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. THE UPDATE BOX for IGE nature-connected education counseling and healing.


A U.S. Presidential Candidate's Platform: a key to creating and enjoying .responsible .relationships.

.A FREE COURSE ONLINE: A gift you can enjoy and give. A unique .contribution for any occasion, and a good way to learn about this web site, too.

THE WEB OF LIFE IMPERATIVE a new book or course you can review or .distribute part of full time. Presents an excellent synopsis of the thrust and .opportunities of this web site.






Special NGO consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
In cooperation with Akamai University, IUPS, NEEF and PSU Extended Studies.

  Project NatureConnect ......Department of Integrated Ecology



"Although most people are blocked from realizing it, the nature connected learning process this web site offers is a psychological key they are looking for."

-Mardi Jones, Ph.D.
Counselor, Washington State, USA



The Natural Systems Thinking Process: the science of nature connected learning.

An easily accessible, nature connecting, sensory tool empowers us to recover from disorders and implement our deeper hopes and ideals.


Welcome to our IGE online courses and degree programs that teach you a powerful, tried and tested, educational healing process.

Uniquely, the sensory science presented here enables your thinking to improve itself by, at will, plugging itself into nature's perfection.

If you have ever had a good experience in a nature then you know how unified, elated and thoughtful we become when connected to nature. What we seldom learn to recognize is that this euphoria occurs because we are biologically part of nature and its peace. To sustain its own, and our, perfection, nature continually transforms, recycles and purifies itself and its contaminants.
Research shows this is what is happening when we connect to in a natural area, it explains why our nature connected experiences feel good and promote healing.

To our loss, our continual restoration by nature is absent in our daily lives because we live in extremely nature separated ways. Over 95% of our time and 99.99% of our thinking takes place indoors, disconnected from paradise.

Our constant indoor rewards psychologically condition or addict our thinking, spirit and relationships to the benefits of contemporary life...along with its destructive exploitation and contamination of natural systems within and around us. Sadly, our rewards bond us to these destructive relationships and we suffer accordingly. If you don't believe this involves bonding, just try to change even one destructive relationship.

The good news is that this program's teachable, nature reconnecting process enables you to transform destructive bonds into constructive participation. Its science works because it enlists nature's help, backyard or back country, to heal and recycle our damaged thinking. Responsible personal and environmental relationships result.

"This program offers an environmentally sound, educational process that reduces apathy, catalyzes peace and promotes mental health. It fulfills our personal and economic needs, deeper ideals and spirit; it deserves the attention of every person who seeks to reverse our troubles."

Dr. Robert Muller
Assistant Secretary General Emeritus of the United Nations.
Recipient of the Albert Schweitzer Peace Prize and UNESCO prize for peace.
Chancellor of the University for Peace, United Nations.

Master and teach the Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP), an accredited social technology that permits us to enhance human service endeavors, reverse soaring budgets, and increase sustainability.

Learn to improve relationships within and around you through hands-on, accredited, Biophilia course work, essays, activities, research, evaluations, experiences, ethics, counseling and healing.

Benefit from activities in natural areas that strengthen the maverick natural genius within you. Enjoy an Earth friendly job, career, internship, certification or M.S. or Ph.D. in Applied Ecopsychology.


The best way to learn about NSTP is to engage in it online through our short, accredited, Orientation Course




Applied Ecopsychology and Environmental Education in Action

The Science, Academics and Politics of Nature Connected Learning, Healing, Therapy, Psychology and Spirit.

...The sanity of thinking with 53 natural senses.

...The process of improving the health of self, society and Nature .

...The art of co-creating with the web of life.


Welcome Visitor:

Please note that the resource links on the left side column connect you to grants, scholarships and jobs along with interactive, distance learning, degree programs and courses. The links enable you to further explore and enjoy a scientific Nature connecting component you may add to your career or relationships. It has shown to improve personal, social and environmental health.

You can select a link whenever you are so inclined and then return to this page. You can also learn about this program by taking a short, online, free course that explores its qualities and potentials.

REMINDER: The most effecient way to learn about NSTP is to engage in it online through our short, accredited, Orientation Course. It is the gateway to all our programs.


This hands-on web site helps you enjoy and improve Nature connected:

sensitivity activities,
personal, community and environmental recovery,

courses by email,

low cost distance learning degree programs, scholarships and grants,
post doctoral training and research
discussion groups,
online, interactive, discovery trails
value reinforcement,
responsible relationship technologies,
behavioral science,
Earth day activities,
globally balanced thinking,
non-verbal unity,
sensory ecology,
applied Biophilia
free courses and activities
Teaching & Education
Social Work
Psychology: transpersonal, school,
Counseling &Therapy
Healing Arts
Environmental Education & Psychology
Outdoor and Wilderness Therapy
Stress Management
Alternative Medicine & Holistic Health
Naturalist, Nature Interpretation
Meditation & Spiritual Counseling
Science: Holistic, Natural, Social
Creative Writing

Ecotourism & Ecotherapy
Energy Medicine
Conflict Resolution
Burnout Recovery
Chemical Abuse
Addiction Recovery
Food disorders
Peace Studies
Midlife Crises Recovery
Hospice Work
Mental Health
Pastoral Counseling
Violence Prevention


Nature connected learning and psychology offer you exceptional rewards. You may make skills and opportunities learned here into a beneficial component of your present occupation or you may design a new career for yourself.

