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Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology
NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
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Holistic Results from A Nature-Connecting Activity that Helps Us Find Parts of Nature in Us that We Often Overlook
This web
page describes a funded Mother Earth sensory research science in
It is a new, holistic, organic psychology tool whose activities give us
the opportunity to improve health
wellness and counseling by enabling our thinking and feeling to safely
tap into the nature's grace, balance and restorative powers.
Participants benefit from and strengthen
their inborn love of nature, as they master
alternative therapist coaching, stress release management and holistic
spiritual psychology.
Project NatureConnect
a nature-centered distant learning opportunity that enables you to add
the benefits
of nature-connecting research, methods and credentials to your degree
and/or your skills, interests and hobbies.
honor your
prior training and life experience by providing grants and equivalent
education credit for it.
may take accredited or professional online CEU coursework and/or obtain
Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most disciplines or personal
interests. A partial subject list is located at the bottom
of this page.
- Improve
your income and
satisfaction through new independent, interdisciplinary or integrated
and Ecopsychology activities.
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people connect their
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environmental well being.
- Add
the self-correcting sunlight beauty and
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Results of a Nature-Connective Matching Activity
Edited and extended from Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature by Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
NOTE: Webstrings are natural sensory attractions of the web of life that we inherently register and feel
order to help participants understand the mutually beneficial
relationship of thinking with nature, Cohen asked each participant to
do a short activity that he modified from an exercise that he had
learned at a workshop from Dr. Clifford Knapp, at the University of
Illinois. He gave them a statement that provided them with a means to
identify what they appreciated about the things in nature that they had
been attracted to in the beginning of the activity. The statement was,
“I like the (natural thing) that attracted me because:” and they then
added to the statement why they liked the thing in nature that they
selected. Once they had done this, Cohen asked them to find the
same thing in themselves by making the same statement about themselves.
For example, the statement “I like (or love) the rock because it was
warm and colorful and very strong so it can be what it is,” became, “I like (or love) myself because I am warm and colorful and very strong so I can be what I am.”
participants assisted each other in identifying and validating the
webstring parts of themselves that the modified statement, in metaphor,
had helped them locate. Cohen suggested that this webstring part
of them was always in them in some form, recognized or not. He said
that it had to be in them, that, if nothing else, it was the part of
them that registered the natural attraction they identified when
visiting the natural area. Otherwise, he asked, how could they have
been attracted to it? Cohen based this activity on the
principles of the Thematic Apperception Test and Rorschach inkblot
tests and it often helped participants strengthen their self-worth. For
example, they wrote to each other in email journals:
“I love this dragonfly because it is ancient beauty. I love myself because I am full of ancient beauty.” - Anonymous Webstring Model participant
“I am attracted to our new kitten, because she is affectionate, unusual and entertaining. I
love myself because I am affectionate, unusual and entertaining. I
recognized myself in the statement and that strengthened me. I received
an outstanding compliment from a fellow who is "nature desensitized".
He said that I was 'a breath of fresh air.'" - Anonymous Webstring Model participant
“I felt a strong attraction to an empty snail shell on the beach and I discovered that I
love me because I am imperfect but beautiful. Parts of me have broken
away leaving jagged edges and holes. My surface is rough and blotchy.
But I have a feeling of mystery and complexity despite my apparent
simplicity. I am smooth at my core and I have a secret part that you
can't reach unless you are really, really small and need a home. But at
my center I also have an openness if you look carefully.
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What manner of sorcery is
this!!!!!!!!!??????????????? I recognize the value of this activity
just as I recognize the connection between me and this shell. I surely
have a lot in common with it. I feel like I found a gleaming white
salty piece of me." - Anonymous Webstring Model participant
“I love Honeysuckle because it is like the melody of Franz Liszt's Liebestraub - sweet, light, fresh, enchanting. I
love myself because I try to maintain a pleasant disposition - most of
the time I'm easy to be with; I believe in freshness - self-renewal and
open-mindedness and some people even say that they find me enchanting.” - Anonymous Webstring Model participant
in rural Finland I had a misconception that you all in the USA belong
to a highly industrialized world so every thing there is compared with
skill, efficiency, proficiency, input, and out put. Everything
mechanical. But I was absolutely wrong. The so-called
perfectionist people of the highly industrialized nation do care for
the MOTHER NATURE. They do connect themselves into the attractive
natural energies of life. I am attracted to you all. I feel a strong
bondage exists between you and me. It's true we have not met. It's true
we are poles apart, live in different parts of the world. We are
brought up with a different value system, belief, religion,
socio-economic condition, education, geographic area, culture, food
habit and many more other dissimilarities. But there exists a natural
webstring attraction connection that tells me you are all beautiful
human beings. So kind and concerned. So caring and helpful. You all
possess a tender heart and I could hear that ethereal song your soul
sings. Yes, natural webstring attractions connect our heart and soul.
