...Project NatureConnect (PNC)
...Institute of Global Education
...Consensus Based Nature-Connected Education Counseling and Healing....in consultation with
...Simultaneous Policy (SP)
...International Simultaneous Policy Organisation
...Breaking down the barriers to solving world problems
Self-Discover Rationale Key Article +Public Grants Press Release Homepage
"Anybody who has had a good experience with nature -- backcountry, backyard or with their pet, the wind, sea or stars -- has the power to benefit from this SP/PNC program."
Towards the Improvement of Personal and Global Relationships
Use Your Vote to Take Back the World!
Simultaneous Policy
Bridging the gap between global problems and global solutions
Project NatureConnect:
Natural consensus training books and degree programs online
SP/PNC Combined Program Meet the need of human nature for cooperative relationshipsNEW Grants and Funding
Quadruple the power of your vote.
Further attain your hopes and values
Increase your resilience, support and friendships
Reduce stress, anxiety, burnout, dysfunction and lonliness
Improve your ability to think clearly and implement the power of love.
Strengthen personal and environmental wellness
Produce responsible professional opportunities and ethics.
Discover environmentally sound directions goals and excitement
Enjoy nature-connected education, psychology and healing courses and degree programs on-line
....by Michael J. CohenThis new global politics of international community and consensus emotionally restores our inherent love for nature, for the natural systems that have loved us into being. This is essential to sustain ourselves, life and the environment because we will only protect what we love.
.In nature and people, the fittest are those that are the most cooperative, those that create the strongest and greatest number of diverse, consensual, mutually beneficial relationships.
.Authentic nature self-creates its optimums of cooperation, beauty and life-in-diversity without producing garbage. This means that nature operates by consensus; all things consent for nothing to be left out, everything belongs.
We inherit the ability to reach consensus with and through at least 53 natural senses. To our loss, much of this sensibility is socialized out of our awareness in our nature-separated lives.
.Because the purpose of life is to support life, nature unites people to cooperate and protect life. A tool is available to let natural systems help us support ourselves and each other. Using this tool is important for we and life as we know it are at risk.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you inquire about or join Simultaneous Policy (SP), to produce extra benefits be sure to mention that you first learned about SP through Project NatureConnect.
Increase cooperation by improving the environment of the mind: nature-connected psychology, education and healing politically strengthen personal and global balance
.A readily available sensory tool enhances interpersonal and international cooperation by tapping into 53 natural attraction forces that create consensus.
"New and practical, this environmentally sound social technology partnership helps caring people combine nature's restorative powers with local and internationally informed thinking. It helps us increase understanding, cooperative relationships and healing within and around us."
- Susan Chernack McElroy, New York Times best selling author of Healing With Animals.
The shared purpose of the International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (SP) and Project NatureConnect (PNC) is to boost cooperation and consensus in personal and global relationships and thus reduce competition in order to enhance inner peace and a world at peace.
This web site enables the sustainable art and
science of PNC's nature-connected Organic Psychology to assist the work of SP, a growing association of citizens worldwide who use their votes in a coordinated, effective way to drive all nations to co-operate in solving our planetary crisis.
The SP/PNC program helps us intelligently make more sense. It enables our often ignored multitude of regenerative natural senses, sensitivities and sentiments to bind and blend and thereby increase consensus and cooperation at every level.
This process also reduces the personal stress and dysfunction caused by the absence of these senses in our thinking and relationships.
This work goes beyond merely demanding greater political accountability. It produces a full consensus from wholeness because it includes the consent and restorative powers of natural systems and their ability to operate in balance within and around us. This helps us further come to our senses and make greater sense. It brings the interests of all of life on Earth to our awareness and our reasoning.
This process offers us new ways of restoring genuine democracy through cooperation, lawfully and peacefully, one vote and one relationship at a time.
The SP/PNC program combines peaceful political strategy with a nature-connected psychology and personal growth tool. It helps any individual who is interested in becoming a vital part of a democratically-based movement to drive all the world's nations to apply global solutions to global problems, including: combating global warming and environmental destruction; regulating economic globalization for the good of all; improving health and delivering social justice, peace, security and a sustainable prosperity at individual and international levels.
"This is a critically needed partnership that links personal fulfillment with global responsibility. A changing public policy will only develop a sustaining grace if the individuals of this world know and feel themselves in relationship with nature's grace. Trusting and deepening our personal relationship with the natural world is the beginning of becoming a true global citizen. It is the way transformative change will happen. PNC is doable, easily accessible, affordable and empowering. Best of all, it is available."-Janet Thomas, author of The Battle in Seattle: The Story Behind and Beyond the WTO Demonstrations.
"Our relationship to nature is as vital and significant as that of a fish to water. Our dysfunctions and troubles arise because our nature-separated lives remove our thinking from nature's regenerative and balancing survival powers, like removing a fish from water.
Daily, we deprive our thinking of nature's restorative support for living in balance with ourselves and the world.
As we learn how to return our mind and heart to nature we thoughtfully reverse many disorders. It enables us to include nature's consent and gifts in our consensus process. "
- Michael J. Cohen, author of The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature.
HOW YOU CAN BECOME PART OF THE PICTURE:How much knowledge for improving the quality of our relationships have you gained from your personal life experiences and education?
We invite you to obtain from this website the most you can get and also learn what special things you can give.
To accomplish this, before going further, take five minutes to do a short self-discovery activity. Then return to this page and continue.
- A self-discovery activity: your relationship with nature
.- The rationale for using nature-connected organic learning and psychology
.- KEY The Organic Psychology of natural consensus and cooperation: how and why it works.
.- Free Course: ECO 400ISPO. Exploring the Benefits of Nature-Connected Thinking
,- Press Release: Practical Alternative Offered for Inadequate Thinking and Disaffected Voters
.- ISPO/PNC Homepage
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SP/PNC Combined Program Homepage
Towards the Improvement of
Personal and Global Relationships
Project NatureConnect
Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council
Online Organic Psychology books, training and degree programs
P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 USA
nature@interisland.net | www.ecopsych.comInternational Simultaneous Policy Organisation
Using our Votes to Take Back the World
P.O. Box 26547, London SE3 7YT, UK
Fax: +44 (0)20-8460 2035
info@simpol.org | www.simpol.org
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