Vibrant Nature connected meditation procedures help you gain deeper reflection, inspiration and healing



Nature Connected

Meditation Techniques



Inhaling the glorious scent of a flower
brings you the satisfaction
of its fragrance.

Embracing the essence of Nature
brings you its peace.


Faculty and students at Hawaii's International University of Professional Studies have discovered an inspiring, readily available, Nature connected meditation procedure that they invite you to use. It helps you gain greater inspiration and healing from meditation.

Added to any meditative practice, Nature connections provide a dimension of truth that produces deeper awakening and inner peace. They enable your soul to unleash its inherent harmony into your consciousness so you may enjoy and share it with others.

The unique procedures empower you to consciously, sensuously, connect your self and spirit with the unadulterated resonance of Earth.

Nature Connected Meditation Techniques (NCMT) are an ecologically energized, wordless, sensory process. In natural areas, backyard or backcountry they, in real life contacts and imagery, enable a person to:

  • tap into the same peaceful natural attraction energy that binds atoms as well as holds together the wind, hills and planets.
  • seamlessly intertwine their psych and soul with authentic Nature's lasting intelligence and balance.
  • make direct sensory, contact with the ageless consciousness in natural areas that manifests Nature's perfection, grace and beauty.
  • learn how to additionally meditate with Nature's energies firsthand, rather than through removed, sometimes questionable stories, images or visions alone.
  • enjoy the immediate mindfulness and serenity that is an essence of Earth's integrity
  • safely amalgamate their internal love of life with its origins in all of life.


Through NCMT, a profound form of unconditional love becomes available. Nature is "Enlightenment" "Godhead" or "Creation" manifesting itself. Connecting with Nature directly plugs our consciousness into the active source around us of the archetypes and universal truths disconnection buries within us.


Touch reality for added value to meditation

Converge with greater belonging and community

Embrace universal intelligence and its perfection

Increase the value of Self and Earth


Select Here. Learn the how and why of NCMT

The Restoration of Our Integrity: Nature Connected Meditation Techniques - Michael J. Cohen ...(contains additional links)



LINKS to information and experiences:

1. Can you validate the truth of a personal connecting experience?...

2. Questions and responses from reviewed articles and research...

3, An update on the state of Planet Earth ...

4. The secrets of connecting with Nature ...t

5. The results of connecting with Nature...

6. Putting knowledge into practice...

7. The best way to learn: an online practicum in connecting with Nature..

8. Acting sensibly about a critical disconnection ...

9. Have you retained your eco sensory IQ; do you use it?...

10. The results of nature disconnected consciousness ...

11. A free introductory course you can take online

12. Nature connected degree programs and courses

13. Applying Ecopsychology to deal with our denial zt

14. Global wellness and unity: obtaining conscious consent to belong



International University of Professional Studies
Institute of Applied Ecopsychology

Nature Connected Thinking Process: education, counseling, degrees and scholarships that support the United Nations manifesto for environmentally sound personal growth and social justice

Department Chair Office
Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Lead Faculty*
Post Office Box 1605,
Friday Harbor, WA 98250.
(360) 378-6313

*Dr. Cohen is the director of
at the
Institute of Global Education
A special NGO Consultant to the
United Nations Economic and Social Council
He also serves as Adjunct Faculty for
Portland State University School of Extended Studies
Applied Ecopsychology Director, Greenwich University

International University of Professional Studies
PO Box 1557
Hilo, HI 96721 USA
USA and Canada (877) 934-8793
International (808) 934-8793

Mission: to provide an educational alternative that is mentor-based, individualized, non-resident as well as resident, and self-paced. The intention is to foster the betterment of the human condition through increased awareness states, intellectually, emotionally, physically, socially, spiritually, and environmentally.


Email for information






















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Touch reality for added value to meditation

Nature connected meditation helps us permit ourselves to seek the consent of Nature's unadulterated love and beauty to assist us in restoring its divine tranquility within our awareness. In this regard Nature is the expert and fountainhead of authority for it is a manifestation of the divine. It has sustained the tranquility of belonging in the spirit of all things since the beginning of time.