So that humanity in us stands us together to brave all odds. My
attractions in nature show me that I
like myself because I am the Soul. Pure and true. I am present
everywhere. Omnipresent Soul. I connect everywhere with natural
attraction and connection. I am as strong as a tree. It is strong as it
holds the earth and the earth holds it. I give my love and care to all
the earthlings as a tree does. This program is very important
as it asks us to redefine ourselves and to hold ourselves back from the
misleading stories of modernization and our socialization. It helps us
to gather information, strength and courage to go against the human
invasion of nature.” - Anonymous Webstring Model participant In
his continued development of the Webstring Natural Attraction Ecology
Model, over the years Cohen created an additional 146 similar
nature-connecting activities. Each enabled people to further locate in
the web of life, their natural self, its value, and their
often-overlooked connection to nature.
NOTE: "Webstrings" are the attraction that holds together each thing, and all things, that are part of the web-of-life.
love this cedar tree because it is strong yet fragile in the same
time. It lives in harmony with all life around and its shape has
been formed by air, sunlight, water and the earth from which it
grows. It stands proudly and overcomes obstacles as it reaches
for the light." "I love myself
because I am strong yet fragile. I live in harmony with all life
around and my body has been nourished by air, sunlight, water and
earth. I stand proudly and overcome obstacles as I reach for the
exercise came at a time when it was important and very valuable to take
a nature break from the mechanical/electronic problems confronting my
sensibiliities. It was a great thing to take off on an aggressive
hike into the beautiful hills here to burn off some aggravation and
reconnect with peace,
The magic of nature never
fails. I found an attractive spot off trail under a Bay Tree with
a wide variety of plants all around - not a typical December scene at
all. The sun angled through the surrounding trees and on the
hills in a beautiful way. It was a welcoming and comfortable area
and I sat with my back against the tree and settled within, seeking and
receiving confirmation for the purposes of this chapter. I sat
and surveyed the area attempting to connect language with what it was
that I found attractive. Not easily arrived at( a worthy
challenge!) I wrote
1: 'I am attracted to this area of Oak and Bay studded hills
covered with a wide variety of plants because it offers peace and a
soft, reassuring and inviting energy.'
And then, though it was a little difficult to actually say it was also fun and surprisingly true to write:
Section 2: "I like myself because I offer peace and a soft, reassuring and inviting energy."
This is beautiful!
would never have thought of saying something like this but it is true
that these are qualities of mine that I like and value and that others
also like and value. Friends have told me they appreciate my calm,
non-reactive, non-judgmental perspectives. This was a very
valuable exercise and I appreciate the confirming and supportive energy
it provided.
It was challenging to come to a place of acceptance
when I tried the sentence 'It is this webstring in me that found this
webstring in nature attractive in the first place' since I have always
thought that the reason I was able to provide this for others was
because of my strong connection to nature, that I had learned it there.
Seeing it as a resonance however, allowed me to see that it is,in fact,
a mutual attraction. I am attracted to these qualities in nature
because I value them and believe in their "rightness."
"I like this Pine because it stands a little
apart; it's a great destination, it has a lovely shape and color. I
like the curved nature of its branches and its soft needles. And
because the tree and I are identical with respect to the natural
systems that sustain us, the Pine helps me identify myself. I can truly
say I like myself because I stand a
little apart; I am a great destination; I have a lovely shape and
color; I like my curved branches and soft needles, and, in metaphor,
all this feels right." Lois hesitated and then read on, ''Right now I
have tears in my eyes. I hardly understand why. I feel as if I can see
the Pine now, I feel her essence, her beauty as she stands a little
apart. She mirrors something within me. I see that I am transformed
when I am outside and connecting to the natural world. I am nurtured,
calmed, soothed, held, warmed, excited, stimulated, active, empty and
yet full, happy, content and connected."
a quarter mile from my house it is a place called the tide pools.
