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  Greetings:a message of appreciation awaits you below.



















In Appreciation



Thank you for being interested in the welfare of the enviroment and people. As a gift for caring, I invite you to enjoy a fascinating connection with nature:



A. Go to a convenient, real natural area or thing, a park, backyard, potted plant, pet etc, the more natural the better.

Find a natural attraction in that area that you like or love. (wind, moon, tree, flower etc.)


B. Decide what is that you like about this attraction and then complete this sentence:

I like or love this:....... (name the attraction) .......

because: ......(write why you like or love the attraction) ..........


For example, if you find a rock that attracts you, write

I like/love this... (rock)....

because......( it is strong and feels warm).....


C. Be sure to write down your "because" sentence.

Then visit PART TWO of my gift to you by selecting this link:


My warmest regards, I look forward to seeing you there.




*Would you like to send this Thank You Letter to somebody else you know who would appreciate it?

You are welcome to copy the letter and paste it into an email addressed to a person you want to thank or send a greeting to. If you are unable to do this, you can get a copy of this letter sent to you via automatic email. Send a blank email whose SUBJECT is "Greeting Card"

You may add an opening statement to the letter such as Thank You or Happy Birthday etc. You may add a closing statement, or change the message, too.

