arts authority by at-will connecting
with its web-of-life participants, present, past and future.
life and love as part of Project NatureConnect’s GreenWave-54
fiduciary expedition team/family helps transform contemporary society’s
destructive prejudice against Nature (PAN) into nature-affirming
relationships that reverse Earth Misery as described in the white paper
How to Liberate Your Natural essence (LNE) by Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D.,
Ph.D.Heartfelt online natural area eco-arts therapy stops abuse and
disorders. Support group courses degree and training programs .
Fi-du-ci-ary: a
person to whom power is heartfelt entrusted for support and benefit of
other individuals or relationships in cooperative community
The expedition knows that stories or experiences that abuse life,
equally wound the life of Nature and people. It learns how to
transform that wound into eco-love by doing it.
SUGGESTION: You can best know if this online course will help you by reading the
first 14 pages of LNE.
The facts and experiences in LNE have yet to be scientifically
disproven or denied because they are 54-sense self-evident and Dr.
Cohen participates in the course as a guide. This makes the
expedition as accurate and universally useful as a common 12-inch
Psychologically, we avoid the pain of re-living our EM abuse by
inflicting that same abuse on others, or through hurtful
co-dependencies and/or addictive tranquilization. In natural areas,
GreenWave-54 empowers us to help each other convert this damaging
process into nature-centered love and support. The expedition lets you
accomplish this by
1) scientifically teaching your life experience and training trustable
GreenWave-54 EM reduction
truths that you may not know.
2) giving you a tool to apply your new 54-sense truths as part of a
3) a dedicated, co-mentoring team that helps you real-life use the tool as you help them use it and vice-versa.
A ruler rules because we are all indoctrinated to honor its length and
numbers. Their 0-9 number sequence is a precise scientific, repeatable
representation of the moment-by-moment life sequence of the space/time
Universe along with the life of Planet Earth and us. This symbolization
gives us applicable authority and power over Nature, especially when
its rule is backed by sufficient numbers of dollars or power. The
expedition’s purpose is to expertly accomplish this globally using this
golden rule: “Stop doing to others what you don’t want them to do to
The course empowers its online participants to certify that they have
mastered and can expertly in common understand, speak and put into
practice the 24 GreenWave-54 facts listed in LNE on page 65.
- This enables them to affirm, improve and invoke anywhere that
The Earth is Just As Alive As You Are
rain-forest-environment.html an April, 2019 article in the
N. Y. Times.
- Cohen scientifically concluded the Earth was
alive 55 years ago, August, 1965, and this is the heart of his lifework
since then
Welcome aboard.
This course also functions as an accredited eco-arts community and
online. Designed and personally guided by Mike Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D. the
1969 originator of expedition education, its participants, as
fiduciaries, help each other invoke 24 undeniable Revolutionary Wisdom
54-sense facts to help reverse our ever-increasing deterioration of the
life of our planet and us. In our nature-connecting expedition, a
fiduciary is a person, place or thing that holds a dedicated
relationship of trust and confidence with all the expedition
participants, and acts for and on behalf of them. “Them” includes our
total planet and its web-of-life.
The heart of this course is that in a wilderness area in 1965 Cohen
matched the life of Planet Earth with his own 35 years of life to see
how they were different. He discovered that they were identical with
one exception. His life, like all human life, could speak and relate
through stories while the planet was non-literate; it only communicated
and related through non-verbal attractions between all things. From
Cohen’s moment of great truth unfolded additional unadulterated truths
moment by moment, year after year and his life became their instrument or avatar as a person. They helped Cohen recognize
that when our story way of knowing was unscientific, limited or nature
disconnecting, it led us to act in ways that abused the life of Earth
around and as us. Earth and us became victims of these story
falsehoods. In time he recognized that most of the problems we face
result from our stories disconnecting us from the inherent 54-sense
ways we are seamlessly connected to Nature/Earth’s unifying perfection.
It consists of its web-of-life’s optimums of attractive life,
diversity, cooperation, peace, community, balance, trust and beauty
that lovingly organize and correct themselves so that the truth of all
things is included and no garbage is produced, moment-by-moment
The way and means of that vast majority of folks who have never
experienced our GTT expedition yet deny or ignore its value are the
same folks who continue to cause our problems while complaining about
Do you realize that any attractions or interest that you find for this
program are your greatest trustable truth (GTT) of those moments?
They are also your strongest pre-requisites for being on our PNC
expedition. We accept folks who want to fulfill and strengthen these
attractions while in trustable fiduciary community with others who are
dedicated to doing the same. “Others” includes all members and
energies of Nature’s web-of-life. A fiduciary is a person, place or
thing that holds a dedicated relationship of trust and confidence with
the rest of the expedition and acts for and on behalf of them. “Them”
includes our total planet and its other but equal forms of life.