At the time I was there the tide was very very low, and I could
see many aquatic creatures, birds, plants, rock, and sea. I asked nature to let me be with, and access every thing that was there. I felt an immediate consent. 1. I liked the entire organic place. I liked it because I am embedded in it, and I feel very spiritual. Part 2 I like myself because I can connect with spirit & nature. this feels right to me in a very deep Psychological way."
As I sensed
the area I became aware that I was attracted to rock near the trees.
The attraction lasted and I became more entranced with what it brought
out in me. I wrote "I love this rock because it is a world unto itself:
its surface is diverse and fascinating, and the glimpses into the
deeper parts of the rock hint of a myriad of rich inner crystal worlds.
I love this rock because it is old, old, old, carrying stories in its
very structure and composition. I love this rock because it looks like
it has blood flowing through it - it looks like a human heart. I love
this rock because it absorbs and then holds heat and coolness for a
seemingly long time.
I was a bit dismayed when the activity instructions to apply what I said about the rock to myself. I wrote "I
love myself because I am a world unto myself: my surface is
diverse and fascinating, and the glimpses into the deeper parts of me
hint of a myriad of rich inner crystal worlds. I love myself because I
am old, old, old, carrying stories in my very structure and
composition. I love myself because I look like I have blood flowing
through me - I look like a human heart. I love myself because I absorb
and then hold heat and coolness for a seemingly long time."
exercise felt comfortable and familiar. I have long believed that we
are attracted to that which resonates with us inside, that we love in
that which is outside of us that which reflects the inside of us.
Bringing this concept out like this, through a sensory nature
attraction exercise is beautifully simple and effective.
are powerful emotions that come up when I read the words I had written
about the rock in reference to myself. I feel humbled and unworthy. I
also feel happy and grateful, calmly confident that I, too, am eternal.
adventured into the woods behind our house to the small stream that
runs along the boundary of our property. The thing I like the way the
water flows and meanders through the woods how seems to choose the path
it takes by gently cutting away at the banks. I love is the ability to
be here, to see sense and feel the energy all around. To see how the
water, trees, animals, bushes and trees co-exist together.
I love
the stream because of its effortless flow. Even when faced with
obstacles it simply flows around them and continues its movement.
Despite its appearance it is also a powerful force capable of changing
the landscape.
I like and love
myself because like the stream I am peaceful in the mist of the chaos
that surrounds me. Like the stream I flow with the rhythms of
life and am a powerful force for change.
The statement fills me with a sense of connection, hope and joy
at work early yesterday morning I was drawn to the planter just outside
of the gym. With a glass storefront, it is my natural safe haven
amongst the fakeness of the ritzy beach community I’m working in.
Although the planter is not particularly large, it contains a beautiful
tree with greenery at it’s base. In an effort to beautify the
community, yesterday city workers removed the greenery, replacing it
with fake green grass. The beautiful tree is now surrounded by
astro-turf. “I love the tree because it is standing strong
and tall amongst it’s chaotic, nature disconnected community. Although
tall and sturdy, it possess characteristics of grace, gentleness, and
beauty, while positively contributing to the environment.” “I
love myself because I stand tall and strong amongst my chaotic, nature
disconnected community. Although tall and sturdy, I am graceful,
gentle, and beautiful while positively contributing to my environment.” These
web-string qualities are very similar to me. As an athletic woman
standing over six feet it’s always been important for me to be both
sturdy-strong, as well as graceful and gentle. The true beauty arising
from within, continually contributing to my environment.
between meetings i took 20 mins and sat outside. After being sure i had
consent i closed my eyes.. now, we have been enjoying some really
beautiful weather on the west coast! very warm and sunny and as i sat
with my eyes closed i could feel my face getting warm.. my eyes were
light, it felt so good. It was as though it was recharging my
batteries! when i opened my eyes, i noticed that i was not the only
thing enjoying the sunny day, there were lots of people milling about
happy smiling, the birds were singing, it just seemed busier then last
week when it had been raining. It was quiet and peaceful but when it is
sunny it is like everything comes alive!
I love the sun because it recharges me.
I love myself because I recharge.
