Institute of Global Education




Natural Systems Thinking (NSTP)

References for the Science of Applied Ecopsychology



1. ECO-SENSORY PERCEPTION: Where can I determine my Eco Sensory IQ and at the same time improve it?


2. ECOZOMBIES: What websites can I visit to learn more about Ecozombies?


3. Where can I find a website that contains full information about Webstrings and their use.

4. Is the Natural Systems Thinking Process available in self-guiding books?



5. Where can I find scientifically based articles about natural attraction science:


6. Where can a short biography and bibliography of Michael J. Cohen's books, articles, and educational background be found?


7. What is the best way to understand and learn to use webstrings and the Natural System Thinking Process?


8. What benefits do participants and leaders gain from reconnecting with Nature?

  • Study and Survey of Participants.
  • Kahn, Peter H. (1999). The Human Relationship with Nature: Development and Culture. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
  • Frumkin, Howard (2001). Beyond toxicity: Human health and the natural environment. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 20(3): 234-240 (March)
  • Wilson, Edward O. (2001). Nature matters. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 20(3): 241-242 (Commentary)
  • Stilgoe, John R. (2001). Gone barefoot lately? Nature matters. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 20(3): 243-244 (Commentary)


9. Where can I view quotes from the journals of NSTP participants?


10. What are leading experts discovering about the health of Planet Earth?


11. Where can I find accredited distant learning webstring training courses and home study Ph.D. and M.S. degree programs?


12. Where can I find a cooperative support group of Ph.D. and M.S. students who will help me reduce tuition costs and integrate the Natural Systems Thinking Process into my education?


13. Where are free NSTP actvities available on the internet for Earthday or any other day?


14. Where can I find documentation about an at-risk high school student recovery group and NSTP?


15. What parts of contemporary life can benefit from the use of webstrings?


16. Are there professionally reviewed articles that help explain the nature reconnecting process?

  • A. Cohen, 2000, Nature Connected Psychology: creating moments that let Earth teach, Greenwich University Journal of Science and Technology.
  • B. Cohen, 1993, Integrated Ecology, The Process of Counseling With Nature, The Humanistic Psychologist, Division Journal of the American Psychological Association, Vol.21 No.3, Washington, D.C.
  • C. Cohen 1995, Counseling and Educating With Nature, Interpsych Journal.
  • D. Cohen, (1993) Counseling With Nature: Catalyzing Sensory Moments that Let Earth Nurture. Counseling Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 6, No. 1, Carfax Publishing, Abingdon Oxfordshire, England:
  • E. Cohen, (1991). Integrating Nature's Balance. The Journal of Environmental Education, v.22 #4, Washington, DC.
  • F. Cohen, (1995) Secrets of Nature Trail and Game: The Trumpeter, BC Canada
  • G. Davies, (1995) Reconnecting With Nature: educational self-esteem activities for reducing drug use and irresponsible relationships in students at risk. ERIC, U.S. Department of Education.
  • H. Meuse (2000) Healing Ourselves and the World through Applied Ecopsychology In Press
  • 740 EJ491964. Cohen, Michael J.. Discovering Us: The Ecology of God. Trumpeter; v11 n3 p127-30 Sum 1994. ERIC, U.S. Department of Education
  • 740 EJ491962. Cohen, Michael J.. Integrated Ecology: The Process of Counseling with Nature. Trumpeter; v11 n1 p23-24 ERIC, U.S. Department of Education




17. Where can I see how people lived in equilibrium with nature in North America

  • Farb, (1968 ) Man's Rise to Civilization, Chapter 2, E.P. Dutton, New York, N.Y.
  • Kroeber, (1988) Ishi in Two Worlds, University of California Press


18. What is the relationship between webstrings and the subconscious mind?


19. Where can I review the process and results of using the Natural Systems Thinking Process with University Environmental Studies students?

20. Where can I view additional quotes from the journals of webstring participants?

Journalized Findings and Archives listed in the Survey of Participants.


