
Project NatureConnect

Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN)

Creating moments that let Earth teach to support person/planet well-being
EMAIL: nature@interisland.net  Phone (360) 378-6313 


 Page 8 of 26

*Pivital page
  1. *Love of Nature
  2. *ECHN Advantages
  3. 0*Whole Life Learning
  4. Source of Disorders
  5. Revolutionary Antidote
  6. Sensory Homecoming
  7. *Increase Health
  8. *Organic Manipulation
  9. *Helpful Orientation
  10. Trust Based Learning
  11. Increase Well-Being
  12. Prejudicial Falsehood
  13. Results from Omission
  14. Unified Field Benefits
  15. Holistic Learning
  16. Health and Wellness
  17. *Distorted Glasses
  18. *Biosphere Imbedded
  19. *Aliveness Gratitude
  20. Change Socialization
  21. Overcome Disorders
  22. Psychic Pain
  23. *Denial of Attachment
  24. Story Addiction
  25. *Stronger Life
  26. *Strengthen Career

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TOPIC: The Manipulation of Organic Wholeness

...Ph.D. Online

ECHN: The Whole Life Art and Science of Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature

The Dance of Natural Intelligence

We are born as part of nature's organic grace and purifying flow.

Each of us are part of the non-literate attraction dance of nature. Each of us are the self-correcting and nurturing ways of the dance manifesting itself as us. We are born as part of nature's organic grace and purifying flow.  So is everything else.

For our survival in balance, the non-corrupt natural attraction energies of nature -the binding forces of the eons, its unified field that holds the world together- continually dances in, through and about us. It registers in us as 54 natural attraction senses. Each sense helps keep us alive and well by helping us find healthy natural fulfillments for it through natural attractions that we register. Each is a continuum of the life of the ancient Big Bang and its Higgs Boson natural attraction essence to be the time and space of the Universe, moment by moment.

One of our 54 natural attraction senses is our sense of taste (#21). Another is our sense of language, our literacy/story way of knowing the world.   Our additional 54 natural senses also include our natural attractions to reason, trust, water (thirst), place, community, color, beauty, consciousness, music, temperature, cooperation and love.

At any given moment, nature and we naturally consist of its eons of balanced and beautiful natural attraction optimums of life, diversity and cooperation.  Our 54 natural senses, when healthy, are attracted to, and register in our consciousness, the wide variety of mutually supportive natural attraction relationships that contribute to the universal welfare and richness of life in each moment. These qualities are an essence of natural areas, not of, for example, an automobile engine.

Too often, we learn to forget that unified field natural attraction dance is the essence of love and our ability to love.

"Nature is the unseen intelligence that loved us into being."

-Elbert Hubbard

The Manipulation of Natural Love
Our natural sense of taste is part of nature's wisdom. It is a natural attraction, our love to eat certain foods that do not to hurt us.  In congress with our 53 other natural senses, including our sense of reason, taste intelligently conveys what and when something may be permissible to eat.

August 6, 2007: Researchers gave a group of 3-5 year old children two identical servings of many different kinds of food. The only difference between the two servings was that one was wrapped in a McDonald's wrapper, the other in a plain wrapper.

Overwhelmingly, the children said the identical food placed in the McDonalds' wrapper tasted better. Their psyche had been misled and corrupted. At this early age, their natural senses and sensibilities had already been prejudicially socialized by the money-making story and images conveyed on the McDonalds' wrapper.  That story, along with its questionable values and effects, had distorted and stressed the childrens' natural ability to think and feel appropriately with respect to their natural sense of taste.  Their healthy natural attachment to healthy food had been polluted and disturbed.  They were partly delusional. They had been robbed of part of their vital natural intelligence and its joy. One of their life attachments to the life of Organism Earth had been "McBurgered."

Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem. BEGIN HERE

Programmed to Suffer
When our natural attraction senses are injured, distorted or missing, we can't register, be aware, or make good sense of the truth of the world and ourselves. We sense, instead, that we hurt, or that we are insecure and that we may be at risk. 

It is the nature-disconnected, irrational and manipulative parts of our industrial-story way of knowing, along with its excessive conquest of nature in and around us, that causes us to produce many troubles.  

The misleading or unwhole parts of our story world "McBurger" the wisdom of our natural dance and the ages. As previously mentioned, this does not just happen only with our sense of taste. Our other 53 natural senses also habitually learn to attach to, and support, Industrial Society's excessive drumbeat of profit, power and the conquest of nature and the natural. For this reason we suffer the all too common garbage/pollution, abusiveness, illness, excessiveness and disorders in and from Industrial Society.

NOTE: Genuinely nature-connected people(s) seldom cause or display our disorders.

Our wide range of personal and global problems result from our misguided socialization by Industrial Society. The unreasonable distortions in its nature-disconnecting and exploitive stories too often McBurger how we think, feel and sense.
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem.

