
Project NatureConnect

Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN)

Creating moments that let Earth teach to support person/planet well-being
EMAIL: nature@interisland.net  Phone (360) 378-6313 


 Page 7 of 26

*Pivital page
  1. *Love of Nature
  2. *ECHN Advantages
  3. 0*Whole Life Learning
  4. Source of Disorders
  5. Revolutionary Antidote
  6. Sensory Homecoming
  7. *Increase Health
  8. *Organic Manipulation
  9. *Helpful Orientation
  10. Trust Based Learning
  11. Increase Well-Being
  12. Prejudicial Falsehood
  13. Results from Omission
  14. Unified Field Benefits
  15. Holistic Learning
  16. Health and Wellness
  17. *Distorted Glasses
  18. *Biosphere Imbedded
  19. *Aliveness Gratitude
  20. Change Socialization
  21. Overcome Disorders
  22. Psychic Pain
  23. *Denial of Attachment
  24. Story Addiction
  25. *Stronger Life
  26. *Strengthen Career

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TOPIC: Increase the integral health and welfare of all

...Ph.D. Online

ECHN: The Whole Life Art and Science of Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature

Disconnection breeds Discontent
Our disconnection of our thoughts and feelings from our life-giving contact with nature triggers our natural senses to register a disturbance. This disturbance alerts us that we have been disconnected from our support by the wisdom of Organism Earth and its integrity.  For example, over time, a lack of contact with water energizes one of our natural sensory attractions to water, our
sense of thirst, into our awareness. We reasonably respond to this feeling by drinking water. Our appropriate action satisfies us. We feel fulfilled and happy from it.  Again, t
he same thing is true for over 50 additional natural senses that enable us to register and eco-intelligently relate to the world.

As demonstrated by a quiet walk in a natural area, the grace of nature's flow not only corrects, restores and balances life in the natural area.  While in contact with it, it also does the same with our corrupted thoughts, feelings and spirit.

We suffer most or our personal, social and environmental disorders because Industrial Society has indoctrinated us to live extremely nature-disconnected lives.

When we don't have nurturing contact with nature's powerful recycling and renewing properties, the imperfections of our substitutes for them leave our natural senses feeling unfulfilled. This creates in us a natural sensation of wanting.

Again, wanting signals that our psyche is aware that the balanced and healing wholeness of life is missing and that it needs it. Inherently, our psyche craves the sanity and survival values of nature's fulfilling equilibrium.

When we want there is never enough. We come to feel that we are not enough because we can't make ourselves feel full, complete, happy and giving. Our loss of our natural sensory sanity makes us become greedy, stressed and unbalanced.  These disorders deteriorate our well-being.

"Until mankind can extend the circle of his compassion to include all living things, he will never, himself, know peace."
-Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Prize, l950

The paragraphs, above, explain why even a short quiet walk in the park helps us feel renewed. The visit is a healing re-creation and reconnection of our psyche with its origins in nature. It is not just "recreation," or "an escape," or "a break from real life".  Rather, it is an authentic sensor connection to our natural essence.

As we habitually live, work and play in excessively separated ways from nature's regenerative natural attraction flow in natural areas, we remove our thinking and feeling from the whole-life wisdom of Mother Earth.

To decrease our injurious dualistic separation, backyard or backcountry, the accredited Ecopsychology science of Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN), enables our thinking to, at will, make genuine, conscious, sensory connections with nature's restorative flow through and around us. Like a new Copernican revolution, the connections give our psyche nature's powers; they beneficially help us think, feel and relate like nature's balanced perfection works.  

The ability to apply ECHN is an important and teachable part of our daily lives. It helps us increase the integral health and welfare of all, including the nature of our living planet. 

"If a child in its mother's womb received an injection that addicted it to attack its mother, the lethal effects to mother and child would be obvious.  Similarly, as adults, our destructive addictions to exploiting and conquering mother nature, in and around us, make us attack and deteriorate the dance of our mother planet, Earth, and ourselves as dancers.

