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Counseling and Healing With
Nature, subsidized
Ph.D. / M.S. / B.S. degrees, courses
training online.
HEALTH EDUCATION THERAPY CERTIFICATION. Nature-Connected Learning and Healing: Online degrees, jobs
and accredited training courses enhance personal and professional
goals. Our grant-funded methods and materials help you safely
tap into the grace, balance and restorative powers of natural
systems, backyard or backcountry.
Use the hands-on
application of ecopsychology to strengthen your effectiveness
and reduce stress and disorders. Add the supportive sunlight
and beauty of the natural world to your relationships.
Visit our Homepage for complete information |

Project NatureConnect
of Global Education Organic
NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
Practical distance learning that increases energy, expertise
and spirit. |
Nature-connected learning in support of the United Nations manifesto
for environmentally sound personal growth and social justice:
the practical application of biophilia and ecology of mind.
for nature-connected:
or Personal growth
- Life
Coaching or Personal Coaching
- Teacher, Healer, Mentor, Counselor, Parent or Facilitator
- Pastoral Counselor
- Marriage, Therapy or Recovery Counselor
- Course Instructor,
- Meditation Coach
- Outdoor Leader
- Child Development
- Ecotherapy
- Independent Organic Psychology Contractor
- Independent Program Founder or Director
- Courses for Training or Degree Programs
- Trainer/counselor/coach/teacher/leader in any appropriate area of expertise.
PNC Certification: Following the course sequence and links on the community process calendar
leads to Level 1, 2, or 3 certification for combining
the Applied Ecopsychology discipline of Organic Psychology/Natural
Attraction Ecology (OP/NAE) to any of the areas of expertise listed above, and others of interest. This is accomplished by adding OP/NAE courses and training requirements to a properly identified discipline or profession.
Affiliation: The PNC Practitioners' Cooperative (PNC/PC) Certification
can be strengthened by additionally arranging to be a PNC affiliate.
Affiliates are participants who demonstrate Organic Psychology/Natural
Attraction Ecology (OP/NAE) expertise, with or without academic certification
and seek to establish a long term relationship with PNC. This includes
being practitioners for it and/or ambassadors or avatars of it as part of PNC/PC. They are
individuals who recognize that they and their clients live in the standard universe and that for over 50 years PNC has originated
and offered valuable training in the art and science of OP/NAE. They know that
PNC is
a unique organization with a special holistic integrity that
support and already enjoys strong financial donations to help it
succeed. Future plans are for PNC to become a funded, profitable cooperative owned and operated by
its affiliates. As
part of programs they offer the public, PNC/PC practitioners help their
learn to use the OP/NAE activities that, at minimum, make up the
Course and Web of Life Imperative Book. This enables their clients to
obtain credit for their work with the Affiliate, either directly
through practitioners facilitating PNC courses or by clients taking
courses online with PNC/PC. Practitioners gain mutually supportive PNC/PC links
and pages to and from their websites and may add the PNC insignia to
their materials. Practitioners have mastered the basics of the Natural Systems Thinking Process and
The Webstring Model of Natural Attraction Ecology. They are qualified to
teach introductory courses and workshops or incorporate introductory
NatureConnect activities and sensory restoration work into their
personal life and/or professional practice.
Natural Attraction Ecology Certificate of Accreditation
from IGE/PNC (forthcoming 3/15/13)
(Please visit PNCsteps.com for course links, sequences, signups and degrees. PNC pages contains general course descriptions.)
Level I Certificate for ECHN and Ecotherapy
Duration: 1 year Tuition: $765.00 Curriculum:
ECO 500/600: Organic Psychology of Global Citizenship (Required: 2 Credits) ECO 501/601: Introduction to Educating and Counseling with Nature (Required: 3 Credits) ECO 508/608: Natural Attractions, Intelligence and Sanity (Required: 1 Credit) ECO 751: Field Studies in Educating and Counseling with Nature (Required: 2 Credits) ECO
800: Certification of Requirement Completion for Certificate, Degree,
and Student Cooperative Agreements (Required: 1 Credit)
Ecotherapy Certificate: Add ECO 700 course requirements
SPECIAL OPTION: Eco-Art Therapy Certification Duration: 1 year or less. Online self-study. (10 Credits)Tuition: $850 (Includes texts and a DVD)Curriculum: ECO 500/600: Organic Psychology of Global Citizenship (Required: 3 Credits)ECO 501/601: Introduction to Educating and Counseling with Nature (Required: 3 Credits)ECO 530/630: An Introduction to Eco-Art Therapy (3 Credits)Final comprehensive paper (Required: 1 Credit) Visit Eco-Art Therapy for more information. Click here to view course descriptions. Contact Dr. Theresa Sweeney to enroll.
