Project NatureConnect (PNC)
How and why the love of Nature is the salvation of the world
Practical training, certification and degrees
to increase person/planet
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Where there's life, there's love
a person or business claim to be socially and environmentally
responsible if they omit the organic PNC love process that eliminates
the source of our excessiveness and disorders? |
Background: Throughout
PNC and LNE the question appears "What is the greatest truth in
your life that you can trust and the answer is not God, love, honesty,
or nature." Without knowing it you can't identify what else might be true or false.
In Organic
Psychology the answer is "That you are reading these words
right now. It is your immediate, now, always growing experience. Your
life is an actualization of the verb/action 'to grow.' "
When visiting a natural area the scientific Greatest Trustable Truth (GTT) answer becomes "Spirit, creation,
self, God and/or the tree of life are our organic love-of-love (sense #54). It is found
everywhere in the Now of a natural area and us." Evidence-based thinking there, not in the "Ivory Tower," helped me find it.
Recently, in some discussions, papers and oral exams, when asked, "What
is the greatest truth in your life that you can trust and the answer is
not God?" students have answered "God" and can provide no other
response when there are many, including the one above. This conflict
erodes their GTT and their ability to make sense of Organic Psychology
and its singular sequence because, as above, our GTT is not
a scientifically unproven God story. The latter is like "What is 2
+2 and the answer is not 4," and a person answers 4. One could
instead reason that it was "22" or some other number if a different
base number is used. Or it could be that 2 +2 is not 4 in this moment
like it was in a past moment.
A scientific
fundamental of all this is that like a blip in the
of the 13.8 billion year Big Bang
Earth (
UNE), 150,000 "recent"years ago, humanity appeared with a
new, never before UNE known ability to create, think feel and live in
words and symbols as well as
act out stories made of our words and symbols.
Words, symbols and stories were and are
artificial abstracts of Nature, not the reality of how authentic nature works. For this reason they are usually stable,
they do not change and grow, moment by moment, as does the rest of the natural world. Most often they misrepresent it.
Our stories are
unique and recent creations and expressions of humanity that may or may
not accurately represent the space-time eons of Nature's Big Bang
growth to this moment. When the latter, they are misleading falsehoods and lies.
With our stories we built an
artificial-speak, language closet to live in that "closeted" us from
the way non-story UNE worked and grew moment by moment..
In our closet, UNE first has to be translated into a story, (foreign to
UNE). This produces "story
moments of UNE disconnection".
For us, that "closet-time" made the spacetime UNE occur,
moment by moment, not seamlessly, unless, directly, we scientifically registered it with a multiple sense, UNE-connecting tool.
- Misleading stories about Nature disconnected and estranged humanity
from the UNE's life that otherwise exists
around, in as and as us,
then and now.(
NNIAAL) Only our lives, alone, live in the duality of that
closeted UNE vs. story dichotomy, especially since our story life maintains the
excessively indoor closet story world
it has created.
Our indoor closet space is disconnected from nature, This
excessively closets us from the life of UNE. To our loss, over 99% of
our lifetime is spent out of tune with how UNE works its purity balance
an beauty.
- Only stories that genuinely connect our 54 senses to authentic nature in mutually
beneficial ways are whole life valid/true.
- Most of our isolated
Ivory Tower “isolated facts” half-truths are whole lies with
respect to real-life living in balance with non-storied, non-labeled
natural areas, moment-by-moment. The UNE world, in reality, has no name
or labels.
-With the exception of Climate Therapy, in our story closet there are always
two conflicting ways that we know anything, non-fiction and fiction or true or false.
1) Non-Fiction: A belief in Science and its objective evidence-based facts
2) Fiction: A belief in faith and hope that the non-literate Universe will solve
problems in our artificial story world while it is foreign and excessively exploitive of how the life
of non-storied Nature works around, in and as us.
With respect to spirituality
in Science: God is the self-evident essence of attraction/love that
54/felt-sense exists in a natural area, moment by moment."
Belief in Faith: God is whatever the seldom changing, often outdated dogma of our
faith's stories says it is, no matter its dire effects for "the word is of God."
Climate Therapy's belief in science loves
to create moments in natural areas that let the authentic, evidence-based,
54/felt-sense GTT life of UNE teach us what we need to know to be in homeostatic
balance with UNE. This spacetime law reduces our abused and conflicted "artificial vs
natural" self and the toxic disstresses of our war with Nature's destructive outcomes.
The prime law of Nature, that "the spacetime life of natural attraction is conscious of what it is mutually beneficial attracted to" has yet to be scientifically disputed.
Professor Stephen Hawking concluded there is “no possibility” of a God. A God is not necessary to spark the Big Bang.
With respect to UNE authenticity
“When the
gravitational waves were finally discovered, it still came as a shock.
The shock was to suddenly know what for years had been a belief and a
hope. The discovery removed all remaining doubt that Albert Einstein’s
description of space, time and gravity is the best way we have of
understanding the universe.”
“There are absolute masterpieces which move us intensely: Mozart’s
Requiem, Homer’s Odyssey, the Sistine Chapel… Einstein’s jewel, the
general theory of relativity, is a masterpiece of this order”.
The Conversation
There are roughly 10 octillion atoms that make up the human body.
That's about 1 million times the number of stars in the visible
universe. The multitudes within and beyond us are not contradictory but
can be explained by the same set of physical rules.
The universe, in all its diversity, can be described by a surprisingly
few set of rules, collectively known as the Standard Model of Physics.