Identifying this problem is not enough. We must also learn how to make genuine sensory contact with
nature's corrective powers and speak from them. They best enable us to recycle and transform our corrupt addictions into mutually supportive relationships with Earth and each other."

- Michael J. Cohen

The Value of Non-Literate Wisdom
We are born with the natural ability to sense and feel how nature's global flow supports the purity of life in balance, in and around us.

At birth and thereafter, Industrial Society places tinted and warped, nature-conquering glasses over our eyes. To our loss, they hurtfully taint our perceptions and thinking about how nature works and benefits us. This distortion twists our thinking and deteriorates our well-being. In turn, we deteriorate our society and the environment.

The mission of this ECHN website is to empower each visitor to help nature remove the duality produced by the distorted tinting and warp in our glasses.  ECHN enables us to see and act from the clear truth of how we have been deceived and how nature's ways maintain our health and welfare. In addition, it gives us the ability to use nature's wellness and recycling powers to correct our misguided thoughts, feelings and spirituality.

"All chidren are born geniuses. 9,999 out of every 10,000 are swiflty, inadvertently, degeniused by grown ups."

-Buckminster Fuller

Nature is wise, but seldom literate. Unlike us, plants, animals and minerals neither hear, read, write nor tell stories with words and other symbols. In authentic nature, books, telephones and television are unknown.

Our words and stories are abstracts. They are shortcuts we use to know/label/identify the real natural world. For example, the word  "tree" and a real Tree are two entirely different things. The word "tree," as it appears on this screen, is a representation.  It does not need air, water, food, soil and supportive relationships to exist and it does not provide them for others. In contrast, a real tree cannot exist without these relationships. Similarly, we can't eat the written word "apple" and have it satisfy or nourish us. We also can't breathe a dollar bill.

We can consciously feel and respond to the intelligence of our natural sensation of thirst without knowing how to read, write or spell it.

"My fake flowers died because in my imagination I forgot to water them."

- Anonymous

Although only 10 percent of our mentality registers and relates to the world in literate-abstract ways, we are trained and attached to think, feel and act mostly through the words and symbols of literacy. This is un-whole and detrimental. Literacy consists of stories that simply describe, but also omit, the natural attraction ability of nature to work its restorative magic in non-literate ways. They don't include nature's ability to compost, recycle and transform our destructive ways into balanced relationships with the Web-of-Life and each other.

To our loss, our words are usually imaginary, exploitive or half-truth stories about the natural world. They are media, not reality. They seldom nurture our psyche with authentic nature's renewing powers because they are just words and stories. They are not nature's natural attraction eons of life-supportive relationships and self-correcting essence.

Sensory vs Story Ways of Knowing and Relating
Nature designed almost 90 percent of our mentality to register and relate to the world through non-literate natural attraction sensitivities, as do all other members of the nature's plant, animal and mineral communities. Our sensory way of knowing is one that we biologically inherit. It is our unadulterated mind, a seamless continuum of nature's regenerative and purifying intelligence.  This sensate-feeling way of knowing is sometimes referred to as our "Mammalian" or "Horse" Brain," or the "Old Brain." It is the attraction/love that a dog or cat experiences, how they know and relate to the world, including us.

In contrast, only 10 percent of our natural mentality can know and think with abstract word and number stories or images. This is sometimes called our "Neocortex" or "New Brain."  

Some individuals define our New Brain literate thinking functions as "intelligence." This suggests that the beauty of the natural attraction, pre-literate, balanced and self-corrective life ways of the global web-of-life community and its eons is non-intelligent or "stupid." Is it really? If so, how does it produce its purity, paradise and unique perfection?  To date, our intelligence can't even produce milk.

Our nature-disconnected, abstract, New Brain stories seldom gratify or inform us in lasting and healing connectedness, as does the authentic Old Brain natural attraction way that nature works.