Level II Certificate
have gained a more in-depth understanding of the function of natural
attraction in both natural systems and interpersonal relations and of
the dynamics of attraction and consent in the web of life. They have
attained an intermediate level of expertise in guiding sensory
restoration and nature-centered personal growth work with students and
clients. They are qualified to develop and facilitate intermediate
courses or workshops, or conduct individual sessions with individuals
integrating the Natural Systems Thinking Process.
Duration: 1 year Tuition: $1700.00 Prerequisite: Level 1 Certificate Curriculum:
ECO 502A/602A: Educating and Counseling with Nature I: Student Teaching and Research (Required: 5 Credits) ECO 502B/602B: Educating and Counseling with Nature II: Student Teaching and Research (Required: 4 Credits) ECO 791: Special Projects in Applied Ecopsychology (Required: 3 Credits) EXM 880: Comprehensive Examination (Required: 2 Credits)
select two of the following course modules for a total of 6 credits
(ECO 752, 753 and 792 can use past training and experience):
ECO 503/603: Exploratory Readings in Applied Ecopsychology (3 Credits) ECO 504/604: Researching Sensory Knowing and Culture (3 Credits) ECO 509/609: Global History of the Senses (3 Credits) ECO 522/622: Public Relations and (3 Credits) ECO 530/630: An Introduction to Eco-Art Therapy (3 Credits) ECO 752: Advanced Field Studies in Applied Ecopsychology (3 Credits) ECO 753: Case Studies in Applied Ecopsychology (3 Credits) ECO 792: Advanced Readings in Applied Ecopsychology (3 Credits)
Level III Certificate
have attained a deep understanding of Natural Attraction Ecology and
the Natural Systems Thinking Process. They have attained an advanced
level of personal sensory restoration and are qualified to develop and
teach advanced classes and workshops, guide individuals and groups in
re-integration with the natural community through sensory restoration
and the practice of Natural Attraction Ecology.
Duration: 1 year Tuition: $255.00 Prerequisites: Level 1 & Level 2 Certificates Curriculum:
ECO 612: Educating and Counseling with Nature: Student Teaching (Required: 3 Credits)
here for
an overview of Certification and/or Degree procedures
NOTE: For best results read
through this page once completely then browse though it a second
time to select links of interest. Please "bookmark"
this page if you want to visit it again later.
CALL US: We will help you custom build courses or a certification or degree program to fit your personal desires or professional needs 360-378-6313
Introduction to Certification
Are you learning all you
really need to know?
Why not master the critical
whole life and wellness factor in nature that your education,
to your loss, often omits?
NOTE: The questions below
are not a test. They are offered to you solely as a means for
you to discover if a statement about our relationships with natural
systems can be considered true or false and why.
Start by considering whether
this statement is True or False:
( ..) T ..(..) F ...................... |
Many cultures
demonstrate that humanity is not born into producing the destructive
environmental, social and personal problems associated with contemporary
society. The reason we produce these problems is because our
socialization educates, conditions
and stresses us to produce them.
This results in many personal disorders. |
From the moment of birth
or before, when the stone-age baby first meets its twentieth-century
mother, the baby is subjected to our long existing forces of
outrageous violence to life including its life. By the time the
new human being is fifteen or so, we are left with a being like
ourselves, a half-crazed creature, more or less adjusted to a
mad world. This is normality in our
present age.
- R.
D. Laing (edited)
- The remainder of this self-help
web page is important to you because it conveys facts too embarassing
for most contemporary institutions to admit or face.
- Uniquely, this page connects
you to an powerful tool, an organic
social technology that enables your to benefit from the facts
this page conveys.
- To discover great personal
life coach healing opportunities and alternative medicine counselling
and recovery benefits you may be missing, simply identify the
statements below that are true for you.
are part of Nature. The deteriorating state
of the world shows that our society survives from economic
profit and social rewards derived by conquering and exploiting
Earth's natural systems within and around us. As we reduce them
to "natural resources" the injury we inflict to them
produces our personal and environmental troubles. |
"The major problems
in the world are the result of the difference between the way
nature works and the way man thinks."
- Gregory
we are members of a nature conquering culture, normally, most
educational and psychology systems reward us, and are in turn
rewarded, for teaching us to think and relate in nature-exploitive
ways. This injures natural systems within and around us. Because
the rewards emotionally or psychologically bond or addict us
to our destructive ways, change is very difficult. |
significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level
of thinking we were at when we created them."
