NGO consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council
Michael J.Cohen,
Ed.D. Director
Graduate Student Cooperative Degree Program
IGE Graduate Student Cooperative Contract
The following contract is made to help parties to it fulfill their attractions to relate to the purpose of the IGE Graduate Student Cooperative in mutually benefial ways for of all concerned.
Date: ____________________
Through this contract, I, ___(your name)_______, commit to myself and the Graduate
Student Cooperative that I will start _____(form, courseS, project, reading, committee, make
payments etc)______________ and complete it by ______(date)______.
Contract Terms and Description:
I will inform my guide group and others involved, about making this commitment and my progress with it ________
I will enlist the aid of my guide group when needed, and inform all involved when I have completed the contract. ________
I will share in a paragraph or two, what I found to be the value of completing this contract and how is purpose might be enhanced. ______
If payment to the Cooperative is involved be sure to accompany all payments with a Payment Form
I agree that the contracts I make, when completed, will go in my self-sustained student file and be a permanent part of the record of my graduate degree program studies. _________
I acknowledge that this contract applies to all areas and links described on the Overview Page and Basics page of IGE Cooperative, and degree program descriptions. ___________
I acknowledge that to be a member in good standing of IGE Student Co-op I must continue to make contract commitments, reshape them as needed in agreement with faculty and committee members, and and meet the terms of the contracts I make. ___
Student Signature
Guide or Coordinator Signature
Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Special NGO consultant to United Nations Economic
and Social Council.
P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor WA 98250
(360) 378-6313