Motivated by prestige, conquest and monetary rewards, the contemporary world conditions us to separate from and excessively supervise nature throughout our lifetime. We are not encouraged to applaud our natural attractions to nature's intelligence, no less revere it or let it express its love for our natural selves.
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem.

We have built our lives into a vicious cycle. Industrial Society's impact on our psyche erodes our thinking as it captures our natural senses and attaches them to nature conquering stories, artifacts and technologies. This removes our psyche from nature's restorative qualities. We become dependent on Industrial Society, the source of many problems, to heal them. Do you think this is sensible or sane?
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem.
We experience the corruption of McLove, not naturally supportive, global, whole life community love. With many of our natural senses and sensibilities missing, our thinking is unable to sensibly deal with our most challenging personal, social and environmental dilemmas.
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem.
Our problems are often non-sense. They result from the excessive disconnection from nature of our natural ability to make sense.
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem.
Our major problem is that our nature-inaccurate and nature-conquering stories secretly remove nature's restorative grace from our daily lives, thoughts and feelings.
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem.
Without realizing it, we often feel depressed or unworthy because the unifying dance of our natural vitality, integrity and sensibility has been reduced or incapacitated. We have excessively separated from nature's flowing intelligence and vitality. 
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem.

Our greatest troubles result from us being in denial. Industrial Society denys that, for profit, it encourages us to excessively and destructively conquer or exploit nature, in and around us, including our 54 natural attraction senses.
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem.

Instead of helping us remedy our irresponsible disconnection from nature, Industrial Society encourages us to view our nature-separated lives as "Normal," "Progress,"  "Economic Growth," "Winning" or "Excellence," etc. This is non-sense with respect to living in mutually supportive balance with people and places of the whole of the world.  It is not attractive. It is not how nature works. It deteriorates life in balance.
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem.

The immense loss of nature's beneficial ways and joy in our lives leaves us wanting, stressed and helpless. This turns us to destructive "fixes."  To try to correct this, almost 80 percent of us are in some kind of therapy.  However, almost 100 percent of the therapy available to us is disconnected from nature. Do you think this makes sense?
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem.

In the "McDonald's Wrapper Study," cited above, a minority of 25 percent of the children retained their ability to clearly register that the food samples were identical.  In such clear-thinking individuals there is hope.

Project NatureConnect applied ecopsychology empowers any clear-thinking individual who recognizes, rather than denies, the destructiveness of our excessive nature-disconnection dilemma. It helps these individuals reverse their, and our, disorders by learning, using and teaching the renewing and substance-free process of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN).

Backyard or backcountry, ECHN enables caring individuals to beneficially enlist the assistance of nature's corrective and curative attractions and their powers, rather than continue to unreasonably disconnect from or conquer them. To this end, ECHN provides online training, degrees and financial support. BEGIN HERE 

ECHN helps you green any discipline, talent or profession and give it added value.

"Whenever we omit ECHN from our daily lives, we dangerously strengthen the root of our disorders. We must now learn how to help nature help us heal our psyche. That will enable us to think, feel and relate like the natural attraction beauty of nature's peace works."

"Due to brain injury in a cycling accident, Bart, a writer, could no longer write due to head pain. For years he suffered constant hurt that that did not respond to repeated surgical, chemical,  psychological and meditation treatment.

Bart sought alternatives on the Internet, discovered ECHN  and took an online ECHN class. He did the course's required nature connecting activities with a group of trees that attracted him in the center of his town. This heightened his natural 53-sense relationship with them, and with his online classmates, too. The ECHN experiences that they all shared by email enhanced the good feelings he experienced.

Through these interactions, nature's recuperative powers enabled Bart to renew many natural senses and energies, recycle his mental contaminates, and overcome his pain so that he could write again. He said the pain "had reduced and it had also transformed into pleasure."

Later, when the trees were to be removed for a development, Bart reasonably and passionately rallied the town to protest the tree's forthcoming demise. The townspeople saved the trees and became involved with ECHN." (see many similar results and outcomes)

"I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order."

- John Burroughs 

"Applied Ecopsychology reverses our disconnectedness by utilizing proven medical procedures. For example, good medical thinking and research have created surgical techniques that reattach an amputated arm back to the body. If reconnected properly, the arm will, in time, function normally. Part of this art is the surgical technology our clear thinking has devised to bring the arm back in proper contact with the body.

The remainder of the procedure, above, is trusting that once this reconnection is made, nature itself has the wisdom to heal the rupture and rejoin the arm and body as one integrated organism. We don't know how to do that healing, however nature does it continuously via its natural attraction ecological processes at sub-atomic and global levels. That is nature's way. Good medical thinking respects that nature has this extraordinary regenerative power. It taps into it. It surgically provides the proper environment and time for nature to heal, as only nature can. Applied Ecopsychology offers Organic Psychology activities that help us accomplish this with respect to our extremely nature-separated psyche, thinking and feeling, along with the disorders they create."

