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TOPIC: Free Step It Up 2007 and Earth Day Organic Education Counseling and Healing with Nature; Online Methods, Materials and Jobs.
"We are dysfunctional socially and environmentally because we are cut off and isolated from the world of nature and the natural."
-Albert Gore, Vice President, USA
Author, Earth in the Balance and An Inconvenient Truth
SYNOPSIS: Too often our troubles result from our leaders socializing us to obtain emotional fulfillment in excessive and irresponsible ways that increase global warming. Deep, renewing satisfactions that remedy this are available, free of charge, through sensory nature-connecting activities in natural areas, backyard or backcountry. Learning and teaching these organic activities enables us to benefit from the grace balance and restorative powers of natural systems within and about us.
Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education Organic Psychology
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
,,,,,,.,..,,...... OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE: Online, grant-funded, courses, career training and degree programs that add the organic application of Ecopsychology to any field, discipline or intelligence. Alternative or holistic education jobs for sustainable personal and environmental health.
- Practical distance learning that enhances expertise and spirit in all areas of endeavor.
- Benefit from accredited university or college environment-psychology focus CEU online courses training grants and ecologically sound degree programs.
- Earn extra income money online
- Reduce stress. Add the sunlight and beauty of nature's intelligent grace and restorative powers to your professional or personal life.
Empower Yourself To Help Stop Global Warming:
An organic remedy that enables us make responsible life adjustments is made available to Step It Up 2007 and Earth Day participants.
When we learn to excessively disconnect our consciousness from our natural origins in Mother Earth we suffer like a fish out of water. This is because we are "out of the water" with respect to living in equilibrium with the global life community.
Look around. You can see it everywhere. We are not relating in supportive balance with natural systems that sustain the life of our planet and ourselves.
Something is fishy and we are floundering
How we think and feel shapes our destiny. We and earth are in trouble simply because, to an extreme, we disconnect our thoughts and feelings from the life-supporting ways of nature's eons of non-polluting perfection.
Our greatest challenge is to address the critical error that stressfully places our planet and ourselves at risk.
When we don't resolve our core problems, their symptoms continue to plague us.
The fundamental error that industrial society makes has been identified. A remedy for it is readily available as part of, or in addition to, Step It Up 2007.
The remedy is also useful to improve well-being in personal and professional life relationships.
Our core error is that we mostly know and relate to the world through our stories about the world, not through readily available conscious sensory contact with nature.
Every inaccurate story we believe leads us hurtfully astray. As the state of the world demonstrates, most of our stories are inaccurate with respect to sustaining person-planet balance and well-being.
Life is fragile. An individual who purposely omits even one truth about our relationship with the natural systems that support life increases the deterioration of these systems and furthers life at risk.
A person who commits this sin of omission is troubled and is trouble. They have lost their reverence for life.
Disclosing hidden truths rectifies the sin of omission.
Do the discoveries, below, make sense to you?
"We found that most people agreed with us when we stated that humanity lives on the surface of planet earth.
However, the fact that we live on earth's surface is incorrect. It is an incomplete and dangerous state of consciousness. It is a lie we endure, along with its hurtful consequences.
At some level, from experience alone, we each know that we live in the Earth, 300 miles down in its atmosphere, beneath its air, clouds, rain, snow and flying creatures.
Since 1929 science and society have recognized that we are imbedded in and nurtured by Earth's biosphere, a 20-mile band that sits above and below the landscape and ocean.
The biosphere is the central life community of Planet Earth. It is a self-organizing, cooperative integration of atmosphere, sunshine, ocean, soil, plants, animals, minerals and energy. This integration (Gaia) supports all of life, including human life.
The essence of the biosphere is the life-spirit flow in natural systems. Wherever that flow stops, life, as we know it, deteriorates or dies.
The grace, balance and restorative powers of natural systems are vital to the survival of life. These systems are self-correcting and purifying. They recycle disorders and deterioration, they promote life and well-being.
To our great loss, on average, throughout our lives we learn to disconnect over 98 percent of our time, thinking and feeling from conscious sensory contact with nature, with the biosphere and its natural systems.
The extreme disconnection of our thoughts and feelings from natural systems within and about us stops the beneficial flow of natural systems through the life of our psyche.
Our psyche and relationships deteriorate when they are separated from the recuperative powers of natural systems.
Our loss of natural systems numbs our thinking and feeling. We become desensitized. We lose the ability to recycle the contamination of our thinking by industrial society.
Our desensitization leads to the disagreements, violence, abuse, stress, pollution, hurt, poor thinking, disorders and addictions that mark our social and environmental lives.
Without the natural whole satisfactions that natural systems provide, we continually want. There is never enough. This is the underlying source of our runaway consumerism and global warming.
We become addicted to the substitutes that we invent to replace or tranquilize the hurtful loss of natural systems in our conscious life.
Although we are aware of our destructive effects, we can't readily change them because they are addictions. With our loss of natural systems, we become emotionally dependent on imperfect replacement relationships and their discontents. We want, and when we want there is never enough.