"I thank God for beginning this world with the seed of natural attraction and trusting the seed's self-organizing desire to grow attractive relationships."  

- Project NatureConnect Student (edited)

Power in Non-Literacy
The essence of nature is the attraction flow of its conscious, satisfying and nurturing, non-literate, natural wisdom.

Wordlessly, the flow attractively supports, balances, and restores vigor and aliveness everywhere in every moment, as it has over the eons.  This is super-intelligent behavior if life in balance is important.

We often attach labels to nature's purifying flow: "Reiki," "Chi," "Love," "Tao," "Natural Attraction," "God."  However, it is the authentic restorative powers of nature's flow through our mind, body and psyche, not just our labels and stories, that renew, recycle and heal what ails us.

Life supports itself through wordless attraction relationships, not arguments or theories about these relationships. ENROLL NOW

"My client had been in a motor vehicle accident and had multiple injuries that prevented her from getting out and about.  She was in chronic pain and was having severe anxiety attacks. 

There was a nice potted plant in her living room (I think it was a Dieffenbachia, but I'm not sure).  I described how we are in a mutually-supportive role with plants -- they provide us with oxygen and we provide them with CO2.  I suggested that when she was feeling anxious she should breathe with the plant, exchanging gasses and and recognize that they were being mutually supportive.  As she did so, I could see her visibly relaxing.  Within a few minutes she reported that her anxiety was gone and her pain was somewhat reduced. 

Over the next few weeks she successfully used this technique whenever she was anxious.  As her physical abilities improved she began spending time in the garden and then began gardening from her wheelchair.  Her anxiety was completely controlled without medication.

I don't know what she bonded to, but she developed a sense that the plant (and later her garden) was her friend and that they were in a mutually supportive relationship.  This feeling was able to help her overcome her anxiety."

John Scull, Ph.D. Neuropsychologist

"Through ECHN, the fictional, but balanced and restorative "Pandora-Na'vi" way of relating, as portrayed in
James Cameron's AVATAR film, is aproachable in reality."

Anonymous Program Participant

Bonding to Bias
It is worth repeating that the immediate ways of nature's renewing natural attraction flow produce nature's optimums of life, diversity and balance.   It is worth repeating that the flow accomplishes this feat without producing garbage or pollution or our abusiveness, disorders, isolation and war.
We endure and produce great problems because, in early childhood, we addictively bond our natural attraction senses and thinking to the bias of our society's nature-conquering stories. At home and school we disconnect our psyche from the healing powers of nature's flow. Our thinking becomes addicted to distortions and we produce many problems.

We seldom learn, and often resist, how to let nature genuinely touch, no less embrace or recycle, the nature-disconnected, wounded, destructive and polluted ways that we often learn to think and feel.  

A Powerful Antidote
The natural attraction process of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN) helps us remedy our loss of nature's renewing grace in our senses, thinking and feeling. It enables us to scientifically discover, sense and feel who we are with respect to the whole of life and its wellness.

ECHN empowers us, moment by moment, to let conscious sensory contact with nature's purifying flow satisfy and strengthen our body, mind and spirit. It is an integral ecology, a natural attraction-based psychology that helps us enjoy our satisfactions in ways that satisfy and sustain all of the natural world while reversing fraud or corruption. It helps us increase our happiness reasonably, in a good way, meaning, "To the benefit of all."

"The more that the unifying touch of nature helps us think and  feel in balance, the more the world enjoys the peace of well-being."
- Michael J. Cohen
Start the ECHN Introductory Course and your program here.  Why wouldn't you want to add this important benefit to your life and livelihood?

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   You may obtain an Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature degree or certificate in    ...conjunction with:
Applied Ecopsychology
Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch

Art Therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development
Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Native American Indian Ways
War On Terrorism
Multiple Intelligences
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming

Project NatureConnect

Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology
Practical alternative distance learning to strengthen person/planet well-being
EMAIL: nature@interisland.net 
Homepage (360) 378.6313  Skype mjcohen6313