I first did this activity I wanted to go back and change my original
answer to section 1, because although it makes sense for that it didnt
make sense to me for section 2! I fought the urge and instead started
to contemplate what that means for me. It is actually true! One of the
things that i enjoy about myself is that i have this ability to bounce
back, recharge and do it quickly! I believe this statement about me!
am attracted to sitting under the shed overhang watching the rain
because I can be with the rain and green colors and all its beauty of
color and sound and mist and wind and feel cozy and peaceful and quiet." "I am attracted to myself because I can be natural and down to earth and also be cozy and peaceful and quiet." "I like the way the red colors touches the leaves of the trees along the tops or tips of the branches so sweetly." "I like myself because I carry things so sweetly." "I
appreciate the simplicity and integrity of the wild lamb's quarters
herb with some rain drops on its multi branched form drooping over in
the mist and sunshine." "I appreciate my simplicity and integrity as I go about my daily progress in life with the elements." "I
see as worthwhile a little bit of blue vetch in a cluster of green
grasses, the worthiness of it shone clear for me - something to do with
respect for the land, recognizing the beauty of land." "I am worthwhile because I recognize the blue vetch and the green grass are the respect and beauty of the land and myself." "What is good is the air and the breathing of Earth with its resting and mindfulness." "I am good because I have breath and awareness of breath and can rest with my breath." "What
is right is that with the beautiful foliage, the sunshine with clouds
and raindrops, the birds and this wonderful big patch of fragrant
coriander, there is a sensation of contentment or happiness of
everything, a gentle fullness of the mind." "I am right because with all the elements of nature around me, I sense great happiness and gentle fullness of the mind." "I love the nameless intelligence of Nature that is aware of what needs to be done and when to rest and so much more." "I love my nameless intelligence of Nature that is aware of what needs to be done and when to rest and so much more."
mornng it snowed. We have been waiting for it to snow for some time. It
brings with it its challenges, of course, but also a sense of renewal.
Our reservoirs and local family run ski resort need it. And, now it has
come, small flakes have connected to form large swirling flakes that
dance and jump in the breeze like popcorn bursting up from a popper. My
soal needed it, too. I love winter because it creates
magical, white, crystal, beauty reaching to the sky. I love winter
because the sunlight gistens and renews hope and faith. I love winter
because, in the midst of the cold, I can feel warmth. I love winter
because birdsongs remind me that life is worth living. I love winter
because the falling snow leaps and dances with joy renewing all it
touches. I love myself because, I create
magical, white, crystal, beauty reaching to the sky. I
love myself because, my light gistens and renews hope and
faith. I love myself because, in the midst of the cold, I can feel
warmth and bring warmth to others. I love myself because, my
songs reminds me that life is worth living. I love myself because,
I leap and dance with joy renewing all I touch. Wow!
Is that really me? I kinda left her behind in the midst of having to
live up to something that wasn't really me. I see her now. I welcome
her now. I give her time to rest now. I give her thanks for glistening.
I give her permission to dance. So very magical! What a
match. I am a person who glistens and lifts others with my light.
I moved on and was taken in by a massive asparagus plant (I just love this one), which did accept my request to commune. "I
love this asparagus plant because it is delicate, soft, and
lovely. It bends gracefully, delicately shading the earth and
providing gentle comfort and beauty." "I
love myself because I am delicate, soft, and lovely. I bend
gracefully, delicately shading the earth and providing gentle comfort
and beauty." I recognize this webstring quality in
myself- it is familiar. I am most comfortable when I am able to
live from this quality. I am less comfortable with more forceful
energies. If I could find a way to live this way all the time, I
think I would feel very happy! In my current situation,
I would like to be more graceful and flexible. If I could become
more gentle and protective of those toward whom I have felt
opposed in this situation, I would be able to help much more, and
would be more satisfied with the outcome for all of us. ^^^
is a railing going all the way around the veranda with plants on top,
geranium and sort of beautiful bell shaped plants, but many and lovely.
As I was sitting there enjoying the view of mountains and oak trees, an
iridescent green hummingbird began making its rounds of the plants. I
had a quite close up view and a quiet peaceful view as I wasn't going
anywhere for awhile and also felt I was quite lucky to be sitting
"I love the hummingbird because it goes about its job
of receiving nourishment from the various plants with such grace and
beauty and sweetness. It is obviously so happy and wholehearted without
any feeling of regret or ill ease."
love myself because I go about my job of receiving nourishment from
various places with such grace and beauty and sweetness. I am obviously
so happy and wholehearted without any feeling of regret or ill ease."