21. Where can I find information about Planet Earth being a living organism?

  • Lovelock, (1978) Gaia, a new look at life, Oxford University Press
  • Lovelock, (1991) Healing Gaia. Harmony Books
  • Cohen, (1985)(editor), Proceedings of the Conference "Is the Earth a Living Organism?" (out of print)


22. Internships: How and where can I intern in teaching NSTP?


23. Where can I find examples of a student's reaction to nature-disconnected education Disconnection from Nature in Action


24. Where can I find an important ecopsychological addition that has been proposed for the United Nations World Charter for Nature


25. Will you give me a gift and invite me to take, free, an exploratory course online that helps me understand and use NSTP? Can I, in turn, give this gift as a gift to others?

Yes, thanks for your interest. Please visit


26. What information has been reviewed and located the U.S. Department of Education Educational Resources Information Center ERIC

764 ED404048. Cohen, Michael J.. Green in Green: A Study of Inner Disconnection, Its Implications and Rectification. . 1993

764 ED387752 . Davies, Kurtland; Cohen, Michael J.. Reconnecting with Nature: Educational Self-Esteem Sensory Activities for Reducing Drug Use and Irresponsible Relationships in Students at Risk. .

1995 764 ED364805 . Cohen, Michael J.. Well Mind, Well Earth: 97 Environmentally Sensitive Activities for Stress Management, Spirit and Self-Esteem. Continuing Education Training Manual: Environmental Education Ethics and Counseling Psychology. . 1993

740 ED439861 . Cohen, Michael J.. Nature Connected Psychology: Counseling, Environmental Education and Native American School Activities That Let Earth Teach. . 1999

740 ED387773. Cohen, Michael J.; And Others. Reconnecting with Nature. . 1995

740 ED374387. Cohen, Michael J.. Counseling and Nature: A Greening of Psychotherapy. . 1994

740 ED342588. Cohen, Michael J.. Connect with Nature: Regenerate Personal and Global Balance. . 1991

740 ED316351. Cohen, Michael J.. Making Nature's Wisdom Public: The Affirmation of Planet Earth as a Living Organism. . 1986

740 ED315296. Cohen, Michael J.. Connecting with Nature: Creating Moments That Let Earth Teach. A Field Guide. . 1989

740 ED104618 . Cohen, Michael J.. Our Classroom is Wild America. Trailside Education in Action -- Encounters with Self, Society, and Nature in America's First Ecology Expedition School. . 1974

1973 740 EJ491964. Cohen, Michael J.. Discovering Us: The Ecology of God. Trumpeter; v11 n3 p127-30 Sum 1994. 1994

740 EJ491962. Cohen, Michael J.. Integrated Ecology: The Process of Counseling with Nature. Trumpeter; v11 n1 p23-24 Win

1994. 1994 740 EJ491750 . Cohen, Michael J.. Integrated Ecology: The Process of Counseling with Nature. Humanistic Psychologist; v21 n3 p43 Fall 1993. 1993

740 EJ474842 . Cohen, Michael J.. Counselling with Nature: Catalyzing Sensory Moments That Let Earth Nurture. Counselling Psychology Quarterly; v6 n1 p39-52 1993. 1993

740 EJ449294. Cohen, Michael J.. Environmental Education's Rendezvous with Destiny. Clearing; n71 p3-4 Nov-Dec 1991. 1991

740 EJ433510 . Cohen, Michael J.. Connecting with Nature: A Self-Empowering Guide to the Out-of-Doors. Part Two. Clearing; n66 p20-23 Nov-Dec 1990. 1990

740 EJ433506 . Cohen, Michael J.. Connecting with Nature: A Self-Empowering Guide to the Out-of-Doors. Part One. Clearing; n65 p20-23 Sep-Oct 1990. 1990

740 EJ399570. Cohen, Michael J.. Education as if It Matters. Outdoor Communicator; v20 n2 p12,15 Spr-Sum 1989. 1

740 EJ374012 . Cohen, Michael J.. The Awakened Ghost: Planet Earth as a Living Organism. Outdoor Communicator; v18 n2 p26-30 Fall-Win 1986-87. 1987

740 EJ300297 . Cohen, Michael J.. Invoking the Whole Life Factor: A Cross Cultural Approach to Environmental Education. Nature Study; v37 n3-4 p11-13 Mar 1984. 1984