   - Akamai University Catalog

To our great loss, we deny that the nature-disconnected way we learn to think deteriorates our personal, social and environmental well-being.  

We deny that nature is the fountainhead of authority on how it works and the well-being of life in balance.

We deny that our thinking has been prejudiciously McBurgered to excessively separate from, and conquer, nature and its regenerative, natural attraction ways in and around us.

No matter our occupation or beliefs, the faster we admit that we are bonded to a harmful and unsatisfying natural attraction disconnection from nature, the faster we may learn and teach ECHN.  It is a remedy for our destructive bonding and for our denial of our detrimental estrangement from the natural.

Since the beginning of time, all things, sub-atomics to the universe, including humanity's body, mind and spirit, have been held together in pure, balanced integrity the Unified Field or nature's natural attraction dance. This means:
  • Everything is a dancer.
  • Whenever we excessively separate our thoughts, feelings or actions from the dance, we disrupt it and ourselves. This corruptive disconnection produces problems that the dance and we can't solve.

  • Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE) is the art and science of creating point source moments that let the authentic dance reconnect us to itself.

  • No surprise, solutions that don't do what NAE helps us do produce additional personal, social and environmental problems.

Some Honest Questions
No offense intended, but if you reject the Conclusion, above, is it because it is incorrect, or is it because your multiple sensibilities and tastes have been McBurgered? Can you, or we, afford to practice the non-sense of our excessively nature-separated thinking and feeling just because it is considered "normal," "accepted" or "fundable" and gets us "good grades?"

What McBurgering is your life dancing to?  Does the influence of fashion, fame, fortune, religion, commercialized music, high marks, prestige etc., leave you feeling unsatisfied, unreasonable or dependent? Does it seem like lasting, wise and supportive naturally attractive rewards are missing from your life or from the life of your community?
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem.

Do you sense that you feel dependent on flawed authorities and deceptive information?
Does your solution for a problem usually produce a new problem?
Do you sometimes feel that you are more of a "cultural object" rather than your true self?

Not to worry. You are neither inept nor crazy.

These results are to be expected when we excessively remove nature's sanity from our psyche. It is natural to suffer these symptoms. They painfully convey to us our profound loss of nature-contact and balance.  They try to attract us to discover and follow new restorative attractions in nature, natural attractions whose energies help our psyche recycle itself and heal so we may think, relate and trust more reasonably. 
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you achieve this end.

FOR THE RECORD: in Industrial Society, on average, less than twelve hours of our entire lifetime is spent consciously thinking, feeling or building relationships while we are in tune with the gratifying and sensory wisdom of nature's balance and beauty.

Many studies demonstrate that we suffer our troubles because, during 99.9% of our life, our thoughts and feelings are
disconnected from nature's naturally attractive, self-correcting and purifying ways.
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem.

We usually suffer from natural sensory deprivation. It prevents us from fully making sense. We render ourselves unable to think like the "higher power" of nature's balanced perfection works even though we inherit this natural attraction ability at birth. Our nature deficit disorders undermine our life and the quality of life in balance as exemplified by our annihiliation of wolves.
Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy this problem.

"To enjoy the powers and delights of the sense of sight is naturally attractive. If a person temporarily loses their sense of sight, nature strengthens their many other natural senses to compensate for this loss. This helps the blind individual continue to think and relate sensibly. In addition, when possible, and sometimes when medically supported, nature heals and restores the blind individual's sense of sight. ECHN enables us to help nature engage in this natural attraction restorative process for all our senses, to do so on our and its behalf. It invites nature to enter our thinking and do what it does best."

- Anonymous Program Evaluation

ECHN makes space for us to enjoy and benefit from conscious sensory contact with nature's flow, backyard or backcountry.  Engaging our thoughts in its process empowers us to lastingly heal our McBurgered senses and stories. This results in us naturally thinking, feeling and relating in wellness and cooperation with others and the environment.
This is how and why educating, counseling and healing with nature helps you remedy personal, social and environmental problems.

You can easily strengthen and improve your professional and personal life. If the synopsis, above, makes sense to you, you are eligible, now, to save much time and money. Simply respect your natural sensibilities and attractions. Learn and benefit from lessons and techniques that lastingly connect you and your psyche to nature's restorative flow rather than continue to remove you from it.

If you have ever had even one uplifting, attractive experience in nature, such as a quiet, renewing walk in the park, you know that connecting with nature works.  Have you learned to simply take this for granted and thereby ignore its potential to help you improve your life, your livelihood and our society's sustainability?