As fiduciaries to life of Earth and each other, participants commit to
an online GreenWave-54 expedition where GreenWave-54 becomes the bus
that physically unified Cohen’s nature-centered Trailside Country
School and National Audubon Society Expeditions from 1965-1985
( ). This
course’s GreenWave-54 expedition is/was created by Dr. Cohen to help
all previous and following LNE course participants mutually support the
identical, moment-by-moment, GreenWave-54 Unified Field
(bus-substitute) that makes their lives possible.
• Participants achieve this as an expedition always
tied together by GreenWave-54, through fiduciary co-mentoring the
methods and materials in Project NatureConnect courses, programs,
certifications and degrees as well as programs that they independently
• Our tied-together support team/family is critical.
It works like Nature works as a cooperative attraction collective
including how each missing element deteriorates its unity. The team is
available as a community that is united by the Unified Field itself so
its 54-sense rope is always accessible online or in a natural area
during and forever after the course officially ends.
• Completion of this course entitles course
expedition members in good standing to continue individually, or as
co-mentors (preferred), to complete designated degree program courses
(ECO 500A, 500B, 800UFBeta) by completing the other course book’s
chapters and activities with the option to not be in a scheduled
support group. They are also eligible for work-study financial
• This helps makes the PNC 18 month,
autobiography-based degree program possible along with faculty and
co-mentoring livelihood opportunities along with participation in a
lifelong online GreenWave-54 community
• The core challenge that participants address is
that our earth miseries result from our stories imposing scientifically
limited or inaccurate, static-truth statements on the ever growing and
changing space/time wisdom of the life of the natural world, around, in
and as us. The abuse and abusiveness of these falsehoods hurtfully
detaches us from what GreenWave-54 moment-by-moment loves us into
being. This simultaneously disturbs us and the life of Earth,
The prerequisites for this course include completion of, or in-process,
or equivalence of ECO 500A-B including reading, knowing and being in
agreement with the books Reconnecting With Nature and How to Liberate
Your Natural Essence (LNE) as well as applying the acronyms, concepts
and validations in them including
This is an advanced course is for individuals who recognize
unequivocally that Nature/Earth is alive and that the prejudice of our
stories, along with their sensory bonds give it no rights to its life
as described in Cohen’s 1979 book Prejudice Against Nature.
The course empowers its participants to put on at will, or habitually
wear, a special pair of whole life glasses. They are an invention of
PNC that originated in six-year old Mike Cohen, who in 1936 was
“abused” by the school system because his Nature was left-handed. After
four years he finally was allowed to use an appropriate technology, a
fountain pen, to stop the abuse. Later, he designed a maverick genius
social technology antidote for abuse It blended him with time/space
sequences in natural areas as a 30-year-old, scientifically trained
Biologist and Counselor.
As noted above, Cohen recognized in a 1965 wilderness thunderstorm that
there was nothing that the life of Planet Earth did that his body as an
organism did not do. If he was alive, Nature/Earth was alive. The one
exception was that he could speak and know through stories, while,
because the Planet’s life was non-literate/speechless it was vulnerable
to human story falsehoods that abused it/us.
One such inaccurate story was that the planet was not an organism, it
was not organic even though it self-organized itself to be the life of
itself four billion years before the appearance of humanity and our
nature-disconnecting stories.
The lenses of PNC’s special glasses are different than each other.
The natural, whole-life subjective lens, in the blink of an eye,
enables course participants to personally, 54-sense GTT/UFC in
speechless natural areas, around and in them and, as humans,
speak/share that experience. Their words validate the self-evident,
singular, life sequence of the Big Bang, from its birth to the now and
that our life is part of it.
This lens felt-sense registers that the essence of the life of Earth,
including Humanity, is natural attraction being conscious of what it is
attracted to. It self-organizes this way as it builds the time/space
Universe, moment-by-moment since the Big Bang. Due to our society’s
prejudice against nature, less than 1% of our lifespan uses or is
encouraged to experience and validate this authentic, nature-connecting
The civilized, objective, hard-science lens, in the blink of an eye,
allows only 5-sense, measureable, articulated, labels/ facts to pass
through it under standardized, laboratory-type conditions of
temperature, pressure, time, weather, season, etc. This filters out our
“49-sense subjectivity” so even in a natural area, piece by piece, we
scientifically register the Big Bang Universe as amazing, observable,
quantum fact labels and stories. However, injuriously, they omit or
abuse the non-story intelligence of 49 of our “subjective” natural
senses and our emotional fulfillment from them.
