Are you benefitting from
the grace, balance and restorative powers available to you by
thoughtfully reconnecting your mind with nature?
Most of us have been conditioned
to ignore over 50 natural sensory connections, sensitivites that
help us share nature's beauty health and regenerative ways. This
omission underlies our excessive stress and disorders.
Organics work! The Organic
Psychology chapters and activities in Reconnecting With Nature
help our 53 natural senses strengthen the corrective flow of
natural systems through our psyche. The systems, in turn, decompose
and transform industrial society's pollution of our mind and
heart into personal, environmental and spiritual well-being.
With Nature provides a critical missing link for
achieving personal and environmental well-being.
We produce and suffer dysfunctions
whenever the ways of industrial society disconnect us from the
purifying global flow of nature and its systems. Today, severely
deprived of this flow for 98 percent of lives, our psyche stagnates.
This pollutes how we think and feel and many disorders result.
Nature recycles contamination.
Personally and professionally we must help our thinking and feeling
benefit from the grace, balance and restorative powers of natural
systems that we learn to block from our mind. This book provides
sensory nature-connecting tools that help us achieve this goal.
We recyle back to health the contamination of our individual
and collective psyche.
With Nature increases
our well-being through
six major facts of life but only when we recognize them. Do you?
1. Nature is perfect. While it cooperatively sustains balanced
optimums of life and diversity it produces no garbage. The self-correcting ways of natural
systems give nature this extraordinary power. They organically
decompose and transform any destructive waste products into life-supporting
energies and materials.
2. All of life contains
the corrective flow of natural systems. Too often we forget that this includes the life
of our psyche and thinking.
3. To our great loss, in
industrial society natural systems seldom recycle the contaminated
or deadened areas of our psyche.
This is because in industrial society we live excessively nature-separated
lives. Throughout 98 percent of our lifetime our separation from
nature blocks the corrective flow of natural systems in our psyche.
Our thinking and feeling lose beneficial contact with the regenerative
ways of natural systems. For this reason they become polluted.
4. Most of our wide range
of personal, social and environmental disorders results from
our polluted thinking and feeling.
5. Backyard or backcountry, the sensory Organic
Psychology tools in Reconnecting With Nature help us reconnect our psyche to nature.
Because the tools enable
us to genuinely bind our thinking and feeling to authentic nature,
natural systems resume their vital flow through our mind. They
restore our natural ability to think, feel and relate in conjunction
with the wisdom of the eons.
6. If we don't use Organic Psychology, even
when we visit a natural area our relationship, technology and
money problems continue to fill our mind. We continue to
think out of tune with nature and our problems continue, too.
7. Organic Psychology helps
us revitalize our thinking and feeling. Even a short walk in the park initiates this
- Dr. Mardi Jones
In the natural world, and nature
connected people, too, at least 53 natural web-of-life sensitivities
help create and sustain balanced community relationships. In
this nurturing way, nature avoids our runaway personal, social
and environmental problems
Our nature-separated lives
train us to suppress our 53 inherent
natural senses. While most of us have little idea of what
they are, the frustration of these senses degrades our thinking
and feeling. Without their transformative ways entering our awareness,
our mind and relationships lose the fulfilling inspiration, intelligence
and joy found in nature's purity. Always dissatisfied, we want
and need more of everything. This is a major source of many troubles.
Reconnecting With Nature empowers you to participate in the
Organic Psychology of the Natural Systems Thinking Process. It
teaches you how to scientifically heighten the enjoyment and
knowledge that eminates from helping natural systems renew your
natural sensory self.
Dr. Cohen's pivotal work shows
how to use 24 sensory nature reconnecting activities to recover
and energize our natural sensitivities and make greater sense
of our lives. The process enables us to enjoy the happiness,
beauty and connection to Earth that only our senses and sensibilities
offer. As the activities restore the benefits of our natural
senses in our consciousness, our spirit soars and disorders subside.
In 30 days, master a nature
reconnected way of thinking that feelingly unleashes into our
awareness the power of our inherent, but suppressed, inner nature
This book's Applied Ecopsychology
formula is a practical, accredited process that lets nature nurture
and teach. s Visit our online outcomes
page and its links for a documentation of this book's extraordinary
Reconnecting With Nature is
a companion volume to The
Web of Life Imperative. Its benefits are guaranteed when
these book are used in conjunction with the accredited online
Organic Psychology training course Psychological
Elements of Global Citizenship.
1) Learn how
to increasingly think with and enjoy the vibrance of nature's
wise diversity and beauty.
2) Discover
lasting support and resilancy through your sensory and spirt
connection with the outdoors.
3) Resonate
in the integrity of our living planet and sustaining it.
4) Celebrate
love you can trust.
5) Peacefully
dissolve stress.
6) Understand
the evolution of Western Civilization's adversarial nature paradigms
and break free of them.
7) Learn to
creatively blend the sensory ("old brain") and cognitive
("new brain") aspects of experience to sustain balanced
emotionality and relationships.
8) Gain the
cognitive skills necessary for you to tap into the web of life
and "higher power" webstrands found there.
9) Learn to
let your path to unity guide you.
10) Increase
your ablility to make a difference.

With Nature is a self-guiding
text used for applications of, and courses and degree programs
Environmental Ethics, Education and Spirituality
Webstring Relationships
Nature Interpretation
Conflict Resolution
Dependency and Abuse Recovery
Personal Growth
Natural Science
Cohen offers an environmentally sound, hands-on educational process
that reduces apathy, catalyzes peace and promotes mental
health. It fulfills our personal and economic needs, deeper ideals
and spirit. His work deserves the attention of every person who
seeks to reverse our troubles."
Dr. Robert Muller, Chancellor of the University for Peace,
United Nations, Assistant Secretary General Emeritus of the United
Nations; the recipient of the Albert Schweitzer Peace Prize and
UNESCO prize for peace.
Here to order this book with discounts
Applied Ecopsychologist Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D. has been living,
learning and teaching in the outdoors for over 55 years. He has
founded the Natural Systems Thinking Process of Organic Psychology
and the environmental sensitivity degree programs at Trailside
Outdoor Camps, the National Audubon Society Expedition Institute,
Lesley College Graduate School, and Project NatureConnect at
The Institute of Global Education, a special NGO consultant to
the United Nations Council on Economic and Social Development.
Cohen has directed the Department of Applied Ecopsychology/Integrated
Ecology distant learning degree programs at Greenwich University,
the International University of Professional Studies Akamai University
and West Coast University and serves as adjunct faculty for accredited
courses at Portland State University. These programs are dedicated
to produce socially and psychologically responsible environmental
education. Dr. Cohen is the 1994 recipient of the Distinguished
World Citizen Award for his work in refining wholistic methods
to help people consciously reconnect with and benefit from nature.
His many articles and books include The Web of Life Imperative,
Well Mind, Well Earth, Einstein's World and How Nature
Works. He currently lives and teaches on San Juan Island
in Washington State.
remarkable book: a do it yourself ecopsychology process that enables any school or individual
to build responsible community and environmental relationships.
It's a must for educators who want to engage students in meaningful
education filled with concern for creation."
Miriam Weinstein, author of the Random House Princeton
Series:Making a Difference College Guide