To improve personal and global well-being, we must address our great troubles as addictions to natural system substitutes, not just as a lack of information or improper laws.
Information and legislation alone are ineffective in solving problems as is demonstrated by the warning labels on cigarette packages and by prohibition laws.
We have been aware of global deterioration at least since 1950 when Fairfield Osborne wrote "Our Plundered Planet" and John Storer published "The Web of Life." Ten years later Rachel Carson again described out dilemma in "Silent Spring." Endangered Species, clean environment and Wilderness legislation were passed. Earth Day came and went and warned us of global warming.
In spite of all of this information and time, our addiction to material satisfactions remains. A vast majority of our methods and materials are not organic. They have an adverse impact on natural systems within and about us."
We are troubled today because most of our efforts for balanced environmental relationships don't effectively address the extreme disconnection of our thoughts and feelings from conscious sensory contact with natural systems and their healing ways within and about us.
We usually deny that our excessive demand for natural resources is an addiction so we seldom treat it as one and our problems continue.
In 1985, energy-efficient light bulbs were available that, if used extensively, would help reduce energy consumption and global warming. But the organic consciousness needed to motivate the public to make this relatively simple bulb change was not nurtured. Mass change did not occur. Twenty years later these bulbs are still not required by law nor used extensively.
Although it was offered, a psychological tool that combats our addictions and increases motivation for global well-being was never used in conjunction with changing to energy efficient bulbs. (Yet somehow we have already spent 500 billion dollars on a war whose sense is still questionable.)
If we want to succeed today with regard to global warming and other major problems, we must acknowledge that our psychological problems caused by addictive nature-disconnected thinking demand the use of appropriate psychological tools to solve them.
The nature-reconnecting art and science of Organic Psychology gives us a free, easy to use and readily available remedy to our addictive disconnection from natural systems.
Via the Internet, Organic Psychology provides us with a hands-on antidote for dependencies that continue to make us rip apart the fabric of life.
The super-effectiveness of Organic Psychology lies in its ability to help us increase our well-being by supporting the powers of natural systems within and around us. As we strengthen them, we strengthen ourselves and the environment, too.
The application of Organic Psychology helps anybody address our core natural system disconnection problem. The outcomes speak for themselves.
People interested in Organic Psychology can add its benefits to Step It Up 2007 activities and any other occasion, discipline, relationship or program.
Special, free materials and online accredited courses are available to those who want to learn or become Step It Up 2007 trainers in Organic Psychology in their locality or online. Funded credit, CEU clock hours and degrees are also available.
To obtain free materials, send an email request to nature@interisland.net In it briefly explain how you will use them, or better still, call 360-378-6313
Use Organic Psychology to increase personal and planetary well-being. Don't leave home without it.
Teach Organic Psychology as part of Valentine's Day, Earth Day and Christmas. Increase peace on earth through peace with earth.
"Due to brain injury in a cycling accident, Bart, a writer, could no longer write due to head pain. For years he suffered constant pain that that did not respond to repeated surgical, chemical and psychological and meditation treatment. He sought alternatives from the Internet, discovered Organic Psychology and took an eight-week online class in it. He did the course's nature connecting activities with an attractive group of trees in the center of his town. His heightened consensual and sensory relationship with natural systems and their powe in the trees, his online classmates and himself enabled him to overcome his pain so that he could write again. He said the pain had transformed into pleasure. When the trees were later to be removed for development, Bart passionately rallied the town to protest their demise. The town saved the trees and became more involved with Organic Psychology."
Act now. Master Organic Psychology by doing it.
Explore it from our HomepageLearn the how and why of Organic Psychology
Contact us at 360-378-6313 mailto:nature@interisland.net, http://www.ecopsych.com
Online reading: useful online articles and activities
The Web of Life Imperative
Reconnecting With Nature
Einstein's World
Well Mind, Well Earth
INSTITUTE OF GLOBAL EDUCATION Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council
PROJECT NATURECONNECT Accredited nature career holistic education and job courses, organic learning degrees and alternatives; earn extra income and increase wellness, spirit and hope.
P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email>
The Natural Systems Thinking Process
Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director
send email
All organization programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the books
The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature
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Alarm! Alarm!
Well-being at risk
Help turn the tide!
"Human behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are threatened."
-Stephen Aizenstat
In industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking over 98 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we normally receive from natural systems and their eons of experience. Our subconscious hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of these senses underlies our greatest troubles.-Michael J. Cohen
Benefit from learning to repair the natural psychic pulse within and around us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic Psychology to your life and livelihood.
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Project NatureConnect
Organic Psychology Search EngineContacts
Grant-funded, social and environemntal science accredited courses, career training and holistic organic learning degrees: alternative adult education and sustainable career training jobs online for personal and global health.
Act now: student grants, scholarships loans for college online
"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."
."Truth is what stands the test of experience."
- Albert Einstein.