Studies and experiences at IGE document the value of genuine sensory connections with attraction energies in authentic Nature. These unique connections enable people to beneficially recycle, purify and transform their destructive bonds, thinking and disorders. This empowers them to help others do the same. To this end, we offer you The Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP), a readily available, nature reconnecting, ecopsychology tool.


REMINDER: The best way to learn about NSTP is to engage in it online through our short, accredited, Orientation Course




Question: Can you afford to ignore these seldom recognized but well documented phenomena?

Personal or professional relationships that are genuinely connected with Nature are more enjoyable, successful and responsible than those isolated from Nature.

Nature-isolated people suffer from excessive stress, conflict and destructiveness that contact with nature ordinarily helps us transform into peace and responsibly balanced relationships.

Sick people whose windows face natural areas recover faster than those whose windows face buildings.

People who live close to natural areas live longer than people who don't.

Plants and pets brighten our mental state.

Your experiences in nature can help you validate, explain and profit from these phenomena. Too often we take their message and benefits for granted.

For example:

Have you ever:

-had a good experience in nature that made you feel happier to be alive?

-longed for a livelihood that further contributed to personal and global balance rather than exploited Earth and people?

-noticed that disorders subside and stress fades in Nature?

-loved a pet, plant or place that made life more worthwhile?


Have you ever:

- treasured a rock, or totem that helped you through troubled times?

- felt greater love for a person or people while in a natural area? Noticed that it is easier to build and sustain relationships there?

- felt as drawn to Mother Earth as you would a caring human parent that you loved?

- noticed that in nature you can think more clearly?



Have you ever:

- had strong sensations about connections between yourself and nature or earth that you know are real but you can't easily explain?

- felt angry or sad about how we injure or destroy the natural environment and/or its people and diversity?

- noticed that counseling, education and healing are more effective when they include quality time in natural areas?



Have you ever:

- read the scientific studies that document how reconnecting our thinking to our psychological and biological origins in Nature has beneficial learning, healing, and environmental effects?

The above experiences demonstrate that Nature has its own healing energies and perfection of which we are part. Ongoing research shows that neither that perfection, nor people(s) whose thinking is consciously connected to it produce the destructive stress, violence and corruption too often found in contemporary society.

The Natural Systems Thinking Process empowers you with a teachable tool that safely strengthens these experiences and their benefits



Although we give Nature lip service, we addictively relate to it as our slave or prisoner. We normally manage, exploit or kill Nature for a profit even while knowing that we are part of it and it is our life support system. We seldom recognize that as part of Nature, we share its natural systems. What we do to it we do to ourselves.


Our prejudice against Nature prevents us from validating and celebrating our Nature connected experiences. We fail to recognize them as "in tune" moments, moments when Nature fully touches itself in us and improves our thinking by registering this connection in our awareness.

We too often overlook how these moments make sense, feel attractive and have healing qualities.

Because the rewards from these moments are more powerful than the rewards from our destructive psychological additions, the energies in them help us recycle, heal and transform our destructive attachments and disorders into healthy participation.

If you could bottle the effects of these moments you could sell the product for a fortune. As studies show, NSTP is a unique, powerful science that works even better because it enables you to connect with authentic natural systems, the real thing. If you want some experiences with it take our online free course or our Orientation Course


Who we are

The Institute of Global Education is a non-profit network of dedicated individuals, universities and organizations.

We have shown that the addictive, excessive, separation of contemporary thinking from natural systems within and around us underlies our greatest discontents and disorders.

Our research helps remedy this destructive breach by offering the public a unique, easily accessible, nature reconnecting Natural Systems Thinking Process. This process empowers anyone to create sensory moments, backyard or back country, where genuine contact with authentic Nature helps restore us and regenerate integrity, spirit and the environment.

We have founded, designed and offer courses and activities that help you enjoy these benefits.

We have raised and provide scholarship funds to help individuals who want to use or teach this process.

REMINDER: The most effecient way to enjoy the benefits of learning the Natural Systems Thinking Process is by taking our online Orientation Course.



"We dramatically increased our program's effectiveness by adding the Natural Systems Thinking Process to it. It enables our participants to connect with their sensory origins in nature and use that peaceful power to improve their disorders and their relationships with self, society and the environment."