Take advantage of PNC career opportunities and subsidies. They help people revive their natural sensibilities and balance. Your best immediate route is to make an exploratory call to us at 360-378-6313. Then take our online, University accredited Orientation Course. Experience the demonstrated benefits of ECHN for yourself. After completing it, you may choose to continue in our online training and degree program.

Note that your successful completion of the Orientation Course is the only requirement for you to continue in the program.

BEGIN HERE to learn and apply all of our website information. You will learn it from the best possible teacher, from first hand experience that uses the process to teach the process.


"I loved this course! It brought me to a place I'd never been before and I go there again and again.  I am always amazed at the awe-inspiring sensibility from being engaged with nature in the way these activities help us be. I am so grateful for these natural attraction interactions. The means for being happy and feeling love that I discovered have stayed with me."

Summary: Our
online Orientation Course offers you experiences that help you:


-Discover how to increase your success and happiness by strengthening personal, social and environmental well being.

-Honor your prior training and life experience; we provide financial assistance and equivalence credit for it.

-Recognize that, due to a misguided way that we learn to think in Industrial Society, we and nature's global life community suffer the fraud and corrupt thinking found in many disorders.

-Address the loss of well-being that results from our thinking's excessive exploitation of natural systems and attraction energies, in and around us.

-Realize that the origin of our runaway disorders is Industrial Society's refusal to admit that it is unreasonably disconnected from nature.

-Note how our excessive conquering and exploitive relationship with nature's healing powers, in and around us, makes us dysfunctional and produces many disorders.

-Make a potent contribution to person and planet well-being. Be paid to learn and teach a green remedy for our destructive prejudice against nature and its hurtful effects.

-Gives you a simple problem solving tool that helps you connect your thinking and feeling with nature's wisdom.

-Explore how nature's web-of-life community has the attractive self-correcting ability to restore itself, be the injury a bulldozed landscape, a scraped knee or our stressed psyche.

-Observe how nature can't help us correct our disorders when our thinking is prejudicially socialized to disconnect us from nature's ability to help us.

-Become more aware that we are naturally born into, and part of, the global ecosystem life community, that our body, mind and soul are designed to be in natural attraction tune with, and nurtured by, the living earth throughout our lives...and vice-versa.

-Validate that to be part of any system, one has to be in communication with it and that 
to this end, we inherit from nature more than 50 natural senses.. For example, when in a natural area, our natural attraction sensations/senses of thirst, motion, trust, belonging, color, place, taste, music,
 temperature, beauty, consciousness and community are all natural system connections and communications that we beneficially experience.

-Know that we are naturally designed to consciously register our 53 natural senses

and thoughtfully balance our lives with nature through them.

-Be thankful that each natural sense helps us make greater sense; that each is an attraction to support life...a deep, inherent love of nature...a natural feeling and spirit.

-See that, to our loss, we learn to dismiss rather than to validate, honor and think with our natural senses, moment by moment.

-Be conscious that we suffer our greatest troubles because, on average, our society's unwarranted prejudice against nature has "McBurgured" and habituated us to disconnect over 98 percent of our time, thinking and senses from nature's renewing ways. This profound loss leaves us wanting.

-Note that when we want, there is never enough. This makes us feel that we are not enough. Our wanting spawns our greed, stress and lack of self-worth along with our excessiveness, abusiveness and fraudulence.

-Register that our denial of our prejudice against, and excessive disconnection from, nature's self-correcting web of life is our underlying problem.

-Reduce our destructive bias. We must reasonably learn and teach how to genuinely reconnect our thinking with the web of life. We must increase and strengthen our familiar, attractive, mutually-supportive connections with nature's restorative powers, in and around us, backyard or backcountry.

-Experience the beneficial outcomes of activities that help you genuinely connect with nature.

-Reduce our disconnection from nature's benefits. This program enables you, moment by moment, to authentically reconnect to our natural origins, to increasingly think, feel and relate in balance and beauty, like the dance of nature's perfection works, called by some the time of Aquarius

-Know how to prove that we need to reconnect.  Any good experience we have already had in nature -like a quiet "walk on the beach"- is the proof. Keep in mind that life in balance is the undeniable evidence and proof of itself.

"The orientation course was a validation of trust and stability.  I can still look out and see the paths taken, the wisdom to reach nature's center and ground ourselves in its energies.  I appreciate the natural attraction freedom to form the journeys that were taken. The smiles remain on the surface. Thank you for this!"

Start the ECHN Introductory Course and your program here. 

Application Your class is forming now

Wake up! Apply now

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You may obtain an Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature degree or certificate in    ...conjunction with:

Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch

Art Therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming

Project NatureConnect

Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology
Practical alternative distance learning to strengthen person/planet well-being
EMAIL: nature@interisland.net 
Homepage (360) 378.6313  Skype mjcohen6313

