Earth Day ALERT!! Critical Information for Person/Planet Well-Being
Catalyze sanity. Enjoy a funded Climate Therapy livelihood or hobby

Natural Area Organic
Psychology and Eco-Arts Therapy
alternative distance
learning to strengthen person/planet well-being
Funded, 54-sense,
accredited, courses, degrees and career training: Certification, BS, MS, Ph.D.
EMAIL: nature@interisland.net
Phone (360) 378-6313 www.ecopsych.com
Dear Editor, Administrator or Foundation,
The world is falling apart because you and others continue to use and distribute limited or adulterated information.
To your credit, for accuracy and to be responsible you insist on
the Science, Evidence, Truth, Verification, Testing, Proof and Validation
of things. However, when it's in regard to our
deteriorating relationship with the life of our planet, you repeatedly
omit it. It is this absence of Earth’s true organic essence that
creates most of our problems and makes things increasingly worsen.
Clearly, the exclusion of
Earth's self-correcting ways is the heart of today’s broken earth catastrophe. Its
rejection makes the information you use or provide “fake.”
Sacly, without this truth, you are as corrupt as anybody else with respect to
offering safe solutions to our challenges.
fundamental of accurate information embodies and enacts the genius of
Thales of Miletus (620-546 B.C.) the founder/father of science.
As the inventor of Geometry, his experiments and stories successfully
omitted the mystical, mythical and supernatural from accounts of
nature. He replaced them with evidence-based methodology and logic
including his “Measure and calculate,” “Know thyself” and
“Nothing overmuch.” They include the experience of today’s reality:
“Feelings and senses are facts of life, they exist” and “Natural
attraction is the scientific essence of love that we heartfelt
experience and share through our 54 natural senses.” .
To be reasonable and reduce recklessness you must constantly
include the undeniable organic science of Climate Therapy. It is
indisputably a pure and trustable revolutionary wisdom, an add-on tool
that provides the missing remedy for the things that ail us. In this
moment are you denying this fact? Why? Have you examined all the
evidence? Scientists have.
Do the right thing. Assign a clear-thinking, open-minded individual or
team to confirm the momentous contribution that www.Climate Therapy.org
makes. It’s just what the doctor will order if you just let
him/her know about it.
Below is information you can contribute for the fiftieth anniversary of
Earth Day Year 4/22/20-21. History shows that by not including Climate
Therapy, during this past half century most problems have become 50% worse.
Climate Therapy helps us update Earth Day 1970’s “Think globally, act
locally” to be “54-sense relate globally, locally and inward.”
The addition or incorporation of Climate Therapy reduces costs and strengthens the positive effects of
• Education, therapy and mental health
• Physical health, medicine, life and health insurance
• Parenting, welfare, and social services
• Personal, social and international relationships
• Environmental protection, sustainability, and climate change reduction
• Individual, family and spiritual relationships
• Politics, industry, and employment
• Community development, peace and cooperative relationships
• Nature-deteriorating philosophies and institutions
• Imprisonment and military service
• Weddings, meetings, and funerals
For Immediate Release or Release At Will 4/19/20-21
A Revolutionary Imperative: Climate and COVID-19 Organic Information and Education.
SUBJECT: Earth Day 2020-21 ALERT!! Critical Education for Person/Planet Well-Being
Earth Year 2020: Organic Science Works! Responsible News and Education Must Include It
Educated people recognize the scientific fact that we live on planet
Earth. However, because this fact misleads us, the world is
increasingly falling apart which painfully disturbs us. More
truthful global information is available but we educate ourselves to
ignore it. It is reasonable for us to correct this and our other
lies of omission by adding our lives precise, scientifically organic information that is readily available.
The organic science of Climate Therapy creates moments in natural areas that let life
experiences with Earth teach us what we need to know. This procedure validates the
obvious: we live in, not on, the life of our planet, in its biosphere,
under its atmosphere, clouds and flying creatures.
Climate Therapy includes that Earth’s life flows through us and
replaces every atom in us every 5-7 years. Earth becomes us and we
become it. Scientifically, organic eco-arts skills divulge that we
consist of ten times more "other species" cells than human cells and a
significant portion of our genetics are plant genes. Climate Therapy’s
heartfelt, evidence-based process demonstrates that we become 110%
percent more intelligent by thinking and relating using 54 natural senses we unquestionably share with Earth, not just five of them.
Climate Therapy works because we and the life of Earth are one in the
same, with one great exception. We can speak and understand stories,
Earth can’t. For this reason, when our stories mislead us, all of
life suffers.
By omitting Climate Therapy, our information and education encourages
us to overuse our Planet’s life as a natural resource. This abuses
it/us and it/we have become sick with a resulting global fever. Earth's
climate temperature increase has doubled since Earth Day 2070, along
with the doubling of many other disorders including mental illness,
abusiveness, isolation, obesity and stressful polarization.
Climate Therapy recognizes that because we excessively conquer or
exploit the life of Earth as a natural resource, its/our deterioration
will continue until we stop our destructive overuse and support recovery.
Dangerously, at this moment, Earth needs another planet half its size
to join it and replenish what we hurtfully remove from its/our life,
day by day. We are at risk. We don’t know where that half-planet can be found no
less how to attach it to Earth.
Climate Therapy identifies COVID-19 and other diseases as antibodies of
Earth’s life trying to help it survive our excessiveness. This works to the
benefit of our planet/us in that we see impressive
environmental improvements due to our wise, but rightfully fear-driven,
response to COVID-19. It has made us quickly become more unified,
loving and supportive. Mass shootings and pollution have diminished
along with our resource overuse.
What has been demonstrated is that by adding Climate Therapy to our lives we
can happily create these same beneficial effects because it strengthens
our inborn, 54-sense love of Earth’s/our life and we best
support and preserve what we love.
Globally, to stop our pandemic, responsible individuals and
organizations are relying on science, science, science, because it
works reliably.
It is reasonable for all information to add the increased resiliency,
sensible satisfactions and accuracy of Climate Therapy science
organics to the pandemic solution if we don’t want to intensify our
excessiveness. The natural ways of Climate Therapy transform our
hurtful habits into fulfilling and unifying love.
research is presently improving our ability to
sustainibly dance on our sinking planetary ship. Adding the irrefutable
eco-arts science of Climate Therapy to our dancing helps us stop the
leak. No matter the intracacy of our dance steps or excellence of our
abilities, without them including Climate Therapy we are sunk.
Via Amazon.com, a new, softcover, 150 page book, Climate Therapy: Trust Revolutionary Wisdom enables anybody to learn, use and teach its organic science and produce solutions for most problems
For Earth Day 2020, a free pdf copy of Climate Therapy is available until May 1, 2020 via www.ClimateTherapy.org.
Anybody can explore or obtain this book. Why wouldn’t you want to
let your readers or followers know about its important contribution to
Earth Day, 2020 and every moment that follows it?
FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D., Ph.D. to learn more about Climate Therapy and/or obtain a review copy of it. 360-378-6313
nature@interisland.net www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html www.ClimateTherapy.org.
For Peace on Earth Through Peace With Earth,
Michael J. Cohen
Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature
• Master sensory methods and materials that help us strengthen the dance of nature's peace and sanity, in and around us.
• Establish a socially and environmentally responsible relationship-building and stress-reduction livelihood or hobby.
• Benefit from grant funded, online, Ph.D., M.S., and B.A. degrees/courses/training.
Project NatureConnect, P. O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA,
98250 360-378-6313
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