
The Organic Psychology
Online Expedition in Action
Funded, online, sensory,
accredited, courses, degrees and career training: Certification, BS, MS, Ph.D.
360-378-6313 <nature@interisland.net>
Stories or experiences that abuse life wound the life of Nature and people equally. Project NatureConnect eco-arts therapy transforms those wounds into love.
Homepage: Ecopsychology Actualized Learn
how to create moments that let Earth help us compost our disorders into unadulterated love.
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our free, accredited, CEU course online
LNE Review of Revolutionary Wisdom Expedition Book
Through Heartfelt Eco-Art Therapies and Organic Science in Natural Areas
Increases Well-Being, Around and Within us, by 108%
How to help a 54-Sense Love and Revolutionary Wisdom Online Expedition Bolster Your Recovery from Abuse.
Let the Biosphere itself help us manage it wisely, as only it can.
- Michael J. Cohen
This short review of a unifying, Project NatureConnect white paper and
whole-life tool validates when and why genuine natural area
contacts beneficially add the organic truths of 54-sense science to our
arts, loves and thinking. That revolutionary wisdom expedition makes any 5-sense
relationship or discipline eleven times better in every way. Its therapeutic process creates hands-on moments that let
the stricken life of Earth generate responsible happiness in us as part
of its recovery. This self-correcting power of Nature transforms the injurious effects of our personal
and environmental abuse into sensible relationships as it strengthens
and supports our reasonable passions. It helps us prevent and recover
from the lies, abuse, injustices and excessiveness that emotionally
injure us, deteriorate our relations and increasingly make the social
and natural world fall apart. It enables us to make things be better in every way by
Our lies say we have five senses. If true, which of them is our
sense of Thirst, or of Temperature, Trust, Pain, Balance or
Reason? How about Happiness, Community and Place?
Our lie of omission, alone, fails to inform us that we inherit the wisdom of a
blended rational and emotional, 54-sense, natural intelligence.
Our fabrications say that we live on Planet Earth,
while our 54-senses accurately register that we live in the life of our
Planet, under its life-supportive atmosphere, stratosphere, clouds and
flying creatures. We are heartfelt imbedded in the life of its
biosphere. When we hold our breath too long, we felt-sense experience
the pain of this life-source separation attracting us to reunite (Sense
#21, #25).
Our distortions rudely mistreat, injure or deaden our 54-senses. Without
their intelligence intact we neither believe, address or are alarmed by
our runaway Climate Change, Abusiveness, Disorders, Injustice, Addictions,
Corruption and Violence. Instead, our misled society pays us to
ignore our reasonable-passion, 54-sense preventative for these crimes.
Here is reality.
We cannot win the battle to increase the well-being of Nature, Earth
and People unless we restore our 54 natural senses while in the
authentic, balanced wisdom and powers of natural areas, backyard or
back country. There, we hands-on, felt-sense experience our body, mind and spirit re-bond to
the evidenced purity and beauty of the natural world. Our
disorders diminish as, moment-by-moment, authentic Nature loves us,
there, to be part of the peace and constructive happiness of its
self-correcting wisdom, moment by moment.
Without our inherent 54-senses intact, we
do not fight to save what we do not love enough. This results in
our runaway personal, social and environmental disorders. We habitually
create and suffer their non-sense because over 99% of our lifetime is
not in tune with the caring truth of how the unifying perfections of
Nature work in, around and as us. Stunned, we have invented and
addicted to relationship-bonding cultural imitations that can’t replace
Nature’s wisdom so we suffer the destructive side-effects of their inadequacies.
The self-evident facts in
the enclosed, linked or attached white paper How to Liberate Your
Natural Essence (LNE), contains practical revolutionary wisdom
specifics. This tool empowers us to prevent and recover from our runaway lies,
abusiveness and injustice.
Enjoyably, discover and benefit from the greatest trustable truth of your life.
It is not God, Nature, Love or Honesty. We are each vulnerable to destructive
misrepresentations without its resilient certainty. Do you know what
this obvious truth is? Can you apply it?
The exceptional value of LNE
is the practical remedy that its greatest truth enacts. Its
information assists us in dealing with catastrophic facts that we learn
to discount or deny, especially the “Earth Misery Climates” that our unjustified
prejudice against Nature create.
Earth Misery Climates: As Fairfield Osborn’s Our Plundered Planet predicted
in 1949, from 1974 to 2018, and counting, our unbalanced social and
environmental relationships have increasingly produced today’s
approximate 46% overuse of Planet Earth’s “resources.” This silent
impoverishment of our planet’s life has abusively eliminated 46% of the
worlds species while, also by 46%, increased mental illness, obesity,
climate change, oceanic oxygen depletion, loneliness, atmospheric
carbon, population growth, forest fire size, mass shootings, and
excessive stress. In addition,
during the same 55-year period, our sensory deprivation of authentic
Nature-contact rudely increased corruption, child abuse, conflicts,
unhappiness, mistrust, unfairness, unaffordable health care, political
and economic extremes along with damaging co-dependencies, addictions
and most other disorders.
Deluded, we believe we can be well while our
Planet is sick.
We are misled
when promised economic and social gains that disregard that our planet
is ill and insolvent and that we omit the LNE 54-sense, eco-arts
remedy for our runaway abuse of nature in, around and as us.
Today, we suffer our disarrays because
our half-truths injure the reasonable passion of our 54-senses to
support the life of Earth/us. These sensibilities are eleven times more
astute, powerful, sensitive, unifying and responsible than our limited,
5-sense ways and means. Sensibly, LNE empowers our 5-sense ways to
advance to 54 making them eleven times better in every way. This
helps us to make everything 108% better.
Earth Misery Climates demand that we actualize
LNE’s ability to reverse our EM tragedy as well as prevent it. We make
a difference as LNE encourages Nature’s recycling and balancing systems
in natural areas to transform our painful predicaments into
constructive relationships. Even in the mini-paradise of a garden or
pet/person relationship, LNE emboldens our thinking to act out our
deepest love of life as Nature increases well-being, as only it
can. Our sense of self must include our planet because it is a
function of it.
Our Earth Misery Climate is Nature batting last.
Use LNE to help the natural world guide rather than abandon us. Learn
Eco-Arts therapies; review and network the LNE white paper.
People appreciate the clout of LNE's ability to
correct information that disturbs relations. Once you recognize
it, you can connect your nature-fortified arts and loves with those of
others to strengthen yourself and all in a good way.
For thirty-two years no one has shown the twenty-four revolutionary
facts in LNE to be inaccurate. Once you acknowledge them, you can
connect your nature-fortified arts and loves with those of others to
strengthen yourself and all in a good way
We invite you to read and network LNE. Downloaded it free, at www.ecopsych.com/GREENWAVEBETA.pdf
Links to further information
Please pass this LNE review on to those who would appreciate it and/or social network it. It is published here, online at www.ecopsych.com/journalLNE.html.
Peace on Earth through natural area truths that catalyze peace with Earth.
Become whole life intelligent. Obtain a therapeutic Educating,
Counseling and Healing With Nature 54-sense science degree
or certificate in
conjunction with the eco-arts therapy of
Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus &
Herbal Remedy
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing
.................................. |
& Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change
Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming
Enjoy Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction
Ecology Resources:
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