
Climate Therapy
Revolutionary Wisdom Online



Project NatureConnect

Natural Area Organic Psychology and Eco-Arts Therapy

Practical alternative distance learning to strengthen person/planet well-being

sensory, accredited, courses, degrees and career training
Certification, BS, MS, Ph.D.

EMAIL: nature@interisland.net
Phone (360) 378-6313 

P. O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA, 98250  

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Celebrate what works! Free book, CLIMATE THERAPY, reduces our abuse and excessive demands on Nature’s life around, in and as us. It transforms their painful essence into Nature’s loving joy of its/our life as it unites our falling apart world. www.ClimateTherapy.org #coronavirus

Heartfelt CLIMATE THERAPY stops our abuse of  Nature’s life, around, in and as us, from craving excessive remedial fulfillments from our planet that overuse its resources, create disorders and insanely unbalance the world/us. Free book.  www.ClimateTherapy.org #therapy

Share Planet Earth’s Unifying Antidote for What Ails Us: The Eco-Arts and Science of Climate Therapy...Trust Revolutionary Wisdom

Most people recognize the challenge of our steadily increasing climate change mental illness, resource depletion, abusiveness and dangerous stress. Are you instead, in denial of this destructive trend?  It includes nine other major disorders counting mass shootings. This catastrophe has a prime root source that
Climate Therapy helps us reduce.

The world is falling apart because we are emotionally hurt and have become excessive.  This has thrown many things out of balance, around, between and within us. Without adding the trustable revolutionary wisdom of Climate Therapy to our thinking and relationships this condition will continue to worsen as it has since Earth Day, 1970.

Plan foreward. To reverse our increasing global tragedy, it is imperative that we add the pure science of Climate Therapy to how we feel and act in order to reverse this calamity. The book Climate Therapy: Trust Revolutionary Wisdom enables anybody to do this. We must include its ways and means in our life and livelihood. It is a critical “missing link” to increasing personal, social and environmental well-being.

To our loss, there are very few Climate Therapy facts that we trust in our deteriorating world. That is why most things are not getting better. However, you can fully trust this self-evident Climate Therapy statement: “The truth is that I know you are reading these words and that I am writing them.” Since you know this truth as well as I do, it agreeably unites us. It is a core, earth-shattering Moment of Unifying Truth (MUT).

MUT is significant because we are strangers in different places at different times with different thoughts feelings and backgrounds yet MUT unifies us. This phenomenon applies to the rest of the world, too, but instead of uniting through MUT, it/we continue to be negative and excessive and fall apart. Have segments of Industrial Society conditioned you to refute this and therefore not apply Climate Therapy to reverse today’s growing upheaval?

If MUT is attractive to you, it is working right now, here, and it might attract you to learn more.

Not having the awareness or means to apply MUT is why we cause and suffer climate change and our other increasing “coming-apart” problems including COVID-19. However, what we can do with MUT is simple and perfect.
Note again, here, that MUT attractiveness has continued to safely keep you and I together as you are still reading this article.  Most problems continue to exist because they omit this revolutionary wisdom and power of MUT.

Climate Therapy book consists of actively transitioning our problems into mutually attractive and supportive relationships by adding MUT that includes nature to them. You can trust it because you know that MUT works; you and I have and are experiencing it, now.  It is existential, a fact you can rely on.

Heartfelt MUT is what makes Climate Therapy a practical eco-arts science that you can beneficially invoke anywhere at any time.

I and many others for the past 55 years have discovered and have applied MUT to our lives. The result is their/my unique ability, in this moment, to involve you in the “scientific miracle” of
Climate Therapy so you may use it to help yourself and others.

The more we learn and are paid to ignore this satisfying MUT marvel, the more we want and more we need and the more excessive we become so there is never enough. That “greed” increases today’s global heartbreak.

Every component of our lives can be strengthened, while reducing COVID-19, climate change and most other disorders, simply by updating our lives with Climate Therapy. Its undisputed, self-evident facts consist of enjoyable methods and materials that teach us how to get out of our damaging MUT-absent ways by doing it.