James Rowe, Ph.D.
Director of the Outward Bound School in Costa Rica



By selecting here, if you have had any of the experiences listed above, during the next six minutes on this web site new professional and personal understandings will enable you to further your deeper hopes, ideals and dreams. You can then return to this page and continue exploring this site or continue on into the site from there. Select

If any aspect of the program listed in the left hand column is of greater interest to you now, BOOKMARK this page, then select that interest. You may also return here via the BACK or GO function on your browser.


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Wellness for person, planet and spirit


P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor, WA 98250

Dr. Micheal J. Cohen, Director
send e-mail




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"As part of Nature, to preserve species, environments and our integrity we need to learn and teach a tool, a scientific process that enables us to rejuvenate our inherent love of nature. The nature reconnecting, program on this website provides that tool."


SUMMARY: Does This Feel Familiar?

As a child, instinctively, like most children, I felt more alive, free and happier in a natural area than indoors. More intelligent, too.

As my friends and I grew up we were surrounded by and socialized into the indoor world of contemporary society. Leaving little room for Nature, it helped us become good citizens but it also secretly detached our psyche from its biological and psychological origins and spirit in nature's joy, intelligence and balance.

To fill this sensory void, unknowingly we emotionally attached to thinking in society's indoor ways. Unfortunately, these included the destructive trespasses of nature and people by our scientific, economic and spiritual dogma.

The indoor world assured me that people only felt and related better in nature because in nature they escaped from reality. Reality was the challenges of home, work, and school. Escaping to nature was "recreation," a vacation. My theme song became "I owe, I owe, so off to work I go."

Thirty-five years of counseling and educational research in natural areas taught me a different story, one of re-creation. I founded, designed and lived in settings similar to the "Survivor" TV series except that our goal was not to competitively scheme and conquer and thereby win a million dollars. Rather it was to learn to sustainably live in balance with people and the environment. I explored and discovered how to think and relate in ways that free our psyche from the grip of the indoor world's invasiveness and discontents. When vacation time arrived, nobody wanted to go home. We were home and we were learning extraordinary, applicable, new ways to think and relate in a balance with people and the environment.

I have researched and packaged a readily accessible, desperately needed, nature-connected, psychological science. Backyard or back country, it restores people to their fullness, their natural integrity and deeper ideals. My internationally recognized Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) enables people and the environment to co-create and grow into balance. It lets the unifying strands of the web of life itself help us recycle and rejuvenate the sensory truths, honesty and loves we are born with as part of the global life community. It is lasting because it is rewarding personally and professionally so it sustains itself.


- Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D.

Director, Department of Integrated Ecology, Institute of Global Education
Director, Institute of Applied Ecopsychology, Akamaia University/International ..University of Professional Studies.
...Adjunct Faculty, Portland State University, Extended Studies
...Chair, Applied Ecopsychology/Integrated Ecology, Greenwich University

...Recipient of the 1994 Distinguished World Citizen Award
...Prize winning author of Reconnecting With Nature books.
...Founder of the National Audubon Society Expedition Institute


This site is the home of:

Nature-Connected Degree Programs: low cost, cooperative , Ph.D or M.S. ecopsychology degrees and courses online include your prior experience: degree waivers are possible.


Psychological Elements of Global Citizenship: a short, online, orientation course for environmentally sound personal growth and social justice Learn the Art and Science of thinking in balance with nature. The orientation course contains all the programs and materials described below:

RECONNECTING WITH NATURE: finding wellness through restoring your bond with the Earth. A self-guiding book by Michael J.Cohen, (Ecopress)

NATURAL SYSTEMS THINKING PROCESS: A book that contains the total Orientation Course

Interactive Self-Discovery Nature Trails
Learn about this site through fun online experiences

The Natural Systems Thinking Process
Environmentally sound personal growth and social justice

Education as if Planet Earth mattered

The Millennium/Earth day Wellness and Unity Activity: "In Balance with Earth"

The EC0 IQ test: check out your inherent proclivity to think like Nature works.

EARTH DAY ACTIVITY: LET EARTH SPEAK A hands-on, interactive, self-discovery highlight

The Globally Balanced Thinking Study (GBT): measure and score your ability to think with nature's wisdom.

WEBSTRINGS: The nature sensitivity path to safely reconnecting with the web of life through its attraction strands within and around us.

Ecozombie Rehabilitation Year: an antidote for the environmentally desensitized thinking that produces our unsolveable problems.



REMINDER: The best way to learn about NSTP is to engage in it online through our short, accredited, Orientation Course It includes all the topics listed above.

FREE COURSE: A gift you can enjoy and give. A unique contribution for any occasion

A U.S.Presidential Candidate's Platform: a key to creating responsible relationships.


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