- Albert
Einstein Nobel
Prize recipient
is a form of madness to destroy our own life support system.
Most people can, however, learn how to stop this form of insanity. |
"The condition of alienation,
of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one's
mind, is the condition of the normal man. Society highly values
its normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to
become absurd, and thus to be normal.
Normal men have killed perhaps 100,000,000 of their fellow normal
men in the last fifty years."
- R.
D. Laing (1989)
is now a sensory, organic, nature-connected, learning process
that enables you to transform the destructive conditioning and
effects of present day thinking and acting into constructive
relationships. |
"The Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature process uniquely
empowers people to create authentic, connective, sensory moments
in Nature. This genuine contact of our psyche with its origins
in nature's renewing powers enables us to realign our unreasonable
bonds to destructive relationships. We reap benefits and rewards
as we let natural systems compost and recycle our hurtful bonds
and addictions into cooperative participation."
- M.
B. Jones.....................
may choose as part of your personal or professional goals to
increase the value power and responsibility of your education
by mastering a nature connected learning process. You may reduce
your present tuition costs, if any, in the process. |
"Biophilia is our inborn,
emotional affiliation to other living organisms. It is a powerful
form of reasoning that looks at the very roots of motivation
and helps us understand why we cherish and protect life"
Edward O. Wilson (edited) Pullitzer Prize recipient
intelligence, the way nature works, naturally attracts Planet
Earth and our mind and body into a healthy, purifying, balance.
Unadulterated natural systems seldom, if ever, produce our garbage,
pollution, stress, mental illness or war. Nature rarely displays
loneliness, abusiveness, or excessive violence. As part of nature,
we inherit its peaceful intelligence in our senses and sensibility.
To our loss and cost, our society does not require that we learn
how to nurture and think with this intelligence. Rather, our
historic tendency is to abuse, assault and conquer it; our greatest
troubles result. |
research is based on the idea that everything that takes place
is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for
the action of people."
- Albert
how to implement and enjoy the responsible rewards of your natural
intelligence is a vital but missing element in most Education
curriculums. This web site presents you with the opportunity
to learn how to produce the remarkable benefits of thinking with
nature as a resilient component of your personal and professional
life. If you are a nature lover, this web site helps you more
fully use and enjoy the rewards of that powerful love in your
profession and personal life. |
The human need for nature
is linked not just to the material exploitation of the environment
but also to the influence of the natural world on our emotional,
cognitive, aesthetic, and even spiritual development.
- Edward
O. Wilson
can graduate from any school with the Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature certificate
(seen below) as a part of your diploma that opens many doors
for you and that may be used as part of high school, undergraduate,
graduate or post doctoral education. |
mankind can extend the circle of his compassion to include all
living things, he will never, himself, know peace."
- Albert
Schweitzer Nobel
Prize recipient
Has authentic, nature connected, organic
learning been omitted from your education?
you and the world benefit if you achieve the Certificate below?
We will customize its content to best help you meet your personal
or livelihood needs.
Institute of Global Education
NGO consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council

of Achievement
for Education, Counseling and Healing With Nature
This proclamation
affirms that
Your Name Here
has qualified
as a Level One
in Applied Ecopsychology and Natural Attraction Ecology
in conjunction with
Career Area: _____________________________
Michael J.Cohen, Ph.D.
..Select here for an overview of Certification procedures
Why it works:
As described above,
Learning With Nature enables you to make contact with the perfections
of nature for which there are no known substitute.
It is the organic
imperfections of our thinking and our substitutions that
pollute natural systems within and around us and produce great
problems. Nature-connected personal life coaching, healing and
alternative medicine counseling strengthen as they meet this
mental health challenge
Improve your education.
You may easily and inexpensively include this Certificate
of Achievement as part of your education, diploma and degree,
or as an addition to it independently. This will
make you eligible to work as a nature-connected:
- Self-help or Personal
growth instructor
- Life
Coach or Personal Coach
- Teacher, Healer, Mentor, or Facilitator
- Pastoral Counselor
- Marriage, Therapy or Recovery Counselor
- Course Instructor
- Outdoor Leader
- Meditation Coach
- Independent Contractor
- Independent Program Founder or Director
- Student in Related Training or Degree Programs
You may, in addition, obtain
online a distance learning Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral
or Post-Doctoral Degree or Certificate in Nature Connected Learning,
personal life coach healing and alternative medicine counselling. The program starts with our Orientation Course
CALL US: We will help you custom build courses or a certification or degree program to fit your personal desires or professional needs 360-378-6313
here for
an overview of Certification procedures