“In metaphor, we suffer our climate crises and many other problems because the ways of Industrial Society have educated and attached us to drive today’s advanced technology automobile. As we excessively speed our vehicle down the highway to relieve our stress or distress, or for fun, or “being late panic,” it alarms us to see that the car, suddenly uncontrolled, will plow into a group of families participating in a MUT Revolutionary Wisdom Expedition (RWE) training program in a beautiful natural area.

RWE is a more reasonable and responsible vehicle, one that enables anybody to invoke the MUT of Climate Therapy.

Because we have not learned how to activate our car’s organic braking and steering emergency system, in anguish we hope and pray that the vehicle will halt as we fearfully scream “Oh God,” or “Whoa” or “STOP” as if the car was an evil spirit or a runaway horse, or that it understands words.  These reactions are unscientific, outdated, and ineffective. They don’t stop our car so we wreak havoc and suffer todays falling apart world of painful mayhem in people, places, and things.“

  - Climate Therapy: Trust Revolutionary Wisdom

The crucial remedy for our increasing car catastrophe is to add RWE to how we think, feel and relate. Without adding its unifying, 54-sense MUT energies to our lives, our car’s personal and global harm remains unstoppable.

Earth Misery. Industrial society has been scientifically aware, but unresponsive, to climate change as one of many “Earth Misery” dilemmas that were best-seller predicted in 1949, that materialized in 1974 and whose adverse impact has since then increased yearly.

Today, Earth Misery’s destructive ways include, on average, a 45% natural resource depletion and wildlife reduction that is accompanied by 45% increases in mental illness, obesity, climate change, loneliness, mass shootings and dangerous stress. They have been complemented by parallel increases in corruption, child abuse, unhappiness, mistrust, unfairness, dependencies, addiction and violence. This phenomenon is neither coincidental nor accidental.

Currently we need another planet half the size of Earth to connect with its life and replenish the resources that we yearly overuse. We don’t know where that other planet is located or how to hook up with it if we find it. This makes our economic growth and lifestyle advances to be like bogus checks from a bankrupt savings account.

In response to our irresponsible excessiveness, for its survival, the life of Planet Earth continues to change its climate in order to create optimums of well-being for all members of its web-of-life, not for humanity alone.

Read or do
Climate Therapy and have hope because it is it. Its RWE is the critical missing remedy for Earth Misery; it’s genius strengthens our resilience, immunities and integrity. By continuing to omit it we have yet to even slow down our runaway car. At this late date the disastrous effects of climate change have finally terrified the world to begin to apply remedies that were available 50 years ago, including RWE.

Far beyond reasonable doubt, there is no Earth Misery remedy in sight that will succeed without includinig RWE as part of it. It’s science works by transforming into love our excessive wants, things and relationships.

RWE helps us make instinctive 54-sense contact with the “now” life of nature’s Big Bang Unified Field in natural areas, backyard or back country. That the Unified Field unifies is real, it exists, it is MUT in action, building its singular, self-correcting, time and space, moment-by-moment. For example, it endures, it continues here and now as the truth that I know you are reading these words and that I am writing them.

The RWE of
Climate Therapy makes safe space for our 54-natural senses to consciously blend with the Unified Field in natural areas and things, backyard or back country. There, unblocked, energized and unadulterated, RWE helps us simultaneously think, feel and relate MUT-lovingly with nature and each other to reduce Earth Misery. 

Climate Therapy contains over 70 field reports made by participants engaged in RWE.  These reports are RWE speaking for itself. The book also engages you in the RWE process as part of all endeavors, especially if you read it in or to a natural area, your pet or a potted plant.

Earth Misery is not a game. It is negligent or immoral to have available the scientifically responsible RWE eco-arts remedy for our Earth Misery disorders, including climate change and coronavirus, and to not add that solution to every possible relationship.

Further Information. Learn more about Climate Therapy and get a review copy of the book by contacting Mike Cohen 360-378-6313 or visiting Amazon.com or www.ClimateTherapy.org

For a refereed, peer review of Climate Therapy see the International Journal of Physical and Social Science  The Scientific Core of all Known Relationships: Attraction is Conscious of What it is Attracted to.

Obtain a free PDF version of Climate Therapy for your own review.

Social Network this article and win the smarter than most award for saving your planet as you save your keister.

Project NatureConnect
P. O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA, 98250  
360-378-6313   <nature@interisland.net>



Self, meet a picture of your nature-connected self.

Continue to Statement 1.                                           