Jupitor is a
16 yr old golden retriever that I have had since he took his first
breath. Soon he will decide to leave this dimension, I am so grateful
for his presence in my life and how he has allowed me to grow and
understand myself better.
I love Jupitor because of his sweet
personality, his capability to understand the unspoken and be totally
accepting, he always has a good attitude even when struggling to stay
on his feet. He shows me an inner strength and acceptance that I can
only hope to capture a glimpse of. No matter how he is treated he is
always open to receive a hug and loves unconditionally. He has been my
rock when things have been tough and reminds me that I am never alone.
I look into his eyes and I see the wisdom of a great teacher and depths
of understanding that goes beyond words. He is soft and cuddly, yet
when needed he can stand his own ground and knows what serves him best.
He is aging with grace and diginity and though his body does not always
cooperate fully I know that he gets up shrugs it off and continues on
his way. He is truly a wonderful friend and companion, never judging,
always accepting. He still remembers how to play, even it is only for a
few minutes, when he is out in nature he perks up and puts his head in
the wind, catching the air and scents all around him. He is completely
trusting and allows help when needed. He is my best friend.
and I share natural systems so we are the same. I wrote of myself what
I learned from Jupitor, "I love myself because of my sweet personality,
my capability to understand the unspoken and be totally accepting, I
always have a good attitude even when struggling to stay on my feet. I
show an inner strength and acceptance that I can only hope to capture a
glimpse of. No matter how I am treated I am always open to receive a
hug and love unconditionally. I have been my rock when things have been
tough and I remind myself that I am never alone. I look into myself and
I see the wisdom of a great teacher and depths of understanding that
goes beyond words. I am soft and cuddly, yet when needed I can stand my
ground and I know what serves me best. I am aging with grace and
dignity and though my body does not always cooperate fully get up shrug
it off and continues on my way. I am truly a wonderful friend and
companion to myself, never judging, always accepting. I still remember
how to play, even it is only for a few minutes, when I am out in nature
and I perk up and put my head in the wind when I can, catching the air
and scents all around her. I am completely trusting and I allow help
when needed. I am my best friend."
Once again the universe is
putting the best possible exercises in place when I need them most.
Though I have done this exercise in the past, I found it much more
revealing and healing as I have been hitting the wall with old patterns
that had me questioning my value in life.
This exercise allowed
me to connect with one of the most important teachers in my life and
remind me that I am also worthy and have wisdom, caring, love and
playfulness to share, even when I feel like the universe is beating me
up - I can choose to get up and shrug (shake) it off and continue
forward. I also am grateful to two friends in my life who have allowed
me to explore these depths of my own being, without judging and with
complete acceptance.
I am truly blessed to have the wonderful people in my life - including this very special group.
A Press Release about the Avatar-Pandora value of this activity is available for
your use.
Explore your attractive self.
Benefit from your natural attractions,
strengthen your personal and professional well-being and save time and
1. Read some of the student reports, above, and discover
if you find them attractive. If so:
2. Do this fun and easy natural attraction activity.
If it makes sense and is attractive to you,
you are eligible to take our Organic Psychology Track for a degree or
certification in the organic application of ecopsychology.
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a Degree or
Certificate to
strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by
connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you
increase personal and global well being.
subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other
areas of interest:
behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The
rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious
traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When
these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and
societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are
industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to
betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking
over 98 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we
normally share with natural systems and their eons of experience. Our
subconscious hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of
these senses underlies our greatest troubles.
J. Cohen
from learning to enhance the natural psychic pulse within and around
us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic
Psychology to
your life and livelihood.

research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is
determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action
of people."
is what stands the
test of experience."
Albert Einstein
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
to the
top of
this page
................................................. |
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus &
Herbal Remedy
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management |
& Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming
Special NGO consultant United
Nations Economic and Social Council

Project NatureConnect offers
accredited CEU Courses, Certification, Grants and Degree Programs
online to sustain the well-being of person, planet and spirit. Prior
training and life experience is incorporated into all programs.
Successful completion of a
CEU course makes you automatically eligible for the Project
NatureConnect program.
Visit us at www.ecopsych.com
Box 1605,
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
Natural Systems Thinking Process
Michael J. Cohen, Director
send email
All programs start with the Orientation Course
contained in the book
Web of Life Imperative.
Act now: degrees, courses,
self-help, online sustainable jobs, grants, books,