

ProjectNatureConnect (PNC)
The Natureness and Organics of Applied Ecopsychology
RSVP: 👍 The United Nations Green Switch Reduces Ecocide Climates
983 Words. Reading Time: 4 minutes
Dear Caring Person,
Do you think you want to know about a game-changing solution to our increasing disorders? If so, you'll appreciate Natureness. It's Nature’s essence that always exists around in and as us. It's engaging you right here and now in this space and time.
Natureness has been scientifically validated as the missing “green switch” remedy for today's increasingly broken world.
"Our suicidal war with nature makes
us face devastating new heights of global heating and ecological
degradation, new lows of unity and new setbacks in mental illness and
our work towards equitable, inclusive and sustainable relationships. To
put it simply, the state of the planet is broken. It is time to
pull the green switch that makes peace and wellness.”
- Antonio Gutteres, UN Secretary General (edited)
In response
"Project NatureConnect has created a green switch appropriately called Natureness. It is Nature's self-correcting essence, the root essence of all things and relationships. In a natural area it functions therapeutically as a scentific, 54-sense tool that lets the area's Natureness increase the well-being of whatever ails it and us.
Natureness works because it insists our 54-senses validate that all things are kin. Since its birth as the Big Bang, or before, as now, Nature is its wordless attraction (love) to begin life and dance it into being. Just like all parts of our body, or of a tree, grow in balance and beauty, moment-by-moment, that's how Nature
works and why it produces no garbage. Everything belongs,
including us when we don't overuse or war with it.
Invoking Natureness everywhere is the suppressed, green switch remedy we desperately need to increase our broken personal, social and environmental well-being
- Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D.
Please appreciate that as your read these words you are experiencing our heartfelt Natureness that that would love you to be part of it. As long as you are breathing Nature’s air, right here and now is Natureness in action.
went to a natural area I was attracted to and asked permission to
54-sense unify with it. I asked what is my Natureness at this time and
had an experience of nature embracing me in the present, and also
feeling as if I were in the ‘past’ at the same time, back to the
teenager that would flee to nature when things got really tough. I was
a teen, and I was the me now, simultaneously. I felt safety and
well-being. I realized we are timeless as is nature. Nature stands for
us day and night, over eons, it never abandons us. My sense of
belonging was attracted to this, as were my senses of safety, peace,
nurturing, attachment, and my own truth.”
- Natureness Journal Entry
Anybody can profitably add Natureness as a helpful tool to enhance their life, livelihood and relationships. Simply validate its indisputable honesty. For example, “It’s absolutely true that you are reading these Natureness words this instant. You
can trust this indeniable fact because it exists in and as your life
right now." Our 54-senses reasonably register this so there's no
need to prove it. It's self-evident, they are it. This enables us to invoke Natureness anywhere, establish the truth of any situation and prevent or resolve our conflicts and disorders.
Nature is the fountainhead of authority in how its perfection works.
Its essence, Natureness, lets wordless Nature borrow our words and use
them to help us happily invoke our otherwise missing unity and
well-being to beneficially restore all things.
Natureness’s intention and direction is to grow and survive in its perfection. It’s immediate 54-sense space-time accuracy supplants our centuries of misguided, Newtonian views of Nature that continue to excessively conquer and break our world today.
Sadly, when not using Natureness arts and science, we, abuse each other and natural areas.
Since 1974, when our planet went bankrupt from our overuse of it,
whenever we don’t add Natureness to our relations, our society
additionally becomes a weapon of mass destruction.
Painfully, the wounds we suffer from our outdated thinking and its war with Nature, around in and
as us, excessively demands greater satisfactions from natural
resources. However, these artificial rewards are accompanied by adverse
side-effects, so our discontents, injustices and denial of this grave
error intensify as does the war.
Adding Natureness to our problem solving efforts makes them 850% more effective. Reasonably creating Natureness moments in natural areas fulfills our 54-senses so, intact, sensible and using our words, they help us fix what we have broken. This fulfills our excessive wanting by green switching it into satisfying our 54-senses love to be loved by Nature's web-of-life.
You can sample and enjoy Natureness anytime via this link. Simply trust your experiences with it as you have done here. It's as legitimate and undeniable as the absolute truth that Natureness has attracted you to read up to this period.
Project NatureConnect is creating fiduciary partnerships with
people who would like to green switch into the joy, health and
financial benefits of Natureness. We invite you to join with
other Natureness folks to stop our society’s war against Nature, the
root of most wars, mistreatment and isolation.
For Making a Monumental Difference,
Instantly, free, gain Natureness satisfactions that will increase your approval as you share them. We invite you to explore Natureness, our no-nonsense social technology for Climate Therapy.
Become whole-life intelligent. Obtain a subsidized sensory
Counseling and Healing With Natureness degree
or certificate training in
conjunction with:
Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus &
Herbal Remedy
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing
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& Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change
Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming
Enjoy Organic Psychology and Natureness Resources:
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