The practice of nature connected meditation gives added value, insights and transformation to most forms of meditating. Its secret is that it invites Nature to embrace and nurture itself within us and thereby recycle, as only Nature can, the pollutants that have eroded our inherent mindfulness and centering abilities. The process brings our ordinary meditation journey to the extraordinary.



Touch reality for added value to meditation
Converge with greater belonging and community
Embrace universal intelligence and its perfection
Increase the value of Self and Earth
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Converge with belonging and community

We find greater meaning as we reconnect our inner Nature to its roots in"the unseen intelligence that loves us into being" (Elbert Hubbard). For perhaps the first time our authentic soul legitimately senses, feels and knows itself as part of a manifested greater being. Our nature disconnected lives usually remove that connection from our consciousness, replacing it with loneliness and its discontents.

Nature connected meditation enables you to join at will a vast global community of loving support for your inner self and deeper ideals. You thereby bring them into consciousness. We often seek this support but seldom find it because society often trains us to overlook Mother Earth and our inherent love for and from her.


Touch reality for added value to meditation
Converge with greater belonging and community
Embrace universal intelligence and its perfection
Increase the value of Self and Earth
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 Embrace universal intelligence and its perfection

Nature produces no garbage, nothing is left out, an attribute of unconditional love. We suffer many troubles because with respect the eons of all-encompassing love, passion and balanced life experience that Nature brings into each moment, we falsely learn to think there is a substitute for the it, the real thing. To our loss, we often habitually omit its reality from our meditative practices. Nature connected meditation helps us break that habit.

By genuinely reconnecting our meditation with the attraction intelligence and peace in natural areas, we discover how, when and where we have been fooled into believing that we can invent responsible substitutes for Nature's ways. Because our consciousness is disconnected from Nature, our substitutes ignore the totality of the global life community. They manage the world so that some members of the community destructively survive at the expense of other community members. In reconnecting our mind and heart with nature we discover a better way of relating, one that promotes our survival by teaching us how to obtain Nature's consent and support for us as part of all survival.




Touch reality for added value to meditation
Converge with greater belonging and community
Embrace universal intelligence and its perfection
Increase the value of Self and Earth
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Increase the value of Self and Earth

No matter the form, rationale or results of a meditation process, surveys suggest that by genuinely connecting it with Nature you strengthen that process and obtain greater benefits.

"All forms meditation have been beneficial on my life's journey, although nature connecting activities have proven to be the most powerful, pleasing, creative, and joy filled for me! I love connecting with the world of Spirit in Nature!" Jane Ann

"Meditation is a time and place where we can responsibly overcome powerlessness, join with the wholeness of the universe, and safely share with all living matter. And there is perhaps no better place to plug into this invisible creative energy than in nature Itself!!!" Chris

"Nature connecting differs with practices that require the student to submit to the authority of a leader (saint, guru, or) and a way of being and doing that has been passed down from the past. All too often the power given to such leaders and groups can be used for purposes that are not supportive of the individual or the Life Community. The nature connecting process is trustable, non-dogmatic, and incorruptible because it always keys on attractions in nature, and they don't lie." Chuck

"The really unique power of this is that nature isn't merely a mandala; it has real lessons to teach us. Most meditative method have nothing comparable to the NCMT which can be accessed directly rather than through books or teachers. It is meditation plus ecology, or ecology plus meditation." John

"I can speak from the perspective of one who has engaged many hundreds of participants on adventure programs in a form of non-traditional meditation. I have experienced a myriad of forms of meditation in my past and have found that the form presented by here has the most applicability for my program. Through doing nature reconnection activities with the tropical coral reef ecosystem as well as other breathing exercises, I have been able to substantially decrease the level of anxiety that can lead to dangerous panic situations."Jim

"I find that the only place I can truly feel 'at one' with the web of life, and truly at peace, is in nature. When I connect with nature (which, ideally, should be a constant state of being and not an event), I feel that I am melded somehow into the fabric of life itself. I am totally unselfconscious and relaxed." Pat

"When I meditate outside by being mindful of the attractions of the natural world in each present moment and give thanks for each presence I energetically connect with, I receive medicine that reaches me on the levels of body, mind, and spirit." Mark


Touch reality for added value to meditation
Converge with greater belonging and community
Embrace universal intelligence and its perfection
Increase the value of Self and Earth
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