This sensory-deprived lens teaches us to excessively exploit, fear,
separate and fortress ourselves from “dangerous” Nature for over 99% of
our lifetime.
This course concentrates on bringing the organic, whole life lens into
being used on a more equal 50/50 time basis. It helps us close one eye
or the other to see what each lens registers in a natural area. We then
come into balance as we view things with both eyes open via Grokking
because this makes visible and validates the natural world. The
teachable, 54-sense wisdom we gain improves the value of any art,
science or relationship eleven times over.
Objective Science Lens Validations of Subjective Lens Experiences
By omitting the validity of the 54-sense, natural-attraction (Higgs
Boson), time/space sequence, questions arise that always lead to more
questions but seldom to the accurate, 54-sense balance that is needed
to remedy and prevent Earth Misery.
This sequence of the Universe is not time, rather it is like one frame
a movie film following and containing the previous one, with the
last frame being nature’s “now” time frame that is a seamless continuum
of all the information/scenes of all the previous frames.
NOTE: If each
film frame represented one year and the film was projected at 24
frames/second, as is a regular movie, it would take 10.5 years to view
the whole film from the beginning of the Universe to this moment. The
last 7 years would be from the beginning of Planet Earth
to now. Humanity and its stories, like a foreign language
and foreign thinking, would not appear until the last two hours of the film;
the inaccuracies of the past 3000 years that we impose on Nature now,
would not be seen until the last three minutes, industrial society
capitalism appears in the last 9 seconds.
We identify ourselves with these last moment stories, they are our Ego
whose story produces Earth Misery as it tells itself, “I am conscious,
intelligent, superior, literate and smart enough not to give Nature any
legal rights. The Devine created Earth’s web-of-life for us to subdue
and replenish with us.”
The course time experience creates and continues the now sequence of
additional, moment-by- moment, nature-accurate film frames as well as
blends them into the now of a single GreenWave GTT/UFC frame.
Since Greek Civilization, objective science thinking, evidence and
tools have explored the organic history and mechanics of Nature's
material/energy relationships.
Since Michael J. Cohen's 1965 sensory discovery that the story-less
life of Planet Earth was identical to his life, at Project
NatureConnect he has used objective science thinking, evidence and
tools to explore the organic "film frame" history and attraction-based
ways of Nature's sensory/rational, 54-sense life relationships. PNC
enables you to enjoy this Revolutionary Wisdom and extend the limits of
“Think globally, act locally” into “Think globally and relate globally”
as well.
Note that all the hard-science research links, below, validate the
54-sense essence of the GreenWave-54 Organics of Applied Ecopsychology.
They physically affirm that natural attraction is free-will conscious
of what it is homeostatically attracted to and can attach to it to the
benefit of all.
As part of our society’s partisan thrust to convert Nature to money,
power and goods, the purpose and funding of physical science is to
provide evidence-based answers to questions about Nature so we can more
powerfully exploit or control the natural world, not necessarily to
live in peaceful balance with its life. The bias of that research
produces our Earth Misery catastrophe instead of remedying it. This is
because it excludes the 54-sense experience that all things are the
uniting singularity of natural attraction’s original conscious
attraction to form them as and since the Big Bang.
Note that “uni” means “one” i.e.
singularity and it is continually sought through many words such as
unique, university, Unitarian, united. This is because the essence of
our attraction to live is conscious of the single time/space moment
that life exists. In reality, Uni resolves conflicts, issues and
divisions because there are no “two sides” to cause these separations
in any moment; all things are one Big Bang space/time attraction moment
dance. That is the reality we omit or assign to some fictitious
figure in the sky to that reality so we can’t know ourselves as it.
OPTIONAL: Parallel Quantum Physics Observations
Higgs Boson information
Big Bang information
Natural Attraction holds things together
Natural Attraction holds things together
Universe Alive as fundamental, simple and complex life.
Natural Homeostasis
Stronger attractions attract each other
Matter is scientifically subjective
Natural Attraction is conscious of its attractions
A single attraction “dot” was attracted to grow more attractive
All things are attached, Space/Time is identical
Global Homeostasis. Wired Bacteria Form Nature’s Power Grid: ‘We Have an Electric Planet’
Consciousness Cannot Have Evolved
The course consists of participants who have worked with, or minimum
read through the white paper How to Liberate Your Natural Essence
and its actualization and review
They present to the other course expedition participants information in
the white paper that they don’t understand or have issues with. These
and additional questions are responded to by the group via sharing
information and their Grokking of appropriate 24 GreenWave facts on
page 65 every ____ days later for a few weeks or months including
telephone conferences.
