Information and Application To: Graduate Student Cooperative
(GSC) Michael J. Cohen, Ed.D.
Dear Student Cooperative Coordinators, I am interested in obtaining a counseling and educating with nature graduate level degree in Applied Ecopsychology or Integrated Ecology as part of the Graduate Student Cooperative . I agree to the terms of the following contract as the first step in becoming a member in good standing the the Graduate Student Cooperative[ Initial IGE Graduate Student Cooperative Contract This contract is made to help the parties to it fulfill their attractions to support to the purpose of the IGE Graduate Student Cooperative in mutually beneficial ways for of all concerned. Through this contract, I commit to myself and the Graduate
Student Cooperative that I will strive to become fully participatory
in its purpose and functions. I have completed or will complete the Orientation Course ECO
500: 2. I will become increasingly familiar with the following information about the GWSG and will cooperate with it to the best of my ability. The GWSG advantages and purpose, Index of the cooperative structures developed by IGE students.
3. I will need financial assistance if my degree program is going to cost more than $____________ total over three years and will help find funding sources for it. (for credibility, do not exaggerate this figure. ) 4. I will introduce myself to my guide group leader immediately and participate in the operation of my guide group to the best of my ability 5. I agree that all GSC contracts I make will go in my student file and be a permanent part of the record of my graduate degree program studies. _________ (initial) 6. I acknowledge that to be a member in good standing of IGE Student Co-op I must continue to make contract commitments, reshape them as needed in agreement with students, faculty and committee members, and meet the terms of the contracts I make. 7. I am aware and agree that if I do not meet the terms of this or other Co-op contracts that I will not be a member in good standing and I will forfit all Co-op member rights and privileges until the contract is fulfilled as described above. ______ (initial) 8. Please write a two paragraph statement introducing yourself and your background, interests and personal goals in this program and return it with this contract. If acceptable, they will appear on the participant's list page. Save this statement so you may optionally update and share it with your program partners.
Student Signature Guide or Coordinator Signature
To assist me in this endeavor, please send me the three or more remaining COOPERATIVE ADMINISTRATION EMAIL TEMPLATES that I will use to effeciently build cooperative relationships throughout the program. ( ) I have originally received 1. the Cooperative contract, 2. the Degree Program Application Form, and 3. the Cooperative Payment Form ( ) I did not receive the forms mentioned in the previous
paragraph, please forward them along with the other Cooperative
Administration Email Templates. (all form copies may also be
found at
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