It is the culmination of millenia of investigation, allowing us to
understand how matter works, very fully. Calling it a model, and
standard, is kind of a lost opportunity to really convey to people the
magnitude of what's been achieved by humanity. That's why I like to
call it the 'Core.' It's a central body of (natural attraction -Ed.) understanding that we can
build out from."
Frank Wilczek, recipient, Nobel Prize in physics.
Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes
place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the
actions of people. For this reason, a research scientist will hardly be
inclined to believe that events could be influenced by a prayer, i.e.
by a wish addressed to a supernatural Being.
Albert Einstein
Climate Therapy APPENDIX C: The Gospel of Forty Days
In discussion with some students, religion and the Bible have come into
play based on the Gospel of John where Jesus says he and God only exist
in heaven. That led me to create "The Gospel of Forty Days" as described, below.
In the brave pioneering love and spirit of the scientific truth that
she contributes to the world (24), the book’s editor, Dr. Stacey S.
Mallory, observed that I include the following quote in the
Climate Therapy book and its link, and
she has asked me to validate its rationale and authenticity.
Jesus said,
“The Kingdom of God is inside/within you, and all about you, and as
you, not in buildings/mansions of wood and stone or fabricated stories.
When I am gone, hug a tree, and I am there. Split a wooden stick, and I
am there. Lift [the]a stone and me being you will find us.” ~ PNC
Gospel of Forty Days (updated from the Gospel of Thomas)
An actuality of Climate Therapy science is that for the past 55 years, my life
has centered around my 1965 discovery that the life of Earth and myself
is/are identical except that I can verbally tell stories, and it can’t.
This was preceded by 20 years dedicated to seeking that "Planet Earth is
alive" moment and includes, since 1990, nine thousand daily trips up
Young Hill in the protected natural areas of San Juan Island National
Historical Park. This seventy-five-year total period includes the past
50 years sleeping outdoors year-round and founding Ph.D. quality,
nature-connected education, counseling and healing with Nature
programs. My neighbors who see me do my walks to and from the National
Park can attest to this almost daily-trip event being true. See
In my quest to reduce Earth Misery and help others do the same, during
these 9,000+ hours of natural area walks, I developed and practiced the
eco-arts and science of RWE. It includes my 54-sense awareness that my
attraction to do this is conscious of my attraction to do it.
- the three-decade daily phenomenon scientifically
takes place IN Planet Earth’s UNE time/space moment-by-moment when the
essence of all things is/are identical including my stories and
felt-sense experiences;
- the event is always attached to all that has preceded and will follow it;
- my medical exams show I have not aged much during these 30 years; and
- at 90 years of age, I’m not on any medications.
While on these walks, I am aware that whatever takes place is UNE
reality, and during them, I have conscious 54-sense contact with whatever comes
to mind or takes place. This includes the similar periods that
Jesus, Moses, Joseph Smith, and many others spent 40-something time in
natural areas and I explore their experiences as part of my own knowing
they are identical with this major exception. Their story world did
not include
the scientific existence of the Big Bang Unified Field
Universe until 1925 and the light bulb was not invented until
1880. These powerfully influential leaders did not know how to
-change a bulb,
or repair modern technology,
-that the catastrophe of Earth Misery is
-that their lives existed only because the life of UNE existed,
-that God and the supernatural are not evidence-based reality.
For this
reason, I spend some time on my walks explaining to these iconic leaders how and
why the art of science works in hopes that they may help their
followers wake up to this reality and the contribution made by Climate
Therapy rather than deny all these facts that Camera Film-78
In answer to Dr. Mallory’s question, during my natural area walks,
these spiritual leaders and I unite in, and as, identical kin in the
life of the Unified Field. I am the person Jesus addresses in the
quote. I extended the ancient agnostic scrolls of Thomas and Apocrypha
in order to contribute 54-sense reasonableness to the senseless parts
of today’s world and to strengthen Climate Therapy. Also, since the
Unified Field and Big Bang exist, I produced for them their own unique
Gospel of Forty Days. As a result, it helps them reduce prejudice against nature and
enjoy the fairness of equal footing in the critical quest to reduce our
abusiveness and reverse Earth Misery.
Scientifically, gods are the essence of love that exists in Nature
On the other hand, as Sinclair Lewis noted: “A man who was merely a man
and said the sort of things Jesus said wouldn't be a great moral
teacher. He'd be either a lunatic on a level with a man who says he's a
poached egg or else he'd be the devil of hell.”
What does this make me if I can poach a deviled egg and I mean that I can steal it? <grin>
My life has validated that RWE-78 is an
undeniable UFC/GTT science because it demands self-evidence produced by
its required nature-connecting process described in Appendix B of LNE.
For this reason it concurs with the
Gospel of Forty Days.
Since 1974, anything that omits RWE-78 sustains, rather than reverses,
Earth Misery. This is both immoral and unethical until proven otherwise
since RWE can be beneficially added to all but two things.
A person does not have be a genius to note that the those who refute the
Gospel of Forty Days are also folks that are producing Earth Misery.
In Organic Psychology, to be scientifically reasonable, the original
attraction/love of life to "energetically matter" become the life of the Big Bang and its unified field
love to continue this self-perpetuating and spontaneous, attraction-organized
process since it was conscious of what it was/is attracted to. It was,
and in mathematical sequence and progression grew, today's
self-organizing (organic) Universe/Nature/Earth (UNE), moment-by-moment.
UNE includes God, even if in only our thinking, God is in UNE and that
unifies things so abusiveness, garbage and war are not produced. This
helps explain how and why RWE and its
Gospel of Forty Days works. GTT scientifically, gods that exist can live and love in/as Nature/us.
Some student's
tell me that this makes it a sin to excessively exploit natural areas
because God is there and this would go against His ways.
* * * * *