The purpose of this course is to certify individuals who heartfelt
support the evidence-based art and effects of the book/course
Principles of Organic Psychology
that are mastered its Revolutionary Wisdom process via
GreenWave-54. This qualifies them to help things go better in
every way by co-mentoring its 54-sense science in any relationship as
described at
The background reading for this course is Reconnecting With Nature or
if you have done that and its activities, Nature as Higher Power
It’s reference books are the first parts of Guy Murchie’s
Seven Mysteries of Life and
The Wisdom of the Body by Walter B. Cannon.
Participants achieve the course goal by, as a committed, fiduciary
expedition, reading and experimenting with the white paper, How to
Liberate Your Natural Essence (LNE) and sharing their GTT/UFC results
and questions by posting them to the rest of the group on a special
group mailing list for this purpose. These results may
anonymously be quoted elsewhere.
Part One: PRE-COURSE WEEKS: (start these anytime)
1 - Critically think about Appendix A, B, and C (pages 70-end plus
journalmist.html ) as well as
24 GreenWave facts on page 65. Make a list of comments, questions or issues you have about these areas.
2. – A. Identify the greatest abuse or corruption in
your life and how it affected the integrity of GreenWave-54 around, in
and as you, then and now.
- B. identify similar situations in society or
other individuals that would benefit from applying Appendix A, B, and C
The application of Mathematics helps us “civilize” Nature because the
story sequence of its numerals accurately symbolizes the real-life
sequence of the Big Bang time/space creation process. In both Nature
and Math, any change in the sequence flaws its accuracy and must be
corrected if we don’t want to be destructively misled. It would be like
removing part of a tape recording or film frame sequence and expecting
its last part to be accurate. Grokking authentic Nature helps the
natural world help us prevent this error, film frame by frame.
- 3. Discover
- the parts of LNE that you find helpful in dealing with 2 and 2A. above,
- the LNE areas that you don’t understand, have issues with or need more information about.
4. CRL Grok any of the, page 65, 24 GreenWave Facts to recognize
how a natural area affirms their validity for you with regard to
3. Explore if the “now mist” of Appendix C and makes the consciousness of any
web-of-life “being” helpful in this process.
5. The end product of the course is that each of its members can
Grok/validate each of the 24 facts in conjunction with affirmations
from other course members present or past. That lets the Unified Field
Grok and verbalize its now truth and you are/own this power as a
fiduciary to accurately and authentically help others do the same
6. We may produce a group input “Mist” version of LNE that includes
participants’ heartfelt natural area Groks and illustrations to evoke
rational-passionate responses from the book’s present and future
readers and further their involvement with GreenWave-54.
Because accredited education continues to teach us to be the
nature-disconnected deviations that we presently are, we are
contemplating a class-action suit against the US Department of
Education and its Health and Welfare affiliates for not requiring
GreenWave-54 information and for required compliance with the US
Constitution right to life amendment #14 as per and Internationally
As fiduciaries, certified mentors are invited to help with this effort.
It increases the availability of Revolutionary Wisdom. See
Revolutionary Wisdom is a 108% increase in mathematical, ethical, moral
and environmental reasonableness in any given moment. It creates the
ability to enjoy an average IQ of 1100 at will
Effects of 108% increases in
Health Care: increased resiliency and organics result in greater
physical and mental health, lower medical insurance reimbursements and
medical insurance payment costs to produce greater management profits
and environmental care.
Abuse: increase in friendliness, mutually supportive relationships and
stress management effectiveness accompanied by reduced abuse, violence,
crime, corruption, prejudice and need for tranquilizers.
Economics: increased value for money that is more wisely spent and
produces more responsible, less costly personal, social and
environmental outcomes along with a wisdom that reduces vulnerability
to political and fraudulent manipulation.
LNE can be an add-on to arts and loves that make them organic eco-arts therapy and ecopsychology.
“This 54-sense course or research offers an opportunity to expand, as
individualized or personal manifestations of the GreenWave Unified
Field, the current understanding of embodied EcoArts practice, as
developed through personal engagement with multiple modalities of
process-based art, digital photography, adaptive yoga, reiki, Munay-ki
dreamwork, UFO inquiry, therapeutic vibrational singing bowls, energy
medicine, accupuncture etc. It also highlights how asking for
permission, following attractions in a natural area, and engaging in
EcoArts can be of benefit to those who care for others and the natural
Email: (360) 378-6313
Learn to apply your GTT in our online Orientation Course Select Here
Learn more (360) 378-6313